
<B>Weekly Assignments</B><BR>

Friday, January 11, 2007:<BR><BR>

1) Complete handout and check answers.<BR><BR>

Monday, January 14, 2008:<BR><BR>

No classes for students today; today is a Teacher Work Day.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, January 15, 2008:<BR><BR>

1) Read the handout called Shakespeare's London.<BR><BR>

2) Discuss the handout's content orally.<BR><BR>

3) Write answers to 1-11, handout for homework.<BR><BR>

4) Read and discuss pp. 779-780.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, January 16, 2008:<BR><BR>

1) Collect homework (handout).<BR><BR>

2) Read and discuss "Parts of a Play" (pg. 783); oral reading questions.<BR><BR>

3) Read and discuss "Background for Romeo and Juliet" on pg. 784.<BR><BR>

4) Review the list of main characters on pg. 785.<BR><BR>

5) Read orally the Prologue of Romeo and Juliet on pg. 787.<BR><BR>

Thursday, January 17, 2008:<BR><BR>

Schedule adjusted for weather.<BR><BR>

1) Video of Act I of Romeo and Juliet.<BR><BR>

2) Complete Video Guide (before/after questions).<BR><BR>

3) Complete unanswered Video Guide questions for homework; return these on Friday.<BR><BR>

Friday, January 18, 2008:<BR><BR>

Reminder: TODAY IS CLUB DAY! Follow Club Bell Schedule.<BR><BR>

Schedule has been adjusted due to two-hour delay.<BR><BR>

Monday, January 21, 2008:<BR><BR>


To view scenes from Romeo and Juliet in Act I<BR><BR>

Students will watch Act I of Romeo and Juliet on video.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, January 22, 2008:<BR><BR>


To list the main events in Act I<BR>

To summarize the main events in one well-developed paragraph of 5-7 sentences.<BR>

To organize a list of characters from Act I according to family surname.<BR><BR>

Some students will complete the video.<BR><BR>

1) Students will use information from the study guide to organize the main events in Act I into a list.<BR><BR>

2) A class discussion will offer opportunities to check comprehension.<BR><BR>

3) The written responses will be maintained in a packet which students will work in each day during the study of Romeo and Juliet.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, January 23, 2008:<BR><BR>


Repeat objectives for Tuesday.<BR><BR>

1) Students will practice paragraphing with assistance. Review paragraphing lessons (topic sentence, body of information, conclusion sentence).<BR><BR>

2) Additional resources are available to students who have difficulty with the language in Romeo and Juliet. We will discuss these resources listed below:<BR><BR>

a. Study Guide<BR>

b. No Fear Shakespeare @<BR>

c. Tutoring before school (7:30) in Room 218.<BR><BR>

Thursday, January 24, 2008:<BR><BR>

Early release due to weather resulted in changes to schedule.<BR><BR>

Friday, January 25, 2008<BR><BR>


To read a synopsis for Act I<BR>

To write literary terms for Romeo and Juliet<BR><BR>

Literary Terms<BR>

a. pun<BR>

b. metaphor/simile<BR>

c. dramatic irony<BR>

d. situational irony<BR>

e. conflict (internal and external)<BR>

f. foreshadowing<BR>

g. tone<BR>

h. foil<BR>

i. suspense<BR>

j. turning point<BR>

k. aside<BR>

l. iambic pentameter<BR>

m. soliloquy<BR>

n. sonnet<BR>

o. couplet<BR>

p. tragedy<BR>

q. blank verse<BR>

r. end stopped line<BR>

s. run on line<BR>

t. personification<BR>

u. monologue<BR><BR>

Friday, January 25, 2008:<BR><BR>

Schedule affected by Two Hour Delay<BR><BR>

The class reviewed Act I and worked briefly on literary terms. A book check on Tuesday will determine which students are being responsible with books they are using. Many students are not bringing books to class, and some students have lost books. Students are reminded that bringing all materials every day, including books and paper/pencils, is the responsibility of the student. Following these good practices will likely result in greater success!<BR><BR>

Homework: Reread Act I and prepare to view Act II for Monday, January 28.<BR><BR>

Monday, January 28, 2008:<BR><BR>


To identify, comprehend, and apply the elements of drama (SOL 9.5)<BR>

To view Act II of Romeo and Juliet and to analyze the act for elements of drama (9.5)<BR>

To answer questions about Act I in a written assignment.<BR><BR>

1) Act I quiz<BR><BR>

2) Act II of Romeo and Juliet.<BR><BR>

Homework: Read pp. 752-754.<BR><BR>

Key Terms with examples:<BR>

drama - Romeo and Juliet is a drama<BR>

play - A play is acted out on a stage by living people.<BR>

conflict - The conflict, or problem, forms the basis for a plot in the play.<BR>

climax - As conflict grows more and more complicated, it reaches a peak of greatest intensity called the play's climax, usually in Act III.<BR>

tragedy - Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy because the main characters meet an unhappy end.<BR>

tragic hero - Most tragedies have characters with noble qualities called tragic heroes.<BR>

tragic flaw - A noble character is still human, so he or she can have character flaws like jealousy or excessive ambition.<BR>

comedy - Comedies are plays that end happily for the main characters.<BR>

dialogue - Dialogue is words spoken by one character to another or words spoke within a group of characters.<BR>

monologue - This is a longer speech, spoken to one or more other characters who are on stage with the speaker.<BR>

aside - This speech may be spoken to the audience; it is not meant to be heard by other characters who may be on stage. Sometimes, an aside is spoken to one other character only.<BR>

soliloquy - A soliloquy is spoken by a single character on stage, and is considered to be the internal thoughts of the character who is speaking.<BR>

stage - The characters act out the play on the stage. Upstage means "away from the audience;" downstage means "toward the audience."<BR>

stage directions - Stage directions are written into a play by the playwright to tell the actors how to move or speak lines.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, January 29, 2008:<BR><BR>


To identify and comprehend the elements of drama in Act II.<BR><BR>

1) Review - Use video guide to review key plot and literary elements of Act II.<BR><BR>

2) Write answers to questions for Act II. Check for comprehension through oral questions.<BR><BR>

3) Define "rite" and give examples (written).<BR><BR>

4) Explain cause/effect ("Why does Fr. Lawrence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?")<BR><BR>

5) Time for questions, discussion of plot, and rising action.<BR><BR>

6) Reminder! Continue to read play for homework. You are given three nights to read each act. Don't forget to access No Fear Shakespeare if you need a parallel text.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, January 30, 2008:<BR?><BR>


To read and comprehend dramatic selections.<BR><BR>

<U>BOOK CHECK - Please bring your book to class daily.</U><BR><BR>

1) Review of Act II (brief).<BR><BR>

2) Discuss rules, teams, scoring, directions for playing Romeo and Juliet Jeopardy Act II.<BR><BR>

3) Jeopardy (35 minutes) until bell.<BR><BR>

Thursday, January 31, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read and comprehend dramatic selections.<BR><BR>

1) Complete Jeopardy review game.<BR><BR>

2) Read and write literary terms (22) from study guide.<BR><BR>

3) Handout for practice (Magic Number).<BR><BR>

Homework: Make sure that you have read Act II before tomorrow. Quiz for Act II is Friday.<BR><BR>

Friday, February 1, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read and comprehend dramatic selections.<BR><BR>

1) Written quiz on Act II.<BR><BR>

2) Begin Act III of video.<BR><BR>

Monday, February 4, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Students will see Act III of Romeo and Juliet. <U>Reminder: Don't forget to read at home each night in order to understand and comprehend the play.</U><BR><BR>

2) Students will practice and apply the literary terms iambic pentameter, blank verse, couplet, end-stopped line, run-on line, sonnet.<BR><BR>

3) Students will scan lines of poetry and assign rhyme scheme.<BR><BR>

4) Homework for Tuesday: Students will write a prediction of how the play will turn in Act IV by asking: "What will happen next?" In a paragraph, write the events that you believe will happen next and the reasons you believe as you do. Prepare to share these in class.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, February 5, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Students will share homework responses.<BR><BR>

2) Students will complete the video guide for Act III.<BR><BR>

3) Students will review Monday's literary terms and practice these literary terms in a classwork assignment: simile, metaphor, personification, pun.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, February 6, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Quiz on Act III. (Postponed until Thursday).<BR><BR>

2) Students will review literary terms for Monday and Tuesday and will practice these literary terms in a classwork assignment: aside, soliloquy, monologue.<BR><BR>

Thursday, February 7, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Students will review literary terms for Monday-Wednesday and will practice these literary terms in a classwork assignment: conflict, foreshadowing, tone, suspense, turning point.<BR><BR>

2) Check written responses on video guide; collect for grade.<BR><BR>

3) Review (brief) for today's Act III quiz.<BR><BR>

4) Begin Act III quiz; complete this on Friday.<BR><BR>

Friday, February 8, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Students will review literary terms for Monday-Thursday and practice these literary terms in a classwork assignment: dramatic irony, situational irony, foil, tragedy.<BR><BR>

2) Oral reading assignments are made today.<BR><BR>

3) All written work is returned; collect missing assignments/make up work. Collect progress reports.<BR><BR>

4) Notebook check is ongoing (until Tuesday, 2/12/08). Zero on notebook check after Tuesday.<BR><BR>


1) Review all literary terms that have been assigned. Prepare for a literary terms quiz on Monday, February 11.<BR>

2) Write your paragraph from Act I to turn in.<BR>

3) Reminder: Continue to use No Fear Shakespeare site for parallel text of the play. All students should be reading the text at home.<BR><BR>

Monday, February 11, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Literary terms quiz in all classes. Correctly identify and apply 22 literary terms from drama unit.<BR><BR>

2) Begin oral reading of Act IV. Goal is to read Act IV, scene 1 today.<BR><BR>

3) Oral discussion to analyze events, character, and dramatic elements in Romeo and Juliet.<BR><BR>

4) Reread the scene we read in class for homework each night.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, February 12, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Oral reading of Act IV. Goal is to read Act IV, scene 2 and 3 today.<BR><BR>

2) Use paraphrase and context clues to analyze these scenes orally in a group discussion.<BR><BR>

3) Discussion is on falling action in Act IV.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, February 13, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Oral reading of Act IV. Goal is to read Act IV, scene 4 and scene 5 today.<BR><BR>

2) Written responses to questions from each scene in Act IV.<BR><BR>

Thursday, February 14, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings. of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) We have completed the oral reading assignments for Act IV.<BR><BR>

2) Students will complete five review questions (written) from Act IV for homework.<BR><BR>

Friday, February 15, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings. of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Collect homework and review written responses.<BR><BR>

2) Write one additional question from Act IV, scene 5.<BR><BR>

3) Homework is to review for Act IV quiz on Monday.<BR><BR>

Monday, February 18, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings. of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Oral review for Act IV quiz; take the quiz.<BR><BR>

2) Oral reading of Act V (Scene 1).<BR><BR>

Tuesday, February 19, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings. of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Oral reading of Act V, (Scene 2 and begin Scene 3).<BR><BR>

2) Analyze events in the play in order to infer themes in Romeo and Juliet.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, February 20, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings. of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Oral reading of Act V (Scene 3).<BR><BR>

2) Analyze events in the play in order to infer themes in Romeo and Juliet.<BR><BR>

Thursday, February 21, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings. of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Determine, choose, and deduce events that complete the play's plot structure.<BR><BR>

2) Complete the oral reading for Act V.<BR><BR>

3) Retell specific events through paraphrase (written practice).<BR><BR>

Friday, February 22, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings. of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Compare definitions for climax by viewing a brief powerpoint on "climax"<BR><BR>

2) Choose one of the viewpoints on the play's climax and argue for your choice in an essay that is due on Monday, February 25 (see handout).<BR><BR>

Homework: Complete essay and turn in on Monday, February 25. Complete study guide questions for Act V to turn in for a grade.<BR><BR>

3) Participate in a discussion of "climax" in order to decide.<BR><BR>

Monday, February 25, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings. of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Oral review for Act V quiz; add missing answers.<BR><BR>

2) Take the quiz for Act V.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, February 26, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings. of literary selections.<BR><BR>

1) Finish the quiz for Act V.<BR><BR>

2) Share essays orally for extra credit.<BR><BR>

3) Reteach concept of paraphrase.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, February 27, 2008:<BR><BR>

No Classes - Snow Day<BR><BR>

Thursday, February 28, 2008:<BR><BR>

No Classes - Snow Day<BR><BR>

Friday, February 29, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR>

To develop writing to inform and persuade.<BR><BR>

To read and analyze a variety of literature.<BR><BR>

1) Complete video showing of Romeo and Juliet.<BR><BR>

2) Periods 4 and 6 will begin introduction to poetry unit.<BR><BR>

3) Periods 1 and 3 will complete instruction on the essay; period 1 essay is due on Monday, March 2. Period 3 essay has been turned in, but revisions will be completed next.<BR><BR>

4) Period 7 will take the Act IV quiz on Romeo and Juliet.<BR><BR>

Monday, March 3, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR>

To develop writing to inform and persuade.<BR>

To read and analyze a variety of literature.<BR><BR>

1) Discuss the unit of poetry and the variety of poetry that will be studied.<BR><BR>

2) Determine which literary vocabulary words relate to the study of poetry and list those.<BR><BR>

3) Write terms' definitions and discuss those terms in relation to an actual poem.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, March 4, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR>

To develop writing to inform and persuade.<BR>

To read and analyze a variety of literature (poetry).<BR><BR>

1) Period 1 will work on poetry terms in Study Hall due to SOL exam today.<BR><BR>

2) Period 3 will review poetry terms and read the background information for a ballad on page 464 in textbook. Poetry terms should be completed for homework and returned to class on Wednesday.<BR><BR>

3) Period 7 will complete the Study Guide for Romeo and Juliet, Act V. Test on Act V is Thursday.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, March 5, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR>

To develop writing to inform and persuade.<BR>

To read and analyze a variety of literature (poetry).<BR><BR>

1) Periods 1 and 3 will work on poetry terms, read pp. 465-466, and complete the climax essay in study hall due to SOL testing. Please bring all work to class on Thursday, March 6.<BR><BR>

2) Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments for today (Top of Page).<BR><BR>

3) Period 7 will complete the study guide for Romeo and Juliet, Act V. Homework: Make any corrections to study guide that are necessary, study for the test for Act V to be given on Thursday, and bring the study guide tomorrow to turn in for a grade.<BR><BR>

Thursday, March 6, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR>

To develop writing to inform and persuade.<BR>

To read and analyze a variety of literature (poetry).<BR><BR>

1) Period 1 will participate in "Read Across America" presentation in the library. We will hear poetry readings and a reading from Shakespeare.<BR><BR>

2) Students should bring any work completed during study hall on Tuesday and Wednesday to class today for assessment. We will discuss "Introduction to Poetry" by Billy Collins and "Blue Bowl" by Jane Kenyon.<BR><BR>

3) Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments for today (Top of Page).<BR><BR>

4) Period 7 will have the Act V test on Romeo and Juliet. If time allows, students will watch the video of Acts IV and V following the test.<BR><BR>

Friday, March 7, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read, comprehend, and analyze dramatic selections.<BR>

To plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.<BR>

To develop writing to inform and persuade.<BR>

To read and analyze a variety of literature (poetry).<BR><BR>

1) Period 1 will see the school musical, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers."<BR><BR>

2) Period 3 will review pp. 465-466; read and discuss the poem "Ballad of Birmingham" on pg. 464. Handouts on How to Read a Poem and the American Poet Laureate.<BR><BR>

3) Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments for today (Top of Page).<BR><BR>

4) Period 7 will begin the Poetry Unit. Complete the anticipation guide for poetry. Handouts on poetry terms, How to Read a poem, and the American Poet Laureate.<BR><BR>

Monday, March 10, 2008:<BR><BR>


To read and analyze a variety of literature<BR>

To make planned oral presentations<BR><BR>

Periods 1 and 3 should bring poetry terms to class. We will organize these terms. Read Ballad of Birmingham for homework.<BR>

Analysis of "Ballad of Birmingham" (464).<BR>

Practice poetry terms. Poetry terms quiz is Friday.<BR><BR>

Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments for today (Top of Page).<BR><BR>

Period 7 will read oral poems from POETRY 180. Practice comprehension of poems. Introduce poetry terms.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, March 11, 2008:<BR><BR>

To read and analyze a variety of literature<BR>

To make planned oral presentations<BR><BR>

Periods 1 and 3 will use the poetry handout "How to Read a Poem" to analyze "Ballad of Birmingham" (pg. 464) and "The Courage My Mother Had" (pg. 461). All band students will receive assignments today for March 12-14.<BR><BR>

Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments for today (Top of Page). All band students will receive assignments today for March 12-14.<BR><BR>

Period 7 will practice poetry terms (rhyme scheme, rhythm, alliteration, assonance, consonance, symbol) in "The Courage My Mother Had" on pg. 461. Homework is to practice linking the poetry terms to the poem "The Courage...". All band students will receive assignments for today for March 12-14.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, March 12, 2008:<BR><BR>

To read and analyze a variety of literature<BR>

To make planned oral presentations<BR><BR>

Period 1 and 3 will write examples of alliteration, assonance, and consonance. Students will classify poems into types and make a chart to be used as a memory device for types of poems. Homework is to finish pg. 464 using handout.<BR><BR>

Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments for today (Top of Page.)<BR><BR>

Period 7 will use the How to Read Poetry handout to analyze Ballad of Birmingham. Students will write examples of alliteration, assonance, and consonance. We will classify poems into types. Finish the handout work for homework.<BR><BR>

Thursday, March 13, 2008:<BR><BR>

To read and analyze a variety of literature<BR>

To make planned oral presentations<BR><BR>

Period 1 and 3 will practice poetry terms using handout of poems "Introduction to Poetry," "The Blue Bowl," and "The Summer I Was Sixteen," and "Sick." Homework is to study for the poetry terms quiz on Friday.<BR><BR>

Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments for today (Top of Page).<BR><BR>

Period 7 will practice poetry terms using handouts of poems "Introduction to Poetry," and "The Summer I Was Sixteen." Homework is to study for the poetry terms quiz on Friday and to complete any work not finished in class today.<BR><BR>

Friday, March 14, 2008:<BR><BR><U>REMINDER: Spring Break is March 17-March 21</U><BR>Progress Reports March 25-28<BR><BR>

To read and analyze a variety of literature<BR>

To make planned oral presentations<BR><BR>

Periods 1 and 3 will have a quiz today on 25 poetry terms. Following the quiz, we will work on our poetry handouts from Thursday.<BR><BR>

Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments for today (Top of Page).<BR><BR>

Period 7 will review poetry terms. We will analyze the poem "The Summer I Was Sixteen" using the handout How to Read a Poem. We will practice this poem first and then work on two other poems independently, using this handout. The final two poems are due on Wednesday, March 26, following spring break.<BR><BR>

Monday, March 17-21, Spring Break. Classes will not meet.<BR><BR>

Progress reports March 25-28.<BR><BR>

Monday, March 24, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objectives for all classes<BR>

To complete poetry projects and make-up work.<BR>

To research and to write a formal research report.<BR><BR>

Periods 1 and 3 will begin a research unit today. The assignment is to research a poet of your choice.<BR>

We will meet in the classroom today to learn how to complete the research. Written requirements will be reviewed and time will be given for questions. We will move to the library until the research and report are completed.<BR>

Homework for Monday and Tuesday, March 24 and 25, is to complete the poetry packet using the handout How to Read a Poem. Poems in the packet should be mapped/marked up and a separate

analysis sheet for each poem must be included with your copy of the poem. Students may turn in the analysis today, Tuesday, or Wednesday.<BR><BR>

Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments at the top of this page.<BR><BR>

Period 7 will review and receive assignment for research project. The Summer I Was Sixteen will be collected for a homework grade. Homework is to complete the final two poems, "Intro to Poetry" and "Did I Miss Anything" for Wednesday, March 26. Each poem should be turned in with the analysis attached and handed in separately. Reminders: Prepare for a poetry pop quiz from terms 1-25.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, March 25, 2008:<BR><BR>


To research and to write a formal research report.<BR><BR>

Reminders: All classes will meet in the library today for research.<BR><BR>

Period 1 will turn in Poetry Packet (see handout "How to Read a Poem") on Wednesday, March 26.<BR>

The second Vocabulary Quiz for poetry terms will be a pop quiz one day this week.<BR><BR>

Period 3 will turn in Poetry Packet on Tuesday and Wednesday. Prepare for a pop quiz on poetry terms to be given one day this week.<BR><BR>

Periods 4 and 6 will continue library work this week. See class assignments at the top of this page.<BR><BR>

Period 7 will turn in all poetry assignments by Wednesday, March 26. Prepare for a pop quiz on poetry terms this week.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 to Friday, March 28, 2008:<BR><BR>


To research and to write a formal research report<BR><BR>

All classes meet in library to research. Daily handouts with homework assignments, resources, and additional support information will be given to students. These documents are not available electronically. Please see Mrs. Waldron if you need one of these documents.<BR><BR>

Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments at the top of this page.<BR><BR>

Any student who needs additional help may attend a tutoring session with Mrs. Waldron or Mr. Stamper on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Please make an appointment with Mrs. Waldron or Mr. Stamper the day prior to your tutoring sessions.<BR><BR>

Monday, March 31, 2008:<BR><BR>


To research and to write a formal research report.<BR><BR>

Periods 1, 3, and 7 will meet in Room 216 today. A review of the research process will be conducted. All missing assignments, and the assignment that is due today (reflection paper), will be collected.<BR>Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments at the bottom of this page.<BR><BR>

Homework: Please follow the homework schedule you have been given in order to practice the critical steps in the research process.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, April 1, 2008:<BR><BR>


To research and to write a formal research report.<BR><BR>

Periods 1, 3, and 7 will meet in the library today to do additional research.<BR>Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments at the bottom of this page.<BR><BR>

Homework: Complete homework assignments according to your homework schedule.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, April 2, 2008:<BR><BR>

To research and to write a formal research report.<BR><BR>

1) Periods 1, 3, and 7 will work on writing the rough draft during class. Students should bring all materials to class today and ask for extra help as needed.<BR><BR>

2) Models of research papers, outlines, works cited pages, etc. will be used to guide writers during this process.<BR><BR>

3) Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments at the bottom of this page.<BR><BR>

Thursday, April 3, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To research and to write a formal research report.<BR><BR>

1) Periods 1, 3, and 7 will work on writing the rough draft during class. Students should bring all materials to class today and ask for extra help as needed.<BR><BR>

2) Models of research papers, outlines, works cited pages, etc. will be used to guide writers during this process.<BR><BR>

3) Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments at the bottom of this page.<BR><BR>

Friday, April 4, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To research and to write a formal research report.<BR><BR>

1) Periods 1, 3, and 7 will work on writing the rough draft during class. Students should bring all materials to class today and ask for extra help as needed.<BR><BR>

2) Models of research papers, outlines, works cited pages, etc. will be used to guide writers during this process.<BR><BR>

3) Turn in the rough draft and all related documents (revised outline, works cited page) today at the end of class.<BR><BR>

4) Periods 4 and 6 should see the link to class assignments at the bottom of this page.<BR><BR>

Monday, April 7, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To research and to write a formal research paper.<BR><BR>

Periods 1, 3, 7 will turn in rough drafts (including outline, works cited page, and notecards).<BR><BR>

Students will review "free write" directions for poetry work and repeat this portion of the previous poetry (How to Read a Poem) assignment.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, April 8, 2008 to Thursday, April 10:<BR><BR>

Objective: To research and to write a formal research paper.<BR><BR>

1) Today, students will receive rough drafts back that have been evaluated. They will follow instructions to revise the rough drafts and type on the computer in MS Word.<BR><BR>

2) Students will continue to work on goals (see above) on Wednesday and Thursday. Extra help, suggestions, etc. during class. Please see Mr. Waldron if you don't understand any part of the assignment.<BR><BR>

3) Goals for research Tuesday-Wednesday include to turn in the outline, typed draft, and works cited page on Thursday, April 10, at the end of class.<BR><BR>

4) All make-up work should be scheduled as soon as possible. The end of the 5th six weeks is Wednesday, April 16.<BR><BR>

Friday, April 11, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To research and to write a formal research paper.<BR><BR>

1) Period One will meet in the library until called to the Auditorium for an assembly.<BR><BR>

2) Periods Three and Seven will review the MLA aspect of the research project. Students will take notes on the thinigs they do not understand.<BR><BR>

3) No homework! Don't forget to schedule make-up work soon. The 5th six weeks end on Wednesday, April 16.<BR><BR>

Monday, April 14, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry<BR><BR>

1) Introduce new unit, The Odyssey.<BR><BR>

2) List, discuss, and practice terminology for epic poetry (epic conventions, epic hero, epithets, etc.). Apply terms to examples of epic literature, movies.<BR><BR>

3) Review handout called the "Epic" and keep this copy in your notebook.<BR><BR>

4) Don't forget to bring your book to class every day.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, April 15, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

1) Review epic conventions and give examples from The Odyssey.<BR><BR>

2) View a powerpoint and write notes (pp. 640-646). Discuss place names, concept of the Greek gods and goddesses.<BR><BR>

3) Exit slips to review information from powerpoint.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, April 16, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

1) Read a list of characters, gods, and goddesses found in The Odyssey.<BR><BR>

2) Select oral readers and read the opening of The Odyssey (pg. 647).<BR><BR>

3) Use summary, paraphrasing to analyze the four passages for today. Students write responses and practice supporting their answers.<BR><BR>

Thursday, April 17, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

1) Divide into groups of four. Each group will read silently and then discuss the reading "Calypso, the Sweet Nymph" (pp. 652-654).<BR><BR>

2) Each group will be responsible for leading a brief discussion about one of the following questions:<BR><BR>

a. Book 5 contains many sensory images. Write three.<BR>

b. In lines 41-47, what is Hermes flight compared to (Homeric simile)?<BR>

c. Why does Calypso claim that it was her idea to free Odysseus?<BR>

d. What is your opinion of her deception?<BR>

e. (Lines 101-118) According to Calypso, what would Odysseus gain by staying with her?<BR><BR>


Write the reason Hermes has traveled to Calypso.<BR>

Releate the mythology connection (gods and goddesses often behave as humans do) to Calypso and her actions in this passage.<BR><BR>

Friday, April 18, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

1) Oral reading: "I Am Laertes' Son" and "The Lotus Eaters" (656-658).<BR><BR>

2) Preview a summary presentation of Book 9 that can also be used as a resource. URL is <BR><BR><BR><BR>

3) Read, write, and study vocabulary (1-10), pg. 649.<BR><BR>

4) Test on all assignments from The Odyssey through today is Tuesday, April 22.<BR><BR>

Homework: Read pp. 660-670. Review this reading on Monday.<BR><BR>

Monday, April 21, 2008<BR><BR>

Define "Summary" - A summary is different from a paraphrase because when you summarize, you move away from point-by-point translation. When you summarize a passage, you need first to absorb the meaning of the passage and then to capture in your own words the most important elements from the original passage. A summary is necessarily shorter than a paraphrase.<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

1) Students will listen to a brief summary of the homework assignment (pp. 660-670, The Cyclops).<BR><BR>

2) Students will discuss the most important events in the story and list these in the oral discussion. The important points will then be used to help students write a clear summary.<BR><BR>

3) Students will answer questions about The Cyclops reading assignment, using the book to support their answers (handout, 1-17).<BR><BR>

4) Students will have a brief test review for tomorrow's exam on The Odyssey, pp. 640-658.<BR><BR>

5) Read and discuss "Welcome: A Religious Duty" if time allows.<BR><BR>

Tuesday, April 22, 2008<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

1) Test on The Odyssey.<BR><BR>

2) Oral reading of "The Enchantress Circle"<BR><BR>

3) Practice "Writing a Summary" and write a one-paragraph summary of "Welcome: A Religious Duty"<BR><BR>

Wednesday, April 23, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

1) Read and analyze The Enchantress Circe.<BR><BR>

2) Write questions (1-8) and answer as a group to turn in.<BR><BR>

Thursday, April 24, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

1) Oral reading from handouts.<BR><BR>

2) Summarize The Land of the Dead<BR><BR>

3) Write traits for Odysseus (at least five) and complete #2 on page 687. Turn these in today.<BR><BR>

Friday, April 25, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

1) Begin the "Sirens;" Complete Part I for homework.<BR><BR>

2) Activity: Crossword Puzzle for The Odyssey in order to review the events for Part I.<BR><BR>

3) Test for Part I is Wednesday, April 30.<BR><BR>

Monday, April 28, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

Oral reading: Sirens<BR><BR>

Class discussion on plot, characterization, and application of literary terms. Identify Homeric similes.<BR><BR>

Test: Wednesday, April 30. Includes Part I, vocabulary, and introduction. <BR><BR>

Tuesday, April 29, 2008:<BR><BR>

Objective: To read, comprehend, analyze, and write about epic poetry.<BR><BR>

Oral reading: Sirens and Cattle of the Sun God.<BR><BR>

Class discussion on plot, characterization, and application of literary terms. Written responses.

Test Review (vocabulary and questions on pp. 678-683. Reschedule test due to conflict with SOL exams.<BR><BR>

Wednesday, April 30, 2008:<BR><BR>

Test is Thursday (see Monday, April 28).<BR><BR>

Continue test review, work on vocabulary, practice questions for test.<BR><BR>

Thursday, May 1, 2008:<BR><BR>

Test on Part I of The Odyssey.<BR><BR>

Friday, May 2, 2008:<BR><BR>

Practice Usage (handout). Continue The Odyssey on Monday, May 5.<BR><BR>

No homework for Monday.<BR><BR>

<a href='/files/quia/users/lindawaldron/Periods-4-and-6-Lesson-Plan,-Feb-11-to-Feb-15.doc' target='_blank'>Periods 4 and 6 Lesson Plans, Feb 11 - Feb 15</a><BR><BR>

<a href='/files/quia/users/lindawaldron/Plans-4---6-Feb-18-to-Feb-22.doc'

target='_blank'>Periods 4 & 6 Lesson Plans, Feb 18-22</a><BR><BR>

<a href='/files/quia/users/lindawaldron/English-9-Lesson-Plans-Between-2-25-and-2-29-1.doc' target='_blank'>Periods 4 & 6 Lesson Plans for February 25-29</a><BR><BR>

<a href='/files/quia/users/lindawaldron/English-9-Lesson-Plans-Between-3-3-and-3-7.doc' target='_blank'>Periods 4 and 6 Lesson Plans, March 3-March 7</a><BR><BR>

<a href='/files/quia/users/lindawaldron/English-9-Lesson-Plans-Between-3-10-and-3-14-1.doc' target='_blank'>Periods 4 and 6 Lesson Plans for March 10-14</a><br><br><a href='/files/quia/users/lindawaldron/Period-4-and-6-Lesson-Plans-March-24-to-March-28.doc' target='_blank'>Periods 4 and 6 Lesson Plans for March 24 to March 28</a><BR><BR><a

href='/files/quia/users/lindawaldron/Period-4-and-6-Lesson-Plans-March-31-to-April-4.doc' target='_blank'>Periods 4 and 6 Lesson Plans March 31 to April 4</a><BR><BR><a href='/files/quia/users/lindawaldron/Reading-Schedule-for-The-Odyssey.docx' target='_blank'>Reading Schedule for TheOdyssey</a><BR><BR>