
What are the Ranking Question Types?

When you are creating a survey, you have the choice of selecting one of the following questions in the ranking category:• 5 points• 10 points• Net Promoter Score• Star Rating• Order Ranking• Multiple Star Rating

5 Points

The 5 points ranking questions can be used when you want the participant or user to rate products or services from poor to excellent.

10 Points

The 10 points ranking can be used when you need to get a detailed answer. This scale ismostly utilized when you want to know the depth of feeling of the participant.

Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score or “NPS” is a metric commonly used by companies in customer loyalty research.

Star Rating

This option can be used for questions where you want to know how the customer rates your product or services.

Order Ranking

The order ranking option is used for questions which have answers that need to be arranged from good to bad or vice versa.

Multiple Star Rating

This option can be used from the ranking questions type when you want to compare products that have similar functionalities.
