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Workout principle 1: The progressive overload principle 

In order to increase one aspect of physical fitness (strength, muscle mass, stamina, etc.), the muscles must be

subected to more stress than usual. This means that the muscles need to be continually put under increased

stress. In order to achieve more strength, heavier !eights must be used. In order to achieve more muscle mass,

not only do heavier !eights need to be used but the number of sets and the number of training units also need to

be increased.

"uscle stamina is best improved by shortening the rest bet!een sets or by constantly increasing the number of

reps or sets. The progressive overload principle is the core of all physical training and forms a solid basis for

successful strength training (supercompensation).

Workout principle #: The set system principle 

In the early years of bodybuilding, most e$perts believed that !annabe bodybuilders should only complete one

set of each e$ercise per !orkout. If the !hole body is to complete t!elve e$ercises, this !ould mean t!elve sets

per training unit.

%oe Weider sa! things differently. &e !as the first to recommend !orking out using several sets of one e$ercise

(sometimes up to three or four sets per e$ercise) in order to fully e$haust each muscle group and to stimulate

ma$imum muscle gro!th.

Workout principle ': The isolation principle 

everal muscles can be trained as a unit or isolated and trained individually. ll muscles are involved more or

less in every movement * either as stabilisers, agonists, antagonists or synergists. If a particular muscle is to be

built up, it needs to be e$ercised as separately as possible from the other muscles. This can be done by holding

the body in different positions. +umbbell flyes isolate the chest muscles more effectively than barbell bench


Workout principle : The muscle confusion principle 

-onstant muscle gro!th can only be achieved if the body is not given chance to really settle into and get used to

a particular training programme. The muscles should never get too comfortable/. "uscle gro!th re0uires a

constant increase in physical stress. The e$ercises, sets, number of reps and e$ercise angle should be

constantly varied so that the muscles do not get used to and adapt to certain types of stress.

Workout principle : The muscle priority principle 

The !eakest body part should al!ays be trained at the start of each training unit !hen your energy levels are at

their highest. Increasing muscle mass re0uires a high level of intensity and the training intensity can only be high

if the re0uisite energy is available. If you have !eak shoulders for instance, you should do neck presses,

standing ro!s and lateral raises before going on to bench presses for the chest muscles. In this !ay, you can

ensure ma$imum intensity for your shoulder !orkout.

Workout principle 2: The pyramiding principle 

"uscle fibres gro! as a result of contractions against high resistance. s a result of these contractions against

high resistance, you also gain strength. 3sing the ma$imum !eight for an e$ercise for several sets of eight reps

each !ithout a rest is theoretically a very effective !ay to build up mass and strength. &o!ever, it doesn4t !ork.

Training !ith ma$imum !eights !ithout !arming up properly first makes you highly susceptible to inury. 5o one

should begin their training !ith the ma$imum !eight. The pyramiding principle !as developed to help !ith this.

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6ach e$ercise begins !ith appro$imately 278 of the ma$imum !eight that can be lifted for ust one repetition.

The number of reps for this relatively light !eight is 1. Then more !eight is added and the number of reps

reduced to ten to t!elve. 9inally, the !eight is increased to about 78 of the ma$imum !eight and you do five to

si$ reps. In this !ay, heavy !eights are lifted after the !arm;up phase, !ithout the risk of inury.

Workout principle <: The split;system principle 

 fter si$ !eeks of training on three days a !eek, you should increase the intensity of your !orkout. +ividing your

!orkouts up into e$ercises for upper and lo!er body enables you to do more e$ercises and more sets, as !ell as

increase the degree of difficulty. With the split;system principle, each part of the body can be !orked on more

intensively, for longer, so that the muscles develop in a more symmetric, strponger and better proportioned !ay.

This means that on "ondays, for e$ample, you complete your upper body training (chest and shoulders),

Wednesdays is for lo!er body training (legs) and 9ridays is for upper body again (back and arms).

Workout principle : The circulation principle 

In order to stimulate muscle gro!th, blood must be circulated around the muscle being !orked on. The circulation

principle is the essence of focussed training on one part of the body.

Workout principle =: The super set principle 

  !idely kno!n W6I+6> !orkout principle. uper sets mean combining antagonistic muscle groups.

 ntagonistic means muscles that !ork against each other. 6$amples of antagonistic muscle groups include:

biceps?triceps, back?chest, 0uadriceps?leg biceps. This principle depends on doing both individual sets, one for

each e$ercise, immediately after each other. uper sets are also effective from a neurological point of vie!. It has

been proven that the biceps regenerate more 0uickly if a set for the triceps is done right after a set for the biceps.

This is because of the !ay the nervous system transmits signals through the body.

Workout principle 17: The compound sets principle


-ompound sets means super sets for the same part of the body (e.g. t!o different e$ercises for the biceps to be

done one after the other). In this case, the aim is not effective recuperation but the pump effect in the muscle.

compound set for the biceps !ould be, for e$ample, the combination of barbell curls and dumbbell curls on the

incline bench.

Workout principle 11: The holistic principle 

It has been scientifically proven that different parts of the muscle cells house proteins and energy systems that

react in different !ays to physical stresses. The proteins in the muscle fibres become bigger under stress !ith

high resistance. The aerobic system of the cells (mitochondria) responds to endurance training. In order to

develop each muscle cell to its full potential, you need to vary the number of reps you do for each e$ercise. Thismeans sometimes you do a high number of reps and sometimes you do a lo! number: e.g. in the first set of an

e$ercise, you do 1 reps, in the second, you do ten, in the third, eight and in the last set, you do si$ reps. This

holistic principle is also recommended by +r 9red &atfield, albeit in a slightly different form.

Workout principle 1#: The cycle principle 

 lso called periodisation training. @ne section of the training year consists of the bulk;up phase !ith heavy

!eights and fe! reps. This is follo!ed by 0uality training !ith lo! !eights, high numbers of reps and short rest

periods. In this !ay, you can avoid inury and ensure continual success by giving yourself a varied routine.

Workout principle 1': The iso;tension principle 

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This is one of the most fre0uently misunderstood principles. Iso tension means controlling the muscles: simply

tensing the muscle outside of your !orkout. &old the contraction for three to si$ seconds and then repeat about

three times. -hampions use this techni0ue by tensing all muscles three times a !eek. These isometric

contractions enable a better degree of neurological control over the muscle and enable athletes to sho! off the

individual muscle groups and divisions bet!een muscles more effectively in competitions.

Workout principle 1: The cheating principle 

-heating at the correct training techni0ue should not relieve the load on the muscle but increase the stress upon

it. fter all, bodybuilding is all about continually increasing the stress the muscles are under. 9or this reason, the

correct techni0ue should only be altered in order to add an e$tra one or t!o e$tra reps at the end of a set or

perhaps support the muscle being !orked !ith another part of the body.

In a set of concentration curls on the cable apparatus, it is not possible to finish the last fe! reps. If you use the

free hand to the degree necessary that you can complete t!o more reps, this is the correct interpretation of the

cheating principle. &o!ever, if you lift your buttocks from the bench in bench press e$ercises in order to be able

to manage one or t!o more reps, this is the incorrect interpretation of the principle. The first e$ample increases

the stress on the muscle, !hile the second scenario relieves it.

Workout principle 1: The tri;sets principle 

The tri;sets principle describes the combination of three different e$ercises for the same part of the body, !hich

are completed one immediately after the other. This techni0ue increases the pump effect. s the muscles being

!orked are trained from three different angles, this approach primarily aims at shaping the muscle. Tri;sets

emphasise the localised stamina and the recuperation factors !ithin the muscle and are therefore ideally suited

to improving vascularity. !ell;kno!n bodybuilding champion developed coconut training/ for the shoulder

muscles: first e$ercise: bent;over lateral raises, straight after this neck presses and then lateral raises !ith

dumbbells as the last e$ercise. This !orkout !ill broaden even the most stubbornly narro! shoudersA

Workout principle 12: The giant sets principle 

  giant set is a series of bet!een four and si$ different e$ercises for one muscle group !hich are completed

either immediately one after the other or !ith only very short rests in bet!een the individual sets.

3sing chest training as an e$ample: flat bench presses, '7;second restB incline bench presses, '7;second restB

dips, '7;second rest, pullovers '7;second rest.

>epeat this process three or four times in order to achieve even, !ell;balanced muscle development.

Workout principle 1<: The pre;e$haustion principle 

To put one muscle group under stress to the point of e$haustion using an isolation e$ercise in e$cess of the

muscle4s primary range of motion and then to immediately train a secondary range of motion !ith a basic


6$ample: Cre;e$haustion of the 0uadriceps. 9irst of all, complete a set of leg e$tensions and then do a set of


This means that muscles that !ork together, such as the e$tensor muscles of the lo!er back and the hip fle$ors,

come into play, meaning that the upper thigh muscles can be subected to even more stress.

Workout principle 1: The rest;pause principle 

The rest;pause principle is a techni0ue for building up strength and mass. This techni0ue enables you to lift the

ma$imum !eight !ithin a set.

&o! to do it: 3se enough !eight to be able to do t!o or three repsB '7 to ;second restB t!o to three more repsB

to 27;second restB one or t!o reps. +o one set !ith seven to ten reps at ma$imum !eight for all reps.

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Workout principle 1=: The peak contraction principle 

This techni0ue aims to get the muscles to hold the muscles in the position of the strongest contraction. 9or

dumbbell curls, for e$ample, the resistance eases off to!ards the end of the positive movement phase. In order

to prevent this and to subect the biceps to resistance even at the point of full contraction, the contraction can be

held at the highest point of the movement by turning the !rist out!ards. This means that the muscles are

constantly under stress, !hich means better definition for youA

Workout principle #7: The continuous tension principle 

"omentum can be the muscle4s !orst enemy. If you complete an e$ercise so 0uickly that the !eight is carried by

momentum for the most part of the e$ercise, the muscle !ill be relieved of most of the necessary stress. It is

better to train slo!ly and in a more concentrated !ay so that the muscles are under constant tension. @nly in this

!ay can the training be truly effective and the muscle fibres can be properly stimulated.

Workout principle #1: The retro;gravity principle 

3sing the muscle to struggle against the resistance of a !eight in the negative movement phase (lo!ering the

!eight) is a very intensive form of training !hich results in a lot of muscle ache and stimulates ma$imum muscle

gro!th. >etro;gravity training should therefore be limited to occasional use.

This training method strengthens muscles and connective tissue and builds strength faster. This techni0ue can

also be used on !eaker parts of the body in order to bring them up to the same level of development as the rest

of the bodyB ideally in the bulk;up phase before the competition season starts.

6$ample: If you do bench presses !ith eight reps at 177 kg, a training partner should help you lift 1#7 kg. Dou

then complete the negative movement do!n!ards yourself. 9or some e$ercises, such as barbell curls, a training

partner is not necessary. Dou can complete the up!ard movement !ith momentum and then lo!er the barbells

using the slo!, correct techni0ue.

Workout principle ##: The intensive reps principle 

Intensive reps are a very intensive training method (as the name implies). Eots of bodybuilders overtrain if they

use this principle too often. "en !ho use intensive reps fre0uently (e.g. ha!n >ay, 6ddie >obinson, aron

Faker, etc.) are people !ho generally have enormous po!er and concentration * men !ho are born !ith

e$ceptional genes for bodybuilding. nd even they use intensive reps relatively infre0uently.

Intensive reps stress the muscle fibres !ell beyond the normal point of e$haustion and stimulate even stronger

muscle gro!th.

6$ample: 9or top results !ith bench presses * do eight reps at 177 kg. fter the eighth rep, get a training partnerto help you pull ust enough on the centre of the straight bar that you can manage another t!o or three additional



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Workout principle #': The double;split principle 

Eots of bodybuilders only train one or t!o parts of the body in the morning and then go back to the gym in the late

afternoon or evening in order to !ork on one or t!o further areas. This system is kno!n as the double;split

system. The advantage of this sytem is clear: if only one or t!o areas are trained per training unit, all the energy

you have can be focussed on these areas. It is possible to do more sets and lift heavier !eights, !hich naturally

brings more muscle gro!th. &o!ever, bodybuilders !ho also have to !ork for a living find this principle difficult to


Workout principle #: The triple;split principle 

There are some bodybuilders !ho recuperate e$ceptionally 0uickly and effectively and !ho therefore benefit in

the same !ays mentioned above from three training units per dayB they then train a different area of the body in

each of these three training units. lbert Feckles, one of the big names in the business, is one such bodybuilder.

9or the same reasons as the double;split techni0ue, this principle is only really feasible for professionals.

Workout principle #: The burns training principle 

If t!o or three short partial reps are added to the end of a normal set, even more blood and lactic acid flo! into

the muscles. This e$tra lactic acid results in a burning sensation in the muscles. 9rom a physiological point of

vie!, the products of catabolism and the additional blood that flo! into the muscles after the partial reps s!ell the

cells and ne! capillaries are created. This leads to increased mass and better circulation of the muscles. Earry

cott, one of the early champions and the first "r @lympia, used this techni0ue in almost all his e$ercises.

Workout principle #2: The 0uality principle 

Guality training signifies the gradual decrease of the rest time bet!een sets !hile still maintaining or increasing

the number of sets. Guality or pre;competition training serves to develop definition and vascularity.

Workout principle #<: The descending sets principle 

Eots of bodybuilders kno! this techni0ue as HstrippingH. It re0uires t!o training partners * one on either side of

the barbell * !ho then take !eight off the bar !hen no more reps can be completed !ith the !eight on the bar.

The set is e$tended by using less and less !eight so that a fe! more reps can be done. This method increases

the intensity of each set enormously. The techni0ue should only be used for one or t!o e$ercises per training


Workout principle #: The instinctive principle 

In bodybuilding there is only one rule that applies to all: only you can kno! !hat is best for your body. ooner or

later, all bodybuilders develop the ability to organise their o!n training programmes in a !ay that is best for them.

@nly by doing so is it possible to make best use of the potential nature has given you. 6veryone responds

differently to different training and nutrition plans. s your e$perience increases, you !ill begin to train in the

correct !ay for you by instinct in order to achieve the best progress. 6veryone is different and your training

regime should take this into account.

The most important rule in bodybuilding is that there are no rulesA

Workout principle #=: The partial reps principle 

In order to develop more strength and muscle mass, it is possible to train the start, middle or end phase of the

movement of basic e$ercises using partial reps. The best;kno!n e$ample of this is #1s for the biceps.

It4s very simple to do. imply reduce your usual training !eight for ten reps of cott curls by 18. Then do seven

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reps in the upper to middle of the range. The second seven reps are then done from the lo!est point of the

movement up to the middle of the movement. The final seven are full reps.

This principle !ill result in a strong burning sensation in the biceps. In order to avoid overtraining, you should only

do this type of training once a !eek at most