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Farmland Common Birds Census:efiimates of hreeding numberc fiom

tenitory mapping, March - IulyBritish fttlst hr 0nithologry

Name W 5.orT & (*r.x Btlis;qnJ

county: $ CqrVBS.



Le5Area Region Altitude Easting Northing

OO5 LG035 ,/ CA039 ,/ H057 MS059 GI068 / cG07r suo75 To72 5 MA087 TU105 GD113 r/ SH115 BZ148 l rr43 ' HYr57 6 RL1603 P162 IL PH173 MHt77 COr82 0cLgI RP185/ L221 SN223 WK202 CU2M RK2t4 CS263 BH255 CM257 ,/ LB256 HG275 CN297 t/ FP298 L SD299 b WP302 I Cn3OO TD

Little GrebeCormorantGrey HeronMute SwanGreylag GooseCanada GooseShelduckTealMallardTufted DuckGoosanderSparrowhawkBvzzardKestrelHobbyRed-legged PartridgeGrey PartridgePheasantMoorhenCootOystercatcherRinged PloverLapwingSnipelVoodcockCurlewRedshankCommon SandpiperBlack-headed GullCommon GullLesser Black-backHerring GullCommon TernFeral PigeonStock DoveWoodpigeonColl4red DoveTurtle Dove

CK CuckooBO Barn OwlLO Little OwlTO Tawny OwlSI SwiftKF KingfisherG Green WoodpeckerGS Gt Sp WoodpeckerLS Lr Sp riloodpecker

S SkylarkSM Sand MartinSL SwallowHM House MartinTP Tree PipitMP Meadow PipitYW Yellow WagtailGL Grey WagtailPW Pied WagtailDI DipperWR WrenD DunnockR RobinN NightingaleRT RedstartWC WhinchatW WheatearB Bf ackbirdST Song ThrushM Mistle ThnrshGH Grasshopper WarblerSW Sedge WarblerRW Reed WarblerLW Lesser WhitethroatWH WhitethroatGW Garden WarblerBC BlackcapWO Wood WarblerCC Chiffchaff

| 304

I loz t/| 313

| 314

I tzt \/| 332

| 338 ,-

f r+r (| 345

ltst 9| 36slror /lt* /| 4e7

l4e3 6

I s06

I 505

| 503

| 3e7

| 3e8 I+l+eo 71400 7

l*,| 407

409412424 743r 7432 ,/

439450 ,,/MI4,62 g461 i64ffi4s7 3n5473

WW Willow WarblerGC GoldcrestSF Spotted FlycatcherPF Pied Flycatcher



388 '/ LT Long-tailed Tit386 MT Marsh Tit387 WT Willow Tit382 CT Coal Tit380 3 BT Blue Tit379 7 GT Great Tit391 NH Nuthatch394 TC Treecreeper375 | J lay372 3 MG Magpie371 ,/ JD Jacldaw37A / RO Rook368 3 C CarrionCrow367 RN Raven518 '/ SG Starling525 ,/ HS House Sparrow528 TS Tree Sparrow555 l+ CH Chaffrnch533 7 GR Greenfinch535 ,/ GO Goldfinch536 SK Siskin537 5 LI Linnet539 LR Redpoll548 ,/ BF Bullfinch558 11 Y Yellowhammer574 lf RB Reed Bunting557 | CB Corn Bunting

,/ .?f,...Fra$nRRs...:........ .t/ .&9...&o*trt'6..:....

( y f.4.$...{1drtr.$SK/A/......

lichfP - pr...d, 'D clr|r[.r!; D/r( = dcountcd; N - r*coulg bLrt = .b..d rfurila corur$ . ' coud nd coDg.t blo witt pnvidrr !,.rr'.

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BTO Farmland CommonBirds Census

bv: RYif(c / , {U,.

Plot code i5 7 ouseruer BQ,s&irrr S Poc-€Jr-B vtig6o,J Year 2OC( 'qeLo*i

Map reference (6-figure, plot centre) Area * t '58 .z Altitude (median * range (m))

Storage and provision of datat--'l

l. l-l No maps available at He.

l--'l2. l-f Tracings stored at He.

t-t3. t-J Original species maps at He.

l-t4. lJ Checked onto computer file.

1-15. l-l Used in index as year 2.

Distribution of ytrttr (lrtter, date, duration and coverage)


6. LJ Complete habitat map.r-1

7. t-l Cropping plan.t-]

8. l-J Updated map of habitat changes.n

9. l-J Notes on habitat.f-'l

10. t-l photographs.

Total number of species registered No. species holding territoryComplete and pgtial visits l[ {.,,.,,Qk ,; i],$ = 3 e., i"leffrhf Total time (houaun{nrinutes) 23" cto .Plot coverage ancl changes

r-ll-J Observer efficiency apparently lowr-ll-J Effort low (number of visits aad time)r-1l-J tlneven coverage of whole plot (including group

censuses and partial visits)l--rl-l Edge of plot poorly coverednl-l Special problems for one or more species, eg


r--l6. t-J Expedition census

t--'l7. t-J Major habitat change

n8. lJ Boundary change

r-19. l-l Observer change

r-r ',10. LJ

Comments on census quality

C*cz( &", tu)

Clusters drawn

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FMCBC:C.c u-rl{ra-Vs, ie Pcevrxi reft<ion-(rz-<f

ANJVAAL HABITAT SAMI}'TARY FONWL- ne,.c tZi: e F^*^ ta; ;il]d; ^r, on hn3 h

To nrks tbe mst of mapping Conmon Birds Censusoe, naps are required for hsbitit as well ss bifdr. It igvibl therefore thet you s€nd s map of hsbitut or hsbitrt cbango w€f,y yerr, inaddition to completing this fornrs r surnnqty. Pleaso enter below tho nem(s) of tbs p€rson (people) q/to ctrried out tre bird cengls. -

Plass enrter ell major hsbitst t)"€s ueing &G codes overleaf. Ent€r totel erco in hec{eree for erch hlbitatcrlqory or, if field arees are not known, estinrle the approxinate perc€ntege of tb total plot efiEL

PleaEG sumosrise tho main hsbitat changes sire ths end of tho prwious senrus. Pey pcrticular atbntion tochm3cc in ficld bqmdaries, mrch rs hedgee, diSchos end wells. Cross-tEf€r cn&ies here b your bebitrt mry.


2ccFQo<ar R \ttI8c*f +

E 4 I3 Xtrt-te,?-L\'wfuK 2q,1 LA'.LE Lf ro 3 pe-i*r* R<rt{-1 J.3 1k%

E + rc SPe-,da k'\S 661> 5'5 lo%b .k lb jpe;*c BAe.;r 5,? ) l ' l , ,€ .+ 23 3rr- Ar,,:e ( nr,rrcge6r\ ),9 Wol*E '+

.L1 (+ tro d r ur &uy ( = r-si:ce D #*.,,to\ 1,1 4"UE I 2-C Ga*:s c:r,tr {n,L }a,1Y 5-c qeh

B 5 N 6LJ ;o14gtaA^!D Pr-rc'Si,.*e \ ,C Loh


t{o r{err (6<^a6 Sr{ (-€

Cuu<.vrKg} saAL&,( €rt'c,bo ,"{, 2,,e4 +sea,srzrtzr.ciii Yelcs ) voq rE rtrG€) ,3y Gr.,ts -sc._rJ fAre;rf,-{r@..,p./

O cc Pto,.( c- $44+ [,i @w,*) tryna'1*

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Annual habitat summrry fomn for famhnd CBC plots: habitat classification

Please code hsbitat t'es to the guidelinee below. Use of the standard list of codes will ensurp thetsimilar levels of habitat classification are used across all plots. The codes listed below are based on the standardBTO codes already in use for the Nest Record Schemo, bird ringing, tnd other BTO programffi.There are thf boxes in the coding column overleaf. The first is intended for the initial letter of tnu code Qevel,1) an! the others for the numbers at levels 2 end 3 (es defined here).

L€vd 1

A lVmded I23

L€d 2

broad-lcevedconiferourmixed (rt lcee l0%' of cach)

I^eYd 3

I mixcd-ago or scmi-neural .2 coppicc with seoderd, D

3 coppbcwihon rbndrrdr4 maturp phcation (teller than l0 m, clored cenopy)5 yorry plar*rtion (5-10 n, opcn canopy)6 partland (rcrttcrcd treer erd gressy arear)

I bmad-leaved2 conifcrous3 mixd (at lea* 10% of each)

I ungrrzed 3 sheep2 catdc 4 hors€g

B Scrublend (orwoodland I regercrati4gwmdlandlecs rhrF 5 mearrec tef,) (m. yotrag coppice)

5 rcw plantation

C Semi-natural gresstand 5 d"y grasslad& mlrsh 6 water-madodgraziqgmrstl

E Famland I iryroved gracrland2 uniryrovedgrasslad4 tilled laad5 orchard6 other farming

I uagrazed2 cattlc3 rh*ep4 horrcs5 othGtr sock6 bara earlh9 roc croprll oil sced rape12 othcrbrassicar13 aunrmn-sown wheat14 ryri4g-sown wheat

I buildiag2 gardenr3 municipalparks/recreationareag

15 autumn-sown bar{ey16 ryring{own barlcy17 'don't knoqr'wheat18 'don't kmw'barley19 oats10 other cropr20 sut for hay2l cut;61gilege22 sfirbble, cleanZl sOubble, weedy24 unsowr/fallo\l,

F llman sites

G Watubodies

J l\fiscdlrneouE (specig).

2 ruburban3 nrral

3 hke/unlined rpsenoir4 lircd resenoir


C5 dry grasslsnd: inproved grasrlrnd should be classified ar famhnd. El improved grassland: grasr that has been regularly treatedwith fertiliscr and can be distinguisod by itr brigbt solour, lurh growtb and even lenlnr. Include land that has been ti[e.d and r."sccdedwithin thc last 5 yearr (a ley). Eil uimproved gmrsland:

$F that har pot been tneated with fertilisers but is usgally ,,,,zr1or ,oownrcgularly and rnay be rankrnd neglccted. Bl 9 Root cmin: ibludepotaioer. lg Other cropr: i.e. cropr not irrcluded under codos 9-19.12 oher brascicas: includec cabbagir, kale rnd cauliflower. l3'rs Auumn/ryrhg-rcwn sercals can be distinguified in April: ruhrmncereais arc taiicr or

' snls:

Trktt grytn ih"o ryriqg ce.r.eair yiich wiii-il;j* have emerged ard may be at the ringle-leaf rago.

If-you arc tincul of thc time of planti'lg, *"..g{ r: bl'1 fu;' 07 or lE). F;r;;r urualty hrvc awnr Qong bri*lc-like projecrione)wherear 'wheat is usually unawried. eynPd nrf"!f..or.y!o1t gqrruiuy hive r tough, cdry appearancc, contrartiagwith rte roft, droopiagearsofbarlev' 2lsita.get_A*_*iiryrovcdgridhd:c*:{rlierrhrnheyinM;;r;nc.'zzsuruirc,crc'n:fewormwecdrprp,.o,.23 subble,.wcedy: muchl.f

*o" ("rr ?9% y!1y."otr"iry ,1.i q. 2+'Vnnwnt!l!or,: naarragy regenerating weedr ad rolf-sown certlts, ma.y jgry1i1. 3.royn ggp.qover c-nb.


Always ent€r a letter in the fits!{ing box and on€ qlmht,in the second box. If a level 3 code is needed,please put il in thp third box.

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lluh lsirr-


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