Page 1: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…



Page 2: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…


Page 3: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

Weddings have always been an opportunity for joy and dancing in Greece…..

Page 4: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

Many many years ago , this party involved traditional instruments…

Page 5: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

The bride was dressed in the traditional costume of the region…

Page 6: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

Wedding dresses might have changed over the years , but some customs are still very alive in our region…

Page 7: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

Grooming the Bridal bed…

The bridal bed is usually laid two days before the wedding. After this is done, the couple should not see each other until the wedding day.

Page 8: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

The tradition suggests that young , unmarried women lay the white sheets on the bridal bed. This procedure is repeated several times, because the groom occasionally enters the room to undo the bed, claiming that he is not pleased with the result! In this way the atmosphere gets marrier and more lively, since it is accompanied with jokes and teasings!

Page 9: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

It is customary that guests throw money , sugarplums and rice, symbolising financial blooming ,fertility and

welfare for the couple.

Page 10: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

A little boy or a little girl is then thrown on the bed, which symbolises that descendants will come soon. It is believed that if the child thrown on the bed is a boy , then the first baby of the couple will be a boy . If a girl is thrown, it will then be a girl!

Page 11: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

Dowry Exhibition

The custom of “dowry” dates back many years ago ,but it has almost become extinct nowadays. Decades ago , dowry was very important and sometimes young women with no dowry were left unmarried . Dowry means everything from household equipment ( sheets , blankets , utensils etc) to land , animals and whatever made a girl rich at that time.

Page 12: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

Some of the linen of the dowry were made by the bride , for instance tablecloths , curtains etc , which she had been preparing and knitting from a very young age.

Page 13: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 14: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

The dowry was proudly displayed and carried to the couple’s house…

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In this way women were trained from an early age to become good housewives and it was a way to prove their contribution to the household.

Page 16: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

The Day Before The Wedding

The visit of the groom’s single friends called “Vlamides” takes place…..They bring the traditional “kouloura”, which is a kind of sweetbread bun, especially made and ornated for the occasion.

Page 17: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

One “vlamis “ and the bride are trying to break the bun into two pieces. The one who gets the biggest piece is the winner and the Head of the house!

The Custom of the Bun

Page 18: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

The Custom of the Bridal Shoes

It is a very popular custom up to the present. The groom’s friends bring the bridal shoes to the bride . The bride tries them on , but she complains that they are a bit too big , and money notes have to be placed in the shoes in order to perfectly fit her ! The money that goes into the shoes is then given to the bride’s friends who helped in the wedding chores!

Page 19: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 20: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…


The groom’s friends are allowed to steal various items from the bride’s house . They may steal glasses , sheets , etc in order to take-as it is believed-the bride’s good luck to the groom’s house . Of course this is a fake stealing that everybody knows about , but the bride’s friends and relatives are on guard all the time , so as not to let anything out of the house , as the good luck has to stay in the house for the sisters of the bride.

Page 21: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

Treating and the dancing of the groom’s friends…

Page 22: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

On the same night there is a party at the groom’s house too.

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The Wedding Day

The bride is getting ready with the help of her friends.

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While the bride is getting ready for the church, her unmarried friends write their names on the soles of the bride’s shoes. At the end of the wedding day,they will have a look at the soles and see whose names have been erased,which means that they will be the next brides!

Page 25: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

Wedding Day-Groom’s house

While the groom is getting dressed , some comfits are placed into his pocket . After the wedding they will be given to the unmarried girls ,relatives of the groom . On that night ,the girls have to put the comfits under their pillow and they will dream of the man they are going to marry , according to the tradition.

Page 26: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 27: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…


Page 28: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

The groom goes to the church and waits for the bride.

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At the ChurchDuring “Isaiah’s Dance”, people throw rice

to the couple for welfare and happiness…

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The couple drink wine from the same glass , meaning that they will go through difficulties together.

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Customary photos after the wedding.

Page 32: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 33: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

The Wedding Reception

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There is a specific sequence on the persons who will dance.

The couple dance firstThe Best Man The Groom’s familyThe Bride’s familyThe BrideThe GroomThe guests

Page 35: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 36: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

Dancing traditional dances…

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More dancing….

Page 38: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…

At the Party

People pin money notes on the Groom and the Bride . This custom is gradually fading away , though.

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More pictures to come…They show the evolution of wedding…

Page 40: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 41: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 42: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 43: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 44: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 45: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 46: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 47: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 48: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 49: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 50: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 51: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 52: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 53: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 54: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 55: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 56: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 57: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 58: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 59: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 60: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…
Page 61: WEDDING. Wedding dresses might have changed over the years, but some customs are still very alive in our region…