
The fifth graders of West

Clay Elementary School

were extremely excited

when their new science

projects arrived, Anoles

the lizards! The students

enjoyed making the

anoles’ terratiums for

them to live in. Anoles

need to be fed crickets,

which in turn ate grass in

the terrariums, and earth-

worms were added to

aerate the soil in their

habitat. This project

helped the fifth graders

understand about food

chains, consumers, pro-

ducers, decomposers

and learn an important

lesson in nature: Eat or

be eaten!

Learn more about what

an anole is in the article

“The Green Anoles”

Where did you go

over fall break? I went

to Sandusky, Ohio! It

was soo much fun.

My family and I

stayed at the Kalaha-

ri. I guess the only

reason why we

stayed there was be-

cause my younger

sister had a dance

convention. The con-

vention was called

Show Stoppers. I

thought it was going

to be boring, but it

wasn’t because Show

Stoppers brought

some pretty special

guests like, Dena Riz-

zo, mother of hip-hop,

Blue, Hurricanes

Masterpiece, and my

heroes Kent Boyde

and Kelltie Kalue!

Kent Boyde was the

runner-up on So You

Think You Can

Dance! Kelltie Kalve

is an awesome danc-

er and Kent’s girl-

friend. After 7 hours

of dance we went to

the waterpark. It was

super fun! I hope my

little sister sticks to

dance and travels to

different conventions

because I’ll be with

her! Unless the con-

vention isn’t hosted

by a hotel with an

amusement park!

Show Stoppers By Izzy Weber

Invasion of the Green Anoles By Alex


West Clay Elementary

November 2011

Volume 1, Issue 1

The Wolf Pack


Newspaper Positions

Editor in Chief– Addison Milton

Design Editor– Izzy Weber

Production Editor– James


Photo Editor– Paige Thompson

Copy Editor- Rilee Wilson and

Emma Harmon

Blackberry Crash 2

Earthquake 2

Steve Jobs 2

Sports 3

Veteran’s Day 4

Music/ Comics 5

Reviews 6

Inside this


As some of you may know

last month Black-Berry had a

HUGE crash that impacted

service in Europe, the Middle

East, Africa and parts of the


This problem began at 11

a.m. on October 12 when

Black Berry’s databases

failed. The outages lasted up

to two days in some areas.

As a result over 70 million

subscribers and costumers

were affected.

People were relieved when

Black-Berry said they had

fixed the problem. It turned

out that was false, they prob-

lem was not fixed quickly.

Customers could not believe

how long it took to resolve.

Now everything is fine and

using your Black-Berry is

easy once again.

tion company that produced Toy

Story, Finding Nemo and other

well-known movies. Jobs

helped to form the digital world

we live in today.

On October 5, 2011,

Apple Computer Inc. suffered

from a great loss; its former

CEO Steve Jobs died. Jobs had

been battling cancer since 2004.

Steve Wozniak and Jobs co-

created the Macintosh comput-

er. Jobs didn’t stop; he later in-

vented the iPod, iPhone, iPad

and iTunes. Jobs also created

Pixar, an animated film produc-

Page 2 The Wolf Pack News

Blackberry Crash By Addison Milton

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs By Ben Ring and Brett Liebros

disaster has risen to more

than 300. They are still

rescuing more survivors

from beneath the rubble. A

two-week-old baby girl, her

mother and grandmother

were found alive by rescue

workers among the 2,000

buildings that are now rub-


On October 23, 2011 an

earthquake hit eastern

Turkey. At 7.2 it was the

worst earthquake to hit the

area in decades. Turkey

officials' have promised

that 12,000 or more tents

would be delivered for

those without shelter. The

death toll from this natural

Earthquake in Turkey By Bryce Castle

Volume 1, Issue 1

All my 5th graders in West Clay

would 100% agree with me, on

why we need school sports. I did

a little research about these bril-

liant students and have few com-

ments myself. First I interviewed a

5th grader with some striking

comments. Ike Manlik said, “I be-

lieve we should have soccer

Fields because it is too crowded

on the basketball courts and I

don’t want to get hurt.”

Now, I wanted to have

a volleyball court in the gym, so

every recess we can play. I bet

most boys would want football

team plus girls and boys could

share a basketball team too. Now

I know that every one has an en-

ergetic sports player right inside

of them and that is why West Clay

should have sports teams!

he broke many records during his

thirteen seasons in the NBA!

Many people believe that Michael

Jordan was one of the greatest

basketball players in the world.

Michael was born in 1963 in

Brooklyn, New York. He moved to

Wilmington, North Carolina with

his parents and four siblings. After

playing basketball for two years in

high school and three years in

college, he joined the Chicago

Bulls in the NBA. He won six

world titles, 6 MVP awards, and

Page 3

Michael Jordan by Jackson Frank

Why West Clay Should Have Sports Teams by Emma Harmon

The Colts are off to their worst

record of their franchise. The

Colts have a lot of players that

are hurt and the most important

one is Peyton Manning. No one

knows if he will play this season

or if he will stay out. If the Colts

continue to have a poor season

they might get the number 1 pick

in the NFL draft. Rumors are their

choice would be Andrew Luck,

Stanford’s quarterback. I guess its

just the luck of the draw!

Where Have the Colts Gone To? by Kamryn Kichefski

Jokes and Riddles By Rilee Wilson

Q: What happens when you throw a

yellow rock into a purple river?

A: It makes a splash

Q: What has a jacket but no pants?

A: A book

Q: What sits at a window, goes to the

table for dinner, but hides at night?

A: A fly

Due to their size, personality,

structure and habitat, anoles make great

visual pets. They are adept jumpers and

swift runners and can easily escape

your grasp. They are also extremely

fragile in structure. In fact, their bodies

are designed to drop off their tail

should they be threatened by a per-

ceived predator. The tail will then wig-

gle for a time as a form of distraction to

allow the anole to escape.

The Veteran’s Day Program

is a performance the elemen-

tary schools do to honor peo-

ple who have served in the

Air Force, Navy, Army.

Coast Guard and the Marines.

Third graders sing and dance

for the Veterans. The choir

even joins in to sing. The vet-

erans also get a thank you

certificate. The schools hope

the veterans enjoy all the

songs and dances the third

graders have done.

the facts about the amazing anole are

simply fascinating

Anoles are amazing crea-

tures. Sleek, and swift, they are also

shy and extremely fragile. They are not

related to chameleons in any way but

are able to change colors for camou-

flage, as a result of temperature. They

can appear bright green, or change their

color to a lovely shade of brown. How-

ever should the anole stay that brown

hue; it my be a sign of distress.

The anoles are in the King-

dom of Animalia, Phylum Chordata,

their Class is Reptilia, Order Squamata,

Family Polychrotidae, Genus Anolis,

Species Carolinensis, and Binomial

name Anolis Carolinenses.

They are usually delicate,

shy, intriguing and mysterious; the

green anole makes for quite an exotic

pet. Yet, the green anole anatomy is

something to think about when consid-

ering this pet for you or your family.

From color changes to separating tails,

Page 4 The Wolf Pack News

Veteran’s Day Program By Anna

Berger Romou Photo By Olivia Ice

The Green Anoles by: Alex Lee

Did you work hard on your

“veteran project” at art? I know I

had! I've seen many awesome

pictures on their way to the judg-

es! If your art work didn’t make it,

well don’t worry it will be a part of

the gallery our school will have to

honor our Veterans. It will show

everyone how creative you got

with all your wonderful colors.

Their Service, Our Freedom By: Joie Cao

Starting the first of October, Ms. Trimble selects an Artist

of the Week. Congratulations to our Artist of the Week so

far. Keep up the great work!

1. Kate Belanger

2. Joie Cao

3. Neha Nagaraj

4. Helena Abbott

5. Ryan Chau

Volume 1, Issue 1

In school, we have

specials. There are five spe-

cials. There are gym, music,

computer lab, library and art.

My favorite one is music. In

music, we play lot of instru-

ments including xylophones,

drums. And occasionally the

piano. We learn music and

we have a “performance day”

where we can play any in-

strument and we can perform

any piece of music we know.

That happens twice a year .

In school , music class comes

every week on a certain day

excluding the 4/5 GT class

who has a six day rotation.

If you play some kind

of instrument, what you learn

in music class might be old

stuff you learned while you

were learning how to play

your instrument. But remem-

ber, your classmates might

not know about the treble clef

or anything about time and

key signature so be careful

what you say just be respect-


During your fourth

grade year, in music class

you will start something

called Recorder-Karate. Rec

order– Karate is when Mrs.

Scheoff assigns you to re-

corder music. The goal is to

finish it and reach a black

belt (there are levels). Maybe

you will reach black belt but

if not, keep trying.

Page 5

Specials: Music Class By Evan Zhang

Advice From Bertha and Henry

Dear Bertha and Henry,

The person that sits next to me thinks we are best friends but were not and I don’t want to hurt her

feelings. What should I do?


Confused 5th Grader

Dear Confused 5th Grader,

You should tell your friend the truth about what you think. It should all work out.


Bertha and Henry

Dear Bertha and Henry,

My friends kicked me out of playing kickball. What should I do?



Dear Bob,

You should ask your friends if you can play and if that fails you could tell a teacher or find a different



Bertha and Henry

If you have a problem, Bertha and Henry will help you!

Gaea (the earth goddess)

from awakening.

Dolphin Tale By: Addison


This movie is a must see!

Stars: **** ½

Dolphin Tale is about a boy

names Sawyer who's cousin

goes away to war. While the

he's away Sawyer find a dol-

phin, Winter, caught in the

rope of a crab trap. Winter

is transported to the Marine


The next day Sawyer visits

Winter, this becomes a daily

routine. Sawyer helps find a

man to make a prosthetic tale

for Winter, and organizes a

fundraiser to save the Marine

Hospital. Dolphin Tale is a 2

Thumbs Up, Family Friendly


and found as a demigod

and put into a Greek demi-

god camp. The second

book is the opposite. A

Greek demigod is sent into

a Roman camp. There, he

goes on a quest with two

friends (Hazel and Frank)

and they have to stop

Book Review By: Evan


The Son of Neptune is the

second book in The He-

roes of Olympus. The first

book explained how a Ro-

man demigod got sent on-

to a bus without a memory

Page 6 The Wolf Pack News

Reviews: Movie, Music, and Books

ings on iTunes it got 4.5 out of 5 stars.

There are 16 songs on the album. It has a vari-ety of Christmas songs. Some of the songs have guest musicians.

Check this out and other up coming music. Happy holidays!!!!

Music review By: Emily Da-vison

Many artists are get-ting ready for holidays by writing new music. Have you heard any new music?

Justin Bieber re-leased a new Christmas al-bum called “ Under the Mis-tletoe” on November 1, 2011. Out of 2,113 customer rat-

Volume 1, Issue 1

West Clay has done it

again….. Winning First

place in the Ghost and Gob-

lin 5k-2k. Nice going


Page 7

Ghost and Goblins 5k-2K By: Leo Zhou

The people in the 2K walking/ run-

ning to the finish line.

The people of the 5k in the

ghost and Goblins are at

the starting point and get-

ting ready to run!


By Ajda


Comics By Jackson Frank and Bryce Castle

Most Popular Girls’ Names By Avery Pyle

1. Isabella

2. Sohpia

3. Emma

4. Olivia

5. Ava

6. Emily

7. Abigial

8. Madison

9. Chloe

10. Mia

Colts Schedule (Till December)

By Nitesh Naren


November 27 Panthers at colts 1:00


December 4 Colts at Patriots 8:20 pm


December 11 Colts at Baltimore 1:00 pm


December 18 Titans at Colts 1:00


December 22 Texans at Colts 8:20
