Page 1: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

Welcome Email (Day 1): Subject line: [PLM] Login Info & Important Details

Hi [name], Congratulations and welcome to the Perfect Lead Magnet! Inside this email you will find two important pieces of information about your VIP membership. 1. Here is your login for the Perfect Lead Magnet member's area: Link: Username: [username] Password: [password] 2. As a bonus for signing up for the Perfect Lead Magnet you receive access to my Contests that Convert course. Link: Username: [username] Password: [password] I'll be sending you another email later this week with some advice and insight on the best way to get started with the Perfect Lead Magnet program. If you have any questions feel free to contact my team here: I am so glad that you have decided to join us.

Page 2: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

We are going to have a lot of fun. xx Melanie

2nd Email (Day 3): Subject line: [PLM] Tips From Successful Graduates

2 Things today…. 1. A Gift ­ because who doesn’t love a gift? Here is a guide of tips from successful PLM graduates to help you know what to focus on and how to get the best results. [Insert Image Here] (Link) 2. I want to challenge you to go and login to the course if you haven’t done so already. I know from personal experience, and from tracking thousands of members inside of my programs, that the longer that you wait to log in the less likely you will be to ever utilize the material inside. You paid good money for this program and I want you to get results from it! Promise me that you’ll go and watch just one video today. Just get your feet wet.

Page 3: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

The hardest part is just getting started. Here are some notes on the first module.... In Module One, we are going to get to know not just your customers, but also how to make sure that you are designing offers for them (not just yourself).

Surprising enough, this can be a big “a­ha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module and it brought back memories of the mindset shifts that I had to make back when I started building a list for my apparel ecommerce business. Take the time to do the work in this module. Don’t rush through it and tell yourself “I already know this”. Successful people understand that they are never above the basics. Investing the proper time and energy into this module will set you up for success in the rest of the entire course. You may have done ideal client research, but I urge you to make sure that you watch video five. There are so many gems to be discovered if you know how to ask the right questions

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Ask yourself the tough questions now and the rest will just be icing on the cake. I’m proud of you. Not very many people will actually get their hands dirty and do the work. This diligence and attention to detail will make sure that you and your business stand out.


3rd Email (Day 5): Subject: [PLM] Member’s Top 3 Goals

Hi ________________, I’ve got some fun stuff to share with you today. After joining, I asked all of our new members what their top 3 goals are for the program. Here’s what people had to say…

Page 5: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

Here are the most common top 3 goals that you told us you want to achieve from the program….

1. I want to grow my list and increase my subscribers. 2. I want to create my own Perfect Lead Magnet. 3. I want to understand my customers wants and needs more thoroughly.

I love hearing what results you hope to gain from The Perfect Lead Magnet. It’s crucial to start strong with benchmarks you want to accomplish along the way. I created this course to fulfill all 3 of these goals and much more. I’ve got great news, you can accomplish all 3 of these goals within the first 2 modules of the training! You are so close! Inside of Module 1, you get to dive deep into the minds of your dream clients and customers and finally understand how to align your offerings with their needs. Make sure that you have... 1. Watched Module 1 Videos. Did you gain some insight from researching your dream clients and customers? Did you recognize your own strengths and skills to create your Perfect Lead Magnet?

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2. Pick your ONE WORD that you can use to attract with your ideal customers. 3. Create a plan for your Lead Magnet Suite. Did you line up the next 6 months of Perfect Lead Magnets that you can use for your business? The overwhelmingly favorite exercise from PLM members is the one word exercise. The one word that resonates with me and my audience is FREEDOM. I’m putting together answers to the most common questions from Module 1 in the next email so keep a look out! Remember to please fill out our Module 1 Survey after you are done to let us know what your biggest wins were! We love to celebrate you and your success. Keep going and moving through the material inside. I’m proud of you!

4th Email (Day 8): Subject: [PLM] FAQ’s From Module One

At this point, you should be done with the first module and that is when the questions really start swirling…

Page 7: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

What are my dream customers’ preferences? What is the one word that will attract tons of new leads? What is my customer’s biggest pain point that I can solve? If you feel a little overwhelmed with ideas that’s good! That means you are on the right track. Focus on creating small daily wins that will get you closer to building a list of your dream clients and customers. TIP: I like to make a list each morning of the top 3 things that are “must­do’s” that move me closer to my main goals for the month.

This first module is meant to challenge your mindset about what great lead generation and how to build it into the foundation of your business. And I want to let you know you aren’t the only one with questions. I’ve gathered the most frequently asked questions from Module 1 to share with you: FAQ’s: How can I find my ideal customer’s ONE word?

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Along with the research already discussed inside the module, here are some things to ponder: What are your customers and clients trying to achieve in your product or service area? For example, if your product is to help busy moms juggle it all, they are trying to achieve PEACE. That’s where “I just want some peace and quiet” and “Why can’t I get any peace and quiet around here?” comes from. Peace is a word that would resonate with your target audience. It also is a word they would scour the Internet for answers. How do I research my super niche market? It may be difficult to find super niche secondary research on social media very easily. Here are a few more resources to review for even the most niche markets: Google AdWords Keyword Planner ­ learn what customers are looking for WordTracker ­ may reveal more profitable niches for your products and services you didn’t think of How do I tie my Perfect Lead Magnet with my current business offering? We actually have a document inside our Course Completion Kit that expresses how to take your existing content and make a lead magnet out of it. It’s right here! Now let’s celebrate the big wins of the community from the first module... Biggest Wins:

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I am so proud of you. Big rewards await those who stick with it and do the hard work. Our next module is all fun...designing and creating your lead magnet!

5th Email (Day 12): Subject: [PLM] What Perfect Lead Magnet Have You Made?

Page 10: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

Hi _______, I wanted to check in and make sure that you have created your lead magnet. Through interviewing our most successful students, that the speed of implementation is KEY. The sooner you get something done and out there in the world, the sooner you can receive feedback to hone and refine your perfect offering. So hopefully you’ve watched all of the videos inside of module one by now. If you haven’t created anything yet, sit down and devise a plan to make it happen TODAY. Put together a list of great tools that you could share with your audience. Play around on Canva. Email a graphic designer. Just Make. It. Happen. Interesting Analysis: For those of you that have made lead magnets in the training already, 45% of you created a Tools List, 33% of you created a PDF Guide/Ebook and 22% of you have done a mix of the other modalities (such as video, quiz, etc.)

Page 11: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

It’s always interesting to see what your fellow members are up to. If you’ve already created one lead magnet, don’t be afraid to create another and use it to split­test (we will get to that later on in the training). If you haven’t already, make sure to fill out the SURVEY for Module 2. The surveys not only help us to enhance the training for you, but they also track your progress and encourage you to sit down and focus on measuring your results. Think of them as an opportunity for reflection, if you will. In the next email, I’ll be sharing which lead magnets have worked best for me in my businesses! I haven’t shared this with ANYONE, so this is going to be juicy!

6th Email (Day 14): Subject: [PLM] FAQ’s From This Week (And a Bonus!)

Page 12: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

Hi ________, I hope that you are having a great week. How’s your Perfect Lead Magnet coming along? One of my clients, Donna from The Galatas Group, made 10 lead magnets from their existing content. 10!!

So if you haven’t already, dive in and get started. Remember, you’re working towards your lead magnet suite so that you can eventually test different offers. And you don’t have to start from scratch ­ often the best lead magnets are creating by repurposing content that you have already created.

Page 13: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

In the upcoming modules, we are going to take this baby for some test drives! But first, here are some FAQs from the community: When choosing colors for the design of my opt­in page, do I have to select colors on the opposite sides of the color wheel? The rule of thumb when combining colors is to use colors on the opposite side of the color wheel (this creates the most contrast between them and helps your audience read a lot easier). The real test of your colors working together is if you can read them without squinting. Should I capture both a name and email on my opt­in form? It is great to ask for people’s first name so you can have the option to use it and create a more personal feel in your emails. It can be shown to have higher click rates in subject lines and makes them feel like you are writing specifically to them instead of 1,000 people. Personable over general always. If you don’t feel the need to use someone’s name, you can improve your conversion rate by giving people less to do and only ask your audience to fill out 1 field. What is the best call­to­action button copy? As I discuss in Module 3 Video 2 (Crafting Compelling Copy), the more descriptive the call to action, the better. And focus on the BENEFIT. Instead of just saying “Sign Up”, try saying “Get Your Free Guide.” To get people to take action, tell them what’s in it for them. Biggest Wins:

Page 14: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module
Page 15: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

Would you like to know some of my BEST Perfect Lead Magnets? I’ve got a special bonus for you ­ our List Building Lab Results!

Inside I’ll share with a special split test that we did to discover which opt­in page design worked best for the same offer. It’s very eye­opening and rather surprising. Enjoy!

7th Email (Day 18): Subject:[PLM] Where To Send Your New Leads (Hint: It’s Not Your Website)

Page 16: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

Hi __________, Today I’d like to talk to you about my favorite principles in this course: copywriting and design. Remember: Your Perfect Lead Magnet is the gateway (and the first impression) that many of your dream customers experience. So let’s make it amazing! Many of your new leads will go through your Perfect Opt­In Page to be added to your list; not your website. Learn why in Module 3. Great marketing boils down to two things: ART & COPY, (aka images & text) which I discuss heavily in this training. If you want to listen in for yourself, Watch Video 2 and Video 3 in Module 3. (LINK TO MEMBERS AREA) When you think about how important a high quality list is to your business, it becomes obvious why you want to put in the time and effort into this system (and do it RIGHT).

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The formulas inside of this training will forever be helpful resources every time you add to your list building strategy. SUCCESS TIP: The first 24 hours after someone signs up for your list is an extremely important period of time. Your follow­up sequence should build on the existing excitement from your customers. But this isn’t something you have to think of on your own. I have 3 templates that you can use to create a flawless follow­up waiting for you inside Module 3, Video 6. (LINK TO MEMBERS AREA) The information and resources that you need to succeed are all right here waiting for you. Dive in.

8th Email (Day 20):

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Subject:[PLM] Your Questions Answered...

As you dive deeper into this training it is natural to come across content that raises questions. This is GOOD. It means that it’s pushing you to think bigger, to address things that you’ve never addressed before. It means that you are growing. Here are some questions that I’ve been getting lately that I believe would be helpful to share: Do double opt­ins really convert better? Yes, yes and yes. It seems counter­intuitive, but just because someone gave you their email, doesn’t mean they will be an engaged buyer. We don’t want just anyone on your list. We want people who will be responsive to your emails. That is why people who double opt­in are MUCH more likely to become buyers and then customers for life. Not sure what a double opt­in is? Watch Video 6, Module 3. (LINK TO MEMBER’S AREA) Can I create more than 1 different type of lead magnet using the same content? YES, this is a great option for split testing by mixing up the modality. Try sharing the exact same content in different ways. Create a checklist and a video with the same content and headline to see which one your audience responds to. This will help you figure out what modality your audience prefers and will work best to get more of the right people on your list. Should I deliver my Perfect Lead Magnet deliverable on my Thank You Page AND in my Deliverable Email? My answer is no. It is best to just have the deliverable inside the Deliverable Email since you want people to confirm or double opt­in. If you give them the deliverable before that, they are

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less likely to go back and confirm (even if they thought your content was valuable). People are busy and easily forget. Let’s hear it for our PLM family as they share their biggest wins this week... Biggest Wins:

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Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Take your time. Go through the material at your own pace. I’m here to help.

9th Email (Day 25): Subject: [PLM] Bonnie’s About Page Before & After

One of my favorite things is to see the before and afters that people submit as they go through the PLM training.

Page 21: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

For example, Bonnie double her list in less than 2 months by taking action and executing the strategies inside of this program. Look at the before & after of her about page and see if you can spot the strategy that she used to turn it into an effective list building tool. BEFORE:


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Page 23: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

Not only does she have the sidebar lead magnet, but she added TWO opportunities inside her About Page content for people to click. Learn how to use this strategy in Module 4, Video 3. EXTRA CREDIT: If you are a visual learner like me, try this fun exercise: 1. Print out each page of your website 2. As you go through the videos in Module 4, circle the areas where you want to put your Perfect Lead Magnets Don’t get overwhelmed by all of the places you can put a Perfect Lead Magnet. Choose which ones will work for you the best and focus on those to get started. I’m proud of you. You’re making great progress!

10th Email (Day 29): Subject: [PLM] FAQ’s From This Week

It was by no accident that my first business took the service of selling customized sweatshirts to college kids online. Nothing can grow or scale as quickly or efficiently as an online business. For example, chew on this….

Page 24: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

Your website is not just your home, it is not just a place to store pretty pictures. When used properly your website is an employee that never sleeps (although it might take the occasional sick day ­ tech issues anyone?). I WANT YOU TO MAKE YOUR WEBSITE WORK FOR YOU. PLM Module 4 comprehensively covers how to turn your website into a list building machine. Watch Module 4 Now. Less than 2% of the people who visit your site the first time will actually buy. That means that the smartest thing that you can do is focus not on getting the SALE, but getting the SIGN UP, when people come to your site. Now for some FAQs from this week: Is there such a thing as creating too many opt­in offers? No, not as long as you are targeting the right people and getting them to double opt­in. If you want to have a different lead magnet for every blog post, do it! If you want to create one lead magnet for the header, one for the footer and one for about page, awesome! But really? People like pop­ups? Yes, really. Pop ups can surprise people, but it can be a good surprise! I’ve found that secret ingredient is PRETTY. Pop­ups with the right offer bring delight to the RIGHT customers, but

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relevant art and copy is key here. No one wants to be disrupted by a disheveled box of information. Biggest Wins:

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If you haven’t already, dig into Module 4 and learn how to optimize your site for opt­ins. If you don’t have a website (and don’t plan on creating one of your own anytime soon) just focus on the strategies inside of Module 3.

11th Email (Day 33): Subject: [PLM] How to Increase Your Traffic & Exposure

I love controversial topics. You’re here because you too love to push the envelope, so please permit to just say it like it is...

Page 27: Welcome Email (Day 1) · Welcome Email (Day 1): ... Surprising enough, this can be a big “aha” moment for a lot of people. When I created the material inside of the first module

Let’s talk about paid vs. organic traffic. There are all kinds of way to get traffic and exposure online, but if I only had one choice, I’d pay all darn day. Why? Because when you pay for traffic you are in control. You call the shots and with targeting tools like Facebook offers, you only pay to get in front of the right people (which is worth every penny). “But Melanie, I’m not rolling in it yet! I can’t afford to pay to play” you may say. Most people don’t realize that you can start generating high quality traffic to your site and getting your offer in front of hundreds of new people for less than $5 a day.

If traffic and exposure is what you are after, look no further than Module 5 and just start at the very beginning. If you want to jump into Facebook Ads strategy, go to Module 5 Video 4 for a step­by­step tutorial. Create a plan and get started.

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It’s not your customer’s job to find you, it’s YOUR job to find them.

12th Email (Day 38): Subject: [PLM] FAQ’s From This Week

I mean this in the best possible way: The end is near! You have lifetime access to the training inside of this program, however these onboarding emails coach you for the first 6 weeks and then you get access to a bundle of graduation goodies. :). This training was made to revolutionize the way that you attract quality customers to your business so that you can create space for your business to grow (and so that you can enjoy more freedom in your life). You may not be at a place to apply all of these strategies right now, and that is okay. The material will be here for you when you are ready. But you need to get the ball rolling. You need to be creating great art and getting it out into the world. You have a plan to follow, so don’t get overwhelmed. Just take it one step and a time and constantly be moving forward. Now let’s go over some FAQs: What’s an ideal Facebook ads budget?

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I suggest starting out with $5 an ad to split test which ones are the highest converting. Then, bulk up your budget with only the highest converting Facebook ads. That way you get the biggest bang for your buck! Can I use the same lead magnet across all of my social media platforms? Absolutely! There is no limit to where you can put your lead magnets. What are optimal conversion rates of lead magnets? On average, people will get around 20% conversion rates on lead magnets. 50% is incredible! So keep an eye on your analytics to keep what’s working and dump what doesn’t. Biggest Wins:

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Keep your eyes peeled for the next email, I’ve got some great stuff coming your way.

P.S. We want to hear about your PLM experience and results. Would you like to be featured as one of our star students? Tell us all about it HERE.

13th Email (Day 44): Subject: [PLM] Your Graduation Bonus

Today is the day! Your graduation bonuses are here!

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After you’ve digested the material and put your Perfect Lead Magnet out for the world, you can use our Email Marketing Quick Start Guide to devise a delectable follow­up for your new leads. Inside the Email Marketing Quick Start Guide, you will find:

Top 3 Email Funnels (From My Personal Vault) Easy Email Swipe Copy 16 Captivating Subject Lines Individual Email Outline and Checklist Engaging Email Imagery Tutorial Monthly Editorial Calendar

Click HERE to access the Quick Start Guide. I want to leave you in the best position to continue your email marketing journey. Plus, I’ll be sending you one more email with another gift and details on how you can join me and continue your training as a part of my community. Enjoy!

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14th Email (Day 58): EMAIL #14 ­ SURPRISE OEA BONUS (2 weeks after email #13) Subject: [PLM] A Sweet Surprise!

Hi _________________, Drumroll please…… I have a surprise graduation bonus for you! (I love surprises). I’d like to invite you to receive a FREE MONTH of access to my membership community the Online Edge Academy where I dishes out monthly trainings for entrepreneurs to show them how to grow their businesses online. As an OEA member you’ll receive access to:

­A training of your choice from inside the OEA course library. ­An invite to our exclusive monthly group coaching call with Devin & I. ­Access to our private Facebook community with hundreds of amazing entrepreneurs.

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I could go on and on about how great it is, but instead I just want you to give it a try (I know that you’re going to love it)! Here’s how this will work:

1. Click Here (LINK) to start your Free Monthly Trial. 2. I will send you an email before your free trial period is over and as long as you cancel

before 30 days you will not be charged. If you choose to stay on with us, your credit card will automatically be charged $47/month. You can cancel at any time.

I look forward to continuing this journey together. Can’t wait to see you inside of OEA!

25 Days After OEA Bonus Email: Subject Line: [PLM] Important: You will be billed in a few days...

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Hi ___________, A few weeks ago, I gave you a free month of access to my online membership community The Online Edge Academy. You can check it all out Here. (LINK)

As an OEA member, you get access to a wide array of bite­sized trainings from inside of our course library (on topics ranging from e­commerce selling tips to webinar slide design).

You also get access to a private community of hundreds of ambitious entrepreneurs, inside of our OEA Facebook group, who will hold you accountable and challenge you.

Best of all, you can join Devin and myself for an action­oriented monthly group coaching call (and even join our book club)!

I promised to let you know when that month was concluding, and that’s coming up in a few days. 5 days from now, I’ll bill you $47/month to remain in the program. You’ll continue to get access to our ever growing course library of bite­sized trainings, you can stay in the Facebook group, and you’ll receive your invite to each month’s coaching call. To stay in the program, you don’t have to do anything. Just keep enjoying your membership. If you ever want to cancel any time, just let us know. If you're not interested, no problem. While I would love to keep giving you access to this amazing community, if it’s not for you, click here and I'll cancel your membership. (DEV CHANGE THIS LINK) I hope that I’ll see you inside of OEA.

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Smart businesses owners equip themselves with the information and resources that they need to succeed. Do the right thing for you and your business.
