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Page 2: Welcome

Reading (Period 2) Language focus in M2U3

Li Juxiang Leyu Senior High

Page 3: Welcome

Howard Carter a famous explorer, who discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun

When the explorer was young, he was bright and ________ about the world outside his hometown. curious

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curious adj. 好奇的;有求知欲的 .

curiosity n. 好奇(心)curiously adv. 好奇地out of curiosity 出于好奇

The three-year-old girl is full of _________.

The three-year-old girl stared at the picture _________.

The three-year-old girl is ________ about what others say.

I opened the strangely-shaped box________________



curiousout of curiosity

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Howard Carter, brave and adventurous, is a famous _________,who discovered many ________ things _______ his life. His most amazing _________ was made in Egypt, and the most important tomb he found is the tomb of King Tutankhamun. Unluckily , _________ after the discovery, his team members, who witnessed the opening of the tomb, began to fall ill and die strangely, including Lord Carnarvon, George Gould, Richard Bethell and Arthur Mace. _________, Howard Carter lived on until the _____of 65. Some people think these deaths were just coincidence. Others believe all these were in _________ with a mummy’s curse. Still, others believe that the ____________explanation is that the viruses in the tombs disturbed by fresh air may _______ in their illness or even death. _______ we all know, ‘the curse of the mummy’ remains a riddle to this day.

explorer amazing duringdiscovery


However age




Story review

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Detailed questions1. What did Howard Carter do in 1891?

In 1891, at the age of 17, he set sail for Alexandria , Egypt .set sail for

Next week they will set sail for Europe.My dream is that I can set sail for USA one day .

set out for a place by ship

set sail forset out for + place / destinationleave forhead for

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Detailed questions2. What did Howard Carter discover inside the tombs of the Egyptian kings?

Inside the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the preserved bodies of dead kings.

keep sb./sth. in good condition

keep sb/sth. safe from harm or danger


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1. frigerators can be used for preserving all kinds of food , including vegetables and fruit.

2.These preserved bodies are known as mummies.

What can refrigerators be used for?

3.Some well preserved mummies are on show in our city now.

Some mummies ___________________

are on show in our city now.

that are well preserved

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be known as 作为……而知名;被称作是;被公认为be known for 因为……而出名be known to sb. 为某人所熟知Jay Zhou _____________ his songs and films .

Jay Zhou’s songs ____________ the young students.

Zhangjiagang is known ______ people all over the country ______ a new modern city_____ its rapid development .

is known for

are known to


as for

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Detailed questions3. What was contained in the tomb of Tutankhamun?

The tomb contained more treasure than any of Carter’s team members had ever seen before, as well as the mummy of the king.

as well as besidesnot only…but also…

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1.1. They grow flowers as well as vegetables on the QQ Farm.They grow flowers as well as vegetables on the QQ Farm. They grow flowers________ vegetables on the QQ Farm.They grow flowers________ vegetables on the QQ Farm.

Your teacher as well as you _____ very kind to meYour teacher as well as you _____ very kind to me..

You are hardworking as well as clever.You are hardworking as well as clever.You are ____ ______clever____ ____ hardworking .You are ____ ______clever____ ____ hardworking .

is3. 你 , 还有你的老师对我非常好

2. 你不但聪明而且勤奋besides

not only but also

4. His wife as well as his children ____(be) invited to t4. His wife as well as his children ____(be) invited to the party.he party.His children as well as his wife_____ (be)invited to the His children as well as his wife_____ (be)invited to the





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as well as together with along with besides but such as like including

1.The father , along with his three sons, _______gone to Jay Zhou’s concert. (have)

2.Many housewives including my mother, _______dying for goods on sale. (be)

3.Some other games besides basketball ______ popular among us students. (be )

4.Nobody but the parents______ the differences between the twins. (know)





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Detailed questions4. What happened as soon as they entered the tomb of King Tutankhamun?

Upon their entering the tomb, Carter’s lucky pet bird, which he had left in Cairo, was swallowed by a snake.

upon/on+ n./doing 一……就

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upon /on doing sth 一…就… as soon as/ the moment/immediately + 句子=

= Hardly had sb. done sth. when someone did sth. 一到教室 , 他就发现同学们已经离开了 .______ ______ at the classroom, he found that his classmates had left.______ _____ _____ he arrived at the classroom, he  found that his classmates had left.

______ had he arrived at the classroom _____ he found that his classmates had left.

________ his ________at the classroom, he found that his classmates had left.

Upon arriving

As soon as

Hardly when

On arrival

on + n.

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On seeing his mother, the baby began to smile.==

__ ____ ___he saw his mother, the baby began to smile.

___ _______ he saw his mother, the baby began to smile.

___________ he saw his mother, the baby began to smile.

____ had he seen his mother___ the baby began to smile.


As soon asThe moment


Hardly when

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Detailed questions5. What happened to Lord Carnarvon a few months after Carter opened the tomb?

Lord Carnarvon, who was also present when the tomb was opened, fell ill with a fever and died in Egypt.

be present (at) 到场;出席

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presentAll the students were present at school assembly yesterday.All the students present at school assembly yesterday were from our school.

be present at…people present

___________________________his wedding?

你要出席他的婚礼吗?_______________________ their wedding are their friends

and relatives. 出席他们婚礼的客人都是他们的亲友

Will you be present at

All the guests present at

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→be absent (from) 缺席

All the people ____ at the party were his supporters. A. present B. attending C. joining in D. appear

be present (at) 到场;出席All the students were present at the meeting.

Nobody ______ ______ _____ the meeting.was absent from

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Detailed questions 6.What’s the story about George Gould, a friend of Carnarvon’s?He went to Egypt after hearing of Carnarvon’s strange death. He too visited the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day. Twelve hours later, he was dead.

only to do sth. “ 结果…” 指意料之外的结果I hurried to the station, ______________________________ (结果发现汽车刚刚开走)only to find the bus had just left.

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He hurried to the booking office only______ that all the tickets had been sold out.

A. to tell B. to be told

C. telling D. told

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Detailed questions 8. Did all the people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb die shortly after the discovery ?

No. Howard Carter lived on until the age of 65.

have something to do with 和……有关shortly after 在……之后不久

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驾驶员坚持说他和这场事故没有关系。The driver insisted that he ____________________ the accident.

卡那封的死和木乃伊的诅咒有关吗?_____ Carnarvon’s death ____________________ the curse of the mummy?

Did have anything to do with

have something to do with 和……有关 have nothing to do with 和……无关have much to do with 和……很有关系have little to do with 和……几乎没有关系

had nothing to do with

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和……有关1.have something to do with

Their discussion _______________ the film which they saw last weekend.

2. be in connection with

3. be connected with

4. be linked to

5. be related to

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Arthur Mace, another member of the team, also died shortly after the discovery.

soon after / not long after

The police came to the spot soon after the accident.

The police came to the spot ____ ______ ______

the accident

The police came to the spot _______ _________

the accident

shortly after

not long after

We solved the problem_______ _____ ___ _____.

在他来了之后不久shortly after he came

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Detailed questions9.Why is it very dangerous to open a tomb suddenly ?

Because when a tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses inside. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.

result in →cause / lead to

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result in→cause / lead to + 结果result from →be caused by + 原因My carelessness_________ ____ my failure in the exam.

My failure in the exam______ ______ _____ my carelessness.

My failure in the exam________ _________ my carelessness.Amy’s taking weight-loss pills _______ ______ her liver failure.Amy’s liver failure__________ _______ her weight-loss pills.

was caused by resulted in

resulted from

resulted in

resulted from

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If breathed in, the viruses can result in illness or even death.If _______ _______ breathed in, the viruses can result in illness or even death.

I will not go to the party unless invited.I will not go to the party unless _____ _____ invited.

they are

I am

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Once it is seen, it will never be forgotten._____________, it will never be forgotten.

If I am given enough time, I will do the work well.____________enough time, I will do the work well.

While I was reading the book, I came across some new words?_______________ the book, I came across some new words?

Once seen

If given

While reading

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What is certain, though, is that ‘the curse of the mummy’ remains a riddle to this day.然而可以肯定的是木乃伊的诅咒至今仍是个谜句型: 1. What … is that…

2. It…that…

3. As…,肯定的就是张家港是中国最干净的城市之一1. What is certain is that Zhangjiagang is one of the cleanest cities in China.2. It is certain that Zhangjiagang is one of the cleanest cities in China.3. As is certain, Zhangjiagang is one of the cleanest cities in China.

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Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the proper phrases

1. It was said that everyone _______ at the meeting had a good time.

2. E-mail, ________ telephones, plays an important role in our daily communication.

3. Football ___________ a very popular game in Europe.

4._____________ the war, he returned to his hometown and went on teaching

5. The boy often asks some questions that _______________________ his lessons


as well as

is known as

Shortly after

have nothing to do with

be known as; as well as; shortly after ; present ;have nothing to do with;

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be curious about; set sail for; well preserved; only to find; result in;

6. Wen chuan earthquake, which happened on May 12th, 2008, ___________ a large number of deaths and injuries.

7.They _________________ the people who lived upstairs.

8. The ____________ buildings can always remind us of the history of our city.

9. They ___________ France on a clear morning.

10.The boy waited for his birthday present from morning until dark, ___________ nobody realized it was his birthday that day.

resulted in

were curious about

well preserved

set sail for

only to find

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Complete the following sentence.

2. 火灾后不久我们找了另一栋房子住。 _______ ______ the fire, we found another house to live in.

= _______ ______ the fire, we found another house to live in.

1. 那场事故导致三人死亡。That accident _________ ________ three deaths.

=Three deaths___________ __________that accident

resulted in

resulted from

Soon after

Shortly after

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3. 他一到那个城市就给他朋友打了一个电话。 _____ __________ that city, he called his friend.

=_____________he reached that city, he called his friend.

=________had he reached the city _____he called his friend.

On reaching ImmediatelyHardly when

4. 决定一旦作出,就必须执行。Once ___ _______ __ _______, it must be carried out.

____ ________ , the decision must be carried out.

the decision is made Once made

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have a look backhave a look back

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1. be curious about

2. set sail for

3. well preserved

4. be known as/for /to

5. as well as

6. upon doing sth.

7. be present at

8. only to find

9. have something to do with

10. shortly after

11. result in

12. What …… is that……

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Upon seeing Tom was curious about the well preserved Chinese buildings, his uncle, who was present at the boy’s birthday party, decided to set sail for China together with him, as well as Tom’s parents. Shortly after they arrived in China, they began to know that the boy’s curiosity resulted from a book, which had something to do with Marco Polo, a man known as a famous Italian explorer in the thirteenth century. The family travelled across the country, only to find there were more modern buildings than traditional ones in China. What I learned from their story is that we should do more to preserve our culture.

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