
St. Martha Catholic School

May 2012

Dear Parent/Guardian:

This year Catholic Education Week takes place from May 6 to May 11, 2012. The theme is: “Catholic Education: Walking in the Light of Christ”. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path” Psalm 199:105. Light reveals the beauty that darkness conceals and we walk confidently in that light.

“I am the Light and World” Jesus proclaimed and added that “whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) It is significant that the beginnings of the Book of Genesis - Then God said, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3) and the Gospel of John - What has come into being in him was life and the life was the light of all people (John 1:3) make specific references to light. John’s Gospel in particular stresses the image of Jesus as being ‘the Light of the World.’

During this time, the Catholic community celebrates the unique and distinctive contribution that Catholic schools make to our students, our community, and our province. Catholic Education Week is a welcome opportunity to celebrate the Mission of our Catholic schools as they strive to integrate the Gospel values of Jesus Christ in every aspect of the school’s life and curriculum.

You will find more information regarding Catholic Education Week in this newsletter We look forward to celebrating Catholic Education week with you.

F. Clotildes,


Upcoming Dates of Interest

June 1 - PA DAY – Assessment and Evaluation

June 4 - CSAC Meeting @ 7PM

June 17 - FATHER’S DAY

June 20 - First Day of Summer

June 21 - SK Graduation @ 1PM

June 22 - End of year School Mass @ 1:15

June 26 - Grade 8 Graduation

June 28 - Last day of classes

June 29 - Pay Day – Provincial Education Priorities

“We Learn, We Laugh, We Love…… We Welcome”

St. Martha

Catholic School

1865 Sheppard


Toronto, ON



FAX: 416 397-6321


F. Clotildes


R. Sgovio

Head Caretaker

J. Pezzente


D. Yack



P. Bottoni


CSAC Chair:

Y. Giorgio


St. Jane Frances Catholic Church

2747 Jane St.

Toronto, Ontario



Fr. Amedeo Nardone

School Hours:

8:45 a.m. – 3:35 p.m.

Lunch: 11:50-12:50

Catholic School Advisory Council (CSAC) news

CSAC update:

We would like to thank you for your ongoing participation with the Dress Code this year. The Dress Code committee wishes to provide a friendly reminder with some clarification regarding the dress code. We have revised this outline for your ease of reference. As parents, we appreciate your ongoing compliance. Kindly review the dress code flyer.


CSAC Family Night BBQ: kindly submit your forms by MAY 4, 2012

CSAC Casual days only 2 days remaining: May 25, 2012 & June 22, 2012

CSAC Pizza lunch fundraiser on the go, remaining lunches will be held on:

Friday May 4, 2012

Friday May 11, 2012

Friday May 18, 2012

St. Martha Catholic School –CSAC Online Fundraising Campaign

St. Martha Catholic School –CSAC Online Fundraising Campaign is still ongoing. This is a perfect gift for someone when you do not know what to buy. There are tons of magazines to choose from and prices range from Costs $25-$40 in total for 12 issues of any magazine). Take a look at the selection. This could be a gift for your spouse, child, siblings, friends etc. Your participation is key. If you have not already done so, I hope that you will take a few minutes to participate.

Participating is easy! Simply invite friends and family to shop at our online magazine store. They'll save up to 85%.

Here’s what you do;

1-Go online to

2- Click on buy a magazine…..


CSAC Chair

Scopa Tournament

Signora Stalteri would like to congratulate all students for participating in the “Scopa Tournament”

The winners were:

1st Place: Anthony Lanni, Julia Jara,

Raffaele Filice, Jake Burkart

2nd Place: Samuel Monachino, Brandon Chu,

Anthony Rowland, Paolo Lanni

3rd Place: Michael Santello, Julian Vasconcelos,,

Eric Guido, Luca Onorati

Well Done, Everyone!

May 2012

The TCDSB Catholic Parent Involvement Committee wishes to thank all parents, volunteers and staff that assisted in making the Ward Mini Summits a success. CPIC received excellent feedback on Supporting Student Achievement by Addressing Parent Concerns and Effective Curriculum Nights. A detailed report will be forwarded to the TCDSB and shared with CSACs.

Parent Reaching Out (PRO) Grants program has been renewed by the Ministry of Education. CSACs are encouraged to apply for this grant of up to $1000 to assist with parent engagement initiatives at their schools. For more information contact your CPIC representative.

Want to learn more about TCDSB CPIC? Consider attending a meeting. All meetings are open to the public and listed at

The next CPIC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 2012 at the Catholic Education Centre located at 80 Sheppard Ave. East at 7:00 PM.

To learn more about CPIC, please contact your Ward Representative at

Enterprise Portal Update #4:April 16, 2012


The Toronto Catholic District School Board is pleased to confirm that our new Enterprise Portal is now live as of Monday, April 16th.

The initial round of training for school staff and some departments has come to an end, and many staff are already taking over the editing and publishing of their local portal websites.

Our new public facing portal can be found at the familiar web address of

We invite you to visit our portal website often as the information will be updated and modified regularly, and new items will be added as needed.

Should you encounter any problems, please use the “site feedback” feature found at the bottom of every page in the portal.

We will be communicating with you again to provide an update on the anticipated timelines for the launch of the second phase of the Portal project, which will provide some enhanced functionality to enable parents and staff to access some additional information that is relevant to their specific roles.

The TCDSB Enterprise Portal Team

Italian National Olympic Committee

For more that twenty years, the Italian National Olympic Committee (INOC) invites Grade 7 and 8 students from Canada, with some Italian background, to compete in their national track and field championships. The event is fully sponsored and all expenses during the Meet are covered. This includes airfare, ground transportation, hotel accommodation, meals and sightseeing. Parents are also welcomed to accompany students.


The Meet will be held in Salerno (near Naples) between June 7 and June 14. There are still several spots remaining for both boys and girls. We are looking for sprinters, distance runners, high and long jumpers as well as shot putters. Interested parents/guardians are asked to contact Phil Riddell.


Phil Riddell

Centro ScuolaTrack & Field Club


[email protected]

Cross Country

On Tuesday, April 17, our students participated in the divisional Cross Country meet at Earl Bales park. Our students participated with great enthusiasm and put forth a great effort. Paolo Lanni, (Grade 8) and Gino Calabretta, (Grade 7), qualified for the Regional meet. At the Regional meet our two boys did quite well and Paolo qualified to the city Cross Country finals that will take place on May 2 at Earl Bales park. Well done, everybody!

Student Lunch Drop Off

In response to the increasing number of lunches being dropped off at lunch, we will have a “lunch cart” set up in the foyer. Please let your child know that they have a lunch to pick up. Please have all lunches clearly labelled with your child’s name. Thank you, for your assistance and support.


The parking lot and street parking situation during drop off and pick up times is creating some safety concerns. We remind everyone that safety in the parking lot/street is a collective responsibility. To maximize student safety, your co-operation is required in avoiding the parking lot during the peak student traffic times of 8:35 a.m. before school, and 3:30-3:45 p.m. after school. It is imperative that everyone be considerate and patient when using the school parking lot.

Please do not allow your children to walk/run through the parking lot/street without your direct supervision. Please do not park your vehicle in the middle of the parking lot as this creates obvious problems. You are also asked to be vigilant when reversing in the parking lot and please ensure that it is safe to proceed.

Street parking on Northover is also problematic. Northover Avenue is a school bus drop off zone and the traffic signs do not allow for stopping or parking. The traffic created during school drop off/pick up is extremely unsafe for our children. Please consider using Buckland Road to stop and have your children walk to the play ground.

Please, always use extreme caution when picking up your child. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


Registration for Junior Kindergarten children for the school year September 2012 – June 2013 began in our school (and Board wide) on January 9, 2012.

Children registering for Junior Kindergarten in September must be four years of age by December 31, 2012 (born in the year 2008). Any children registering for Senior Kindergarten, who are new to our school, must be five years of age by December 31, 2012 (born in the year 2007).

Documents required for registration are:

· Baptismal certificate

· Birth certificate

· Immunization records

· Landed Immigrant Status (if not born in Canada)

· Child’s Health Card Number and other relevant telephone numbers

***Please call to book an appointment***


For the month of May we will be focussing on the virtue of COMPASSION. Our quote is from

John’s Gospel:

”Jesus saw her weeping...his heart was touched, and he was deeply moved.”

John 11:33

True compassion is not always easy to practice as in the words of Jean Vanier:

“Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish.” Who wants to go there when spring has finally arrived and the sun is shining down us. This is all the more reason to show our compassion for those who cannot share in the light.

For this month, we will be showing compassion by:

· being considerate to other people

· thinking about how your words make people feel.

· thinking about how your actions make people feel.

· understanding WHY someone is acting the way he/she does.

First Communion

Our Grade 3 students celebrated their First Communion at St. Jane Frances Church on Saturday, April 21, at 5pm. Congratulations to all!


EQAO Testing (Grade 3 and 6) will take place from May 23 – June 6.

CAT/4 TESTING for Grades 2, 5, 7 will take place from April 30 – June 8.

You will be receiving additional information regarding these important tests in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please contact the school.


Our schools are walking places. The kids walk, the teachers walk, even the principals walk! Walking is such a normal human activity. We celebrate when a baby takes its first tentative but independent steps.

In our Catholic schools there must be that deliberate intention that the light in which we walk is the Light of Christ. When you walk through our school, the feeling that you are walking in the Light of Christ is palpable. The interaction of student and teacher, the dialogue of principal and staff, the presence of parents in the school, the welcome extended to the visitor, are imbedded with the conviction that we believe that we are indeed walking in the Light of Christ.

Being human, we may not always be conscious of that reality and may sometimes act in a manner that may belie that conviction, but the light will always continue to shine. There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week:

Monday – Listening in the Light of Christ

Tuesday – Learning in the Light of Christ Wednesday – Living in the Light of Christ

Thursday – Loving in the Light of Christ

Friday – Leading in the Light of Christ

Every year, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) provides our Catholic schools with a resource kit to help schools prepare for Catholic Education Week. Using these resources as well as our own developed activities we have prepared a series of activities which will highlight how our school is ‘Walking in the Light of Christ’.

Here are some of the activities planned at our school for Catholic Education Week:

May 7 – CSAC Meeting @ 7PM

May 8 – Raven Nature Presentations

May 9 – Madonna High School students

presentation to our Grade 7+8

May 10 – Band @ Woodbine Festival

May 11 – Family Night BBQ/WTK/Talent Show

Ward Mini Summit Meetings!
