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We need to be more on fire for YHVH and stop being so selfish.

Scriptures dealing with the kippah can be found in Shemoth/Exodus 28:40, 29:9, 39:28, Vy (Lev 8:13) (for a priest). We are kings and priests when we become born again. As priests of YHVH, our attire needs to be proper. 1 Peter 2:9 “(You are) a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a pure nation, a PECULIAR people..” Deut. 14:2. EzekiYHVH 24:17, 23 (believers); 44:18 (Levite priest); Revelation 1:6.James 1:25, 2:8-12.This is not an exhaustive study on kippah/hats, beards and fringes. In this website I hope to suggest links you can surf to in order to study deeper. may lead to the truth on kippah coverings. Those website links may contain other doctrines, or part of doctrines which are unscriptural. We cannot make a total endorsement in such cases. This is the only disclaimer I can provide. And I cannot “build fences” around everything I say. However in a letter or e mail, I will attempt to answer you in deep subjects if I can create the time, thought and energy. In our study, we should start at the beginning. We will not run first to 1 Corinthians 11 and proclaim, “There it is, it is a shame for a man to cover his head!

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Therefore Aaron and high priests were guilty of having a covering.” No, we start in the Torah; get the original intent and understanding and let these Scriptures interpret Paul’s writings. In verse fourteen it explains: “Does not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have LONG HAIR it is a shame unto him?” Matthew 9:14 might indicate that Messiah had short hair and never took a Nazarite vow.

Matthew 9:20 to 22, a woman with an issue of blood touched Messiah’s tzi tzi’s. Said she: “If I may but touch (‘the border of’ Luke 8:44) His garment, I shall be whole.”‘Kippah’ “It is suitable for YaHVaHOSHA, and good enough for me!”Some who say that since YaHVaH made Torah/law, He could therefore break His own law. That would make His personal standard lower than ours, and He becomes a transgressor of His own Torah or law.

In the criticism of “Jewish” laws, the kippah/small hat issue is usually near the top of the list. The main objection is based on a private interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11. Without going to the basic foundation found in the Torah, the false idea is formed from 1 Corinthians that Shaul/Paul teaches men not to wear any head covering.Research exists that a skullcap, not a kippah is a solar disc from Babylon and should not be worn by pure men of YHVH. The booklets, “Babylon Mystery Religion” by Ralph Woodrow, and “Come Out of Her My People” C.J. Koster have great research on pagan symbols and customs as the solar disc.

Other websites I list might have deeper documentation on the wearing of kippah for men. Some teachers believe 1 Corinthians 11:14-15 says that a man normally is not to wear his hair as would a woman.

If the wearing of kippah is sin, then Moshe and the priests were sinning.Can we change the normal shape of a man's round head? No! We will leave that issue alone. So, if this round kippah is unpalatable we might add two dog-ears to the hat, or, stick a bill on it somewhere. Seriously the word for hat or kippah in the Hebrew, 6287 pe'er (beauty, bonnet, tire), or 4021 migba'ah (a cap) also describes a towel wrapped around the head, a turban. To avoid appearing to be a Moslem I think I’ll stay with the traditional kippah. And, if that offends our “holy” Gentiles, I’ll stick with the round hat with earflaps.The Savior Messiah and the Emissaries wore the proper Hebrew attire.

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Normally since we are not Yiddish we do not use the term, yamikah. The term, yamika, is from Yiddish speaking people. The Hebrew word is “kippah”.The taleet with tzi tzi, the ribbon of blue cords ought to be worn by all. Nu.15:37-41, “Speak unto the Hebrew children (you and I) and bid them that they make them fringes..a ribband of blue (thread)”.SCRIPTURES ON BEARDS: Vy./Lev. 19:27, 21:5; 2 Ki 2:23; Iyov 1:20 in the “Restoration Scriptures” by ISR. Also try some recommended websites.

By the way, of the various methods of attaching the hat, Velcro works best. YaHVaHosha and the Apostles or taught ones did not use Velcro in their days, but we can be sure that YaHVaHOSHA did not break His Torah, nor His Father’s Torah and that He does wear the kippah. We are to follow in His steps. Phil. 4:9; 1 Kepha (Peter) 2:21, Jer.6:16 (below). YHVH is One.

Why would there be such a big deal about it? Men have thousands of different hats they like to wear with logos, and one never hears any complaints about men’s hats. But just let someone follow Scripture correctly, and someone is upset. “He that saith he abideth in Him ought also so to walk, even as He walked” 1 Yochanon 2:7. “Thus saith YHVH, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, “We will not walk therein.” JeremiYah 6:16.

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Yet Orthodox male Jews and Hebraic’s risk being identified by YHVH’s enemies in wearing the kippah, Taleet, short hair and Beard in obedience to The Scriptures. These mostly devout men give of their time to YHVH at the Wailing Wall, synagogues and in the privacy of the forest or home. Are you willing to endure even that much persecution over what is considered such a trivial issue? The only logical reason to wear such garments is we love YHVH and do not want to offend Him. We have fear and awesome respect for Our Father, Who is able to cast both spirit and soul into hell fire.

The kippah should be worn at least in the assemblies always. Sleeping, doing construction, hunting, swimming and so on, probably are not times to wear the hat. Whatever the color, shape I do not know. “Jewish” history and tradition cannot serve as a final rule of thumb. An old argument is “Kippah is symbolic of sun worship; the hat is round”. Aaron, the high priests and all believers would then be guilty of sun worship. This was not the case. Something else round like the sun is our heads; should they be removed? Maybe they already have been! Ignorance is not bliss.

The Western person is so obsessed with not having to walk in Torah he forgets that YaHVaH wants him to have a joyful life and future. They say it is bondage to wear black hats, beards, tzi tzi's, keep the Sabbaths, New Moons and to eat clean. YaHVaH Creator and Messiah has given us these good judgments for our blessing. We ought to love to tithe, attend services, eat the commanded clean foods, and not want to have pagan things. Of course, if a person is not even concerned with the main issue (repentance), why would he worry about repenting from the so-called "minor"? To a true believer, there is no minor commandment. JeremiYah 14:3 says they covered their heads in shame. This refers to one putting the hand over his head in unbelief, in our understanding.

As if the wearing of a hat is such a big inconvenience and in the USA they cost three dollars or more! Oh, THAT much!

One Messianic TV evangelist is concerned that when we wear the kippah, we are showing respect to the rabbi. That is true! We are showing love, respect and obedience to THE Rabbi, YaHVaH the Messiah.

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Head Coverings - black hats - the excuses: “When I get to the pearly gates, I’m sure they will ask me ‘What kind of a hat did I wear? What day of the week did

you observe? What was that you ate?”

Reminiscent of Adam and Eve in Genesis: “Which tree of the garden did you eat from? Oops! Wrong tree, sorry! You will have to leave the Garden.” “I won’t be judged on outer appearance only inner!” Our actions are possibly more important than what we profess. One NT passage gives hint that swine are still unclean. YaHVaHOSHA did not waste good food. In Matthew 8 however he sent the huge herd of swine over a cliff into the sea. Other website links exhaust the subject. by HezekiYah is quite useful in this area. Remember our disclaimer. They use different Names for YaHVaH. What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and loose his own soul? Revelation, IsaiYah 65, 66 along with Lev. 11 is proof that unclean means abominable. It is consistent then that it is sinful to eat unclean flesh.Romans 11 sets the stage that Gentiles are grafted into the Hebraic tree or system. We are not “a Jew” if we are not circumcised inwardly Roman 2. Hebrew is the prevalent generation and most of the “Gentiles” have been eliminated. Meaning that most of us are not the Gentiles we wished we were. Some men want to run around like a bunch of rebellious, uncircumcised buffoons.

Laws about the wearing of beards for religious reason:

U.S. Federal statute regarding beards and the Sabbath can be found at or Look for Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII as amended (Section 701(j), sections 703 and 717); Part XII of EEO guidelines. See scheduling and practices including beards. The burden of proof is on the employer concerning "undue hardship. It means he has to hire a replacement person to fill in for you this is what is known as "reasonable accommodation". He must choose "what least disadvantages you" including the extra costs.

EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE:Some live not by YaHVaH’s way but live by EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE. They want to cross the line, or live close to it and live as worldly as possible. Like many in these last days. Why not follow ALL of the Word of YHVH today?

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BENEVOLENCE: We ought to love to tithe. This ministry does not collect tithes. We recommend spreading the Word through the Gideons www. Gideons .org . Beware of ministries publishing the Scriptures but adding denominational beliefs and modern corrupted texts.

Please order the dollar pamphlet, “The King James Bible Companion” with over 500 archaic words defined by David W. Daniels. The KJV or King James Version Scripture is from the original Antioch scrolls. “Thee and Thou” pronouns are printed instead of call YaHVaH “Hey you!” Alexandrian scrolls are from sinful Egypt in modern versions. They leave out Scriptures the equivalent of 1st and 2nd Peter in the newer section (NT).More research on Scripture versions:

It ought to be pointed-out that today’s modern Jews normally are liberal. The Orthodox sects, being guilty generally of not yet accepting the Messiah, are the most dedicated believers in the world. We see liberals who compromise to exist. Meanwhile, the serious are giving up their lives, jobs, homes, name it, for YaHVaH. How many of us can stand there at the wailing wall and truthfully say we have put YaHVaHOSHA the Messiah on the throne of our intellects? I wish that we could all truthfully say that!

The orthodox or conservative students are closer to obedience. The modern Jew is NOT JEWISH ENOUGH. You have lost your identity with YaHVaH..

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How many can say that if the Commandments, Statutes and Judgments are right, I will take the time to do PERSONAL study? Be accountable to YaHVaH (Whom you might call Him by the title) than to pastors and mere men. What does IsaiYah 8:19-20 in the KJV mean to you? See the light!Those who accuse us of being legalists ought also to accuse Paul of the same. Did Paul try to dupe Jewish believers by keeping Feasts of YHVH?

AN UNDEFINED RELATIONSHIP WITH YHVHNo standards, particulars or definitions are included in this oblivious relationship. Do whatever feels good, baby! If it feels right (good), do it! This is the new Evangelly-Fish charter they picked up from the hippies of the 1960's and 1970's. The seeker-friendly, Emergent Church has adopted some of these concepts which are failure bound.But many must live by every Word, and by YHVH’s Covenant. Matthew 4:4. The question to ask: Does what you believe and study affect your behavior? Is it all about loving the heavenly Father?

House churches should be well disciplined. They might be good alternatives to the liberal, wishy-washy, do-your-own-thing, strange-fire, no-doctrine churches. IsaiYah 29:13 addresses those who only honor with their lips. JeremiYah 11:4, 10 about obedience; 16:11-13 being cast out and 26:4 and Deuteronomy 22 establishes the basic understanding of divorce and remarriage. Did YaHVaH tell Moses to command divorce under any condition? So please read Deuteronomy 22 before 24 and all the others.

Any dogma created by the RCC (Vatican) is erroneous if you study history. Therefore the RCC trinity is not true. But the Pure Separated Spirit is the truth, otherwise there is no reason for Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 12 to 14 and so on. And regarding the gifts of the Spirit, there is no reason for the instructions in these passages unless we are supposed to have and use these gifts.To Messianics and Churches of God who have enough funds, why do you rent from others? You can have a building to YaHVaH. Where is your financial commitment? You have built houses to yourselves. It is high time for YaHVaH’s house to be built. This is found in Ezra.

Now we are against Big Labor unions, the Ecumenical movement or any entity forcing people to do the will of the liberal elite.

Shalom everyone! TsephanYah Eber