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About Us

The Junction is the education arm of Inroads. At the Stowmarket centre we work with students aged 16-25 with severe learning difficulties, behavioural challenges and complex needs. We have 17 students on role with up to 11 students in the building on any given day. We have 12 small classrooms for one to one or pair working and a larger classroom for group work. All students have an individualised education programme which combines classroom based learning with some community based learning. Tutors are responsible for planning engaging and challenging sessions for students which are then delivered by either a tutor or an LSA. Pastoral support workers enhance the service by providing extra support where needed.


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Our Mission Statement

Inroads Essex Limited will provide a range of flexible, creative and unique services designed around the individual care and education needs of children and young people

with learning disabilities whose support needs can challenge traditional provisions.

At the Junction we can do this by:

Respecting the diversity of our students and designing individualised programmes of study which challenge and develop each as individuals.

Having high expectations of all our students

Being creative and forward thinking in our approach to education.

Thinking ‘outside of the box’ to meet complex education and care needs

Understanding our student’s needs and supporting their aspirations

Investing in a team of staff who share the same passion and motivation to ‘make a difference’

Working in partnership with all those concerned to support the students to achieve academically and socially whilst maintaining the health and welfare of the young person.

Preparation for starting at the Junction

Starting a new college is a huge milestone in the life of every young person. As well as being very exciting it can often be a time of anxiety and stress. The team at the Junction will want to meet each young person at least once before they start. This may be a visit to their previous educational setting or a home visit. This visit will help us ensure that we can properly meet the needs of the young person and prepare for their start date.


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Steps to transition into the Junction:

We would encourage parents to make a scrapbook of photos of the important people and places in the student’s life; this will be a good visual cue to talk about familiar things with the student. The names and photos of the key people that will be working with your young person are at the back of this handbook.

Give the young person lots of reminders about when they will be coming to the Junction. If they have a visual planner put a picture of the junction and their keyworker on the appropriate day.

We can be flexible with the transition and offer reduced times if this would benefit the student. Parents/ carers are invited to stay with the young person on the first day if they feel it would help.

After this we move at a pace that is appropriate to each individual student, working towards full college days.


A typical day at the Junction

Students attend 3 days a week from 9.30am to 3.30pm. The specific days that your young person will attend are detailed in the accompanying letter.

Most students travel to the Junction in a taxi that collects them from their home. As well as the driver most taxis have an escort that is there to support the young person on their journey to the Junction

Our day begins at 9.30am. A handover takes place from the taxi escort/parent to each student’s LSA or Tutor.

The students work on their goals from their IEP between 9.30am and 12.30pm. The Student will have an opportunity for a snack mid-morning.

Lunch time takes place at 12.30 – 1pm. Most young people bring a packed lunch. Others prepare simple meals.

The students resume work on their IEP targets between 1.10-3.10pm

At 3.10pm the students are supported to clear up their work area and are then safely escorted to their taxi or parent. Escorts are reminded to arrive on time to collect students.

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The Junction does not have a school uniform policy. However, students should be sent wearing clothing appropriate to the weather with a change of clothes where necessary. Parents/Carers will be advised through the communication diary if specific clothing is needed on a particular day, i.e.swimming costume and towel. It is helpful if all items of clothing are labelled.



Educational goals are derived from a thorough assessment of the student’s needs and individualised to each student’s particular requirements. The Tutor will outline your child’s goals and subject areas in your child’s Individualised Education Plan. There will be a focus on using money, communication and ICT.


Many of the Students will work on ASDAN modules. ASDAN is a pioneering curriculum development organisation and awarding body, offering programmes and qualifications that explicitly develop skills for learning and skills for life. As with all of our goals, ASDAN modules will be chosen in consultation with families and will target life-skills of particular relevance to each student.

Other Curriculum Materials

The Junction draws from a wide variety of resources and curriculum materials. Since it opened in 2012, the Junction has acquired a strong library of materials to help us teach our students. We have resources aimed at teaching a wide variety of skills across curricular areas.

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Individualised Educational Plan

Each student has an Individualised Educational Plan (IEP) designed to meet their needs as identified through formal assessment. This involves an in-depth investigation of each of our students’ current strengths and needs. Each students IEP is designed from consultation or prior assessment with a multi-disciplinary team, including input (when available) from the students, Tutors, Occupational Therapist, Speech & Language Therapist, Behaviour Specialist, previous education establishments & most importantly the student’s parents/carers.


Delivery of IEP

After goals have been selected they are taught using a combination of classroom based and community based activities. Photos and videos take place throughout the day and across all learning scenarios, these are used in the student’s portfolio to demonstrate what they have achieved. We collect data in the form of monthly and termly reviews to ensure that learning is taking place for each of our students. This system helps us to know when a goal is met and move it forward without delay. It will also highlight when a student is not reaching a target and prompt us to make changes to the way we are moving towards that goal. Each target is taught by breaking the long term goal down into shorter term objectives. As each short term goal is reached a new goal is scripted that builds upon the previously learned skill, all the time moving closer and closer to the long term objective.

Inclusion and Integration

The Junction operates a policy of Inclusion and Integration and has been working to create strong links with the local community. The Centre Manager has direct responsibility for coordinating an effective centre approach to inclusion and integration. Tutors and LSA’s are responsible for identifying suitable work experience/ theraputic placements for the students. Ideally this will lead to a job or voluntary work in the long term. Students also regularly visit local shops and supermarkets. These outings will form part of the students IEP and learning objectives will be embedded into each excursion.

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Centre Facilities

This year will be an exciting year for us at the Junction in terms of improving our facilities. We are expanding the size of the Junction by taking on the upstairs, this will allow more space for specified rooms such as art and reading. We are also creating a secure outdoor area with a door leading out from the Junction which will enable us to provide some horticulture and basic construction skills, in addition to having a safe space for students to enjoy independently.

We will be creating a sensory area which will be a place where the students are free to explore and develop their senses and skills or simply just relax. It will have many different features including bean bags, LED fiber-optic bundles, mirror ball and sensory play equipment.

The minibus continues to be an invaluable asset and most of the students are benefitting from weekly trips to various local swimming pools and other activities.


The Junction Calendar and the Junction Day


The school term begins in September and runs until the end of July. The Junction calendar for this year is detailed in the attached letter. It provides information on centre holiday closures. The Junction closes for 6 days of in-service training within the year, which are included on the calendar. Sometimes there are unforeseen centre closures due to weather conditions. Parents/carers will be advised of these closures by the Tutor via text. 

Many of our student take a taxi to the centre but parents who provide their own transport are responsible for getting their student to the Junction on time. Parents/ carers should call the Junction early in the morning before 8.45m if their student is going to be late or absent. Parents/ carers can leave a message on the answering machine if there is no one in the office to take their call. Student’s escorts are advised not to arrive any earlier than 9.25am as the Junction does not open to students before this time without prior arrangement.

If you want to take your student out of training early during the day, you must write a note to the Centre Manager, informing her why you are taking them out of training early, what time you will take them out of training and the name of the person picking them up if he/she is not a parent/guardian.

At the end of the day, the Tutors and LSAs will remain responsible for the students in their care until they are handed over to the student’s parent/guardian or taxi escort. If the student is normally collected by his/her parent/guardian, the student will only be allowed to leave the premises with that recognised person. If however, you cannot collect your student from the Junction, please inform the Centre Manager, Head of Education or the student’s Tutor in advance of the person who will be collecting them that day. Parents/ carers/escorts arriving early to collect their children are expected to wait at the main door of the Junction.


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Home/College Communication 

Good home/College communication is one of our top priorities. For general information we issue a termly newsletter to parents/carers. Home/College communication is encouraged through the use of a college diary. It is important to check your student’s diary for notes and letters. All students are sent home at the end of the day with relevant information about their day, daily data where relevant and any further information specific to a particular student. Parents/ carers are encouraged to communicate with the students’s Tutor/LSA through the diary and provide any relevant information about their student that may be necessary for the tutor to know. We find it particularly helpful if parents/carers keep us informed about disturbed sleeping patterns or suspected illness.

Parents/carers will be requested to attend three IEP meetings with their student’s Tutor in the academic year. In this meeting the Tutor will discuss your student’s programmes and educational progress. The Centre Manager and Head of Education will also attend the IEP meeting where relevant, to discuss the student’s Behaviour Support Plan.

We at the Junction strongly believe in keeping programs for students consistent between the centre and home. Parents/carers are consulted and informed throughout the planning stages of each students Individualised Education Plan. Parents/carers are invited to make suggestions for their student’s program at the planning stage of the IEP. Classroom observations can be arranged by appointment with each Tutor.

Behaviour Support at the Junction

All activities related to behaviour support will be supportive and respectful of the individual’s needs and goals of the student, as identified through an Individualised Education Plan, and based on current and comprehensive assessment.

If parents are experiencing difficult behaviours at home they are encouraged to make an appointment through the Junction administrator to discuss this with their students Tutor and/or Behaviour specialist. We will advise parents on strategies to use in the home and if necessary organise a home visit.

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The Junction Team

The Directors: 01473 826192

Vivienne Norton, Anna Boulton, Andrew Norton

The Head of Education– Sansha Allen-Jones – 01473 826192/ 07702 517037

The Centre Manager – Theresa Walters – 07825 291076

The Behaviour Specialist– Vivienne Norton

The Administrator – Sarah Kemp- 01473 826192

The Teaching staff – 01449 673062

There are 6 Tutors in the centre; Gary Watts, Drew Cable, Kirsten Walker, Vannessa Verdier, Nishan Emmamdeen and Neil Jeffrey

There are 9 LSAs at the Junction and a Pastoral support worker. Corinne Smith, Kate Laszkeiwicz, Gemma Gayfer, Megan Watson, Marg Park, Emily Smith, Paul Dunn and Helen Taylor.

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Policy writing is an important and thoughtful process. Inroads has identified the following as key policies for the safe, happy and ordered administration of the Junction, these are listed below. Policy writing is about putting onto paper what we do and implementing best practice. The participation of parents benefits all students. You can request a copy of any of our policies from the Junction administrator who will be happy to either email or send you a hard copy. If you think there is an important policy that is missing please contact the Head of Education and let her know.

Junction Policies:

Diversity & Equality Policy

Enrolment policy

Safeguarding children and adults policy

Behaviour management policy

Health and Safety policy

Exclusion Policy

Guidelines for Intimate Care policy

Non restrictive and restrictive interventions policy

Policy on Touch

E-safety policy

We have attached the complaints policy below for easy reference.

Managing Complaints

Policy Statement

Inroads believe that all children, young people, adults and other stakeholders of those whom use our services must be able to participate in making any complaints and concerns they may have known and addressed.

We recognise that often our service users are not able to understand the concept of complaining which means that it is important they have access to a variety of ways of communicating their thoughts in relation to key areas of their life and their dissatisfaction with aspects of it. Therefore having posters, using symbols, and photographs, plus any other types of augmentative materials/tools to communicate these messages will be used and available and visible in the Junction. This will encourage and facilitate participation for the students and also to act as aids to staff’s interactions and communication. Inroads will ensure that there is a symbol version of the complaints policy in each service and that students will have access to it.

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In addition to this all staff will be given complaints response training so that they are aware of their actions and responses to each complaint brought forward

Inroads adopt the definition from the Citizens Charter Complaints Task Force that a complaint is “An expression of dissatisfaction requiring a response and recognise that at times successful management of Complaints are a method of addressing deficits within the service and ensuring improved practice.


Who can complain?

All our service users, their families, staff members (although may be more appropriate to follow grievance procedure if concerning self)professionals and members of the public (if they have direct cause to).

How can they complain?

Verbally, use of symbols, pictures, photographs, specific electronic aidsTechnically by use of a web site, a computer programme, telephone or faxRecorded or in writing Via a third person to speak/communicate for them on their behalf

Who do they complain to?

In the first instance the complainant would go to their key worker, Tutor, Centre Manager or they may have chosen to talk to their parents, friend or social worker or other involved professional.

Family, involved professionals and members of the public must communicate with the Tutor or Centre Manager.

Unless the complaint is about the Manager, the Manager will be treated as the Complaints Officer. They must be informed of all complaints as soon as possible. Should the complaint be concerning the manager then this must be reported directly to the Head of Education, who will manage the complaint from that point. Should the complaint concern the Head of Education or a Director of the Company then this can go directly to the legislative body or local authority.

What types of complaints are there?

There are minor and major complaints and formal and informal responses to them. Minor complaints from students and others may include:

Being unhappy about their programme Not liking their Tutor/LSA Not liking an aspect of decision making about them On occasion not getting on with others they train with Not liking something said to them by another person Having their clothes or possessions taken or broken by another Not happy about the way a young person or other person has been spoken to by staff or

another young person using the service. Standard of dress felt to be inappropriate

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Major complaints from students and others may include

Money being misappropriated Abuse of some kind Consistent incompatibility with others they train with Unacceptable attitude incongruent with working practice or social expectation Bullying or harassment of some kind Inadequate support Lack of legislative visits from professionals Perceived inappropriate behaviour in a public place Noise levels exceeding expectations Standards of Care

These lists are not exhaustive.

Informal response to resolving complaint

This is where the complaint is managed by Inroads and a successful resolution is made. Stages involved in an informal resolution are as follows.

1. Complaint is received. Where possible this can be addressed to resolution immediately by the person receiving the complaint and then recorded in the Complaints record.

2. If the complaint was in writing then a response in writing must be given. Verbal complaints can be answered verbally. Both methods must be recorded into the Complaints record. (See appendix 1). Complaint request forms can be sent out please see appendix (3)

3. Where resolution could not be sought immediately then an investigation will be made involving all parties. A response to the initial complaint will be sent out or given to the person and this will be achieved within two working days. The person investigating the complaint will make a full and thorough investigation.

4. A full response to resolution or otherwise will be given within 20 working days from receipt of the complaint. However should there be a bona fide reason for any delay these must be communicated to the complainant as soon as possible but definitely within the 20 working days.

5. The complainant will be reassured and supported throughout the process and all employees are aware that there will be no reprisals to any child or young person or other for making a complaint.

6. Inroads will make sure that any person whom is subject of the complaint from taking any responsibility for the consideration of or response to that complaint.

7. Where resolution is reached it is appropriate to check with the complainant that they are satisfied and will not be pursuing the complaint further. The complaint will then be deemed and recorded as closed.

8. The Centre Manager must monitor the complaints record in order to check satisfactory use of the Complaints procedure and to identify both patterns of complaint and actions taken on individual complaints. The Registered Person will take any appropriate action from such monitoring and change practice as necessary and ensure all complaint are followed through correctly.

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9. If at any point the complaint indicates any aspects of criminal offences the police must be informed and advice taken from them as to our actions from that point in order to prevent any disruption to their investigation. It is the duty of the Centre Manager to inform the police and the person discovering the suspected criminal act to ensure the Centre manager is informed. The Centre Manager then must inform the Operations Director. The same is to be adhered to in the case of any Safeguarding issues that arise from a complaint in that these must be referred onto the Welfare Concern internal forms or straight to Safeguarding.

Addresses for informal complaints to be requested and sent out from:

Central office

Hadleigh Business and Learning Centre, Crockatt Road, Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 6RHTel 01473 826192

Junction, Kingsfield Centre, Chilton Way, Stowmarket IP14 1SZ

Tel: 01449 673062

Formal level of response

This is where the complainant is not happy with the resolution or possibly the method of investigation, at this juncture the complainant can contact Outside Agencies. These people are separate and not connected to Inroads and will hold a review meeting to form a plan to answer your complaint. Please see below for useful addresses and contact numbers. Should this occur then a full record of actions taken and contacts made will be kept. Before Inroads Involvement with any outside agencies advice will be sought from our Insurers and law advisors.


The following people /organisations can be contacted should you remain dissatisfied with the investigation and outcomes of Inroads.


By post

OfstedPiccadilly GateStore StreetManchesterM1 2WD

Email [email protected]

Customer First - 08088004005

Suffolk Customer Services

Endeavour House

8 Russell Road

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Tel 0845 606 6067

Email [email protected]

Mencap Learning Disability Help line Provides help and information on all issues relevant to people with learning disabilities

Phone: 08088081111

The National Autistic Society is al leading UK Charity for people with Autism and their family’s .It provides information, support and campaigns for a better world for people with autism.

Phone 08450704004 Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm.

The Disability Law Service (DLS )provides telephone or written community care law advice. This is free to disabled people ,their family and carers by appointment.

Contact DLS by email on [email protected] or phone 02077919800.

Data Protection

In line with the Data Protection Act we will only share this information without your responsible person permission if the content of the complaint relates to Safeguarding Children or Vulnerable Adults procedures. Should this apply we will inform you at the time.
