Page 1: Welcome to Resource Networking with T-BEB style. That means we turn problems into opportunities and friendships into business. When you join our network
Page 2: Welcome to Resource Networking with T-BEB style. That means we turn problems into opportunities and friendships into business. When you join our network

Welcome to Resource Networking with T-BEB style. That means we turn problems into opportunities and friendships into business. When you join our network it is to do business, improve and enhance your business, your people and you. It’s the combined effort of many people working together to help one person find success.

As a member you will meet other members, exchange business cards, share referrals, make friends, utilize resources, find or create opportunities, make business fun and help others to be successful while they help you in return. It’s all about synergy in the T-BEB Resource Network and we look forward to you helping build that synergy with many of your new friends.

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The Business Enhancement BusinessThe Business Enhancement Business was developed by Scott

L. Taylor, Author of 'The Opportunity In Every Problem', in order to show struggling business people the many opportunities available before them. We strive to accumulate business related opportunities, whether they be products, services, training materials, motivational programmes, partnerships, etc., and we invite any company to promote their B2B opportunity on our website. We also look for special offers targeted to SME's or Larger organizations.

There is great business wisdom in the proverb 'Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth.' When we help someone in business, they like to say thanks; and how better to do that, in business, than to recommend you to others. At the T-BEB Resource Network, we are giving this opportunity to all. By seeking to help others improve, they will help you in return.

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What We’re About

• Networking•Helping other SME’s•Great Specials• Excellent Value• Business Products• Business Services• Training/Education•Tenders• Free Publicity • Business Resources• Advising Each Other• Creating Opportunities• Vote on Companies• Review Products/Services• Business Books • Social Networking• Marketing/Advertising• Special Events• Accounting/Purchasing• Legal Documents/Advice• Travel/Leisure/Gifts•And More

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What We Do That Others Can’t/Don’t/Won’t

Can you imagine the TV stations, Radio stations, Newspaper, Magazines, Conferences, Events, etc., encouraging you to advertise with them and telling you, you don’t have to pay until you receive business?

The T-BEB Resource Network does. Can you imagine telling the major media you

only provide service to companies in Surry so you will only pay for business that comes from that location?

You can with T-BEB.

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Great Specials:There are huge brand names and small companies all giving you the opportunity to save on great products, services and training materials.

There are two purposes to this section:1. To give patrons and

visitors the opportunity to save money on great products and services

2. Offers you a chance to promote yourself even more. When there are hundreds or thousands of companies and offers being promoted, you need to stand out, and this is a great way to do it.

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Business Products & ServicesDesktops Laptops Training

Prog.sForum Motivation

Graphics Accounting Legal Procurement Software

Shipping Insurance Stationary Office Supplies


Office Space Ergonomics Advertising Marketing Sales

Mobile Phones


Advice Speakers Rev. Auction

Books CRM Bar Codes ERP Card Readers

Finance Web Design Email Data Full Data E Marketing

Leisure Items

Gifts Bus. Travel Gadgets Trade Mag.s

Building Sup.s

Classifieds Deal of the Day

First Aid Spec. Events

Conferences Charities CCTV Cameras

Memory Much More

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Excellent Value Minimum 50% Off

The 2011 New Business Marketing Database is being sold by Experian, Yell, Dun & Bradstreet, Thomson, and many other major UK B2B data providers for £30,000 to £80,000 (depending on the amount purchased) in bits and pieces.

At the T-BEB Resource Network, Dreamico is offering that same database of over 3,200,000 companies, in its entirety for only £5,500 (ex VAT)

You can only imagine the other offers already there and those that soon will be.

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Free Publicity/PromotionThere are many opportunities to receive recognition or free promotion on the T-BEB website:

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Target Your MarketDo you only work with companies in Manchester? Do you only work with companies having

£100,000,000 turnover or more?Do you only service Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire?Do you only work with the construction industry?Do you only cater to weddings and corporate

dinners?Do you only sell at special events?Do you only provide online service?Whether you sell to your own backyard or to the world

we have a section where you can let everyone know so you don’t waste time dealing with unqualified leads.

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•In our Special dropdown menu you will find Opportunities as well as a chance to save money, but you’ll also find the Downloads section wherein you will be able upload your white papers, presentations, special images, tenders, news items, examples, etc. Simply direct people to the documentation page where they can get more information regarding your products, services, or training materials.• You will also find several business templates to help you where you need it most.

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Vote: Review:When you vote for a

company, product or service, two things happen:

1. Others get a better idea of what to expect when dealing with that company, product or service.

2. Companies get a better idea of how they are perceived and can make appropriate changes.

When you review a company, product or service, not only do you give a more detailed description of what patrons can expect, you also increase exposure to you and your company.

People begin to recognise you when they’ve seen you 3 times. They begin to trust you when they’ve seen you 6 or more times.

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Professional Speakers/TrainersTony Robbins

Brian Tracy James Caan E. Nightingale

Joe Vitale

Luanne Oakes


Rob Kiyosaki


Wayne Dyer

Zig Zigler David Bach Napoleon Hill

Sylvia Browne

Dale Carnegie

Denis Waitley

M. Williamson

Jim Rohn Jay Abraham Colin Rose

Dr. John Eliot

Les Brown Jack Canfield

Mark VHansen

Ken Blanchard

Ken Wapnick

Larry King Robert Allan Sir JTempleton

Stephen Covey

James Kouzes

Dr. Thompson

Joe Polish MichaelGerber

Diane Sanchez

Dan Sullivan PeterThomson

Kerry Johnson

Guy Finley Jeffrey J. Fox

Barry J. Farber

Roger Dawson

S. L. Parker Mac Anderson

Dan Green

Robert Miles

Steven K. Scott

Gary Null John Abado Bernie Siegel

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Our Aim is to Enhance Your Business and Improve Your Staff.

How do we do it?Top Training

ProgrammesBooks/EducationFree PublicityFree AdviceSocial NetworkingImprovement ProductsHigh Value Savings

Promote OpportunitiesRemind You to Treat

Yourself to Leisure Activities

Give Opportunities to Help Others

Improve Your ImagePromote Your Business

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Find tenders (only viewable to registered members) to bid on or, if you are looking for products or services and would like companies to bid for your business, create your own tender and list it here. Companies typically tender for audits, accounting services, construction projects, office or other equipment, to develop an application, marketing, PR, build a website, etc. Be creative and let companies tender for your business.

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Professional ServicesAccounting/Booking ServicesFinancial Software and Advice

CRM and ERP SoftwareLegal Documents and AdviceHuman Resources Software

Procurement/Purchasing SoftwareIT/Research & Development

Consultancies/Mentor Programs

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Sales/Marketing/AdvertisingGet Data for all your

campaigns whether they are for telemarketing or

e-marketing.Improve your sales staff

with training videos, programmes, DVD’s, motivation, inspiration, how to and many other angles.

Get the software you

need to create quality advertising.

Find venues where you can promote your wares, like conferences, network meetings, tradeshows, special events and more.

Find advertising mediums like TV, Radio, Mags, etc.

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Detailed Profiles

Not only will you get information about a members company and their reason for being a part of this network, you get information about the person, their story, their favourite joys in life. People trust those they know and they do business with those they trust so we want to help you become known and trusted and we make every effort to facilitate this benefit.

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Travel/Leisure/Gifts/Sports/CharitiesIt may seem odd, at first, to see these items on a business resource network, but sometimes we need a reminder of why we got into business in the first place.

Business is a necessary means to the end result of a happy and fulfilled life. Happiness doesn’t come from money or the material ornaments of life; happiness comes from providing worthwhile service for others, enjoying leisure activities with friends and family, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally.

In this sense, business becomes a distraction to our true happiness. That’s why T-BEB tries to find opportunities to fulfil our joy along with our quest for success.

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What To Do NextThe reason the T-BEB Resource Network is priced so much

lower than other associations is that we are primarily funded by merchants who remunerate us for their success in this network. We therefore, encourage everyone to purchase from our merchants. In doing so, we also want to hear about your experience. Therefore we ask that you return to report on that experience by rating companies/product/services and also by writing reviews if possible. To do this you must be a registered member. If you offer products/services to businesses you should also place your ads/banners and description so we can help promote your business too. If you have any problems/concerns with the registration process, please look at our FAQ page or email us at [email protected] . Once you are registered and setup on our system, your Area Manager will contact you to inform you as to available meetings or special events in your area.

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We hope you will join us at