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  • THE WEEK . JULY 13, 2014 39

    HELp youR qHILDB!:N slP THEIRW[Vi6'dREAr HEAmH













    ater is an elixir, it is quintessen-

    tial to life. Like airand food, wa-

    ter is one of the basic require-

    ments without which life is impossible'

    Water is necessary for the normal func-

    tioning, growth and development' the

    preseivation of health and the enhance-

    ment of immunity'

    Drinking plenty of water should come

    as a natural habit to children as their

    bodies require continuous replenish-

    ment because of constant physical ac-

    tivity and high metabolic rate' However'

    an alarming trend has been observed in

    theyoungsters of today' Western emula-

    tion and the trend for the sugary,ulces

    and aerated drinks have brought about

    a drastic decrease in children's accept-

    ance of water' A study published in Ar-

    chives of Diseases in Childhood claimed

    that 70 per cent of preschool children

    do not drink plain water' Experts believe

    that this disquieting tendency is because

    advertisers are "catching them young"

    by promoting colas, soft drinks' iuices

    and sports drinks to youngsters' A trip to

    any popular food joint gives proof of this

    wiere pizzaisclubbed with one cola and

    burger is teamed with another' Children'

    who are influenced by adult models' em-

    ulate their choices and hence there is a

    wide-spread preference for drinks other

    than water. This inclination can have a

    distressing lmpact on wellness and fu-

    ture fitness. Less water intake can lead

    to fatigue, weakness, attention deficit'treadaJhe and dehydration and bring

    about a detriment in cognitive functions

    ar"n ,t concentration, alertness andshort-term memorY in children'

    e Water is used bY the body in manY

    waysr ietps in digestion and facilitateschewing and swallowingo Lubricatesioints and cartilages

    o Regulates bodYtemPeratureo Swlat glands lose water in the form

    of perspiration to produce a cooling

    effect.a Maintains electrolYte balance

    r Flushes toxins and waste throughurination and PersPirationo Prevents constiPationo Blood is about 92 per cent water and

    carries nutrients and oxygenthrough-

    outthe bodY

    As habits developed in childhood have

    a lasting impact on future health' it is

    mandatory to insist on the regular intake

    of waterfrom an earlYage'

    There is no doubt that water is indis-

    water over caffeinated drinks like tea and

    coffee and soft drinks' Packaged water

    is agood oPtion whiletravelling'

    H-owever, it is necessary to be judi-

    cious in the choice of bottled water aS

    not all packed drinking water is safe' The

    most important aspect that everyone

    should check before buying bottled wa-

    ier is the authenticity and reputation of

    the brand. While most brands promise

    quality and carrythe lSl approved stand-

    arO mark, trust only well-known brands

    from organised companies like Bisleri'

    Aquafini and Kinley, which strictly ad-

    here to safe processes' Bottled water is

    the only product that has the same MRP

    acrosgall brands. lnstead of sirttling for

    a substandard brand, give your child the

    Lest atthe same priceand helpyourchild

    sip hiswayto great health with water'

    Geetanjali Chitale has a post-gradu-

    ate dipioma in Dietetics and Applied

    Nutrition and a masters degree in

    Food Science and APP|ied

    Nutritionfrom MumbaiUniversitY.

    putably the most important nutrient and

    ihe only one whose absence can have fa-

    tal consequences within days' The cur-

    rent guideiines say that one should drink

    at leist 8 to 10 glasses of water a day'

    Though there is no specific instruction

    governing the amount of water recom-

    irended for children, it is mandatory to

    give them water throughout the day and

    iot iust when they complain of thirst'

    Do not add sugar orflavour if the child

    refuses to drink plain water' Add lemon

    to water if the child does not accept plain

    water readily. Make water appealing by

    serving it in exciting glasses' Avoid giv-

    ing children sugary or carbonated drinks

    aJ replacement to water because they

    provide empty caloriesthat lead to child-'hood

    obesity. Fresh fruits and vegeta-

    bles are also good sources of water' so

    add them to every meal' Moreover' set a

    good example to your child by opting for