Page 1:…  · Web view“Mmm, intoxicating. Trust me, I . know.” Dean grinned and motioned for Sam and

Chocolate Rain

Moonlight shone in through the window, illuminating the figures of three people…two

sleeping soundly, curled up underneath low-quality motel-room sheets, the other lounging in an

armchair in the corner. The man in the corner fixed blue eyes on the window, letting his mind

wander. With no need to rest, he had private time away from the other two to think deeply about

topics that would normally puzzle the average human brain…except tonight, his topic was some-

thing rather simple, and yet so confusing at the same time.

Why do humans like chocolate?


Dean awoke to the sound of feet shuffling across the floor. His eyes fluttered open and he

found himself staring at a very obviously confused angel. Said angel paced across the room, mut-

tering to himself.

“Dude…a little less movement, will ya? You’re making me nervous.” Dean said in a

gruff voice, still thick with sleep. Castiel paused in his walking and looked up at the oldest Win-

chester with sharp eyes.

“I don’t understand… It doesn’t make any sense…” Castiel trailed off and with a sigh,

carefully placed his hand on the wall corner and bowed his head in thought.

“Mmmm, wassup?” Sam mumbled into his pillow as he woke up from the chatter of the

other two. He rolled over onto his side and half-hauled himself into a semi-sitting position.

“Cas, talk to us, dude.” Dean insisted groggily as he rubbed his eyes to better focus on his


Page 2:…  · Web view“Mmm, intoxicating. Trust me, I . know.” Dean grinned and motioned for Sam and

“I…it’s a stupid question that can be saved for another day, Dean.” Castiel murmured and

turned his head to face the wall.

“I’m up for stupid questions first thing in the morning. Spill.” Dean raised himself into a

sitting position and gave the angel his full attention. With a sigh, Castiel slowly turned his head

away from the wall to face the brothers.

“What…is the significance of chocolate, and why do humans enjoy it so much?”

The entire room went silent. Both Winchesters looked confused, like they were silently

questioning why Castiel would ask such a question at…Dean glanced over at the clock…5am.

Of all the philosophically appropriate topics to ponder this early in the morning, chocolate was

definitely not top of the list…or even halfway down the list. Dean glanced over at Sam to find

the younger Winchester’s lips twitching as he attempted to hold back a laugh. Resisting the urge

to smile, Dean looked up at the confused angel slowly and hesitated for a moment before open-

ing his mouth to speak.

“I think…” He began cautiously, clearing his throat to choke down the beginning of a

laugh, “We should let you try some chocolate. Whaddya think, Sammy?” His eyes met his

brother’s amused hazel eyes.

“Uh,” Sam cleared his throat and nodded enthusiastically. “Oh yeah, definitely.” Castiel’s

eyes widened, a familiar sight that Dean typically associated with Cas being confronted by a


“That…that might not be the best idea in the world, Dean.” Castiel stuttered and stood

straight up stiffly. “As an angel, I-”

“Enough of the angel crap, okay? I mean, if this is such a big deal for you that you stayed

up all night thinking about it-”

Page 3:…  · Web view“Mmm, intoxicating. Trust me, I . know.” Dean grinned and motioned for Sam and

“I don’t sleep,” Castiel interrupted abruptly.

“-of course we’re gonna make you try it.” Dean stretched his arms over his head and pried

himself out of bed with a grunt. He stumbled sleepily over to his clothing and threw it on hap-

hazardly, his shirt being accidentally put on backwards, and turned to face the disgruntled angel

who was giving him the most puppy-like look Dean had possibly ever been given. “So I think

we’ll start with some of the better chocolate.” Dean threw the angel a wink and a smirk, and

promptly turned to his brother who was still sitting up in bed with a look of utter amusement on

his face.


“No, bitch…Godiva, obviously.” Dean rolled his eyes and motioned for his brother to get

out of bed, to which the youngest Winchester grinned and leapt to his feet, quickly throwing on

his clothes and following the other two out the door.


Castiel’s eyes continued to grow wider and wider the more he stared at the chocolate in

the window display. There were boxes, heart-shaped containers, even boxes made out of choco-

late…and the scent was driving him crazy. He had his angel abilities to thank for the fact he

could smell it through the glass. It wasn’t just a typical, pleasant aroma that the human world of-

fered him…no, this was more. It reached deep inside his human vessel’s brain and turned on

many different receptors that flooded Castiel’s senses with amphetamines. If this was how the

human body reacted before he even subjected it to the actual intake of chocolate, he wasn’t sure

if he wanted to try it…especially since when he had his angel powers, he could taste every mole-

cule. It was why he no longer enjoyed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The individual mole-

Page 4:…  · Web view“Mmm, intoxicating. Trust me, I . know.” Dean grinned and motioned for Sam and

cules of that sandwich took away the flavor, as each molecule had a different taste…and it made

the sensation much less enjoyable.

Dean glanced over at his friend, a look of curiosity spreading across his face as he ac-

knowledged the look Castiel was giving the chocolate in the window. “Dude, you okay?”

Cas looked startled for a moment when he heard Dean’s voice, and he slowly looked up,

wide eyes staring in panic. “Dean, I don’t think I can do this. The smell…it’s…”

“Mmm, intoxicating. Trust me, I know.” Dean grinned and motioned for Sam and Castiel

to follow him into the store. Castiel sighed, shivering as the door opened and a strong scent of

chocolate flooded his nose. He could taste it. Biting back a groan, Cas dutifully walked in behind

the Winchesters, trying to use them as a shield to block out the scents…which of course wasn’t

working. The woman behind the counter looked up as the men approached the counter.

“Hi,” Dean grinned and propped his elbows up on the counter as he leaned forward to talk

to the cashier. “Could I have a box, half milk chocolate truffles, four sea salt caramels, and-”

“Dean, you forgot the dark chocolate.” Sam insisted in an irritated tone.

“Yeah, yeah…and for Gigantor here, the rest dark chocolate.”

As soon as Dean payed for the chocolate, he winked and waved good-bye to the female

cashier. Castiel was on edge. His eyes continuously darted towards the box that held the choco-

late. It entranced him…no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t pull his thoughts away from it.

Just as he felt he couldn’t take the suspense any longer, finally they all stopped and sat down.

Sam and Dean exchanged looks and then glanced up at Castiel. The angel couldn’t seem to keep

his eyes off the container, and his was tilted ever so slightly to the side as though he was deep in


Page 5:…  · Web view“Mmm, intoxicating. Trust me, I . know.” Dean grinned and motioned for Sam and

“Cas, you still with us?” Dean waved his hand in front of the angel’s face. Sam almost

hesitantly opened the box of chocolate, and he watched as Castiel’s nostrils flared, his eyes

widening as he took in the sight.

“Dude, you okay?” Sam asked the angel carefully. Castiel was silent for a moment before


“I think…I’m alright.” He replied softly, still eyeing the chocolates, but now with a

hunger. Seeing his face, Dean smirked and pushed the box in Castiel’s direction.

“Well?” He urged playfully. “You gonna try it or what?” Castiel looked conflicted. On

one hand, he really wanted to try the chocolate that was calling out strongly to his senses, but at

the same time it terrified him how much of a hold that one scent had over him.

“I…my initial question was inquiring about the significance of chocolate in a human’s

everyday life. Th-there was no mention of me wanting to actually try the chocolate-”

“Dude, shut up and take a bite already, will ya?” Castiel grimaced, and with a sigh he

slowly picked out a truffle from the box. The boys watched him as he tentatively placed it into

his waiting mouth, and watched as he froze. Just having the chocolate sitting on his tongue was

enough…the taste was overwhelming. It swept over his senses, making him close his eyes as one

of his hands clenched up into a fist at his side.

I’m not sure if I can do this… Castiel thought to himself. And then he bit down into the

chocolate. The sensation hit him so strongly that he attempted to bite back a moan…and

promptly failed. This feeling, it reminded him of the time he had sex with that…reaper. He was

sure it was a brilliant sensation for any average human, but with his angel senses, he was amazed

he was even able to still form coherent thoughts. His heart raced frantically, anticipating the

Page 6:…  · Web view“Mmm, intoxicating. Trust me, I . know.” Dean grinned and motioned for Sam and

sugar and endorphins that rushed through his entire being, making him grasp at anything solid

for an anchor…namely the arms of the chair he was sitting in.

“Oh…” Castiel bit back the obscenities that threatened to escape his mouth. “Oh…my…”

Dean and Sam were trying so hard not to laugh…especially Dean. The fact that chocolate

could reduce an angel of the lord to near blasphemy was the most amusing thing they had seen in

a long time. Dean shot Sam a grin and picked out a piece of milk chocolate from the box himself,

popping it into his mouth and sighing contently as the flavor hit him.

“God, I fucking love chocolate…” Dean closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat,

shooting a glance at the angel who was clearly in…heaven? Would that be an appropriate term to

use? Sam grinned and nodded in agreement, grabbing a piece of the dark chocolate and contently

nibbling on it to savor the flavor.

Castiel looked up, his eyes glazed and a look of shock covering his face. His eyes darted

towards the chocolate, up at the boys, and then back down at the chocolate like he was asking for

permission to get another. He was surprised with himself, shocked even. The fact that he wanted

another after all his senses went through was confusing. Was this what kept the humans going

back for more? It had to be the caffeine he tasted, which was a rather addictive substance. That

was why. That could be the only reason why, right? If there was any other reason, Castiel wasn’t

seeing it.


“Hmm?” The angel looked up at the sound of Sam’s voice.

“Does this answer your question?” Sam urged.

Page 7:…  · Web view“Mmm, intoxicating. Trust me, I . know.” Dean grinned and motioned for Sam and

“I…think so,” Castiel murmured, suppressing a shiver as his eyes fixed once again on the

box of chocolates. “Chocolate is a substance that has caffeine and many other stimulants in it.

The hormone inducing chemicals provide a pleasurable sensation that-”

“It tastes good, it feels good, and it’s addictive.” Dean simplified with a grin as the angel

shot him an irritated look. “That’s all you had to say, dude. Now I mean, not everyone really likes

chocolate, but it’s pretty universal.”

“I’d like to think it’s because it gives us a happy feeling when we eat it, and because we

want to feel happy we’ll go back and continue eating it.” Sam explained while he popped the rest

of his chocolate into his mouth, a content look spreading across his face. As he swallowed, a grin

formed on his lips and he reached for another piece before shoving the rest of the box towards

the angel.

“I don’t believe that’s a very safe idea, Sam.” Castiel swallowed nervously, his eyes fixed

firmly on the chocolate.

“Oh? Why?”

“Because I’ll eat it all…”

That startled Dean into action. “Whoa whoa whoa! You’re not eating all the chocolate!

That stuff’s freaking expensive…and delicious!” Dean snatched the box back from the suddenly

ravenous-looking angel.

“Don’t test my patience, Dean. I can take that from you in a fraction of a second, before

you can even blink.” Castiel growled and leaned forward.

“Try me, feathers! You’re not taking my damn chocolate! I didn’t see you paying for it!

Go get some more yourself if you’re oh-so-powerful.” Dean possessively held the box closer to

his chest. “Hell, why don’t you make it just rain chocolate! Think of all the people you’d make

Page 8:…  · Web view“Mmm, intoxicating. Trust me, I . know.” Dean grinned and motioned for Sam and

happy.” The suggestion made Cas pause, and Sam looked at the angel nervously, wondering if he

would actually follow through with Dean’s idea.

“Cas, no.” Sam warned.


“I know what you’re thinking…don’t do it.”

“Why not?” Castiel tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy, fixing a rather in-

tense stare on the youngest Winchester.

“Because I don’t want to be the one to clean up the mess afterwards.”
