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Page 1: Website review

Website Review:

In this report I am going to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of my website. I will also talk about the website as a whole Will also talk k about why I chose my colours and the colour scheme and how it was suited to my hero.


-One strength of my website is that I was consistent with the colours I was using (the three main colours being blue, red and yellow) this would help someone because it would resemble any other superman product, website or comic

-Another thing that I kept consistent in my website was the overall layout of my website, so even if you clicked on a link it went on a page with an identical layout

-I gave the people that are using the website an option to search; this would make it easier to find something that they are looking for


-I feel as if the website is too cluttered, like too much is going on so the viewer would not be able to use it as easily because they are not able to know what they are meant to look at.

Page 2: Website review

-throughout my website I keep the colour scheme but the shade of the colour is not the same

What I could have improved:

Small thing could have been improved, for example: in this website I have my background and then I tried to put text on it, but the text was unreadable so I had to fill the whole text box in white. Things like this make my website look unprofessional to the average viewer and it also makes the background look very unpleasant.

General Over view & conclusion:

After making the website I tried all the links and looked at how the website was structured I felt as if it was satisfactory but that I could have done better.

In conclusion if I were to judge how good the website was I would rate it a 7/10 because although I could have done better I did good.