
Stock taking

To begin your stock take you will require two reports for each bar / store

Stock take count sheets Stock count CSV file (if uploading the data rather than entering the closing stock

values on screen)

Note: The products on these two documents will be arranged by the products position number

Stock Count Sheets

Allows you to print off a list of all products that are currently active in the outlet / store enabling you to take the sheets along with you to the outlet / store and record your current stock levels. The ‘PDF Stock Count Sheets’ can be download and printed of in two way.

Stock take import / export tab Reports tab

Stock take import / export tab

To download the PDF stock count sheets from the Stock take import / export tab please follow the below guide.

Click on advanced stock Controls

Click on Stock Taking from the sub menu

A list containing all of the outlet / stores current stock takes will be displayed on screen. Click on the edit button of the outlet you wish to print the stock count sheet for.

Click on the ‘Import / Export’ yellow tab

From the options select the ‘Export Products PDF’ button

The PDF stock count sheet will download which can then be printed off.

The products will be list in order of position number and will match the order you have arranged your product in the store.

Entering the closing stock values

Once the closing stock in the outlet has been recorded you will then need to enter the information on system either by entering the closing stock values ‘on screen’ via the products tab or via the ‘stock take’ CSV file export which can be exported from the same page as the pdf stock count sheet

Export the stock count sheets from the reports tab

The reports tab allows you to download your reports for the stock control without the need to go into each one of your outlets / stores.

The list of available reports that can be downloaded will display on screen.

Click on the report you wish to download for the stock take count sheets click on the PDF


From the right hand side menu bar

Enter the outlet you require to download

Select the period date you require the download to be from

Click on the download button.

Stock take count sheets

Any new products which have yet to be assigned a position number will display at the bottom of the stock take count sheet.

While carrying out the stock take you can make a note of the correct position number of the products.

When entering the closing stock values on the CSV export you can add/ amend the products position number (column C).

Either enter the new or update the existing position number in column C.

When importing the csv back into system the new position number will be updated.

Binned products

To remove a product from the product list you must mark the product as binned.

Products can be marked as binned by following the below steps:

Click on the ‘Advanced Stock Control’ tab and select ‘Outlet / Stores’ from the submenu

A list of your current outlet and stores will display on page. Next to each product the bin icon will display.

Click on the icon next to the product you wish to remove.

The number of binned products you have in the outlet will be displayed at the top left hand corner of the product list page.

Clicking on the link will display the list of products currently marked as binned.

Unbin a product

From the list of binned products it is possible to unbin a product which may have been binned by mistake.

Click on the unbin icon next to the product you require to reactivate

NOTE: A product can only be binned if the following requirements have been met.

Had a closing stock value of 0 on the previous stock period The product has not been included on a delivery that has been delivered in to the

current periods stock control The product has not been assigned a closing stock value

Note if a binned product is included on a delivery which is delivered in to the store the product will automatically reset back to an active product.

It is recommended at the start of each new stock take period to press the ‘Remove Inactive Products’ button located at the bottom of the product list page.

This will prevent having duplicate products (example: same product but different vintage) on your stock count sheets which may lead to entering a duplicate close value for both products.

If you require any further support please contact a member of the Support Team on the below details:

Email: [email protected]

Tele: 0131 440 6162 or 0151 652 8775
