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Description/Introduction - Our mission and values- Sustainable development goals- The problem- Solution to the problem- Advantages

Research and theory - Primary research - Double diamond model- Circular thinking

Concept development- The chosen concept - Moodboard - Statistics - Research about designers/architects

Design thinking- Digital pretotype - Visuals


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Mission and values

We are group 11 and consist of two entrepreneurs and two marketeers. Our mission as a team is to improve the overall sustainability of Bytorv Horsens and to change the way people perceive usage and waste. We believe that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure and aim to inspire a change.

Throughout this report we will focus on implementing the following sustainable goals:

Bytorv Horsens is a shopping centre that was established in 2006. Nowadays, being ecological is becoming a trend, so they decided to become one of the first sustainable shopping centres. Places like shopping malls produce a lot of waste and use lots of energy in order to operate. Many people go there to shop or hang out but they do not consider sustainability during their visit.Therefore, we have been asked to work on improving sustainable behaviour in Bytorv Horsens. There are a few ways of dealing with that case but we have decided to do something that will raise awareness about existing problems such as the overuse of plastic, and at the same time it will be a recognizable element for the shopping mall. This will be a chance for the shopping

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centre to become more famous and will help to build the reputation that this is a sustainable shopping mall. The problem

Bytorv Horsens wants to become a sustainable shopping centre. It means that they want to make changes to be more ecological but this is only part of the success. They would like their customers to behave more sustainably but how to do it?

They might encourage society to become more sustainable, for example, by using separated containers for trash, and that would help to recycle the materials. However, those are just single acts and the potential customer will throw out the bottle to the right container and will forget about it. Of course those small acts are very important, but we would like to educate the customers further and raise their awareness to make sure that they will think about the problem more often. The shopping centre wants to design sustainable behaviour for the society and the best way to do it is to educate people and raise awareness because it will have a long term impact on people, their behaviour and eventually the environment. Solution to the problem

After a long process of researching, choosing and combining many ideas we have decided to create a statue, a monument built of trash. We would ask people to bring their trash, mostly packages from crisps, chocolates, sweets and all kinds of plastic bags. We would also get some garbage produced in the shopping centre. After collection, the trash would be cleaned to a standard suitable for reuse and turned into a statue of dolphin which will hang in Bytorv Horsens for all to see.Why did we choose a dolphin? Horsens is a city located on the coast line, so using any sea creature makes sense, but the main reason why we have chosen this animal is due to the increasing problem of plastic in the sea and ocean. Almost 12.7 million tonnes of plastic is thrown into the ocean each year and that increases pollution of the water causing the animals to suffer. It could be that they eat the plastic bags or are found with a plastic straw in the nose. We would like to raise awareness about the problem and show that usage of plastic is too high and in most cases plastic could be substituted by paper, which is a much more ecological and sustainable material. How would we like to create the monument? There are a few conceptions of that, but the best in our opinion is involve the community by allowing them to take part in the construction of the statue. An architect will be hired to take charge of the project and design the process of construction, but we would like to give the community the opportunity to help build it in sections. The reason for this is that it would be volunteer work and money would be saved on

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hiring a crew to build it. Additionally, if people get involved in it will have larger impact on society. Word of mouth is very powerful, and we want as many people as possible to know about the statue. This kind of project would be well known in the local society and outwith the city as well.

There would be specific days in which the volunteers could come and build the statue, maybe once a week during the weekends. The statue would be divided into smaller parts so it is easier to build and once all the parts are complete, a qualified crew would stick them together and hang it on the ceiling. Additionally, we aim to educate society by providing social media advertisements, local poster advertisements and shocking statistics about the dangers of waste. By using materials that would typically be wasted and involving a local community to help build the statue, it will raise awareness about sustainability and the problem of the overuse of plastic and what it is doing to our oceans and environment. We did not want to generate huge costs, so using trash and involving the community will make it possible to improve sustainable behaviour in a cost-effective way. There are many advantages that will be generated from this project and creating the statue will not only raise awareness but also will help to increase the popularity of Bytorv Horsens. Advantages

- Raising awareness about sustainability- Involving community will increase popularity of the shopping centre- The monument will be an attraction- There is a chance that the monument will be very famous, and many people will come from other cities to see it. That would increase the traffic of customers and potential profit- Low costs of making the statue – using trash and involving society to construct the monument does not cost money, and this act will only generate a good opinion about the shopping centre

Research and theory

Primary research

In order to gain a deeper insight into what the customers of a shopping mall such as Bytorv Horsens like and dislike about their mall, we conducted some field research by visiting a local

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shopping centre, Herning Centret. The research consisted of approaching the local shoppers and asking them the following questions:

1. What do you like about the mall?2. Is there anything missing from the mall?3. Do you know any information about the sustainability of the mall?

The results concluded that most shoppers liked that the mall was local and easy to access which made it their go-to place to shop. However, when asked if there was anything missing from the mall, many people said they feel it lacked new shops and it was not the most exciting place to come. Although this was not something we could change directly, we felt it was a good opportunity to bring innovation and something worthwhile to Bytorv Horsens that would engage people and encourage them to visit. Finally, when asked about their knowledge of sustainability in the mall, most people were not aware of any ecological elements of the centre and seemed uneducated about what could possibly be done. Hence, why our project had to educate and innovate.

Double diamond model

The double diamond model is a method used to visualise the design process in a simple format (Design Council, 2019). In all creative processes, numerous ideas are generated before being narrowed down to the final concept and this is represented best by the double diamond model which can be seen below.

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During the research and discover phase, we conducted both primary and secondary research (see above) which led us to three potential leads for the case. Initially, a pop up store where people could visit and gain an education regarding various ways of implementing sustainability in the home was the first idea. A mock up was made on illustrator which then brought to our attention that the concept was not permanent enough nor innovative enough. The second concept generated was the idea of a clothes bank in the shopping centre which would in turn be used to set up a vintage clothing shop, this again was not innovative enough. Lastly, the final idea was generated and after further research it was chosen. During the develop and ideation phase and the deliver and implementation phase we were able to transform the idea from a concept to an (almost) reality as we focused further on the intricate details of the design and creation process which will be discussed in depth further on in the report.

Concept development

Following the prior research and analysis of the problems and solutions, the final concept was chosen. “One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure” is a concept that once implemented in Bytorv Horsens, will forever remind the community of the importance of taking sustainable actions in order to protect the environment, as well as allowing the people of Horsens the opportunity to participate in the building of the giant dolphin monument. As previously stated,

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the people of Horsens will be encouraged to dispose of their trash at stations organised by the shopping mall and this will then be used to create the statue.

The mood board below highlights the inspiration and vision that is held within this project.

In order to create a sense of shock amongst the community of Horsens, we aim to promote various facts regarding the current welfare and state of the world in regards to sustainability.

Facts● Only 15% of separated plastic gets recycled● Microplastic is an increasing challenge● 90% of all seabirds have ingested some amount of plastic● 100,000 marine mammals die every year

As previously mentioned, the goal is for Bytorv Horsens to work in collaboration with a qualified designer/architect to produce the design and help aid the process. The designer will be in charge of the design and construction of the statue and will also work closely with the

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community who choose to help build it. Following research, there are three potential designers to contact.

Designers for the sculpture- Studio KCA- VIA Design school- MAPT

Design thinking


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Advertising the monument

In order to make the surrounding community of Horsens Bytorv aware of the up and coming sustainable monument and the interactive opportunities we plan to promote the project through targeted advertising. This can be done through various social media platforms such as Instagram Facebook etc. A mockup of this promotion has been inserted below.

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We also intend to create poster advertisements which will be placed strategically in the shopping mall and around the city centre. (images still to come)

ReferencesDesign Council. (2019). The Design Process: What is the Double Diamond?. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2019].