Page 1: Welcome to the St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church...Prayers Please visit our sick and shut-ins: (Joyce Muzny, Mayme Coleman, Ber-nadette Stangl, Helen Walden, Jane McGill and Rusty Carpenter)

Please visit our website at Then go to Facebook and Like our page National Shrine Infant Jesus Of Pra-gue to keep up on what is going on at the Shrine and St. Wenceslaus and St. Michael.

Mass Intentions/Intenciones de Misa

September 15 Michael Riley

September 16 +Margaret Fehmer

September 17 No Mass

September 18 +Sossi Postajiam

September 19 +Sossi Postajiam

September 20 +Sossi Postajiam

September 21 +Sossi Postajiam


Please visit our sick and shut-ins: (Joyce Muzny, Mayme Coleman, Ber-nadette Stangl, Helen Walden, Jane McGill and Rusty Carpenter).

Liturgical Schedule/Horrarios Liturgicos

September22/23 Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 11:00am

SACRISTAN: Rosalie Melissa

ALTAR SERVERS: Sam Charmaine & Rafael

LECTORS: Angela Veronica

EX MIN H.C: Bobbie, Joe, Rosalie, Maria, Charles, Dennis

Future Events/Eventos Futuros

September 16 at 9:45 to 10:45 RE

Registrations will be held in the RE


September 23 at 9:45 to 10:45 RE

class will start in the RE building.

September 23 Pilgrimage Sunday

Hosted by Shrine Staff.

September 15/16 Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 11:00am


ALTAR SERVERS: Michelle Manoel & Marcus

LECTORS: Teresa Maria

EX MIN H.C: Angela, Bobbie, Marilyn Trey, Nancy, Simone

Welcome to the St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church

Bemvenidos a la Iglesia Catolica de St. Wenceslaus

St. Michael Mission St. Wenceslaus

September15/16 2018

Home of the National Shrine of the Infant Jesus






































Page 2: Welcome to the St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church...Prayers Please visit our sick and shut-ins: (Joyce Muzny, Mayme Coleman, Ber-nadette Stangl, Helen Walden, Jane McGill and Rusty Carpenter)


Queremos dar una cálida bienvenida a todos los que nos

visita! Estamos encantados de tenerte aquí!

Welcome! We want to extend a very warm welcome to

everyone who's visiting us! We're delighted to

have you here!

Mass Readings

Monday, September 17

1 Cor 11:17-26, 33

Lk 7:1-10

Tuesday, September 18

1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a

Lk 7:11-17

Wednesday, September 19

1 Cor 12:31-13:13

Lk 7:31-35

Thursday, September 20

1 Cor 15:1-11

Lk 7:36-50

Friday, September 21

Eph 4:1-7, 11-13

Mt 9:9-13

Saturday, September 22

1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49

Lk 8:4-15

Sunday, September 23

1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49

Lk 8:4-15

Collection for September 8/9, 2018

Weekly Budget $1,346.15

Weekend Collection $ 843.47

Message of the Week

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

When Christ asks, “who do people say that I am?” the dis-

ciples answer by identifying Jesus with the greatest men of

their history: Elijah, John the Baptist, the prophets. But

no one dares to call Jesus the Messiah of God...until Peter

pipes up, claiming, “You are the Christ.” The change that

has happened in Peter pipes up, claiming. “You are the

Christ.” The changes that has happened in Peter as a re-

sult of his union with Jesus can only be the work of God.

It—mistakenly—prompts Peter to try to prevent Christ

from undergoing his Passion. However, it is satanic to im-

pede the Christ from accomplishing the greatest work of

God. To follow after Christ in the work of faith, then, we

rebuke all our insufficient reasoning. For if our conviction

toes so far as to embrace Christ and his Passion, who will

prove us wrong?

Mensaje de la semana

Vigésimo cuarto domingo en el tiempo ordinario

Cuando Cristo pregunta, "¿quién dice la gente que soy yo?"

los discípulos responden identificando a Jesús con los

hombres más grandes de su historia: Elías, Juan el Bau-

tista, los profetas. Pero nadie se atreve a llamar a Jesús el

Mesías de Dios... hasta que Pedro se canaliza, clamando:

"tú eres el Cristo". El cambio que ha sucedido en Peter

Pipes up, alegando. "tú eres el Cristo." Los cambios que

ha sucedido en Pedro como resultado de su unión con

Jesús sólo pueden ser obra de Dios. — erróneamente —

incita a Pedro a tratar de evitar que Cristo se sometiera a

su pasión. Sin embargo, es satánico impedir que el Cristo

logre la obra más grande de Dios. Para seguir después de

Cristo en la obra de la fe, entonces, reprendemos todo

nuestro razonamiento insuficiente. Porque si nuestra con-

vicción de los pies tan lejos como para abrazar a Cristo y su

pasión, ¿quién probará que estamos equivocados?

St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church

Father Long Phan

304 S Jim Thorpe Blvd, Prague, OK 74864

Administrative Office (405) 567-3080

Fax No. 405-567-0364

Mass Times/Tiempos de la masa

Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday 11:00am

Tuesday through Friday at noon

Adoration begins at 11:00 am; Rosary prayed at 11:30 am mass begins at 12:00 p.m.

Sacraments & Services/Sacramentos y Ser-vicios

Gift Shop: Monday through Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

Saturday Hours 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Sunday Hours 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Sacrament of Baptism/Sacramento del bau-tismo:

Administrative office to make an appointment

Sacrament of Marriage/Sacramento del Bautismo:

Pastor 6 months in advance

Sacrament of Reconciliation/Sacramento de la reconciliación:

Saturday at 4:00pm to 4:45pm in Prague and by appointment in Meeker

New Parishioners/Nuevos feligreses:

Parish Census and Emergency Contact forms are available at the entrance of the Church.


Please contact Debbie Lokey at (405)567-4714 in Prague for Urgent Prayer

Parish Staff/Personal de la parroquia

Father: Long Phan

Weekday Staff: Cecilia Hecker

Sandi Hawkins

Weekend Staff: Amanda Delaware

Morgan Podest

Janidhu Cebalos

Janell Clausen, CPA, Financial Management

Parish Council/Concilio parroquial

Mike Podest Roger Pritchett

Finance Council/Consejo Financiero

Sharon Melton Angela Duggan Bobbie Filippo

Cemetery Committee/Comité del cemen-terio

Chris Duggan Rosalie Navrath Joe Friedel

Maintenance & Grounds Keeper Mantenimiento y Grounds Keeper

Philip Marsh Chris Duggan Mike Podest

Volunteer & Ministries & Organizations

Voluntarios y Ministerios y Organizaciones

Sharon Maggard Women’s Guild

Trey Hecker Knights of Columbus CRH

Becky Delaware Musician (Saturday) Amanda Delaware Musician (Saturday

& Sunday)

Call the Office RCIA

Cecilia Hecker Baptism Coordinator Funeral Coordinator Safe Environment

Volunteer RE Teachers On Vacation

Cecilia Hecker Marie Hernandez

Johnny Bartos Mary Hoogerhyde

Nancy Sandoval Melissa Newport

Bobbie Filippo

Shrine Board/Tablero del Santuario

Abbot Lawrence Stasyszen Chairman

Father Long Phan

Shrine Members/Miembros del Santuario

David Johnson Deacon Edmundo Martinez

Catherine Roberts Fr. Joseph Schwarz

Evan Smith

St. Michael Catholic Church

Mass Sunday at 9:00am

217 S. Koonce Meeker, OK 74855

September Lector: Sharon

EX Min: Barbara, Sandra, Jim

Contact Sharon Judd (405) 279-2380 for urgent prayer.

Please visit sick & pray for: Steve Marak, Dale Brou-drick, Dorothy O’Brien (Nursing Home), Jeanne Carr, Muriel Cossy.
