Page 1: WELCOME [] · St. Catharines, ON L2W 1B9 Telephone: (905) 687-3372; Fax: (905) 687-8074 We gather here gratefully on the traditional and ancestral territories of the Haudenesaune,

In Christ, With Each Other, To the World

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that

person is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Cor. 5:17)

June 28, 2020

Pastor Woodrow Dixon

Genesis 22: 1 - 14

Jubilee Fellowship aims to be a RESTORATIVE community.

Restorative practice sees conflict as an opportunity for growth.

13 Wilholme Drive, St. Catharines, ON L2W 1B9

Telephone: (905) 687-3372; Fax: (905) 687-8074

We gather here gratefully on the traditional and ancestral territories of the Haudenesaune, Anishnabeg and Six Nations peoples.

Welcome to Jubilee Fellowship Christian Re-

formed Church. This Sunday’s worship service

will be available online. The link will be sent

out on Saturday evening or Sunday morning

by e-blast and on Facebook.

On Sunday Pastor Woody is continuing

preaching on the Old Testament read-

ings from the Lectionary, focusing on the

testing of Abraham as God calls him to

offer Isaac as a sacrifice.

If you would like to talk about the stress of the continuing

weeks and months of physical distancing and its impact on

your personal or family situation, or other personal concerns

and difficulties, please contact Pastor Jack VanderVeer, Pastor

Woodrow Dixon, or one of the pastoral elders and deacons.

Today — Jubilee & World Renew: For over 30 years, farmers

across Canada―including members of the Christian Reformed

Church―have been helping to end global hunger by donating

the proceeds from their crops to World Renew and its partner,

the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Even if you aren’t a farmer, you

too can join them in helping to support sustainable farmers in

Tanzania and Kenya. This Canada Day, World Renew is cele-

brating Canadians who are making a real difference in ending

hunger in other communities around the world. Farmers in Tan-

zania and Kenya will be equipped with the training and tools

they need to achieve food security for their families and commu-

nities. Your donation can be matched up to 3X!

Next week — Jubilee & Careforce International - Cora Hunse:

Careforce International is a Christian humanitarian organization

that reaches out to children affected by hunger, poverty and

despair. Currently working with partners in Kenya, Burkina Faso,

Dominican Republic and in Canada with First Nation’s people,

Careforce International helps children complete their education

and provides vocational training so that youth can find employ-

ment to generate an income that provides a sustainable liveli-

hood for themselves and their families. Through this offering we

support Cora Hunse's work in the Dominican Republic.

Online Giving: Text any amount to 84321 to give. This week

use keywords 'jubilee’ and ’renew’.

Second Offering Causes: To help those who would like to con-

tribute to all the second offering causes once per month during

this time when we cannot give our offerings of Jubilee bucks

each week, the causes for the full month will be listed here every


June 21 — Indigenous Ministries Canada

June 28 — World Renew

July 5 — CareForce Intl—Cora Hunse

July 12 — Raise Up Global Missions



Page 2: WELCOME [] · St. Catharines, ON L2W 1B9 Telephone: (905) 687-3372; Fax: (905) 687-8074 We gather here gratefully on the traditional and ancestral territories of the Haudenesaune,

Is any one of you in trouble? Let them pray. Is any happy? Let them sing songs of

praise. James 5:13



We pray for God's comfort and peace for Judy & Eppo

Eerkes and their family as they mourn the passing of Judy's

father, Sid DeSchiffart, age 89, last Sunday. The funeral

took place on Friday in Brockville. We are sad with them

that the whole family cannot gather together due to border

closings and other Covid-related restrictions.

The Camp SHOUT staff who begin their training week on

Monday. Rebekah Carlsson (director), Gavin Elzinga

(program coordinator) and Zion Hoekstra, Fin Yohannes,

Sami Poulsen, Esther Kok, Jacoba Hoekstra & Gideon

Vernon (counsellors).

Katelynn Folkerts who is recovering from knee surgery

which she had on Thursday.

The new elders and deacons whose installation we

acknowledge in Sunday’s service. We pray for blessings for

Dean Bonsma, Alice Klamer, Alison Bootsma, Doug Carey,

Eppo Eerkes and Marlene Henderson, as you serve those

within the Jubilee family and our wider community.

We are thankful that Marc Stroobosscher's condition

is relatively stable. He and Dora are deeply grateful to the

church family who helped them get through the first diffi-

cult weeks after his heart attack by praying, calling, pre-

paring and bringing a meal, buying and delivering gro-

ceries. Although they are still choosing to self isolate as

much as possible, they are also open to short visits that

can take place outside. Just call before you come.

Kees & Alice Verhoef are celebrating their 45th wedding

anniversary on Sunday. They feel blessed and thank the

Lord for guiding them on this journey.

Congratulations to all our grade school and high school

graduates! It's been a bitter-sweet time to celebrate such

a significant milestone. We rejoice with you in your ac-

complishments, and are sad with you for the ceremonies

and parties that have been delayed or cancelled com-


Kindergarten: Oliver Klamer, Eli Romero

Grade 8: Thomas Brown, Isaiah deKleine, Zekijah

Hoekstra, Noel Huinink, Sebastian Lievano, Alex

Mancini, Rachel Joy Pot, Carter Ste.Croix, Kalan Schat

Grade 12: Renya Beck, Alaynah deKleine, Jenifer Diaz,

Zion Hoekstra, Alexandra Janecek, Christopher

Mushegera, Christian Mushegera, Daniel Nyakabasa,

Kinja Nyakabasa, Joshua Poulsen, Brin Schat.

We salute all the teachers who had to change gears in

March and who finished the year off well with online

learning and connections with students. Enjoy a well

deserved rest!

THIS WEEK AT JUBILEE Hi Jubilee family! We are going to

be making a photo directory of our

church family for everyone to enjoy,

but we need your help to make it

happen! Please send a good quality photo of yourself & your

family to [email protected]. If you could include the

names of your family members from left to right (as featured in

the photo), that would be really helpful. If you do not have a

recent enough photo or a way of taking one, please let me

know and I will see how I can help you! Note that if you want to

re-use the picture taken several years ago at the church, please

let Brin know. If you want to check out that picture, go to—contact-members-pictorial — password


Jubilee Campout: Although this is likely not a surprise, its time

to confirm the 2020 campout has been cancelled. We’ll try

again next year!

From the Treasurer

Do your best, prepare for the worst – then trust

God to bring victory. The Message

As we soldier on in the age of COVID-19 and

physical distancing, following is a list of giving

options available in support of Jubilee and its

ministries and the ministries we support beyond our four walls

and virtual community:

By mail – cheques can be mailed to the church. Please no


By drop-off - envelopes can be dropped off at the church on

Fridays during posted office hours. Arrangements can also

be made for a “pick-up”; please call me at 905-815-7991.

Online – simply click on the following link, https://

Online by text – simply text 84321 with key word “jubilee”

for general fund gifts or “deacon” for benevolence fund gifts.

Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR) – direct withdrawal from

your designated bank account, once per month. Please

email me at [email protected] to set this up.

Ministry causes (the second offering) – please consider the

ministry causes which we have the privilege to support week

to week. Most will have an online giving option available

through their website!

Thank you for your ongoing faithful financial support!

Terry Veldboom, Treasurer

[email protected]

Sunday - Benjamin Schat

Monday - Kevin Henderson

Tuesday - Gavin Elzinga, Adriana Brown

Wednesday - Adam Vanden Dool

Thursday - Carissa Wielhouwer

Saturday - Joann Breimer, Nellie Kamerman (75)

Page 3: WELCOME [] · St. Catharines, ON L2W 1B9 Telephone: (905) 687-3372; Fax: (905) 687-8074 We gather here gratefully on the traditional and ancestral territories of the Haudenesaune,

Abraham & Isaac ~

poetry, music & art

Abraham & Isaac ~ - copyright 1976 by John August Swanson.

Used with permission under the Creative Commons License.

Abraham and Isaac Sonnet – Midifo Yearns

What a journey, what a chore. What a pain and open sore Heavy steps and silent weight; heavy heart in labored rate

Pictures flashing through the mind break the seal to open door To insight of a parent’s wait, the challenge on each parent’s plate

Let go of child, beloved one, surrender precious only son And in the process lead that child to be a man of courage mild

An adult who with race well run can sacrifice and bring the sum Of all that he in heap has piled, dreams both calm and truly wild To give beyond his selfish will and trust the love of parent still

This surely is the message caught within a heart so deeply taught by faith that trusts a greater will, that does not ever wish to kill

but walks each step as he does ought, knowing that the peace he sought

will filter through and find a way to mould our lives and fill life’s cup These men of God have taught us much of parenting and growing up.

Leonard Cohen, “Story of Isaac,” written in 1969, live performance in 1985


Sacrifice of Isaac, facade detail of St. Mark's Basil-

ica, St. Mark's Square, Venice, Italy, UNESCO

World Heritage Site

Sacrifice of Isaac – Madeleine L’Engle O my father, am I really to go with you? And help you with the sacrifice to the Lord? You’ve never taken me before, and I’ve always wanted to go. Why do you weep, Mother? We won’t be long. I’m growing up, now, and it is right that I go with Father. Father, where is the lamb for the sacrifice? Father, what are you doing? Father — Father, how can the Lord want me? I am only a child. How can you worship a Lord who wants your child? Father, there is terrible laughter in the air like thunder. You are not my father. I am afraid of you. I will close my eyes. This rock is hard and cold against my bones. This rock is. . . Father. I heard thunder again. You are untying the ropes which cut my skin. You are laughing and crying, and the ram in the bush is waiting with frightened eyes. He does not understand, either.


Beacon Rewards Vouchers

We hope you will continue using this valuable

Beacon fundraiser throughout the summer. We

have many Beacon Rewards in stock. Orders can

be made and picked up in St. Catharines

through Lucy Visscher - 905-327-0948 (call or

text). Payment can be made via cheque to Bea-

con Christian School or e-transfer

to [email protected]. Minimum order

is $200. Curbside pick up (stay in your vehicle).

You can also order through Yvonne Rauwerda in Vineland: yvon-

[email protected] or 905-324-0202 (call or text).

Non Medical Facial Masks are also available for a donation to

Beacon. Contact Lucy if interested—905-327-0948 (call or text).

Thank you!

Set the Prisoners Free: Christianity and Prison Abolition - (July 7 -

August 13) Set the Prisoners Free: Christianity and Prison Aboli-

tion is an online course with PhD candidate Dean Dettloff that

invites you to imagine together what a world without prisons and

policing might look like, paying close attention to issues made

evident by the recent global protests against racially targeted

police violence and incarceration. Participants will explore

throughout how Christianity both funds the ideology of mass in-

carceration and a spirit of prison and police abolition, asking

what it might mean to proclaim release to the prisoners today.

Also eligible for CSTC credit. For details, email Elizabet Aras at

[email protected] or visit


Niagara Christian Gleaners: We’re delighted to invite you to

enjoy fresh strawberries and ice cream on July 4, 2-4 pm at the

Gleaners in Smithville. We know that many of you (especially the

over age 70 volunteers) are missing the fellowship and joy of

serving so this will be an opportunity to say hi and to experience

the joy of being part of the Gleaners family. Because of Covid

restrictions it will be a simple event where guests can enter the

building, be served a refreshing treat and greet some of the

Gleaners staff and committee members. Since the dinners and

strawberry social had to be cancelled your donation at this event

would be greatly appreciated so that we can continue in the

Lord’s work of feeding the hungry. The need for food is even

greater during these Covid times; the dehydrators are working

around the clock to accommodate the demand for dried foods.

We’ll be sure to follow all guidelines set by the health depart-

ment. Please mark July 4 on your calendars and bring your fami-

lies for a sweet treat!

Prayer and Action - Check out our children’s

programs at In this

week’s episode, “Prayer and Action,” Grand-

pa wants the church school class to learn the

connection between prayer and action, so he

challenges them to go out and find prayer

stories! Listen now at and subscribe to KC’s weekly

emails for future episodes. Download the Kid Corner puzzle and

game giveaway Summer Fun Bible Activity Book. https://
