
Welcome to my Snack Attack

Are you a fast food junkie or do you like to eat fruit and veg? Let me show you how eating healthily can be fun and

change your life.

Unhealthy Food

Eating unhealthy foods like sweets, crisps, chocolate and chips is alright occasionally, but not every day. Make sure you eat your

five a day.

You will soon find that you

prefer fruit as a snack rather

than something like that.

Change your eating

habits today!

Healthy alternatives

Rather than eating all of that fatty junk food why not try some nice fresh fruit or vegetables. There are lots to choose from so you will definitely find some you like.

You could even make it more exciting by mixing your fruit up into a lovely smoothie.

Yum Yum!


If you eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise well you will live longer and will be fit, healthy and


Have fun filling in my reality check to see if you are eating enough fruit and veg. If you are not,

you will find exciting new serving suggestions for all different kinds of fruit and veg in my five a day


Go on give it a go!