
A note from your Pastor…

Where did you see God today?  

Monday was a pretty hard day this past week. My brother and I had noticed that our dad wasn’t eating well and was losing weight. He has Alzheimer’s Disease and is at the stage where he has to be reminded to eat. Sometimes the pain medications he takes make him too sleepy to eat.  His face is gaunt.  

I called the nurse in the memory care unit to talk about it. And in our conversation she told me, gently, that Dad was failing.  That he would continue to eat less and less, finally not eating at all.  She’s one of my favorite nurses there.  She was gentle and kind….and she told me the truth.  

I cried a lot on Monday.  I knew this already, but, hearing it…was very hard. I talked with my brother. We shore each other up. And then I got back to work.  

Not long after that I got a text from one of you.  Unexpectedly; not in answer to a text from me. Not someone who could not have known what had just happened.  One of you who has your own health concerns. Yet, here you were: 

“Thinking of you and asking God for peaceful energy for you and your dad” I cried, but the tears were joyous.  

And, then, later the same afternoon, one of you stopped in. Wanting to tell me that I, and my dad, are in your prayers. Wanting to make sure I knew that.  

I cried some more joyous tears.  Later, at council, I shared some concerns about my dad and told these 

 stories. They were, to a person, supportive and kind.  I cried some more.  Where did I see God that day?  In the people that God called to reach  

out to me to remind me of God’s presence and love even in the hardest days when it’s painful to be reminded of the reality of my dad’s condition. His nurse. And the people of our faith community who know that God makes Godself known in our words and actions toward each other.  

I know that many of you have similar stories to tell. I know that you reflect Jesus’ love to each other in many and varied ways. I am grateful for you. All of you. Every single week.  

Let’s start sharing our stories. We can help each other by  allowing glimpses of  God to be seen by the ones most in need of hope, and love and the promise of God’s presence.  

Thank you. ~Pastor Jan LaVake 

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Our Savior’s Lutheran Church ELCA1860 Wisconsin St. Oshkosh WI 54901


2018 BELLRINGEROctober

Women of Our Savior’s

Anyone who has spent any time at all listening to the Father, really listening and therefore learning, comes to me to be taught personally—to see it with his own eyes, hear it with his own ears, from me, since I have it firsthand from the Father. No one has seen the Father except the One who has his Being alongside the Father—and you can see me.

John 6:43-46 The MessageListen! God is calling! The Women of Our Savior’s invite you to join us in learning about and working for the Kingdom…and MIRACLES…of God! Join a Bible Study group, a Lutheran World Relief effort,( including Quilting), a food drive, and much more! We welcome you to partner with us. Pastor Angela Khabeb was Fall Retreat Featured Speaker!If you weren’t able to attend the Fall Retreat of our East Central Synod of WELCA, at Imago Dei Village this year…well, to say “you missed a good one” is a huge understatement! The main speaker, Pastor Angela Khabeb, was not only inspirational, but also entertaining, enlightening, and…yes, challenging! I brought away with me a concept that will help me be “all ears” when it comes to really LISTENING to others: when listening to another person speaking from a place of “pain or fear or anxiety”, etc., I need to go to a time when I experienced pain or fear (or any other emotion the speaker is invoking), in order to really HEAR what is being said. May God continue to bless Pastor Angela in her ministry!

In addition, materials were included in our packets which contained:1) Unicef version of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. At the 2017 Triennial Convention, support was given to the

articles of the document to which almost all countries have agreed upon. Find a copy in the Narthex, or go to

2) Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery: find a copy of its background, content, effect, and ELCA & United Nations’ resolve to eliminate the doctrine from its politics. Online

CALENDAR CHANGE FOR WOMEN OF OUR SAVIOR’S!!We have decided NOT to have the “SALE OF INDULGENCES” this year as our 3rd Mission fundraiser. The congregation’s calendar is so full of activities (A GREAT thing to celebrate!), that we have decided to “relieve some of the congestion”. INSTEAD…we want to attempt a Spring Rummage Sale….details to appear as we organize. THANKS for your support in all we do…and start choosing some great “goodies” for the sale!

HOWEVER…THE DECEMBER CHRISTMAS COOKIE SALE IS STILL A “GO”!! Sunday, Dec. 9, after worship. This year, we invite you to donate baked goods, candies, etc., but also, if you already are doing a little Christmas craft, why not donate a few?

Lutheran World Relief Kits Are ALWAYS in Need!!Did you know that there are families living in poverty and as victims of natural disaster around the world who need even the most basic of necessities. YOU CAN HELP!! Reach out to local, national, and world communities by donating items to complete Baby Care Kits, Personal Care Kits, and/or School Kits! The items needed are listed in the Women of Our Savior’s handbook, which every home received…also find copies in the narthex. Items are collected ALL YEAR LONG, and can be placed at the “Baskets of Promise” table in the Narthex, or in containers provided in the Fellowship Hall. Assembled kits are shipped in October, so any donation of goods or money to fill in needs or pay for shipping is greatly appreciated!!

2018 WOMEN OF OUR SAVIOR’S “WELCOME PACKET” : Check it out…share it with any friend, or visitor, or someone who might like to know and be invited into all the work and fellowship of the Women of Our Savior’s. The packet includes welcoming cover letter, current Mission budget, handbook, and more! Available in the Narthex.

The next Women of Our Savior’s(WoOS) committee meeting will be Sunday,Nov. 4,after worship in “soft room”. JOIN US! We are currently planning an educational event, as well as a new “Date Night” social. LADIES: we need any changes or additions you have for the 2019 Women of Our Savior’s Handbook. Please give to any team member listed below, or Eileen Kuehl. Thanks!

CURRENT WOMEN’S COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP TEAM: Barb Schneider(920-233-4789/ /[email protected]); Shari Englund (920-379-5669/[email protected]); Kim Steiner (920-232-0330/ [email protected]); Diane Schmude (235-4689/[email protected] ) Kathy Keas (Baby Care kits) Heidi Witt (Personal Care Kits; School Kits); Laura Gehling (Knitten Tree

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donations) Linda Meyer (Prayer Shawl Ministry) Audrey Reichow (The Tie that Binds; LWR Quilters) Find all contact info in WOOS Handbook…in Narthex.

On May 31 the east central synod invited all congregations to attend an informational webinar called Reimagining Church. The webinar explained that the synod was looking for both lay leaders and rostered ministers who were willing to take a journey with other congregations as they reimagined church in light of today’s changing culture. The process was described as a Spirit-led journey in which we engage the spiritual practices of listening, discerning, experimenting and reflecting as we wonder and learn about the deep challenges facing our congregations.

After the webinar, we found that there were enough people excited and/or intrigued that Our Saviors was able to form an Action Team and commit our congregation to this journey. Our action team is made up of Dave and Judy Abraham, Maryla Karl, Maria Bouche and Jenny Williams. Our action team, once we are up to speed, will utilize simple, small step, low-risk, holy experiments requiring little to no cost. Through these experiments we will learn how to live into God’s promised future. Our Action team has a coach who will work with us every step of the way. Pastor Jan will be there to be our spiritual guide.

Our team has met once as a group and also took part in an Action Team gathering on Saturday September 15th. At the gathering, we were given our first assignment which is called “Tracing God’s movement in our Lives and Neighborhoods”. Our key question is “What might God be up to?” Here’s how you fit in. Through the rest of this year, you may hear from us. One or more of us may ask you to walk the neighborhood with us. One of us may ask you to have a conversation with us and tell us how you hear and experience God in your life. If the idea of talking about this with another human being interests you - let us know! We’d love to talk to you. If the idea makes you uncomfortable please know that we understand and will not be offended if you say “no”. Our team will be meeting monthly and discussing what we are learning/seeing/hearing/experiencing about how God is at work in people’s lives.

Thank you,Jenny Williams

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You know “Black Friday”…and, maybe “Cyber Monday”. Then comes “Giving Tuesday”…an effort to have “shoppers/spenders” consider giving to their favorite cause.

“Giving Tuesday” is Tuesday, Nov 27 2018.

Thrivent has nominated three churches in Neenah and three in Oshkosh to be recipients of donations made on Giving Tuesday 2018. In Neenah parishes: Immanuel UCC & New Hope; St Mark's Lutheran; St Thomas, Calvary, & St Paul.

In Oshkosh: St Andrew's, First English, Our Savior's

These churches have missions to feed the hungry.

Thrivent will match $.50 to each $1.00 we raise. There will be two locations set up on that day to accept contributions of cash or checks, but people will also be able to give electronically as well.

in Oshkosh - the atrium of the Oshkosh Convention Center (our locations will be open 8 am to 6 pm)

In Neenah - in a new brewery on South Commercial St (this location will be open 10 am to 6 pm)

The proceeds of the donations will be divided into six between the churches (or parish groups). This can be used to buy food, buy a freezer, whatever is needed to carry out the mission to feed the hungry.

Here’s what YOU can do …

1. Help Spread the Word - "like" the Thrivent FaceBook page with our FaceBook and make those connections now. Share, Share, Share….keep your contacts aware. Thrivent will help with publicity.

2. Provide staffers for each giving location - By law, Thrivent personnel may not receive the funds donated - so we need to staff both locations through their open hours with at least two people at each location through those hours. We’ll have a sign-up available as time draws near.

3. All funds will be channeled through Immanuel Food Pantry or Immanuel Community Meal - both are names for a 501c3 independent of their church's 501c3. (Needed for ethical/legal requirements.) So we will need to help our members and friends get the right wording on the checks. Checks cannot be made out to our congregations and then given to this campaign. Only donations received on-line or at the giving locations on Giving Tuesday will be counted towards the matching funds.

Please contact Shari Englund (920-379-5669 or [email protected]) with any questions. Thank you, and thanks for your support of this ministry of feeding hungry children!!

PS. If you would like to make a donation between now and Giving Tuesday, we will be happy to accept and transport for you to the location set up that day.

Thank you!

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This month I’d like to highlight two very interesting books that can be found in our history section of the library.  

The first book is: Oshkosh: The Way We Were Remembering People and Place

By Ron La Point

This is a book that honors some very special people throughout Oshkosh’s history during the 1940’s and 1950’s. This book also highlights some wonderful old locations in Oshkosh and unique events that took place during this period.  This book is a collection of stories compiled together from community members and leaders who chose to share their history and memories as they remember them.  This book has such a wide variety of stories ranging from civic events and American War Heroes, to motorcycle clubs and orphan train drop offs, all told in different perspectives.  It’s

sure to captivate a wide variety of readers interested in Oshkosh or “Sawdust City” as many know it!

The second book I have to share with you is by the same author:

Oshkosh: Preserving the Past

By Ron La Point

This book does a great job at giving us a large dose of Oshkosh history.  It highlights the preservation of business, clubs, and people in the process.  You’ll read about some of Oshkosh’s well known places such as Kitz & Pfeil, Oaks Candy, and even the Otter Street Fishing Club.  It also ties in some well-known public figures that have become part of Oshkosh’s history, such as Gene Kelly, Houdini, Al Capone, Lawrence Welk, plus so many more sure to bring back memories with their captivating stories.

So…if you’re interested in history or Oshkosh at all--both of these books are excellent choices.  Check them out!

Happy Reading! --Leah Locke5 | P a g e

Bits on Books

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Faith, Family, Fellowship

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Faith, Family, Fellowship

For more information

2018 Oshkosh Area Crop WalkJoin Us in the Fight Against Hunger

On Sunday October 21st

Winnebago County Park (off of Hwy. Y)Registration at 1:00pm. Walk at 1:30pmOshkosh Coordinator: John Hobbins

[email protected]

Benvenuto’s Italian Grill in Oshkosh invites you to dine out and support:Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

November 6th, 201811am – 10pm

20% of all participant sales from 11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. will be donated to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church*. To participate, bring in your flyer and tell your server you’re part of

“Dine Out For Our Savior’s Lutheran Church!”Benvenuto’s Italian Grill is a locally owned and operated business

and we believe in neighbors helping neighbors! *Call ahead seating is encouraged to avoid long waits – 920-230-2300*

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church CookbookOur Savior’s cookbooks will be arriving well in time for holiday gift giving.  They will cost about $10. They will be available soon and will be sold before and after worship service on Sunday and at church during office hours. Debbie Kamark has also agreed to sell them at the Farmers’ market in November.  Get your gift list together because this is a great cookbook! 

Thank you again for all your help!Lynn Harron

Helping to Feed the Hungry in our Community

Our Savior’s next scheduled Loaves and Fishes meal at Trinity Episcopal Church will be on:

Saturday, November 3rd at 10”:00am.Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Please contact Dan Williams with any questions (920-420-1229) Thank You!

Congregational Potluck Sunday, Oct. 21...   following Worship in the Fellowship Hall, to celebrate being stewards of all the gifts God has bestowed on us!

Hot shredded turkey on rolls provided.If your last name begins with letters:A through R, please bring a side dish.S through Z, please bring a dessert.

(No Packer game that day!)Thank you!

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*All proceeds will go to buy food for our Birdie’s Blessing Box outdoor free pantry.

A Great Recycling Opportunity!Thank you to everyone who has deposited their tooth paste

tubes, brushes, and the boxes they came in for our recycling program. I did send our first full box full to Terra Cycle, they

acknowledged receipt and thanked us. I am ready to send in the next full box—so keep on brushing, flossing, etc. and deposit the used items and packaging in our

recycle box! We are able to recycle ALL of the items below:



Terra Cycle is a company that is recycling many materials. They will shred and melt these products and use them to make park benches, tables, playground equipment, etc. They guarantee they will never place any of these products in a landfill or incinerate our waste.

You will find a big white container in the narthex to deposit your items.

Thank you, Your Outreach Team; Dan and Jenny Williams, Ron Kuehl, Pastor Jan

Would you or your family consider becoming a Greeter for Sunday services? It doesn't take much of their time, be here by 8:30 or as close to as possible and greet everyone who comes. When Pastor Jan starts the service, greeters can go take a seat. Please contact Lynda Jameson for more information on this or talk to Pastor Jan.

Thank You!

October 14th is the next Noisy Offering -- October’s donation will go to the Warming Shelter. Thank you for your continued generosity in supporting this much needed ministry!

Just a reminder for Bellringer Articles to be included…Generally, the Bellringer is available the 1st of each month. In order to have an article or notification added to the Bellringer, please submit your materials one full week (if possible) before the 1st of the next month. If you are able to submit your materials by email--that is preferred. Otherwise, you may place your materials in Vickie’s basket on her office door. If you

have any questions, please feel free to call Vickie in the church office (235-4850). Vickie’s hours are Monday & Wednesday: 9am to 4pm and Thursday: 9am -2pm. Email: [email protected]

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Faith, Family, Fellowship

YES, WE HAVE A "CHRISTMAS TREE"....But we call it the "Knitten Tree" 

It will be up on the stage in the Fellowship Hall, and will be the central place to put your donations of warm hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves (all sizes, and new or gently used). 

We are also gathering your unused/new 2019 Calendars (no metal spirals or photos of children please) and greeting/note cards. There will also be a basket in the Narthex. 

Your gifts will be distributed among the Christine Ann Center, Salvation Army, Prison Ministry, and more.  Collection begins Oct. 14 through Nov. 18.

Blessings to all...thank you!! Laura Gehling

On Tuesday November 6th (Election Day) your Koinonia.2 group is planning a bake sale at our church during election hours. The money raised will go towards food for Birdie’s

Blessing Box. Please bring in baked goods on either Sunday (4th) or Monday

(5th). There should be a great turnout for this election so we have an opportunity to raise a

lot of money. Please keep reading below for more great opportunities to help fill Birdie’s Blessing Box!

Thank you for your continued support!

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Faith, Family, Fellowship

Annual Blessing of the Animals serviceThe Animal Ministries group of First Congregational Church (137 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh) is proud to host its 5th annual interfaith Pet Blessing Service on Saturday, October 6 at 10 am. If you have a pet or pets, and would like them blessed for the role they play in your life, please bring them to this special service being held in honor of pets, and St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Animals and the Environment.

Pets should be well-behaved, current on vaccinations, and either leashed or otherwise controlled. If for some reason you can’t bring your pet but would like them blessed anyway, feel free to bring a photo of them. Let your family, friends and neighbors about this event so that they can also participate. We have invited service and therapy dogs from the community to attend and they’ll receive a special blessing during the service before going out to do the very important, much-needed work they do.

Following the service, you and your pets are invited to join us for some light refreshments. This service is free, but goodwill offerings will be graciously accepted. Those attending will receive a special memento to take home from the service. Any questions, please call Cheryl at (920) 209-PETS (7387). We look forward to seeing you and your pets on Oct. 6.

Midweek ServicesWe know that many of you have things going on during the weekends, making worship on Sundays difficult to attend. So, we offer a monthly midweek service.

It’s short, 30 minutes, and has prayer, scripture, a short message, one song, Holy Communion and some Special Music!

We offer it on the second Wednesday of each month.

The next service is: October 10th at 6:30pmThe Fall/Winter theme is: Does God Hear Me?

All are welcome!

Love God with your whole lifeA three-week series on being stewards of God’s gifts

Begins Sunday, October 7thYou will be receiving a letter about this series, along with a ministry support card.

Please join us for this series and for a celebration of God’s generosity on Sunday, October 21st which will include a potluck meal during Fellowship Hour.

Pastoral Acts:At the font:September 2nd 2018   Kai Joseph Singer, Eloise Marcella Singer (Parents are Jana and Dan Singer) and Zachary Thomas Ambrose (Parents are Joey and Stephanie Ambrose) were received into the Lord’s family in holy baptism. OSLC grandparents are Jodi and John Ambrose.  

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Faith, Family, Fellowship

Worship Assistant SchedulePlease Note: We are making some procedural changes because it is difficult for some of our assistants to climb up and down the stairs without sturdy rails. Communion assistants (including Reader) should come to the front of the altar rails after the Lord’s prayer and wait. Do not come up to the altar. The pastor and acolyte will bring the plate of bread and the two chalices down to you. After the congregation has been served, we will serve each other, and the musician, at the front of the altar rails.

Date Reader Communion Assistant Acolyte Worship

Assistant Greeters

October 7 Nancy Lenz Amy Alvarez Garret Koerner

Michael AbrahamLynn Harron

October 14 Mike Dodson Kim Steiner Warren Seeley

Maryla KarlCarol Stewart

October 21 Chelsie Oberreich Payten Totz Mason

Levezow David & Judy Abraham

October 28 Jenny Williams Dan Williams Max Koerner Maria Bouche Michael Dodson

Lynda Jameson

November 4 Jim Englund Barb Schneider Garret Koerner Krissy & Warren Seeley

November 11 Maria Bouche Kim Steiner Braelee

Jodarski Maria Bouche Diane SchmudeKathy Keas

November 18 Robin Grable Dave Grable Warren Seeley

Chelsie OberreichPayten Totz

November 25 Diane Schmude Toby Kamark Mason

Levezow Joe & Shelley Rasmussen

December 2 Joel Rasmussen

Shelley Rasmussen Max Koerner Corky & Karla Abraham

December 9 Carol Stewart Sally Tusken Garret Koerner Maria Bouche Dick & Audrey Reichow

December 16 Corky Abraham Karla Abraham Braelee

Jodarski Jim & Shari Englund

December 23 Shari Englund Jenny Williams Warren

SeeleyMichael Abraham

Lynn Harron

December 245pm: Brad Jodarski9pm: David Bayer

5pm: Amy Jodarski9pm: Annette Bayer

5pm: Need Volunteer9pm: Need Volunteer

Maryla KarlCarol Stewart

December 30 Karl Keas Maryla Karl Mason Levezow Dave & Judy Abraham

Date Ushers Altar Guild

October Audrey Reichow, Kim Weisbrick,Erica Nourse, Debbie Rasmussen Daphne Riedi, Heidi Witt

November Michael Abraham, Steve Rothenbach, Barb Rothenbach, Brian Bliske Pat Krohn, Diane Schmude

December Jeff Koerner, John Koerner,Erica Nourse, Dave Abraham Audrey & Dick Reichow

You are invited!!12 | P a g e

Service of Confirmation on Reformation Sunday, October 28th, 2018!!!! 

Three young people, Lindsay Porst, Payten Totz and Michael Kolinski will be affirming their baptisms during our worship service. They have faithfully attended confirmation class, served as acolytes and communion assistants and participated in service projects.  They intend to confirm their intentions to keep the promises made in their baptisms.  How cool is that? 

Please come and celebrate with them; with the whole church! Worship at 9am.  A special coffee hour to honor them follows the service.

And since it’s Reformation Sunday, Martin Luther may show up as well! 

Sunday School begins September 9th after worship service (approximately 10:00am).

Snacks are offered during class.We have one classroom for ages 3 through 2nd grade and

one for 3rd grade through-6th gradeNew this year…we will be asking families to pick students up

from their classrooms at 11am.There will be music twice each month.

Also…If you would like to donate some pre-packaged snacks (no nuts please) and juice boxes it would be much appreciated. There is a sign-up sheet in

the Narthex. Thank you!!

Sunday School Teachers’ Schedule

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Christian Education

PK – 2nd 3rd – 5th

October 7 Amy Alvarez Need Volunteer

October 14 Krissy Seeley/Kathy Baccus Barb Schnieder

October 21 Erica Nourse Jamie Bliske

October 28 Pastor Jan Pastor Jan

November 4 Amy Alvarez Need Volunteer

November 11 Erica Nourse Barb Schnieder

November 18 To be announced To be announced

November 25 Jamie Bliske Krissy Seeley/Kathy Baccus

December 2 Erica Nourse Need Volunteer

December 9 Erica Nourse Barb Schnieder

December 16 Amy Alvarez Jamie Bliske

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1

5:30pm Reimagining Church

6:00pm VSA Choir Practice

29:00am Circle of Light Meets in OSLC Library2pm Text Study5:30pm Daisy Girl Scouts6pm Stephen Ministry Training

310am Bible Study

5:30-7:30pm Confirmation Class

48:30am Quilters Meet

4:00pm Daylight Savings Circle @ Caramel Crisp

5 610am Blessing of the Animals @ First Cong. (see pg. 10 of the Bellringer)

78:00am Choir Practice

9am Worship w/Communion

10am Coffee Hour

84:00pm Worship Committee Meets

5:30pm Exec. Committee Meets

6:00pm VSA Choir Practice

92pm Text Study

6pm Stephen Ministry Training

108:30am Mary Circle Meets in Soft Room10:00am Bible Study6:30 Mid-Week Worship w/ Communion

118:30am Quilters


4:30pm Pr.Jan @Wedding Appl.

122:30pm Pr.Jan at Wedding in Appl.


149am Worship w/Communion &Noisy Offering

10am Coffee Hour & Sunday School

*Collection begins for “Knitten Tree” items.

159:30am Pr,Jan @ Fall Theo.Conf. in Door County(call Pr.Jan’s cell if needed)

6:00pm VSA Choir Practice

16Pr,Jan @ Fall Theo.Conf. in Door County5:30pm Daisy Girl Scouts6:00pm Joy Circle meets @ Caramel Crisp6pm Stephen Ministry Training

178am-Noon Pr,Jan @ Fall Theo. Conf. in Door County

5:30-7:30pm Confirmation Class

188:30am Quilters Meet

9:00am Faith Leaders Coffee

11:00am FOC Meeting

19 202pm-4pm Trunk or Treat in OSLC East Parking Lot (see pg. 9 in Bellringer)

218am Choir Practice/Sings9am Worship w/Communion10am Sunday School10am Celebration Sunday Potluck follows (see pg.7)

226:00pm Council Meeting

6pm VSA Choir Practice

*Bellringer Materials Due for November

232pm Text Study4:00pm Pr.Jan at Miravida Board Mtg.6:30pm Sarah Circle Meets6pm Stephen Ministry Training

2410am Bible Study

6pm Bible Study

258:30am Quilters Meet

11am Pr. Jan Reimagining Church Video Conf.

26 27

289am Worship w/Communion and Confirmation/Re-formation10am Coffee Hour & Sunday School

4:00pm Little Church for birth-3 year old children.

296pm VSA Choir Practice

302pm Text Study

6pm Stephen Ministry Training

31*Pastor Jan-OFF today

Call for pastoral care:Pr. Connie Weiss920-904-5919

Daylight Savings starts

Nov. 4th

Don’t forget to turn your clocks

back 1 hour.

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OSLC October 2018 Calendar

Our Saviors Lutheran Church1860 Wisconsin StreetOshkosh, WI 54901

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Our Saviors Lutheran Church1860 Wisconsin StreetOshkosh, WI 54901
