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Preparation and planning ahead is really important:•Check distance and time to get to and from your placement by your prefered transport method•Check in advance your start time and BE PUNCTUAL . • Check train times/bus times. •Check weather report and adjust your travel time accordingly• Try to do a mock travel run to familiarise yourself with the journey and any potential hick-ups. •Always phone if you are going to be late for any reason. It is GOOD MANNERS!

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•Wear clothing appropriate to the job - Check your Job Description or contact the employer if you are not sure. •Avoid wearing anything that could be deemed offensive • Make sure you fill out the front of your diary with CONTACT NAME and NUMBERS for your employer. These can be found on your Job Description.

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Your Health & Safety induction should include fire evacuation procedures; accident procedures; tour and introduction to key staff.

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CONTACT MRS WOOD , MRS DARROCH OR MRS MOORE ON : 0208 3048531 [email protected]

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Make sure you complete your Work Experience Diary each day . You must also make sure that you have an opportunity to talk to your employer at the end of the experience for an evaluation of your time with the organisation/company. Your employer should complete the appropriate section of your diary and complete the reference at the rear.

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DID YOU KNOW?•You will be visited by a member of staff from Welling School and your tutor will make contact with your employer via e-mail or a phone call each week.

•If you don’t yet have a placement you need to see Mrs Wood/Mrs Darroch or Mrs Moore to see if one can be secured as a matter of urgency!

•If you have been given a placement at Welling School within a faculty area you MUST talk to the Head of Faculty and find out what the expectations are with regard to workwear, breaks, start and finish times. DO NOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS. We are trying to secure a dedicated ‘staff room’ for you and we are also looking into ‘swipe-cards’.

If you do not secure a placement you will be required to attend school and will participate in a programme of coursework catch-up/completion and workshops. You will be requiredto register each morning; wear full uniform and experience full school days. It is in yourInterests to secure a placement!
