Page 1: WELCOME [] · PowerPoint Presentation Author: Stynes, Brenda Created Date: 3/15/2019 8:52:17 AM


Page 2: WELCOME [] · PowerPoint Presentation Author: Stynes, Brenda Created Date: 3/15/2019 8:52:17 AM

BIG PICTURE TIMELINETransforming LaSalle Park into the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Centennial Park






C om m u n ity-d rive n vis ion p roc e ss su m m a rize d in th e Community Vision Report.

$50 million gift announced for redesign of

LaSalle Park!

Discovering the Community’s


Community workshops b u ild off th e vis ion b y e xp lorin g c on c e p tu a l

d e s ig n s tog e th e r.

Exploring Design Concepts Together

C on c e p tu a l designs are refined in detail a n d d e s ig n m a te ria ls a re

p re p a re d for c on stru c tion w ith ongoing input from

the community.

Designing the Details

Th rou g h continued public collaboration, p a rk

c on stru c tion w ill s tra te g ic a lly m in im ize d isru p tion s to

e xistin g p a rk u se s .

TransformingLaSalle Park into

Ralph C. Wilson, Jr.Centennial Park

Page 3: WELCOME [] · PowerPoint Presentation Author: Stynes, Brenda Created Date: 3/15/2019 8:52:17 AM

How the Community Workshops work

and how you can be part of the process

Exploring Design Concepts Together


Page 4: WELCOME [] · PowerPoint Presentation Author: Stynes, Brenda Created Date: 3/15/2019 8:52:17 AM

January’s meeting

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February’s meeting

Page 6: WELCOME [] · PowerPoint Presentation Author: Stynes, Brenda Created Date: 3/15/2019 8:52:17 AM

A community-driven process that builds off community feedback every step of the way.

Community Workshops to transform LaSalle Park into Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Centennial Park

Exploring Design Concepts Together


Page 7: WELCOME [] · PowerPoint Presentation Author: Stynes, Brenda Created Date: 3/15/2019 8:52:17 AM

Community Workshops to transform LaSalle Park into Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Centennial Park

Exploring Design Concepts Together

Hear from MVVA about rationale for design choices in the draft model and drawings

View the draft model and drawings

Respond to the model and drawings through written and verbal feedback

Page 8: WELCOME [] · PowerPoint Presentation Author: Stynes, Brenda Created Date: 3/15/2019 8:52:17 AM

A working draft model of the park’s evolving re-design that builds off community feedback to date.

Coming in May!
