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W W F A D R I AAssociation for the Protection of Nature and Conservation of Biodiversity

Zelinska 210000 Zagreb


1. General Client information

Client: WWF ADRIA Address: Zelinska 2, 10 000 ZagrebPhone: +385 (0) 1 5509 623Fax: +385 (0) 1 6471 189E-mail: [email protected] No.: 43/04/2018

2. Information about procurement subject

Subject of this procurement is:

development of unique nature and biodiversity study that will encompass whole subject area on the territory of Republic of Croatia as well on the territory of Republic of Serbia.

This activity of the FORRET project is connected with following project activities:

- Development of flood risk management study (T1.6)

- Development of of forestry management studies (T1.4 separately for CRO and RS)

- Development of the feasibility study for the forest retention measure(s) (T1.7)

- Development of the environmental impact study for the forest retention measure(s) (T1.8 separately for CRO and RS)

- Establishment of the joint management system for flood risk and environment and biodiversity protection (T1.9).

Main expected result is the Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forests (RS).

3. Deadline

The offer must be received no later than 3.8.2018. until 00:00 hours (CET), exclusively by registered mail to the address from article 1 of this Call.The envelope must be marked "DO NOT OPEN – PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS - PROJECT FORRET (T1.5)"


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4. Appeal rate

Articles 146 to 153 of the PPL have set out in detail the deadlines for lodging appeals in all cases. The following are only the deadlines for filing an appeal in an open public procurement procedure, which makes up over 80% of all the proceedings conducted in the Republic of Croatia. In the open public procurement procedure, the high value of the appeal is declared within ten days and in the open public procurement procedure of a small value within five days, from:

a) Announcement of the call for tenders in relation to the content of the call for tenders and tender documentation, and additional documentation, if any, b) Announcement of changes to the bidding documentation in relation to the contents of the documentation modification, c) Opening of the bid in respect of the failure of the contracting authority to respond to a timely submission of a request for explanation or amendment relating to the tender documents and the procedure for opening tenders, d) Receipt of decision on selection or decision for annulment in respect of the procedure of review, evaluation and selection of tenders or reasons for annulment.

A complainant who failed to file a complaint at a particular stage of an open public procurement procedure in accordance with the above provisions shall not be entitled to appeal at a later stage of the proceedings for the preceding stage.

5. Web pages with announcement of this tender

The procurement documentation that forms an integral part of this Call for Proposals is published in full on Internet addresses:,, and

6. Estimated procurement value

Estimated procurement value, excluding VAT, is 88,000 EUR (if the bidder submits bid in another currency, the middle exchange rate of the CNB will be used to calculate the value of the purchase on the day of conclusion of the contract).

7. In order to take into consideration the offer, it is necessary to provide:

- a completed table, which is an integral part of this public tender (table - description of tasks + value with and without VAT)

- basic information about the bidder (name, OIB, address, extract from the register, VAT number) and reference list

- proof of legal and business capacity (not older than 6 months until the date of publication)

- proof of non-punishment (not older than 30 days to the date of publication)

- proof of financial ability (Article 51 of the PPL)


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8. An integral part of this public tender is:

Project Assignement; Methodology framework for implementation of the FORRET project;Table - description of tasks + value with and without VAT;Bidder information and references.


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W W F A D R I AAssociation for the protection of nature and conservation of biological

diversity Zelinska 210000 Zagreb

Bidding for service

Project FORRET HR-RS164 - The study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut

forests (RS)

Procurement number: 43/04/2018

Project assignment

The study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forests (RS)

Date: July 2018


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1. CONTEXT........................................................................................................................................6

1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................6

1.2 Programme....................................................................................................................................6

1.3 FORRET project............................................................................................................................7

1.4 Development of the Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forests (RS)...........................................................8

1.5 Deadlines.......................................................................................................................................9

1.6 Contract conduction......................................................................................................................9

2. ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................11

2.1 Development of detailed methodology for implementation of activity..................................11

2.2 Analysis of baseline conditions.................................................................................................11

2.3 Analysis of potential effects of the cross-border forest retention on nature and guidelines for further integrated management of the cross-border forest retention area for flood protection and forest management according to all user needs of the area..............................11

2.4 Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forests (RS)...........................................................................................12

2.5 Harmonization of the study with other FORRET project studies listed in chapter 1.4.......12

3. SPECIFIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE SUBJECT AREA....................................................13

3.1 Description of the subject area..................................................................................................13


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1.1 IntroductionFORRET projectThis Project assignment relates to providing specific external services within the „Development of Transboundary Forest Retention Project for Integrated Flood Risk, Environmental and Forestry Management “ (FORRET), which is financed by the Cross border cooperation programme INTERREG IPA Croatia – Serbia 2014 – 2020 (Programme).

FORRET project is consisting of ten work packages (WP) including work package T1.5 Development of nature and biodiversity studies (WP T1.5).

The subject of this project assignment is the development of the Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forests (Morović forest - RS) within the FORRET project.

The subject study will provide an overview of the current state of the ecosystem, habitats and species in the subject area, it will assess the impact of green infrastructure measures on natural values and protected areas and propose mitigation measures.

This chapter contains basic information about the Programme (subchapter 1.2), FORRET project (subchapter 1.3.), work package T1.5 Development of the study of natural characteristics and biodiversity (subchapter 1.4), deadlines (subchapter 1.5), and contract conduction (subchapter 1.6).

Detailed assignment description is presented in chapter 2.

Specific information about the subject area of this assignment is presented in the chapter 3.

1.2 ProgrammeThe Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020 is a cooperation programme of 2 states, Croatia, member of EU and neighbouring state Serbia. The programme area covers 9 NUTS III regions in the cross border territory between Croatia and Serbia. On the Croatian side, the programme area includes 4 counties on the north-east of Croatia (Osijek-Baranja, Vukovar-Srijem, Brod-Posavina and Požega-Slavonia counties), whereas on the Serbian side, the programme area covers 5 districts on north-west of Serbia (North Bačka, West Bačka, South Bačka, Srem and Mačva district). The programme is managed by the joint management structure that includes: Managing Authority with help of Joint Secretariat, Certifying Authority and Audit Authority. Efficient and smooth implementation of the Cooperation programme includes also participation of national bodies and national auditors.

Managing Authority of the Cooperation programme is Agency for Regional Development of Republic of Croatia with its headquarters in Miramarska cesta 22, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. Managing Authority is responsible for management and implementation of the programme in accordance with the principle of sound financial


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management and in accordance with the EU funds management instruments of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Joint Secretariat assists the Managing Authority and Joint Monitoring Committee in carrying out their respective duties regarding implementation of the Programme and undertakes the day-to-day implementation of the Programme. Moreover, Joint Secretariat provides information and support to the applicants and project beneficiaries.

FORRET project is connected to following Programme component:

Programme priority: Priority axis 2 – Protecting the environment and biodiversity, improving risk prevention and promoting sustainable energy and energy efficiency

Specific goal: To enforce integrated cross-border monitoring/management systems for key existing risks and environmental and biodiversity protection of the key area protected by the dikes on Sava.

1.3 FORRET projectProject FORRET was approved on 20th March 2017 on 3rd meeting of Joint Monitoring Committee in Zagreb.

Official name of the project is:

EN: Development of Transboundary Forest Retention Project for Integrated Flood Risk, Environmental and Forestry Management;

CRO: Razvoj projekta prekogranične šumske retencije za integrirano upravljanje rizicima od poplava, okolišem i šumama.

Project will be implemented during 30-month period (01/09/2017 - 29/02/2020) according to the Project application and corresponding gantogram.

Total budget of the project is 1.626.842,24 EUR; 85 % or 1.382815,88 EUR will be financed by European fund IPAII, remaining 15 % will be financed by project partners.

Project partners:

Hrvatske vode (HV) as Lead partner,

Javno vodoprivredno preduzeće Vode Vojvodine (VV),

Javno preduzeće Vojvodinašume (VŠ),

WWF Adria – Association for the protection of nature and conservation of biological diversity (WWF Adria).

The project summary (from the Project proposal):

The risk of floods, and in particular the risk of floods due to Sava River dike failures, represents the greatest risk in a large part of the programme area. This project will focus on the cross-border reach of the Sava River within which two dike failures caused the catastrophic flooding in eastern Croatia in May 2014. While strengthening of the Sava River dikes can reduce the risk of flooding to an extent, this risk can also be significantly reduced by relieving a part of the flood wave into the transboundary natural forest


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retention areas of Spačva-Morović, covering approximately 38.000 ha in Croatia and Serbia, while also improving the ecological status of the area. The main Project objective is enforcement of integrated cross-border monitoring/management systems for the flood risks and environmental and biodiversity protection, which will reduce flood risks and improve ecological and forestry management. Sava River and its natural floodplains in Spačva-Morović region are areas of unique and rich biodiversity. Well-preserved oak forests and wetlands host many important habitat types and species. At the same time, proper management of the oak forests can provide a significant contribution to local and national economies. Current water regime in the project area is not fully favourable for natural ecosystems and forests. The main outputs are the integrated cross-border monitoring and management systems, including comprehensive joint sectoral, feasibility and environmental studies. The Project will define the optimal green infrastructural measure(s) that will be implemented in the future from other sources of funding. The Project will address the needs of a wide range of target groups, and the ultimate beneficiary is the affected population. The Project’s objectives can only be achieved through cross-border approach because the optimal measures in these transboundary forest retention areas can only be planned and implemented through cross-border cooperation.

FORRET project consists of ten work packages:

T1.1 Data collectionT1.2 Hydrologic and hydraulic modelling and analysisT1.3 Establishment of joint monitoring systemT1.4 Development of forestry management studies T1.5 Development of nature and biodiversity studiesT1.6 Development of flood risk management studiesT1.7 Development of the feasibility study for the forest retention measure(s)T1.8 Development of the environmental impact study for the forest retention measure(s)T1.9 Establishment of the joint management system for flood risk and environment

and biodiversity protectionT1.10 Awareness raising and institutional capacity strengthening

This Project assignment is a part of the work package T1.5 Development of nature and biodiversity studies on the territories of Republic of Croatia and Republic of Serbia.

1.4 Development of the Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forests (RS) The work package summary (from the Project proposal):

Work package includes development of unique nature and biodiversity study that will encompass whole subject area on the territory of Republic of Croatia as well on the territory of Republic of Serbia.


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This activity of the FORRET project is connected with following project activities:

- Development of flood risk management study (T1.6)

- Development of of forestry management studies (T1.4 separately for CRO and RS)

- Development of the feasibility study for the forest retention measure(s) (T1.7)

- Development of the environmental impact study for the forest retention measure(s) (T1.8 separately for CRO and RS)

- Establishment of the joint management system for flood risk and environment and biodiversity protection (T1.9).

Main expected result is the Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forests (RS).

The study has to consist of a detailed analysis of baseline conditions of nature and biodiversity resources in the target area and analyses of effects of various green infrastructural measures of diverting a part of the Sava River flows into the forest retention area on these resources. The assessment of the effects of these measures will be used in the evaluation of options and selection of the best option in the feasibility study.

1.5 DeadlinesThe total duration of this Project assignment is 16 months.

In addition to ensuring completion of the task by the deadline (16 months after signing the contract), the Consultant must also ensure the completion of the following activities:

No. Activity

1Development of detailed methodology for implementation of activity

1 month

2 Analysis of baseline conditions 3 months


Analysis of potential effects of the cross-border forest retention on nature and guidelines for further integrated management of the cross-border forest retention area for flood protection and forest management according to all user needs of the area

3 months


Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forests (RS)

6 months

5 Harmonization of the study with 3 months


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other FORRET project studies listed in chapter 1.4

1.6 Contract conductionThis assignment will be executed on the basis of a contract (the "Contract") to be signed by a consultancy company or consortium selected by the public tender procedure ("Consultant") and a partner in the FORRET project responsible for T1.5 - WWF Adria ("Client).

The implementation of the contract on both project areas (Serbia and Croatia) will be monitored by the project partner project team (WWF Adria) and the implementation results will be monitored by the Monitoring Committee and Strategic Management of the FORRET project, composed of top representatives of institutions responsible for key three sectors: flood risks, forest and biodiversity of the project area from both countries.

The Consultant will have to communicate in detail and report to the Client on the implementation of the contract, which will include, inter alia, the following:

• Regular communication and reporting to the project team (after each activity listed in the table above and, if necessary, more frequently)

• Technical presentations on progress and draft materials for project team representatives after each stage, or, as appropriate, in agreement with the Client and representatives of the project team.

Since this assignment requires highly specialized services, the Consultant must set up a Consultant Team that will be run by an experienced project manager, which will include expert staff with appropriate experience in monitoring and analysing the status of natural values, environmental impact assessment, nature conservation planning measures, harmonization of nature protection measures with plans and measures in other sectors and integrated management of protected areas.

The main line of technical communication between the Client and the Consultant will be between the Consultant team leader and the authorized Client representative.

The Consultant will also appoint a contract representative who will communicate with the Client representative and, if necessary, with the project manager on issues related to the coordinated contract management in relation to other parallel activities both from Croatia and Serbia.

The Consultant should without delay consider the Client's comments and recommendations, as well as possible comments from the Steering Committee and the Managing Body / Joint Secretariat of the Program. The Consultant should also take the comments and recommendations of the stakeholders and resolve them in agreement with the Client.

The Client will provide the Consultant with all relevant information available to him, assist the Consultant in collecting all relevant data available from other parties (consultant is responsible for possible costs for such information), assist the Consultant in organizing meetings and presentations and providing the Consultant with all other necessary support for successful task execution.


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2.1 Development of detailed methodology for implementation of activity On the basis of the common framework methodology (attached as an annex), the Consultant will elaborate a detailed methodological framework before the development of the study. Once the methodology has been approved by the project partners, the consultant will be able to start working on the development of the study in accordance with this project assignment and set deadlines.

2.2 Analysis of baseline conditionsThis part of the professional background should include:

- A general description of the natural characteristics of the subject area,

- A description of the existing protected areas and ecological network areas including a description of their objectives and conservation measures,

- A list of present habitats and species according to existing data,

- Mapping and assessment of the status of priority habitat types,

- Mapping and estimation of the population of priority species

- Information on spatial planning and ecosystem status,

- List of major ecosystem services, identification of major service users, and assessment of their relevance to the community.

2.3 Analysis of potential effects of the cross-border forest retention on nature and guidelines for further integrated management of the cross-border forest retention area for flood protection and forest management according to all user needs of the areaThis part of the professional background should include:

- Analysis of existing threats to ecosystems and biodiversity,

- A description of the effects on protected areas and the ecological network,

- Analysis of impacts of proposed green infrastructure measures on key ecosystems, habitats and species, cumulative impact assessment and analysis of variant solutions,

- Proposal of mitigation measures to mitigate adverse impacts / adaptation of proposed green infrastructure measures and locations of particular


- Review of missing data on ecosystems and biodiversity elements (GAP analysis), guidelines for further monitoring and list of indicator species,

- Identification of priority research for collection of the necessary data,

- Guidelines for the establishment of an integrated management system from the aspect of nature protection and biodiversity.

In formulating alternative solutions, the objectives of forest management of the project area as well as the nature conservation objectives within the ecological network and the potential effects of flood risk mitigation measures, i.e. protected


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areas and ecological network, should be considered, which will be analysed on the basis of data and backgrounds from studies that will be developed in parallel within the project activities of the FORRET project.

2.4 Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forests (RS)The analysis of the baseline conditions and analysis of potential effects of the retention on nature and guidelines for further management should be formulated and consolidated in a single document containing suggestions of the layout and technical characteristics of retention(s). It should also contain clear explanation of the impact of each proposed solution on nature and the biodiversity of the subject area and accordingly the details of the conditions that each of the aforementioned proposals should meet so that the retention does not cause loss of natural characteristics of the subject area and its biodiversity (water retention time, maximum water level, etc.).

2.5 Harmonization of the study with other FORRET project studies listed in chapter 1.4The final activity is the finalization of the Study and harmonization and approval of the proposed measures by the project partners.


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3.1 Description of the subject area The area to be covered by the study (subject area) covers forest areas on the left bank of the Sava River in the border area of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia. Specifically defined, the subject area includes:

1. The Natura 2000 ecological network in the Republic of Croatia HR1000006 with a total area of 43,549 ha

2. Bosut forest ecological network in the Republic of Serbia with a total area of 25,900 ha.

In an ecological sense it is a unique area with preserved alluvial forests and high biodiversity. The area is both recognized as an International Important Bird Area.

Attachment: An overview of the subject area

Figure 1: The area in the Republic of Croatia


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Figure 2: The area in Republic of Serbia


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FORRET PROJECTMethodology framework for implementation of the FORRET project


Cross border project „Development of Transboundary Forest Retention Project for Integrated Flood Risk, Environmental and Forestry Management“(FORRET) is a common project of Croatian and Serbian institutions in charge of flood risk management, forestry management and nature and environment protection. Project is financed by Cross border cooperation programme INTERREG IPA Croatia – Serbia 2014 – 2020 (Programme). Project value is 1 626 842,24 EUR. It will be implemented in a period of 2,5 years by 4 project partners: Hrvatske vode (Croatian waters) as a lead partner, Javno vodoprivredno preduzeće Vode Vojvodine, Javno preduzeće Vojvodinašume and WWF Adria – Association for the protection of nature and conservation of biological diversity.

Long term experience in flood risk management within the programme area, on both sides of the cross border basin area of Sava with dikes in place along rivers was threatened in the last decade by by climate change and new hydrological trends that led to increased risk of floods. Within the programme area, mayor flood risks are breeches of existing dikes on the Sava River. Because of this, the focus of the project is to find optimal technical solutions in order to decrease flood risks on the cross border section of the Sava River. This section has already experienced 2 dike breeches that caused catastrophic flood in Eastern Croatia in May 2014. Proposed solution for significant reduction of the flood risk is to unburden the part of the flood wave on Sava in the cross border natural forest retention Spačva-Morović that encompass an area of around 38.000ha of the cross border forest area in Croatia and Serbia, along with improvement of ecological situation of this area. In line with this, the main goal of the project is to improvement of the overall cross border monitoring system along with the proposal of flood risk reduction measures and improved forestry, environment and biodiversity management.

Since this project is a cross border project which includes participation of different institutions, in order to respect programme regulations and national legislation it is necessary to develop methodology framework for implementation of the FORRET project. The framework will serve as a set of baseline conditions that will be improved and further worked on through cross border consultations and agreement in order to implement the cross border project activities, as well as other project activities in a common, agreed way according to the project proposal and set deadlines, all respecting the programme rules.

FORRET project consists of ten work packages according to the responsibilities from the approved project proposal:

1. T 1.1 Data collection (Hrvatske vode/Vode Vojvodine)2. T 1.2 Hydrologic and hydraulic modelling and analysis (Vode Vojvodine)3. T 1.3 Establishment of joint monitoring system (Hrvatske vode/Vode Vojvodine)4. T 1.4 Development of forestry management studies (Hrvatske vode/Vojvodinašume)


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5. T 1.5 Development of nature and biodiversity studies (WWF Adria)6. T 1.6 Development of flood risk management studies (Hrvatske vode/Vode Vojvodine)7. T 1.7 Development of the feasibility study for the forest retention measure(s) (Hrvatske vode)8. T 1.8 Development of the environmental impact study for the forest retention measure(s) (Hrvatske vode/Vojvodinašume)9. T 1.9 Establishment of the joint management system for flood risk and environment and biodiversity protection (Hrvatske vode)10. T 1.10 Awareness raising and institutional capacity strengthening (WWF Adria)

Some of the activities are under responsibility of both Croatian and Serbian institutions (T1.1, T1.3, T1.4, T1.6 and T1.8), each for its country project area. Some activities will be implemented only by one partner for project areas in both countries included in the project (T1.2, T1.5, T1.7, T1.9 and T1.10).

Because of divided responsibilities and different national legislations and approaches in implementation of particular activities this Methodology framework for implementation of the FORRET project will include key assumptions and bases for implementation of the project that are acceptable for key sectors – water and flood risk management, forest management and environment and nature protection. Along with project assignments for each activity, this will be the main basis for preparation of the draft documents that will be further developed on a cross border level through cross border coordination and agreement, as on the level of each separate project activity, as well as on the overall project implementation level according to the approved project proposal and other existing documentation (project management plan, communications plan). Entire implementation will be monitored and supervised by the Management Board.


Baseline for implementation of activities

Baseline for implementation of activities within the Methodology framework for implementation of the FORRET project:

1. Data and bases– collected from or with help of national institutions (from International Sava River Commission for the Sava river basin with help of national institutions responsible for implementation of the Sava River Basin Framework Agreement (Sava HIS, Sava GIS, Sava LIDAR…)), including LIDAR data of FORRET project area for Croatian side, received through the FORRET project,

2. Mathematical models (1D, 2D),3. Project application and the project implementation dynamics document,4. Cross-border coordination and meetings to ensure cross-border agreement

and common implementation of the special project activities as well as the overall project,


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5. Reporting and updating of bases needed for monitoring of the project implementation and achievement of project results,

6. Programme rules on project implementation.

Management of implementation of activities

According to the implementation structure from the Project management plan implementation of each activity:

- is responsibility of the project partner responsible for implementation of this particular activity,

- activities within a specific work package are being monitored and verified by project teams consisting of members of each project partner, are coordinated by team leaders selected between the project partners, all in coordination with the FORRET project team leaded by the project manager from Hrvatske vode,

- responsible project team leader that is responsible for implementation of a specific activity, will, in collaboration with the team leader on the other side of the project area (other country involved) in case of shared responsibility or on its own, in agreement with other project partners, perform all duties connected with the preparation and organization of working meetings (both on national and cross border level), preparation of meeting minutes and coordination of implementation of agreed conclusions,

- each national institution in a part of its responsibility is responsible for ensuring of the data and available models collection.

Each activity will be implemented on several levels:- level of management and implementation of the project,- cross border coordination within the implementation of the project, - strategic management of the project.

National level of implementation of project activities

- the competent project partner, in compliance with the programme regulations and the national regulations, conducts the procurement procedure and ensures the signing of the Contract with the Consultant on the implementation of the service / delivery and installation of the equipment,

- Each Contract with the Consultant contains a project assignment detailing the task, scope of activity, methodology of implementation, deadlines and more.

Cross-border coordination

With a goal of ensuring harmonized national activities, cross-border coordination for the implementation of each activity will be done through establishment of working groups for each work package. Working group will be led by relevant project partner with support from other project partners, and in case of need with support of other institutions, all in line with the final competence distribution of the management structure defined in the project management plan.


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Working group of the relevant work package is led by project partner responsible for implementation of the work package, with support of co-coordination project partner relevant for particular work package. Other project partners and representatives of other relevant institutions are working group members.

Work package working group will meet at least once per project period, or often if needed, during implementation of the relevant activity/service. In order to present implemented services/activities and achieved result, selected consultants from both involved countries have to participate on cross-border coordination meetings.

For the purpose of preparation of period reports selected consultants are obliged to prepare reports and basis according to the request of the relevant working group, in written form. Additionally, they are obliged to adjust and complement delivered reports according to the request of the project management group and, if and when needed, to present the reports on meetings (working groups and cross-border coordination) or to inform project Management board or other implementation bodies on the state of implementation of the project activities listed in their contract.

Strategic management

For the purpose of strategic management, monitoring and supervision of FORRET project implementation, special board for monitoring, supervision and strategic management of the FORRET project was established (hereinafter: Management board for implementation of the FORRET project). The Board consists of leaders of national institutions responsible for water management, forest management and environmental and nature protection.

As part of their work, the key tasks of the Management board for the implementation of the FORRET project are:

- verification of the methodological approach of the project implementation, - ensuring and verifying all necessary data and information for the

implementation of strategic project management,- verification and bilateral confirmation of the key results of a project-level

activity,- providing guidance to the project management team, as well as other work

package implementation teams of the FORRET project workforce, on the strategic level, within their area of competence.

This framework methodology for the implementation of the FORRET project, as verified by the Management board, is a framework for the implementation of individual project activities as well as their cross-border coordination and alignment and guidance, all in order to ensure the achievement of project objectives and project results from the approved project application and respecting the implementation dynamics, deadlines and available resources.

Methodological approach to project implementation

Based on the adopted Methodology framework and project tasks for the implementation of a service studies that will also include modelling will be developed.


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The project team, with the support of working groups for the implementation of individual project activities, will ensure oversight of implementation and cross-border coordination and horizontal harmonization of specific activities.

When addressing strategic issues, strategic coordination of the project, and for more complex issues, if necessary, the Management board will be consulted/included.

It is recommended to integrate the implementation of particular project activities at the level of the relevant project partner, taking into account the content and timing of individual project activities or groups of procurement, already in the planning phase of the joint procurement on unit level.

Results of individual studies from activities T1.4, T1.5 and T1.6, i.e. conceptual technical solutions with variant analysis should be obtained until:

- the start of activities that consider the economic and financial aspects of these variants through the feasibility study in T1.7 in order to obtain an optimal solution to technical-technological and economic criteria,

- the start of activities of the preparation of the study for environmental impact assessment, at national level through T1.8. This activity will explore which of the solutions selected meet the environmental protection and biodiversity conservation criteria, i.e. which solutions will have the least negative impact on the surrounding area and economic activity (forest management and other), taking into account the mitigation measures and possible compensation measures all aimed at sustainable use of natural lowland forests of the project area.

The design of the feasibility study and study of the environmental impact of the selected project, as well as the Integrated management plan, should not be delayed. The following activities should be carried out at a certain time in parallel:

- phase I activities (T1.1 to T1.6) study results - forest management, biodiversity and flood risk,

- phase II activities (T1.7 to T1.9), with final stage of phase I activities: study of the environmental impact of the selected project, feasibility study, elaboration of the Integrated management plan to ensure their coordinated implementation and the synergy of all activities from the approved project application, provide optimal solutions (one or more).


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Action plan for implementation

In order to timely synchronize and ensure the implementation of project activities in accordance with this FORRET project methodology framework, an integral part of this Framework is the draft Action plan for implementation of project activities (AP FORRET).

The draft of this Action plan for the implementation of contracted project activities (AP FORRET) with key elements of implementation of a particular project activity and deadlines, including cross-border coordination and harmonization of overall implementation, will be reviewed upon completion of tender procedures and negotiation or introduction of consultants to the work scope by the FORRET project team. Action plan will be submitted to the Management board for approval, and it will be the basis for monitoring and supervision of implementation, i.e. reporting on the implementation of project activities.

Reporting and monitoring

Relevant working groups in their area of responsibility will report on implementation of the approved AP FORRET on quarterly basis to each working group of the FORRET project and strategic coordination related to strategic issues. The FORRET project team or the strategic coordination will oversee the implementation of the AP FORRET and the achievement of deadlines, as well as the goals and results. This structure will also report to the Management board on a quarterly level, i.e. mid and after the end of each period, all in order to secure the project completion within the framework of the scheduled deadlines.

The final proposals of the studies, the elaborates and the accompanying documentation - final report with all data, the protocol on further processing of the collected data and substructures in digital and printed form, hydrological and hydraulic model and other basis data will be the subject of final approval by the Management board for the implementation of FORRET project and later the basis for preparing a project application for a future new infrastructure project.

Operational level of activities implementation

Operational implementation of project activities is primarily the task of working groups and the project management team. Work activities will be carried out with respect to the approved project application, this Methodology framework, project assignments and the execution dynamics of the FORRET project.

During the operational implementation of the project, in the event of any problems or issues on operational level, project partners or project team will have at their disposal the Operational level of project implementation. This level will consist of contact persons from the national institutions responsible for water management, forest management and nature protection, which are not project partners but will take part at the operational level of the FORRET project, upon the invitation of the FORRET project team or at the invitation of individual partners. Their task will be to ensure joint action and cross-sector synergies between the water, forest, environment and nature sector for the timely and effective implementation of project activities and communications related to project level activities and, if necessary, to ensure the


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harmonization of individual bases prior to submission to the Management board for verification or decision-making related to strategic management.

When organizing workshops on exchange of experience and results between individual project partners, including stakeholders and target groups, as well as awareness raising and capacity building workshops within the scope of T1.10 implementation, the relevant project partners will inform others included in the project, send written invitations to participants, electronically and through project web pages and individual partners, getting acquainted with materials before workshops, as well as sharing presentations and content, created as a product of workshops.

Overview of individual project activities with key implementation elements that need to be cross-border coordinated and agreed:

T 1.1 Data collection

Leader: Hrvatske vode and Vode VojvodineProject team: Vode Vojvodine-lead/ Hrvatske vode deputy lead Assignment: All existing data related to flood risk management, including data

on forest management and nature conservation for the target area of Spačva-Morović area in CRO and RS, will be collected at national level, i.e. through national institutions (data of Sava Commission - Sava HIS, Sava GIS, hydrological and hydraulic model etc.) and be establish with the appropriate IT tool as a common database of FORRET project made up of national data provided by national institutions or through national institutions to ensure harmonization through cross border coordination as a basis for the implementation of other project activities of the FORRET project.Collected and secured LIDAR data from the project area will be approved and certified by the competent national institutions (Croatian Geodetic Authority for data from the Croatian side, i.e. Serbian Republican Geodetic Institute for Serbian data) before use for the implementation of other project activities.

Deadlines: According to the AP FORRET and project assignment for T1.1Result: In addition to the established FORRET project database, a

protocol on further treatment with the collected data and bases of mutual interest after the completion of the FORRET project implementation will be developed.

T 1.2 Hydrologic and hydraulic modelling and analysis

Lead: Vode VojvodineAssignment: The hydrological - hydraulic model (unique for the project area)

will include a hydrological and hydraulic model from the Sava Commission upgraded with LIDAR data from the digital terrain model and other relevant data as a basis for further analysis and implementation of a scenario with measures and without measures that will be considered through the flood risk management study (T1.6).


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Deadlines: According to the AP FORRET and project assignment for T1.2Result: The hydrological - hydraulic model for the FORRET project area.

T 1.3 Gauging stations

Lead: Hrvatske vode / Vode VojvodineAssignment: Improvement of the monitoring system - establishment of two

new gauging stations on the Sava River with a system for improved hydrological data exchange in real time for the establishment of Q-H curves, water supply and flow ratios at relevant stations within the project.

Deadlines: According to the AP FORRET and project assignment for T1.3Result: Two additional water gauging stations installed and improved

cross-border monitoring and hydrological data exchange in real time.

T 1.4 Development of forestry management studies

Lead: Hrvatske vode / Vojvodina šumeAssignment: Development of 2 national forest management studies for forest

areas in CRO and RS. Within the scope of the studies, the area and the conditions under which it is possible to use the cross-border forest retention for the discharge of high Sava water flows, with minimal damage for the the lowland forest area, will be defined (water depth, scope, flooding time and other essential conditions for flooding of the forests of the observed area).

Deadlines: According to the AP FORRET and project assignment for T1.4Result: Two national forest management studies and defined conditions

for the development of the Integrated management plan developed.

T 1.5 Development of the Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava – Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forests (RS)

Lead: WWF Adria

Assignment: Development of the Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava for target areas in Croatia (NATURA 2000 area - HR1000006) and in Serbia (Serbia ecological network area– Bosut forests), following the project assignment and Methodology framework of the FORRET project. Detailed analysis of the baseline conditions of nature and biodiversity resources in the target area and the analysis of the effects of various green infrastructure measures on those resources (considered under activity T1.6) in redirecting part of the Sava flows to the forest retention area. The assessment of


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the effects of these measures will be used in the evaluation of options and selecting the best options in the feasibility study under T1.7 and national environmental impact studies under T1.8 and ultimately for the establishment of a joint risk management system for flood and environmental and biodiversity protection within the T1.9 activity. Basics for the Methodology framework for the implementation of this activity are standard protocols for the Natura 2000 ecological network, i.e. the relevant EU directives (Habitats Directive and Birds Directive) and their requirements. Collecting existing data will be performed with limited and targeted additional field research for which the format will be previously agreed on cross border level. The analysis of the effects of various green infrastructure measures (with the proposed compensation and mitigation measures for possible variants) and the proposal of an optimal nature conservation approach will be the basis for the analysis of flood risk variants in T1.6 activities. The final analysis of the optimum solution and the proposed mitigation and compensation measures related to the NATURA 2000 conservation and conservation objectives will be carried out by selecting the final variant according to the T1.7 feasibility study and the results of the environmental impact study for the cross border forest retention have the least negative impact on both sides of the border, i.e. without any negative impact on downstream areas.

Deadlines: According to the AP FORRET and project assignment for T1.5.Result: A unique study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the

area of floodplain Sava for the Spačva Forest (CRO) and Bosut forest (RS) and defined conditions for the creation of the Integrated Management Plan of the cross border forest retention.

T 1.6 Development of flood risk management studiesLead: Hrvatske vode / Vode Vojvodine

Assignment: Development of two separate but closely coordinated flood risk management studies for flood risk management measures in CRO and RS following this methodology framework and project assignment.This activity is associated with other activities, in particular T1.2, T1.4 and T1.5, from which input data will be used to create an analysis scenario and will be the basis for further activities in T1.7 and T1.8, respectively final solutions and the definition of the basis for the creation of the Integrated Management Plan of the forest retention in T1.9.Detailed analysis of the baseline flood risk status of the target area (current state of the flood protection facilities), the formulation of various technical scenarios and options for green infrastructure measures to divert part of the flow to the forest


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retention area Spačva-Morović and modelling (T1.2) as a basis for analysis the effects of such measures on flood risks (T1.4 and T1.5). Information from activities T1.4 and T1.5 will be used to formulate and evaluate alternatives in T1.6 in finding of an optimal solution to ensure both the reduction of flood risk and long-term sustainable forest management as well as environmental protection, while preserving biodiversity.Flood hazard maps and flood risk maps in accordance with the methodology for their preparation for the first cycle of Flood Risk Management Plan are the key areas for the Croatian territory of the project area. Since this kind of maps were not yet developed in the Republic of Serbia for its entire territory, including the project area, in the implementation of the FORRET project, the simplified methodology adopted by the Sava Commission for the purpose of drafting the Flood risk management plan for Sava basin will be used (risk assessment by inventory of risk receptor data and the presentation of risk receptor flooding in different scenarios that are presented through the risk maps obtained as a product of the value of the hazards (depth) and vulnerable / receptor categories (population, category of economic activity including the use of land within the flood zone, the category of environment including protected areas and IPPCs, installations and waste disposal sites, as well as the category of cultural heritage.) Maps defined by the methodology developed according to the requirements of the Floods Directive for the Croatian territory, or in accordance with the simplified methodology for the Serbian territory of the project area, will be harmonized on a cross-border level in order to ensure the development of common risk maps and flood risk maps of the project area.

Deadlines: According to the AP FORRET and project assignment for T1.6.Result: Two national flood risk management studies conducted along

with constant cross-border coordination of selected consultants with a goal of development of joint flood risk maps and flood risk maps with the selection of optimal variant of flood risk mitigation measures. Optimal variant solution will be confirmed by the feasibility study in T1.7 and financial economic analyses and national environmental impact studies through T.1.8. By implementation of the conditions provided by listed analyses, including mitigation measures, the selected solution will not have a greater negative impact on the cross-border forest retention area and NATURA 2000 areas, along with sustainable use of forestry, protection of environment and biodiversity, which will be defined by the conditions of integrated use of space through the selected variant and the defined Integrated management plan for cross-border forest retention.

T 1.7 Development of the feasibility study for the forest retention measure(s)


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Lead: Hrvatske vode

Assignment: The preparation of the study includes an overview of the existing situation, analysis of the needs and analysis of options in accordance with the economic financial criteria based on the input data, i.e. the results of the activities of T1.4, T1.5 and T1.6, as well as the selection of the optimal option for which a conceptual solution and cost benefit analysis will be developed. Also, implementation plan for further steps for realization of the future infrastructure project of cross-border forest retention from some other funds will be developed.For the implementation of cost and benefit analysis, standard EU guidelines for CBA analysis will be used. Other elements will be defined through cross-border coordination and consultation.

Deadlines: According to the AP FORRET and project assignment for T1.7.Result: Developed feasibility study of cross-border forest retention with

plan of further steps for implementation of future infrastructure project.

T 1.8 Development of the environmental impact study for the forest retention measure(s)

Lead: Hrvatske vode / Vojvodina šume

Assignment: Development of 2 national, cross-border coordinated and harmonized studies of the effects of the optimal solution of "green infrastructure" measures in CRO and RS, respecting national regulations and EU requirements (EIA / SEA). This will ensure the reduction of Sava's peak flood flows and appropriate reduction of flood risk by redirecting part of the Sava flows into natural forest retention areas, while ensuring environmental protection and biodiversity. The environmental impact study will serve as a basis for the subsequent implementation of formal national environmental impact assessment procedures, which will precede the implementation of the infrastructure project for the cross-border area. Given that the Republic of Croatia declared the Natura 2000 network (Regulation on ecological network, Official Gazette 124/13, 105/15) in 2013, environmental impact assessment study has to consider the impact of the planned activities on the conservation goals and integrity of the ecological network of the Republic of Croatia. Due to the fact that seven forest sites with a total area of 225 ha within Bosut forests are protected (six strict nature reserves and one natural monument) and that a study of integral space protection for the future nature park "Bosutska šuma" with total area of 17.159 ha, is submitted to the further procedure, as well as the fact that the Bosut forests are included in the national


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ecological network (Regulation on ecological network, Official Gazette of RS 102/2010) as an IBA area and a habitat of strictly protected species (Ordinance on the designation and protection of strictly protected and protected wild species of plants, animals and fungi, Official Gazette of RS 5/2010, 47/2011, 32/2016 and 98/2016), when drafting an impact study and choosing of appropriate variant solutions it is necessary to consider the above mentioned and obtain necessary legal acts from the competent institutions.The basic content of the document will be defined in accordance with the national regulations and the project task, and certain elements will be harmonized jointly by cross-border coordination and meetings.

Deadlines: According to the AP FORRET and project assignment for T1.8.Result: Two national studies on the environmental

impact of the forest retention in CRO and RS developed.

T 1.9 Establishment of the joint management system for flood risk and environment and biodiversity protection/ Development of Flood risk, environment and biodiversity management plan for the FORRET project area

Lead: Hrvatske vode

Assignment: Development of a comprehensive management plan for cross-border forest retention, consisting of components related to water management, flood risk management and forest management, taking into account the protection of the environment and the conservation of biodiversity.This activity will incorporate the results of all previous activities into a comprehensive management plan for the target area, which will represent the main immediate outcome of the project no. 2 Integrated management system for flood risks and environmental and biodiversity protection. In the overall management plan, management will be described before and after the implementation of the proposed cross-border forest retention project. The overall management plan will also include a plan for further development and implementation of the cross-border forest retention project on the basis of a feasibility study and an impact study on the environment.

Deadlines: According to the AP FORRET and project assignment for T1.9.Result: A joint Integrated management plan of cross-border forest

retention area for the FORRET project area established.

T 1.10 Awareness raising and institutional capacity strengthening

Lead: WWF Adria


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Assignment: This activity will include numerous activities that will include target groups and relevant institutions: (1) Awareness rising and capacity building activities for target groups to understand flood risk prevention measures, water management processes and environmental and biodiversity protection,(2) Capacity building of institutions responsible for flood risk management, river basin management, forestry management and environmental and biodiversity management, and (3) Identification of operational gaps and administration burdens for sound transboundary flood risk management, preparation of concrete solutions (guidelines) and if possible, their integration into national systems and daily practice.Methodology framework includes development of the initial capacity need assessment and need for trainings, training programme and plan development including initial training for partners and specific sectoral trainings, or more detailed: Analyses:

- Analysis of the situation and capacity in terms of integrated water management (analysis of documentation, interviews with persons employed in relevant institutions, preparation of a questionnaire and providing it to participants),

- Analysis of the questionnaire and suggestion of content and volume of training for relevant stakeholders,

- Training plan and programme,- Initial training,- Specific sectoral trainings/campaigns to promote

ecosystem services and natural solutions in flood risk management,

- Development of guidelines for integrated water management and application of nature based solutions based on good practice examples from the environment as well as examples and practices collected during the training and workshops.

Deadlines: According to the AP FORRET and project assignment for T1.10.Result: Raised awareness and guidelines for integrated water

management and application of nature based solutions.

Zagreb, 26th June 2018 Conducted by:

Ružica Drmić, in coordination with project partner representatives


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No Activity EUR (VAT excluded)

EUR (VAT included)

1. Development of detailed methodology for implementation of activity

2. Analysis of baseline conditions

3. Analysis of potential effects of the cross-border forest retention on nature and guidelines for further integrated management of the cross-border forest retention area for flood protection and forest management according to all user needs of the area

4. Study of natural characteristics and biodiversity in the floodplain areas of the Sava - Spačva (CRO) and Bosut forest (RS)

5. Harmonization of the study with other FORRET project studies


Table - description of tasks + value with and without VAT


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