Page 1: Welcome to this CAPT Webinar We will be starting shortly Southwest Regional Technical Expert Panel Meeting April 7, 2011

Welcome to this CAPT Webinar

We will be starting shortly

Southwest Regional Technical Southwest Regional Technical Expert Panel MeetingExpert Panel Meeting

April 7, 2011 April 7, 2011

Page 2: Welcome to this CAPT Webinar We will be starting shortly Southwest Regional Technical Expert Panel Meeting April 7, 2011

Introduction to Connect Pro

Welcome to this Connect Pro Virtual Meeting.

We will be using the following windows:

– PowerPoint Window– Attendee List– Chat– Note

We will also use the “Raise your Hand” feature

Page 3: Welcome to this CAPT Webinar We will be starting shortly Southwest Regional Technical Expert Panel Meeting April 7, 2011

Introduction to Connect Pro

Two Ways to Ask Questions

1. In Writing:

– Write question in Chat window

– Press “Enter”

– Only the moderator will see your question

Page 4: Welcome to this CAPT Webinar We will be starting shortly Southwest Regional Technical Expert Panel Meeting April 7, 2011

Introduction to Connect Pro

2. By Raising Your Hand:

• Raise your hand by clicking

• You will see your status changein attendees list

• Un-mute your phone (press * #) when called upon

• Remember to mute your phone again once you have finished speaking

• Lower your hand by again clicking

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Overview & Objectives For Call

• Provide an opportunity for States/Tribes to update colleagues across the service area

• Discuss 2011 Service to Science activities and refine processes for 2012

• Discuss regional themes that emerged from the 2011 State services planning process

• Provide RTEP feedback on proposed service area approaches

• Obtain RTEP input on priority topic(s) for 2011 face-to-face meeting at NPN meeting in Atlanta

approaches to what?
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The Role of the Regional Technical Expert Panel (RTEP)

The primary function of the RTEP is to help guide CAPT service delivery by providing:

– Insight into emerging State/Tribal/regional needs

– Feedback on what is and is not working regarding CAPT services

– Suggestions for customizing CAPT services to better meet the needs of specific audiences

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Introductions & State/Tribal Updates

Please identify yourself when we name your State/Tribe and provide an update on hot topics or news.

















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Service to Science Discussion

What is Service to Science?

A national initiative to enhance the evaluation capacity of innovative programs and practices that address critical substance abuse prevention or behavioral health needs in States, Tribes, Jurisdictions, and communities.

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Service to Science Goals

• To help innovative, field-grown prevention interventions that address substance abuse (or related issues) demonstrate, improve, and document evidence of their effectiveness.

• To increase the pool and diversity of effective prevention interventions.

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CSAP’s Service to Science Initiative

CAPT solicits nominations from


CAPT solicits nominations from


Nominated programs receive and submit


Nominated programs receive and submit


Centralized or Decentralized Regional

STS Academies

Centralized or Decentralized Regional

STS Academies

CAPT awards mini-subcontracts and

additional follow-up TA

CAPT awards mini-subcontracts and

additional follow-up TA

Mini-subcontract awardees report

accomplishments to CAPT & SSA/NPN

Mini-subcontract awardees report

accomplishments to CAPT & SSA/NPN

Programs apply for Mini-Subcontracts to enhance evaluation


Programs apply for Mini-Subcontracts to enhance evaluation


CAPT assesses readiness and

selects programs

CAPT assesses readiness and

selects programs

Follow-up technical assistance

Follow-up technical assistance

Not sure this process applies to Tribes. May want to make a note of that and address the differences in the meeting. Should at least mention the NACE academy since Tribes are part of RTEP.
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Centralized vs. Decentralized Academies

Centralized DecentralizedWho is it for? Programs in earlier

stages of evaluation planning and implementation

Programs farther along in evaluation planning and implementation

What does it consist of?

Two-day training and technical assistance event for all participants

Site visit with each program lasting about four hours (SSAs/NPNs invited to participate)

TA Provider Model

One TA provider with program: STS Lead provides support during follow-up stage

Two TA providers: one lead (case manager) and one secondary

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Areas of Technical Assistance

• Developing logic models that link program goals and objectives to outcomes

• Designing data-collection procedures

• Identifying, developing, and adapting appropriate measures and instruments

• Conducting qualitative and quantitative data analyses

• Understanding SAMHSA’s National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices (NREPP) criteria

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• NASADAD Exemplary Award Recognition

• Professional presentations of program’s successes at national conferences

• Publication of reports and journal articles documenting program achievements

• Leveraging additional funding from federal or other sources

• Refining and replicating “program model”

• Enhancing technical quality of submissions to National Registries, e.g. NREPP

Illustrative Accomplishments

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• What internal processes do you use to identify and select STS nominees in order to align STS services with your State’s priority areas and work plans?

• What challenges do you face when identifying and selecting STS nominees? What strategies have you used to overcome these challenges?

• What benefits to your State’s prevention efforts have you seen from programs’ participation in STS?

• How can the CAPT improve service delivery of STS to increase the benefit of programs’ participation to State prevention efforts?

Discussion Questions

again -- need to clarify -- are you just talking about the State's nominating process or the process of tribes, too, which is slightly different?
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Service Area Plan Development Process

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2011 Service Area Themes

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Proposed Service Area Approaches

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RTEP Feedback

• Do the proposed approaches seem to fit identified needs?

• Do the service area needs initially identified still seem “right” to you or have other more pressing needs emerged?

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Proposed Topics for RTEP at NPN

• Face-to-face RTEP meeting on Monday, September19, co-located with NPN meeting in Atlanta

• CAPT will provide logistical support for 3 RTEP representatives from each State/Tribe to attend

• What topics would you like to see addressed?

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New CAPT Language

OLD• CAPT Region• Regional Team (RT)

NEW• CAPT Service Area• Resource Team (RT)

The CAPT’s Southwest Resource Team (SW RT) members thank the States and Tribes in the CAPT

Southwest Service Area for their patience in adapting to this new language.

Maybe move this slide up, since we'll be using this language throughout the presentation?
Would it be helpful to explain why we changed (i.e., overlap with HHS regions?). I'll attach a map you may want to stick on a slide.
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• Any additional questions/ comments?

• An evaluation link for this webinar will be emailed to you by our CAPT evaluators, Tom James and Thom Mienk.
