Page 1: Werner Holzer Statistics Austria - Strategic Partnerships ... · slide 4 | 11-12 April 2018. Strategic Partnerships. Universities / Academia. Research Institutes. Federal Statistics We provide information

Statistics Austria -Strategic Partnerships:Universities/Academia, Others

Werner HolzerDeputy of the

Director General-Statistics

High Level Seminaron Strategic PartnershipsGeneva, 11-12 April 2018

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95 Implementation measures

Modern, efficient andintegrated

data production

Transformationof data intoinformation

Relevance to societyEnsured by wide

coverage of topicsand furtherdevelopments

Attractive employer,efficiently and

economically runorganisation

• Data sources• Data collection• Data processing• Central

data management• Quality management/-

methodology• Infrastructure

• User-friendly-data-

• Visualisation• Analyses• External


• Wide coverageof topics

• Furtherdevelopmentof statisticalproducts

• Internalcommunication

• Modern human ressources

• Infrastructure/

• IT

Cooperation andinteraction atnational andinternational


• Nationalcooperations

• Internationalcooperations



5 thematic pillars at a glance

Statistics Austria's Strategy 2020

Strategic Partnerships

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Strategic Partnerships









Research Institutes

Private Data Producers

User Groups




Data Owners


Other International


Cooperation Partners

- Provinces and Municipalities- Economic Chamber (Business statistics)

- Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Central Bank)

- …- Austrian Court of Auditors (Government Finance Stat.)







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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

Federal Statistics Act (Article 24)

Methods and procedures shall be applied using internationallyaccepted statistical principles and standards and shall be published

Statistics shall be subject to permanent control with the aim of improving quality

Statistics shall be kept as up-to-date as possible

Cooperation with the scientific community to support adherence to these principles

… also concerning the following Principles

1. Background/Principles

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

European Statistics Code of Practice

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

Quality Assurance Framework of theEuropean Statistical System

Co-operation with the scientific community

Statistics Austria’s Quality Guidelines

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

2. Cooperations, Partners

Ongoing cooperation with scientific institutions at formal and informal level

Cooperation examples:

• Cooperation STAT-WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

• EMOS - European Master in Official Statistics- Cooperation STAT-JKU (Johannes Kepler University Linz)

• PUMA- Plattform für Umfragen, Methoden und empirischen Analysen (Platform for surveys, methods and empirical analyses)

• Expert advisory boards (STAT‘s Technical Advisory Sub-Committees)

• …

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

2.1 Cooperation STAT-WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

• Upright formal cooperation agreement since 2016.• Cooperation projects on statistical methods, as well as economic

and social science research questions, which are of mutualbenefit.

• Knowledge transfer can take place through the use of knowledge advantages and experiences of the experts of the two institutions involved in the respective cooperation projects.

• Relevant topics of Official Statistics for the teaching programme of WU for mutual benefit (eg in the form of joint courses).

• STAT-Strategy 2020: Extension of cooperation to other universities planned

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

2.2 EMOS - European Master in Official Statistics- Cooperation STAT-JKU (Johannes Kepler University Linz)

EMOS: Network of postgraduate Master's programs in the field of official statistics at European level.• Objectives: − Strengthening cooperation between universities and producers of official

statistics.− Training of appropriate professionals.− The EMOS master's degree is based on "learning outcomes", which i.a. take

into account the methodological demands of official statistics.

• Johannes Kepler University Linz is part of the EMOS network.

• Cooperation STAT-JKU regarding internships and thesesand teaching (support of JKU by STAT at core modules).

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

2.2 EMOS - European Master in Official Statistics- Cooperation STAT-JKU (Johannes Kepler University Linz)

• Integration of official statistics into university education: The need to find staff qualified to face the challenges of official statistics requires the integration of official statistics into the relevant curricula.

• In addition to the previously known qualifications, IT-related skills are demanded („Data Scientist“)

• Forms of cooperation (in summary):

− Internships, diploma theses, dissertations, official statistics as part of the curricula.

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

2.3 PUMA - Platform for surveys, methods and empirical analyses

• Strengthening Empirical Social Research in Austria

• Cooperation structure between social science research and Statistics Austria

• Sustainable investment in infrastructure for empirical social research, also through additional financial resources

• Benefit for STAT: eg. questionnaire testing

• Win-win situation for all involved

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

3. Experiences (1)

Direct cooperation results:

• Knowledge transfer in both directions

• Further methodologicaldevelopments

• Quality improvement of statistical products

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

3. Experiences (2)

Indirect cooperation results:

• Improved knowledge of our statistics for academia− What is there?

− What is behind it?

• Involvement of STAT in the scientific world

• Networks

• Based on this: projects in cooperation with universities/academia

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

3. Experiences (3)

Concrete Examples of sucessful Cooperations:

− Quality measurement of Multi-Source Statistics (Uni Vienna)Q2016:

− Linkage of Time Use Survey with the Microcensus(project in the framework of the cooperation andVienna University of Economics and Business)

− PIAAC project(expert advisory group, joint report)

− Cooperation with the Med Uni Vienna (health Statistics, cancer registry)

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Strategic Partnerships Universities/Academia

Research Institutes

3. Experiences (4)

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Other examples of cooperation with thescientific community





Business Statistics

Transport Statistics


External Trade Statistics

Education andCulture


Labour Market



Science andTechnology



Registry and TaxonomyEnvironment

The scentific community is represented in these Committies

Statistics Austria‘s Technical Advisory Sub-Committees

The Austrian Statistical Society (ÖSG)

Through the three pillars - ACADEMIC (Akademische)- OFFICIAL (Amtliche)- APPLIED (Angewandte)

statistics the ÖSG has the "Triple A" of the Austrian statistics.

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Strategic Partnerships Provinces and Municipalities

National Statistical System of Austria: Centralized to a very high degree

− No regional agencies subordinated to the national statistical institute

Federal statistics: statistics, which concern more than one of Austria’s provinces (including analyses, prognoses, statistical modelling)

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Strategic Partnerships Provinces and Municipalities

The cooperation with the provinces and municipalities is basedon an formal agreement (from 1985) following Article 15a B-VG -the Austrian Federal Constitution.

The provinces maintain small statistical services, they

- use federal statistics from STAT for their purposes

- may also produce regional statistics on their own, but only fortheir respective province (Land).

Cooperation with municipalities: Buildings and Dwellings Register

− Run by STAT (technically), maintained by municipalities (῀2100),used by STAT (for statistics), municipalities and others (foradministrative purposes)

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Please address queries to:Werner Holzer

Contact information:Guglgasse 13, 1110 Viennaphone: +43 (1) 71128-7269

[email protected]

Thank you for your attention!
