Page 1: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood


Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - Noon 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Sunday 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM


Monday through Thursday - 8:30 AM Friday - 8:30 Mass celebrated in Saint Joachim's

Saturday 8:30AM - 5:00 PM (Vigil for Sunday)

Sunday - 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon

CONFESSIONS Saturday 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM

HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Announced in Bulletin or Call 516-374-0290 ex 115

MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Saturday following 8:30 AM Mass

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesday 9:00 AM through

Thursday 9:00 AM


Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Monday through Thursday 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Saturday - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Sunday - 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM


Monday through Thursday - 8:00 AM Friday - 8:30 AM Mass celebrated in Saint Joachim's

Segundo Miércoles de cada mes, a las 7:45 PM

Saturday Evening - 5:00 PM (Vigil for Sunday)

Sunday - 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM Spanish, 11:00 AM

CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:00 PM

HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Announced in Bulletin or Call 516-239-0953


Miraculous Medal Novena Immediately Following

FATIMA DEVOTIONS First Saturday 8:30 AM

Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel 68 Wanser Avenue

Inwood, New York 11096 Phone: 516-239-0953 Fax: 516-239-0386

Web Site:

Parish of Saint Joseph 1346 Broadway

Hewlett, New York 11557 Phone: 516-374-0290 Fax: 516-374-2598

Web Site:

Page 2: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood


Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett

Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood Office Phone: 516-374-0290 Ext. 111

Rev. Eric R. Fasano Resident Associate - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood

Office Phone: 516-239-0953 Ext. 120

Rev. Fernando Echeverri Associate for Spanish - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood

Office Phone: 516-239-0953

Rev. John Hien Retired Priest - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett

Office Phone: 516-374-0290

Rev. Gabriel Muteru Resident - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett

Office Phone: 516-374-0290

Rev. Mr. Thomas Costello Deacon - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett

Office Phone: 516-374-0290 Ext. 119

Rev. Mr. Daniel Otton Deacon - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett

Office Phone: 516-374-0290 Ext. 120

Rev. Mr. George Bruck Retired Deacon - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel

Saint Joseph Parish Staff Phone: 516-374-0290

Grace Coyne - Parish Secretary - Ex. 110

Jean Brophy - Director of Music - Ex. 112

Elizabeth McCaffrey - Director of Rel. Ed. Phone: 569-6080 Fax: 374-3664

Rae DeMarsico - Assistant to Religious Ed. Programs Saint Joseph's and OLGC

Ryan Murphy Bookkeeper - St. Joseph and OLGC - Ex. 113

Ann Taranto - St. Vincent DePaul Society - 516-569-0834

OLGC Parish Staff Phone: 516-239-0953

Eleanor Levy - Parish Secretary - Ex. 110

Mr. Timothy Remsen - Director of Music

Maureen O’Loughlin Director of Rel. Ed.


Lena Artusa - Pastoral Assistant / Outreach - 516-239-7025

NEW PARISHIONERS Please register at the appropriate Rectory.

If you are moving within or outside the Parish Please inform the appropriate Parish office.

NUEVOS PARROQUIANOS Los parroquianos, registran por favor

en la parroquia que asiste. Si mueve a o lejos de su parroquia, llama por favor la

oficina de su parroquia a decirlos. Muchas Gracias.

BAPTISMS - BAUTISMO Parents are advised to call the

appropriate Rectory for a preliminary interview. Saint Joseph Parishioners must attend a preparation class on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:45 PM

prior to the Baptism. Baptisms are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1:30 PM.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parishioners are required to attend a preparation class. To arrange a date call Lena

Artusa. Baptisms are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM.

Los padres necesitan llamar Padre Fernando por una fecha y por una clase.

WEDDINGS - MATRIMONIO The Sacrament of Marriage celebrates the

union of a man and a woman within the Church Community. We encourage those planning a marriage

to contact the appropriate Parish before booking the Reception Hall. All plans with the Parish should be made

at least 6 months prior to anticipated date so proper preparations, including Pre-Cana

and FOCCUS can be made. The bride or groom must be members of Our Lady of

Good Counsel Parish or St. Joseph’s Parish.

Por favor, llama la oficina siete meses antes de hacer una fecha. Necesita tomar clases de

“Pre-Cana.” y “FOCCUS”.

Page 3: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood

In memory of: Makenzie Florence

Hooke Requested by: Linda & Mike


MONDAY - June 23rd 8:00AM - Fathers Day Novena TUESDAY - June 24th 8:00AM - Fathers Day Novena WEDNESDAY - June 25th 8:00AM - Fathers Day Novena THURSDAY - June 26th 8:00AM - Stella Pescatore (Birthday,102 years old) FRIDAY - MASS AT ST. JOACHIM SATURDAY - June 28th 5:00PM - Larocca Family SUNDAY - June 29th 8:00AM - Bertha Reimondi / Jean Onolfi / Barbara Hanon / Frank Labate / Catherine & Arthur Archibald 9:30AM - People of the Parishes of Our Lady of Good Counsel and St. Joseph’s 11:00AM - Rosanna Paz

Sunday—June 22 8:30-Margaret Biamonte 10:30-Father’s Day Novena, William Mullen, Frank Sirufo, Jean Bain, Edward Legrow-Senior. 12:00-Domenico Marasco Monday-June 23 8:30-Father’s Day Novena Tuesday– June 24 8:30-Father’s Day Novena Wednesday– June 25 8:30-Francis Dana Thursday-June 26 8:30-Thanksgiving for Blessings Received Friday-June 27 8:30-Mass celebrated at St. Joachim’s Saturday—June 28 8:30-Theodosia Katsouris 5:00-Michael Harten Sunday –June 29 8:30-The D’Elia, Gialombardo & Scro Families 10:30-Harold Offermann, Joanne Christou, Jerry McKeon, Theresa Pickles 12:00-Michael Tummolo


Sanctuary Light In Memory of:

Antonio Mazzeo Requested By: Mazzeo Family

Donna Marrow Anthony Sourras

Theresa Cunningham James Giordano Elena Alvarado

Bunni Davi Warren Coburn-Sr. William Quigley

Anthony Zito Edward Rizzo Eva Molina

Harvey Sanders Kevin Ledwith Linda Spitaro

Mary Lou Kavanagh Marion Hogan Ray Enright Frank Zydor

ST JOSEPH’S Loretta Stanisz

Mariann Legrow Linda Mancuso

Ronald Mancuso James A Schmidt Josephine Conte

Terri Russo Theresa Vosburgh Roberto Molina Carlos Molina

Rowena Acquino Vincent Moraglia Maryann Giuliano Martin Stamile-Sr

Maria Trewin Nancy Smith

Eileen McLarney

Not by bread alone does one live, but by every word that comes forth

from the mouth of the Lord. — Deuteronomy 8:3b

No sólo de pan vive el hombre, sino también de toda palabra que sale de la boca de Dios.

— Deuteronomio 8:3b

Johnny Jackson Sheila Carlo Lenore Jack

OLGC Marie Super

Marie Artusa Dina Pugliese Alice DeLuca James E. Levy

Rosemarie Gluck

Page 4: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood

Ordinary Time beckons, and so on this Sunday we surrender the last glimmers of paschal joy as we celebrate the renewal of our life around the table of the Eucharist. This feast reminds us that the goal of the catechumen’s journey through Lent is not the baptismal font at Easter, but rather the ex-perience of Pentecost. It is all about life lived in the Spirit’s embrace in relationship to the Body of Christ, which is found both “on the table” and “at the table.” The season of confirmation is also drawing to a close, and this feast serves as a reminder that this sacrament, a solemn sending from font to table, is keyed to renewed vigor. Confirmation has sometimes been sadly misunderstood as a kind of graduation from religious formation, but it is nothing of the sort. It is about being led by the Lord Jesus to the place where the Spirit flourish-es, and where the gifts of the Spirit are most easi-ly detectable. After next week we will resume our consideration of the sacrament of confirmation, its rich and somewhat tangled history, its challenging theology, and its changing celebration. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Hace algunos años, el cantante de rock Carlos Santana y el grupo roquero Maná ganaron un premio en los “Latin Grammys” por su canción: “Corazón espinado”. Esta bella canción es de un hombre que lamenta el dolor que una mujer le ha causado. No la puede olvidar, porque ella le ha dejado el corazón espinado. Esta canción siempre me recuerda al Sa-grado Corazón de Jesús, corazón rodeado por una

corona de espinas e inflamado por el amor que le tiene a su mujer, la Iglesia, es decir, nosotros. La devoción al Sagrado Corazón proviene de una monja francesa, santa Margarita María Alacoque a quien Jesús le mostró su corazón en junio de 1675. Jesús le dijo que su corazón arde de amor

por los seres humanos, pero los cristianos sólo lo ofendemos con insultos, ingratitud e indiferencias. ¿Cuántas veces, como Iglesia o como indi-viduos, le hemos espinado el corazón al Señor? Y aun así, la imagen del corazón espinado e inflamado de Jesús nos sigue cantando y llamando para que sea-mos suyos. Si regresamos a él, Jesucristo nos promete doce bendiciones de paz, consolación, fer-vor y otras gracias. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo

Page 5: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood

Sunday-June 22 Monday-June 23 Tuesday-June 24 AA 12-1PM-CB

Yoga 9-11AM-CB Wednesday-June 25 AA 7:30PM-CAFÉ

Yarn Group 1-3PM-MTG. ROOM SVDP 9:15-11AM;7-8:30PM-AH

Thursday-June 26 AA 12-1PM-CB

Yoga 7:30PM-CAFE Friday-June 27

AA 7:30PM-CAFÉ Yoga 9-11AM-CB Saturday-June 28 Sunday-June 29

Monday June 23rd Legion of Mary 7:30 in the Church Hall

Tuesday June 24th

English as a second langue 7:30PM This will be the last class until Sep-

tember 30th

Wednesday June 25th Prayer Service 6:15PM

Charismatic Choir Rehearsal 7PM Church Hall

Thursday June 26th

Charismatic Prayer Group

Friday June 27th Charismatic Committee Meeting 7:30

Church Hall


Edward J. Entwistle - OLGC

Grades K thru 8. If you did not register your child last year and

would like to register him/her for the 2014/2015 school year, please call 569-6080 or come to the Reli-

gious Educa on Office during office hours at 1355 Noel Ave, Hewle , NY

on Mondays thru Thursdays from 10am ll 2pm. If you are registering your child for the first me


In order to make First Holy communion, the child must complete

1st and 2nd grade religious instruc ons.

III Anthony Ponte (St. Mary, Long Beach) and Cristina Bocci (St. Joseph, Hewlett)

Religious Education at Our Lady of Good Counsel

Registration is now open for

only New Students. Children who are registering

for the first time. WE MUST HAVE A COPY OF

THEIR BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE. You can register at the

Religious Ed office or at the rectory. Any questions

please call (516) 239-0662.

Page 6: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood


Please pray for the following members of the

United States Military serving throughout the world.

Ch. Col. Mark P. Rowan, Chaplain USAF, Ellen Gorman Porter, Air Nat’l Guard; PFC Peter Jon Sormilic

Jennifer Gorman, USAF; Jeremy Cohen, US Army, Major Susan A. Romano, USAF, Airnan Brian N. Legrow USAF

Lt. Christopher Healy,USMC; Frank Sabella, Jr. USAF; Sgt. Joseph Meyer, US Army; Alex Park, USMC

Sgt 1st Class Jean E. Michaud, US Army; Trevor Nordin, USAF; Kevin Sanchez, USAF;

Lcpl. Ryan Carriddi USMC, Cpl. William Andrejack, USMC; Michael Lembo; Cpl. Keith M Flick, USMC;

Lcpl. Edward J. Vinogroski, USMC; John Burns: Christopher Vardaro, US Army; PFC Joshua Hernandez;

Thomas Curran USMC; Adam J. Moreau, US Army SPL Ernie Mari, US Army; PO Robert McNeill, USN;

Sgt. Jennifer Riddle, US Army; Bryan A. DiPrima USN; Gerald Acosto, US Army; Matthew Redden;

William Kearney, USMC; PO Andrew L. DeMarsico, USN 2Lt. Paul S. Conrad, US Army; Lt. Matthew Lipsky, USN

James Yeager, USMC Rct. ; Lcpl Anthony J. Martin, USMC; Sgt. Gerard Sweet, US Army; Lcpl Andrew Michels, USMC,

Cpl. Francis J. LaBarbera US Army, Patrick Kelly, USMC PVT Richard Andersen US ARMY; 1st Lt. Daniel Vacchio USMC,

1st Lt. Josef Kaplan US Army,Anthony D. Boe, USAF Pvt, Michael J. Agunzo, US Army; PFC Ryan Burkett, USMC Shaun Cullen, USAF, SFC Frederick M. Haslett, US Army,

Mark A. Geraldi LTC.-US Army; Airman John Daniel US Navy

If you, or a loved one, would like to be included on this list, please E-mail Father Tom Moriarty at [email protected].

Please help our money counters by clearly prin ng your dona on amount on the front of the envelope.

Thank you for your coopera on.


GOOD COUNSEL Masses for 2014 are now

available for anyone wishing to make Mass arrangements

for their loved ones. Please come to the Rectory


there are NO MASSES ON FRIDAYS. The offering for announced masses remain at $20 and

unannounced masses are still $10.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

+ + + + + + + + Oh Maria sin pecado concebida, ruega por



FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN (limited openings in 1st to 7th grade)


St. Joseph’s Class of 1978 will be

holding a reunion at Kasey’s in

Rockville Centre on Saturday,

September 13, 2014. Details available from

Eddie McGowan at [email protected]

or Eileen Fishman at [email protected].

Page 7: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood

Are you or someone you know have problems due to Alcohol or Drugs: Catholic Charities/Talbot House, a chemi-

cal dependence crisis center, located in Bohemia provides withdrawal and stabilization services on a voluntary basis to males and females over the age of 18, who are seeking to stop and/or withdraw fro alcohol and/or other drug use. The medical and clinical staff at Talbot House will assess the kind of care the person needs, to begin his/her journey

in recovery. For more information, please call: 631-589-4144. Talbot House staff is available

24/7. Each call is confidential. Talbot House is a NO FEE for service program.

The Life Center is in desperate need of the following items: • Clothes for girls and boys (Sizes 0-6 and 18-24 months especially needed) • Toiletries (i.e. wipes, baby soaps,

shampoos, diaper rash creams, powders, etc.) • Crib sheets • Bottles • Hooded towels, Wash cloths • Diaper bags • Non Drop Side Cribs / Bassinets/ Pack n Plays • Car seats (both infant and toddler) • Strollers Thank you for any help that you can provide to help us support these women, especially those who are in crisis. Donations can be dropped off at our Deer Park location: 1767 Deer Park Ave Deer Park, NY 11729 (across the street from St. Cyril & Methodi-us Roman Catholic Church, and next door to Boyd-Carratozollo Funeral home. Any further questions can be answered at (631) 243-2373.

Due to storm damage in the Adoration Chapel of Saint Joseph's Church, Eucha-ristic Adoration is suspended until further notice. We are now dealing with Insurance Companies, and companies that can assist

in the repairing of water soaked walls and ceilings.

As I am sure you are well aware, this process takes time. I assure you that this undertaking is high priority. This project

will be completed as soon as possible. I apologize for any inconvenience this may

cause parishioners. Thank you for your understanding!!!

Next week our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the

Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged:

victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Through your generosity, we can cast the peace

of Christ upon the world.

La semana antes de la Colecta La próxima semana, nuestra diócesis llevará a

cabo la Colecta Peter’s Pence, la cual le proporciona al Santo Padre los fondos que necesita para realizar sus más importantes

labores caritativas. Lo recaudado en la Colecta beneficia a los más necesitados: a las víctimas de guerra, de opresión y de desastres naturales. Por

medio de su generosidad, estaremos esparciendo la paz de Cristo por el mundo.

Page 8: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood

Fortnight for Freedom The Fortnight for Freedom will take place from June 21 to July 4, 2014, a time when our liturgical calendar cel-ebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of perse-cution by political power—St. Thom-as More and St. John Fisher, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. Please pray the following prayer in solidarity with the bishops' call to penance and prayer to restore reli-gious freedom & conscience protections. PRAYER FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY O GOD OUR CREATOR, from your provident hand we have received our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You have called us as your people and given us the right and the duty to worship you, the only true God, and your Son, Jesus Christ. Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to every corner of society. We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty. Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith. Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters gath-ered in your Church in this decisive hour in the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood - and every danger overcome—for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all who come after us— this great land will always be “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Mary Immaculate, Patroness of Our Country Pray for Us!

QUINCENA DE LA LIBERTAD La Quincena de la Libertad se llevará a cabo del 21 de junio al 4 de Julio" -2014, un momento en que nuestro cal-endario litúrgico celebra una serie de grandes mártires que habían permane-cido fieles ante la persecución del poder político-St. Tomás Moro y San

Juan Fisher, San Juan Bautista, arts. San Pedro y San Pablo y de los primeros mártires de la Iglesia de Roma. Por favor ore esta oración en solidaridad con los obispos de llamada a la penitencia y a la oración para restaurar libertad religiosa. ORACIÓN POR LA LIBERTAD RELIGIOSA OH SEÑOR, CREADOR NUESTRO, De tu mano bondadosa hemos recibido el derecho a la vida, a la libertad y a la búsqueda de la felicidad. Tú nos has hecho tu pueblo y nos has dado el derecho y el deber de venerarte a ti, único Dios verdadero, y a tu Hijo, Jesucristo. Por el poder y la obra del Espíritu Santo, nos llamas a vivir nuestra fe en el mundo llevando la luz y la palabra salvadora del Evangelio a todos los confines de la sociedad. Te pedimos nos bendigas mientras cuidamos del don de la lib-ertad religiosa. Danos fortaleza de mente y corazón para estar siempre dispuestos a defender nuestras liber-tades cuando son amenazadas. Danos valentía para que se escuchen nuestras voces en defensa de los derechos de tu Iglesia, y de la libertad de con-ciencia de todas las personas de fe. Te pedimos, Oh Padre celestial, que en esta hora decisiva de la historia de nuestra nación, y reunidos en tu Iglesia, des a todos tus hijos e hijas una voz clara y unida para que con cada prueba que encaremos, y cada peligro que superemos,—por el bien de nuestros hijos, de nuestros nietos, y de todos los que vengan después de nosotros—este gran país sea siempre “una nación, bajo Dios, indivisible, con libertad y justicia para todos”. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo, Nuestro Señor. Amén. María Inmaculada, Patrocinadora de nuestro país ¡Rece por nosotros! 244

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St. Joseph Church Conference

Angela’s House 569-0834

Hours: Wed 9:15-11:00 a.m. Wed 7:00-8:30 p.m. [email protected]

Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Parish Outreach 516-239-0953

Hours Monday - Thursday

9:30 -11:30


Food Save a Tape Program Continues in 2014!!!!

Your stamped Key Food register tapes add up

very quickly and we receive a 1% rebate every

time we submit $1000 in re-ceipts.


Our St. Vincent de Paul Confer-ence

cannot accept donations of clothing, toys or furniture.

Pleaseplace all clothing donations in the bin in the driveway by the

gymnasium. Thank you.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish St. Vincent - DePaul Society

During mass this past Sunday, Father Tom Moriarty confirmed and reconfirmed The St. Vincent De Paul Society members in a beau ful ceremony. Father Tom eloquently described the

services our society provides for all individuals in need in our area. All our members are humbly commi ed in providing the spiritual and food needs to families in our community. Your support and

donated items to St. Vincent De Paul of OLGC not only helps your neighbors in me of need, but also serves as an inspira on and

encouragement to the volunteers to con nue our work. We could not do this important work without your help.

Christ Jesus, we give thanks with broken bread and cup of

blessing, may your food strengthen us for our journey. Christ Jesus, your Eucharist is a sign of love, may the poor and

outcasts find a place at your table. Christ Jesus, your Eucharist is a sign of unity, may we embrace

diversity with reverence and open hearts. Christ Jesus, you are the bread that fills the longing of our hearts,

may this bread deepen our longing for jus ce, Christ Jesus, your are the wine that sa sfies our thirst for holiness,

may this wine deepen our desire for You. Amen

God Bless

Our Lady of Good Counsel’s St. Vincent De Paul Society & Out-reach


Mac & Cheese, Pasta Sauce, Cereal, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruit, Rice, Tuna, Grape Jelly

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20 Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 7:21-29 Friday: Dt 7:6-11; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 10; 1 Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25-30 Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 or, for the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart, Is 61:9-11; Lk 2:41-51 Sunday: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19

Lunes: 2 Re 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Sal 60 (59):3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 Martes: Is 49:1-6; Sal 139 (138):1-3, 13-15; Hch 13:22-26; Lc 1:57-66, 80 Miércoles: 2 Re 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Sal 119 (118):33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20 Jueves: 2 Re 24:8-17; Sal 79 (78):1b-5, 8-9; Mt 7:21-29 Viernes: Dt 7:6-11; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 6-8, 10; 1 Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25-30 Sábado: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Sal 74 (73):1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 ó para el Memoria del Inmaculado Corazón, Is 61:9-11;Lc 2:41-51 Domingo: Vigilia: Hch 3:1-10; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Gál 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Día: Hch 12:1-11; Sal 34 (33):2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Today as we celebrate the gift of the Body and Blood of Christ let us pray for those who are hungry,

malnourished and starving.

This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able bring the peace of God to the poor by assisting

175 families with basic food necessities and in some cases providing emergency financial help towards

utility and rent arrears. Thank You!

Pantry Wish List - Week of June 22nd Canned Fruit Peanut Butter/Jelly Canned Vegetables Rice Tuna Spaghetti Sauce Supermarket Food Cards GENTLE REMINDER We cannot accept Clothing, Toys or Household items at Angela House. Please DO NOT leave donations by the garage but place them in the St. Vincent de Paul Bins in the driveway by St.

Joseph’s Gym. Food donations can be left in the bin in the vestibule of the Church. Thank you

Key Food Save a Tape Program

Continues in 2014 Your stamped Key Food register tapes add up

very quickly and we receive a 1% rebate every time we submit $1000 in receipts.

Page 12: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood







The 2014 Mass Book is now open for anyonewishing to make mass

arrangements for their loved ones. Please come to the Rectory

DURING OFFICE HOURS ONLY. There will be a limit of five (5) masses

per family. Please remember there are NO MASSES ON FRIDAYS.

The offering for announced masses remain at $20 and

unannounced masses are still $10. MASS INTENTION UPDATE

Sunday Masses at 8:30am starting July thru December 2014 are now available for intentions.

Please come by the Rectory during office hours to make arrangements.

"Jesus Christ has revealed to us that God is our Father and wants to help you,

because he loves you." Pope Francis - June 17, 2014

To the people of the Diocese of Rome

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Saint Joseph + + +

5:00 PM 171 8:30 AM 146 10:30 AM 211 12:00 PM 159 Total 687

OLGC + + +

5:00 PM 70 8:00 AM 64 9:30 AM 410 11:00 AM 78 Total 622



Any existing group/organization wishing to use our parish facilities during the 2014/2015

school year MUST PUT IT IN WRITING. Include the name of the group/organization, the day, time and

place you wish to reserve for meetings and events. Mail or drop it off at the Rectory during office hours as soon as possible: Attention Grace Coyne/Calendar. Once your list is received the information will be entered in our

calendar of events. CUT-OFF DATE JUNE 30TH.

To my Church Family, For all those who have

prayed for me, sent me cards, Mass Cards, called me, for

the EM who brings me "The Body of Christ",

and for the volunteers who drive them. Thank you all.

Catherine Ritter

Page 13: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood
Page 14: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood
Page 15: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood

SAT 5:00 PM

SUN 8:30 AM

SUN 10:30 AM


12:00 NOON


E. Gilroy

C. Gilroy

C. Russo

N. Gaona

A. Graziosa

J. Caputo

M. Artusa

K. Artusa

T. Tourneux

R. Tucay

G. Favichia

J. Brocavich

Saint Joseph - June 28 - 29

Lector L.S.

EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon

Lector L.S. EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon


Lector L.S. EM Cup Cup Cup Cup Deacon


Lector L.S. EM Cup Cup Cup Cup


SAT 5:00 PM SUN 8:00 AM

SUN 9:30 AM SUN 11:00 AM


Jece Abuan Jacqueline Por llo Stacy Por llo Ashley Cifuentes Sydney Cifuentes Marisol Garcia Max Bardales Miguel Hernandez Valen na Jaco Maria Zabaleta Perry Vacchio Shannon Ehlers Samantha Puzio Brianna Vargas

Good Counsel - June 28 - 29








Mass Schedule for June 28 - 29 Saint Joseph - Hewlett

Saturday-5:00 PM-Fr. Mike Carroll Sunday - 8:30 AM - Fr. Peter Handivar Sunday -10:30 AM- Fr. Tom Moriarty Sunday -12:00PM– Fr. Gabriel Muteru

Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood Saturday - 5:00 PM - Fr. Tom Moriarty

Sunday - 8:00 AM - Fr. Eric Fasano Sunday 9:30 AM - Fr. F. Echeverri

9:30 AM Mass celebrated in Spanish

Sunday -11:00 AM -Fr. Eric Fasano

Schedule may change without notice.

S. Kane B. Kaufmann A. Yenna R. Breen M. Breen C. Simmons

A. Juliano K. Merritt T. Costello F. Quinn C. Reyes P. Roche T. Costello Teams 2

P. Meehan J. Zaptin C. Faust R. Bowker A. Zafonte A. Hugues

K. Early P. Tinghitella D. Otton J. Ostrin P. Vadaro M. Otton D. Otton

R. Nahman C. Wankmiller

V. Rubin D. Carroll

T. Prout E. Levy

Page 16: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood









05/25 06/01 06/08 06/15

Sunday collection for June 15, 2014

Last Year $5,639 This Year $5,730 Attending 687

Total Bills for the Week $5,205.62









05/25 06/01 06/08 06/15

Total Bills for the Week 6,671.09

Sunday Collection June 15, 2014

Attendance: 622

1st Collection: 3,052.00

2nd Collection: 659 Air Conditioning



7827 3376





Payroll 5,205.62

Payroll 6,671.09

Page 17: Web - Saint Joseph's RC Church · P A S T O R A L S T A F F Rev. Thomas M. Moriarty, Jr. Pastor - Parish of Saint Joseph - Hewlett Pastor - Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel - Inwood

AMEN Take a look around the walls of your church. Even if it’s only a year or two old, the word “Amen” has resounded off those walls countless times at the conclusion of the Eucharistic Prayer and as the faithful have come forward to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. Today’s feast is about those “Amens” offered in faith, offered in times of trouble or doubt, spoken in joy, spoken mindlessly, but all given to God in a multitude of ways. It is our very lives that lie behind our “Amens” and are touched by the presence of Christ, the presence we celebrate today. More im-portantly, we celebrate the love of Christ for us shown in the sacrifice on Calvary and that he con-tinues to give to us in every celebration of the Eu-charist. What can we do but rejoice in that great love, and then go out into the world and live that love in sacrificing for others? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Amén Mira alrededor de las paredes de tu iglesia. No importa si sólo tiene uno o dos años de constru-ida, la palabra “Amén” ha resonado en sus paredes

un número incontable de veces al con-cluir la Oración Eucarística y cuando los fieles se acercan a recibir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. La fiesta de hoy es so-bre esos “Amenes” ofrecidos en fe, en momentos de dificultad o duda, pronun-ciados con alegría, o distraidamente, pero todos entregados a Dios de alguna manera. Nuestra vida misma está detrás

de esos “Amenes” que han sido afectados por la presencia de Cristo, la presencia que celebramos hoy. Más importante aún, celebramos el amor de Cristo que nos lo dio en su entrega total en el Cal-vario y que continúa dándonos en su autosacrificio de cada Eucaristía. ¿Podemos hacer otra cosa que no sea alegrarnos por ese gran amor, y luego salir al mundo a vivir ese amor en nuestro autosacrificio por otros? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

