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  • 8/14/2019 Welcome to Tulips


    Harlequin American Romance

    Welcome to Tulips

    by Tina Leonard

    Single-mom-to-be Marnie McGovern has or!ed tirelessly to complete a set o" stunning

    stained glass doors "or The Tulips Saloon be"ore her impending due date# The last thing she

    e$pects is "or a handsome stranger on a Harley to drive right through them% &r "or him to

    o""er to play nursemaid to her neborn hile she starts over and recreates the artor! "romscratch%

    'hapter &ne

    Marnie McGovern heard the crash and !ne that the beauti"ul stained-glass doors she(d ta!en

    months to create had )ust met a tragic end# She rushed out o" the *a!ed +alentines ba!ery in

    ,nion unction. Te$as. not e$pecting to see a handsome man turn o"" his motorcycle and

    survey the damage he(d created#

    /Are you all right0/ Marnie quic!ly as!ed the stranger#

    /1 am# These doors aren(t#/ His ga2e met hers# /Someone(s going to be very angry#/

    Trembling hit her !nees# /1 can(t say angry is e$actly ho 1 "eel. but it(s close#/ She pushed

    bac! the tears as she reali2ed there as nothing le"t o" the doors that could be salvaged# 1n her

    eagerness to get the pro)ect done be"ore the birth o" her baby. hose due date as in a "e

    days. she(d put everything into her creation#

    Hired by 3ansy Tri"le and Helen Granger to design a door orthy o" the love they "elt "or the

    ton o" Tulips and the saloon they oned. Marnie had identi"ied ith their vision# Thebeauti"ul doors ere to have been delivered and installed that a"ternoon#

    /1(m glad you(re not hurt. though#/

    /1 don(t suppose 1 can replace them#/

    She could barely ta!e her ga2e o"" o" the "ragments tin!ling on the street in the late August

    sun# /4o# *ut than! you "or o""ering#/

    ohn 'olby. ealthy daredevil. entrepreneur and philanthropist. reali2ed "or the "irst time in

    his li"e he(d come across something money couldn(t buy# 5rom the heartbro!en slump in the
  • 8/14/2019 Welcome to Tulips


    very pregnant oman(s shoulders. he !ne he(d destroyed something that mattered more to

    her than money# He ished he(d seen the artor! and stopped in time#

    He hadn(t been going "ast. but the delicate glass as nearly translucent. ith gentle touches o"

    pin! and red# He hadn(t seen it as he(d turned his large Harley into the street# 4o not a piece

    o" glass remained in the door "rames that had been leaning against an old-"ashioned oodensahorse#

    A truc! pulled up in "ront o" the ba!ery. and a tall. muscular coboy )umped out# /What


    /Mason./ Marnie said. /1 on(t need you to drive me to Tulips today a"ter all#/

    ohn loo!ed at Mason evenly# /1(m a"raid 1(ve done some damage here#/

    /1(ll get a shovel "rom the girls#/ Mason directed a "ron at ohn# /And a broom and trash

    can./ he said. striding toard the ,nion unction hair salon#

    ohn asn(t sure hy the coboy thought a shovel ould be "ound in a hair salon. but he as

    "rom the city. not a small ton# He supposed things ere di""erent here# &n a cross-country

    trip across the ,nited States by Harley. he(d seen a lot o" things he(d call stranger#

    He loo!ed bac! at the beauti"ul oman. anting more than anything to put a smile on her

    "ace and ta!e the sadness "rom her eyes#

    He noted a lac! o" a ring on her "inger. but that could mean anything# *ut i" she as a single

    mom6 /1 ta!e it you(re an artist. and this as your or!#/ Lying in the street in shards6

    She nodded. her pageboy haircut sending a light bron ave o" hair across her chee!# So this

    as also a "inancial blo he(d dealt. and ohn decided to see i" he could at least ma!e that part

    o" it up to her# /1" you could tell me the cost o" the doors. 1(m happy to replace your supplies.

    though 1 !no 1 can(t replace your time and e""ort#/

    Her ha2el ga2e settled on him# /Than! you#/

    She turned aay# ohn reali2ed she as holding bac! tears she didn(t ant him to see# He

    didn(t even !no her name. and he(d made her cry# ohn put his hands on her shoulders to

    com"ort her. regretting his impulse hen her shoulders sti""ened# /Tell me ho 1 can ma!ethis up to you#/

    Marnie asn(t sure hat this man might be o""ering. but it as obvious that he anted to ta!e

    some responsibility "or his actions# Having had a "ianc7 ho(d decided that married li"e asn(t

    hat he really anted. she no longer e$pected that "rom any man# Marnie didn(t !no i" her

    surprise at the stranger(s o""er as due to the "act that he as e$traordinarily handsome and

    she(d e$pected him to be shallo# &r maybe it as his motorcycle. hich made her thin! he

    as one o" those men ho )ust li!ed to pass through li"e ithout commitments#

    She as pre)udging him#

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    Mason returned ith to shovels. handing one to the broad-shouldered necomer# /What(s

    your name. stranger0/

    /ohn 'olby# 5rom West +irginia#/

    Mason nodded# /1(m Mason e""erson o" the 8ouble M ranch# ,sed to be !non asMal"unction unction# This is Marnie McGovern./ he said. "inishing up the introduction

    curtly# /Start shoveling. ohn# Marnie. go inside and have +alentine "i$ you a cup o"

    something and sit don# 9ou(re ma!ing me antsy that you(ll go into labor or something#/

    Marnie(s ga2e settled on ohn# He stared at her ith deep apology in his dar! eyes#

    *ut she didn(t need apologies "rom a man# She(d heard a lot o" those#

    She ent inside the ba!ery#

    /Marnie(s a single mom./ Mason said to ohn# /With a baby on the ay. she on(t be able todo another set o" these doors# She(s going to have her hands "ull#/

    ohn handed the shovel bac! to Mason# /Than!s "or the tip# Hang on a sec. ould you0 1(ll be

    bac! to clean up my mess#/

    ohn "olloed the tiny brunette into the ba!ery#

    /1(m not )ust tal!./ he said# /1 intend to stay here and help you#/

    /9ou(re an artist0/ she as!ed. surprised# He didn(t seem the type to sit still long enough to

    even dra a stic! "igure#

    /4o# *ut 1 can atch that baby you(ll be delivering soon hile you or! on another set o"


    Marnie stared at the man ho(d destroyed her dreams. her heart nervously thundering. her

    attention caught#

    Sensing her resistance. he smiled a slo. se$y smile# /'ome on./ he said. his voice a sin"ul

    lure# /1(d ma!e a great house husband hile you or!# 1 promise the service is delivered ith

    a smile. satis"action guaranteed#/

    'hapter To

    Marnie stared at the con"ident man ho as o""ering his services# /What ma!es you thin! 1

    need help0 What ma!es you thin! 1(d trust you ith my baby0/

    /1 oe you#/ ohn seemed sincere# /Ho much ere you paid to create those doors0/

    She could barely thin! about the destruction# /That(s beteen me and the ladies hocommissioned them#/

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    /5ront doors aren(t cheap# 1 had some installed on my house last year# They ere "ive

    thousand dollars and didn(t have any glass in them. much less artistic rendering#/

    She ondered here he lived that ould require such elaborate doors# /Actually. 1 didn(t

    charge Helen and 3ansy e$cept "or supplies# They ere helping me "ind a home in Tulips#/

    He glanced around the ba!ery# /This seems li!e a nice enough ton#/

    /1t is# *ut 1 live across the street in the ,nion unction salon ith the other girls# 1 have my

    studio in one o" the bac! rooms# *ut ith a ne baby. 1 need a place o" my on#/


    She smiled# /Stylists#/

    /So you(re a hairstylist ho does "abulous stained glass doors on the side0/

    /1(m hoping to# The Tulips Saloon as my "irst actual commission "or doors# 1 anted it to go

    ell so 1 could include them in my port"olio#/ She touched her stomach# /1(d li!e to be close

    to my baby. at least "or the "irst "e years. and or!ing in a home studio ould allo me to

    do that# When 1 have my on place. that is#/

    /9ou can(t buy a house here0/

    Her ga2e slid aay "rom him# Ho could she e$plain that it as hard to live in a ton here

    everyone !ne she(d been deserted by her "ianc70 And that she hadn(t heard "rom him0 She

    couldn(t outrun hat had happened. but she could start over "resh. !eeping old "riends.

    ma!ing ne ones. e$panding her hori2ons#

    ohn sa the dar! shados pass through Marnie(s eyes and !ne he(d stirred up

    uncom"ortable memories. probably o" a deadbeat mate# He "elt an urge to !ic! the )er! into

    ne$t ee!# /So# Ta!ing me up on my o""er0/

    She shoo! her head# /1 can(t# ust pay "or the supplies and e(ll call it6even#/

    /1 ant to do more# 9ou deserve more#/

    She hesitated. and he reali2ed part o" her as truly tempted# /4ot all men are recipes "ordisaster. Marnie#/

    /Anybody ordering0/ demanded a pretty redhead at the counter# /*y the loo! on your "ace.

    Marnie. you could use a blac!berry tea and some lemon coo!ies# 9ou. stranger. 1(m not sure


    /Than!s. +alentine./ Marnie murmured# /This is ohn 'olby# He )ust rode into ton#/

    /And totaled her doors./ ohn said because Marnie as too ladyli!e to say so# /3lease bring

    her a double blac!berry tea and some o" those coo!ies#/ He pulled out his allet. and Marnie

    put a hand on his arm to stop him#

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    /1(ll pay "or my on# Than!s#/

    He "roned# /Lady. 1 )ust ruined your livelihood# Let me buy you a cup o" tea. at least#/

    +alentine set the tea don in "ront o" them. as ell as a plate o" coo!ies# /1t(s on the house#

    :eep an eye on the shop "or me# 1(m going to chec! Mason(s blood pressure#/ She ent outthe door#

    An uncom"ortable silence stretched beteen them as neither spo!e# ohn didn(t !no hat

    else to say to Marnie# He(d o""ered everything he could to ma!e up "or his mista!e#

    /1t ould ta!e another three months./ she said so"tly# /So 1 can(t accept#/

    /Three months#/ He mulled that over# 3iece by "ragile piece# Wire by delicate ire# /So. did

    they ever "ind you a house0 Those ladies in Tulips0/

    She smiled# /They did# Those doors ere the don payment. you might say#/

    /1(ll ta!e you to Tulips mysel"# Let me e$plain to your "riends hat happened# Then e(ll see

    here the pieces "all#/ He inced at his choice o" ords#

    /&n your Harley0/

    He nodded# /,nless you have a better idea. that(s the coach 1(m o""ering#/

    /1 don(t thin!6/

    He stood# /9ou thin! about it# 1(ve got a mess to clean up#/

    ohn ent outside and began shoveling the pieces o" Marnie(s design into a trash can#

    Mason cleared his throat# /Heading on a"ter this0/

    ohn shrugged# /1t(s hard to convince her otherise#/

    The ba!ery door opened# Marnie al!ed outside as they "inished shoveling the biggest pieces

    and ent to or! on seeping up the smaller "ragments#

    /1 reali2e this is eird timing./ she said. and ohn noted that her "ace seemed pale and

    an$ious. /but my ater )ust bro!e#/

    'hapter Three

    ohn "ro2e at Marnie(s announcement# /&!ay# We(re treading in deep ater. "or me at least#

    1(m more than happy to ta!e you to the hospital. but motorcycle isn(t ho you should be

    traveling#/ 3lus he asn(t certain e$actly hat all needed to be done "or bro!en ater issues#

    He(d been more com"ortable ith the bro!en doors#

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    +alentine smiled# /1(ll drive her# Mason. 1(ll spare you. though 1 !no you(d be more than


    /3robably be better i" 1 atched your shop./ Mason said gru""ly# /1 helped deliver my

    daughter. but Mimi did all the or!#/

    +alentine helped Marnie to her truc!# ohn supported her on the other side. trying to be more

    help than pest# She "elt great. he noted a!ardly. pretty certain he shouldn(t "eel any

    stirrings o" lust "or a oman in labor# *ut she had the so"test s!in he(d ever touched#

    /ohn. you don(t have to come ith us#/ Marnie glanced up at him as she sloly seated hersel"

    in the truc!#

    /1(m going to "ollo behind on my motorcycle# That ay you have the bench seat to yoursel".

    and i" you need anything li!e ice cream or pic!les later. 1 can scoot o"" to get it#/

    +alentine giggled# /She(s past the point o" pic!les#/

    ohn shrugged# /1(ll "ollo#/

    At the hospital. he par!ed and hurried to help Marnie al! inside# She seemed so small and

    "ragile that guiltily. he thought maybe he(d upset her so much he(d made her go into labor#

    8espite all the adventures he(d e$perienced on this trip. this one made his heart race the

    "astest. and he asn(t sure hy# He asn(t the one having a baby#

    At the ripe age o" thirty-"ive. that as one o" his regrets# He had no children. )ust an e$-i"e

    "rom many years ago ith hom he as still good "riends. nothing romantic# He atched

    Marnie chec! in ith the nurses at the des!. ho then hustled her into a birthing room#

    /And you are0/ a seet-"aced older nurse as!ed him#

    /My name is ohn 'olby# 1 )ust met the6mother-to-be#/

    She smiled at him# /&h. so you(re ohn# +ery brave o" you to )oin in the "un#/

    He asn(t sure about that# /1 thin! Marnie(s the one ith the courage# 1(m )ust a bystander

    aiting to be sent "or pi22a or6hatever#/

    /She(d li!e "or you to go on your merry ay. actually./ the nurse said#

    /8id she say that0/ He as surprised#

    /9es# *ut 1 don(t thin! Miss McGovern meant permanently# She said to as! you to ma!e

    yoursel" com"ortable elsehere because this could ta!e a hile#/

    /&h#/ His disappointment "aded slightly# /1s there a room "or e$pectant bystanders or


    She grinned# /8on the hall# There(s co""ee and some coo!ies# 9ou could be here a hilethough# 5irst babies are notoriously slo#/

  • 8/14/2019 Welcome to Tulips


    1t didn(t matter# Hanging around as the least he could do#

    *ut it asn(t even about obligation#

    1t as more about Marnie(s so"t s!in6and he really anted to !no that she as going to be

    all right#

    'hapter 5our

    Telve hours later. Marnie held her ne daughter close#

    /She(s beauti"ul./ +alentine said# /9ou(ve got an an$ious bachelor outside#/

    /He(s still here0/ Marnie hadn(t thought ohn ould stic! around#

    /9es# *rave "ello#/ +alentine "lu""ed Marnie(s hair ith a smile# /9ou loo! beauti"ul. as

    does baby Li2a# So shall e let ohn o"" the hoo!0 1(ve spent a bit o" time chatting ith him.

    and he sincerely believes he made you go into labor early# Something Mason said sort o"

    stuc! in his brain#/

    5luttery nerves settled in her stomach. hich she attributed to a"terbirth pains# /1" you don(t

    mind getting him6/

    ohn al!ed in a "e moments later carrying a bouquet o" "loers and a huge teddy bear#

    Marnie blin!ed. not e$pecting gi"ts# /Hi#/

    /5or the ne baby./ he said. laying the "loers on a table. and +alentine e$cused hersel" to go

    get a vase# /She(s beauti"ul#/

    /Than! you#/ Marnie couldn(t e$plain the onder"ul "eelings "illing her# All the months o"

    orry had melted aay hen Li2a had been laid in her arms# /1 thin! so. too#/

    /When can you go home0/

    /1 believe tomorro since the delivery as uncomplicated#/

    /That(s too soon./ ohn said. "roning# /9ou should probably stay here a month )ust to ma!e

    certain the baby is all right#/

    Marnie smiled at his protectiveness and his lac! o" !noledge# /1(d go cra2y# Anyay. it(s

    normal procedure#/

    ohn reached out to touch the baby(s hand hen it "lailed "ree "rom the "lannel blan!et# /She(s

    so tiny#/

    /Seven pounds. to ounces./ Marnie said proudly#

    /So. no hat0/ ohn as!ed#

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    She loo!ed up at him# /What do you mean0/

    /9ou said you didn(t ant to live in the salon ith the other girls. that you anted to move to

    Tulips# 1(ve thron a rench into those plans#/

    She(d been about to deliver the doors;ith Mason(s help;to the ne oners# 3ansy andHelen ould then have made the don payment on the house# /1(m not certain./ she

    murmured. not anting to sound li!e she had no place to go# She did have a room in the

    salon< she )ust anted a di""erent li"e "or Li2a#

    /We heard e have a ne tonsperson%/ To elderly omen al!ed into the hospital room.

    heading straight "or the baby# /&h. Marnie. she(s adorable./ one o" the ladies cooed#

    /Than! you#/ Marnie smiled# /Helen Granger. 3ansy Tri"le. 1(d li!e to introduce you to ohn

    'olby "rom West +irginia#/

    They smiled broadly. clearly impressed#

    /Hello. ohn./ 3ansy said. /are you staying in ,nion unction0 1 don(t believe 1(ve heard your

    name be"ore#/

    /Last night 1 stayed here in the hospital#/ He grinned# /A"ter that. 1(m not certain#/

    /9ou(re alays elcome in Tulips#/ 3ansy turned to Marnie# /We(ve got plenty o" room#/

    Marnie clutched Li2a to her more closely# /1 have some bad nes#/

    /What is it. dear0/ 3ansy as!ed#

    Marnie hated to tell them# She glanced at ohn. reali2ing "rom the sympathetic loo! on his

    "ace that he !ne e$actly hat she as about to say#

    /5unny thing ho Marnie and 1 met./ ohn said. /1 drove my motorcycle through some

    beauti"ul doors that apparently ere meant "or you to#/

    They gasped# /Than! heavens you(re all right%/ 3ansy e$claimed#

    /Than! you#/ He ac!noledged her comment ith a nod# /When Marnie "eels stronger. 1(dli!e to be her house husband so she can or!# 1t(s not a "air e$change. because 1 should be the

    one or!ing and she should be the one rela$ing ith the baby. but 1 don(t have any other

    ideas# She says it should ta!e about three months#/

    Helen loo!ed at him. her ga2e shred# /9ou(d be illing to do that "or someone you(ve )ust


    Marnie(s ga2e met his. and he sa the same question lingering there# /Ho much better can

    li"e be than getting to hold a baby0/

    3ansy straightened# /1 "orgot to tell you. Marnie# We bought the house already#/

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    Helen stared at her "riend# /&h6that(s right# So e could surprise you ith a6decorated

    baby nursery# 'ourtesy o" Ladies 8ay at the Tulips Saloon#/

    /1 don(t !no hat to say./ Marnie said. her eyes "illing ith grate"ul tears# /=$cept than!

    you so much# 9ou have no idea hat this means to me#/

    Helen grabbed ohn(s sleeve. leading him into the hallay# /4o loo!. young man# That(s a

    special oman in there# 1 hope you intend to bac! up your promise#/

    /1 do#/

    Helen studied him. then nodded# /=$cellent# Then get on that bi!e 1 sa outside ith the West

    +irginia plates and "ollo us to Tulips# 9ou(re not needed here tonight. and you(ve got some

    painting to do in a baby(s nursery%/

    /9ou "ibbed0/

    /4o more than necessary./ Helen said# /1 !no the oner# 1t ill be a simple thing to ma!e

    the arrangements to buy the house right aay# Holt is one o" our dear "riends and ill be

    happy to help us#/

    He loo!ed at her. his on ga2e turning shred# /'an 1 ma!e the "irst payment0/ He(d "eel

    better i" he could;it as the best ay to replace hat he(d ruined#

    Helen hesitated# /=$actly hat are your intentions here. stranger0/

    'hapter 5ive

    3ansy smiled at Marnie as she held her ne baby# /Li2a(s li!e a little peapod#/

    /=$cept not green#/ Smiling. Marnie marveled at the bonds o" ne motherhood seing her

    tightly to her daughter# /1(ve aited all my li"e "or this#/

    /We(re loo!ing "orard to having to ne settlers in Tulips# We(ll e$pect you at the Ladies

    &nly 8ay every ee!# ,s having a day to ourselves grates on the good sheri""(s nerves./

    3ansy said. /but only because he(s gotten used to his daily dose o" tea. coo!ies and "emale"riendship. though he(ll never admit it#/

    /1(m sorry about the doors./ Marnie murmured#

    /5ortunately. some things can be replaced# *ut hat 1 ant to !no is hat happens a"ter

    those three months are over0/

    Marnie loo!ed at 3ansy# /What do you mean0/

    /And the handsome stranger rides aay on his motorcycle# Seems "ate might have sept an

    opportunity into your lap#/

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    /Why0 *ecause he(s a man0/ Marnie shoo! her head# /This "rom the oman ho started a

    Ladies &nly 8ay in her ton#/

    /1t(s )ust a thought./ 3ansy said ith a smile# /What i" you get attached to him0/

    She smiled at the hope"ul matchma!ing and decided to gently quash 3ansy(s hopes# /1t(s notli!e a "ianc7 bac!ing out. is it0 ohn on(t e$actly be leaving me# He(d be doing a )ob and then

    moving on#/

    /So you(ve decided to accept his o""er0/

    Marnie didn(t reply#

    /&h. let me tell you about the house./ 3ansy said# /9ou !no there aren(t many houses in

    Tulips available. because. "ran!ly. there hasn(t been much development there# We(re the

    undiscovered gem o" Te$as#/

    Marnie nodded# /That(s a huge dra. in my opinion#/ She didn(t ant to raise her daughter in

    the city# She(d loved living in Lonely Hearts Station ith the stylists. and hen they(d moved

    to ,nion unction. she(d loved living here. too# /So tell me hat you "ound#/

    /Well. Holt. our ton hairdresser. ons a "e properties and rents a "e others# He happened

    to have a house Helen and 1 believe ill be per"ect "or you# 1t even./ she said ith a gleam in

    her eye. /has a cute little outbuilding e thin! you might use "or a studio#/

    That sounded per"ect# Marnie had dreamed o" having space "or a childproo" studio that she

    could loc! up at night#

    /1 thin! the proper term is (mother-in-la quarters#(/ 3ansy rin!led her nose# /We pre"er to

    call it a studio. though#/

    Marnie smiled# /Than! you so much "or all you(ve done#/

    Helen and ohn al!ed bac! into the room. Helen smiling broadly# /1 have thoroughly chatted

    ith this young man and discovered his intentions. Marnie#/

    /His intentions0/ She loo!ed at ohn arily#

    /9es./ Helen said nodding# /*eteen the three o" us. Marnie ould have all the help she

    needs hile she or!s on the doors#/

    /*ut she needs time alone ith her ne baby./ 3ansy said#

    Helen loo!ed at ohn# /At least si$ ee!s. don(t you thin!0/

    Marnie blin!ed# /&h. no./ she said. /1 can start right;/

    /That ma!es sense./ ohn said# /Si$ ee!s ould give Marnie time to settle into her house

    ith her ne baby ithout a stranger being around# 1 could get to 'ali"ornia and Alas!a bythen#/

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    As a business proposal. it as sound. and yet it "elt a!ard# Marnie didn(t ant to ait to

    see i" another man as going to come bac! to her. and she didn(t ant to be a commitment

    ohn as obligated to "ul"ill#

    /1t as my "ault./ she said so"tly. and everyone(s "ace turned toard her# /1 shouldn(t have had

    my girl"riends carry the doors outside in the "irst place# 1 should have aited "or Mason to getthere ith his truc!# Anyone could have hit them#/ She loo!ed at ohn# /4e$t time 1(m aiting

    "or something to be loaded. 1(ll use street cones to ma!e certain the area is properly bloc!ed

    o""# *eginner(s mista!e since e don(t get much tra""ic in ,nion unction#/

    She too! a deep breath# /1t ould be easier "or you. and all o" us. i" you )ust paid "or the doors

    so you can be on your ay# So 1 accept your "irst o""er#/

    'hapter Si$

    A"ter Marnie accepted his o""er o" money to replace the doors he(d bro!en. ohn had quietly

    pulled out a chec!boo! and ritten a chec! "or three thousand dollars. though he(d secretly

    heedled Helen into letting him ma!e the "irst payment on the house. as ell# He !ne hat

    he'dpay an artist to create one-o"-a-!ind doors# Touching baby Li2a ith longing "ingers. he

    then le"t the hospital and headed "or Tulips. "olloing the instructions Helen had ritten on a

    piece o" paper#

    The !ey as under the bac! door mat. as she(d said it ould be. and ohn al!ed into the

    small pin! bric! house 3ansy and Helen had purchased "or Marnie and Li2a# He could "it the

    entire house into a portion o" his home in West +irginia#

    Someho. this one "elt more homey# He li!ed !noing that he(d seen the house be"ore even

    Marnie had. and could help get it ready#

    Then he ould. as she(d requested. /be on his ay#/

    Her request had hurt his "eelings somehat. but he(d also understood# He had a sister. and he

    ell remembered all the commotion a brand ne baby had brought into her li"e# 1" Marnie

    needed time. he(d give her time# 1n "act. this trip as all about time he(d been searching "or

    himsel". time aay "rom his "amily and their disappointment that he asn(t settling don it as time "or him to go#

    5our hours later. he "inished painting Li2a(s little nursery# 8espite ho much his hands itched

    to improve the rest o" the house. he did as he(d been as!ed#

    He got on his Harley. and he headed out o" Tulips#

    'hapter Seven

    Marnie and Li2a settled in Tulips. delighted ith the house that Helen and 3ansy "ound# Li2a

    as no si$ ee!s old and only getting up once in the night# The small house had a calming

    e""ect on Marnie. and she as certain her daughter sensed her serenity#

    Marnie never let hersel" thin! about ohn 'olby;or at least she tried not to# 3ansy and Helen

    admitted that he(d painted the nursery to ma!e up "or the doors he(d bro!en# 1t hadn(t been

    necessary "or him to do that. but the room as so delicate and pretty. especially ith the

    rosebud printed valances. that she as glad he(d painted it#

    She as slightly unnerved that he(d seen her house. and ondered i" her to Tulip "riends hadbeen purpose"ul in alloing him to do it# Aare that ohn !ne here she lived. Marnie

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    ondered i" he ould ever return# He oed her nothing so there as no reason "or him to

    come to Tulips< she(d told him not to#

    Still. she caught hersel" counting every once in a hile#

    /That(s e$actly hat 1 didn(t ant in the "irst place%/ Annoyed at reali2ing today as the "irstday a"ter Li2a(s si$ ee! birthday;and recogni2ing she "elt disappointment that ohn hadn(t

    been there;Marnie snapped hersel" bac! into line# She(d given him 2ero encouragement# 1n

    "act. she(d "elt a!ard. "at. tense and tired. and the door incident had capped o"" all the

    orry and some "ear she(d "elt be"ore giving birth#

    /1t as normal./ Helen had pronounced hen Marnie told her she(d "elt li!e a giant bear in

    stretch pants around ohn# /Anyay. he seemed interested in you and 1 don(t thin! it as

    because you loo!ed li!e a mother bear#/ 3ansy had giggled. and Marnie "elt better no that

    she(d lost ten pounds and sa some o" her normal curves shaping her body#

    /*ut hy does it matter anyay0/ she as!ed Li2a. !issing her baby(s head# /&nly you made agood impression# 4ot to mention that e don(t even !no much about him#/ &" course. she(d

    !non a lot about Li2a(s "ather. everything e$cept his clear lac! o" interest in being a "ather

    hen he learned Marnie as pregnant# So much "or pre-edded bliss#

    Marnie carried Li2a out to the or!room she(d set up in the cottage# 4e. unstained ood "or

    the doors lay against a all# She had all the supplies she needed. and the original design as

    open in her port"olio#

    She as ready to start over#

    She heard voices in the bac! yard# /1 thin! e have visitors./ she told Li2a# /1t sounds li!e

    your aunts 3ansy and Helen#/ She ent outside. not at all surprised to see Li2a(s sel"-

    appointed angels. but surprised to see ohn 'olby ith them. carrying a giant to-story

    dollhouse rapped ith a big pin! bo# Marnie(s heart instantly began a nervous "luttering#

    /Hello./ Marnie said. a!ard all over again# She didn(t recall ohn being so distinctly

    handsome# Suntanned "rom riding on his motorcycle. his hair longer than be"ore and distinctly

    ra""ish. he didn(t loo! much li!e the ell-groomed man ho(d hung around "or Li2a(s birth#

    He as a lot more se$y. much more tempting. and it asn(t post-pregnancy hormones 2inging

    around inside her convincing her o" it#

    He grinned at her. and Marnie(s !nees ent distinctly ea!#

    /Reporting "or duty./ ohn said# /Happy birthday. Li2a. one day late#/

    'hapter =ight

    ohn had thought long and hard about going bac! to Tulips# He(d !non Marnie didn(t have

    any interest in having a man in her li"e;raising a baby on her on. re-directing and groing

    her business in Tulips and settling into a ne home ere all she could handle#

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    He(d been illing to move on "or a hile. continue on the path he(d planned "or himsel". and

    then come bac! to do e$actly hat he(d said he ould> play house "ather "or Li2a hile

    Marnie got on her "eet#

    He set the dollhouse on the ground# Marnie stared at it. her eyes huge and startled#

    /8id you build this yoursel"0/

    /1 did#/ 1t hadn(t been hard since he built large homes and mansions# He(d en)oyed the

    challenge o" designing a dream dollhouse "or little Li2a# 1" he had a daughter o" his on. this

    ould be something he ould teach her to do# /1t(s a small-scale version o" my house.


    /1t(s lovely#/ Marnie crouched to loo! inside the indos# /The detail is ama2ing#/

    /Than! you#/ He "elt pretty proud o" hat he(d created. and glad that Marnie admired it# He(d

    hoped their shared )oy in creating things ould be a lin! that they could build on#

    /Ho did you get this here on your motorcycle0/ She stood to loo! at him. and he reali2ed

    she as thinner. ma!ing her seem taller# He as si$ to. so he "igured her at about "ive seven#

    Her hair as longer. no longer in a true page boy. a more rela$ed style "or her# She(d been an

    attractive oman pregnant. but no he "ound himsel" thin!ing she as even se$ier# Was it

    rong to thin! that ay ith her holding a baby0

    He straightened. bracing himsel" against the surprising emotions# /1 bought a truc! in Alas!a#/

    /What happened to your motorcycle0/

    He(d been atching her lips as she spo!e and nearly missed the question# So so"t and supple

    and "eminine6 /The bi!e(s in the bac!# 1 needed a truc! "or the road conditions. but 1 couldn(t

    give up the Harley#/

    /9ou(re quite a traveler. aren(t you0/ Marnie as!ed. letting 3ansy and Helen ta!e Li2a "rom

    her# The ladies al!ed inside the house ith the baby. murmuring something about a diaper


    /1t(s been a goal o" mine "or a long time./ ohn said# /1 haven(t ta!en a vacation in a "e years#

    5ive. actually# 1t as time#/


    /Time to get aay# See ne things#/ Her. "or e$ample# He(d never have met Marnie and Li2a

    in this tiny ton i" he hadn(t "inally made a chin! in his calendar "or "ree-spirited andering#

    /1(m thirty-"ive# &ld by your standards. 1 suppose#/

    She arched a bro# /1(m tenty-nine. old-timer#/

    /And in the settling don phase# Anyay. 1(m bac! to !eep my end o" the bargain#/

    /We had no bargain. at least not a"ter you paid "or the doors#/

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    /*ut 1(m a man o" my ord./ ohn said. /and you need a helping hand i" you(re going to ma!e

    the doors "or that quaint saloon 1 sa in ton# The Tulips Saloon ma!es great coo!ies and tea#

    4o they )ust need a proper door#/

    /There(s no door on this charming dollhouse./ Marnie said. bending don once more to loo!

    inside. and he nodded#

    /1 !no# 1 "igured i" you turned me don "or Li2a duty. 1(d at least commission you to do the

    "ront door "or her dollhouse# And as 1 recall. you(re hoping to put doors in your port"olio#/

    Marnie noted ohn(s shred appeal to her business and artistic side# /9ou ant me to design

    the door "or your gi"t to Li2a#/

    /To match the doors you(re creating "or the Tulips Saloon./ he said. his dar! eyes tin!ling.

    /so she(ll have something distinctly historical and meaning"ul "rom her ne ton#/

    Smooth. Marnie thought;but she(d been smooth-tal!ed be"ore#

    'hapter 4ine

    /1(ve boo!ed a room at 3ansy(s./ ohn said. to "urther convince Marnie that she had nothing to

    orry about# /As your personal assistant. 1 can be here every morning as early as eight. or

    hatever time you li!e to or!# And 1 coo! brea!"ast# 1 should arn you. the !itchen is my

    "avorite domain#/

    Marnie loo!ed at him. sorely tempted. not only because o" the help he as o""ering but o" the

    se$ual longing tugging at her# Ho many omen had a hun! o""er to be their personal

    assistant0 /ohn./ she said. her conscience giving her desire one last good "ight. /1 don(t !no


    /And so 1(m providing personal re"erences./ he said cheer"ully# /1 brought a letter o"

    introduction "rom my mother. ho )umped on this opportunity to brag on me. a letter "rom my

    sister. ho thin!s the dilemma 1(ve gotten into is a hoot and one "rom my e$-i"e. ho.

    strange as it may seem. is sort o" a best "riend?sister to me# She thin!s 1(m reaping my )ust

    desserts# *ut you can read that in the letter#/

    Marnie raised her bro# /ust desserts0/

    /9eah#/ He grinned# /&ne o" the reasons e divorced as that 1 anted children. and Susie

    )ust didn(t# 1t as a li"estyle di""erence# She as !ind o" a anderer and li!ed her "reedom#/

    /1 ould have said that as your description#/

    ohn shoo! his head# /4ot me# 1(m a homebody# Susie said 1 as boring in an attractive ay#

    *ut 1 still thin! there(s nothing more appealing than settling don in your house at night ith

    your i"e. your !ids. your dogs and maybe a glass o" something good to drin!# 1 see that in

    my distant "uture#/

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    /1 don(t believe you#/ He hadn(t been home in months% That didn(t seem very homebody to


    /&!ay# Se$ a"ter the !ids go to bed# That ould complete my idea o" the good li"e. hen and

    i" 1 ever get around to it#/

    She didn(t !no hat to say to that# Her throat had gone terribly dry#

    /8on(t you agree0/

    Her ga2e too! in the T-shirt stretched over his chest and the tight cling o" his )eans# /1(m sorry#

    Agree to hat0/

    He chuc!led# /That my description o" a dream home li"e is;/

    /A dream#/ Marnie began al!ing toard the house. an$ious to get aay "rom the thoughts

    she as having about ohn#

    /Wait./ he said. tugging gently at her hand# She stopped. ga2ing up at him# /1 didn(t mean to

    ma!e you uncom"ortable#/

    /1(m not uncom"ortable#/ She as6a"raid# 3rince 'harmings usually couldn(t be trusted.

    e$cept in "airy tales here riters rote the endings# Real li"e as never so happily-ever-


    /So./ he said. gently touching her chee!. /i" you(re not uncom"ortable. ill you ta!e me up on

    my o""er0 1 promised mysel" one good deed on my road trip#/

    That as a story i" she(d ever heard one# Marnie loo!ed at him# /Ho are your diapering


    /4il./ he said. /but 1(m a "ast learner#/

    A riggling baby ould soon test that theory# Marnie nodded# /As long as e agree to a one-

    ee! trial period# 1" your personal assistant s!ills are lac!ing. o"" you go. no questions as!ed#/

    /1(ll !eep my truc! !eys handy#/

    /Good#/ She al!ed inside the house and into the !itchen;a sa"e 2one;all too aare o"

    ohn "olloing behind and a delicious longing a!ing inside her#

    He set the dollhouse on her !itchen table# /*y the time you do the saloon and dollhouse doors.

    you(ll have a nice addition to your port"olio#/

    /*y the time you atch Li2a. you(ll have a nice addition to your dad s!ills#/

    He smiled# /1(m loo!ing "orard to getting to !no her better#/ His dar! eyes gloed ith

    teasing directness# "Andher mother#/

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    'hapter Ten

    A !noc! on the "ront door saved Marnie "rom ohn(s teasing# He as disappointed;he(d

    really anted to set her o""-balance# Her veil o" unattainability as getting to him# Was she ascool as she acted toard him0

    He hoped not# He "elt anything but cool toard her#

    She let in a big man dressed in a sheri""(s hat. orn )eans. a badge and earing a big smile "or

    Marnie. hom he armly greeted#

    /Hello. Sheri"" 5orrester. )ust passing by0/ she said. obviously no stranger to the tall man(s

    elcome agon#

    3ansy and Helen came into the !itchen ith baby Li2a# 3ansy "illed ohn in on Sheri"" 8u!e5orrester(s story in a so"t murmur# /Sheri"" 8u!e(s bride le"t him at the altar a "e months ago#

    &" course. 8u!e ill never get over Liberty# He(s still reeling over our ton(s best girl(s

    desertion# He and Marnie are becoming "ast "riends. but then that(s 8u!e. alays Tulips( best

    "ace "orard# 8u!e(s sister. 3epper. is a doctor up north. and e(re ready "or her to come

    home# Their younger brother. @ach. is a rascal. in the nicest sort o" ay# The 5orrester "amily

    is our drama pageant. but that(s hat ma!es Tulips a ton ith heart# /

    8u!e reminded ohn o" the coboy in ,nion unction. Mason e""erson. ho(d be"riended

    Marnie# 1" she li!ed tall. dar!. and6ell. scru""y. he amended. then ohn should "it right into

    Marnie(s chec! list# What as it about him that didn(t earn him the armth that Mason and

    this sheri"" guy received0

    /This is ohn 'olby "rom West +irginia./ Marnie said# /ohn. this is Tulips( sheri"". 8u!e


    /Sa your truc! outside./ 8u!e said. sha!ing ohn(s hand in a "irm grip. /and your bi!e#

    Traveling man. huh0/

    /9ou could say that#/ ohn didn(t li!e 8u!e(s comment. as i" 8u!e as hope"ul that he(d travel

    on any moment and relinquish Marnie to him#

    /'ome on. little pump!in./ 8u!e said. ta!ing Li2a "rom 3ansy. /,ncle 8u!e has missed you#/

    ohn needed a "ire e$tinguisher "or the "lames o" )ealousy he could "eel practically engul"ing

    his body#

    /Loo! at this onder"ul dollhouse ohn made Li2a./ Marnie said. and 8u!e nodded#

    /'arpenter0/ he as!ed ohn#

    /*uilder#/ ohn didn(t ant to clari"y anything more#

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    /We could use a good builder around here./ 8u!e said# /We(re developing a three-year plan to

    bring ne settlers to our tiny little dot on the map e call Tulips#/

    /ohn(s going to stay ith 3ansy hile 1 re-do the doors "or the saloon./ Marnie said#

    /&h. you(re the guy ho;/

    Marnie put a hand on 8u!e(s arm to silence the rest o" his comment# /He(s the man ho(s

    going to atch Li2a "or me hile 1 or!#/

    8u!e nodded. his ga2e attentive# /4ice o" you to help Marnie out. ohn#/

    /1t most certainly is./ Helen said. and 3ansy nodded her agreement#

    A!ard silence permeated the room until Marnie said. /Well. there(s probably no time li!e

    the present to get started./ and everyone too! that as their cue to leave# 3ansy and Helen

    !issed Marnie and Li2a goodbye. and 8u!e gave Li2a to Marnie and shoo! ohn(s handithout any ill ill. and suddenly. the door closed and ohn as alone ith Marnie#

    /Here you go./ Marnie said. placing Li2a in ohn(s arms# Li2a began to ail instantly# That

    ill run him o"". Marnie thought. and then 1(ll be sa"e#

    Maybe sa"ety as overrated. but "ighting the attraction she "elt "or ohn seemed li!e her best


    'hapter =leven

    ohn held the crying baby. a little startled. a little apprehensive. and yet. a lot e$cited# /Hey./

    he said to the baby. /1 promise 1 don(t bite# At least 1 on(t bite you./

    At the sound o" his deep voice. Li2a hesitated. then settled her "ist into her mouth#

    /She might be colic!y./ Marnie said. /but 1(m not certain o" that# =very once in a hile. she

    seems to get a tummyache#/

    /Are you breast"eeding0/

    He noted the attractive blush that hit Marnie(s chee!s#


    /Has she eaten recently0/ he as!ed#

    /Actually. right be"ore you arrived#/ The blush became a little pin!er#

    He studied Li2a again# /9ou(re too young "or a motorcycle seat and most li!ely a stroller. as

    ell./ he mused# /So hat is your choice o" heels0/

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    Marnie held up a baby carrier# /Too young "or heels )ust yet. 1(m a"raid# This is her mode o"


    /And so./ ohn said. ta!ing the baby carrier. /e(ll tour Tulips by "oot because there(s nothing

    better than a tilight stroll to ta!e the edge o"" our tempers# Ms# 3ansy said you love al!s

    and that 1 should ta!e you out o"ten "or "resh air# We(ll assume that(s the magic cure "or yourtummy#/

    With practiced hands that had held his sister(s children. ohn slipped Li2a into the carrier and

    put it on# /What did "athers do be"ore these things. man purses and handheld T+s0/

    Marnie loo!ed at him# /9ou actually don(t loo! bad earing that#/ There as nothing sissy

    about ohn# The truth as. he as one o" those men ho as even se$ier ta!ing on domestic

    duties# He asn(t metrose$ual or trying to be up ith the times< he as )ust big and strong and

    loo!ed completely com"ortable ith a baby strapped to him#

    /We(ll be bac! a"ter e stroll o"" some tears./ ohn told Marnie. leaving ith a in!# Thehouse "ell silent a"ter their departure# Marnie "roned. thin!ing she should have o""ered to go

    ith him#

    *ut by al!ing together. they ould have loo!ed li!e a "amily# She didn(t ant that# 4or. she

    suspected. did he# She asn(t certain she completely bought the e$-i"e being a best "riend

    e$planation# She hadn(t read the letters o" introduction he claimed he(d brought ith him. but

    ho many omen ould let a handsome. se$y. com"ortable-in-his-s!in man go easily0

    And yet she(d )ust alloed him to al! out the door ith her child# 3anic hit her# She "lung

    open the "ront door to o""er to al! ith him and halted once she made it to the sideal!# He

    as don the bloc!. tal!ing ith Sheri"" 8u!e and to older gentlemen ho(d been

    introduced to her as ton elders *ug 'armine and Mr# 3arsons# The men ere laughing and

    Li2a asn(t crying anymore#

    Going bac! to her house. she closed the door. telling her heart to calm don# 4e mother

    nerves. she told hersel";per"ectly reasonable# 3lus no man ho(d created such a onder"ul

    dollhouse could be bad#

    1n the !itchen. she sat don to e$amine the dollhouse# She(d been too surprised by it earlier to

    do little more than than! ohn#

    The hite house had a grandiose. curved balcony and a ide porch# A blac! roo" sloped

    don. and gables graced the second story# 1nside. to antebellum-style staircases sirled up

    to the second and third "loors# All the rooms had cron moldings. and "ive o" the rooms o" the

    house contained lovely "ireplaces# There as a library. painted ith a collection o" classics#

    Marnie caught her breath. seeing a cla-"oot bathtub and tiny marble pieces "or "looring in

    the master bath# The second "loor as mostly hardood. possibly "or dancing or holding large

    gatherings# Most ama2ing as the "loor under the gabled eaves. hich as out"itted on one

    side "or a large children(s nursery ith toys painted on the alls#

    There asn(t any "urniture in the house. and no "ront door or indos# Marnie could design

    glass pieces. and one day Li2a ould en)oy choosing "urniture "or her dollhouse# 8elicatelyscrolled letters on a near-hidden all o" the !itchen caught her eye#

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    /=ven a big house is small and empty ithout love./ she murmured. her breath catching at the

    sentimentality e$pressed in the artor!# And it made her onder )ust ho ohn 'olby as

    and hy he seemed so determined to give her child a orld "illed ith himsical dreams#

    'hapter Televe

    An hour later. ohn returned. a calm and sleepy Li2a in his arms# /She(s been passed around

    li!e cra2y# =veryone in Tulips has admired her# And 1 en)oyed cinnamon coo!ies at the

    Saloon# Li"e is good#/ He grinned at Marnie# /*ut 1 estimate "eeding time can(t be too "ar

    aay "or this little gal#/ He laid a small hite paper bag on the !itchen table# /'ompliments

    o" Helen and 3ansy# They said you really li!e the "rosted tulip coo!ies#/ He hoped his o""ering

    ould cheer Marnie up< she seemed so tentative around him#

    /Than! you# And than! you "or al!ing Li2a#/

    /9ou(re elcome#/ He hung the carrier over a chair# /1" you give me my or! hours. 1(ll be on

    my ay# 3ansy is stirring up some "ettucine "or me. and 1 don(t dare be late#/

    /9ou are getting the royal treatment#/

    /9es#/ Although he(d pre"er to be stirring up "ettuccine "or Marnie. he didn(t suggest it# She

    as "ar too s!ittish ith him. but perhaps in the coming days she(d be more com"ortable ith

    their arrangement#

    /ohn. you really don(t have to do this# 1 can or! hile Li2a sleeps#/

    That sounded distinctly li!e a oman ho didn(t ant him around# ohn loo!ed at Marnie.

    admiring her independence# /'an 1 as! you something0/

    /9es./ she said. her voice uncertain#

    /Where(s Li2a(s "ather0/

    Marnie shoo! her head# /1 honestly don(t !no#/

    /*ut he !nos about her0/

    /9es# He did#/

    Sadness "or Li2a san! his heart# /He has no plans on being part o" her li"e0/

    Sighing. Marnie moved to the nursery ith Li2a# /4o# He bro!e o"" our engagement hen he

    "ound out# 1 misunderstood the depth o" his commitment to me and hat he anted in li"e#/

    /What did he ant. i" not a "amily0/ ohn could hardly believe a man could al! aay "rom a

    oman li!e Marnie and a seet baby# He as having enough trouble al!ing aay. and he

    had no reason to hang around# Marnie didn(t give o"" many signals that ould lead him tohope that she as interested in hat he had to o""er#

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    /1 don(t thin! he !ne hat he anted# *ut hen 1 became pregnant. he !ne very ell hat

    he didn(t ant#/

    /1(m sorry#/

    /8on(t be#/ Marnie raised her chin# /1t(s the best thing that could have happened to Li2a andme# 1(d rather have honesty than someone staying ith me out o" obligation#/

    He blin!ed# /1 don(t "eel obligated#/

    /8on(t you0/

    Sloly. he shoo! his head at the question in her pu22led eyes# /Absolutely not./ he said#

    /&bligation is the last thing 1 "eel "or you#/

    And to prove his point. he slid his "ingers along her chee!. draing her to him "or the most

    convincing !iss he could lay on her#

    'hapter Thirteen

    Astonished. Marnie alloed hersel" to be !issed;at "irst;and then !issed ohn bac!. her

    hands sliding up his bac!# 1t "elt so good% She had no idea hat she(d been missing#

    When he pulled aay. ga2ing at her to chec! her reaction. she turned aay so he couldn(t see

    the admission o" pleasure in her eyes# She(d been !issed and le"t be"ore. and ohn as a

    traveling man;maybe it meant nothing at all#

    Then again. maybe it did#

    /'onvinced0/ he as!ed. his voice hus!y#

    /That you ant to be here0/ Her heart thundered# She so anted to believe that he "elt

    something "or her. something more than a garden-variety attraction#

    /Maybe that 1 ant to be ith you#/

    The thunder in her heart subsided# Maybe# That dreaded ord# The in-beteen ord# 5inally.

    she "ell bac! on the hesitation she "elt# /Maybe. perhaps. possibly#/ She turned to loo! at Li2a.

    ho as beginning to get restless in the crib. a sure sign that a "ull-blon meal request as

    about to be made# Marnie could "eel her breasts start to tingle. a sure sign that she needed

    privacy very soon# /9ou(ll have to e$cuse me. ohn#/

    He "roned# /Maybe. perhaps. possibly0/ he repeated# /1s that your anser0/

    /4o#/ 8esperately. she motioned toard the door ith her hand# /1" you don(t mind. 1 need to

    "eed Li2a#/


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    She as sure he didn(t mean to. but his ga2e "ell to her breasts instantaneously# Marnie(s

    chee!s armed# Li2a let out a yell. and Marnie and ohn both reached "or her at the same

    time. their hands bumping a!ardly#

    /1(m so sorry./ ohn said#

    Marnie replied. /1t(s "ine# *ut this is a )ob 1(ve got to do mysel"#/

    He nodded and ith one last glance at the baby. he said. /What time do you ant to or! in

    the morning0/

    /4ine o(cloc!#/

    /1(ll be here#/

    He le"t and she heard the "ront door close a moment later# Sighing. she sat don ith a very

    riggly Li2a and started to nurse her# Sloly. the baby began to rela$#

    She heard the "ront door open# Her eyes idened# This as certainly a moment she didn(t

    ant ohn itnessing%

    /Marnie./ he called#

    She quic!ly called bac!. /8on(t come in%/

    /1(m not./ he said# /1(m staying right here in the hallay# *ut 1 )ust anted to tell you that

    maybe sometimes means that 1 really anted to !iss you and it as hard to or! the courage

    up. so 1 hope you didn(t mind# At least "or a guy ho hopes you(re not mad at him. that(s hat

    maybe means#/

    She heard the "ront door close again# /Great./ she murmured to Li2a. /he(s a gentleman on top

    o" everything else#/

    A hot. se$y gentleman ho !issed so ell and made her "eel things she(d never e$perienced#

    Her on /maybe/ as in great danger o" turning into a /yes#/

    'hapter 5ourteen

    When ohn arrived the ne$t morning. Marnie as ready "or him# She(d had the night to thin!

    about ho she as beginning to "eel about this man she !ne nothing about. and her "emale

    intuition as arning her that she needed to be cautious# /About those letters o" introduction

    or hatever you said you had./ she said as he set eggs and croissants don on to plates in

    the !itchen#

    /Well. one(s "rom my sister. and one(s "rom my e$-i"e as 1 said and there(s even one "rom my

    mother# She can(t bear to be le"t out o" anything. and she "elt "or you about your artor! that 1

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    ran over./ ohn said. lic!ing a "inger# /All o" them sympathi2ed ith your situation. so 1 thin!

    they really or!ed that oman-to-oman bond in their notes# Hungry0/

    She blin!ed# /1 can de"initely eat# That smells so good#/ Hunger could be used to de"ine

    di""erent states o" being. so she told hersel" she needed "ood more than romance and sat don

    at the table# /1 assume they say nice things about you#/

    /1ntolerably nice#/ He grinned at her# /They(d li!e you. too. though# They(re onder"ul


    She as annoyed to "ind )ealousy creeping into her emotions# Ho many men ere on best-

    "riends-only terms ith their e$-ives;really0

    /8on(t be )ealous./ he said cheer"ully. )ust to rub her the rong ay# The tin!le in his eyes

    gave him aay#

    /1(m not./ she "ibbed# /Anyays. the dollhouse is lovely# 1 don(t !no i" 1 than!ed youproperly "or it. but it(s certainly a !eepsa!e Li2a ill love#/

    /Than! you# 1t as a pleasure to do it "or her#/

    She loo!ed at him care"ully. admiring his strong "ingers as he held his "or!. his broad chest

    stretching the "abric o" a Lacoste shirt and decided to give in to her curiosity# /9ou said it as

    a replica o" your house#/

    He nodded. his ga2e on her#

    /1t seems a"ully large# 5or )ust you#/

    /5ive thousand square "eet#/ He laid his "or! don. his eyes dimming a bit# /1 as hoping to

    have a lot o" children. but you might have been able to "igure that out yoursel"#/

    Marnie ondered i" she should stop no be"ore she as!ed something he didn(t ant to tal!

    about. and then decided the "act that he(d !issed her gave her a reason to as! more# The

    re"erence letters he had eren(t going to tell her hat she as beginning to ant to !no;

    that could only come "rom him# /1 did onder./ she admitted# /9our i"e didn(t ant


    /We aited too long./ he said sloly# /&ne day. e o!e up to "ind out that our careers had

    ta!en precedence over romance# We decided that having children might be best beteen to

    people ho ere still interested in being married to each other;especially hen only one o"

    us as really interested in having them at all# The "unny thing is. e li!ed each other better

    hen e eren(t trying to "orce the romance and reali2ed e ere more com"ortable as


    She loo!ed at him. remembering the ist"ul quotation he(d painted on the !itchen all o" the


    /4ot that 1(m ma!ing a statement about your situation./ he said. /but it asn(t right "or us#/

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    /Well. my situation is not ideal./ Marnie said# /9ou(ve been a big help in ma!ing it better#/

    She hesitated# /ohn. 1 !no you made the "irst payment on the house "or me#/

    1t as his turn to be silent# His dar! eyes atched her closely#

    /There(s a big di""erence beteen my "i"teen-hundred-square-"oot house and your "ivethousand square "eet./ Marnie said. /and 1 guess 1 have to onder i";/

    /1" 1(m trying on the role o" 3rince 'harming0/ he as!ed. his ga2e glinting# /1 didn(t hit the

    road to loo! "or a replacement "amily to "ill up my empty house. i" that(s hat you(re as!ing.


    'hapter 5i"teen

    Marnie stood. not certain ho to reply to ohn(s statement# /1 thin! 1(ll clean the !itchen andthen get to or!#/

    Reaching out. he touched her arm# /1(ll clean# 9ou go or!#/

    /1 can;/

    /1(m the house husband./ he said "irmly. /and you(d better use this time isely because this is

    the end o" my vacation#/

    /ohn./ she said. /ho do you manage to be gone "rom your )ob so long0/

    /*lac!berry./ he said. pulling one "rom his poc!et# /'ell phone# And 1 have a laptop in the

    truc!# Li"e is good#/

    /1 see#/ Marnie blin!ed# /1 don(t even on a cell phone#/

    /We should recti"y that at once./ ohn said. but Marnie quic!ly shoo! her head# /1" you buy

    me one more thing. 1(m ta!ing a month o"" your time ith Li2a#/

    He loo!ed at her. his eyes crin!led at the sides# /&uch# That hurt#/

    /1 !no#/ She gave him a saucy loo!# /1 have "igured out e$actly hich oman in the house

    has your attention#/

    /1 hope you(re not disappointed#/ His e$pression as ry#

    /4ot at all./ she said bree2ily# /1(m )ust glad to "ind that you actually have a ea! spot#/

    /&h. 1(m not the rescuing hero you seem to thin! 1 am#/ ohn lightly pinched her arm# /While

    my sister and e$-i"e might li!e me very ell. my business partners probably ouldn(t rite

    me anything but a chec!# 1 can be very tough on them. hich is hy e(re success"ul# And

    my nieces and nephes say 1 snore# 1 !no this is true because they tried to tape my mouthshut once hen 1 "ell asleep on my sister(s so"a# So you can see 1 am "ar "rom princely#/

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    /Good./ Marnie said. /you ere starting to get on my nerves#/

    He laughed# /9ou should come visit my house and "amily in West +irginia# 9ou(d hear tales


    She ent to the bac! door# /1 can sa"ely say 1(ll never be any closer to West +irginia thanohn 8enver(s onder"ul song#/ As soon as she made that claim. she ondered i" that as

    really the ay she "elt. but ohn )ust shrugged and turned to the sin!#

    Marnie loo!ed at his broad bac!. someho disappointed that he didn(t intend to reply# She(d

    been en)oying their banter# /ohn./ she said. and he turned toard her. /you really seem li!e a

    nice guy# And 1 do appreciate everything you(re doing#/

    /Than!s# :ind o" "unny ho some bro!en glass can bring to strangers together. isn(t it0/ He

    loo!ed at her "or a long moment. then put the dishes in the sin! and turned the ater on. his

    bac! to her again#

    Marnie hesitated "or a hal" second too long. loo!ing at the man ho(d designated himsel" as

    her house husband# He as the closest thing she(d ever come to having a husband at all. she

    reali2ed. and she as beginning to onder i" she as tempted to "ill the position;


    'hapter Si$teen

    ohn asn(t surprised by Marnie(s lac! o" trust;he even admired her caution# He ondered

    about the guy ho anted no part o" his little child(s li"e;the man didn(t !no hat he as

    missing# &bviously. Marnie had been interested in marriage at one time. but no it as

    obvious that she(d run in the opposite direction i" she sensed ohn had anything on his mind

    other than helping her through a rough spot#

    /8o you blame her0/ his sister as!ed him hen he told her the situation by cell phone hile

    Marnie as in the cottage# /Her "ianc7 as clearly emotionally under-developed# 9ou. on the

    other hand. are an old soul in a great bod. something 1 tell you reluctantly because 1 li!e your

    humble side#/

    He laughed at her# /Smart alec!#/ He !ne too ell ane thought he as arrogant< so did hisbusiness partners#

    /So hen does she get to see the real you0/ ane as!ed. and ohn chuc!led#

    /The me you didn(t describe in your re"erence letter0/

    She laughed# /1 love you. ohn# And the !ids miss their uncle# When are you coming home0/

    /Soon./ he murmured. atching Marnie al! bac! "rom the cottage# She had the nicest say

    in her hips hen she moved#

    /8on(t decide to stay./ ane cautioned# /West +irginia is here you belong#/

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    She hung up and ohn put aay his cell phone# /Hi./ he said to Marnie "rom his spot on the


    /Hi#/ She loo!ed adorably rumpled "rom or!ing all morning# /1s Li2a in the nursery0/

    /4ope# She(s right here#/

    Marnie peered over his shoulder. her lips curving hen she sa the baby asleep in his lap# /1

    thought she(d be getting restless "or her lunch#/

    /She ill# She(s very punctual. a good trait in a oman#/ He in!ed at Marnie#

    /Have you been sitting there since 1 ent to or!0/

    He pointed to his laptop and *lac!berry# /1(ve been or!ing. too#/

    Marnie loo!ed at her daughter ith longing# /1 thought she(d miss me#/

    /4ot ith her ,ncle ohn seeing to her every him#/

    Marnie pursed her lips. and he appreciated the unconscious gesture#

    /1 thin! 1 can be done in three ee!s./ she said. surprising him# /1 have the old pattern. hich

    as time-consuming because 1 anted the details small and intricate# 1 reali2ed the design as

    hat too! the most time# 1t(s )ust a matter o" speeding up the process and 1 can be much

    quic!er this time# 3lus 1(m much "aster ith the "oiling process#/

    His heart thudded ith disappointment# /9ou(re really not com"ortable around me. are you0/

    She met his ga2e# /1 )ust don(t ant any distractions#/


    She nodded# /1n learning ho 1 am# 1n groing my relationship ith my baby# 1n developing

    my on ay in li"e#/

    8amn# He might have !non she(d be one o" those independent. onder"ully un-shallo

    omen to hom li"e and all its varying colors and shades mattered#

    He reali2ed he(d hoped to convince her to blend him into her li"e. sloly. i" need be. but blend

    )ust the same# She(d probably sensed that;ane said a oman could detect a man(s radar

    loc!ing on to her and some ere smart enough to move out o" the target range#

    Marnie as one o" the smart ones# /Actually./ he said smoothly. /my business partners called

    today and they really need me bac! on site#/I can tell you're extremely uncomfortable around

    me, no matter how much I'd give anything to taste your lips again.

    /1 see#/

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    He thought he heard relie" in her voice# His hand moved across Li2a(s bac!. en)oying the "eel

    o" a baby in his orld# He ould miss holding her and touching her so"t s!in# He(d most

    de"initely miss the smooth suppleness o" Marnie(s mouth under his#

    *ut she had to ant the closeness as much as he did;and it appeared she didn(t#

    'hapter Seventeen

    Marnie as scared. though she ouldn(t have admitted it to anyone# ohn as a prince o" a

    man# Surely she as cra2y "or anting him to leave. but she !ept thin!ing about Li2a# She

    needed to "ocus on her daughter and on her )ob. and not a onder"ully charismatic male

    ho(d rolled into her li"e# &ne man had already le"t their lives. and it as sa"er to have no

    man than a man ho ould eventually leave;she couldn(t let Li2a su""er in the process#

    She didn(t ant that heartache "or Li2a#

    /So e agree0/ ohn as!ed# /1(ll stay another three ee!s or until you "inish#/

    She told hersel" to breathe a sigh o" relie". but someho the relie" she(d e$pected didn(t come#

    8isappointment carved out a hollo spot in her instead# /Than! you#/

    Li2a scooched and then snu""led. precursors to a ail#

    /8inner./ ohn said. and Marnie too! her baby "rom him. her "ingers brushing his as he

    care"ully handed Li2a to her# Li2a as arm "rom snuggling ith ohn# 1t occurred to Marnie

    that ohn ould be a great place "or any oman to rest and "ind armth# He as so big and


    /1s something rong0/ he as!ed. and Marnie blin!ed. reali2ing she(d been daydreaming#

    /4o# 1 as )ust trying to decide i" 1 should change Li2a be"ore or a"ter 1 "eed her./ she said

    quic!ly# /=$cuse me#/

    She le"t the room. not able to meet ohn(s ga2e# Sitting in the roc!er in Li2a(s nursery. Marnie

    com"orted her baby and began to "eed her# She could hear ohn moving around in the !itchen.

    opening cabinets and ta!ing out pots# She closed her eyes against the co2y. homey sounds#He(d seemed so disappointed by her announcement that she could "inish in three ee!s. but

    ever since he(d !issed her. she(d "elt hersel" in a dangerous place o" longing#

    A"ter she "inished "eeding Li2a and changed her. she laid her in the crib. covering her ith a

    light blan!et be"ore )oining ohn in the !itchen# He as stirring something that smelled

    heavenly# /1t(s the playing house aspect that bothers me#/

    Smiling he put don the ooden spoon and began chopping peppers# /9ou(re not com"ortable

    ith a man or!ing at home. are you0 And being responsible "or hal" the load#/

    She loo!ed at him be"ore pic!ing up a tomato and dicing it on the same board he as using#/Maybe not#/

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    /This is my )ob. Marnie./ he said# /4o di""erent than hat 1 do at home# 1(m not playing house

    ith you# 1t(s real# 4ot pretend. li!e the dollhouse 1 built "or Li2a to decorate and imagine her

    on "amily in one day# 4o more chopping "or you. lady./ he said. moving her gently aay

    "rom the board# /,ntil you start ta!ing my or! seriously. you have to atch#/

    /1 "eel li!e 1(m in a restaurant#/

    /9ou thin! 1(m doing this "or you. but it(s )ust part o" my bachelor routine#/

    She hadn(t considered that# A little humility popped her orries# /1(m sorry# 1(m not used to

    anyone doing anything "or me#/

    /Li!e 1 said. 1(m not doing anything "or you#/ His smile turned into a grin# /1(m or!ing on

    my )ob. and 1(m coo!ing because 1(m hungry and 1 ould anyay;you don(t eat enough to

    ma!e this chic!en cacciatore )ust "or you;and 1 atch Li2a because 1 ant to# She(s small

    and delicate and only gives me sass hen she(s ready to eat# 1n "act. she(s much easier to get

    along ith than her mother#/

    That as probably true# Marnie !ne she(d been very sti"" around ohn# 8id she ant "ear and

    insecurity to rule her li"e0 /1t(s all very ne to me#/

    He laid don the !ni"e. ashed his hands be"ore turning to her and placing his hands on her

    shoulders# /1(m here because 1 ant to be# Rela$# 1(m not going to eat you. Red Riding Hood#/

    /*ut you did !iss me./ she said#

    And he said. /And you !issed me bac!. 1 noticed#/

    8arn him# /8oes that "it into your everyday )ob description0/

    /8o you ant it to0/

    She could go through li"e completely a"raid o" losing again# *ut li"e as made up o" choices#

    Some ere better choices than others#

    She thre her troublesome caution to the ind# /Let(s evaluate that aspect o" the )ob#/

    'hapter =ighteen

    ohn !issed her. darn him. and she anted him to. only this time. she tugged him close.

    holding him tightly to her. "orgetting all about )ob descriptions. letting hersel" en)oy the man

    and the moment#

    *e"ore she !ne it. they "ound themselves engaged in a much hotter embrace. one that led to

    passion against the !itchen counter and then the table and then. cra2ily. they "ell over the so"a

    into the so"t cushions. !issing hungrily# Marnie asn(t about to let ohn go# She tugged at his

    )eans# /1 say e burn dinner#/

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    His chuc!le as hus!y# /1 turned o"" the stove hen 1 sa the bad-girl gleam in your eyes#/

    He moved his "ingers inside her aistband# /*ut 1 have to !no that there are no maybe(s in


    /4one#/ Marnie as nearly breathless "rom !issing ohn# 8esire heated every cell o" her

    body# /&" course i" you(re "eeling a (maybe( inside you;(

    5lipping her over. he pinned her beneath him# /1(ve never been a maybe !ind o" guy#/ He

    lightly bit her nec! and stripped o"" her )eans# /9ou(re beauti"ul# Absolutely one o" a !ind# 1

    )ust hope this condom isn(t a maybe# 1t(s about a year old#/

    She salloed her orries about her a"ter-pregnancy body be"ore they could ta!e shape in

    her mouth and "ocused on the "act that he had a nice erection;a positive development#

    1nstead. she said. /Hurry./ and so he did. and the ne$t thing Marnie !ne. she as lost in


    The consequences could come later#

    ohn thought he(d died and gone to heaven# 4ever had he imagined ma!ing love ith a

    oman ould be so satis"ying#

    He had to !eep Marnie# Someho#

    The condom had held. to the best o" his !noledge# *ut he anted to put any and all "ears

    Marnie might have to rest# /Marnie./ he said a"ter he(d held her "or at least an hour. /be"ore

    Li2a decides to ring the dinner bell. 1 ant to tell you that i" there should be. you !no. a

    baby beteen us. 1 ouldn(t leave you high and dry#/

    /Than! you./ Marnie said. /but 1(m earing a ring#/ She as too lost in a happy glo to

    orry about anything outside the pleasure ohn had given her#

    He si"tly chec!ed her hands# There ere no rings on either hand#

    /1nside. ohn./ she murmured# /1 learned my lesson the "irst time#/

    /All right./ he said. "iling that in"ormation aay "or later hen he could sort it out. /but 1 stillant you to come home ith me#/

    She sat up and pushed her hair aay "rom her "ace to stare don at him# /What0/

    /'ome home ith me# A"ter you "inish your doors and hang them in the Tulips Saloon#/

    Her eyes ere so ide he could tell he(d shoc!ed her# /1 can(t stay here "orever./ he said. /as

    nice and quaint as this ton is#/

    Marnie didn(t !no hat she(d been thin!ing# &" course he couldn(t stay# His )ob. his "amily.

    his hole li"e as in another state# He(d lulled her into thin!ing his e$istence as "luid. ith

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    his *lac!berry and his motorcycle and his laptop;but she(d seen only hat she anted to

    see# Secretly. she(d hoped that this man ould ant her enough to stay in her orld#

    1t had been a subconscious test on her part. she reali2ed ith a sin!ing heart# /1 can(t. ohn./

    she said# /1 )ust got here# 1 )ust bought my "irst house# Well. you made the initial payment. but


    He laid a "inger over her lips# /Stop saying that# 1t(s your house#/

    Her heart as brea!ing# *ut she couldn(t ma!e any more changes in her li"e. not no# 1t had

    ta!en everything "or her to start "eeling settled in Tulips# /1 can(t move to West +irginia./ she

    said# /1(m sorry#/

    ohn(s heart slid into an empty space inside him# He(d !non Marnie as putting don roots

    here she needed# 1t as too soon "or her< he completely understood that#

    9et he(d "allen in love ith her anyay. and li!e the doors he shattered. his bro!en heartcouldn(t be "i$ed#

    'hapter 4ineteen

    Marnie "inished the doors in three ee!s. )ust as she thought she ould. and together. she and

    ohn hung them in the Tulips Saloon# They ere every bit as beauti"ul as she(d hoped they

    ould be# The so"t pin!s and reds and occasional green o" the leaves shone so"tly against the

    small-ton setting o" the old building#

    ,n"ortunately. her relationship ith ohn hadn(t turned out as ell# He(d been "ormal. politely

    reserved ith her ever since they(d made love# 5or three ee!s. he(d treated her home and her

    as i" he ere per"orming a service and she as the boss# &nly hen he as ith Li2a did he

    act li!e he as the happiest man on the planet#

    /1t(s ama2ing./ ohn said. loo!ing at the doors ith admiration# /The building loo!s

    completely di""erent. and the doors give it a soul. a secret orld one ants to enter )ust to

    e$perience that connection#/

    Marnie nodded# /That(s hat 1 love most about designing doors# 1 !no it sounds cra2y. but tome. they say (Welcome# 'ome on in and be a part o" good times#(/

    3ulling out his cell phone. he too! a couple o" pictures# /1 ant to sho my sister# She(ll never

    believe this#/ He too! an up-close picture o" the tulips. too. !noing the blend o" colors might

    not sho as ell but anting to remember it "orever# /So. that(s that./ he said hen he as

    satis"ied ith the picture# He turned to 3ansy and Helen ho ere holding Li2a and atching

    the doors being hung ith delight on their "aces# /Ladies. behold the artist and her dream#/

    He could tell 3ansy and Helen ere seeing their vision trans"ormed be"ore them# He(d never

    seen to more rapturous "aces#I'll miss that about Tulips. I'll miss the honesty and the joy in

    small things.

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    The ladies hugged Marnie# Smiling. he chec!ed the straps tying his motorcycle don in the

    bac! o" his truc! and then turned to !iss Li2a goodbye#

    The to older omen stared at him# He could hardly bear the stunned loo! in Marnie(s ha2el

    eyes. but it as time "or him to go# /Than! you./ he told her. /"or some o" the best memories

    in my li"e#/ He !issed her on the chee!. Li2a on her so"t "u22y head;God. he as going tomiss this baby;and 3ansy and Helen on their doughy. rin!led chee!s# /9ou ladies have

    given me a ne lease on li"e#/ He too! one more picture;the "our o" them standing together

    in "ront o" the saloon doors be"ore they could protest;and got in his truc!# /:eep in touch./

    he said. !noing that none o" them ever ould#

    Waving goodbye. he drove o"" toard West +irginia. glad he(d "inally restored hat he(d

    bro!en in the "irst place and ignoring the crac! in his on heart#

    /8id you !no he as going to leave0/ 3ansy as!ed. loo!ing as stunned as Marnie "elt#

    /9es./ she said# /We had discussed it#/ Still. the pain as intense#

    /&h./ Helen said. /coo!ies and tea# At once#/

    They ent inside the Saloon together. sitting don on the mismatched velvet-covered antique

    chairs# /ohn seemed a"ully "ond o" you./ 3ansy said# /At least he never stopped tal!ing

    about you hile he as staying at my house# 1 rather thought the to o" you might have been

    developing a "ondness "or one another#/

    /Actually. 1 "ell in love ith him./ Marnie said. much more casually than she "elt#

    The ladies gasped# /*ut you let him go%/ 3ansy e$claimed#

    Marnie stood. "i$ing Li2a into her stroller care"ully# /There really asn(t a ay "or us to move

    our lives together# 1t(s not li!e combining to houses into one in a magical renovation#/ She

    smiled at her "riends sadly# /1(m glad you li!e your doors# Than! you "or everything you(ve

    done "or me#/ She !issed them both and le"t. "eeling li!e she(d lost a big piece o" her heart#

    /Let(s go home. Li2a./ she hispered to her baby as she stepped out into the late tilight

    enveloping Tulips#

    3ansy loo!ed at Helen as Marnie le"t# /9ou didn(t sho her#/

    Helen shoo! her head# /There as no point# They made up their minds about hat they could

    be to each other# This article ouldn(t change anything#/

    She laid a piece o" nespaper on the table Sheri"" 8u!e had given her# 3ansy couldn(t read it

    all. o" course. because o" her developing macular degeneration# *ut Helen had read every

    ord to her "riend#

    illionaire investor, world traveler, generous philanthropist and famous architect !ohn olby

    has just completed plans for a new theater centre in #est $irginia, a jewel he plans to set in

    the heart of America's rugged mining state.

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    /5unny ho they both had that creating?building thing in their blood./ 3ansy said. and Helen

    nodded# *ut it had to be more# Love had to be about to per"ectly suited pieces coming

    together to ma!e one stunningly good hole# Marnie and ohn )ust hadn(t been able to "it their

    lives together "or that )ust-right. happily-ever-a"ter#

    'hapter Tenty

    5or the ne$t "e ee!s. Marnie made patterns "or the tiny indos and doors o" Li2a(s

    dollhouse during her daughter(s naps# She had enough glass le"t over "rom cra"ting the to

    doors "or the Saloon# She also li!ed the idea o" using the same glass on Li2a(s house that ohn

    had helped her ith# 1t ould be a !eepsa!e "or Li2a and a happy memory "or Marnie# 1t as

    hen she began "itting the small pieces into the dollhouse that she stopped and re-read the

    tiny scrolled letters ohn had painted in the !itchen#

    %ven a big house is small and empty without love.

    She hesitated. her ga2e caught. her heart racing#

    The thing as. even her small house "elt empty and smaller these days# She had Li2a# She had

    her glass# *ut she didn(t have ohn#

    She "orced hersel" to loo! beyond the glass and the com"ort o" her cra"t. seeing her li"e

    ithout him# She had to "ind out hat as beyond the doors she(d used to !eep him out.

    instead o" elcoming him in. the ay doors ere meant to do#

    ohn had "aced the "act that he and Marnie hadn(t been soulmates. at least. she didn(t believe

    he as hers# 3art o" him had ta!en the past month to nurse the reali2ation that she didn(t "eel

    the same ay about him that he "elt about her# What hurt the most as that he as certain;

    and had been certain "rom the moment he(d "irst met her;that she as his missing better hal"#

    *ut he also !ne Marnie as very independent. and she guarded that independence#

    He missed her# 1n "act. he missed her so much he as dreaming her into al!ing up the

    curving lan o" his mansion. pushing little Li2a in a stroller in "ront o" her# *ut as that

    really her0 She !ept coming closer. and ohn stood still. his chest hammering. his eyes tooa"raid to believe#

    She smiled and aved. and he "orced himsel" not to hurdle the shrubs lining the porch to get

    to her# =asy. he told himsel". let her come to you this time# /Hello. stranger./ he said#

    She put the bra!e on the stroller and made certain Li2a asn(t in the direct sunlight# /4ice


    He raised his bro# /Than!s#/ He thought she as adorable in an an!le-length dress and

    sandals# /8o you ant a tour0 To come in out o" the heat0/

  • 8/14/2019 Welcome to Tulips


    Sloly. she shoo! her head# /4o# 1 already !no it(s "abulous#/ She too! a deep breath# /1

    came to see only you#/

    /Ho did you "ind my house0/

    She loo!ed at him# /1t(s one o" a !ind# =$cept it(s )ust li!e Li2a(s dollhouse# And you le"t somebusiness cards in the !itchen#/

    /1(m surprised to see you#/

    She nodded# /1 promise not to brea! your door# Those are the "ive-thousand-dollar doors0/

    He grinned# /9es# They ouldn(t brea! easily#/ They ere made o" mahogany and rought

    iron# /*uilt to ithstand !ids. "amily. dogs. you name it#/

    /About that "amily./ she said. and he raised a bro# /1 as ondering i" you need a day i"e#

    4ot a housei"e. e$actly. because that ouldn(t be me# More li!e an assistant#/

    He snapped his "ingers# /9ou mean li!e a house husband. only in the "eminine sense# The

    very "eminine sense#/ He let his ga2e roam over her appreciatively#

    /1 coo!./ Marnie said. /though not as ell as you# 1 also have a guaranteed alarm#/ She

    pointed to Li2a# /Maybe "or a couple o" ee!s. e could ta!e care o" you so you can or!#/

    He loo!ed at her shredly# /9ou !no ho 1 "eel about the ord maybe#/

    She smiled# /We(d li!e to apply "or the )ob#/

    He "elt the tension hich had resided in his chest since he(d le"t Tulips begin to subside# /To

    be honest. 1(m not loo!ing "or an assistant "or hile 1 or!#/


    She sounded so disappointed he had to grin# /1 could consider you as a i"e and li"emate.

    hoever# Will you marry me. Marnie McGovern0/

    She )umped into his arms. surprising him. and delighting him ith her )oy# 1t as that )oy in

    the small things that he(d discovered in Tulips. hich he as no going to have "orever#

    /1 love you./ he told Marnie. /and Li2a. too#/

    /That(s good./ Marnie said. !issing him on the lips. /because e love you. too# 4o maybe

    about that#/

    Marnie slipped out o" his arms and he too! Li2a "rom the stroller. and together they al!ed

    into the mansion that as no longer empty. but very. very "ull o" love#

    The End

  • 8/14/2019 Welcome to Tulips
