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    J. Fluid Mech. (2006), vol. 556, pp. 361386. c 2006 Cambridge University Pressdoi:10.1017/S0022112006009712 Printed in the United Kingdom


    Wave evolution on electried falling lms

    B y D M I T R I T S E L U I K OAND D E M E T R I O S T. PA PA G E O R G I O U

    Department of Mathematical Sciences and Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics, New JerseyInstitute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102, USA

    (Received 27 April 2005 and in revised form 10 November 2005)

    The nonlinear stability of falling lm ow down an inclined at plane is investigatedwhen an electric eld acts normal to the plane. A systematic asymptotic expansionis used to derive a fully nonlinear long-wave model equation for the scaled interface,where higher-order terms must be retained to make the long-wave approximationvalid for long times. The effect of the electric eld is to introduce a non-local term

    which comes from the potential region above the liquid lm. This term is alwayslinearly destabilizing and produces growth rates proportional to the cubic power of the wavenumber surface tension is included and provides a short wavelength cutoff.Even in the absence of an electric eld, the fully nonlinear equation can producesingular solutions after a nite time. This difficulty is avoided at smaller amplitudeswhere the weakly nonlinear evolution is governed by an extension of the KuramotoSivashinsky equation. This equation has solutions which exist for all time and allowsfor a complete study of the nonlinear behaviour of competing physical mechanisms:long-wave instability above a critical Reynolds number, short-wave damping due tosurface tension and intermediate growth due to the electric eld. Through a combina-tion of analysis and extensive numerical experiments, we nd parameter ranges thatsupport non-uniform travelling waves, time-periodic travelling waves and complexnonlinear dynamics including chaotic interfacial oscillations. It is established that asufficiently high electric eld will drive the system to chaotic oscillations, even whenthe Reynolds number is smaller than the critical value below which the non-electriedproblem is linearly stable. A particular case of this is Stokes ow.

    1. Introduction

    Falling lms have received much attention since the pioneering experiments of Kapitza & Kapitza (1949) (also Binny 1957). Applications can be found in a widevariety of technological processes including coating and cooling. In cooling applica-tions, for example, it has been observed that heat or mass transfer can be increasedby an order of magnitude if there are waves present on the liquid lm (Dukler 1976;Yoshimura, Nosoko & Nagata 1996; Bontozoglou 1998; Nagasaki, Akiyama &Nakagawa 2002; Seri, Malamataris & Bontozoglou 2004; Sisoev, Matar & Lawrence2005).

    The initial linear stage of the instability was considered by Benjamin (1957) andYih (1963) who showed that the ow becomes unstable to long-waves above a critical

    Reynolds number which depends on the angle of inclination (for vertical inclinations,the critical Reynolds number is zero); the waves travel with a speed of twice theunperturbed ow speed at the interface. Periodic two-dimensional nonlinear wavesemerge whose structure depends on the forcing frequency that produces them (see

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    Alekseenko, Nakoryakov & Pokusaev 1985; Liu, Paul & Gollub 1993), and in generalthese are susceptible to three-dimensional instabilities and ensuing spatiotemporalcomplexity (Joo & Davis 1992; Liu & Gollub 1993; Chang et al. 1994; Johnsonet al. 1999). It is observed that the long-time behaviour of the ow is dominated bysolitary wave pulses and the interactions between them, and hence a fundamentalunderstanding of their existence and dynamics, in different physical situations is of importance. Experiments conrming the central role of solitary wave structures havebeen carried out by Liu & Gollub (1994), Vlachogiannis & Bontozoglou (2001) andArgyriadi, Seri & Bontozoglou (2004).

    Direct numerical simulations of the falling-lm problem on at substrates have beencarried out by several investigators including Salamon, Armstrong & Brown (1994),Malamataris, Vlachogiannis & Bontozoglou (2002), Gao, Morley & Dhir (2003),Argyriadi et al. (2004), Gu et al. (2004), Kunugi & Kino (2005); calculations andexperiments over wavy walls can be found in Malamataris & Bontozoglou (1999) andVlachogiannis & Bontozoglou (2002), respectively. The computations of Malamataris

    et al. (2002) evaluate the spatial linear stability stage of the dynamics and considerin detail the velocity proles beneath solitary waves with the nding that a strongnon-parabolicity emerges in front of the main humps along with a small region of backow. The dynamics is quite delicate and it is useful, therefore, to obtain reducedsystems that can be studied in detail both numerically and analytically.

    At Reynolds numbers not too far from critical, then, it is feasible to develop a long-wave nonlinear theory as in Benney (1966), Gjevik (1970) and Alekseenko et al. (1985),for example, giving rise to the so-called Benney evolution equation. Even thoughthis equation contains different physical mechanisms and is potentially capable of describing the nonlinear dynamics, it lacks a global existence theory for its solutions.Evidence of this can be found in numerical experiments by Pumir, Manneville &Pomeau (1983), Joo, Davis & Bankhoff (1991) and Rosenau & Oron (1992). On theother hand, it has been used successfully to describe experimental observations of three-dimensional ngering instabilities in falling lms (see Diez & Kondic 2001, 2002;Kondic & Diez 2001). Reviews of falling lm ows, and in particular their nonlinearanalysis via long-wave models at small and moderately large Reynolds numbers, canbe found in Chang (1994) and Chang & Demekhin (2002).

    Weakly nonlinear analysis of the Benney equation leads to the KuramotoSivashinsky (KS) equation, which deserves a special mention. This equation arises ina variety of physical problems and is one of the simplest one-dimensional evolutionequations which exhibit complex dynamics. Applications include falling-lm ows(Benney 1966; Sivashinsky & Michelson 1980; Shlang & Sivashinsky 1982; Hooper &Grimshaw 1985), coreannular ows (Papageorgiou, Maldarelli & Rumschitzki 1990;Coward, Papageorgiou & Smyrlis 1995) ame-front instabilities and reaction diffusioncombustion dynamics (Sivashinsky 1977, 1983), chemical physics for propagation of concentration waves (Kuramoto & Tsuzuki 1975, 1976; Kuramoto 1978), and plasmaphysics (Cohen et al. 1976). The rescaled KS equation on 2 -periodic intervals containsa single parameter = ( /L )2 (here L is half of the interval on which the equation isconsidered) which is inversely proportional to the length of the system. The equationwas extensively studied computationally (Sivashinsky & Michelson 1980; Frisch,She & Thual 1986; Hyman & Nikolaenko 1986; Hyman, Nikolaenko & Zaleski 1986;

    Greene & Kim 1988; Kevrekidis, Nicolaenko & Scovel 1990; Papageorgiou & Smyrlis1991; Smyrlis & Papageorgiou 1991, 1996) as well as analytically (Ilyashenko 1992;Collet et al. 1993a , b ; Goodman 1994; Jolly, Rosa & Temam 2000). It is establishedthat the KS equation produces complicated dynamics in both space and time, and

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    when the parameter is small enough the solutions become chaotic. A computationalverication of a period-doubling route to chaos according to the Feigenbaum scenarioalong with calculation of the two universal constants, can be found in Papageorgiou &Smyrlis (1991) and Smyrlis & Papageorgiou (1991, 1996).

    The present work is concerned with wave formation and evolution of falling lmswhich are additionally driven by an electric eld acting normal to the plate. Perhapsthe earliest known electrohydrodynamic experiment was performed by William Gilbertin the seventeenth century, who observed the formation of a conical structure on asessile drop when a charged rod was brought above it Taylor (1969). Most of theearlier modelling has used perfectly conducting liquids or perfect dielectrics and areview is given in Melcher & Taylor (1969). More recent work has introduced the so-called leaky dielectric model to deal with poorly conducting liquids and electrolytes(see Allan & Mason 1962; Saville 1977; Russel, Saville & Schowalter 1989; Saville1997). The possibility of controlling the lm ow using a vertical electric eld has beensuggested by Kim, Bankoff & Miksis (1992, 1994), Bankoff, Miksis & Gwinner (1994),

    Bankoff, Griffing & Schluter (2002) and Griffing et al. (2004) in their considerationof the electrostatic liquid-lm radiator. The idea is to use the reduction of pressureinduced by the electric Maxwell stresses at the liquid/air interface, to reduce or stopleakage of uid out of punctures in the outer casing of cooling equipment which isexposed to cosmic particle impacts in space applications. The theoretical study of Kimet al. (1992) is two-dimensional (so the holes are slits) and considers a perfect dielectricliquid and a nite-length electrode placed relatively close to the grounded innite-planesubstrate. An evolution equation is derived which is similar to the Benney equation,but contains an additional local term due to the electric eld (surface tension is notincluded); an analogous analysis is performed for higher Reynolds numbers usingthe von K arm anPohlhausen parabolic prole approximation to obtain closure (seeChang & Demekhin 2002). Numerical solutions show reasonable agreement withdirect NavierStokes simulations and indicate the feasibility of attaining sufficientlynegative pressures in the vicinity of the electrode that can arrest leakage. The linearstability is also considered for perfectly conducting uids and it is found that thepresence of a vertical electric eld reduces the critical Reynolds number belowwhich the ow is stable. A comparison between experiment and lubrication theory(for a nite-length electrode) is made in Griffing et al. (2004) and agreement isreasonable. A striking experimental demonstration of the instability due to a verticaleld in the absence of a shear ow can be found in Dong, de Almeida & Tsouris(2001), where the eld induces the formation and protrusion of liquid columns of one liquid into a second immiscible liquid with different electrical properties. Eventhough the observed phenomenon is three-dimensional, a fundamental understandingof two-dimensional nonlinear interfacial electrohydrodynamics is a suitable startingpoint and is one of the aims of the present work. The presence of shear (see theexperiments of Bankoff et al. 2002; Griffing et al. 2004) is found to nonlinearlysaturate the interfacial amplitudes and this is also established by our theoretical studyof the modied KS equation. An interesting analogue of shear stabilization is that of the nonlinear saturation of capillary instability in coreannular ows (see for examplePapageorgiou et al. 1990).

    Gonzalez & Castellanos (1996) considered a perfectly conducting liquid lm with

    the upper electrode placed far from the grounded substrate. A Benney-type equationis written down which contains a non-local contribution due to the electric eldabove the liquid layer and the fact that the second electrode is at innity. The formof such non-local terms has been derived formally in related horizontal electric eld

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    h ( x , t )

    E 0

    h 0

    P e r m i t t i v i t y a

    P e r f e c t l y c o n d u c t i n g

    v i s c o u s f l u i d

    Figure 1. Schematic of the problem.

    problems by Tilley, Petropoulos & Papageorgiou (2001), Papageorgiou & Vanden-Broeck (2004 a , b). The weakly nonlinear version of this equation is a KS equationwith an additional linear term due to the electric eld, which enhances the instability.At sufficiently small Reynolds numbers, Gonzalez & Castellanos (1996) identify acritical electric eld strength above which a mode with non-zero wavenumber rstbecomes unstable. They in turn use a GinzburgLandau weakly nonlinear expansionto establish a supercritical bifurcation. The behaviour of the ow at arbitrary electriceld values was not studied and is undertaken in a systematic way in the present work.It is important also to emphasize that if the Reynolds number is sufficiently large(so that the non-electried problem is linearly unstable to long-waves), the weaklynonlinear theory of Gonzalez & Castellanos (1996) is not possible and the problemmust be addressed numerically. Therefore, there is little overlap between the pre-sent work and that of Gonzalez & Castellanos (1996). We address the modied KSequation numerically (at Reynolds numbers above and below critical). The dynamicsis quite different depending on the Reynolds number, but in all cases the systemevolves to mostly chaotic dynamics as the length of the system is increased.

    The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 formulates the mathematicalproblem and the nonlinear interfacial boundary conditions; in 3, we develop a formalasymptotic solution valid for long waves, and point out some associated difficultiesfor fully nonlinear waves, and derive the weakly nonlinear modied KS equation. In

    4, we present detailed numerical solutions and construct a fairly complete picture of the competing nonlinear dynamics (for Reynolds numbers above and below critical);some analytical results are also provided. In 5, we present our conclusions.2. Two-dimensional uid ow down an inclined plane under normalelectric eld

    2.1. Physical modelThe physical model of a two-dimensional ow is depicted in gure 1. A Newtonianliquid of constant density and viscosity , ows under gravity along an innitely

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    long at plate which is inclined at an angle to the horizontal. A coordinate system(x, z ) is adopted with x measuring distance down and along the plate and z distanceperpendicular to it (see gure 1). The lm thickness is z = h (x, t ) and its unperturbedvalue is h0. The surface tension coefficient between the liquid and the surroundingmedium is and the acceleration due to gravity in denoted by g. The plate is takento be an innite electrode which, without loss of generality, is held at zero voltagepotential, i.e. the electrode is grounded. Far from the plate, the electric eld E 0 isuniform and normal to the plate. The surrounding medium is assumed to be a perfectdielectric with permittivity a , and the corresponding voltage potential in it is denotedby V . In this study, the liquid is assumed to be perfectly conducting, implying that thepotential on the deformed liquid interface is zero (the electric eld in the liquid is alsozero). Along with the usual viscous stresses at the free surface, the electric eld causesadditional Maxwell stresses which can affect ow stability and the ensuing dynamics.Physically, this occurs by a reduction in pressure just beneath the interface due to theeld and we wish to study systematically this effect on the nonlinear dynamics of the

    falling lm.

    2.2. Governing equationsLet the velocity eld in the ( x, z ) coordinate system be u = ( u, v ). In what follows,we denote the liquid layer by Region I and the surrounding medium by Region II.The governing equations in Region I are the incompressible NavierStokes equations:

    u t + uu x + vu z = p x

    + (u xx + uzz ) + g sin , (2.1)

    vt + uv x + vvz =

    p z

    + (vxx + vzz )

    g cos , (2.2)

    u x + vz = 0 . (2.3)

    The potential in Region II is determined by electrostatics and the electric eld canbe written in terms of the gradient of the potential V as E = V . It follows that V satises the Laplace equation:

    V xx + V zz = 0 . (2.4)

    The boundary conditions are those of no slip at the wall, u|z=0 = 0, v|z=0 = 0, anda uniform eld condition at innity, V x

    0, V z

    E 0 as z

    . At the interface

    z = h(x, t ) we must satisfy a kinematic condition, the zero (or constant) potentialcondition and balance of normal and tangential stresses. The out pointing unitnormal and unit tangent vectors at any point on z = h(x, t ) are given by n =(h x , 1)/ (1 + h2x )1/ 2 and t = (1 , h x )/ (1 + h2x )1/ 2. The kinematic condition is

    v = h t + uh x , (2.5)

    and noting that V t = 0 is equivalent to a constant potential on the interface, yields

    V = 0 V x + hx V z = 0 on z = h (x, t ). (2.6)The components of the stress tensors in Region I are

    T Iij = p ij + u ix j

    + u j x i

    , (2.7)

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    and in Region II

    T IIij = p atm ij + a E i E j 12 | E |2ij , (2.8)where p atm is the constant atmospheric pressure. In this paper, we assume thati, j = 1 , 2, x1 = x , x2 = z, u1 = u , u2 = v, and (E 1, E 2) are the components of theelectric eld. Note that the stresses in Region I do not have an electric part owing tothe absence of a eld, while those in Region II do not have a viscous part since theouter phase is assumed to be hydrodynamically passive. In general, both viscous andelectrical stresses are present (for perfect dielectrics see Savettaseranee et al. 2003,for example). The tangential and normal stress balances at the interface take theform

    [t T n ]III = 0 , (2.9)

    [n T n ]III = , (2.10)

    where = h xx / (1+ h 2x )3/ 2 is the curvature of the interface. The Maxwell stresses do notcontribute to the tangential stress balance unless there is a nite conductivity in eitherof the two phases, as in the leaky dielectric model (see for example Papageorgiou& Petropoulos 2004). This can be veried directly for the present problem by usingcondition (2.6) in (2.9); if, in addition, we use ux = vz from the continuity equation,the boundary condition (2.9) becomes

    1 h 2x (u z + vx ) + 4 h x vz = 0 on z = h (x, t ). (2.11)Using a similar procedure and the identity uz + vx = 4h x vz / (1 h 2x ), which follows,from (2.11), yields the following normal stress boundary condition

    p atm p 12 a 1 + h2x V 2z + 2 1 + h2x

    1 h 2xvz = h xx

    1 + h2x3/ 2 on z = h (x, t ). (2.12)

    This completes the statement of the problem which, when supplemented with initialconditions, constitutes a formidable nonlinear free-boundary problem. We will proceedasymptotically and seek nonlinear evolution equations valid for long-waves. Beforedoing this it is useful to identify an exact (albeit unstable) solution and an appropriatenon-dimensionalization.

    An exact solution exists which has h(x, t ) = h0 with h0 being a positive constant.This is analogous to the Nusselt solution for the non-electric case (see Nusselt 1916;Benjamin 1957) and is given by

    u = g sin

    2(2h 0z z2), (2.13)

    v = 0 , (2.14)p = p atm 12 a E 20 g (z h 0)cos , (2.15)V = E 0(h 0 z). (2.16)

    We see that the steady velocity prole is parabolic in z, while the electric potentialvaries linearly with z.

    2.3. Dimensionless equationsTo non-dimensionalize the equations, distances are scaled by the unperturbed depthh 0, velocities by the base velocity at the interface u 0|z= h 0 U 0 = gh 20 sin / 2 , the timescale is chosen to be h 0/U 0 = 2 /gh 0 sin , pressure is scaled by U 20 , and the unit for

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    the voltage potential is taken from the change in the basic potential, which is E 0h 0.Introducing the following non-dimensional variables,

    x = 1h 0

    x, z = 1h 0

    z, t = U 0h 0

    t ,

    u = 1U 0u, v = 1U 0

    v, p = 1U 20p, V = 1E 0h 0

    V , h = 1h 0h,


    substituting into equations (2.1)(2.4) and the boundary conditions (2.5), (2.6), (2.11)and (2.12) and dropping the stars, provides the following non-dimensional equationsand boundary conditions: In Region I, the NavierStokes equations become

    u t + uu x + vu z = p x + 1R

    (u xx + uzz ) + 2R

    , (2.18)

    vt + uv x + vv z = p z + 1R

    (vxx + vzz ) 2R

    cot , (2.19)

    ux + v

    z = 0 , (2.20)

    and in Region II, we have the Laplace equation for the electric potential:

    V xx + V zz = 0 . (2.21)

    No slip holds at the wall, u|z=0 = 0, v|z=0 = 0 and at innity we haveV x 0, V z 1 as z . (2.22)

    At the interface z = h (x, t ), we have:

    V = 0 , (2.23)v = h t + uh x , (2.24)

    1 h 2x (u z + vx ) + 4 h x vz = 0 , (2.25)12 W e 1 + h2x V 2z +

    1 + h2x1 h 2x

    vz + 12 R (p atm p ) = hxx

    2C 1 + h2x3/ 2 , (2.26)

    where p atm = p atm / (U 20 ) is the non-dimensional constant pressure in Region II. Theother dimensionless parameters are a Reynolds number R , a capillary number C(measuring the ratio of viscous to capillary forces) and an electric Weber number W e(measuring the ratio of electrical to gravitational forces), and are given by

    R =

    U 0h 0 =

    gh 30 sin

    2 2 , C =

    U 0


    gh 20 sin

    2 , W e =

    a E 20gh 0 sin . (2.27)

    The exact solutions (2.13)(2.16) are non-dimensionalized analogously, and in whatfollows, we write all dependent variables as the undisturbed dimensionless solutionplus an arbitrary disturbance, e.g. we write u = u (z) + u etc. where u (z) = z(2 z),and drop tildes in the eld equations and boundary conditions (note that we use barsto denote corresponding dimensionless base solutions). For brevity, we give only thetransformed boundary conditions at the interface z = h (x, t ):

    V = h 1, (2.28)v = h t + ( h (2

    h ) + u)h x , (2.29)

    1 h 2x (2(1 h ) + u z + vx ) + 4 h x vz = 0 , (2.30)12 W e (1V z)2 1 + h 2x 1 +

    1 + h 2x1h 2x

    vz cot (1h )12 Rp = hxx

    2C 1 + h 2x3/ 2 . (2.31)

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    O (1/)

    O (1/)

    O (1)

    Region II: x = (1/ ) z

    = (1/ )

    Region I: x = (1/ ) z = z

    Figure 2. Rescaling of x and z in Regions I and II.

    3. Derivation of the long-wave evolution equationsAssume that typical interfacial deformation wavelengths are long compared to

    the undisturbed thickness h 0, i.e. = h 0/ 1. This condition can also be formulatedas h/x 1. Since lengths have been scaled with h 0, there is a separation of lengthscales in the liquid layer (Region I) and we introduce the following appropriate changeof variables:

    x = 1

    , z = z, t = 1

    , v = w. (3.1)

    The boundary conditions at the interface ( z = h (, t )) become:

    w = h + ( u + u)h , (3.2)

    1 2h 2 dudz

    + uz + 2w + 4 2h w z = 0 , (3.3)

    12 W e (1 V z)2 1 + 2h 2 1 + 1 + 2h 2 1 2h 2

    w z cot (1 h ) 12 Rp=


    2C 1 + 2h 2 3/ 2 . (3.4)

    Boundary condition (3.4) contains a non-local contribution since V satises theLaplace equation in the potential region above the uid layer (see gure 2). Beforeproceeding with an asymptotic solution in Region I, we calculate the non-localcontribution in (3.4) in terms of h(, t ). To achieve this, we introduce the followingindependent variables in Region II:

    x = 1

    , z = 1

    , t = 1

    . (3.5)

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    The perturbation voltage potential satises

    V + V = 0 , (3.6)

    V 0, V 0 as . (3.7)The boundary condition at the interface is

    V | = h = h (, ) 1V | 0 = h (, ) 1, (3.8)keeping the leading term in .

    The solution of (3.6)(3.8) is given by

    V (, 0) = H[h ], (3.9)and is determined by applying Cauchys theorem to the analytic function f ( + i ) =V iV , in a rectangular domain whose limiting form is the region 0, < < (for details see Papageorgiou & Vanden-Broeck (2004 b); Gonzalez & Castellanos(1996) arrive at the same solution invoking the Poisson formulae). Here

    H is the

    Hilbert transform operator dened by:

    H[g ]( ) = 1

    P V

    g ( )

    d , (3.10)

    and it is assumed that for non-periodic domains we have sufficient decay of g atinnity. P V denotes the principal value of the integral.

    With the non-local contribution of the electric eld known, and noting that V ztransforms to V in terms of outer variables, boundary condition (3.4) becomes

    W e

    H[h ] + w z

    cot (1

    h )


    2Rp + O (2) =


    2C 1 + 2h 2 3/ 2 (on z = h ). (3.11)

    In order to retain the effect of surface tension and the electric eld in the leading-orderdynamics, we chose

    C = 2C, W e = W e

    , (3.12)

    where C and W e are order-one constants, leading to

    p |z= h = 2R W eH[h ] cot (1 h )


    h . (3.13)

    In Region I, the appropriate asymptotic expansions are

    u = u 0 + u1 + 2u 2 + , w = w0 + w1 + 2w2 + , (3.14)p = p 0 + p 1 + 2p 2 + , h = H 0 + H 1 + 2H 2 + . (3.15)

    In what follows, the Reynolds number R is assumed to be of order one (for long-waveanalyses at large R , see Chang & Demekhin (2002) and numerous historical referencestherein). At the leading order we nd:

    u 0 = 2( H 0 1)z, (3.16)w0 =

    z2H 0 , (3.17)

    p 0 = 2R W eH[H 0 ] + ( H 0 1) cot


    H 0 , (3.18)

    H 0 + 2 H 20 H 0 = 0 . (3.19)

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    The last equation represents mass conservation and is also found in the non-electricalcase (Benney 1966; Lin 1974; Nakaya 1975). In general, the solution of this equationhas innite slope singularities after a nite time and the long-wave asymptoticexpansion breaks down near the singularity; the usual way to proceed is to regularizethe dynamics by incorporating high-order effects. We also note that for the case of weakly nonlinear evolution considered later, H 0 1 satises (3.19) exactly, and thereis no need of composite solutions that contain both order-one and order- terms.Proceeding to the next order, we nd the following equation for H 1:

    H 1 + H 20 H 1 + 2 H 0H 0 H 1 + u1|z= H 0 H 0 w1|z= H 0 = 0 , (3.20)where

    u 1|z= H 0 = 12 RH 20 p 0 + 56 RH 50 H 0 + 2 H 0H 1, (3.21)w1|z= H 0 = 13 RH 30 p 0 + 12 RH 20 H 0 p 0 7130 RH 50 H 02 815 RH 60 H 0 H 20 H 1 , (3.22)

    p 0 =

    2R W eH[H 0 ] + ( H 0 1) cot


    2C H 0 . (3.23)Using these expressions in (3.20) casts the latter into the more compact form:

    H 1 + 2H 20 H 1 13 RH 30 p 0 + 815 RH 60 H 0 = 0 . (3.24)A regularized equation for the new dependent variable H = H 0 + H 1 can now besought by adding times equation (3.20) to equation (3.19). The resulting regularizedequation is given by

    H + 23 H 3 + 815 RH

    6 23 cot H 3 H + 3C

    H 3H + 23

    W eH 3H[H ] = 0 , (3.25)and it has been veried (the calculations are not included here) that it is correctto O (2). This equation was derived by Gonzalez & Castellanos (1996) using anintuitive approach rather than formal asymptotics. It is an electrostatically modiedversion of the nonlinear interfacial models of Lin (1974) and Nakaya (1975) and theextensive analytical and numerical study of Pumir et al. (1983). The latter study isparticularly interesting because it shows that equation (3.25) with W e = 0 supportssolitary as well as heteroclinic travelling waves. In addition, numerical solutions of theinitial-value problem provide strong evidence that solutions for all time may not existfor all values of the parameters. One such calculation corresponds to our parametersR = 13 , cot = 5 , C = 1 / 2000, and is found to blow up in a nite time, s say; aself-similar structure is postulated in the form

    H ( s )1/ 9G / ( s )1/ 6 ,where G is a scaling function that was not calculated. In addition to the evidencethat global existence of solutions is unlikely, we see from equations (3.19) and (3.24)that, in general, H 0 and higher derivatives become innite in nite time and this alsoholds for H 1 and its derivatives. In fact if H = H 0 + H 1 , for example, is to remainbounded (as is the case for most parameter values) then H 1 and higher terms becomeunbounded in nite time. We have veried that the neglected order- 2 terms thatlead to (3.25) contain H 1 and these will become as large as the retained terms even

    when H remains smooth. We must proceed iteratively, then, writing H =nj =0

    j H j ,

    n = 2 , 3, . . . , and showing that an evolution equation is obtained which is correctto O (n+1 ), for each n. This calculation has not been carried out for n 3. In thelight of these difficulties, then, we construct rational asymptotic solutions that do not

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    have a -dependence. This is achieved by looking for weakly nonlinear correctionsto H 0 = 1 which solves (3.19) exactly see also Sivashinsky & Shlang (1982) forthe related problem of lm ow down a vertical column when the column radius isasymptotically large compared to the lm thickness. It is also important to note thatwhen the plate is horizontal, = 0, a fully nonlinear long-wave evolution equationwhich is independent of , appears at leading order (see Oron, Davis & Bankhoff 1997).

    3.1. Weakly nonlinear evolutionWe seek a consistent asymptotic evolution of long-waves by imposing H 0(, ) 1.We write H = 1 + () where () = o(1/ 2) and = O (1). Substituting into (3.25)we obtain, correct to order ,

    + 2 + 4 2D

    3 +

    3C +

    2W e3

    H[ ] = 0 , (3.26)where D = cot 4R/ 5. The advective term 2 is removed by a Galileantransformation and a canonical equation arises from (3.26) when the following changeof variables is used:

    2 = 1

    (2C |D |)1/ 2x, =

    34CD 2

    t , = 6

    (2C |D |3)1/ 2u, (3.27)to obtain

    u t + uu x u xx + uxxxx + H[u xxx ] = 0 . (3.28)Note that u from now on represents the scaled interfacial amplitude and is unrelatedto previous dependent variables; = 2 W eC/ |D |1/ 2 is a positive constant and the plussign in front of uxx is taken if D is negative while the minus sign is taken if D ispositive. As a weakly nonlinear approximation of (3.25), equation (3.28) is valid foru = o(1/ 2). When the electric eld is absent, i.e. W e = 0, and D < 0, the canonicalequation is the KuramotoSivashinsky (KS) equation (see Pumir et al. 1983 and 1):

    u t + uu x + uxx + uxxxx = 0 . (3.29)

    3.2. Linear stabilityLinearizing (3.28) about u = 0 gives u t u xx + u xxxx + H[u xxx ] = 0 which has normalmode solutions proportional to exp(i kx + s t ) if the dispersion relation

    s (k) =

    k4 +



    k2, (3.30)

    is satised (here we use the following result, H[u ](k) = i sign k u (k) where hatsdenote a Fourier transform). This dispersion relation was also given by Gonzalez &Castellanos (1996) in an unscaled form. The case with the positive sign correspondsto D < 0 (R > R c = 5cot / 4) and gives a band of unstable modes for 0 < k 0 (R < R c), we obtain the negative sign in (3.30), and as pointed out inGonzalez & Castellanos (1996), there are two sub-cases: (i) 2 where all modes arestable, i.e. s(k) 0 for all k, and, (ii) > 2 where there appears a band of unstable

    waves extending from k = ( 2 4)/ 2 to k = ( +

    2 4)/ 2. Typical resultsare shown in gure 3.In both cases, the electric eld is destabilizing. The weakly nonlinear stability in

    the vicinity of = 2 was carried out by Gonzalez & Castellanos (1996) where a

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    372 D. Tseluiko and D. T. Papageorgiou

    0 1 2 3




    1(a ) (b )


    s ( k )

    R > R c R < R c

    = 0



    = 0



    0 1 2 3






    Figure 3. Changes in the dispersion relation due to the electric eld. ( a ) corresponds to theow above the critical Reynolds number, ( b) below the critical Reynolds number.

    GinzburgLandau equation admitting supercritical states was derived. The presentwork has very little overlap with that study since we are interested in the dynamicswell beyond critical in Case II; we also study Case I which is not amenable to asimilar weakly nonlinear theory.

    4. Spatio-temporal dynamics: regular and chaotic solutionsLinear theory predicts that sufficiently long-waves are unstable and that the electric

    eld increases the instability band to include relatively shorter waves. For the KSequation, it is established (numerically and analytically) that nonlinearity acts tosaturate the instability (negative diffusion and fourth-derivative damping) to producea host of rich dynamical behaviour: steady states, Hopf bifurcations to time-periodicsolutions, period doubling cascades to chaos according to the Feigenbaum scenario,chaotic attractors with coexisting stable multi-modal xed points, etc. The electriceld enhances the instability and the objective of this section is a systematic mappingof its effect on the dynamics as compared to those known for the KS equation. Notealso that Case II above, is not the KS equation when = 0, and in what follows wepresent evidence that chaotic states emerge in this case also if is sufficiently large.This suggests that the electric eld can be used to produce interfacial turbulence atsmall or zero Reynolds numbers where all disturbances would otherwise be damped.We are not aware of any controlled experiments that have shown such behaviour,and the present calculations could be useful in suggesting such studies.

    Consider (3.28) on a nite interval [ L, L ] with periodic boundary conditions; Lmeasures the size of the system and controls the number of unstable modes present(in the context of the KS equation). We can normalize equation (3.28) to 2 -periodicdomains using the rescaling

    t = ( /L )2t , x = ( /L )x, u = ( L/ )u, (4.1)

    which (on dropping the bars) casts the equation into

    u t + uu x u xx + u xxxx + H[u ]xx x = 0 , (4.2)where = ( /L )2 and = ( /L ) . Periodic initial conditions are also prescribed (seelater).

    We used two different numerical methods. The rst method implements a linearpropagator so that the linear part of the operator is done exactly in Fourier space

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    Wave evolution on electried falling lms 373

    and the stiffness is removed (see for example Trefethen 2000). For example, if hatsdenote Fourier transforms, and U = es (k)t u , the equation becomes

    U t + 12 ies (k)t k u 2 = 0 , (4.3)where s(k) is the spectrum from linear theory (see above). Using a pseudospectralrepresentation of derivatives, equation (4.3) becomes an ordinary differential equation(ODE) for U (for each k), and is solved with a fourth-order RungeKutta method.

    The second method is a FourierGalerkin one. Let u k(t ) be the Fourier coefficientsof u(x, t ), i.e.

    u (x, t ) =

    k= u k(t )eikx . (4.4)

    Equation (4.2) is equivalent to the following innite dimensional system of ODEs

    d u k(t )

    dt = (

    k 4 +



    k2) u

    k(t )



    k1+ k2= k


    (t ) uk2

    (t ). (4.5)

    These equations were integrated using the Matlab integrator ode23tb for stiff differential equations with variable step size to ensure stability and accuracy. Themodes u k are only computed for |k| < K max , all other u k being set to 0, with K maxchosen so that the neglected modes have magnitudes less than 10 15. The value of K max depends on and and, in most of the computations described here, it has avalue of 30 or less.

    The initial condition used is

    u 0(x ) = 110


    k=1( k cos(kx ) + k sin(kx )), (4.6)

    where the coefficients k , k , k = 1 , 2, . . . , 10, are chosen randomly in the interval[0, 1]. The methods were implemented and tested for a very large number of thevalues of the parameters and . For the rst method, for example, the spacediscretization ranged from 128 to 512 modes and the time step was taken to be103 or smaller with typical maximum integration times of 1001000 time units. Avariety of diagnostics is used to determine the form of the solution these includethe tracking of the maxima and minima of the L2 norm of the solution, return mapsusing these, and Fourier transforms of large time series data. Such diagnostics havebeen used successfully in the past for different problems (see Smyrlis & Papageorgiou1991, 1996; Hall & Papageorgiou 1999; Blyth, Hall & Papageorgiou 2003). Typically,for each set of parameters, we track the time evolution of the prole, its energy(L 2-norm) and its Fourier modes. The evolution of the energy was used to classifyvarious attractors. For example, for steady or steady-state travelling waves, the energyreaches a constant value at large times, and for periodic attractors, the energy is aperiodic function of time. For chaotic solutions, the energy becomes highly oscillatoryand information is extracted by numerically constructing return maps and studyingtheir geometry e.g. self-similar folding behaviour is strong evidence of a chaoticattractor see references above.

    4.1. Numerical results, Case I: modied KuramotoSivashinsky equationAll our numerical results indicate that the solutions remain bounded as t becomeslarge. A proof of such a result is available for the KS equation (see 1) and this

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    374 D. Tseluiko and D. T. Papageorgiou

    F E D C B A

    0.13 0.18 0.23 0.31 1.00

    F E D C B A

    0.14 0.18 0.24 0.31 1.01

    F E D C B A

    0.17 0.22 0.28 0.36 1.10

    F E D C B A

    0.31 0.39 0.48 0.58 1.50

    F E D C B A

    0.50 0.61 0.72 0.85 2.00

    F E D C B A

    0.68 0.83 0.97 1.12 2.50

    F E D C B A

    0.86 1.04 1.21 1.40 3.00

    F E D C B A

    3.76 4.51 5.13 5.75 11.00 = 10.00








    Figure 4. Schematic of the various attractors. A, solution decays to zero; B, unimodal steadystate; C, unimodal steady-state travelling wave; D, periodic hormoclinic bursts; E, bimodalsteady state; F, complicated dynamics including windows of time periodic attractors with perioddoubling, multimodal steady-state attractors, homoclinic bursts, and chaotic oscillations.

    has been extended to the modied KS equation (Duan & Ervin 1998; Tseluiko &Papageorgiou 2006). In what follows we provide a quantitative description of thedifferent attractors as and vary (decreasing corresponds to an increasedlength of the system and increasing corresponds to an increased applied voltagedifference).

    It was also observed numerically that as the coefficient of the integral term goesto zero, the solutions of the modied KS equation converge in L 2 to the correspondingsolutions of the usual KS equation. At = 0, we recover the results obtained for theusual KS equation; this also conrms the accuracy of the numerical simulations.

    In gure 4, we depict a summary of the results for different values of as decreases. The two-parameter phase space is quite large and we conne our resultsto an overall description of the dynamical features rather than a detailed study of individual attractors. The letters AF are used to identify windows of the parameter for various attractors for xed but moderate values of . As increases, the qualitativedynamics remains the same, but the windows AF widen in . The boundaries in the(, )-plane that separate the attractors AF are shown in gure 5, from which it isseen that all follow linear laws with slopes larger than or equal to one. The right-mostboundary separating attractors A and B has been established analytically, but we donot have an explanation for the linear behaviour of the other boundaries at present.We note that the lines fan out and do not cross. A brief description of the different

    attractors along with sample numerical results is given next.In the attractor labelled A, the solutions decay to zero as time increases anda trivial steady state is achieved (note that the initial condition has zero spatialmean). This result can be proved analytically for any , using the Poincar e

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    Wave evolution on electried falling lms 375

    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.00






    F D B

    E C A

    Figure 5. The boundaries between attractors in the ( , )-plane. Case I.

    inequality (see Temam 1988):

    g 2 dx

    g 2x dx, (4.7)

    for periodic functions of period 2 . In fact, we can prove the following. If > 1 + then the solutions of (4.2) converge to zero (in L2per ) as t goes to innity. (Here L2per isthe subspace of L2(

    , ) consisting of periodic functions with period 2 .) To prove

    this, we multiply equation (4.2) by u, integrate from to with respect to x anduse periodicity to obtain12

    ddt u 2 dx =

    u 2x dx u 2xx dx +

    u xH[u ]xx dx. (4.8)

    Using the CauchySchwartz inequality and the the fact that the Hilbert transformcommutes with derivatives, and its L2 norm is equal to the L2 norm of the functionon which it operates, we can estimate

    u x

    H[u ]xx dx



    u 2x dx +



    H[u ]2xx dx

    = 12 u 2x dx +

    12 H[u xx ]2 dx,

    = 12 u 2x dx +

    12 u 2xx dx. (4.9)

    Using this in (4.8) along with inequality (4.7) for g = u x , gives


    ddt u 2 dx (1 + )

    u 2xx dx. (4.10)

    The Poincar e inequality (4.7) also implies

    u 2xx dx

    u 2 dx. (4.11)

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    376 D. Tseluiko and D. T. Papageorgiou

    2 0 2



    150 0.0617


    (a ) (b )



    0 50 100 150 35


    25 20






    l o g

    ( | |

    u | |

    2 2 )

    Figure 6. Window A, = 0 .5, = 1 .6. (a ) The evolution of the prole; ( b) the semi-log plotof the evolution of the energy, verifying the decay predicted by the theoretical estimate (4.13). , graph of log( ||u||22); , line with the slope = 2(1 + ).

    3 2 1 0

    1 2 3




    150 4.1802




    50 100 1500






    60(b )(a )


    ||u ||22

    Figure 7. Window B. Unimodal steady state for = 0 .5, = 0 .7. (a ) The evolution of theprole; ( b) the evolution of the energy.

    Hence, for > 1 + we have


    ddt u2 dx (1 + )

    u 2 dx. (4.12)

    Therefore there exists a non-negative constant C such that

    u 2 dx C e2(1+ )t . (4.13)

    This implies that u 2 0 as t , as required. This fact is fully reected in theresults of gure 4 and hence serves as an additional check on the numerical work.A sample run which quanties the rate of decay, is given in gure 6 for = 0 .5, = 1 .6; it is veried numerically, therefore, that the decay is exponential with a rategiven by the estimate (4.13).

    For < 1 + , the trivial solution bifurcates to provide a branch of unimodal (2 -periodic) steady states window B in gure 4. These are globally attracting and arestable (the latter observation is based on our time-dependent numerical procedure).Figure 7 depicts the evolution of the prole and the corresponding energy for = 0 .7,

    = 0 .5. The solution reaches its steady state in about 10 time units and the longintegration to 150 time units provides strong evidence of stability. The size of thewindows of attractor B increase as increases, but at the same time, the lowerboundary of attractor B shifts to larger values of . For example, when = 0, the

  • 8/11/2019 Wave Evolution on Electrified Falling Films


    Wave evolution on electried falling lms 377

    3 2 1 0 1

    2 375


    85 4.7304




    50 100 1500







    ||u ||22

    (a ) (b )

    Figure 8. Window C. Unimodal steady-state travelling wave for = 0 .5, = 0 .5. (a ) Theevolution of the prole; ( b) the evolution of the energy.

    3 2 1 0

    1 2 3



    80 9.0941




    50 100 1500




    (b )(a )


    ||u ||22

    Figure 9. Window D. Periodic homoclinic bursts for = 0 .5, = 0 .45. (a ) The evolution of the prole; ( b) the evolution of the energy.

    lower boundary of B is at 0.31 while for = 0 .5 the corresponding value is 0.5. This behaviour persists for higher values of and for different attractors asis seen in gure 4. Physically, the implication is that as the voltage potential differenceis increased, more complicated dynamics emerge as compared to the KS equation.

    As decreases further, solutions in attractor B lose stability through a Hopf bifurcation to travelling-wave states. These nonlinear travelling waves are unimodal(i.e. they have spatial periods of 2 ). For xed , the speed of the travelling wavesincreases monotonically as is decreased. Typical results from this window are shownin gure 8 for = 0 .5, = 0 .5. It is observed from the evolution of the energy that theinitial transient stages of the solution are oscillatory in time, indicating the presenceof a time-periodic attractor in the vicinity of these values of the parameters. Thesetransient oscillations become longer lived as is decreased (for all discussed here),and indeed another Hopf bifurcation takes place, this time producing temporallyhomoclinic bursts. It is found that the solution between bursts is a bimodal xedpoint (i.e. the shortest spatial period is alternatively, all the energy is carried by theeven Fourier modes). The bursts are identical (this has been checked by studying thephase plane of the energy, for example), but the time between bursts is not constantand so the solution is not strictly time periodic this is also true for the KS equation

    (Smyrlis & Papageorgiou 1996). The minimum time between bursts (after transientsdisappear) increases as is decreased for a xed value of . Typical results are shownin gure 9 which depicts the prole evolution and the corresponding energy evolutionfor = 0 .5, = 0 .45.

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    378 D. Tseluiko and D. T. Papageorgiou

    3 2 1 0 1

    2 30



    150 10.8968




    50 100 1500





    500(b )(a )


    ||u ||22

    Figure 10. Window E. Bimodal steady state for = 0 .5, = 0 .35. (a ) The evolution of theprole; ( b) the evolution of the energy.

    3 2 1 0

    1 2 3








    20 40 60 80 1000






    350(b )(a )


    ||u ||22

    Figure 11. Window F. Time periodic attractor for = 0 .5, = 0 .298. (a ) The evolution of the prole; ( b) the evolution of the energy.

    Further decrease of leads to a new bimodal xed-point attractor denoted by E ingure 4. This attractor emerges from attractor D as the period of oscillation of thehomoclinic bursts becomes increasingly larger. We have checked the stability of thesexed-point solutions by integrating to very large times. Typical results are depictedin gure 10 for = 0 .5, = 0 .35.

    In the initial stages of window F, the bimodal steady states lose stability and aHopf bifurcation to time periodic solutions takes place. As decreases, the periodincreases monotonically until a period doubling takes place. Sample results are givenin gure 11 which depicts the prole evolution and the corresponding energy evolutionfor = 0 .5 and = 0 .298. The period has undergone several period doublings and itscurrent value is approximately 0.8. This pattern of subharmonic bifurcations followsthe Feigenbaum scenario in much the same way as for the non-electric case (see,for example, Papageorgiou & Smyrlis 1991; Smyrlis & Papageorgiou 1991, 1996).We have not carried out an exhaustive study to estimate the Feigenbaum universalconstants as was done in the papers above, but have conrmed the trend and thegeometric contraction of time-periodic windows of increasingly larger periods. Justbeyond the accumulation point (in for xed ), the solutions become attracted tochaotic homoclinic bursts which are spaced apart at roughly equal time intervals, the

    prole between bursts being bimodal. Representative solutions are given in gure 12for = 0 .5 and = 0 .29. In this case the time between chaotic bursts is approximately44 time units. As decreases further, the dynamics becomes more complicated andwe have computed solutions in small windows supporting multimodal xed points,

  • 8/11/2019 Wave Evolution on Electrified Falling Films


    Wave evolution on electried falling lms 379

    2 0 2



    120 12.2595




    50 100 1500






    350(b )(a )


    ||u ||22

    Figure 12. Window F. Chaotic homoclinic bursts for = 0 .5, = 0 .29. (a ) The evolution of the prole; ( b) the evolution of the energy.

    3 2 1 0

    1 2 3



    100 48.3179




    20 40 60 80 1000






    6000(b )(a )


    ||u ||22

    Figure 13. Window F. Multimodal steady attractor for = 0 .5, = 0 .1. (a ) The evolutionof the prole; ( b) the evolution of the energy.

    for example. The strongest attractors appear to be chaotic, however, in line withthe dynamics of the KS equation. Such features are illustrated in gure 13 whichcontains computations for = 0 .5 and = 0 .1 (the value of is substantially belowthe accumulation point that heralds the beginning of the rst chaotic attractor). Thesolution is a pentamodal xed-point (the spatial period is 2 / 5 and only the Fouriermodes which are multiples of 5 appear in the spectrum) and the trough to crestdistance is relatively large, approximately equal to 95 units. Such waves have been

    observed in KS calculations also (see Frisch et al. 1986; Smyrlis & Papageorgiou1996). We note also that the transient to the steady state is about 20 time units andappears to be chaotic, but xed-point solutions are more attracting in this particularregion of the phase space (this statement is based on the fact that our initial conditionsare chosen randomly). Finally, in gure 14 we reduce the value of to 0.05 and theemerging solution is chaotic for the duration of the run which is 100 time units.

    4.2. Numerical results, Case II: damped modied KuramotoSivashinsky equationIn this case, the minus sign is picked in the canonical equation (4.2) and if 2 , thegrowth rate is non-positive and all waves are stable. A necessary condition for

    instability is 2 > 4 in which case all waves in the interval ( k, k+ ) are unstable where

    k = 2 42 . (4.14)

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    380 D. Tseluiko and D. T. Papageorgiou

    3 2 1 0

    1 2 3








    80 85 90 95 1000



    3( 104)

    (b )(a )


    ||u ||22

    Figure 14. Window F. Chaotic oscillations for = 0 .5, = 0 .05. (a ) The evolution of theprole; ( b) the evolution of the energy.

    Clearly, if is xed and is sufficiently large, all modes are stable. In fact, modifying

    the analysis of 4.1, we can prove that u 2 0 as t as long as > 1. (4.15)The main difference is the minus sign in the rst term on the right-hand side of (4.8)and the expression of the bound in terms of u x 2 rst rather than u xx 2. It hasbeen established numerically that the bound (4.15) is sharp as long as > 2, that is,trivial solutions are guaranteed at large times in this case. When < 2, the analysisis modied by introducing the Poincar e inequality for multimodal solutions. This isguided by numerical solutions as well as linear theory for the nite periodic domainsof interest here, as we describe next.

    Consider the countably innite set of points ( , ) where the modes k = 1 , 2, . . .rst become unstable (note that we are restricted to integer k owing to the particularchoice of periodic boundary conditions). These must lie on the curve = 2 (seeabove), and must satisfy

    k = k+ = m, m = 1 , 2, . . . . (4.16)Solving, we obtain

    = 1m2

    , = 2m

    , m = 1 , 2, . . . , (4.17)

    which shows that if we x = 2 /m and increase above 1 /m 2, a trivial solution

    emerges at large times. To obtain a sharp stability boundary we must consider valuesof and away from these neutral points. For example, if k = m is to be unstable,then we require it to be contained in the interval ( k, k+ ), that is

    k < m,k + > m > m + 1m

    . (4.18)

    The boundary of these regions is seen to be the tangent curve to = 2 at eachof the neutral monochromatic modes (4.17) for each m = 1 , 2, . . . . The stabilityboundary is therefore a polygonal curve made up of the segments = m + 1 /mso that the curve with the smallest is kept. The points of intersection of two suchcurves at successive values m and m + 1, say, indicate points ( , ) where the modesk = m and k = m + 1 are neutral simultaneously. These intersections are given by

    = 2m + 1m(m + 1)

    , = 1

    m(m + 1), m = 1 , 2, . . . . (4.19)

  • 8/11/2019 Wave Evolution on Electrified Falling Films


    Wave evolution on electried falling lms 381

    0.5 1.0 1.50








    (1/12, 7/12)(1/9, 2/3)

    (1/6, 5/6)(1/4, 1)

    (1/2, 3/2)

    (1, 2)

    Figure 15. The rst bifurcation boundary in the ( , )-plane. The rst three segments of theboundary are shown. Circles (from top to bottom) denote points where the modes k = 1 , 2, 3are neutral, respectively. Squares (from top to bottom) are points where the modes k = 1 , 2,k = 2 , 3 and k = 4 , 5 are neutral.

    Note also that the m = 1 line becomes the sharp rst bifurcation boundary = + 1that holds for > 2 analysed earlier. In gure 15, we show the rst three segmentsof this boundary higher elements become increasingly difficult to distinguish fromthe parabolic curve owing to the geometric clustering of the higher neutral points asm increases.

    Bifurcations in the neighbourhood of the circles produce m-modal non-uniformsteady states of period 2 /m as m increases (that is as , 0). For large trivial solutions emerge when (4.15) is satised. In general, the bifurcated solutionsnear this curve are unimodal steady states since the k = 1 mode becomes activerst. The bifurcation near the points (4.19) marked by squares in gure 15 producesunimodal behaviour owing to the nonlinear interaction of modes which differ byunit wavenumber. These stability results provide some explanations for the results of numerical experiments described next.

    We have carried out extensive numerical experiments and the results are collectedin gure 16. As described above, the limit ,

    0 deserves separate attention since

    we expect a host of interesting dynamical behaviour such as multimodal attractorsand resonant wave interactions. We do not pursue this limit further in the presentwork, but note the run having = 1 in gure 16. This run is chosen to correspondwith the dynamics originating from the bifurcation point denoted by an open circleat (1 / 4, 1) in gure 15. The run xes = 1 and decreases below 0.25. As discussedabove, a bimodal steady state is expected since a wave with k = 2 is marginally stableat (1 / 4, 1). The numerical results show that a supercritical bifurcation takes placeand a bimodal steady state is supported in the region 0 .227 < 0.25, indicated bythe letter E. Just below = 0 .227, the dynamics become complicated with chaoticsolutions emerging as labelled by the attractor F. Two other values, = 0 .8 and 1 .4

    fall within this small , region. For = 0 .8, a non-trivial steady state bifurcatesat = (0 .8 1/ 3)/ 3 0.1556 (this comes from the segment dened by (4.18) form = 3 see also gure 15). The neutral wavenumber has k = 3, but the long-timedynamics computed here indicate attractor F behaviour. One explanation for this

  • 8/11/2019 Wave Evolution on Electrified Falling Films


    382 D. Tseluiko and D. T. Papageorgiou

    F E A

    0.227 0.25

    F E D A

    0.37 0.42 0.50

    F E D C B A

    0.59 0.68 0.75 0.77 1.00

    F E D C B A

    0.95 1.11 1.24 1.32 2.00

    F E D C B A

    1.68 1.97 2.24 2.41 4.00

    F E D C B A

    3.46 4.15 4.76 5.13 9.00



    = 10.00






    0.80 A

    Figure 16. Schematic of the attractors for Case II. A, solution decay to zero; B, unimodalsteady state; C, unimodal steady-state travelling wave; D, periodic hormoclinic bursts; E,bimodal steady state; F, complicated dynamics including windows of time periodic attractorswith period doubling, multimodal steady-state attractors, homoclinic bursts, and chaoticoscillations.

    is that due to the geometric contraction of the segments comprising the polygonalstability boundary, it is increasingly difficult to nd attractors which are supportedon windows of diminishing size. A bifurcation analysis of this limit is the subject of future work. Similar reasoning can be applied to the other numerical example that has = 1 .4. The bifurcation is now through a k = 2 neutral mode and the sequence of computed windows begins with periodic homoclinic bursts, to bimodal steady statesto dynamics in attractor F.

    The other results in gure 15 are at values of 2, and they all have similarbifurcation paths, namely the sequence of attractors A B C D E F,in much the same way as was discovered for Case I earlier. These cases lie outsidethe small , bifurcation scenario given above and all bifurcations are unimodalwith k = 1 being the neutral mode. In addition, subwindow lengths increase as increases, the behaviour being linear and similar to that depicted in gure 5.Ultimately, however, our numerical results indicate that for any , the dynamics areattracted to chaotic states if is sufficiently small. This happens at small electric eldsalso and generic dynamical phenomena are observed.

    5. ConclusionsWe have derived and used long-wave model equations to study the behaviour

    of falling lms when a normal electric eld is present. Through a combinationof analysis and computations, we have established the spatio-temporal interfacial

    dynamics when the amplitudes are small, but a nonlinearity is present. This has beendone by considering solutions of a modied KS equation, the modication being anon-local term due to the electric eld. There are two canonical evolution equations,one valid for Reynolds numbers above critical, R > 5 cot / 4, and one below critical;

  • 8/11/2019 Wave Evolution on Electrified Falling Films


    Wave evolution on electried falling lms 383

    both canonical equations depend on two parameters: = ( /L )2 > 0 where L is thelength of the system, and = 2 1/ 2W eC/ |cot 45 R |1/ 2 0, which is proportional tothe reduced electric Weber number W e (this in turn is proportional to the square of the applied electric eld, see (2.27)). In the absence of an electric eld, the evolutionequation above critical Reynolds numbers is the KS equation which has a band of linearly unstable waves for all values of < 1. Below critical, however, there areno linearly unstable waves and instability is possible only if is sufficiently large.We have established numerically, that as long as a uniform constant interface islinearly unstable, then the large-time dynamics depends on the value of : trivialstates emerge if > + 1 or > 1 for ows above/below critical, respectively;as is decreased, different attractors are found supporting non-uniform steady-statesolutions, time-periodic solutions and chaotic solutions if is sufficiently small. Ourresults predict that interfacial chaos can be achieved at zero Reynolds numbers also,when uid inertia is completely absent the electric eld provides the energy inputfor this phenomenon.

    The work of DTP was supported by the National Science Foundation Grantnumber DMS-0072228. DT acknowledges support from NJIT.


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