Page 1: Water protection plans in Italy

Water protection plans in Italy

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Merli Bill (1948)

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Objectives:To regulate discharges

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How?•It poses limits of

concentration to principal chemical substances in


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• It doesn’t consider the rivers flow

•It doesn’t consider biological parameters for

the protection of human health.

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In 1999 a low is emanated. It improves the protection of water in

Italy.It is the law n°152

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•It considers biological


•It considers the health of macroinverteb


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In this case , too, the legislation doesn’t consider fish communities, index

of quality for water courses.


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Infact:In 2000 a new directive is

emanated:It is the directive 2000/60/CE or European Union Water Framework


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To value the biological condition of rivers and


Objectives:• To value the ecological

condition of water courses and lakes;

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It must be analized:•Acquatic flora

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•Acquatic invertebrates

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•Fish communities

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•Morphological elements

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We hope that the taken measures can bring wellness to quality of water and that they

can maintain it.
