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Hi, and thank you for subscribing to my newsletter and downloading this

e-book. First, I want to congratulate you for reading this because by doing so,

you're way up ahead than all the others who keep wasting their money and

time with PTC sites, marketing programs, and other stuff that could "work",

but only after investing a huge amount of time and money and with tiny


Luckily you’re now here. You have no idea how happy I am that you’re

reading this. And what a hell of a difference that will do after you see what’s

stored for you ahead!

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First, my name's David Angelo.

But I know you don't care, and that's fine because I also don't want to

waste both your and my time giving you pages and pages full of shit-cake info

of how "I lost my job" or "how I accidentally stumbled upon the ultimate

money making machine" or showing you photos of my “new car” and play dirty

with your feelings. What I deliver is far more simple and serious than that.

Second, this Golden Bet Group is a very special service that I started

some months ago as a project aimed to help all those people who are

interested in having some extra income online with no work from their part.

So, what you’ll find in this e-book is something you won’t find for free in

other e-books: a thorough explanation of how we’ll make YOU money without

having to download or buy any shit along with "right to the point" arguments

as why you HAVE to take advantage of this new project called "Golden Bet

Group" backed up with a very detailed comparison of why this is even better

than investing in a PTC site. So, unlike other “money-making-programs” we

will explain to you FIRST, how this work, and then you can decide if you want

or don’t want to go for it.

(And even if you’re not interested in making money with my service, at

least you will now know how to avoid being scammed by other programs, etc.

for what you’re about to learn here.)

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The Golden Bet Group is based in making money in a way that you’ve

probably heard before and/or may cause you to be so skeptical that you may

immediately relate this service with a scam:


You may think now: "What? Sports Betting!? Sounds like SCAM to me!"

Don't worry. Unlike other lame scammers I HAVE RECORDED PROOF –

yes, RECORDED PROOF! showing how this last month of December 2010 we

made a profit of nearly 70% with Greg Thompson's NBA Betting System (don't

even try to google for his systems, I assure you that you won't find them

anywhere). They are not tiny and shitty snapshots, they are VIDEOS showing

how we bet and make an initial bankroll of $400 into $678 (a +50% interest in

one month!).

Make sure to watch them thoroughly!

NBA Betting System Video part 1:

NBA Betting System Video part 2:

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NBA Betting System Video part 3:

NBA Betting System Video part 4:

NBA Betting System Video part 5:

And also, another footage where I recorded this past NFL Season of 2010:

NFL Betting System Video part 1:

NFL Betting System Video part 2:

What we use in that footage is a very unique NBA, MLB and NFL (and

soon NHL too) Betting System mixed with a top-notch money management,

which were developed some years ago by Greg Thompson, and who by the

way, approved and supported the idea of creating this group so that more

people with low capital can have a chance to make a very good amount of

money online. Thanks to his wonderful Sports Betting Systems this project

wouldn’t have been possible.

Almost incredible don't you think? Because there’s FINALLY a real

effortless way to make some serious money online, and by effortless I really

mean it! because Mr. Thompson and I will make all the "work" for you!

~ 5 ~


Sports Betting is possibly one of the most profitable services in the whole

internet, even for those who pay for a Sports-Analyst Expert’s (aka.

Handicapper) service since it’s the most simple thing you could ever do due to

its numerous advantages:

1) You don’t need any programming skills.

2) You don’t need any marketing skills.

3) You don’t need a product.

4) You don’t need to host and advertize a website.

5) The profits are way bigger than having 5 or 10 affiliate pages.

6) Requires ZERO experience in sports.

Of course all those advantages are only possible if you’re a Handicapper or if

you’re paying for some Handicapper’s picks.

But it also comes with its biggest downside:

1) You need a LOT of money, something like $3000, in order to take full

advantage of most Handicapper's services, since they charge roughly

$300-$600 PER MONTH for their picks.

2) And the worst part is that only 1 of every 10 Handicappers is 100%

honest while the other are just scammers that can make you lose huge

amounts of money like the infamous John Morrison.

So, unfortunately this is a money making opportunity only available to

those with huge capital to invest. That’s why it is barely exploited. But that’s

why I created this group for those who can’t manage to pay for such a

wonderful service!

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This group specially focused at those who:

1) Have a very low capital to invest and are willing to risk (something

between $50 - $200).

2) Want to make some huge income online, but lack the knowledge or how


3) Lack the motivation due to the overwhelming competition when it

comes to finding referrals for your PTC sites, or clients for your affiliate


4) Have the PATIENCE to let their money slowly grow in a long term plan

until they finally start making at least $300 per month. And that’s

possible even with a low investment of only $100!

If that’s you, then you have come to the BEST PLACE YOU COULD BE RIGHT

NOW, why? Because again, this is a special service created just for low-capital

investors like you who want to make a realistic and yet achievable income each

month. Even if your goal is to make $300 a month it is perfectly achievable.

You already know “how”, but now we will see how this works in a more

detailed way.

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It depends on how much time you leave your money invested. In this

group the longer you leave your money invested, the greater the profits.

If you saw the complete +60 mins of the videos, you saw that we made a

profit of nearly 70% in a single month (and without counting how much we

made with the NFL system). However there are also bad months where we

only made a tiny profit of 5-10%, so I’ll explain how this process work with a

monthly profit of 30% AND a comparison of what happens if you invest $400

with us and $400 in a PTC site.

Let me take Neobux. While Neobux is a GREAT site where you can

invest your money and have a certainty that your money will grow, the

downside is that it can be very tedious and you have to keep track of your

referrals as well as a good money management plan. Another huge

disadvantage of the PTC sites, is that you need a huge capital to get the best of

them (at least $2000 to begin with, in the case of Neobux).

With my service the main advantage you have is that you don't have to

do a single thing: no calculations, no money management, no referring, no

time-consuming plans, and specially you don't have to invest an enormous

amount of money, with a minimum of $100 you can still get A LOT of benefits

in long term.

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The other (HUGE) advantage that the Golden Bet Group has over ANY

other PTC site is what you’ll see next. If you were to to invest $530 in Neobux

and $400 in Golden Bet Group, here's how it would turn out:

$90 - Goes to pay for a Golden Membership in order to maximize your profit.

You'll have $440 left to easily buy 2000 referrals. BUT in order to achieve that

quantity of refs, you need at least 140 days so that you can buy all your

referrals in a weekly basis in packages of 100 which is the maximum package

available. That's almost 5 months where you are slowly investing your money.

After everything's set, now let's say you have “the ideal conditions” where you

have an average of 1.0 and where you don't need to recycle. So, your 2,00 refs

generate $20 per day, which is $1800 in 3 months. But that is only possible if

you renewed your refs at 90 days to get a 20% discount, so you spend [2000 x

0.27 x 3 x 0.8] = $1296. Now 1800 - 1296 = $504 that was made for those 3

months. So in 8 months you only got all your investment back and only had a

profit of $4. And that’s ONLY if you have those ideal conditions, when the

truth is that it’s impossible to have an avg of 1.0 without recycling. And you

can ask that to ANY veteran Neobuxer if you don’t belive this.

Now, what would happen if you invest $400 in GBG instead for the same

period of 6 months? This is how it would turn out:

Like I said, the percentage of profit can vary from month to month, but

the overall is 30%, so we will part from that.

So, in your 1st month your $400 turned into $520.

Then the 30% of those $520 would be $156 extra for the 2nd month ($676).

Then in the 3rd month your $676 turned into $878.

After the 4th month you made another 30% and end up with $1142.

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At the 5th month, now you have $1485. And finally at the 6th you have $1930.

So if from those $1930, you deduce the initial investment of $400 you end up

with $1530. However, since it is Mr. Thompson’s systems that we’re using and

since they are copyrighted, a fee of 20% of your initial investment multiplied by

the number of months you left your money invested will be deducted to pay

for his wonderful systems and his support. In this case that would be $400 x

0.20 x 6 = $480, so we end up with a Profit of $1050. Finally, what we do is

share the winnings in a ratio of 80/20, meaning that from those winnings 80%

will be yours to keep and the other 20% for the Golden Bet Group to keep as a

fee, meaning that after only 6 months, YOU MADE A PROFIT OF $840! THAT’S


And this is only the beginning. What would happen if you were to invest

those $400 for a whole year like most of our clients have been choosing? First

of all, the sharing ratio is higher, changing from 80/20 to 90/10 for investing in

a period longer than 9 months!

So, continuing with this case, at the end of the year, your $400 are

expected to become $3000. And if we part from that parameter, in a single

month you could finally EASILY AND EFFORTLESSLY make $500 - $700 PER


As you can see by yourself, a monthly profit of 30% is VERY ACHIEVABLE

with Mr. Thompson’s Systems, meaning that the results shown here could be a

lot more than what they really are! Besides, you can download the calculator

and receive a fully detailed report of how your money can grow.

~ 10 ~

Still sounds too good to be true despite the obvious proof? Don’t

worry, it’s understandable, so all you have to do is just sit and wait for the

results given at my newsletter you just subscribed. In a monthly basis we’ll be

sending a report of how we do at the end of each month along with more

recorded videos of how we bet and how much each investor made in order to

keep things as transparent as possible, and there you can see how the others

are doing with this service, so you can finally convince yourself and jump into

this bandwagon called Financial Freedom.

And the best part is that you don’t have to do ANYTHING, but invest with us.

(Let me be clear again. I'm not saying that Neobux doesn't work. This is only

for comparison reasons and show you just how great Golden Bet Group’s

service is (and how GODLY are Mr. Thompson's Sports Betting Systems!).

Neobux gives an excellent service as well and the admin is one of the most

trustful and caring individuals ever, so investing there is the best choice if

you’re looking for a trusted and instant-paying PTC site, since I've tried

Neobux's service and it works well and great. But you need A LOT of time and

capital to make some decent amount of profit. If you want to know more

about Neobux and some free tips you can check my Other Money Making

Services section.)


Well yes and no. This is a completely FREE SERVICE, however you may

have probably realized by now that you will need to invest a minimum of $100

for a period of at least a month (but remember, the more time you invest, the

more you can win).

~ 11 ~

In order to take full advantage of this service you need money. Yes, you

need it, because there’s a GOLDEN RULE when it comes to making money

online as well as offline and is one of the most basic rules that EVERY

entrepreneur knows, and that many other lowly bastards try to make you think

otherwise so that you buy their shitty “money-making products”:


That's the sad truth that I've discovered after years of trying to making

money online!

So please, stop fooling yourself and letting yourself be fooled by other

morons who assure you that with a couple of clicks and a couple of referrals

along with some magic code you can make $100 a day in a month time, ‘cause

guess what: without money, making $100 a day with PTC-sites can take

YEARS!!! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE to make a realistic amount of money online in a

reasonable time if you don't invest at least a little! So, if you're one of those

“blind belivers” that think that having accounts in 10 different PTC sites will get

you somewhere, think again, and ASK in Neobux's forums how unviable, slow

and tiring is such pseudo-strategy.

In fact, even the most successful and known Neobuxers (Regen666, sho,

vitor, etc.) who makes $500-2600 per month, achieved that goal but only

because they invested A LOT MONEY! And they have admitted that numerous

times. So from now on, try to make this golden rule as your own: YOU NEED


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Now, my apologies for all that ranting, but that is something you HAVE

TO KNOW now before you waste more time in naive goals following someone

else’s delusional strategy.


A minimum of only $100 is accepted or a maximum of $1000.

But I don’t have any cash!

Well, it's not that hard to collect that sum. Seriously, $100 is not that

much. And again, compared to a ponzi, PTC, MLM, Forced Matrix, etc. this

service can give you a WORLD OF PROFITS in a LESS time than all the other

services combined.

If you want to know more details of this service, just go to: where every single

detail of how this service works is thoroughly explained.

Take your time, read EVERYTHING, if you have a question write us at

[email protected] and we’ll gladly answer it no matter how dumb or

complicated it may be, because I don’t want you to take any more blind

decisions. Ever.

So think about, and take this opportunity so you don’t lose another

month of potential profits!

~ 13 ~

BTW, If you have the capital and want to make the bets yourself with a

good sports betting system, you can buy Mr. Thompson's e-book for $200,

there’s a link at the bottom of the website given above. In his e-book you

will get the full details on how to bet and also the author's personal toll free

#800 number as well. However keep in mind that the e-book is for NFL ONLY,

and unfortunately he doesn't sell his NBA, MLB or NHL Betting Systems in

order to protect them from being abused by scammers.

For now this is it, you know where to contact me. You HAVE to take

advantage of this opportunity!

I wish you good luck and happy earnings! May this 2011 be the BEST in

your financial life.


David from the Golden Bet Group.
