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Wedding Photographers in Honolulu

How do you picture your perfect wedding? Maybe it’s in Honolulu, full of laughter and joy, memorable moments forever captured by the best photographers in Hawaii. Even if you’re not a native of Honolulu, you know it has the most amazing wedding locations, with magnificent landscapes, beaches and sunsets. Honolulu is a dream both for you and your photographer. But how do you choose your wedding photographers? A wedding is only as flawless as the wedding-album renders it. The best photographers – in Honolulu or elsewhere – must be dedicated professionals. As such, we’ll share with you some don'ts and do's of choosing your wedding photographers.


Don’t choose a friend or relative. Or a friend if they are not proven professionals. These are possibly the worst choice for your wedding photographer. They typically don’t put you first. They may be cheap, even free, but they don’t do the quality work, you will expect from your wedding memories. This is mostly because they lack knowledge and don’t have the necessary tools. Their focusing on you, or your new spouse but not on your event or your relationship.

Watch out for the Newb’s. There are approximately 35.000 photographers around Honolulu, on the island of Oahu, and some of them are new to the job. They may have an expensive camera but this is just the instrument, like a painters brush. It

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doesn’t paint a masterpiece or even a nice picture by itself, only a trained and skilled wedding photographer can do this for you. These newbies will shoot like crazy and find in the end that they need to edit, thousands of images. As they try to do this you wait, sometimes for months just to see your final images. Generally these upstarts are full of confidence until they hit their first challenge in lighting or event snafu. Get someone who has at least 5 years of experience in the field, either as a second shooter or as a primary. This will be your safest bet for quality images.

The Pro’s Know. Ok there is no denying that this IS YOUR DAY and while you are the “boss” of your wedding in Hawaii, chances are your photographers have done, seen and know more than you about their job. Sometimes it’s best to see things from their perspective, since some of their ideas may be more suitable for your wedding, and thus work better photographically. Don’t act like the only merit photographers have is holding a camera, a professional wedding photographer has likely been involved in hundreds if not thousands of weddings. Don’t waste this knowledge these trained professionals are usually as vested in your event as you are.

Don’t assume, ask. You have to know, is your photographer doing their job to make a living, or just as a part time hobby; if they’re willing to travel outside of Oahu or Honolulu just to accommodate your wedding venue, portraits or formal photographs; how much they’re charging for this travel, and if they’re offering discounts or payment plans for their wedding packages; if they’re working with an assistant photographer or if they plan to delegate your wedding to someone else.


Check their photo galleries. This will help you get ideas from other similar weddings, and be more specific about your desires. Some photographers may even surprise you with their own fascinating thoughts. Browsing a wedding-photographers galleries will give you the best insight any photographers style, skills and abilities.

Inquire about different locations. The island of Oahu and by extension Honolulu, has many perfect venues for weddings and photography. Ask your photographer where they would suggest taking your wedding pictures or portraits. Ideally, the photographers should accommodate your desires, and offer a back-up plan in case something happens to the first location.

Be specific about your style. Some wedding photographers prefer bright lighting, and natural photos – as is often flattering to the views of Honolulu. Other photographers struggle with posing and good composition, thus relying on heavy retouching. Either way, tell the photographers exactly what you want this will go a long way to providing the wedding memories you expect.

Make friends. Your Hawaii photographer wants to get to know and like you. This opens communication better, images better and can provide with a lifelong relationship of imagery between the two of you. People from Honolulu (and Hawaii in general) are renowned for their warmth and friendliness, those who have been or live here understand this first hand. Even with this fact you want to feel a connection to your photographer.

Take the time. See if you and your photographer have the same ideas on how a wedding should be caught on camera, schedule a consultation, which should be free and in person if possible. If a face to face isn't possible, do a phone or better Skype or Google Hangout with your potential memory maker. Take the time to really try to understand each other’s vision.

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All that being said, to have your dream-wedding in Honolulu, you must first be anchored into the reality of sensible choices, and start off by selecting the topnotch photographers in Honolulu, who’ll turn your wedding memories into photos to last a lifetime.

Source: Hawaiianpix Photography