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Surname:OutsourcingProfessor:Date:Outsourcing is the process involving allocation of particular business processes or operations to a specialist who is an external service provider. In some cases, an organization is unable to handle all the elements of a business operation internally. Once a task has been outsourced to a service provider, the service provider takes the responsibility of carrying out the activities as directed in the contract. Outsourcing presents various benefits to the organization due to the swiftness and expertise involved. Tasks are usually outsourced to vendors who have specialized in a particular field. These outsourced vendors have special equipments as well as technical expertise that are in most cases effective and better than the ones used by the outsourcing company. Additionally, outsourcing helps organizations to focus more on its core processes and operations in that it gives the company more time to strengthen on their main business operations. Outsourcing is also beneficial as it enables risk-sharing. This is a critical factor as it enables an organization shift some responsibilities as the outsourced vendor often have a plan on risk-mitigation factors. However, its essential for a company to evaluate critically before outsourcing any component of the operations to an outsourcing vendor. This is because outsourcing could pose difficulties if not well analyzed. The company takes some risks in exposing some of the confidential information to a third party. This move could potentially harm the company in case of leak of confidential matters to competitors through the outsourced vendor. Other factors that may be considered as disadvantages of outsourcing includes: hidden costs especially in events where international boundaries are involved; lack of customer emphasis and focus in some cases; and synchronization of deliverables in cases where the right and effective partner was not sorted out.

Many organizations are today considering outsourcing some of their operations mostly because of diversification of doing business as in transverses various countries due to globalization. Companies engaging in a global platform will find it difficult to purchase all equipments for its operations in all the countries it engages in and therefore outsourcing becomes a common factor to consider.