Page 1: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Weekly Prayer Guide

Vision Statement

Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving others.

Dear FUMC Family and Friends,

You have a vital role in planning for the future at Fairlington. With our new vision statement in mind, we are developing a strategic plan for ministry and considering changes to our aging facility. All of this will impact the direction of our church for years to come. We ask that you pray with us.

This prayer guide contains a prayer for your use on Sunday and prayer focus suggestions for the following 6 days of the week for a period of 13 weeks. Each week focuses on an aspect of FUMC or concern as we contemplate change.

Thank you for journeying with us in this way,

Your FUMC Spirituality Team

Page 2: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Week 1: Environmental Stewardship Melanie Dunn-Chadwick

SUNDAY: We pray for environmental stewardship for the

FUMC building and property.

Almighty and Gracious God,

You have blessed us with a world that inspires with its

beauty and astounds with its magnificence. With intentional

inter-dependence, you have provided sustenance and space

for all of your creatures and you have given human beings

the responsibility to protect and care for this incredible

planet—a responsibility we have not always managed well.

As we continue to discuss how to renovate our church home,

help us be deeply and consistently aware of how this

process will impact the larger home you have given to all of

us. Remind us in clear and persistent ways that each

decision we make will have an impact in rippling effect, on

the health and resources of our immediate surroundings as

well as our larger community and the world in general. Help

us to pay attention-- in the largest of decisions and smallest

of details-- to that impact, so that whatever we create fits

harmoniously, responsibly and sustainably into your larger

creation. For this opportunity and responsibility, we give you



Page 3: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Monday: Please pray for creative, cost effective ways to

promote the use of renewal energy sources.

Tuesday: Please pray for the wildlife, both plants and

animals, that may experience disruption.

Wednesday: Please pray for a building process that

minimizes waste…reuses and recycles.

Thursday: Please pray for God’s guidance in deciding on the

professionals we’ll choose…that they may be people of

committed environmental concern and practices.

Friday: Please pray God’s guidance as we seek materials

and supplies that are produced in a way that is in harmony

with the environment.

Saturday: Please pray for guidance that the building and

surrounding areas be constructed and used in a way that

glorifies the beauty of God’s creation.

Week 2: People within FUMC who use our building Ashley Moore

SUNDAY: We pray for the people within our church who

gather within our building.

Communal God,

We thank you for the gift of community.

We are grateful to have a space in which to meet;

to learn from and with each other;

to share our struggles and our joys;

Page 4: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

to pray and to play;

to create and enjoy music;

to serve others within our

church, community, and the


and to share meals and


We recognize that this

building is many things to our

church family: a place of

employment, a sanctuary, a

meeting space, a second home.

We pray that you will help us be mindful of your presence in

this space as we meet with each other throughout the week.


Monday: Please pray for the pastoral, office and custodial


Tuesday: Please pray for the youth program.

Wednesday: Please pray for the Aged to Perfection group.

Thursday: Please pray for the Sunday School classes.

Friday: Please pray for Sunday worshipers.

Saturday: Please pray for the choirs.

Page 5: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Week 3: Community groups outside of FUMC that use

our building: Myrta Zayas-Alonso

SUNDAY: We pray for the community groups outside our

church membership who use our building.

Most gracious and loving God, We are grateful for the many opportunities you have allowed us through the years to open our doors for community groups to gather. Our church building has been a safe haven for many, a place of worship and fellowship, a place of study and reflection, a place to celebrate joys and life’s transitions. Our prayer is that all who enter your home sense a strong and loving welcome. May our church community be known for its heartfelt hospitality and acceptance of all who enter its doors. We pray that you continue blessing us as we plan to create a more functional and accessible space for people to gather. May this space expand and enlarge our capabilities to joyfully serve those in the community who are in need. We ask for your guidance as we prayerfully consider partnering with other groups who will assist in the ministries of this church. It’s in the name of your son, our friend and teacher, Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen

Page 6: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Monday: Please pray for the preschool.

Tuesday: Please pray for the 12 step programs.

Wednesday.: Please pray for the Muslim worshipers.

Thursday: Please pray for the Ethiopians.

Friday: Please pray for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

Saturday: Please pray for the Board of Lady Managers of

INOVA Alexandria Hospital and all other outside groups that

use our building.

Week 4: FUMC efforts to feed the hungry: Ashley Moore

SUNDAY: We pray for all of FUMC’s efforts to feed the


Abundant God,

We thank you for this earth and the plentiful harvest it

creates. We pray that you help us remember the harvest is

for all, and that we as a church community will never cease

to feed your people.

We pray for the ministries our church supports that are

working to end hunger in this world including ALIVE’s food

distribution program, our garden, Society of St. Andrew, Stop

Hunger Now, Meals on Wheels, Max’s Place and Rising

Hope Food Pantry. We pray for endurance and joy for those

involved in these ministries. We ask You to remind us to get

involved in these efforts to show our love for You and our



Page 7: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Monday: Please pray for the ALIVE last Saturday food

distribution – those serving and those served.

Tuesday: Please pray for the Society of St. Andrew – those

serving and those served.

Wednesday: Please pray for Stop Hunger Now – those

serving and those served.

Thursday: Please pray for Meals on Wheels – those serving

and those served.

Friday: Please pray for Max’s Place – those serving and

those served.

Saturday: Please pray for Rising Hope Food Pantry – those

serving and those served.

Week 5: FUMC Music Ministry: Joan Nagle

SUNDAY: We pray for the music program at FUMC – that

our building may be designed to nurture and enhance our

music program – that music may touch the soul and bring

hope and healing.

It is proof of God's love for mankind that he gave us music,

and cats.

Albert Schweitzer

Page 8: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Almighty God,

We raise our voices to you in praise.

And in hymns and psalms and psalter.

Our music is prayer … our ablest, truest, and most fervent

offering … in return for all your gifts to us.

With the psalmist, we say, "I will sing of your strength; I will

sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you

have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my


We thank you for the offerings of others, those who use the

gifts they have received from you to uplift, inspire, and lead

us as we sing. Bless them and help them, in all they strive to

do for us and for you.

There is no music greater than that in which we sing our

hosannas, our hallelujahs.

We pray that you will receive them in the spirit with which we

lift them up to you, giver of all that we are able to do, in your



Page 9: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Monday: Please pray for Dr. Louise Wilson and all those

who help lead FUMC choirs.

Tuesday: Please pray for FUMC Choirs: Children’s choirs –

Cherub Choir, Chapel Choir, and The Joyful Ringers; youth

vocal and bell choirs; adult choirs.

Wednesday: Please pray for spirit-filled congregational


Thursday: Please pray that our music spaces may be

accessible to all.

Friday: Please pray that our sanctuary sound equipment

enhances all who offer their musical gifts during worship

times together.

Saturday: Please pray for soloists and our special music

events – Messiah sing-along; All Saints Sunday; Advent

services; Lenten and Easter services, etc.

Week 6: Mission Trips: Sue Gunter

SUNDAY: We pray for all those who travel as

representatives of Christ on mission trips to other places.

Page 10: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Almighty God,

We thank you for sending your son, Jesus Christ to lead us

in The Way. Through Jesus, you have called us to love our

neighbors and to feed your sheep. You have taught us that

our neighbors and those you call us to feed are not just

those in our own community but also those in other

communities and in other lands. Sometimes you call us to

travel to other communities and other lands to help heal

hurts and to share your love. We know that love comes from

you, O God, and that it is not for us to hold but for us to

share. We pray that the mission trips supported by our

church will be a blessing to those served and to those

serving, will help heal hurts, and will exemplify your love. All

glory be to you, O God. Halleluiah. Amen

Monday: Please pray for all those involved in the Carolina

Cross Connection experience in which FUMC Youth

participate each summer to help those in need in Appalachia

and those they serve.

Tuesday: Please pray for all those who go on the Jeremiah

Project experience in which FUMC Youth participate in each

summer to help those in need in Appalachia and for those

they serve.

Wednesday: Please pray for all those who go on the Lakota

Mission trip and for the Lakota people on the Pine Ridge


Thursday: Please pray for Clara Mridula Biswas, the

missionary FUMC supports in Cambodia (find more

information under the FUMC website Serve tap under

Around the World).

Page 11: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Friday: Please pray for gleaning programs – those serving

and those served.

Saturday: Please pray for our youth members who go into

the District of Columbia to feed the homeless through the

TOP Program.

Week 7: Housing Ministries:

SUNDAY: We pray for all efforts to help people with housing


God Almighty,

We thank you for providing us with places to live and to call

home. Yet we know there are many in our community and in

other communities who do not have access to safe and

affordable housing. Fairlington Church has answered the call

to help others attain and maintain housing. We pray for

those with housing needs and for your guidance in helping

us to meet those needs. This is one way we answer your call

to care for our brothers and sisters. Help us be faithful in

answering your call.

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, who has called us to

love one another, we pray. Amen

Page 12: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Monday: Please pray for ALIVE House, serving women and


Tuesday: Please pray for Habitat for Humanity.

Wednesday: Please pray for the rental assistance program.

Thursday: Please pray for those at risk of losing their homes.

Friday: Please pray for Rebuilding Together Alexandria,

helping to repair homes in Alexandria.

Saturday: Please pray for the residents of Carpenters


Week 8: Education: Sue Gunter

SUNDAY: We pray that our space may help nurture those

who come to FUMC to learn and grow.

Page 13: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

God Our Creator,

Thank you for calling us to be your sons and daughters and

for always being faithful to us.

Our faith journey is a life-long journey. The more time we

spend in study and reflection, the closer we draw to you, and

the more clearly we hear your daily call to follow You.

You call us not only to further our own faith journeys but also

to help others follow You. We do this in part by sharing our

faith with others - by nurturing children, youth, and adults as

they begin and continue on their faith journeys.

As we examine our aging building and options for change,

help us create spaces that help facilitate education in the

faith for those of all ages.

Lead us Lord. Amen.

Monday: Please pray for the Fairlington Preschool.

Tuesday: Please pray for FUMC’s partnership with

Alexandria City Public Schools to provide inclusion

classrooms where children with special needs can learn in

classrooms open to children of all abilities.

Wednesday: Please pray that our building will provide

welcoming access to children and adults of all physical and

mental abilities.

Thursday: Please pray for our adult Sunday school classes.

Friday: Please pray for our Sunday school classes for


Saturday: Please pray for our youth classes and activities.

Page 14: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Week 9: Outdoor Spaces: Anne Wilson

SUNDAY: We pray for the best use

and stewardship of our outdoor


Sustainer God, we stand in the

midst of your grace and glory,

grateful for countless blessings

already received, including the

constancy of Your love for us. You

dwell among us in the both the arid

deserts and lush meadows of our faith journeys. We pray for

outdoor spaces that renew and refresh us; that foster the

creation of harmonious community; that grow the spaces of

our hearts, minds and souls to widen spiritual and social

networks that reflect Your loving-kindness.

Forgive our reticence to move outside the boundaries we

know best. Replace it with confidence and a willingness to

yield to whatever it is You are inviting us to engage in next.

We pray for outdoor spaces where we will encounter You

more deeply.

Come Holy Spirit

Monday: Please pray for our playground and all those who

use it.

Tuesday: Please pray for the rose garden ministry, those

who care for the plants and those touched by their beauty.

Wednesday: Please pray for our vegetable garden ministry,

those who work in the garden and those who receive its


Page 15: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Thursday: Please pray for the best use of our parking areas

– for parking and for BBQ dinners, Christmas tree sales,

among other uses.

Friday: Please pray for signage to help guide those who

come to FUMC and welcome them in.

Saturday: Please pray for the use of all our outdoor

gathering spaces – the courtyard, the wooded areas, our

Easter Cross, among others.

Page 16: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Week 10: Worship: Sue Gunter

SUNDAY: We pray that our worship and worship space may

draw us closer to God and God’s desires for our lives.

Almighty God,

From the time of Abraham, your people have gathered to

worship you. We long to come into Your presence to bless

Your Holy Name.

As we explore changes to our aging building, help us create

spaces that will draw us closer to You in worship through

Your Word, music, and reflection and that will draw us

together as a supportive community. May our worship draw

all who come within our doors closer to You and closer to

one another. Please send your Holy Spirit to move among us

and help us embrace all with a spirit of love, compassion and


In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen.

Page 17: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Monday: Please pray for all those church staff members who

lead us in worship.

Tuesday: Please pray for the Congregation’s openness to

the Word spoken.

Wednesday: Please pray for the lay leadership team

members who assist us in worship, including acolytes,

communion stewards, alter guild members, those who

prepare banners, and those who prepare the worship


Thursday: Please pray that our offerings be given

generously and with joy and thanksgiving.

Friday: Please pray for those who prepare the Children’s

Sharing during worship.

Saturday: Please pray that all our gatherings be a form of


Page 18: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Week 11: Spiritual Guidance: Myrta Zayas-Alonso

SUNDAY: We pray that our building facilitates and enhances

spiritual formation and development.

Gracious and loving God,

With grateful hearts we come to You for guidance in our

spiritual journeys. We are open vessels yearning to be filled

with Your Spirit. Daily we seek to be transformed to live lives

that are grounded in the presence of Christ within us.

We are grateful for all who have been called to teach in our

church family. We pray that You continue to bless their

ministry. We pray that You help us prepare others to become

leaders and guides in spiritual formation.

You have blessed us with a church building where Your

people gather to pray and meditate, study scripture, share

faith stories and develop a better understanding of who we

are called to be in Christ. We pray for Your guidance as we

consider improving this sacred space.

We pray for all those who will enter our doors seeking

spiritual renewal. Equip us to be guides in their journeys.

Give us the strength and courage to joyfully share how Your

love continues to transform our lives.

May we continue to grow in the grace, wisdom and

knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

Page 19: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Monday: Please pray for Renovaré groups.

Tuesday: Please pray for the Companions in Christ group.

Wednesday: Please pray for Confirmation Class and


Thursday: Please pray for Bible study classes.

Friday: Please pray for Band of Mothers.

Saturday: Please pray for Baptism classes.

Page 20: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Week 12: FUMC Building:

SUNDAY: We pray that our building serve God by

welcoming God’s people in and facilitating our mission at

FUMC and beyond our walls.

God Our Help and Our Redeemer,

Thank you for all those who have gone before us at

Fairlington United Methodist Church and who had the

foresight and faith to build our building and to expand as

Fairlington Church expanded. Help us have the foresight,

too, to plan for the Fairlington Church’s mission into the

future. Help us to be faithful and to trust in You. Guild us as

we make decisions that will impact the future mission of Your

church. Grant us wisdom and direction. Order our steps at

each turn. Thy will, and not ours, be done. Amen

Monday: Please pray for our trustees.

Tuesday: Please pray for the custodians who help us care

for and maintain the building.

Wednesday: Please pray that our building and its environs

be accessible to all.

Thursday: Please pray that our building and its environs be

welcoming and comfortable to all.

Friday: Please pray for the efficiency and sustainability of our


Saturday: Please pray for FIDO workers and all who help

use care for our building spaces.

Page 21: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Week 13: Breaking Bread Together: Christy Przystawik

SUNDAY: We pray that our building will enhance times of

sharing food together.

Most Gracious God,

Each day we come to the table, in one form or another, to

eat. Often we lose sight of the significance of sharing a meal

together. We consume more than our bodies require, we

choose convenience over sustenance, and we neglect to

consider the source of the food we are eating. Help us to

consider these very things – what we need to thrive, the

impact of our choices, and the hands that brought the food to

our table. Let us remember how much more occurs at a

table than simply eating. The table, our table, is a place

where we are equal and where all are welcome. Help us to

use our church table as a place not only to dine, but to recall

death and resurrection, to share wealth, and to tell our

stories as individuals and as Christians. Let us build faith,

community, empathy, and hope in these moments of

celebration. We humbly ask that you give us gracious,

considerate, and open hearts while we consider how best to

prepare our own Fairlington church table.


Page 22: Weekly Prayer Guide -€¦Weekly Prayer Guide Vision Statement Fairlington United Methodist Church welcomes all to a nurturing faith community that serves God by serving

Monday: Please pray for family night dinners.

Tuesday: Please pray for Beth El dinners.

Wednesday: Please pray that our kitchen facility facilitates

our mission within and outside of our congregation.

Thursday: Please pray for BBQ dinners.

Friday: Please pray for our sharing of the sacrament with

those who cannot be present in our building.

Saturday: Please pray for pancake breakfasts.
