Page 1: Welcome to Lower Elementary Orientation 2015-2016 School Year

Welcome to Lower Elementary Orientation

2015-2016 School Year

Page 2: Welcome to Lower Elementary Orientation 2015-2016 School Year

Lower Elementary Teaching TeamLower Elementary Teaching Team

CR 8 Teacher Guide – Ms. Denise HenryEmail: [email protected]

CR 8 Teacher Guide – Ms. Karen SnyderEmail: [email protected]

CR 11 Teacher Guide – Ms. Rosemary JonesEmail: [email protected]

CR 11 Teacher Guide – Ms. Jill CarsonEmail: [email protected]

CR 11 Teacher Guide – Ms. Becky GodfreyEmail: [email protected]

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Arrival and AttendanceArrival and Attendance We strongly encourage morning playground time for all

students. It is the time for unstructured, imaginative play and connections with peers. Morning playground time starts at 7:30. Students may go into the classroom to do morning jobs or to do individual work starting at 7:30.

If you need to speak to a teacher about anything concerning your child and it cannot wait until you make an appointment, by all means, speak to the teacher. Please keep in mind your child’s teacher needs to attend to the children and uses this time to prepare for your child’s day. We are not able to engage in lengthy discussions at this time. We would love to talk to you during our office hours and welcome you to sign up through the front desk.

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What to Bring/Leave HomeWhat to Bring/Leave Home

Please see the website for the link to the supply list and/or the link

to our supply list on Amazon. (Please be sure to order through

Amazon Smile so DGM gets a percentage of the order.)

Please leave the following at home:

* Backpacks

* Jewelry

* Electronics

* Toys

* Money

* Trading (Pokemon) cards – except on designated days

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◦ 8:00 - 11:00 1st Great Work Period

◦ 11:00 - 11:30 Presentations or Teacher Read-Aloud

◦ 11:30 – 12:30 P. E. / Music

◦ 12:30 – 1:00 Lunch

◦ 1:00 – 1:30 Recess

◦ 1:30 - 2:00 Impressionistic Lessons

◦ 2:00 – 3:00 2nd Great Work Period

◦ 3:00 – 3:15 Afternoon Duties / First Curb

◦ 3:15 – 3:30 Second Curb / Late Day

Daily Routine/ScheduleDaily Routine/Schedule

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Dress for SuccessDress for Success

Please have your child wear tennis shoes everyday.

Children may not participate in P.E. without appropriate


Please label all of your child’s jackets and extra clothing.

All unlabeled and unclaimed items will be donated.

Some students may need a change of clothing available –

please be sure to label all items an place in a ziplock bag.

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Spanish – Group lessons and Spanish immersion during

the school day with our native-speaking team:

Ms. Johana

Ms. Majo

Ms. Becky

P.E. – Ms. Ronda

Suzuki Violin – Ms. Katie

General Music – Ms. Mary Hu

Choir – Ms. Shawn

Specials / Specials / Curriculum EnhancementsCurriculum Enhancements

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Please make sure your child comes to school on time.

Please attempt to make your child’s medical and dental appointments in

the afternoon.

Unless it is your scheduled observation time, please refrain from calling or

visiting the classroom during our Great Work Period – between 8:00 – 11:00


Please schedule teacher appointments with the front desk. If you have a true

emergency, please call the front desk and they will put you through to the teachers.

Your child’s advisee teacher is your gate-keeper for questions and concerns. Please

contact her through Montessori Compass via a message. Our turnaround time for

messages is 24 hours.

Parent PartnershipsParent Partnerships

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Parent Partnerships – Home Parent Partnerships – Home Learning Learning Although we do not send home packets or work sheets, you and your child

do have Home Learning expectations. Please be sure to see the website

link to Home Learning Guidelines for detailed information.

Take your child to the library to support research projects and


Read with and to your child. Have your child read aloud to you.

Support your child with math fact memorization by making math “real” at

home. (measurement/money/time.)

Please ensure your child has chores and responsibilities at home.

Please limit hand-held technology to a bare minimum. The practice of math

facts and light research are appropriate within limits.

Allow time for unstructured/imaginative play.

Remember that nature is the best classroom!

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Home LearningHome Learning Project Based Presentations (Formal, Informal, Science)

◦ Partnership between school and home◦ Trips to library◦ Supplies needed for presentation

Note cards Tri-fold board or other media options Display items (color copies)

Reading Jim Trelease “The Read Aloud Handbook” Reading can be shared and joyful Library Reading levels and interests

Math Facts Different ways to practice - memorization Web sites / games Addition / Subtraction / Multiplication

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Conference 1 Goal Setting (Fall)

Reflecting on the first few weeks

Setting goals for the year

Conference 2 (Winter)

Progress Report

Mid-term discussion

Conference 3 (Spring)

Progress Report

Re-cap and look ahead

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CommunicationCommunication Montessori Compass - please use for all written questions and concerns. 24 hour turnaround


Website – all important forms and documents can be found on the Lower Elementary page of

the DGM website.

Phone Calls (emergency-only during morning class time)

Person-to-Person (emergency-only during morning class time)

Office Hours two Thursdays/month 3:30 -4:30 pm (please check Montessori Compass for dates)

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Website ResourcesWebsite ResourcesOn Lower Elementary Page

◦ Daily Schedule

◦ Parent Responsibilities

◦ Home Learning Guidelines

◦ Supply List / link to Amazon supply list for easy ordering

◦ Parent Orientation Slide Show

◦ Formal Presentation Guidelines

◦ Mercado Guidelines

◦ Sky-Y Trip (3rd year students)

◦ Student Ambassadors (3rd year students)
