Page 1: We are delighted to welcome your child to our Nursery


We are delighted to welcome your child to our Nursery

We hope that their time with us will be a happy and successful one.

As parents/carers you are your child’s first educators and the home influence remains

important throughout your child’s schooling. We wish to work with you to make sure your

child has the best possible start in school.

The aim of the Nursery is to nurture the all-round development of each child as an individual,

within a warm, caring, stimulating environment.

In this brochure you will find useful information about the Nursery here at

St. Aloysius. If you need any further information

please do not hesitate to contact us.

Nursery doors will open at 8.45 each day to allow you to stay with your child for a short while.

Nursery doors will close at 9am.

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If your child is unwell and unable to attend Nursery we ask that you ring us and let us know.

If your child has sickness and diarrhoea they need to stay at home until 48 hours after the last

episode, to avoid the rapid spread of germs. If your child is taken ill while at Nursery we will

contact you at home or work. Therefore we need at least two emergency contact numbers for your

child which must be kept up to date.

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Nursery children are invited to wear our new school uniform which is available from J.K Clothing or

the School Office (at a reduced price).

Please provide your child with a spare set of clothes in case of accidents. A bag with your child’s

name on will be provided and this will be kept on their coat peg. Please ensure that all items of

clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name. Can we ask that you provide your child with a

pair of wellington boots to leave in Nursery to enable them to play outdoors in all weathers?

We all want the children to be happy and enjoy their time in Nursery. To create the best conditions for

success, the settling of the child at Nursery should take place gradually, until the child becomes

familiar with the environment and feels secure. Please feel free to spend time with your child in

Nursery until they are settled. We want to make this time as stress free, enjoyable and exciting as


Page 4: We are delighted to welcome your child to our Nursery


Play underpins the delivery of all the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Children must have

opportunities to play indoors and outdoors.

Play underpins all development and learning for young children. Most children play spontaneously

and it is through play that they develop intellectually, creatively, physically, socially and emotionally.

Providing well planned experiences based on children’s spontaneous play, both indoors and outdoors

supports young children to learn with enjoyment and challenge.

In playing, children behave in different ways: sometimes their play will be responsive or boisterous,

sometimes they may describe and discuss what they are doing, and sometimes they will be quiet and

reflective as they play.

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Children attending the Nursery follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Curriculum which is divided into seven interrelated areas of learning and

development. None of these areas are delivered in isolation as they are all equally

important and interdependent upon each other.

The EYFS is based upon on-going observation and assessment of children’s play,

learning and development.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development –

Children are encouraged to be confident and

independent learners able to manage their own

physical and emotional needs, feelings and

behaviour, tell the difference between right and

Wrong and build positive relationships with others.

Communication and Language - Children learn the power

of language as a tool for communication and thinking. They

are encouraged to listen and maintain attention in various

contexts. Children express their feelings and talk about their


Physical Development – Learning to control their

bodies and be confident in their movements.

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The four specific areas include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully

in society. They grow out of the prime areas, and provide important contexts for learning.


Children develop their understanding of numbers, counting and calculating, shape and space, pattern

and measurement through a variety of everyday experiences, play, stories, rhymes and games. Being

able to think logically and make connections is an important aspect of this.

Understanding the world

Exploring and finding out about the world around them is very much a daily part of the children’s

experiences at St Aloysius. They also develop their understanding of place and time and learn about

different cultures and beliefs.

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Daily experiences involving books, stories, poems and rhymes are planned. Children are encouraged

to recall words they see frequently, such as names, and retell or enact familiar stories. They are

encouraged to make and give meaning to marks using chalks, crayons and paint. Children learn good

early reading and writing skills through games, songs and role play.

Expressive Arts and Design

Children learn to express their feelings and respond to experiences in many different ways such as

painting and drawing, using clay, listening to and making music, or role play. Imaginative play is

central to developing children’s language and social skills.

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We provide a free flow environment for all Nursery children. This means that children can direct their

own learning, following their particular interests. Meticulous planning and preparation, combined

with a deep understanding of how young children learn enables high quality learning to occur. The

environment both inside and outside provides a wealth of space and resources for the children to

enjoy and become responsible, active and motivated learners.

Counting Games Den Building

We have a Secret Garden and a large outside area which are used every day and in most weathers.

They provide opportunities for children to develop physical strength, balance and coordination

through climbing, balancing, riding bikes and scooters, as well as imaginative play on a grand scale.

In short every learning opportunity on offer inside is mirrored and magnified outside.

Exploring Role Play

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Staff closely observe and assess the children whilst they play alongside them. This helps us to

understand your child and best plan experiences that will best meet their learning needs. Our

observations along with photos and samples of the children’s work are recorded in your child’s

Learning Journal.

Each child has their own Learning Journal. It is built up throughout their time at St Aloysius and

makes a full and detailed record of their learning and development. It is for everyone to add to –

families, child minders and, especially, your child. When your child leaves us to start primary school

please share it with your child’s reception teacher as it will help them to get to know your child better


During the day your child will be offered a drink of milk and a piece of fruit. This is free of charge.

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We consider lunch time to be a significant and enjoyable part of our learning day. Your child

will receive a hot lunch catered by an external provider. This will be a nutritious and

balanced meal which will be served by nursery staff in our own designated dining area.

Nursery lunches will cost £2.20 per day which can be paid on a weekly or termly basis.

Please note lunches must be paid for on the first day of the week.

We recognise that from time to time children may need to take prescribed drugs during the day to

treat a condition that is not severe enough to keep them off Nursery or for the treatment of a long term

condition. While there is no legal or contractual duty on staff to administer medicines, nevertheless

we would wish to support our children where we can.

Staff and parents will work together to complete a Health Care Plan for children with chronic


We will only administer medicine prescribed by a medical practitioner in their original container as

dispensed by the pharmacist and should include the prescribers instructions for administration.

We will not administer non prescribed medication.

If your child is on antibiotics they are not well. Please keep them at home for 48 hours before

returning to Nursery. Only in exceptional cases will staff administer antibiotics to children in the early

days of the prescribed course.

If your child has chicken pox, measles, conjunctivitis or other childhood illness please let us know.

Some contagious illnesses can be dangerous to particularly vulnerable people, such as pregnant

women, so it is important that we are kept informed and can alert you to local outbreaks. Your health

visitor will advise you how long to keep your child at home in these cases.

We require your signed permission to administer prescribed drugs; these forms can be obtained from

the school office.

Please speak to your child’s teacher about their specific medical needs or allergies.

Sometimes it is necessary for staff to administer First Aid to the children. We have named and

qualified First Aiders and we follow strict guidelines when administering first aid.

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We look forward to meeting your child and hope they have a happy time with

us at St Aloysius. Together we can achieve the very best for your child. We

look forward to working with you.
