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Web Hacking 1.0root@localhost# whoamiQ Fadlan Information Security Engineer

root@localhost# whereis q.fadlan/PT GLOBAL DIGITAL NIAGA/IT/INFRASTRUCTURE/q.fadlan

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1.Goal2.Introduction Web Hacking3.Step by Step Web Hacking

- Reconnaissance- Scanning- Exploitation- Maintaining Access- Covering Tracks

4. Q & A

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Who is a hacker?

Hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weaknesses in a computer system or computer network.

Hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, challenge, enjoyment, or to evaluate those weaknesses to assist in removing them

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White Hat Hackers: These are the good guys, computer security experts who specialize in penetration testing and other methodologies to ensure that a company’s information systems are secure. These IT security professionals rely on a constantly evolving arsenal of technology to battle hackers.

Black Hat Hackers: These are the bad guys, who are typically referred to as just plain hackers. The term is often used specifically for hackers who break into networks or computers, or create computer viruses. Black hat hackers continue to technologically outpace white hats. They often manage to find the path of least resistance, whether due to human error or laziness, or with a new type of attack. Hacking purists often use the term “crackers” to refer to black hat hackers. Black hats’ motivation is generally to get paid.

Hacker Classification

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Script Kiddies: This is a derogatory term for black hat hackers who use borrowed programs to attack networks and deface websites in an attempt to make names for themselves.

Hacktivists: Some hacker activists are motivated by politics or religion, while others may wish to expose wrongdoing, or exact revenge, or simply harass their target for their own entertainment.

State Sponsored Hackers: Governments around the globe realize that it serves their military objectives to be well positioned online. The saying used to be, “He who controls the seas controls the world,” and then it was, “He who controls the air controls the world.” Now it’s all about controlling cyberspace. State sponsored hackers have limitless time and funding to target civilians, corporations, and governments.

Spy Hackers: Corporations hire hackers to infiltrate the competition and steal trade secrets. They may hack in from the outside or gain employment in order to act as a mole. Spy hackers may use similar tactics as hacktivists, but their only agenda is to serve their client’s goals and get paid.

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Cyber Terrorists: These hackers, generally motivated by religious or political beliefs, attempt to create fear and chaos by disrupting critical infrastructures. Cyber terrorists are by far the most dangerous, with a wide range of skills and goals. Cyber Terrorists ultimate motivation is to spread fear, terror and commit murder.

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3. Step by Step Web Hacking

Reconnaissance Scanning Exploitation Maintaining Access

Information Gathering(about the system,Environment, etc)

• Scan the system• Threat Analysis• Usage the staticanalyzer (Nessus, nmap,Appscan, etc)

• Vulnerability Analysis

• Fuzz Testing• Penetration Testing• Use/Develop rightset of tools to attack

Raise Defect

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ReconnaissanceReconnaissance is the act of gathering preliminary data or intelligence on your target. The data is gathered in order to better plan for your attack. Reconnaissance can be performed actively (meaning that you are directly touching the target) or passively (meaning that your recon is being performed through an intermediary).

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ReconnaissanceThere are two main goals in this phase:

• First, we need to gather as much information as possible about the target.

• Second, we need to sort through all the information gathered and create a list of attackable IP addresses.

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ReconnaissanceReconnaissance Output :• Identifying IP Addresses and Sub-domains — usually one of the first steps in passive

reconnaissance, it’s important to identify the net ranges and sub-domains associated with your target(s) as this will help scope the remainder of your activities. 

• Identifying External/3rd Party sites — although they may not be in scope for any active penetration testing activities, it is important to understand the relationships between your target and other 3rd party content providers.

• Identifying People — Identifying names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other personal information can be valuable for pretexting, phishing or other social engineering activities. 

• Identifying Technologies — Identifying the types and versions of the systems and software applications in use by an organization is an important precursor to identifying potential vulnerabilities.

• Identifying Content of Interest — Identifying web and email portals, log files, backup or archived files, or sensitive information contained within HTML comments or client-side scripts is important for vulnerability discovery and future penetration testing activities. 

• Identifying Vulnerabilities — it’s possible to identify critical vulnerabilities that can be exploited with further active penetration testing activities soley by examining publicly available information 

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ReconnaissanceReconnaissance Tools :

• Whois - performs the registration record for the domain name or IP address that you specify

• Shodan - a search engine that lets the user find specific types of computers (routers, servers, etc.) connected to the internet using a variety of filters.

• Google – Search engine• Netcraft - tool for identifying subdomains• HTTrack – Website Copier• Social Engineering - process of exploiting the “human” weakness that is inherent in every organization• etc

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ScanningThe phase of scanning requires the application of technical tools to gather further intelligence on your target, but in this case, the intel being sought is more commonly about the systems that they have in place. A good example would be the use of a vulnerability scanner on a target network.

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Scanning1. Checking whether the target is alive: Use the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) to ping the target system and check whether the target is alive.2. Scanning the ports: Check for open ports that can be attacked. Perform the scan in stealth mode for a particular period of time. Test the ports by sending them harmful information.3. Identifying the potential vulnerabilities and generating a report: Use a network vulnerability scanner to identify the potential vulnerabilities and to obtain a report about these vulnerabilities.4. Classifying vulnerabilities and building responses: Classify vulnerabilities and build responses accordingly. Many times, the response chosen for a vulnerability is nonactionable because of complexities andrisks. The assessment process gives complete information about these issues, and this information is helpful during the risk management process.

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Scanning5. Classifying key assets and performing risk management: The vulnerability assessment process classifies the key assets and makes a hierarchy of the key assets, which helps to drive the risk management process.

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ScanningDetermining if a system is alive

• Ping - ping uses the ICMP protocol's mandatory ECHO_REQUEST datagram to elicit an ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from a host or gateway

• Fping - fping differs from ping in that you can specify any number of targets on the command line, or specify a file containing the lists of targets to ping.

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Port scanning the system

Nmap - security scanner originally written by Gordon Lyon (also known by his pseudonym Fyodor Vaskovich) used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus creating a "map" of the network. To accomplish its goal, Nmap sends specially crafted packets to the target host and then analyzes the responses.

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Scanning the system for vulnerabilitiesNessus – popular vulnerability scanning tool. It detects and identifies software bugs in computers. It is an open-source tool that determines security threats. Nessus contains some specific measures to minimize thechance of a system crash. The two parts of this tool are a server (nessusd) and a client (nessus).• Nikto -• ZAP -• Acunetix -

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ScanningThe following are some of the classifications of vulnerabilities:

• Misconfigurations: Disabling security settings and features, due to lack of adequate knowledge about their functions, leads to vulnerabilities in network devices. Incorrect device configuration can also cause vulnerabilities.• Default installations: Not changing the default settings when deploying software or hardware allows an attacker to easily guess the settings in order to break into the systems.• Buffer overflows: Buffer overflows occur when a system’s applications write content that is beyond the allocated buffer size.• Unpatched servers: Hackers identify vulnerabilities in servers that are not patched and exploit them. Servers should be updated by applying patches.

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Scanning• Default passwords: Default passwords are common to various operating systems and applications. During configuration, the passwords need to be changed. Passwords should be kept secret; failing to protect the confidentiality of a password allows an attacker to easily compromise a system.• Open services: Open services are insecure and are open to attacks such as DoS.• Application flaws: Applications should be secured using user validation and authorization. Applications pose security threats such as data tampering and unauthorized access to configuration stores. If applicationsare not secured, sensitive information may be lost or corrupted.• Operating systems flaws: Due to vulnerabilities in operating systems, Trojans, worms, and viruses pose serious threats. Flaws lead to system crashes and instabilities.• Design flaws: Design flaws can leave a piece of hardware or software open to attack if these flaws are discovered.

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ExploitExploit is an attack on a computer system, especially one that takes advantage of a particular vulnerability that the system offers to intruders.

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Exploit1. Compare vulnerability finding with risk rating framework.

- National Vulnerability Database (NVD) - Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) - Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) - Bugtraq ID (BID) - Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)

2. Compare vulnerability finding with exploit db.- etc

3. Intercepting request to webserver

4. Exploite the vurnerablity with your style

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ExploitCommon Vulnerability* :

* : OWASP Top 10 2013

1. Injectionexample : SQL Injection, LDAP Injection, XPATH

2. Broken Authentication and Session Management3. Cross Site Scripting (XSS)4. Insecure Direct Object References5. Security Misconfiguration6. Sensitive Data Exposure7. Missing Function Level Access Control8. Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)9. Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities10.Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

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Maintaining AccessMaintaining access requires taking the steps involved in being able to be persistently within the target environment in order to gather as much data as possible. The attacker must remain stealthy in this phase, so as to not get caught while using the host environment.

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Maintaining Access1. Netcat - an incredibly simple and unbelievably flexible tool that allows

communication and network traffic to flow from one machine to another

2. Rootkit – Rootkits are computer programs that are designed by attackers to gain root or administrative access to your computer. Once an attacker gains admin privilege, it becomes a cakewalk for him to exploit your system

3. ssh tunnel

4. Create user on system

5. Put backdoor script

6. Install malicious software on server

7. etc

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Covering TracksThe final phase of covering tracks simply means that the attacker must take the steps necessary to remove all semblance of detection. Any changes that were made, authorizations that were escalated etc. all must return to a state of non-recognition by the host network’s administrators.

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Covering Tracks1. Clearing Event Logs

2. Erasing the Command History

3. Sherding the history file

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Q & A