
Kariong Mountains High School Information Booklet 2012


Welcome from the Principal Welcome to Kariong Mountains High School – established 2010 and situated in the Mt Penang Parklands. Our purpose is to challenge students to reach their full potential, having the skills necessary to be respected and successful citizens in an ever changing society. We are committed to providing a quality education for your child and answering any questions you have regarding the school or your child’s education.

The school has a specialised focus in the biosciences/technology area and is forming close links with industry and tertiary institutions to make us an exemplar in this area. All students sample units in the focus areas during their Stage 4 studies and then have opportunities to undertake VET courses and link with the University of Newcastle in later years. As well, all students have access to the full range of specialist facilities, a comprehensive sports program and co-curricular activities that will expand as the school grows. We offer a broad range of innovative programs that cater for individual learning styles to ensure that each child has the opportunity to be a successful learner. We believe that students who are provided with a stimulating learning environment, focused on their needs, are more likely to be successful. Therefore, we also provide opportunities for students to take part in enrichment activities and state wide competitions. We are a welcoming and friendly school, working in close partnership with parents and the wider community. Parents are encouraged to be active participants in school activities and to have valued input into their child’s education. I am a passionate advocate of public education and in particular Kariong Mountains High School. Our school strives to be one that values diversity, recognises and celebrates our Aboriginal heritage and prepares students for taking on the challenges of living in twenty-first century Australia. Effective welfare and learning support programs have been and will continue to be reviewed to ensure that students feel safe, are respected and respect the rights of others, thus creating a learning environment that encourages students to strive for excellence. The Kariong Mountains Community have waited a long time and worked hard to have this school built. Our challenge is to make this a school of which we continue to be proud and for which the community works in unity to produce future citizens who think critically, have compassion for others and can take on the challenges that will lead to a better society.

Anne Vine BScDipEd MSc MEd MACEL Principal

Kariong Mountains High School Information Booklet 2012



Mt Penang Parklands Kariong NSW 2250

Anne Vine – Principal Gus Vrolyk – Deputy Principal

Telephone: 0243 400 246 Office hours 8.15am-3.30pm Facsimile: 0243 400 259 Email: [email protected] Web:

School Education Director

Dr David Cullen

Level 3 40 Mann St

Gosford NSW 2250 Phone: 02 43489100

Kariong Mountains High School Information Booklet 2012


Kariong Mountains High School Staff Head Teachers James Cartner Lidia Jeffrey Jai Lester Jacqueline Matthew Kerry Smith Teaching Staff

Don Brooker Gemma Burrows Beau Crum Sara Cutting Julie Dawson Margaret Henderson

Peter Furey Paul Knowles Sandra McKay Ross McKinnon Monica Pallas Nick Pettit

Michael Riley Melanie Rose Toshiko Tamplin Kirstyn Taylor David von Kotze Peta Werlemann

Counsellor Genevieve Chivers School Counsellor Year Advisers Beau Crum Year 7 [email protected] Monica Pallas Year 8 [email protected] David von Kotze Years 9 [email protected] Peta Werlemann Years 10 [email protected] Administration Jacqueline Ayres School Administrative Manager Michelle Bennett School Administrative Officer Rachel Hawkins School Administrative Officer Richard Hughes General Assistant Lyn Jentsch School Administrative Officer Julie Kellner School Administrative Officer Vicki Roper School Administrative Officer Site Manager Michael Hatch Parents & Citizens Committee (P & C) Meetings held every 2nd Monday of the month from 7.00pm in C Block at Kariong Mountains High School. Please note some meetings will be scheduled in the Mountains Schools. President: Anthony Lumby

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Absences If your child is absent from school for any period of time, you must write a note to the class teacher on the child’s return to school, stating the days and dates your child was absent and the reason for the absence. Please print your child’s full name and WRAD class on this letter. If you know your child will be absent from school for more than three days, please telephone the school office and a message will be given to the class teachers. Appointments with the Principal If you would like to see the Principal, please contact the school office to make an appointment. Please inform the office staff if you need to see the Principal urgently. If you are visiting the school and would like to see the Principal, please ask at the office as the door is always open unless there are prior scheduled meetings. Appointments with Teachers If you would like to make an appointment to see your child’s teacher, please phone the school office to make an appointment and the teacher will contact you to arrange a suitable time. Arrival at School No children should be on the school grounds before 8.15 a.m. No supervision is available before this time and only minimal supervision is available until the start of school. Students are expected to arrive on time for the commencement of school. If your child arrives late for school, he/she must bring a note from home explaining the reason for their late arrival. Assemblies Special assemblies are held in the school hall for scheduled special occasions. All parents and carers are invited to attend. Special times will be advertised in the newsletter. Weekly assemblies are held each week to inform students of news updates, remind students of the values being focussed upon during the week and to present awards. Assessment Student assessment is a continual process undertaken by the class teacher, involving observations of class work, analysis of work samples and assignments and standardised testing. Assessment data from these sources are presented in student portfolios and reports, and inform parent-teacher interviews. As well as continual assessments, Stages 5 and 6 students will have designated assessment tasks that are based on outcomes to be assessed for the School Certificate, Preliminary Higher School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate. The following standardised testing occurs for all students: Years 7&9: NAPLAN Year 8: ESSA Year 10: School Certificate Year 12: Higher School Certificate

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Attendance Your child must attend school every day during the school year. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly and to provide a written explanation for any absence. Recognition is given to students with good attendance. An attendance monitoring program is in place for students whose absences are causing concern. Kariong Mountains High School students are required to sign in each morning using our finger scanning system; students select option (a) and then scan the appropriate finger in order to complete the sign in process. This initiative also enables the student to sign out by selecting option (b) when leaving prior to the end of the school day. We ask that students sign in immediately upon their arrival at school in order to ensure that they are recorded as present and on time. Hours of attendance: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Years 7-12: 8.45am-3.15pm Wednesday Years 7-12: 8.45am-2.45pm Australasian Schools Competitions The school participates in the Australasian Schools Competitions administered by the University of NSW each year. Competitions are held in computer skills, mathematics, science, English and writing, and are available to students in Years 7 to 12. Parents are advised of the competition dates and fees, and to enter, a permission note must be completed and returned with payment to the school. Bikes, Scooters and Skateboards Students must obey the road rules when riding their bikes to and from school. Bikes must be secured on the bike racks for the whole of the school day. Students riding their bikes, scooters or skateboards in the school grounds will have them confiscated. No responsibility can be taken for stolen or damaged bikes, scooters or skateboards, but the school will call the police if theft occurs. Book Week The school participates in Book Week celebrations in Term Three and during this week there are activities designed to reflect the Book Week theme. Bus/Rail Passes Applications for Government bus and rail passes can be obtained from the school office and completed forms can be returned to the office. After processing, the pass will be given to your child.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Camps Camps are held throughout the year to provide students with experiences of teamwork, social and living skills development and an opportunity to begin to develop rapport with their teachers and fellow students. Some subjects in Stage 5 require attendance on a mandatory field trip. Students will be informed by their class teacher if it applies to their studies. Canteen The school canteen operates at morning and afternoon breaks. The school operates under the Healthy Canteen Directive. Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds to buy lunch. Car Park Use The school car park may only be used by staff of, and visitors to, the school. Students may NOT be dropped off in the car park. Please bring your children to the front entrance of the school. Parents are reminded of the road rules associated with school zones. Complaints Procedures A complaint can be lodged by any person who is a user or potential user of the Department of Education and Communities (DEC) services. This includes parents, carers, students, employers or community members. The complaint can be about any aspect of the service provided or not provided, the behaviour or decisions of staff or about policies and procedures. Members of the executive staff can advise complainants. The complaint can be made orally or in writing, and a form is available from the school office to make a written complaint. All complaints will be treated seriously and managed as quickly as possible. Further information can be obtained from the DEC website: Composite High Achievers Class A composite Years 7 & 8 class for high achieving students will run from 2012. Entry into the class will be based on assessment data. This is a class for gifted and talented students who are able to work in both individual and teamwork situations. Students will undertake a program of study designed to challenge their thinking and extend their capacity for learning.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Contact Information It is necessary for parents to provide their contact details to the school office. If your child is ill, an emergency arises, or there is an educational concern, it is vital that parents, or the emergency contact person, can be located. Copies of court orders related to your child’s custody or access arrangements must also be provided to the school. All information provided is strictly confidential. Parents are responsible for updating their contact information. Please notify the school, in writing, immediately if any of the following details change:

home address home phone number work phone number mobile phone number custody or access arrangements – copies of court orders must also be provided child’s medical status emergency contact person

Counsellor A school counsellor, who is a psychologist employed by the NSW Department of Education and Communities, is available to provide confidential assistance to students with learning, social, psychological and emotional difficulties. Referrals to the counsellor may be made by teachers or the Principal. Students can self refer without parental permission being required. Parental contact with the counsellor can be made by phoning the school office on 43 400246. Curriculum Students in Years 7-10 study subjects as determined by the NSW Board of Studies and include the following mandatory subjects: School Certificate

English Mathematics Science Human Society and its Environment PDHPE Technology Music Visual Arts 100 hours Language other than English Technology Mandatory

Higher School Certificate Students study a mandated number of units. English is the only compulsory subject. A student’s subject pattern may include a combination of Board Developed Courses, Industry Curriculum Frameworks, Vocational & Educational Studies and School Based Traineeships.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


At Kariong Mountains High School students also have the opportunity to study bioscience and technology electives.

In addition to the Key Learning Areas, students are also prepared for life outside of school and focus on areas such as: Anti-racism education Drug education Career education Multicultural education Sport Leadership Aboriginal education Traineeships Parents can access information about the curriculum from the following web sites: Discrimination Discrimination of any kind is not tolerated at Kariong Mountains High School and action will be taken against students engaging in discriminatory behaviour. The process for complaints resolution is detailed in the anti-discrimination policy. Education Week Education Week is designated by the NSW Department of Education and Communities. It is an opportunity to celebrate public education and to increase awareness of educational practices and issues in NSW public schools. Kariong Mountains High School celebrates this with an open day. Families are invited to the school to view their child’s classrooms, displays and performances. Electronic Devices Mobile phones, iPods and any other electronic gadgets are discouraged at school. If your child brings such devices to school then they must agree to the Personal Electronic Devices Code of Conduct. It is Department policy that all students who bring their phones to school have the number recorded on a school register. If parents need to contact their child during school times they should ring the front office rather than interrupt their child’s learning. Parents should ensure that any variations to school routine go through the front office and not be organised over the phone, just between parent and child. Emergency Evacuation The school has an emergency evacuation policy and practice evacuations take place periodically. Designated staff members are responsible for this process.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Enrolments Children residing in the local area, as determined by the NSW Department of Education and Communities boundaries, are given priority of enrolment. Non-local residents may also apply for enrolment if vacancies exist. On enrolment, you will be required to provide documents identifying the child’s name, age, residential address, immunisation status and complete an enrolment form. As per the enrolment policy, priority is given to:

children residing in the local area siblings children out of area with a relevant reason for enrolment at KMHS.

Environmental Education The school participates in an environmental program, encompassing recycling, water conservation and energy management. Excursions Excursions are undertaken each year by different classes. They provide educational opportunities that complement classroom learning. Parents will be notified of any excursion planned for their child’s class and they are required to give permission for their child’s attendance by completing and signing the permission note. The permission note and payment for the excursion should be returned to the front office, in an envelope labelled with the child’s name, WRAD class, amount enclosed and excursion details. If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact the Principal to confidentially discuss the matter. Staff supervising excursions are required to be trained in emergency procedures. Fees General School Contributions The general school contributions for 2012 are as follows: Stage 4 & 5 Years 7 – 10 $30.00 per child $75.00 three or more children Subject Contribution Fees Please refer to the attached schedule for fees relating to each year group. Textbook Hire $20.00 per student which will be refunded at the end of Year 12.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Pay your fees in full An exciting opportunity to win back $100.00 of your fees! If you pay your fees in full prior to the end of the term you will automatically be in the draw. Therefore, when you pay your fees in full before the end of Term 1 you will be eligible for entry in all four draws. Fees can be paid by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or by direct payment to our school account. If you are paying by cheque, please make your cheque payable to Kariong Mountains High School. Our bank account details for direct payment are: BSB: 032001 Account Number: 168493 Note: Certain subjects incur fees associated with covering the costs of the material used. Where fees are not paid, any products made may remain the property of the school. Fundraising Fundraising is an important role of the P&C. The money raised is used for the purchase of educational resources and school improvements. Parents can be involved by organising fundraising activities, joining the fundraising subcommittee of the P&C or attending P&C meetings to discuss fundraising options. The P&C meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7.00p.m, C block unless otherwise advised. Gifted and Talented Programs The Gifted and Talented Policy has been formulated to allow staff, students and parents to identify gifted and talented students and provide a range of measures to support their learning needs. A range of enrichment and extension programs are in place to support learning and build confidence in doing one’s best. Homework For students at Kariong Mountains High School, homework is scheduled by your child’s class teachers to help consolidate classroom work, provide practice opportunities and develop study skills. Homework is not meant to be a stressful time for the student or family. If your child is experiencing difficulties with homework, please notify the class teacher. Immunisation When enrolling your child at school, you will be required to provide an immunisation certificate, outlining the vaccinations your child has received. The Public Health Act (1992) stipulates that children without a certificate can be sent home if an outbreak occurs of a vaccine-preventable disease. Please see the appendix section for the NSW Department of Health Guidelines on Isolation of Infectious Diseases. Information about vaccinations will be sent to parents prior to the scheduled dates for your child. Information to Families Information to families is sent to both parents unless a Family Court Order is provided to the school stating otherwise.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Injuries and Sickness at School When children are injured or become sick at school, they are taken to the sick bay, first aid is administered if required, and they are monitored by the administrative staff. Parents are contacted by telephone and notified of their child’s condition for all but the most minor injuries. It is essential that the school has your current contact details. Please ensure your contact details are updated as necessary. An ambulance will be called if the school is concerned about the health of a child and the parents cannot be contacted or are unable to come to the school in a reasonable timeframe. Language Other than English (LOTE) Students in Years 7 and 8 will undertake their mandatory 100 hours of a Language other than English will study Japanese. Students wishing to study language in later years may apply to the Open High School. Leadership Skill Development Leadership skill development is essential for success in life outside of school. These skills are developed through student participation in leadership activities and curriculum, peer support training, participation in the Student Representative Council and representing students on school activities. Learning Support Teacher observation and assessment identifies those students for whom learning support is required. The school has the following specialist teachers who provide this support:

Support Teacher Learning Assistance School Counsellor.

You will be contacted by the school if your child requires learning support. Leaving School Early Students cannot leave the school early unless there are compelling and unavoidable reasons and have the permission of their parents. If your child needs to leave school early, a note must be given to the front office on the day stating the time of departure and the name of the adult collecting the student. If the student has permission to walk home alone then this must be clearly stated on the note. Library The school has a library with both print and electronic resources. Introductory classes are conducted for all students by the Teacher Librarian. These classes enable the students to develop literacy and research skills. Students are also encouraged to borrow from the book collection. At the end of each term a statement outlining any overdue books is sent home. Lost, damaged or unreturned books will incur a fee. Lost Property Please label all articles of clothing and property brought to school by your child. If your child loses clothing or other property, please check the lost property. School clothing not labelled and unclaimed by the end of term is put into a uniform pool. Enquiries about lost property can be made at the office.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Medical Insurance Parents please note there is no personal injury cover provided by the NSW Department of Education and Communities to students in relation to school sporting activities, physical education lessons or any other school activity. Parents and caregivers are advised to assess the level and extent of their child’s involvement in the sport program offered by the school and state school sport associations when deciding whether additional insurance cover, above that provided by Medicare, is required. Personal accident insurance cover is available through normal retail insurance outlets. The NSW Government provides limited cover for serious injury resulting in the permanent loss of a prescribed faculty or the use of some prescribed part of the body. Further information can be obtained from Medications If your child requires administration of medication during school hours, you must request this in writing, stating the child’s name, the medication to be dispensed, the dosage of medication and times of administration. All medication brought to school for administration must be labelled with the child’s name and given to the school office staff. If your child requires regular medication administration, please notify the Principal, in writing, outlining the medical condition and medication requirements. Meet the Teacher Evening During first term, parents and families are invited to meet their child’s teachers and to view classroom work and displays. This is an opportunity for parents to get a general overview of the class programs. It is not a parent-teacher interview. Money Collection Any money sent to school for payment of excursions, competitions etc must be placed in a sealed envelope, labelled with your child’s name, WRAD class, amount and reason for payment, and submitted to the front office by the end of the first break. Please use separate envelopes for each child in your family. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to Kariong Mountains High School. Newsletter Our school newsletter is posted to our website and emailed to parents/carers each Thursday. The newsletter contains information from the Principal, notice of school events, achievements and reports from students. Items to be included in the newsletter must reach the school office by Monday at 4pm. A formal newsletter is produced twice per term in hard copy and sent out to our families in Weeks 2/3 and Week 9 of each term.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Parent Involvement at School Parent partnerships are considered vital to creating a successful learning environment for students. Parents can be involved in their child’s school in any of the following ways:

- Membership of school committees - Giving feedback to staff – directly or through surveys - Meeting with the Principal to discuss areas of concern/importance - Donations of resources or equipment - Attendance at P&C meetings - Fundraising - Attendance at school assemblies - Meet the teacher evenings - Parent-teacher-student interviews - School improvement and working bees - Attendance at social functions.

Parent Portal Parents are able to access information about their child’s progress by subscribing to the parent portal located within the school website. Information about attendance, referrals, assignments, marks and reports is available. Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews Interviews are held with parents, the student and teacher in Term Two, after the half yearly reports are issued. The interviews provide the opportunity for the parents and child to discuss the information in the report and any concerns there may be. Interviews are approximately of ten minutes duration. Parents are notified of the appointment times and are asked to indicate their availability. The student report and portfolio should be brought with you to the interview. If you would like to make an appointment with your child’s teacher at any other time, please phone the school office. The teacher will then contact you to arrange a suitable time. Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) The P&C is the parent body of the school and meetings provide the forum for parental comment regarding school policies and activities. Fundraising is a major aim of the P&C. This supports the resourcing of educational programs, school maintenance and improvements. Meetings are held in C block at Kariong Mountains High School on the 2nd Monday of each month, at 7.00p.m. All parents, carers and interested community members are invited to attend these meetings. Executive officers are elected yearly at the Annual General Meeting. The meeting is chaired by the President and minutes are kept by the Secretary and distributed via the school website. Photo I.D. Cards All students receive a photo I.D. card as part of the school photography package. Students who are absent on photography day, or students new to the school after this date will be charged $5 to receive a photo I.D. The I.D. card is required for library borrowing, textbook hire and can be used as a form of identification in the community. NOTE: Replacement photo I.Ds incur a charge of $5.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Playground Supervision Minimal supervision occurs in the morning from 8.15 a.m. Students should not be in the playground before this time. Playground supervision is provided by staff during morning and afternoon breaks. Teachers supervise students boarding the school buses after school. Students cannot remain in the school playground after their bus has left unless they are attending a scheduled event. Reports Student reports are issued twice a year, mid-year and at the end of the school year. The reports contain information about your child’s academic progress based on a number of assessment techniques. Parent-teacher-student interviews are held after the issuing of the mid-year report, providing an opportunity for discussion and feedback. Please bring your child’s report with you to this interview. Safety Awareness Safety of the students is the responsibility of teachers and parents. The following is a list of the safety issues of which all students at Kariong Mountains High School must be aware:

start and finish times of the school and the procedures for late arrivals and early leavers appropriate sun protection and procedure for those without a hat healthy food and drinks at school road safety - pedestrians and parents parking near the school safely crossing roads to and from school safe bus boarding and appropriate conduct whilst travelling on buses to and from school familiarity with, and adherence to, all school rules.

School Development Days Every public school in N.S.W. has five days allocated for school development, on the first day of Terms I, 2 and 3 and the last two days of Term 4. They provide the staff with the opportunity for professional development and exploration of curriculum and policy issues. On these days, students do not attend school. The school hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday Start of Day Start of Day 8.45am 8.45am 1st Break 1st Break 11.15 – 11.45am 11.15 – 11.45am 2nd Break 2nd Break 1.45 – 2.15pm 1.15-1.45pm End of Day End of Day 3.15pm 2.45pm School Security Entry to a public school is not a right. School grounds are inclosed lands and are not public property. All visitors must report to the school office and sign the visitors’ book. Any entry outside of school hours must have the direct permission of the Principal. If you are aware of any illegal entry to the school or incidents of vandalism, please contact the police immediately.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


School Terms For information regarding school terms and vacation dates, please refer to the appendix at the rear of the handbook. Scripture Scripture classes are held at scheduled times throughout the year as negotiated between the school and religious groups. Students will attend general scripture seminars unless parents indicate otherwise. Students not attending scripture will be supervised, but regular lessons will be suspended. Skateboards / Scooters Skateboards and scooters must be placed in the designated area for the whole of the school day. If a student is in possession of a skateboard/scooter in the school grounds it will be confiscated. Sport Sport is highly valued at Kariong Mountains High School and a varied program is offered to the students each term, for example: swimming, basketball and soccer. Transport to venues is an additional cost for students. Sport Carnivals These are mandatory school days and all students must attend. A note from parents indicating reasons for non-attendance must be presented or else an unjustified attendance will be recorded against the student’s name. Reasons must be legitimate or the Principal has the authority to call the reason unjustified even if parent condoned. (i) Swimming Early in Term One, all students participate in the school swimming carnival. Transport to the carnival is by bus and students are accompanied by teachers. Families are welcome to attend the carnival. Successful students represent the school at the district swimming carnival and further success may lead to representation at regional and state level. (ii) Athletics The school athletics carnival is held in Term Two. The carnival comprises of track and field events. All students of the school participate in the carnival and families are welcome to attend. Successful students represent the school at the district athletics carnival and further success may lead to representation at regional and state level. (iii) Cross Country Our school also undertakes a cross country event and successful competitors may qualify as district, regional and/or state representatives. (iv) Knockout Competitions The school also participates in a wide range of state knockout competitions, throughout the year.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Student Representative Council The SRC is responsible for leadership, fundraising for good causes and for identifying student issues and concerns, such as student facilities and resources. Representatives are drawn from students in all years and are elected to the positions by the student population. The SRC Executive Semester 1, 2012 Christina Bell Sam Colligan Erik Tults Jesse Wells Year 9 Student Representatives Alana Connolly Emily Dart Samantha Rhodes Brad Rodrick Nick Trengrove Year 8 Student Representatives Jordan Bleiker Isabella Carnero Nathan Carraro Madison Goodwin Lachlan White Year 7 Student Representatives Melissa Abey Connor Grayson Rhys Price Sapna Raniga Omtara Saraswati Mia Young

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Student Welfare “By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, schooling contributes to the development of students’ sense of self-worth, enthusiasm for learning and optimism for the future.” (Adelaide Declaration of National Goals for Schooling in the 21st Century) Research carried out in The Gatehouse Project, conducted by the Victorian Health Department, shows that the three priority areas of Safety and Security, Relationships and Positive Regard as being fundamental to creating a school environment that meet the social, emotional and academic needs of students and in creating a positive attitude to learning. Kariong Mountain’s Welfare Policy is in response to these findings. A summary follows: Priority Area: Safety and Security Statement A sense of security and trust in others is fundamental to emotional well-being. Members of the school community need to feel safe, not just from physical harm, or threats of physical harm, but also safe to be themselves, whatever their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, family background and interests. They need to feel able to express their point of view, or to take part in school activities without fear of being ridiculed, left out, or isolated. Expectation That within the school and its surrounds, all students, staff and community members will be free from:

Physical harm Bullying Intimidation Threats Racism Homophobia Ridicule Sexism

Priority Area: Relationships Statement Building and maintaining relationships is imperative for all members of the school community in order to feel connected. It is important that everyone feels that there are others who they trust, fulfil their particular needs, and/or share commonalities and interests. It is of particular importance to young people to feel connected to the school environment in order to reach their full potential in all aspects of school life. Expectation: That within the school and its surrounds, all students, staff and community members will find others with whom they feel a common bond, in order to regard school as a place of connectedness. It is expected that in the case of students, staff will create opportunities within the classroom and school environment to assist students to feel connected to others, and at all times to build positive relationships with their students.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Priority Area: Positive Regard Statement: All members of the school community need to feel that the contributions they make are recognised, valued and acknowledged. They also need to feel that they have cultural affirmation. Acknowledgement of one’s achievements and culture encourages participation and confidence in all pursuits within the school setting and is important to the development of a positive self image. Expectation: That all members of the school community feel a sense of purpose and value in contributing to the school and that their cultures and contributions are acknowledged. The school’s Behaviour Management System, which is based on positive and negative consequences to behaviours, is a major catalyst in enforcing the three priority areas. Legal Requirements

• Students are not permitted to bring to school or school activities cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol or other drugs, except those prescribed by their doctor.

• Any prescribed drug must be registered with the front office. • Students are not permitted to bring to school weapons of ANY kind. Guns, knives,

blades, martial arts weapons or any replicas are ILLEGAL. • Students must attend school for ALL of each day except when leave is granted. Students

must be in the correct class at all times. • Students are required to follow the instructions of a teacher.

Transfer to Another School If your child is transferring to another state school, you need to inform the school office of the last day of attendance and collect a transfer certificate. Please return all school property prior to departure. Transport to School Students living in Kariong must walk or ride to school. A bus service is available until the underpass is completed. Students living in the Mountains area will be transported by Busways. Students coming from Gosford or other outlying areas must catch a town service bus from Gosford station.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Uniforms One of the core values of Kariong Mountains High School is respect. Part of this is about respecting the school’s rules and expectations. Our community has decided that we are a uniform school. This means students are expected to wear the uniform to school each day. There are some expectations in this:

Wear the uniform with pride. School clothing should be clean and pressed. Students must wear closed in leather shoes to participate in practical activities and excursions. When students have sport or PE as the first lesson of the day they can come to school in their sports uniform, but are expected to bring their regular uniform in their bag and get changed at the end of the sport/PE lesson. Where a student is unable to wear or bring the correct uniform on the day, they must report to the Deputy Principal with a note from home explaining why they are out of uniform.

Uniforms can be purchased from the school uniform shop which is open on Wednesday morning between the hours of 8.15 am – 8.45 am during term. We will advise other dates and times as they are available. Boys White school shirt (Junior) Teal school shirt (Senior) Navy shorts Navy trousers Black leather shoes – fully enclosed White socks

Girls White school blouse (Junior) Teal school blouse (Senior) Tartan skirt Navy shorts Navy fitted pants Black leather shoes – fully enclosed White socks

UNISEX Sport Navy Blue socks for sporting team representation as required Navy sport shorts Navy/Teal sports polo Navy/Teal sports jacket Navy track pants UNISEX Winter Teal wool jumper Teal wool vest Navy fleece jacket We ask for your support in ensuring the students of Kariong Mountains High School wear the correct uniform with pride.

Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Kariong Mountains High School Parent Information Book 2012


Appendix 1 School Terms and Vacation Dates 2012

Term 1 30 January–5 April Vacation 6 April–23 April Term 2 24 April–29 June Vacation 30 June – 16 July Term 3 17 July–21 September Vacation 22 September–7 October Term 4 08 October-19 December Vacation 19 December–28 January 2013

Staff Development Days 2012 Term 1 Friday January 27 Term 2 Monday April 23 Term 3 Monday July 16 Term 4 Thursday December 20, Friday December 21 1st Term 2012 Year 7 students and Peer Support leaders will return to school on Monday January 30th 2012. Years 8, 9 and 10 will return to school on Tuesday January 31st. Uniform Shop Opening Hours During January 2012 School Holidays In order to assist parent and carers with their return to school preparations We’re Sportswear, our uniform provider will be at our school on the following days to assist you with school uniform purchases. The Uniform Shop will be located in C Block, there will be signage provided directing you to its location.

January 11, 2012 Wednesday afternoon 2pm to 5pm January 17, 2012 Tuesday morning 8am to 12 noon January 19, 2012 Thursday late 4pm to 7pm January 23, 2012 Monday morning 8am to 12 noon January 27, 2012 Friday morning 8am to 10am January 30, 2012 Monday morning 8am to 10am

School Book Packs The collection of School Book packs will be available from our office at Kariong Mountains High School on the following days;

January 19, 2012 Thursday late 4pm to 7pm January 23, 2012 Monday morning 8am to 12 noon
