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  • 8/13/2019 Watchman 1



    A. We are all called to be watchmen.

    1. Spiritual application of watchman in the Bible: prophet, intercessor

    2. All believers are called to be watchmen: "What I say to you, I say to everyone: Watch! " (Mark


    3. Focus of watching: guard our own hearts; be our brothers keeper.

    B. A watchman is one who sees spiritually.

    1. Were endowed at birth to see physically.

    2. Spiritual sight requires a spiritual endowment or anointing.

    3. The watchman anointing is defined as:

    "The divine enablement to see the things that God wants us to see in order to

    partner with Him in His work."

    C. We receive our spiritual sight when we are born of the Spirit.

    1. "No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." (John 3:3)

    2. "No one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit." (John 3:5)

    3. You must be born from above to see, enter, and function in the realm in which God reigns.

    D. By virtue of our new birth, we can see into a fourth dimension.

    1. We see beyond the physical realm into the spiritual realm of reality.

    2. The realm where God reigns and where demonic forces resist Gods reign.

    3. We see Gods purposes for people and Satans devices against people.

    E. A Personal Experience: Analogy of how to position ourselves as watchmen.

    1. The story of my first encounter with envision graphics.

    a. From curiosity to communication to encounter.

    b. "I see Jesus!" . . . "Yeah man, but you cheatin! You prayin!"

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    2. Lessons for positioning ourselves as spiritual watchmen.

    a. Acknowledging our nearsightedness.

    1) The Fall affects our spiritual vision.

    2) The natural mind rejects spiritual truths.

    3) We need the Holy Spirit to anoint our eyes with eye salve.

    b. We must draw near to God to see spiritual truths.

    1) True prophets/seers must be in Gods council/confidence.

    2) Spiritual truths hidden from wise and revealed to babes.

    c. We must focus beyond the surface of things.

    1) Things arent as they seem to be on the surface.

    2) We must see beyond natural fields to the spiritual harvest of souls.

    d. We must receive the full picture that God is showing us.

    1) I saw the whole picture at once.

    2) We must see Gods purposes and the Enemys devices.

    F. Theme Sentence: "A prayer watchman is anointed to see Gods hand at work and to partner in

    His handiwork."

    G. Purpose Statement: "To help us develop a spiritual focus by which to perceive Gods plan,

    participate in His work, and protect His people."

    H. Preview of main points:

    1. The Role of the Watchman

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    2. The Ministry of the Spiritual Watchman in the Bible

    3. My Personal Pilgrimage in Spiritual Watchfulness

    4. Contemporary Applications and Illustrations of Spiritual Watchfulness

    Body of Teaching

    I. The Role of the Watchman

    A. Dictionary definitions: Watching is more than casual perception.

    1. We use the word casually: watching television, watching the sun go down.

    2. Primary definitions denote more than casual observation.

    a. Watch is defined as "to keep vigil as a devotional exercise." Another definition is "to be awake

    during the night."

    b. Archaic definition of "watch": "A watchman or body of watchmen formerly assigned to patrol

    the streets of a town at night, announce the hours, and act as police."

    c. Watchman: "A person who keeps watch: GUARD."

    3. NOTE: Watching in its primary sense implies responsible involvement.

    B. Biblical watchmen: A secular vocation with spiritual implications

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    1. Watchmen in biblical times were caretakers and guardians.

    a. Some were assigned to protect crops from predators and thieves.

    b. Some were assigned to protect cities from military invasion.

    2. Watchmen were to be proactive in their role as guardians.

    a. They were vigilant. There were "watches" around the clock .

    b. They were vocal: They warned of danger with shouts or trumpets.

    3. The words for "watchman" have implications for spiritual watchfulness.

    a. (tsaphah): "To lean forward, i.e. to peer into the distance" (perception)

    b. (shamar): "to hedge about" (as with thorns) (defense)

    c. (Natsar): "Conceal" (as in besieging a city) (advance)

    II. The Ministry of the Spiritual Watchman in the Old Testament

    A. Adam was assigned to guard or "keep" the Garden of Eden.

    "And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."

    (Genesis 2:15)

    1. The word translated keep is (shamar) -- "keep the serpent out!"

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    2. Because he didnt, the Cherubim were to "keep" (shamar) him out.

    3. Lesson: First mention of watching relates to spiritual vigilance.

    B. Ezekiel was called to be Gods watchmen over Israel.

    1. He was anointed to be a seer before He was called to be a watchman.

    a. He sees the windstorm, the cherubim, the expanse, the Lord upon His throne, and the scroll he

    is commanded to eat. ( 1:4-3:3)

    b. He is called to be a spiritual watchman who warns people of the dangers of sin and

    unrepentant hearts. "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the

    word I speak and give them warning from me." (Ezekiel 3:16)

    2. He was anointed to see the big picture before embarking on His task.

    a. He received revelation of Gods omniscience. This is pictured in the Cherubim with four faces

    and full of eyes. (1:17-18;10:12)

    b. He received revelation of the peoples idolatry: idol of jealousy, worship of creeping things and

    animals; worship of the sun. (chap. 8)

    c. He received revelation of the peoples spiritual blindness & oppression.


    "He said to me, "Son of man, have you seen what the elders of the house of Israel are doing in the

    darkness, each at the shrine of his own idol? They say, 'The LORD does not see us; the LORD has

    forsaken the land.'" (Ezekiel 8:12)

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    "Son of man, say to the house of Israel, 'This is what you are saying: "Our offenses and sins weighus down, and we are wasting away because of them. How then can we live?"'" (Ezekiel 33:10)

    3. He was called to the multifaceted ministry of the watchman.

    a. Seeing what God sees and feeling what God feels.

    "The Spirit then lifted me up and took me away, and I went in bitterness and in the anger of myspirit, with the strong hand of the LORD upon me." (3:14)

    "Then the LORD called to the man clothed in linen who had the writing kit at his side and said to

    him, "Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve

    and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it." (9:3-4)

    b. Speaking to dissuade from sin and inspire with hope.

    "Say to them, As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of

    the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways!

    Why will you die, O house of Israel?" (33:11)

    "I have been a sanctuary for them in the countries where they have gone . . . . I will gather you

    from the nations and bring you back from the countries where you have been scattered . . . . I will

    give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them . . . . They will be my people, and I will

    be their God." (11: 16b, 17b, 19a, 20b)

    4. God still uses the watchman to expose sin and call people to repentance.

    -- John Wimber, Power Evangelism (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1986), pp. 32-34.

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    a. John Wimbers flight from Chicago to New York.

    b. Sees middle-aged business man and "adultery" across face.

    c. Womans name comes to his mind when the man addressed him.

    d. Revelation of repentance of death on the way to cocktail lounge.

    e. Repentance, confession to wife, and wifes salvation.

    C. Isaiah was a seer who foresaw the ministry of spiritual watchmen/intercessors.

    1. Isaiah was enabled to foresee future events of Israels history:

    a. The exile of the Jews to Babylon

    b. The destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple

    c. The edict of Cyrus allowing the Jews to return to their homeland

    d. The future reconstruction of Jerusalem and the Temple

    2. Isaiah heard God speak of the calling/positioning of watchmen/intercessors:

    "I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You

    who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem

    and makes her the praise of the earth." (62:6-7)

    3. These watchmen/intercessors were seers and participants in the vision:

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    a. They saw beyond the exile, the fall of Jerusalem, and the edict to return.

    b. They saw the rebuilding of the city with large walls to fortify it.

    c. They saw themselves on the wall interceding from vision to reality.

    4. This depiction imparts three important lessons about watchmen/intercessors:

    a. They see the vision of Gods purposes.

    b. They own the vision and position themselves in it.

    c. They battle through prayer to the fulfillment of that vision.

    5. God uses watchman today to place themselves in the vision and pray through to the answer.

    -- Kenneth E. Hagin, The Art of Prayer: A Handbook on How to Pray (Tulsa, Oklahoma: Faith Library

    Publications, 1992), pp. 109-114.

    a. Hagins alerted in the night in Mobile Home in California.

    b. Received revelation that some family members life was in danger.

    c. Prayed in Spirit for an hour till note of victory. Went to sleep.

    d. Dream of brother Pat in Shreveport, LA hotel, waking up sick, calling hotel operator, passing

    out, ambulance coming.

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    e. Hagins in the dream: Against wall of corridor, doctor approaches, conversation, escort to room,

    blinks eyes and breaching.

    f. Report from brother when returning to Texas after 15 months on road.

    III. The Ministry of the Spiritual Watchman in the New Testament

    A. Its a new covenant ministry with a radically new focus.

    1. The watchman has a new revelation of Gods covenant.

    a. OT watchman heavy on judgment with glimpses of restoration.

    b. NT watchman partners in Gods grand project of restoration.

    2. The watchman has a new authority as a co-laborer with Christ.

    a. Jesus redeeming work redeems humanity and restores authority.

    b. Restored authority is key to effective intercession/ministry.

    c. Peter: Revelation of Christ then keys of the kingdom.

    3. The watchman has a new perspective of the real enemy and the real battle.

    a. OT watchman saw enemy as human sinfulness.

    b. NT watchman sees enemy as spiritual forces of evil. (Eph. 6:10ff.)

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    c. The battle is exalting truth/grace over deception/accusation.

    d. Application to prayer: Hallowing Gods names for spirit/soul/body.

    4. The watchman has a new understanding of spiritual alertness.

    a. The words for watchman in the New Testament.

    1) The OT words for watchman inferred to guard or protect.

    2) The NT words (gregoreuo and agrupneo) infer protective watchfulness but literally mean "to be

    awake" or "to be sleepless."

    b. Key passages regarding watching.

    1) Ephesians 6:18:

    "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be

    alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." (NIV)

    -- Words translated "be alert" are rendered "watching" in the KJV

    2) First Peter 5:8:

    "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for

    someone to devour." (NIV)

    -- Word translated "alert" is rendered "watchful" in other translations.

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    3) Second Corinthians 2:11:

    " . . . in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes." (NIV)

    "Lest Satan get an advantage of us: For we are not ignorant of his devices." (KJV)

    -- agnoeo (without knowledge or understanding), noema ("thoughts" or "plans, schemes, plots,

    devices"), pleonekteo (pleon = "the greater part"; echo = "to have or hold")

    c. Implications of these passages. (Sheets, 19-20)

    1) Protection from the attacks of our enemy -- even for believers -- is not automatic.

    2) Gods plan is to warn oralert us of Satans tactics.

    3) We must be alert -- remain watchful -- or we wont be aware of Gods attempts to warn us of

    Satans attacks and plans.

    4) If we are not alert and watchful, if we are ignorant of Satans schemes, he will take the bigger


    B. Gethsemane models new covenant watchfulness.

    1. Jesus showed us how to watch and pray.

    a. He foresaw His imminent suffering.

    b. He experienced temptation as warfare.

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    c. He vigilantly struggled in prayer.

    d. He kept Gods redemptive plan in focus.

    e. He resolved to submit to the Fathers will.

    2. Jesus disciples showed us what happens when we dont watch and pray.

    a. They didnt heed Jesus exhortation to watch and pray. (Mk 14:34;38)

    b. They didnt see the purposesof God or the battleground of temptation.

    c. They didnt submit to Gods will but resorted to fight and flight.

    d. NOTE: The spiritual watchman:

    1) Sees beyond the present crisis into the future glory.

    2) Is motivated to submit to Gods redemptivepurpose in the face of hardship.

    3) Sees him- or herself in the vision of Gods purpose as a participant.

    4) Draws upon Gods grace to battle against the enemy.

    IV. My Personal Pilgrimage in Spiritual Watchfulness

    A. Two childhood experiences in watchfulness for protection from the evil one.

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    1. Awake and alert to enemys devices to turn my brother and I away from God.

    a. The call to spiritual wakefulness and alertness.

    b. The vision of the enemys entry: my leaning forward, peering.

    c. The malevolent device of distraction through enchantment.

    d. The changes in the room and their spiritual significance.

    e. LESSONS: Guarding your own heart; being your brothers keeper.

    2. Alerted to enemys device to use a twister to harm me.

    a. Entering the club kitchen for light duty and study for Sunday School lesson.

    b. Noticing the moonwalk and its proximity to the kitchen window.

    c. Sudden word of knowledge of moonwalk passing over the kitchen.

    d. Gazing intently at moonwalk and seeing this happen.

    e. Getting explanation of sudden twister from Kay Ivy.

    f. Spiritual significance: God reveals; God protects.

    B. Experiences of watchfulness in relation to ministry of divine healing.

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    4) Prayer of Agreement and confirmation of healing.

    5) LESSON: Our thoughts -- His thoughts.

    b. Healing of Louise Baker.

    1) In a blahse mindset.

    2) Repentant and inviting God to use me.

    3) Picture/word of knowledge, deferring/confirmation (Roger Bisson)

    4) Healing and subsequent report (Mike Taylor)

    5) LESSON: Learning to discern/confirmation from another.

    c. Healing of Jenny.

    1) Ministering the Word of God of God building house with us.

    2) Instructing in hearing from God.

    3) Inviting God to confirm the Word.

    4) Modeling word of knowledge for instructional purposes.

    5) Confirmation, prayer, manifestation of gifts.

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    6) LESSON: Boldly venturing out in faith.

    IV. Contemporary Applications and Illustrations of Spiritual Watchfulness

    A. To Topple Territorial Strongholds and Advance the Kingdom

    -- Charisma, 600 Rhinehart Road, Lake Mary Florida, 32746. Copyright April 1990, Strange

    Communications Company, pp. 47-48.

    1. John Dawson and a YWAM delegation target Cordoba, Argentina in 1978 to evangelize at the

    world soccer finals.

    2. Dawson and company encounter indifference from the sports enthusiasts.

    3. The YWAM missionaries withdrew for a day to pray and fast for guidance.

    4. The Lord revealed a demonic principality of pride over Cordoba that needed to be countered by

    Christian humility.

    5. The group advanced on the central shopping mall, scattered, knelt with their faces to the

    cobblestones, and prayed for a revelation of Jesus to the city.

    6. The stronghold was broken, people gathered to hear, the indifference was ousted, and

    repentance and tears flowed as many came to Christ.

    B. To Liberate Political Captives.

    -- Dick Eastman, Love On Its Knees (Toronto, Carlilse, Grand Rapids, Sydney, Johannesburg: Global

    Christian Publishers, 1978), pp. 35-37.

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    1. Terrorists in Holland were holding Dutch grade school students hostage.

    2. The terrorists declared their intention to execute one per day if their demands were not met.

    3. Eastman prayed daily for their safe release as a matter of discipline in prayer.

    4. The terrorists became more demanding and no change for the better was evident.

    5. Eastmans intercession was intensified as God have him a supernatural zeal.

    a. Eastman saw a vision of the children in living color.

    b. He saw the faces of his two young daughters among the children.

    c. He experienced intensity of prayer he had never experienced before.

    d. He began demanding the terrorists let the children go.

    e. He found himself pounding his fist to his palm and pointing and shaking his finger at the

    terrorists in the vision.

    f. His emotions ran the gamut of demanding, crying, shouting, and trembling and then he felt the

    breakthrough and victory were given. Intercession was complete.

    6. The breakthrough comes.

    a. That night, the news was on during the family dinner time.

    b. Walter Cronkite announced good news of three children released.

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    c. Eastman began crying and praying silently: "Jesus, I didnt ask for three children, I asked for all

    of them to be released. And that was a prayer born of your Spirit."

    d. With a burst of boldness, he sharply pounded the table and said, "And I claim the miracle now!"

    (Both he and his family were startled as it just seemed to rise out of him.)

    e. Local CBS affiliate interrupted the broadcast with these words: "We interrupt this broadcast to

    bring you an update on the hostage crisis in Holland. The report given by Mr. Cronkite was

    recorded earlier for West Coast viewing and is incomplete. All 153 children were freed early this


    C. To Protect those in Danger

    -- Elizabeth Alves, Becoming A Prayer Warrior (Ventura, California: Renew Books, 1998), pp. 29-30.

    1. Elizabeth Alves awakened to get water when she was hit by a burden of intercession for her

    cousin Mike whom she had not seen in 10 years.

    2. In three successive waves of intercession, she found herself praying for God to hold him still,

    then again to keep him from moving, and then to help him get up and run.

    3. She found out the next day from his mother that he was in Vietnam at the time.

    4. A letter to his mom a month later revealed a close call with death the very night that Elizabeth

    interceded for him. His plane was shot down by the Vietcong and he fell into a bush.

    5. Twice he tried to get up and run but was held down by an unseen hand as the Vietcong were

    right over him but not seeing him. Then, he was released to run to a nearby helicopter where

    comrades whisked him away to safety.


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    A. We are all called to be spiritual watchman over ourselves and others.

    B. We must be discerning of and vigilant against Satans wiles and sins pitfalls.

    C. We are invited to envision Gods purposes, place ourselves in the vision, and intercede through

    to the fulfillment of the vision.

    D. We must learn to recognize Gods thoughts to us and venture out in a faith partnership with


    E. We can partner with God in calling sinners to repentance, toppling Satanic strongholds,

    liberating captives, and protecting those in spiritual danger.

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    by Fely Unsay

    June 18, 2009

    Praying at the Wailing Wall

    The Old Testament scriptures described the picture of a watchman stationed on the walls of the city

    and on the watchtower. (Isaiah 62:6a & 2 Kings 9:17). They are patrolling the city ( Song ofSolomon 3:3a) & the hills or countryside (Jeremiah 3:16).

    Their primary function was to keep an eye for the approaching danger and to alert the city with the

    blowing of trumpets.

    In the Old Testament, thewatchman is a physical job. They were the guardians and caretakers of

    the city. Their physical job has a spiritual implications to the spiritual watchman today.

    To watchmeans to keep vigil (watching carefully, cautiously, attentively, vividly).

    In the book of Matthew in the parable of the 10 virgins, the Lord Jesus Christ described a watchman

    that is on the alert mode.

    Matt. 25:6 And at the midnight a cry was heard: Behold, the bridegroom is coming, go out to

    meet him! (NKJV)

    He who cried is a picture of a watchman, wide-awake at midnight, watchingand alertingeveryonethat the Lord is coming.

    At present, God has been anointing watchmen and gives them the divine enablement to:

    1. To see.The watchman perceives Gods plan and purposes. Divine enablement to receive fromGod and understand His plan and purposes for his family, church, & nations presently and in

    the future.

    2. To hear. The watchman participate in Gods plan and purposes.Divine enablement to receiveand hear instructions from God of what to do and how to partner with Him in accomplishing

    Gods purposes on earth.

    3. To feel the present spiritual climate on the areas assigned by God to thewatchman.Divine enablement to battle through powerful intercession the fulfillment of

    Gods plan and purposes.

    The watchman has Gods anointing of discerning satans strategies to hinder and attack and wage

    effective warfare in order to stop it.

    The choice to be a watchman is of God alone. He chooses whom to anoint and gives the divine

    ability to do theresponsibility of being a watchman. The watchman has different functions and

    different places of assignment.
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    The watchman guards the harvest field.The devil who rules this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe. They cannot see

    the light of the Good Newsthe Good News about the glory of Christ, who is exactly like God 2

    Corinthians 4:4 (NCV)

    It is the responsibility of a watchman to discern the strongholds & principalitiesthat deceives blindsand imprisoned people away from God. This could includeresearchabout the history of the places

    and people. He will then inform his leaders and the warrior intercessors about what God has

    revealed about the harvest field.

    The watchman guards the sheep/Body of Christ.The watchman is observantof what is happening to the Body of Christ. Are therepatterns or

    trendsthat are simultaneously happening to the brethren, like sicknesses, death, loss of finances,

    accidents, or anything that the watchman couldfeelor noticelike it is an attack to the Body of


    The watchman then asks God for revelations, and then informed the leaders of the Body of Christ or

    the pastor of a church for spiritual warfare.

    The watchman guards the Church.The watchman is always on the look-outfor wolves to bring strife and divisions among the

    church (Acts 20:29)and false teachers and false doctrines (Matt. 7:15, 2 Peter 2:1-2).

    The watchman guards the Pastor/Leaders of the Body of Christ.The pastor being the gatekeeper and head of the church are always on the target listof the enemy.

    The pastors and other leaders of the Body of the Christ needs watchmen to spiritually guard and

    warn them of incoming attacks & dangersfrom the enemy.

    It is the watchmans responsibilityto interceptthe dangers coming on the pastors/leaders way.

    The watchman guards the City.The city can be the watchmans homes, neighborhoods, cities, provinces or even nations. He always

    on the alertfor what is happening around him or even to the nations of the world, that God is

    assigning him to watch.

    The watchman is a keeper.The watchman takes careof the field or areas assigned by God to him. He should keep the enemy

    out of his area of responsibility.

    __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


    The areas of assignment and functions may be different to every watchman. However, there are two

    common functions of a watchman: to Guard and Pray.

    I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night.

    You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, Isaiah 62:6 (NKJV)

    Human, I now make you a watchman for Israel. Anytime you hear a word from my mouth, warnthem for Me. Ezekiel 3:17 (NCV)

    Doing both to guard and prayis very crucial for a watchman. He needs a sharp gift of

    discernmentin order to receive revelations and warnings of God upon the watchmans specific place

    of assignment. A watchman should always remember this: He listens only to the voice of the Holy

    Spirit. Spending time alone with God and the study of Gods Word can this be accomplish by a


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    The watchmansfirst priorityis to know God, His ways, His Word and promises, His character and

    purposes. It is vital to know the enemy and his tactics but it should come only secondary to knowing

    and worshipping God. The function and responsibility of the watchman is spiritualin nature.

    And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests

    Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

    This is the strategic position of a watchman. Worship and prayer helpspurifythe vision of thewatchman.

    Worship is the ascendingsteps of the watchman to the Throne of God. This is where the watchman

    can clearly hear from God and sees what God is showing him.

    When the watchman is in his spiritual position, he can clearly see what is happening in the church &

    the Body of Christ, the cities & nations, and will be able to receive from God what is the spiritual

    atmosphere in the heavens and in the earth.

    The Watchmans spirit is a spirit of watchfulness and restlessness.

    Watchmen on the Walls

    Jerusalem, I have put guards on the walls to watch, They must not be silent, day or night. You

    people, remind the LORD of your needs in prayer should never be quiet. You should not stop

    praying to Him until he builds up Jerusalem and makes it a city all people will praise. Isaiah

    62:6-7 (NCV)

    What makes the watchman restless?

    It is the fact that the he knows what God wants to do at the present time, he understands

    theurgencyof times that the watchman is always on the emergency modeand refuses to be silent

    for Gods will to be done on earth.

    Todays watchtower and walls of the watchman are his prayer closet. A regular time of being alone

    with God, worshipping in Spirit and in Truth.

    I will stand like a guard to watch and place myself at the tower

    I will wait to see what he will say to me;

    I will wait to learn how God will answer my complaint.

    Habakkuk 2:1 (NCV)

    The watchman will ascend to Gods throne in worship and strategically place himself

    in Gods plan and descend in war effectively battle in powerful intercession and

    partnering with God to work for the fulfillment of Gods purposes.
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    Let us take up the topic of the ministry of the watchman with a text from Ezekiel 33:7:

    So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt

    hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.

    The watchman is a prophet and intercessor called to bring the Word of God to Israel, the Body of

    Christ. We use the term watchman to include both roles of prophet and intercessor.

    Most people liken the prophetic ministry to prophesying and speaking of visions and dreams from

    God. This definition is too narrow and opens us up to misunderstanding. The function of the

    prophetic intercessor, or watchman, is best defined as taking place in the course of four stages:

    Revelation, Intercession, Proclamation, and Restoration. We will discuss these areas more

    particularly in a moment.

    We must use the Scriptures as our sole authority for defining and determining the job description of

    the prophet. Whatever the popular thought or current practice may be, we are not interested in

    mans notions of what a prophet should be or what everyone else is doing. Taking the passage from

    Ezekiel as a springboard, we make the following observations:

    1) I have set thee a watchman. Prophets are not self-anointed. Prophets are not called by a

    denomination or installed by men. Prophets do not receive a prophetic ministry through the laying

    on of hands by another prophet (but it certainly may be confirmed by another prophet; that is not

    the same thing). One does not decide to become a prophet, neither may one volunteer their services

    to be a prophet.

    God reserves the right to set His own watchmen, and this He will do according to His will, and

    according to His timing. We do not know why He chooses the ones He chooses. It is a work of grace.

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    Many prophets are selected from birth or from childhood. John the Baptist was filled with the Spirit

    within his mothers womb. We dare not intrude into this holy work by setting up our own prophets

    or stepping into a place that God has not put us. It is Gods Hand, and no other.

    2) Unto the house of Israel. The prophetspeaks primarily to Gods people, the house of Israel. The

    New Testament church is the spiritual Israel of God (Galatians 3:3-9; 4:21-31). Watchmen do not

    speak to the world writ large, casting their pearls before swine. They are called to exhort, edify,

    rebuke, and build the Church of God, building upon the foundation that is laid already in Christ.

    The prophet does not usually bring a one size fits all generic sort of message that speaks to the

    universe. It is typically a surgical strike, directed and honed to penetrate a particular thing in the

    Body of Christ, with Spirit-led precision that cuts through the formalities and niceties to get to the

    guts of the task at hand. The very nature of the of message cuts to the quick and makes some gnashtheir teeth. Even so, God has set Watchman in the Church for its own edification, comfort, and


    3) Therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. Why doesnt God

    speak directly to His people? Why speak indirectly through a prophet? The prophet is called to

    speak warning. It presupposes that the house of Israel has sunk to such a low degree that God may

    no longer speak directly to the nation. He must use a man to speak to men.

    We may argue that we are all priests and the Lord may speak to us just as He speaks to prophets.

    This is the spirit behind Korahs Rebellion:

    Numbers 16:2,3

    2 And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty

    princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown: 3 And they gathered

    themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon

    you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them:

    wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?

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    Let us not quibble about through whom the Word comes. The watchman is on the wall and is

    looking at things from a different vantage point. He sees things you cannot or will not see. Since

    God has set him there, it would be a mistake to ignore the warning he brings. If God can use a

    donkey to rebuke the madness of Balaam, certainly we should pay particular attention to one who

    comes to us in the name of the Lord.

    Let us receive the prophet in faith and judge the message he brings with righteous judgment, not

    murmuring because God chooses to warn us through someone else and not directly. Usually it is

    because God cannot get through to us directly that He is compelled to send a prophet to arrest our

    attention. Prophets are a last resort, not a primary expression for God or the preferable vessel God

    would use. If we will not obey the written Word, God will send a prophet to speak the Word to our

    face. Thus it is that if they will not hear the LAW and the PROPHETS, they will not believe even if

    Christ should rise from the dead and tell them directly (Luke 16:29-31). To reject the one that is sent

    is to reject the One who sends (Luke 10:16).

    This in a nutshell is the ministry of the watchman. The discharge of the burden of the Lord through

    the watchman may be properly classified as falling into four areas, in chronological order.

    First, there is revelation. True ministry must be based upon God-given revelation, not theological

    degrees of head-knowledge. We may speak from knowledge but knowledge alone does not impart

    life. If it did only educated people would be saved. Christ says the Spirit quickeneth; the flesh profits

    nothing (John 6:63). That quickening is the operation of the Spirit to impart revelation to us. That,

    coupled with knowledge, is sufficient.

    Prophets do not bring new truth. Revelation is simply a revealing of what is already true and

    bringing it to bear upon our heart and soul. Revelation is based upon insight into the written Word

    of God, not into visions and dreams and prophecies. These other things are simply tools for

    expressing the Word, they are not the Word; no more than the water hose is water, it simply delivers

    the water.

    I am sure you have experienced revelation in the course of your Bible study. A passage may be read

    for years without making an impression upon us. One day the light of God shines upon the passage

    and we understand the meaning; we know the intent; we enter into the Spirit of the Word and it

    becomes exceedingly precious, meaningful, and real to us. This is revelation.

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    If it were simply a matter of study we could just say study your Bible more. But it is not more study

    that we have need of; it is prayerfully pondering and meditating upon the Word day and night until

    the Spirit bears witness with our Spirit and we discern the meaning by way of revelation. Christ

    spoke the Word, yes; but without the quickening Spirit mixed with faith in the hearers, it will notsave. Hence, the prophet (and every minister of the Gospel) must have revelation into the Word to

    speak with authority and impart life to the hearers.

    Let us only speak what God reveals to us by way of revelation. We will surely speak less, but our

    words will be all the more weighty and full of life. If an individual cannot wait upon the Lord and

    receive fresh insight into the Word and experience the quickening of the Spirit upon that Word, they

    cannot minister in any capacity and bear lasting fruit.

    Once the prophet has received revelation, he must enter into intercession. We must pray for many

    reasons. For one thing, the revelation is known to the inner man but the mind is unable to express

    it. It is yet in an embryonic state and must be drawn out from the spirit. Counsel in the heart of man

    is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out (Proverbs 20:5). As we wait before

    the Lord He will begin to give us understanding and words to express what we have seen. This

    process cannot be hurried. It may take days, weeks, months, and sometimes years to give expression

    to what we have seen.

    Perhaps you have risen to speak or share something God has shown you. You know what you are

    trying to say, it is near and real to your heart; but after two or three sentences you seem to hit a

    brick wall. You find yourself talking in circles and take your seat more burdened than ever. There

    seems to be no liberty in your ability to relate what you know. This occurs when we have not

    lingered in prayer and received from God words and understanding with which to properly express

    what He has shown us.

    And, we must pray not only for the proper words, but for the proper timing. He that blesseth his

    friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be counted a curse to him (Proverbs

    27:14). We must wait for Gods timing in giving the Word. Many prophets assume that when we have

    a Word from the Lord we may then take it and shout it from the housetops. This is not usually the

    case. Most of the time we are simply called to pray and intercede. If the Lord sends us to speak, well;

    if not, we will pray. You may pray and pray and pray without outward change. Then one day the

    Lord tells you to arise, gird up your loins, and get thee to Zeraphath. Then let us make haste. Until

    then, we will wait for His timing as well as His method of expression.

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    When the timing is right, then the prophet moves into the third stage of action, which is

    proclamation. Some think proclamation means prefacing things with Thus saith the Lord and

    speaking out in an authoritative voice. While this does happen it is not the only way, and probably

    not the best way.

    Here is the situation. God has planted a word in our heart. We will be uncomfortable until we find

    release through prayer or through proclamation or both. Let me explain. If you are burdened of the

    Lord to intercede for an individual, your spirit will give you no rest until you have prayed through

    (some of you older folks knows what it means to pray through). Praying through is nothing more

    than making intercession until the Lord lifts that burden and heaviness off our heart. If we try to

    neglect or ignore the burden to pray it simply becomes unbearable. We must pray through to obtain

    release, just as opening the valve of a pressure cooker releases the steam and reduces the pressure.

    The same is true of revelation. The prophets of the Old Testament referred to this as the burden of

    the Lord. Until we effectively discharge the burden we will be most uncomfortable. Jeremiah

    referred to it: Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his

    word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and

    I could not stay (Jeremiah 20:9).

    How do we discharge the burden of the Lord? After we have received revelation, and made

    intercession, we will know the best course. Sometimes we will find release through writing, such as

    Isaiah. On other occasions we may compose a song, as David. Or we may write poems and verse, as

    Jeremiah. We may act out the word dramatically, as Ezekiel. Or we may thunderously speak the

    Word as Moses, Elijah, or John the Baptist. We may speak in parables as the Lord Jesus. The tools,

    methods, and ways are different, but the underlying principle is the same. God will give different

    expression to the proclamation of the Word, and He will be pleased to use the prophets differently

    in accordance with their unique gifts and personalities.

    But the work is not finished when the word is proclaimed. For the prophet is not merely interested

    in proclamation, but in the fourth stage of his ministry: restoration. Our mandate is to tear down,

    destroy, and level; afterwards we must rebuild and raise again. We must pray in the promises of

    God and keep watch over Gods people, encouraging them to full and complete obedience, standing

    in the gap to avert the very judgment we may have just pronounced upon them.

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    We should readily see that the ministry of the watchman is primarily one of hidden, secret prayer

    and fasting. The true test of the watchman is in the prayers that he utters privately, not the

    prophecies that he utters publicly. Let him fail or make a fool of himself in public and God will still

    use Him; let him fail in the prayer closet and he will be discarded as a prophet. Those who think the

    prophetic ministry is all about visions, dreams, prophecy and spiritual gifts had better rethink their

    position. It is self-denying, thankless, often unseen and unappreciated labor in secret prayer.

    In summary, we conclude that if the Lord was pleased to set watchmen over Israel of old, He is

    certainly pleased to set watchmen over the Church today. But as we have seen, the ministry of the

    watchman is more likely to be found in the prayer closet than the pulpit.

    May God give us grace and increase the ministry and operation of the watchman!
