
How has the cosplay community grown?

Join little light as they dig deeper into the cosplay community and what it is all about.

This documentary would be a Participant observational documentary as the interviewer would be able to really get in to the documentary.

For this I idea I thought we could see how big the cosplay community is by making a survey,and posting it on social media, and interviewing cosplayers to find out when, how and why people became cosplayers.

I was looking up some conventions I was able to find one close enough at a reasonable price, Newcastle Film and Comic Con. However we may need to fill in a press pass application. I am still waiting on a reply to wether we would need the press pass.

We could also talk about the history of cosplay, like we're it all began and when it became popular. We could also get some footage of cosplayers making their costumes, this would show that a lot of work is put in to making them and that it is more than just showing up to a convention.