Page 1: Welcome to Ms. Nash's Page!! · Web viewAmnesia can be from brain damage, shock, repression, stress, and illness. Amnesia is forgetting produced by brain injury or trauma. Amnesia


Encoding failure occurs when we pay less attention to everyday stimuli.

Students are asked to identify the correct penny we use every day.

Encoding failure occurs when we pay less attention to everyday stimuli.

Students are asked to identify the correct penny we use every day.

The correct answer is A… How’d you do?

Page 2: Welcome to Ms. Nash's Page!! · Web viewAmnesia can be from brain damage, shock, repression, stress, and illness. Amnesia is forgetting produced by brain injury or trauma. Amnesia


Not only does encoding fail but also retrieval can fail. Retroactive Interference is the RECENT information that blocks out old information. Getting a new bus number and forgetting old bus number.

Proactive Interference is the PREVIOUS information that blocks out new info. PI-Old interferes with NewRI-New interferes with Old

According to Sigmund Freud, Repression is the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories. Repression can be another retrieval failure.

Page 3: Welcome to Ms. Nash's Page!! · Web viewAmnesia can be from brain damage, shock, repression, stress, and illness. Amnesia is forgetting produced by brain injury or trauma. Amnesia


Storage Decay happens after encoding something well but fall out of the habit of repeating it.

Herman Ebbinghaus is known for his experimentation with non-sense syllables.

Know Ebbinghaus is known for his “Forgetting Curve”

Page 4: Welcome to Ms. Nash's Page!! · Web viewAmnesia can be from brain damage, shock, repression, stress, and illness. Amnesia is forgetting produced by brain injury or trauma. Amnesia


Memory People to Remember:

Sigmund Freud, Elizabeth Loftus, George Miller, Hermann Ebbinghaus

Different types of AmnesiaAmnesia can be from brain damage, shock, repression, stress, and illness. Amnesia is forgetting produced by brain injury or trauma. Retrograde Amnesia refers to problems with recall of information PRIOR to a trauma. Anterograde amnesia refers to problems with recall of information AFTER a trauma. Infantile AmnesiaSource Amnesia

George Miller came up with the magical number of 7 plus or minus 2. Miller also came up with chunking.
