Page 1: WASHINGTON STAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · ore who had mndp their fortunes long ago, From nil necauntf),-it.-W!W a stone 0 medium Bizo, but rare color and fire—i alone- which


W l l . A. STKYKElt,

Civil and Criminal Law Prnctit:oncr,WASHINGTON, N.J.

~ _ ^ - ; . _ • _ ; ; . -_.T.-: )»!»«_


wiiHiiiiitxiiin. rs'..i..

Homey and Counsellor at Law,Solicitor tutil Mutter in Cli'tiwnj,



! '•Ami iu nil Hit Court* of Xrm Jmtf.TOSEl 'H H. WILSON", ~l l . • - . - ' • . • • • . • - .

• - - • A-ltonicyul-ljiiM*,

Snluutor in Cfcacixry, Commissioner

WprepariHl to Oo t i cGold nnil extra Silver Filling!

A l tment

Office ovor Kinn's New Drug SI ore, tor*,:. . ncr ofVront Ac Mfinsueld .Stu., Uch'i-

dere, N, J. Transacts nil branches or, lcffal business, rirnnyl


JWilli nil tlie latest improvvmont.4,1 nuiepariHl to Oo tirat-cla&t work. Fine

Sil Fillin* at reducedrk. Fint reduced

h b textra ing at e

prices. A largo assortment i>t the bt»atArtificial Tooth Hint nro made.

wwMi OAS i-:\'i:nr DAY.All brntii'hcH nf tlie profession carefully

performed. All work warranted, amiclieap lor cash.

JJTIX.UMf-.'r.|:17 SnuTHAMl'TOS STKKKT,; KASTOX, /'.i.i-inl S H * ).rni>irly liiailo <>n LMIiili.iil

aru ulvliiu tlic iiert Miil!-fiirli»ii hi the iveurcrof any inutfrtul hi ii>c »mi f i>r lo l I

il l i

,lt. E. M. BEESLKV,

Warren L'ouniy, New ,Ti*rycy



T. Ul.OUl) HOTKIi.

WASHIS'ITON AVI!., WASlllSllTOX, S. J,U N S O 111'.VSi)^ KI>

In Liication, Accommodation "iiil MIIIKIJJC-nient. Permsiiii'iit ami Trunniont

Guests well eiUcrtniticil.L-ulocM l l e t w o i i u l i U s


IJIJ not tore fit en tang ago ;lnstcjtl or» yes " 1 trave liim » na"

1 ilia not lovo htm, but to-dayI read tils innrrla|;e notice ('ray,

No analyst can cuess Hie cause iA woman's reason laughs at laws.

Tilt; man wlio once lisa loved her, nndTo-<lny I scfiii to we him niiiutl, -Wllli every tfwnee n unite curcsfl,still iilemlinff fur tho lungcd-fur "yea "

Anil If he lows lmr veil; ns men.sttoutd love tlielr clic&cn one?, why, tlioo.

He mutt be plivl thai, lone ajro,Instead of" yen " I save him •• i:u."

Bwue days then.1 an- when life nnd loveSeem best of glfls from heaven above;Some dura when sky and cloud nnd sealinns sweetest tliotislit* oi lire to me;Some days liiv.\rtacli>'& but twins serin,And haunting care an IJlo;

Some iijiya. J

Hut clouds may cover tho btuc?t skr,And Kuan 'nenttt tlio eoltcst hs!iM Ik-;ItoucU winds may ninit' ihc smwi liwt sea [1'orever hid Is Jiffs mystery;Though lightly to UH life's burdens (all,Thi' sorrow of odiers must sr.dik'ii nil—

. foiiip days.

Why should Kras; be yrfen and /kirn W blueWhen life la dowry ami tovo iiiitnw :Why do sunscu fad'1 and nlshw crow cold:Whj do (rlends prove false nnd hearts grow old 1Oh I life Menu cruel, nnd (lod but a dre.un,And ilt'ath tat sweeter than lite, 1 iktiii—

Somu days.

Fuivver 1 follow a vWon fair,Hut never shall intnc t« ita pitwnco rare;Fur fate ti mooktnjr, aiui IIOIM; Is vain;And my heart cries out lu desolate IKIIII," Mas Cod no thought tor Uio pain Mow j "0 heart so, Miall we not Know

11 No! p

"Astnioimjoi i Hf.I

n family.?

noddeil tlie old1 i l * " i u t h o

Unt J»f8O» out otd t

w y. O 8it, tlou'iyouiwe? B J l nova found outafore ycslcnlny as tlic? w *MIM .Tnqj^u-of ol.l .'an Jorgeiwni tUughter, llvia' uplu Ilia Uitekllk. ' wro W|W • o m 0 u I J -Auliiotitii ideew.lmt«w ep»« la to bawctuled yitrtcrdajr ™l ' J * J- ' o n *cm-111CM your lieart 1 Ifoull liaw toM oldJUU'H IWIHIOJ initial nnywliw. •, DMu'llrnve no nwnognunilu Uiem dajrij: jottknow. Kleee left 'er\ A P«tty girl, wltlired cheeks. I'm to **i<l '«a buck by inntlwhen they're done."

Mr. Pluto drew n mg brcntli.'• I'll en to tho C«kUb ut ouce,"

lo. ^ —«oft.Tr^r ""J softy 1" Midi l "Th 'Whil Heart


old Caleb Oriniler.y

The 'While Heart

don't frighten it!"" I dmll knowM

J'into. with «li/Griudor, i y l

And w>, cliul ,-flia unto the iuevltublthkt t'hlng tourisl/ *Cinfest nil the wildine^es within u Viudrcd inilcit of New York,Mr.'lMcr Piutf/" put money iu his pumc'am". Marled for/ho cottage iu tho Catskllls,

ved to npjn*cli tho subject with tli'„ cautlouswinds and turnings of diplomaUc skill./

Miss jorgeyicn was a tall, crooked wo-



The finest lintel in Northern N iv .ler., £ey, centrally located. Satisfaction gilar-Ijuiteed. to ail giiL-sU, permanent or trait-,,afont.~"F<H'l'aVd Hooni .and" Barber Sho]>in (routiVeui'irwilli tlio hotel." ," ;

./. A". IWAGLANDy Pro/,rMor.


[ s'rl-.L- with nclilntr Mart ami ticud,Alt tilts long day and half Uio illicit,

For paltry recompense ot lircail.Anil win U In tlie worM's despite;

ttl'IVPOIIIfUO*. llli'l llttU'llHIK'i-.Yet wiiy i-otiiiilaln l OIK* l)lf«lnjf clmap

Issniifnuliledlo my sioiv- . ""God flvetli Ilih tmlovi'il sleei'-

Ana nm I one ot UIPM1 : Why iM TOur pains and pk'a.sinv-s li.icmUue-

After the tiffin mat iiiusi IM? nmciit'lucre conies a truce wttli I*-MM illvlno.

Atu-r all sorrow great or il-'f|>.Tin' ri'L-oin|t'-iise Is swirl t.inl sine-

<luJ tiwili Hts belwed-Mf'-ii.''" '•

nini: of fifty,»with seuut IroD-Rniy hair, ahthlilAmg imge, nml eyes us shurji nndkeen mi thole of A hawk.. :

Hitty, licr uolco-Mehltnble, jntilor, n.itint oM liiily culled her—wns plump nmlplnU-eheukoil, with hair of real poet'n gold,itnd n laugh liko the chirp ot a blackbird.

"Oli, yes," add m-Uy, with tlu utmostfnuikness, "nuiity will bo (jliul to takiUunlor. Only, please, you may tmmoil tho builucss with me. Amity beloto a fine old family—I'm only relatedthu mother's! side—nu;l it hurts her pride to\luiik of keeping boarders. So, it yo-wnuM mnko bciicvo to tio n visitor, it wouldl)i> n groat neconuno'latiou, mid uo himn<lom>. \ta cnu only spare the. littlu garretbctl-rooiu; but therc'H u Ran view, uiul youwill find everything very clenu."

Ami thus, to liis unmitigated surprise nndumuzcineut, Mr. Piuto fouml himself nt lastunder the sumu roof with the White HDi&moiid.

Of course there was a certain outwardshow to be kejit n\i, Mr. Pinto was obligee]ti> »;it-inl much uf hii. "tiiuo "In "11.6 v.-oods,imthinj^ lneaiiinglosH attempts nt sketching,while his heart> yearned nftcr tho mystic

.UKl.VlliKltK, *»•. J,Tln> nudcrBigned wishes to inform the

truvoiiiifj public. Unit he lias removed intonew building just coinpli'toil, on Marketstreet, on the site of tin* old "WashingtonHotel," UelviJore, where lio is fully . pre-tlavoi} to furnlsli tint best .accomwriiliitiniiK

lij.s past friends nml lliu public iu gen(•ml. Tliis hotel > to be known hen-ul'toras llii! 'lVqnost Housi1,1 I'Yclinjj gi'ate-tul for past imtriHiiinc, he kirnlly sulidts a

. ('bntinnnncc of lliii same;'•-••Large etuliltsin thnrenr. W'M. A. CUAMKH.



Wdira' CDIU'KC Prcjmres yotmg

fur colk'ge. Host fneilitiea for music, nrt

ami couimciciul IJTUIICIICS. Thoroughness

every department. Htsfc btiilJing of its

'"lass,"-wilii s{oam-iieiiler,'im3l':-liotuiiiVujlil

..wiiler, etc. r,Close ultenLion' to innnncra,

morals and licuHli, LocatioV'pletfjant

lipaltlifn], Cululdf-uu sent free on uppli-

-ctilion. -i.Yonr,opens Beptcniln'i'-fi


SCHOOLPrepttiiitbry'toVriiloguVIjiisiucse : anO the

r:.:^i—--;.--,-: profession nf e a filling.--_..-.-.' '-•'• ••.•.r-iA-lioBwling'amliloy'school""*-


SEEKERG^DIAMOND.Mr. lV-tur Tiiito was. perhaps, one. of tho

lust PiithiiMastie of niodt-rn collector.-!.Fur be it from us to convey tlie iinpres-

on that l.e wil t wound with a pencil andinwkctbook bulging full of papers in be-

half of gascompanies nml damp coal nswwoils. On tbt; eulitmry, ho despisedL- uiul nil its plebeian conooniitaiits.

Ha kopt a genoidogical trte, and pridediiilf on being distantly related to some

one or other who had como over in; thoSluynWer, nnd having a cousin who had

• known'Longfellow, the. poet. Horead, studied high nrt mid devoted himueUto tin- dream-world of this ideul. His floorswere carpeted with tiger-skit:!'. . dimlysplendid Eastern draperies hung.ou hiswalls and »hut out what little sunshine fil-tcrcd.. through the medieval-; glass "of. liisstained window. . He delighted iu mouldyfylios, rare editions, grinning Chinese idolsand musses of charmingly ugly Eastern

-DoulcicRirLMtjii oiveu on Or- "oiiRii lustmc- •Uio Uur-

s i ! t ! . • .IllT-OPKS.1*'TUESDAY,AUY3 i m


:ti. Por .ca t i i logue iiiul further in[ariniition"•"'apply t o or - iuWroaa- - . . ; . . ; ""•-'; -1 • • • „<

'* ~R. H. TRACK, Principal• yitSly IJjSuutli Slrlli Slre?t,.KABTOS, i'A,

,TO '..

.Skinner's,l T i £ '

Hut Hits UifiWj whieli had tho strongestpossession of hid soul, nud which druggedmost persistently at his purse-strings, wasoue for precious atones.*•'" If it hadn't been for that, I should have

been a rich mini long ago," sighed Mr. Pi:tu. .'-'-Of ^-CUrdcTc^'t indulge iu;it,-;-;lw.hhould like—no man could, unless . he hadthe income of n duke. • -'Put T pan .nspira—Ican aspire!"

And as Mr. Peter l'iuto had inheritcsnug'little'fortune from his father,fallen heirYo the" uuited savings; of-sovcrolmaiden mints, bo was enabled to prosecutehw cftprieo In no contemptible degree, v> Hoowned uii Eastern opal, a .black pearl,pair of uiiapproachnbly-tiuted topazes,s.-;vcral peculiarly-shaped turquoises and anrtguto \viih D. human faco distinctly massedin its oiitlinen. He kept his treasures lockedin vciyeUlincd cases within the iron jaws of

'i•"Irfmeudou't' flrfl-prborsafe; and prowledwound tho jewelory-stores,' pawn-shops ijocoiid.hand repositories, with a perse-iirLO.S-woithy;i">f-^n]r,o'fi'Kliidw.--^A!ul-w]ho btcaino nieditatiye nud inclined to becon'cdentinl ho woutt say:

f I tliink if once I could gain possession' of /this "ttTilto heart Dinniond, I should beqVuto—quite lu>ppy I11-.-

.'But the White Hcnrt Diamond had towppcarance been •wilbdrawn.vfroni civculaLionT-It'-ivas Icuovnt only by rumor. IIliad retired Monidwhevo into conventional•*clnltio'n;"und|""with u'nparallolcd modoHty

[)' dcolluod to reappear. ' :- •

.liat Ihoro liad mica been a.Whlto ,Hci

BREAD,• " V 7 ' GAK

A full Hue of clioico conrectionery nhvnys'" '•• •• "' on" hand. ' "O N E '1'niA.i. WiLr* Snow THAT (••'

—'these Goods are the11 Clvctiiem a Trliiil'

d'old' l.n/idarieH,::~Nhb::T"ha<growii crooked by long sitting over niagui.fylug glasses, nud tho talcs erf retired jewelore who had mndp their fortunes long ago,

From nil necauntf),-it.-W!W a stone 0medium Bizo, but rare color and fire—ialone- which was a veritable General George"Washington • niiiuu|{~"dlariiand5-:s~ratonewhose • renown lind even reached foreignports, tind achieved the. dignity of, an es-


I , E N r i N K K K r Oiccllvof chlcloftlio

IH llcbclllon "

EK1KM.1ON, by AI--tliecref.lcstoillv(ncile-

y uni* KCcrot fervlc UurIH llbclllon. A r , thri»Lnff

tiiful -work.- conlalnlnK/eecrc'" of war n" d n public. UlftwMwl la cftoelloiit

t A b n U n n p r r i h

Vienna.•'";• And to Sir. Peter Piiito tho White nearDiamond represented the Itoo'uAladdin's Palace I ' " c . k,

Until one day,an old worltinnri'in preciotia .stonea beckoned him into llio doi

mechanicalimmKfcheG nt work;";:l've heard'ot it," said he. "r 'Of—" gnspea'Mn Pinto.

iWVorfemnn; • •1 ' ^^^

tett,MnidBIr. Plnlo, til* heart beating aivclllo In his l-OMiu. " II yon would •!•

low mo to look at it—" 'Mint Jorgciutcn shook her hcadt" I cmihln't," said ulio. " I Bold (t three

anil twenty yonnt ngo Bl my cousin, ThlloJorgcascti. He was drowned on tho verynoil Toyogo ho madt lo Amsterdam—dlfcinond nud nil, for he alwuyn carried It in ftlittle clininolA-teather Iwy uexl hU Itt-nrt.l o kail n rerj' good Imitation put into tliesetting for me. I've got It somewhere upBlah*. Aud, after nil, what could I dowith n tboiutaud-dollar diamond ?"

Mr.Tinto drew his brcMh with a littleanp. Hud ho sold himself for tho rent of

hit <tay« for ft mcro bit of pnslo, a fancotedump of gloss, while nil the time fie "White!Icart Diamond lay fathoms deep In thonea! Angels and ministers of groeo defendhim! It could not be!

Hut ho lind a great deal of fortitmlo andsclf-relinnco. Ho playcd'lho devoted lovertoMiHH Jurgewicu'd entire BattKfaction alltlio evening, but when Hetty camo to callhim to breakfast the ucit morning, hlrt budhad not licen slept in, nnd ho \vns over tliobills and fur away.

In fact ho had vnn nway.Mifis Jorgcnscn was rather indignant nl

first, but wlien Hetty exclaimed, "Ho mudbe a crazy man, aunty," she- concluded thatall was uudoubtelly tor tho best.

But," KIIO sntd, with a umirlt, " lie WMcertainly vi-ry nmch in love V

Yes, indeed, aunty," said Helty, withUio utmost gravity.

And thus briefly aud logically elided Sir.Tiuto's search for tho fanioiw Whlto Heart

imond.—Ihlen Fvrritt Graw.


iv Man Wliu lltMTlrtl IIIN Fiimllr for •

John Hvnup in tbU city a day or two

f tw.'iity.ilvo yeaw,

w, who turned»go after an ab-hich IVIIH liricf.

He strove vainly for something likeBdtnlial intimacy with his hostess; but invain— Hiss Jorjjsnsen froz^lut'i. Khim lit ccremouiaVarm's-lctigtli.

Hetty was social, smiliug, always readyto talk, but Miss' JcrRcnseu never forgolthat Hhfl beloncod to a fauiilr.

Until, oue ituy, an iiuip|>on uur hero."]{y Jove!" he profanely exclaimed,I'll marry the old worfiau, if theren'ulliOi .Wiiy to"gctvaf.tlie:iWhite Hear!

Hut that evening, as hu ciime In, a liltliater than usual, with the. purple twiligW[lowiug iii the hori/on, and a score of.i1

rhiii-poor-wills singiuft m the glen, he la -ttetty at the galo. She sltirted and colored

rose-bud, and, murmuring someirivtul eseuse, flitted away.

Mr. l'into stooped and piefced up a flowe*'bit'h she had dropped. '' .

'• Hello 1" ho siiid to himself ( -" thiseomplictttiis matlers. Little Hetty is iu lovoivithnia!" ;:

It was not such au uupleasaut idea; but,if course, it could not be entertained for utingle moment. The.'Whito Heart Diamond

liis. soul's, sweetheart. Thu Whiteflenrt Diamond only was the treasure onwhich lie washout. . . .

Accideulally, as it Keenicd," hut in" renlityoin a carefully-laid train of iiMociations,

the convoraition turned on jewel** that even-ig, u.1 Miss Jorgeiiseu sat l;iiitling by the.nip, and Hetty was pivking over blackter-es (or the morrow's jam, in the outei"Drcli. •" Tiillting of dinmo:id.i," 'said Miss Jor

19,1'seij, foi'tifyiiigjierself with a jiinch oiinulf—Mn T'iiito*TmtmU'suuff^-" there's' a

r.valutiiile Siam ia our fainily,.which—'!.Aiuil," HiiitlHetty,"'coming i n , ' " Wr*.

Didcomb wants to soo you just n minute,about the next meeting of tho Dorcas Socie-ty." ••" '••• '"' ' - • - ' - '-Cf'•-':•'-•'•

Jorgcn-son bustled out. Mr. PiutoBinoto the table with the Hat of his hand.,-

11 I'll do it t" ho said.And ho did it, within tho next hair-hour.

It may neem premature, dear Miss J(

lynittitioHudintho Timr* tLis nionilng, islu iiumy nwjiwta liljjhly hitumitlti-' aud re-niiirlaiiili-. WIK'U he disiipp^aml Heimsohad a wifo mid Kcvumt chiMivn, the yonng-L'st of whom, Mary, then three uumtlis ofiifp, U now inarriud in n wvll-to-do IViMiv.l illi:n-hiiut, Aug.i.iiu Kollaiid. Mi)I»miw heard uutlilut* »f her Lushand untilsouu utter the lato h;id bfyn1 .rwi'ivuil n li'ttttr iiiinouiu'inK tluit ho lindturn eonseriiiled into . the rebel nrmy.

nK muiv wits la-ard from him and thehuskmd aiid fatluir wan mourned us dead.

On Tiicsdiiy a bronzed mid weather-beadiLiui ol blxty.flve.rojjIit.'Kd.iit th- IterksCounty House. 1U' *w !<•»« huir that fellupon his hhoulders in curls mid hit* earnwire adorned with'gula riiiK*. Uit nwtcgraph in tho n-jjitter rwnl: " John Hij-iis, Ai-bii-klH, Va." It wis thu saine Johuwho di.i!i]ipearcd a quarter nt ;i ecutury agiseized with n !«ii!*iti;; i'» MUC.-- tn»i» -n.-o-l.wife ami chUdren. Ha'teamed that they-wrc still 'livinK, hwwife beiii" cninfort-ably located at 23'J South Ninth ntreet


'hioue. There wt re no teiir.t of joy and n oclinging In fond embrace, h u t neverthelessthe pr'jditfftl lmsWml .WAS cordially greetedn-heu he had established hid ident i ty .

Then ho visited his youngest daughter ;Mrs. Holland. Tha t ludy wiis cuK^'-'d at

huii-iuhuld duticH yt-stcrday when slioRiitiilonly cdafrontud by it btrangrt. unui.Yoiiriiimit! w Miiry,"~Kiiid ho, breaking

short sitonce and udvunciny a step o r two.Yus, that is my n a m e . " uiiswcred Mrs.

tollaud,. oyeinj! her strftii[;e visitor sus-ciously. " V h u t can I do for you ?'".*" I am your father, Mary, who loft you

Iwu you wero n Ijahu throu months old.ta I ipiito forgotten ' t"And. tmrs came to the old man',! cy . s us

j leaned nguinst the counter aud guued atils daughter . Mrs. I tol laud'a first impiih

yensen," he miirl, after hiring gone stifflydown.upon hiskuecs, !'bnt our liearlfl donot beat by rule or calendar. I behold 'you ii cnngonial.spirit.. I, lovo you!. \fyou be mino ?"" "Goodness inel" said Miss. Jorgcnseu.

'.' Well,-1' never,, did 1 rUut,-; of- 'your happincBS IB involved— I wonderwliut Hetty will say ?"

Mr. Piuto clnsped Iho wrlultleil] l i^d.pressed n kiss on tho snuff-flavored dwelt,ond witli an oeKtntlo thrill, thought of thi"White Heart Diamond.

Hetty came smiling in, presently, andin told her of the new page "•

itory.v?Pinto expected "to"see her blush,

scream, or perhaps, oven faint away.noiio of tlie.thrce.: Sho did n

y-Miss Jorgeusou tolhw'iifo'H history.

romauce. . "" Oh, 1'hi so glad !" said 1

can leave you with n clear conscience, Aun1Moliitablo."

". Bho has IKCII engaged to l*hilo WetherHa for a year," explained MIRS Jorgi" Fmps you'vo noticcd-her o( an. oveniDghangup over Uio gate waltiu1 foV.h'iin to grby with the cona V"- '• Oh, aunty, I didn't 1" wild Hatty.

r^'Xti;.child,;.Ufcm>Uijng M bo. awliof," said Miss .TorBOustiu, chuckling.,'

Mr.'rintobithislip. Ho would liko falnuo pitched Pliilo "VVelherlio, wkomoveinifcht.ho.'over tho cliff." But, however,this' and'- noUitng to do wllli - tlm WlHeart Diamond, nnd when Ketty-trippod "

i : . o u t - • - - - • • • . . . - - - ^ 1

iiininuating fimiloi ." of nfamons diamondv i i i d i—. ' . : - : . . . r . :• •• - 7 .• " Oh,'yea,'' said Miss Joigeusun. ".HlwWhito Heari. Dinmonil, they called H.'J.:lj . ....

di t nin aojnotliiD-: oi a JOCIRO oi' nch mnt. 1 Soxunl V:.::.„:-••<• t ) . . . ; r . _ ^ , L . , . . . V . flil^ .:. -,'•'<>•' W - : ••


be Vlru FnMcnxcr Train In rhe iVerlJHDII lite Vint Ilnlhrnx Accident.

In. fioso gootl old days—"all days aregood when old," says Byron—tlie " Hull"In Aldgnte, tlio "Swan with two Necks" inXiidd Lnne, Iho " AISRCI " nt Islington, andJ10 " WIJUO Horse Collar," Tiecadilly, weretho Rrcat coaching houses , of London.Merely to liear these names j mentionedbringn to tlio old-timer pleasant fnncirfi of;mvcling by mall through merry roads, withblooming hawthorn nnd chestnut trees, thelurks alngtafi aloft, tho vllUgo hells and thosmith's hammer tinkling In tho dlstanco,

id the roa<hido inn with its swinging Riga»nd It* snow-whito watering-trough, itsbuxom landlady, and its bustling hostlers.At each of theso hotels from 400 to COOhorses wcro itnblcd, and their work wait con*fined to within fifty milea of tho metropolis.How many coach-horses would bo requiredto-day to accoraodato the Ingres* nnd egressof the travelers coming to and going fromthe modern Dabylon ?

When I was a hoy I well vfincmhcr Ihotransportation of tho xen coal from the"bank," us l]io pit's mouth was called, totho barges on the Tyua Ity ineaiu of ntcam,but nobody ever dreamt of beftig carriedthemselves by nurh n motlvo power, nndeverybody langhcil at the Urcrpoolmrrrlmntaand bankers who lint entertained thu ideu,nud brought intu the llou*i of Commoui thebill for tho Liverpool A MnnchMter Kail.

... - Joe Hump, " sum tottlo Joe," declar-cd it a preposterous notion that a speed offour miles im hour could bo attained, amikept up with u ten-kettU) for a horse.

Hut somehow or olhpr it was Impossibletogtoji tlio mlvent of steam. Cnnnl com*paiiieH aud coaching combinations howledabout the ruin of vested interests, mid whllo

inroad at a colliery, or a lift from thoTyno or W'cnr Side waa all very well, thoidea of a machine that would either pmh'orpull a load iu addition to moving itself waaUio bight of absurdity.

Thu first lime it wit* nctually dune, 'I WASuot, like John Gilpin, "Ihcro to see," butit wiui about 1820, and the Journey wanmade from Stockton to Ditrlington, ninetytons being drawn ci^ht tnilex an hour.

All thta titue Gcorfjo Sti-phcnsou i.nd hision lt« b* rl were Inisy nt work, aud the" Ituckel" was the mmlt, nnd on the lGlhof Septcmhrr. 18110, it and seven oilier loco.motives, built on tho same model, wereready nt Liverpool for the grand opening ofthe Liverpool & Manchester ltnllway. I•KM but n. young shaver then, hut I wasthere, I went all the ivuy from Itnmsay, Hiuit.iliyd'inshirt', vpydnwn in <hn tili> of Fly.fen-s willi my. father, to aco tho ," uisw..faiiKled failure ;"l.ut smnrhow it did notnrovo a (uiluro after all, nnd Init for onetad', ft.-riaus aceitU'iit, IVILH a (•lorlous day&uil a dvcMt-d triiisiph. IVUiit a day thatwiw for Liverpool! Every instrument Of

TausiiTin ili'u~citv,Tiud fiiVlOO iBilcshad bet'ii got toyutlicr and were beingHcrupc'l, blown, beaten,' twanged, raid oper.ntcd upon ut once to,an accompaniment ofchurch belli and hoobiing canuoni." Every

nwe-top was crowded, flagH wero flyinprom every available eminence. Thousandsipou thousands of people lined both sidoai tho iuml fur milea, with expectation to bt;ipencd into wonder nnd admiration marked

a their faces. .Aud didn't the Man.•tor ule How! Barrels wero tapped iuslrcet-s, and temperance was nowhere,us abuiit 11:30 in the forenoon .when all


A mih^jwl man complains of tho COMwith which ony one con obtain from Jurieslargo damages ogoinst. coporatlonfl forillght or imaginary grievances. Thereaaonu not far to seek. Tlio Juries nro drawnfrom tho people, nud tho peoplo Bcnemllyuo prejudiced ngatnst corporations. Theybavo often occasion to know their nrrogftnea>ud rccklcsuucss, their disregard of amiconstant encroachment upon others' rights,and their indisposition to acknowledge anycontrol or power nbovo their own wills,•cherries and plans. Whether Vondctblltever said " the public bo d—d," or not, thopublic wcro quite willing to bdiovo ho Mildit, because lie, or other.corporate powers,have eipresecd the sentiment in actionswhich speak louder than words..._ .^. .„•.;._

Itecently two men recovered Inrgodamages for being ejected from a train—one because tlie two companies which, wcrorepresented on lib? ticket lind quarreledJSIICO bo bought it, and ouo refused to rc-colvo i t ; tho other becausa his ticket wo*an " excursion ticket," which tho companyt

nukuowii to him, lind " called in." Inother wnnlfl, both tUcso companies under-took to Impair tho obligation of n contract,iu regard to which they aro very aeusitlTeand scrupulous when tho Leglsluturo thrcat-cus to deal with them.

A fresh instance of corponito inwftlc-no In(nmUbod by tlio Third Avenud HallwayColnjinny in New York whose trucks greatlyImpede the cross travel of tho new Brooklynhridgo owned by tho peoplo of tho twotitiesi. .This rallivny company has had tlioprivilege of tho streets granted it until thoprivilege is now claimed as a prescriptiveright. Tlio President of the company saysthat thu corporation will not give up " onofoot" of tho grouud to which it is " entit-lled." 11 If tho bridge finds that wo am In


Homanllo Career »f n M»a WhoJoined (be fitragt:

few day BIDCO a HermojiUo dispatch in*mncod tho wounding and copturo oi B

rlillo man, euppoaed to bo L. K. Btroetcr,rhUo heading an Apaoho foray. SlietUr U' oat SO yean oV «g& and was bom la Call'

ifa, his father bolnj eaptnta of an Eng-mcrcluinttnQti trfldlog on tho' tflciflo

it and tits mother a natlro Californlan.lib boyhood or early manhood very littlekuowfl, lio first coming Into notiea lalmnn by his connection aa cleric with tbo

Oarloa Ageaoy daring Governor Safford'fladministration ia Ibis Territory. Wlillo

tare he had Bomo difikolty with tho ofll-:hls, &\uncd, It Is said, by his giving aid andimfort lo liostilo Apaches. - Uo left there

mJJonly and wont ctralgut for tho camp ofalt and Goronlmo," which waa then near

ti Vaso, on the lioo between Sonom andhlhuahun. It in ataUd that whilo bo wai

tbo Bfjoncy bo bcoomo enamored of aq a w belonging to tho tribe and it was thin[act that Induced bis leaving civilization to

;t bis fortunes with tho Apaches. Oov.ruor BafTord offered a largo reward for bLipwiBlon , aomo at/irios placing thoaount 03 blgU 03 $.',000. Ho was not up.feuded, however, and has never retoraodArizonn. :Ho U Enid by tho^o koowing btm lntlmnto-to bo very intelligent anil well educated,

manuscript now iu tho bauds of thsrittr, written whilo Strcctor was at Grand-

1, goeD to prove it. Ha speaks the Apaebillaloot fluently nud U eald to bavo great In*lucnce vrltb them. Ilia Btandiug among tb«

igos, by whom bo ia known 03 Don Cas-eamiro, may bo soon whon it is kuown thai

eldest son of Ohief Goronlmo Is namodir him.—Tombstone Republican.

was to summon assi.fttiiice, fnr she feared111 wiw dementi'tl, but he Ktoppod her

and soon convinced hur that bis story vue ami then related to her his) \mt life.To a'correspondent ut the "J'imt* Him'i

old hisiitory. He said when ho loft Haul-ig he went ta Virginiu. 1 Here, wlion tliiir broke out, ho wiw forced into tha rubel[•my, nnd when on Uu< inarch ti» f J*'ttyiihiii-t{

lie CHcapoil, but was rcmplur^d m:d plucodm board a war vessel. He ngi'in os«ipnd,nid then mada hU way wirstwiird, only tc)u enpturtid by hostile Indium. For 11 tinuiuTW!i>tlu-ijl"ii1i:li'Mu'pvi.i.v.HT.1".l>ut eventuallyie adopted their habitri aud* mode nf life studivfts looked )ipqn an u im'iutar of th>; -trilj*?.He liveA witli his red Inethrun fifti'tu"jvtirs,Mid during that time Ifiimed nevfind din-

Tl.t-ii cutRO 11 yearning for llic hointof hi» youth. "Hu'lNidc'liiH Biivagu frieudi

l, went to l-'nuice, uiul uftur 11 hrielJiojouru there rutuvned to Aiueriea via Cuba.

Then. I ounio to'; Iteadiny," soi'rowfnlljconcluded the nged ltd venturer, " and I willleavcjiijaiu as iniiotly as I came. Tho cityis strange to me, tho people nro all utrimgcand oven my own tumily do not seem l<recognize inc. I will leave for tho SouthIhave-frieiiily^thcro.'-V-AndJ^.-^pt-hiword, for ho lyftiis,Huddenly an ho civmo,not oven bidding hia wife and cuildrcnfiiro-'well',—i'AV&^/V


At tho head of tbo Canton Canon in th<Count Itango Mountains, California,; standthree tall pillars of 7ock almost as largo afthe Egyptian pyramids, arid nearly, uiiietl;of the KiLine wizo and tiliupc. Around Uicr.pillaro are now camped luoro than a tbou-Band pcoiile, attracted there by thrco blackeyed Mexican .'women. Tho leader iswidow of tho famous Mexican bandit. Jon

j-quin . JIurictt.i;SS!ie .lion -been . thyre-fotwonty.ftvo yearn, tho other two not no long,rhoy profess:te> |seo cpirita ' l i i l y a '

h h h i l l

Hiy. 'lliere were four carriages to eachigine, making eight separate trains, carry,ig altogether near upon 1,000 people. Thooad wis a double track, but both tracksera employed, the first trniu monopolizingue, Bad tho other seven following eachiher on the parallel line. Tho start was at•ngth mail*), without any. mishap. Awayout the first passenger trains over run inlugliuid (or t.lB6where), do^-n tho Smton

luoliua ami over the Snnkey viaduct, BOVCU-tccuml'M to Farkhurst, Uio •" Korthniu-iriau," cfvtryiug Wellington,-Feul,' Wlliam

iiRUttpn, M. V. for Liverpool, ami otheritablcs, ncceleruting or retarding her speed

an tho south lino to permit her crew to ex-an'iiue any points of interest 3r see the olhor

. skiiii upon their way. AU went well

[hough thny were in tho ilctli and to ho\«lconversation withthem. Wieu tho spiritsarrive theso women meet them, go throng!tho form of shaking hands, kissing and. tall:to tiitunan to tlio Hyiuc^—Tlio gist of theii•UJaching ifir'tliaVtho"tlTrtie"rocka i\re hollo1

iind are really gorgeous tPiuploB, and thatiiuoxt month a potent padre will como fronMexico and open tho^ doors of theso templi

'to-hollovcra; r.that^onee^insi(ler.ctich^..'wi'possess his or lier aQluity rcgardleHaiof pro-viouii iniiritid relations. The sick.nro lairin front of tho rocks and ioon manifest signiofv recovery. ..So .many of ^OiaiMexicans,Porlu'niiHe and others iri tho valley have hecomb infatuated with'tho now tloctrino, tinmiwL of Uio muges are without Uio noct


Its way," ho ndda, " it can sink Itticlf andpuss uudor tho railroad."

Agniu, the sleeping cur companies makotheir porters lower each upper berthlight, whether occupied or not, BO that tho

person having the lower berth nhall notJoy more comfort than in bought. Thoobject is to mako It necessary for anywho requires n whole section to pay accord-ingly. The Illinois [.egi*luluro 1ms novHindi) a law providing that any person payIng for a double lower berth iu a sleepingcar " shall have thu right to nay whetherthu upper doulilu berth Hindi bo v\cloned until mich upper berth it actuallysold nud occupied," and that thereupon iiiliti'l be tho duty of tho conductor or porter" lo comply with tho request of auch per-son or persons.11.. „_., ^ '.

" These are all nelly annoyances, but Intltf aggregate, they imiiually mal:o them.BOIVOS EOUiiibly feit. Tho pubh*e reseutsthosu aniioynuct'E, and especially tho ui>>rogant spirit which dictates them. It is forthis reason that whenever tho public .getrth"cli:iin.T ';• ft'l'-xi-Jt'*2yv--au*M;ith thegusto balked by Its hmuility to balance

.sonata with the corporations in any .other

• a y . _ . ' _ , • _ . . „


Old Si has been a careful reader of th«reports about tho Civil Sen-ice Commission(aid uii 1'iiilny UuKu uiil on the subject:. -

Dis 'ere coantry sir' lieio1 run by tvmany kumuiLshuim tcr suit me!"

""" Knse ebery tinio dar's suinpin tor 1

Ayer'a Snrsnpnrilla la tho most effective')oii-piirifyer ever tie vised. It in TCCCM-'tilled by the best physicians.


Senator Jones, of Nevada, hud gone toCalUonila with thousand.* of others when

ia wonderful discovery of gold iu that far-" laud thrilled every hamlet nnd village.

had good and bad fortune. Amongiose who want to tieyk their fortunes there3 a man named Hayward, from Vermont.iywaid bad a claim on Iho mountain-side,

int iw yet had shown no particular prom-; still he stuel; to it, Ono hot summerv, wheu, tho Hcd Hills wcro quivering

ith boat. Uavward camu to EGO -Tones,lid he :

Jones, I am very Lear to n wonderful

1 ready, . the "KorUi'imbrKUi" led

ip'to this point,"but hero ocfatal accident which uindo tho

rredthntitini- of

dun -16"'

ic first railroad u, day of iningled joy andibrrow—joy for tho success-of the./jinder-

il. sorrow.,. foi thu ^srhieli ilejirived' Liyorpoof u'~ its newlysleeted member of Parliament,' free trade

one of its curliest champions, nud. GreatBritain one of her most experienced diplo-

its nnd eloquent orntora.- While the lo-iiiutli-es weru tiikiuy in water Mr. HuskiK-

BOU quit his carriage and went to shakeilli tho Dnlte of Wellington. >Vhil«

BO doing the Itocket passed on the otheilino, tint M. I', became confused and fright-ened and iu his flurry ran 011 the track. Tnvuintliu ungineor tried to stop thu enyiuo.

th t i b k i b t hthe btniosmim, brcakdiK both3g and thigh, auiPotherwiso so injuring11111 that )iu died tl5k«inio. night, after being,

carried' torth6~vicariigu"of-"EceltH.-^Thomrnoy of tho trial trams was made to Mun-

chwtciy.hnt a ..Rloom .which ^could.i.nqt££)a."."ivlpate'il liad be'en' casl'-over-'tiro^diiyV' and:he triuui]ih of tho cngiuccting consumui'i-tiou was siiddencd "'V ~Yfj\.—JJ»idtfH Cir-

l die from nugloct to properlyBloodr CoiiBtinntioii Dyn-

Uar's du 'Lcctoral Kummisshun, wharputdiwrong pig in do pen; do Tariff' Kunimi;-.bun whnr upset do rebbiuuso, took off d«

w! on do rich man's Qjipctitps an' put ' ]>oor man's bougriness, on now con^iliil Sarviss Kummisshun, und do fi

lu-k hit mecks for rcfawu hit eau't hau'liliithn Hword but jess hamstriugs hiteelf 1"

"Well, it did mako a mistake, but per-haps it will do better from now on."

"Mebbe so, but i' mighty poolhopes (iu it. Yer seo, inos' folks is in faboiof siliil sarviKs pervided dey ran dosurviss—an' dej'B iu fahor ob "rufiirin per-vided hit don't refttrni • ileni outen er jobHit's lilte 'bnsiii* de lottery fur er swin'letwell ytT draws er prize yertfef— deii yer arwillin' to swear hi'.'ti tie bes' instushun suncNoah liiiilt hU ark. Dut's humiu1 uatur a!ober and no kununishun ai1 gwine tor rfc-f a r u i i t . " • •:."• • - • . - . : • • • • ••" .

The old man wont to samplu -some b<naiins nt the freight depot.— Georgia J/i.

The symptoms nifi moisture, likft-pftiipirulioit, iuteiiBO itcliinir, iucrcaRtil Iijcrftfcliing1, very distressi-iy, particularly <nifiht, seems as if pin-worms wcro crawliihi and about tho rft'climi; the private partnrc Home times fiffotted. \i allowed to CODinue very serious rcsulta may folloi•SW'AYNE'S OINTMENT" Is a plon

.mt sure cure. Also for Tetter, Itch, SalRheum, Scald HoaJ, Eryfiipelus, BnrtwiItch, Blotches, nil scaly, crusty Skin D,eases. Sent by mail lor 50 cents; 3 bo:ca, $1.25, (iu stamps). AddrcsH, BlSWAVNK._& SON, Philadelphia, P

ThoiiBiinH g o prop[rent Impure Bloodr CoiiBtinntioii, Dpepsia, Jlalurin, Apoplexy. Liver, KH t Diact cs Dropsy n d ltl

, yKidney,itil-jQi-t'niaent CH,' Dropsy, nnd ltluittmul

But to the'debilitated, bnrdoneJ with miclisorioiiB sIckncHS, wo eoiiHciontiously recom-mend "SWAVNK'S VILLS," wlucli con-tain ppsstssml by no_ rinedyT-Spiit'liy'miiiri'or-Jii licntsr

W.nHl8J^fi.b{acat=Sl,'.-(irtAl''nll«1)<.j , mi aVVAYNB & SON, I'lilln-

delphia, Vji-_So](l by VJrnggish. ,;

JnrvisBniflh, who helped to nmko thodied n few days

; nnii

pin ft practical,tucecss, died6inco.ll)r. J.J.'Howe in. IKoiaoiiincTfor ma'ciuB plnn out1 of winJurvis Bmsli established iu 1810 Uio Amen-.ciui novo Flu Company, of lUnnliiBhaiu,


-"^Avd"'itonoV;'wiV"niloi'\VelioVo"-in~imakuig, but the fatoa ^evidently inteuditluwo two for each other.; This ia'partfira"Dr. J. R. Owoiis, of Loxineton, Ky.^isvery unfortunnto man. Iu thu last fl'months he lias injured himself- sever*Inks than six different times.. Ho fell offstablo, had his car bit off by a vicious lionand nearly bled to 'death'; was kicked "iinotherborfio and hud up . B o m o t i n i

sprained his ankle onco and about ton da;•mo fell while climbing through a corn cri'

Ldoor.nii'l inJnrrd:lHB back so badly ttrnjoh1 wliM nouunoiUo his bed for overal days,

AVid this I'Tptirtlsecond::""' Ar young' Inin ltatlii'Mo., who ia only about 30 yeiold, and in her short life gins ha« only hotstruck" by lightning twice \ has beent'd hy robbers ouco; has been npparonldrowned twice, abducted twice, and wwith numerous accident!' with horses, n:still Mho is halo nud hearty. In addition:*tho lady's other troubles, she has been neily forced into an unwilling marriage.1'—if

•frtil-fl/n/w.— -"•-"-- ^.ii——™—f.

V ''• Skinny Meii. ; ""Wells' Health Renower", restores healthand-vigor, cures 'Djspcipslo, Impotence,Soxunlpcbilily. § 1 . . ;• ; ; .: 22-9

cd" pins1 that tho world had seou. ForycarsUiiiH;coinpany manufucturedvall. thopins thai wore iiRcd in thin country and ox.ported Inrgo quantltif & to Europe. One otMr' Bniah's inoat useful inveutioiw wiut fiH-itickiug tho pins in paper, an operation[.hat.lmil been proviouFily:ionoJediouBly__b-;' ' ~ fo^vbHsT - ' • - — -



dTa fe>" iH^ESwlStTBlTiruiiiflr'"11)

' sw l t . l This ho superseded by HOH-days worlc.|acting machinery, dispensing-. wUi manymanual operations aud enabling '< one haiidto stick nne or two hundred dozeu pnpera adav.—lfartjiird Vourantfr-

11 Tlio ounco.ot prevention and poncure '•'. is foiini] in Mason & I'ollnrd' unrailing prcvcnlnlive and positive cifor ,innlai-iamiii- fever- and ngiio; . Tn<"uclibii" ia mild/and cprtaiu. >illitylo tlio pyntem its full -vigor.. ])fugg|ats.

A i r K t u i p r i:.- AVe stopped in front of R fruit,. standmorning, and lifting a. pencil from a. bnslbit into It and thoii asked.tho^price.^_Horaftflr wo sliall always aslc U T p ' i r S ^ i S 1

don't you forget to remember i

I kn it; li'ccl'it, but 1 nm tint;;ol;i-. I whnt §2,001); with that I willako both onr fortunes." " Now, old fcl-w." sn-(u Jones, " I bavs known just 1,000

ho weru in exactly you* «•.:. ' . I t jKfi'iSAL-Sl.fJUO. jHvl'Troiuetimes $100,U ttitW Ml." FiuMly Joues

iid; " I will give you this money. I:i,'tOO lnuirid under tho firi>-plnw,

mil when thu iiru goes out I will gL-t it out


A crook [3 a queer bird," wdd »n oldrity dctccUvo. " ITe never dies unless bo itihot or banged, and ho novorgeta old unlesslift U made a lifer In uomo priaon. A dnglopolice officer oalUres generat' n after gcawitlonof thloTcs."

" Da they reform ?";" Wdl, about a millionth part of them do.

rho rest ot them stny tougli till tlio cud ofUio chapler."

" ^Vhut becomes of tho olliern ?""After a few months or years of aacceu-

.'til work they get caught Ia a burglary, lar-ceny or robbery, us tho caso may tx», tiud g«to prison. When they como out again the?gcnotnlly find their old pals jugged or scat*tcrcd,Rndit makes them lonesome to goback bt tlio old spot. Besidcfi, the policoire on to them, and that makes their workJungerous. So they mostly go off on astarring tour through the country towns, ortlioy migrate to somo other city with a newtrlcnd or two thvy hnve picked up whito inIho penitentiary. After two or three ternuiIn prison they pet ' ilono up' in somo scrim*

o, or they Like to drink anil bnm them*SOIWH up with whisky. Drink makestramps of them, r>nd beforo they lira -10years old they go dcud in ft gutter or lu aten-cent lodging-house."

How do tho young thieves get their train*Ing?" -. ; ., • -•'

l( They work ut first in company with orQiidcr tho direction of old thieves. Still,iny young burglar can do a good plcc'u ofwork by himself now and then, but ho can't(to many of them before ho ia cnuylit and'settled.1 A man (joes Into crime uearljnhvoya through Idlcuess or through cxpeu>fil 70 and )vtl liabits. I have sceu numerousgangs of boys grow up together in this city .ami become, by menus of. their thoroughpool-room education, expert thieves anilburglars. But they'vi been scattered uow.Most tit them have beei» * settled' iu variousprisons, some of tbcrnl uve been shot deadhy policcmeu, somn nri ulill thieving and alaw have becomo ' straight.' But them tiroplenty of promising young burglar* nndiiiud-bnggem growing up iu the city pool-rooms to fill their plucca, and the polic*havo no reason to feel at all lonesome b»-eauso UiQ old gangu are gouo."—VMAjfji

Ifayward [jot tho money and Maid:When I Ktiike it I will give you u i'iutrter

titcrost."Oue afteruuoti about n niouth uftur thistppcitiid, .lorn-it was his cabinLuu Iluywiud suddenly hurst iu as whiteinHlM*'.Jintu," said lie, '• I have struck it I"They went together .to look at it, andiro'cuough, Iluywnnl nail "struck an Ma-IDIISO bonanmi, or "pocket," of almostmre gold. Jon us; with his experience, saw-

was ll": richest mine in California. lfay<,-itrd sold it to^ Wulls, Fargo, and sonicitlif'rs for .*5,000,000, and tho day tho sale

Jones $1,250,000. JonesiJtcrward marriud llaj-wiird's daughter,liit this is the history of iho: }"e\y Amador,md of the great start in lifo ot' Jones, olovadu.

Hull's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rnnewerlover fails in reHtoniig gray hair to ils•outliful color, lustre, anil vitality. Dr.\ A. .Havers, Stale Assayer of MDB-ihclinsettP, endorses it, nuil nil who RRVC

11 fair trial unite in gralotul testimony1 its ninny virtues. ~ •


Agood «torj- is ,-oiiig aboiit tlw-;club!concerning a New York millionaire whoown!) a big stoek farm in New Jeraey.. Hihas put in fnrco strict rules about tho ad-inittiiHce" of: curiosity-seekers, and.if onouippens to get in, ho ifl soon hustled off.L'hi! other day a nei«hboring_ fanner •calloilm hiiRlncmi Ho hml never been on thellnco before, and entering nt n «ato lu


Tha restoration, of tho rootna undertaken|>hy various States has.progressed

during tho past year nud~'s3rn!.'»Pn!k!ns, ofSouth Carolina, hopes that beforo another -year her efforts to ruiso funds to reatoro audfurnish ' that taken hy hor State—Washington's private dining room—will hictt'imtAhy success. M«/or Court-

jy, tho vory patriotic Mayor of Charleston,C.. 13 tho treasurer of tlio fund being

raised. Tho first entertainment for the pur.oso was givcu at Mrs. Fickcn^' home,MgefieldYani'another :TTOS given by her."Iftiidanohtcr. Mnt. Judgn Itanon. nt Onlumliin •1st Wednesday. • The South Carolmaroom1

Uic only ono awniting restoration. Penti-jlvonia's room,' under Mre. Langhtou'snanagenient, has been entirely furnishedith furniture actually used by General •-"ashlngton, Uie carpet only excepted, foi .is said among all his orders for household

no record of his ever ordering or buy-ig a carpet has yet been found.Among the improvements vithin.a year,...Mount Yernon axe a now fence, a new

Irivo from the landing Jo tho mansion^ »^V""urge and. comfortablo uewfraij^unch room.djoining the kitchen, wherc-visitors ait to ;;nt lunch while waiting for tho boat, and u ~jld of eighteen acres planted in wheat from

rhich a nua crap is expected.' The very hi- ••. •;.lement whiter nnd extraordinarily lateipring have seriously reduced tho receiptsrom visitors this, year.- The boat couldmako no trips during ono entire fortnight lastwinter, when tho river was frozen. It hueitoppcd its trips on week days only once be-';:ora iu five years on accouut of tho river -

ng closed by ico. That was in tho -will-of 1880-81, when it was unnavigublo for

about five weeks. . ' • • " ' .

Boforo Senator Mahone, of Virginia, caino :'•into power tho Legislature of that State al-ways appointed a Board of Visitors to go tollount Vcraon during tho - Council of theilegents and attend to business witli them. .Sinco the Mahone nduiinistrntion began' 00 /board, hna,,been;..appointed.—iW

found open wasrit

strolling "round, lookitigh th,. tho superintendent, when tho mm

,-ho happened to bo there, encounteredim. Supposi'iig him to ho merely an idlerr prying person, he asked him what ho

mm doing there. The fanner, takai absclby such nu ntldrcm, replied: " Nothinff,1

Tho owner said: " Do you know at whit Igato you enmo in?" ."I do," said tlifanner. .•'Well, then," mid the m" get out thevo ns «wn -as .you. can;"tho furmcr walked out. Shortly after th<Huperintendent came up and, inquired ifHoighhor;Ko-and-su-had--boon-there.-Hfwas"the only ono anywhere abeut who ha<Smher they wanted..very inu?Ii, and the;

lutcdit immediately. Ho had _10' come that morning to sco about tho sidiof it. " Well," said tho''6mm at the ft''• T Hiioiililn't wonder if-I had just sent hiui'off with'a lieft in his ear. I found a" maistrolling nhoul hero, and supposing him tbo'ono of theso fitragglors I cleared him outWhere does ho live ? I will drive oversee him." Oflfho started at onco. Kea'ch

him bcgaiTaFnpologyi but wan "cut short b,tho ianh»;r,-. whOTiuquircd-ifhc^Jiiiew.;:which' gato ho ciuuc iu. Ho said ho did"Then," Bays tho,fitrmor, " I want yougot out as quick as you can j " and tho o\vn<of the stock fara wasobliged to depart.—'Xi'at Yvrk.Tribune.^

Never befito Uris'n iomeily of so mudmerit nu Elyn'-Oronm Bnlm.. for the curof Ontarrir, Hay Fever nnd' Oolite m tlihead, -lieoti1 olToral to • tho pnblio. NaKsadratt6iidiiig-.tho'-upi)H(aUo?ir-Irii5 0 c e n t s . •"' ' • •- '" - •• • • ^ ^ T i0 Apply into ntutills with liflla nnger,

r""For-Lrefttment of (Jatarrh^oUUm t!

ing iho moat fuvonujlo repbrta bE its ouraUvo effociB.;:;it.i8.cKsy^nnd;.afirc:ciiolo_ •

Since 'b'oyliootl I havo; been troubhwith Ontnrrh nnd Hay Fftver, and unabV_" ':i."i"-r"-^LI;;_;'.-^T.i' iAlSAfiWlno*1 llrnnBnTm bus cured 1




Tliero is'a rcraarkoble salt lake, situated , tT.50 milea west and south of Albuquerque,1 iuv" :'J^ '• ;:'«:*!^ew Mexico, and tbout fifty miles from tho • ZArizona lino. The lako'is.located on the - '':

top of a volcanic mountain, and evidently ' : * .luupies an oxtinct crater. Tho lake is pet- ..ips threc-qiuirtera of 0 milo in diameter,'. ,

,.jd ia so'strongly impregnated with salt V.Unit a" thick crast of puxo white unit "of a-...-. , ;,consistency liko' floating ico encrusts the '/.

urgin. It ia HO plentiful that it i» cftiried - - „ !.:•,vuy by Uio wAgon1 load.-,-It has been•.-.Ir" r~:' • '•

used hy tho Indiana. nn" -"1* in <"^"*"o g

Tho salt is white, ofiho.purest qu .llty and deotituto of sand Or ,'''; " ^any foroigu ingredient. The texture is""poi""™^------—-*--rouH liko congealed ivhito foam. ;.• Thero waa V';.'ouoflpeciiuou inelosing Uie stem of Bomtt•egetuble and can be handled like an applo' -,;

lyitsfitem. : But tho curidug feature of thia'; lako is n tall circular column, of monument.' :;*shaped formation, which rose_u]> noar th* . -'-center of the gate to Uio highfof. 100 - feet,imV.which appeared1."'to bo compbsedrolwhitb'lava thrown up by some convulsion ->during some ancient geological period. The •;;outsldo of this singular column sloped from ' /tho.l'ase :t'»ward tbn- tn\t,,-nml^WiW rough.-^euoiigh to enalilo it tti^bo iisccnilcd. Ou: . ,Teaching'thu top of tho couo tlio interior was '""•"found to he hollow liko n tube, and nt tho

11 therfl was KRCU 11 circular pond of r 'TTiiter with n triglitMiiemld color in appeti!'-;

:,' probably, to bo attributed,to the-'Bpttrso.^vnji"iiaiit~wiiwh""i'ie«Blmted thislingo tulio,' and. wero reflected frovn"~Hhasmooth, mirfneb of tliu"'water,A. party with soino diffleulty descended thoprojecting sides of the interior of this bowl;'and they fiTuuil uoinohifilftUoiw^of-BaH'-oa"-""the Gurfuco likuthntoit tho outsidea, bnton^:>thrnstiug the.jlinud into Ui» >vat_er and. with- ;>,"drawing it, the haiid" eaincVoutvperfeetly^'whitcfiuiu thopai-ticleaof siiltlhutiidhored^:'*-to i'«~!':.Itv'iisovli:i«iiitly-tivory6trcng:brinB,'1:.:"-:—A*'J* iCtrrixoxiii St?.i Louis Republican.'.... •

ractice,",.is:Uio^^V".^*A P t f : r ; & p ' !

"T "LprescrilieTitTininy""practiccV'nis•"tlio~-expression uaod by Dr. J. A. Patinorv of'Riley, • Ind.,.:. Ho, referred lo Samaritan,Nervine,- i.auil .ftitUiPr.n^oiiR aaya " I f

Page 2: WASHINGTON STAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · ore who had mndp their fortunes long ago, From nil necauntf),-it.-W!W a stone 0 medium Bizo, but rare color and fire—i alone- which

.'. •.-^~^-*^r"-™5^wvw^"ti*'^V^«'P^.SBit'v-«^a




The Star.

J1.50j(rTi«t, tnAdtiMt.


TOM TUWIU DOB.—General Tom

Tliumb who has enjoyed such tin ex-tcudod notoriety on account of hi>mnnll ntnturo <licd lost Sumlay morn-ing niiout 8:30 o'clock, nt his holmin MiiWIoboro, Muss. Uin rcnl linnuwns Charles Hoywoml HlmUoii. Hom born in Bridgeport, Conn., Jan.

: 4|li, 1838, making him 1"> yem-s oldwhen ho died. Hln pnroiitH wero olordinary stature and physique and iuvf-ry moderate. eirciimfttaiicc». Inhiiboyhood ho was nlwnys known mi"liiltle"-Slralloi, nnd was n very l>ro-rocioiu youth. 1'. T. Bamuiu livslexhibited him to lira public in De-cember, 1811 Iu 1817 ho travelledthrough Europe with 1'. T. J5iimuiunnd again in 1S57 iu company MIIUCordelia Howard, the child actrcsbeing admired nml petted wheroverhe wont. He wns nmrricd to LnvinaWarren on February 10th 1803.Tlio wedding was n grand affair anilwns attended by distinguished rill-r.ons from all parts of tho country.Ho was ono of tho most rcmnrknbledwalfs erer born. His form nnd face\voro perfect in their symmetry nt thetirao he wns first BIIOKU to the publi.

- and that, together with his naturall;winning TOWS, nmdo him jnnip intopopularity at once. Wieu tiret shown

. lie was twenty-six inches tall anj weighed nineteen pounds. His growl. wns very slow and when he htul arriv-

ed nt tlio ngo of twenty-four years hewas but thirty-two inches tall.

Se'ln-Ki) HIM HKIIIT.—A tramp, laslThursday night, knocked nt tlic domof the residence of Mrs. Mary Farley'Xow Bmuswick, nnd in nnswer torequest for something to ent wns tollto wait. Instead of waiting, he followed her into tho bouse andnu insulting remark. Slip was alon

• and without protending to hcnrhii' ' entered a renr room, locking tho doc

after her. She then lundo her. wa;through a window and over a sheito tho adjoining residence ofHntlopp, whom she told of tinmatter. The gentleman went

Mrs. Farley's and incetiithe trniuTVsC'Unioniiiin ancl gave hi:a terrible thrashing. After beatiihim until he was limp Hadopp fairl1-icked him beyond tho city limiIf the insolence of these rascal

- tritiiips always met -with a proper re-ward there would be more such in-stnraesas this to record.'

Tacorna, in Washington Territory,destined in tirao to rival if notlipsc,, Iho Queen City, at tho (lold-

Oatc. Situated at tho I'acifie•rmimis of tho Northern PacificInilroad, it in growing with thataarvellous rapidity that character-zes now "Western towns, but withlia difference, that thoro is no. ron-

ingcucy by which Inulo can bo di-crtcil iuto other channels, and thusitop ita growth. Nearer the orliau San Francisco or Portland ilitands nt tho bend of l'tigot Sound,in Commencement Bay, with a depthif 1100 feet of water al herdiarvcs. l'ugets Sound in c>pen

tho ocean and is thirteen milesong, with nu avernKO depth ofCO feet. Tacoma, until its selection»y tho Northern Pacific ltnilroad,vas n small settlement, lint now pop-ilation is pouring in in Mich mini-iern that houses cannot bo furnish-d. Tho railroad is building im-nenso shops, grain clnvntors, coalircakci-H and other public works, thatill draw an army of operatives.

But thirty miles from the new citycoal measures equal to tho larges'cnnsylvania fields, have been do.-eloped, and railways arc iu progress:hat will supply Hie whole Paciiii

A Losn Sixi:i'.—The Slate of Con-necticut, and more particularly tho

li of Xewlon, in Fairlield county,is deeply interested in the case otyoung man named Thomas Vk. Platt,who dropped asleep last Christmasiiiel has not waked up yet- To b

sure, he has recently shown symp-toms of having about slept it. out, hasbeen dressed and undressed, and,guided by some tender reminiscence!of the halcyon past, lias found liiiway to tho pantry where the pies ankept. But he lias not spoken a won'nor evinced tho least interest inconsciousness of the things abouthim—excepting the pies. Ho hasalways lived in his father's house,

il iiad been a faithful workerhis father's farm until the presentmalady overtook him. ; One day lastsummer, iu the hay-field, he felt uu-well and lay down under a tree torest, and it was surmised that he wassun-struck, for he has acted unnat-urally ever since, although it wasseveral months before he began hislong sleep.

Orange Judd, former publisher ofthe Afiricitlhirisl, made an assignmentlast Thursuny, for the benefit of hiscreditors. Ho has not been connect-ed with, tho publication of the A;;>•/-

CHOP PKOSPECTB.—Eoports from all

inrts of Iho Missouri Slopo indlcatolliat Iho crops aro in line condition.It in estimated that tlio cliliro slopowill yield twenty bushels per ncre.Tlio raina during tho past week havo

lalerially improved tho outlook.

Earnest Longfellow, tho poet's son,has mado ft selecliun of twenty ofhis falhor'u poems, which ho will il-lustrate. Tho subjects are mostlylandscapes, nnd tho picture* will ho

mdo of tho scenes themselves.

Vi'tu. FIXED.—It in claimed thatex-Senator Bruco is tho wealthiestcolored man iu lliis country. Amongithor possessions ho nwim two Inrge

plantations in Mississippi worth morethan $100,000 each.

Mrs. Lniijjlry is writing " '"""k <™:he society and institiilions of theUnited States. Wonder if she willmention "Freddie" under HIP licauof "society" or treat of him iw <mo otho institutions.

Mark Twain hits discovered sonicthill)! in the world that isn't funny.Ho is just recovering from an attackof rheumatism.,

Tho Prohibitionists of Massachu-setts will hold a Slato convention onthe third Wednesday in September.

u s S i i A i i r . A t Triituiiiilhv M.".« . - . .lulv III.. ISVi. l.y Itav.M. II.M W 1 Ainlfmm "I l l d

Axmiiwux-liliAiir.—Al TiMir*im:ii:i-. .lulv till. IS*!.l.trl: Mr. Win. .1. AIIIIOTOII. "I H.ilriii*iin.-,X. .1,. l.i Mlw Mulllti V. Sharp, i.l Traii'iullllv. ''

"I'vSi'.'li'.'vraiiKi" f l i r t O.'rWIjT. •i(X,


teWiii Open to Case,«nnnri»c(Mr«l by tlin

American Watch Co,Waltham.Mass.

Tliia coflO Is formed In ono solid i>tccewithout joint or seam, opening in frtwt only,

iiw avold'ng tho muni Or;', ami seeminggreater strength nod duratilily.TIICKO watches arc nil oyatftttc. 'ilio bezel,

itn wliich on calm (itroiiff cryital U GttcJwith an eflpecally|]reitarcdvatcr-i>roof ce-ment, is attached lo, tho caso' t y screwing

ireou, ai)iHhuKfi>rrosan<iir.H(jht juuc-n-i tii tlio body of tho cose, iv[" '

iroof tigaiunt dust And lvo'tnluK.To railroad men, travelers, uiincra,

umltcrmcn, ami others who tiro ahnait con-tinuity cxjKiECil iiinl nho hnro (a tnakn fro-jnnnl reference li> Iho watch, Uicw qualtics nrc ofttic n<iil'><it importiinrt'.

Tlir futluulitc IrllrrM (el! tliplr»nn H|«ry.

VAMWSTA, flnoitnu, July '10 1682."1 sold ono of your Puteut Dust l'roof

Cnsos about (en months ago, ami tlio otherJav it enmo -back to me with Ihu rc^ucsllo'mnke it wind entifer. On cxaminiuioiiI found that tho Rtcm wns nialy, and I in-|uire<l into llic canso of it. Tho Rent tomanitated to me ttmt he wns Btiirting KC

saw-lop* ibnt hml hnlgcd in iho bendtho river, when his chain caught ia a bushnnd threw tifc watcli into about twelve footof wntor, and lie wns nbout two hours fimling it. Vihcn ho got it out it wns runninind ho Uionglit nil right. In about Hirenotitbs he found that tlio stem wus hnnc 'urn nml sent it to nit1. •

1 enn say that tho wntch Is all that thocompany claims for it and recommend ilto all railroad and mill men.

Ai.™i«-STOiT.-.lnuc imli, 1SS1.lll M K by H'-v

T n ii . i « S T O i T . . l n u c i , SS1. nl Tniiiilllllv M. K. parr.Miimi-.. by H'-v. -I. II. >•«•iVrl -.'Cmrer « ' . Ailmm I" >I»1IM» -I. * " »Imlli'iif I'orl Murniy.

-it, N . J ..1.

SOUND TALK.Wluil illicit » Woiillomnn »>r Nf«i

HIUI innv l i e Awcittfil i* » l t of4i«otl AdVlce.

'IThtrc IB no (limcultj Iu pUclt'8 the tulilecJlecase anil its remedies wlicru It belonu'i amonitopici of conversion," »,ii«t Mr. Usnl^l ilmtlof tliu firm of Ilattlwln iCo.,oncof lheo!J BI

'K^S^ica'uhtV.mcynoi'io*^0'--- "'"*I talk of trml a» frctly itn we ilucy.muVlD^l ir w* aifciirxedn>r we eliouid know wore usuut IIr »Mc to take cm- uf ttictu valuatibodlM "

iuce.of Irinle nt.e "ubjtct 01an'l t>a ht-lb l l

tTE'KEJlEby. aubclniiiIiL'unletu har.dte- '

iwSnn lotryidlL-ct-tfon anJ Wli«nu i

d m r n c d u c

I alont li BavVin: for


V FAVOR|iuo<l tinlid. "b'S you kiiow.ii

icrctinntw! itu

il a iiliyK'trlt

ril tliu iact tint It h« h* uitr buu^v't M rt'ini'Oy VVLhum H-bu i- our rtru^l^te llrm or Smith* Holl ulw

UF.MEHY III stt'vlc."i« tltdr niinibcrt"

^ H f l ^ l . 1 . ) |.4«^« | # » » - J « - ^ » » » » — . - >>t| I I I ! K H I . I t l l l i | | | l b | l l l l u i l l l l , , ! • • ' • »i. '» » • -

cuniii'M iii-.several yenrs but has ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ j ^ ' ^ . V S l B - " ! ? . ^ ' ^ " " "biifcueugngcd l!irgeTy~'iTrT6ai est'rJi! [J Vt ~'*^^ ir Uj *V ^ ^ "^^ i:lvv eiVcn th'


nut Land and Coitl Company ofBales County, Missouri, was incor-porated last Saturday, with n capital

.stock ol $1,000,000. The iucoriwr-atoPaareGov. Foster, ex-Speaker "Wni'-ren Keifer, Congi'essman Amos Town-sonfl, Senator Plumb, of Kansas,Senator Miller, and Thomas M. Kicli-ol, of Isew York, John Scullen, of

IjfluiSt- Bfc. J. ^Vaters of FortScott, Kan., tHiT^trann^ L. Eice, ofButler Mo. The object of the com-pany is the establisbmcnt of tho pro-posed town of Walnut iu Bales Coun-ty and tlio development of adjacentmilling lands

•'•'•• IMMIGIUTION.—The Bureau of Sta-tistics report during t Jie past iiscalyear

1 599,114 immigrants, being 189,878less than the proceeding year, and

;,••. 70,317 less than in lsSO-1. Ql the, _ number last year 191,043 ivore: from

Germany, 79,852 ••• England, G3,72O, Ireland, 01,971 Canada, U/M Swc-_ den, 111,715 Italy, 21,749 Norway, 19,-" W2 Scotland; 10,517 Aiistria nnd 7ijr

SiOi others. The: Germans fell off•-• 67,618, "•"SwotlcB '29,080, CauadiitUH

28,058, Irish 12,532, Austrians 9,572,,...'English^3,845, Xonvegiaus 0,017,~ Italians 351 and others 30,774. Tho• Scotch, increased S49.

A " S I X L " IS COTI-OK.—The first

bale of early cotton was received inNew York on Friday from Texas.I t was Bold at auction in front of theCotton Exchange for nine and a-halfcents a pound— a -fancy price. Itwas green and badly "gin cut." Abale, said to be the first of the.newcrop, was received from Savannah,Ga., Thursday, and in the rivalry be-tween certain parties to secure it asan advertisement the cotton broughttwenty cents a pound. On examina-tion it bore a suspicious resemblancetoiast seasonV' product. '---A»• South-ern cotton'cxpert scrutimV.ed it close-ly/and then rcmnrlvctl -,:.-.(.1t don't looklike new cdttoii; it don't smell likeneweptton, and it ain't new cotton."


maator-General advises the publicthat in sending newspapers, books,

.,.. pamphlets, and other articles by.; ;;;mail to foreign countries or to points; ;7; withinrtbc"tfnited States, the address

j ^ ahould alwaya^be placed on the ar-,5p;"1'™Trtioles1'encl6sed,"""aai well as"ou"their

_m"appers, so that should the -wrapr.:. pers become detached, through fric-"• . tion and movement incident to-iiinil

transportation, it will bc^still-postii-"" bits to doliver'tho article without tho

wrappers.POWDEU Exi'LOstos.—Twenty-iive

., ^^ th 'o^ 'P9 u n t ^ °* powder exploded^; in the'press room in the'.'.upper,; yard

,.. of Duttont's, powder^^vorkB iu \\ril-rmington; Delaware at'C.U5~ o'clock

V . last Friday morning. Thomas Pearl,* • , , foreman of tho press room and Pat-J rift: Haley, n, laborer, wero killed,

" h l bV another laborer.was sligbtlyinjured. Pourl had been

^. eraplpyecl at thflv^v6iiis-foj[ twenty^ yeai* _Tlfo vbuilding^ wa8_dauiagody idi the extont^f §5,000. / * "


«th, with" tho ijgsHng| saw ft gi

n.—An Indian*

(ihnrch, couH-Lhero..for two hours, and1 of,the ncxtihbuiywaH.marj

f*~sfS£^: ricd.tojior- ..-.An Ipwa.editrcss^says ;^:"A ni'amvho dqcs:nll his courting in

•wo hours,and tlien marries, misses:•. lotsof .fun. It's liko stuffing,lj-jjili -witli peaches ando creamfin^.

^.haying, dyspepsia^

transactionG, aud his linanciul em.harassment is duo to the depreciationin his real estate, oi which he owneda largo amount. Mr. Judd lias al-ivayi been a fast friend of churchesand Sunday schools and has contrib-uted largely to tlicm whenever culledupon. The international Sundayschool system washis creation. Sev-eral years ago he gave . $100,000 forthe establishment of a Hall of Xa-tural 'Science in the "WesUyan Uni-versity, Conneticut. He is aboutsixtv-one vears of age.

ALL FOR NOTHING.Why t he U o d o r unn [H*i;ii*lo«l. mill

i i l iu t mlk'Iti linv«> hewu <li»iuu l t l i u m H i m .

"Well wtr»,'-"ild nr. B—i »» lie enlwraj Illsm*v, wlilch wns "liimtcd In a cony vlltajjc It)ntml J-'tw York, ft h»v« col luck IMIO » lonitid drcKry ride away dnwn muon([ thu tnuuntaliiH,

and all to no jnupono " ' ""

the old plivhlclitn, "wnlUiwlnn the ciu> of Htt mlni-•"" -;]I!>:!I Ills wile hndjurt punred for litm.

v wux ilelit, yet riuu|i!e dolcivrn.evenih'fflowlj','^The rsnltlly tncreaeln^ ate , ol

....oil's |i]nritcr provue tblaboyond qmiiJUuii, nndlilt) i;oud Uucluinitu CUIIHUI lit Uu BiiVL'd much ul* :lr iiccUli!*!* toM, la all dliunaun capnbio ol liu-. „• nffi-tted by a plasi^r LciiBon'a ncta'y.

HEI| lit once. Thu Kcnulnu linve thu word CAT-C^Kcuilu thec4[>tre. Price 2." csula. Scabury& JotiuBOu, ChuiiisU, New York.

A Novi-i' VEKUKJT.—A story fromEngland to the efl'cct that Air. Jus-tice Moule, in passing seutenco on lymral 'prisoner, used the-'followingwords : "Prisoner at the bai",~yourcounsel thinks you innocent, I thinkyou innocent^ But- a jury of yourwii~rc6uiitryihoii;" in tlio""' exercise" of

of such common sense as they pos-sess,--win eh does not seem to' bo muchhave found you 'guilty' and it re-mains that I should pass on you th«sentence of. the law. That is, thatyou bo kept. imprisoned ono day,and, astlitit day was yesterday, youmay go about your business."

H E NEVER TaiED IT.—ProfessorHuxley liolcis that an^ aero of goodfishiiiggrqumWill yield more food

^ f i k - than, an. acre of^thp.bcBtland will i)roduco in a year. Huxleyevidftntly never tried catching fishhimself. If he had lio_wouUV knowthat ono fish to ono square mile ofwater is about tho average nowadays.


has an excellent crop thia yenr^ Hobaa about 17,000 acres in .cotton, anclif there is an average season will ship15,000 bales, - : : : ; : ; -: ; ^ g

eVt' York-is about-to^o - p 1)1 i ptod_by .tlio presence of Denma Koainey.Ho has left his native Saud Lots, inCalifornia;' and is. on hia way to NewXork, thero to enlighten and elevateIthe workinginen by., l).is[eloquence.

'%if.v tlVfi workine. mcji- ,'••;•,-B

If you wish to keep cool,

;o to the

Pliila. Oie-Pfice C l o i i Houseand ask for one of their


BLACK ALPACA.They also keep a full variety o

Straw Hats at 30c.Great bargains »ow;guing

in summer wear: AT THE .

Philadelphia One PriceClothing House,

230 NorHianiBton St., Esston. Pa.

CMXTOK, IOWA, Al'ltir. 29, 1881.I WIBII you would pond n spring fur tin

Wm. Kllcr; Walch * * * ity tho WHJthis KUery la a wnleh I solil in your Serevl k » l disc to a furincr lost fall. The ilrsof .lainmry ho lost the wuteh in tlic woami found It this week in about onu'foolof wnter. It hod lain three months nm'over in Hiinw nml water, with but l l hinjury to the watch—only l i

The abovo wore vory BCTcro tcsttf,iiiiDtiHtruIti beyond a Joubt, that for an

rcaeooablc length of time during whichwatoh might lie under water it would icivo no injury whatever.

M'e moke these cases in hotli goM amsilver and as u I'KUFKCTI.T DUHT-PHOOISTEM AYISDISO WATCH CASK.CIIAIJ.CXOI

TIII: Wont.u TO I'liooL't-'K ITS Kyi-'Ai..For Null'by nil (ir-l-t liiss J«>uclfYou can sec them C. U. I'ronch'd.


I'Ji.r. Sltcrta

\V. A. tttrliii!.'.

Philadelphia AJloodlng R- R--~* r l*i it r I !>l v



hll/iiWllriHJit fur Lone

. JI. — L'litiiiuctine "I IltuU ItrMiror'* Maiinliilti, Illuti ltr!(l«L. llr»nch, _rvUliMi.r I'k-mlnifion; at llnurnl ltruolit.m Ami I'lilhiK'iphln, nl Eli/*lj*tlipur

'.«.—Ciiii'mrullniint rinlnwrvlllc for Klem-iii Hound Uruuk Utr Tfiiilon, nml I'litli-

Tliruiiyli nir lor I.ouj; llrnncti, Ocean

1 «f-l'!.M.Coiinvcllii|> nt HIK!i 1!S.inu-rvU' ' "Trci,tor,

"i't!'!tio.-wnrit""< r j U C I i 'U t l l i 0

I'. M -Way.S U N D A Y S :

7.«:i A.M.- Stt>|tt>tni:at nil Mntlwic.

• l'hUli/»htny.

1| :i»A. M.—r'nr Scfii:i.|7 1'. M.-Ki.r-Miiud


o (HI'A*V jToti.1*! ft'i. .1:») I1. )t, Simdnj*. fi':M p.K«wirb, UriKiilbUt'el Station, uuil. n US, H. t

IM, <m,a;ti r, m. Sitiiilny<5;t,iji. m.KlllilI)t'tli,7.'.'U,9.;Wii. I". 1.37,4.3?, 6.(1.11< in. Ku.

•hy> <> i'i i' m.


MAK6LE YA.RD,J. E. IYNN. Prop., ,

i•Washinjbn, N.


" • • ' : — - I " •• • - . '

;inil< of w.»k done in.,6£!


For A.notlLer '

I) rvsx GUOIIK,Siitlorne,



—IN" Ai.r.Artisticnly nil :;Prom])ily

Kxccuful,CVni'lcrj'Plot* cnclo'eilnlttMmliLtf r,r (iMulte

foil* t;.tlvniil/V.l ).,,,i imiUni.', or

HRSTPAUIMTIES * MAOU1N*ERVf'»r erecting sif^ly Uio lin-crlmil hen vied unnn •

luuutxnnd |ie<jVint»,Apre-ita \

C A T A R R H CreamBalni" CLV/S

At the Largest Dry Goods House in Eastern Pennsylvania,

FURNITURE? FURNITURE!Tlio uinlcr-si^ncil ili-sir^i to inform I IK? \m\t\'w llir.t ljo lias on hand i i j i i r^s iiU-

\nny ot l'urnitnro, iT

I-J tnl l iu hcitfl.

c*.l|>t«[ Kc, will cialli;c, soiiiiiy Utirhlnciuu. N.•!., iJrucuNt*.BLYS' CIIKAM ll.M.M CO., Owr3», S- V

'BOOKS.-125 TONSnt Mnn'lnnt in^ik-, mmv ul ilicm tliu lm->t v<i\Iton-i iJiibiljliijil. Vmir fiiuh-t! i"t'nt fur eiamlDM Ion tidort: iKtj'inviil, on rta-otinlilu cvlilcoccCiutt f.ilili, tliu IK.I.U* tu l»> rvtiirncd » t m y «\wa<a it not patWf.iclnry. special bir^nliiB Htln id i i lh . Nuiv iniltltciitlotit vvcry wwuk. Vtlcctlower limn ever ligfuro liiiou'ti.rntuiii:; IrnmTivn<<II1H r.irTciiuyMiir. "Kuoch Ar^ti," unat.riJir-t<i, | .nrKc»i>.ta (1.1 lr»r thu Unrvetnui) b-!«prices ton low, hrrulitt* Irci-. Mc'iifnn Itil* na-per. JUIIN 11. A1.DES, I'ubUclii'r, IS Ve-uy St.,K V


I'ini- li.l of very Iniid'Oiiu* Paloi^t I'.OC1;CM. A J;IMH1 stotl; uf Marlilu 'J'o]> TuhliM,own niiilie.

Plain Lountioc nnti Botl Loun^osiA Lnrgo Stock of Chairs, Canofrom bS to S20. I and Wood soatc.

7A.MI' M'UfTfXft JtKS.'fS.. VOTTACR SUITS hi Oreal Varirt;/; Call and Examine.V<'urorooms on Washington Avenue, billow Hi. Cloutl Hotel.

July 10-Sa :O(!iUal J>iifc)i(/or3 Jlf/ent*

FOB, SALEKlnilllni; woail cult

Jrjr ami vury ulcu \t loi

..ithranmtlon,[ iht- heml Irom

IIJU f(ii«- «i.d I- -II. HonetkU! rc

flmilicur.on*. A ihoiuuKh IUli:qurl!k'd fnr c,ll,l« 111 luilll.Stud lor i-imiiur b'uld liy

ulilitiiby ii lew

,fil can-.

lly w l i

ELV'iiKOTHEItS, Owcjjo. N. V.

Our Mcitto is " Good stociind square dealing." aml-v:will not be-undersoid by an;One. We keep constantly 01hand a full supply of choicmeats of all kiiuls ; also fi uiand vegetables, and~for tliaccommodation of our cus-tomers we are preparing torun a wagon about the firstof April, and will call at theirdoors with incat Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays ofeach week, saving them thetrouble of coming to the mar-ket.

ESJ'PIease call and see foryourselves,

POOL&HANGE,Belvidero Avenue,

UI ' I ' . WI.VUKOIt Hrfl'nK.

uncrvtlli!, 6.32. P.H. 10J«.»,::;. ".SH, .'

liai'iutirtii. 7%: i-JjIiViii. l.'ti, •<i-Kwr further tuf..ri.iill..a !.tit Tlmu 'I

(!.Vi. HANrof'K. 'l-n I ' i - . A TklW \V. STEAKSS. Supt.

. .1, K. WOOTKN". Uett. .MHII.


He lit'. Slnubc-

$ 2 FOR LARGE LOADDaliverei to a&7 Part of the CH7.

s. P.BftFT

IE, lvuuii 1

ollc. If 1

micti he uuld Imve bearfulkua: slow

i houia

NOTICE.the matter of tho Estate of John

Baker deceascd—Jiule to liar Creditors,

PURSUANT TO THE ORDEIl OF TUB SUK.rocate ul tho County ol Warren, made on thu

flllli dayorMay.A.D., one tbnusaud el«lit lian-drud and cl gbty-tbree, nolle* in hereby (,-IVCB toollpurnon,* hnvlne cUima agnlnBi the Setnto ofJohn llahur, lato of Ihe Conmy of Warren, duccae-cd, to present Ihe eamo to thu aiibsctlbcr, hlu ei.

- - before Uio fiflh dny-*" 1 -hundred mid del

-• • • • •

erection asniiiel it


ty-foar, buliirder;.BtlJ acxtilDU hie1. within tirredofHs

c t o TrcHimHHer*.'Kollce la buruby clvcu,

1 |rnm ihlndntobu npnr nlo-t

licllier Lois, or Toro lawfulr, will be

ilthem. in the Connly of Warrllnnt. Fish, Pick Fruit, U err I oniny other pnrpon lor wlilch they 1:warutit or the cor ncnt of the landnroeucutci to Ihu full extent or ttiattuvere lawuruvidua for euch o lie tine-Dated October U, 1851JACOB SMITH JOHN MOUUKltJOHN HANS . (••lid VANSICKI.GHalraofSKWITT ItAMBEY I> H HANKCALVIN KPI11TTS •: WM SKlNNltltAMOS FI81IBB SAHUEI.' KIHCIIASTJACOB VUS8LEK KOIlEltT M l'ETTY._,•JACOB MOUlJEltn;:™WM MUUDER ~™.VICTOll CASTSEB^T" JOUM r.CASTNKH [_-JACOUhMXUKH -'•'- .--•;— ~ ";-— ~

OcKly • ' --y-;-..1 ''-

ir. w. ALLiifiisirsInd KiiliRtanlliil ItiulrI to 11 olops.

will <to well liy'actory, wlicnsniutits conttiii

inVuyou willIng from !l to 11 ((lops.

Bogus Stops at 5 Centa Each- -

. 30-1 y.

.uio nil.-,JI.AV.-AI.LKOEU,

, N. J.



,Kidnoy.WortUi.wlUnotStomptlyMidairolx. -'f;' .'

IK. In0OQttanoo,rblcnUoa ornrine,

piina, ftU Bp«*lT ylald to iu ounUva powot.• BOLD mr iU* DH1TQCHBTH. TrtM II ,

Great Excilement- A T —

•WASHINGTON.tcUrackoii ill Washington; NowJersey, has his depository near-

ly iillud \\}\.h line narringca : r :

of the ; latest style—

PIANO BOX BODES,l>exter Quociij lCllij>tiv A

Sirtebar, SwedeOil-tempered

>} and

STEEL AXLES._ _.. t \ . .

His' Car T"

riages are neatly T-Upholstered and Painted,,

Ready -for iii u~Spring Trade.

^"Ani/one whhimj to pitrchm a car-riage gotten, vp with ncatiim, proportionfind highfwixh will mce money hy eaXUmj'I h*tfactory and making a thorough ex-'initiation hrforcpurchasing clsachem. . ,.

Factory-•'Y/i ni cr'a "LiiinlicrYard, ;>


——Wash ing ton , ^ i J i ^

Custom Dress ShirtsTo mcMiirc, imulo from scleclcil Wnm-^itltu^uiuyiin, _with extra flno three-ply,liuoiTbosoma reiofprcncl.^Havo Ilio FrenchPlacket Slcovo and iiiilkt on tho tub. Pit,quality nml wotkinnnsliip guaranteed..




FARM, &Am 1 ol (!:>-• l.e-t <[iu1lly.



i>t be confounded with tlioe

iitrinlitHiid they thnnlil

Cabbage. Peppsr, Egg, Tomato, Cel-

ery, Swset Potato,.and .Straw-

^ berry Plant3 in Season,

Fashionable Millinery

rcirarecl to oiler u full HnUof Fii^liiomiblu MUliimrv

uiitv (i.)fnls, mhinii'd to linift'ltlNU&SUMMBIt <

8 K A S O N .

Live. County Paper,

Ami .•uonliiins-weekly- a. coiniiemlinmnews which ia of interest to nil

• "•" -""."' TU(jes anil classes;-"-' "• - •-

"litlr lititflt is L-ntirdy Hui ty - ' ' 1 •

and Is »>f ilmliwt«|iiiil- . M.•Iiy, mill their liriconlufycnm- "

Hjlillini. Tliuy liiivniimv.mi Iminl-ii • »f U«w, ]'1f«ttior!".-V!i>w«rs,"«lt''7«te'

SUwtpiiifj <i Hpect(tU!/.—'•


AUcocl^s-Poi'piisTlnatorstto \7h2re other Plasters Pail oven to

Holievc. . . •. •• ',•;.- •.lit*) \ut otlio.t1 o r you wil l lift (IlKiiit*

|M»llllf<l. IllNlStUII hllVllitf

•^i-ii'iVi;'^!?'using'""ALLITOCK'H POROUSPI , vSTKna' for a liumiiw ofyerirs and ftl-ivayu with nwrkal benefit. I Imvo beeumursli troubled yfith Muscular Rheuma-tism; hayo...becii. UeatetV by fivo of ourliesfc nhjaiciaiVa'witliont receiving any rfl-Hef-wliatovor. 1 then used AifocooK'sPi.ABTEii on tho parts aflocted and and Ican assure you tlic pain hnn almost entire-ly lolt;iiie. I can' recommend them toevery ono ns tho best plcistcr nmdo. THave- tried - other n ldniln:, but found them

Weak Kidneys Cured.

1 have been greatly troubled witli rliou-imitism and weak ttulneys, ^ I was ntlriECt

\kci\ t*vo feimlfl of BO^cnlleilj Porous Plna-tci-3, M'iiieli -ditl. mo no'goodjjxbnt ono ofyours lma wbrkctl lilte a cliArm,'giving mecomplete relief, and 1 liiiyo not been t rou-bled with 'rhoil'Mtlsm. anil kidney com-"plaint since using them, nnd" I•'considertnyselfciirccl.



Will Lo ficnt to ftiiy adiircHi in tho UnifcdSuites for -



tjlmi, N..T.,.liy.. .



Tho •]{.vi<»'cst--iiiio of •Millinerynnd Parl-ey Goods,; and list the., lowest: prices-Jtown. : - - ,


3: W j f 'April SOsS-ty-1" ' '• ,


OffEW e ' s o l l a ln!lli>r j^radu of Olnlliiiiji; foi1 iossi m o n e y .•limn a n y one .ulso in

• ' • ' : - - ' \ K n a t o n ; j ' • • . - • ' " • • • • — " • . . •• • '• - . ;• / .

jttlmmiitiyirSti^^JiAsrOX, PA.

I ani olVei-ir:" oho ofaho largest rtnd besL selolected Stock 61''•JIEN'S.- -BOYS 1 and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING in

•:-.. .-%'. TIKS Only CXotJiliiwrStoiMv In 3'nvfor's .Hlrtrlc. -.jq", n,—Xlio building faces Uio Sijuitre. * Only sixdoorR'l'i'oin.tlip nnniev

— Thisis no Sham Advertisement,

PracticaLTinsmith&ShaetlronWorker -K TALI-KINDS OF PUaPSiONlUSD^SDlUEPHHED,=:!•-•„ -^J.".^ •_•::-• ..- -..- ,„•'FIIlSTjCLASS rt.UMI'.lNQ DtVStt :'•->"• ,V " '"; 7: ' ' .. _""._ . \ ' ''"->'''".."

v tlot Air rurnaobs a Specialty, a >

Page 3: WASHINGTON STAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · ore who had mndp their fortunes long ago, From nil necauntf),-it.-W!W a stone 0 medium Bizo, but rare color and fire—i alone- which

The Star.\V.\milN(ITU.V. N. •'., JULY 18, 1SSI.

Entered at the I'ott-Ojtice at Walking,tun, JY. J., MI tetond-dan matter.

IOOALJNTELLIGENCE.\ t t U D. U. & W, 1{. It. Co'l. etqVitod icku

(»«t* J3.63ptflc..K«K s j o per Ion.' ' l uve . . 3.H3 per ton.

1ST l<«>t<iunllik»Bl*vay«"on"tJiiid fliy it

- Cul'oiiled -tlrecl Irotaichnte* (orcr ierocn>;

° * I f i " M > . WM.SHIELDS. Jr.. Aeent.•" :• iUf. W.Ssra, B nnj noni- .„ per 01

W v c l c .

Wnr <m rrit'cn—Uiwli .V Hull. , ,furniture—DuiiU-11'ltlctiL'tr. Awnt.OoiiiI'Ctitlvc Kxi»n1iiulIoii-». ft Huwiy.

STAE LIGHTS.™—A tnilurVgoose—1I'hctltnfr.—Look out for counterfeits of the'now

five-cent pieces..—Men's Trench calf SIIOOH, liani! mailt*,

U A . II. GrotV 4 Co.'s store. *—There is a show sulvcrtiscil to lie held

in this place next Saturday.—IlttuRC mid lot for sale. Apply to .7.

V, Orcvcling, M'lwiilnfiton, N. J.—AH kinds i'f liuwork and jjlumbiiip

i..done£romittly by Johnston k Son. ISitf—'Mie "falling weather" Sunday even-

icc caused ft small attendance at liechurches.

A. II. OrolT & Co. have just fillctl uptbeir new Btoro with a line lot of drygoods, notions, etc.

—.Henry M. Ward, «f Ncivton,haKlens-cd tbe Hurling House, In tlmt town, midwill take possession September 1st.

—The rcijncst furnace was blown outlust week, for repair?, nnd will probablynot resume work ogniii fur several weeks.

—Washington can boaitt uf five bityuball clubs. The nulionnl game dees notEccm to be in any Otingor of dying outliere.

—A Sons of Veteran Camp'will bemustered in this place, Thursday, Julylit, in tbe G- A, II. Post room. One dol-lar for muster,

—Just received n now lot of ladirs pen-nine French kid shoes, buttoned and lac-cd. Cull and sre them at A, It. tirotr SiCo.'» new store. *

—Mr. K. AV. Alle^or rqiorU llio build-ing buniiii'ss as very brisk at present. Hehas seven or eight iww buildings uulorprocess of election.

-Tho wood-work on tho Windsor Househas beiiii painted a ilarl: green and trim-med with m l . It'presents a decidedlyimproved appearance.

—Last Wednesday a spcciul train enrry-~~ President Sloan, wife nnd daughter,

Superintendent Heasoiier ran fromHonokOli to this place in eighty minute?.Pretty lively running. '•

—Mr. John K. Cooke will erect a newresidence ou liis lot ou Ilelvidero avenue.Tlie work of excavating the cellar isalready under way. Tlio building will l>eput up by K. W. AHeger, architect andbnildei*.

, —.Duns' circus i* txpctik-il l*> 1>»- in thistown sonic time in August. This is thesame show that wns here two years iipounder the name 'of Bntchelter k Don's. If'people'want to attend u show, let themwait for the big show in August.

—Tbo new fire department nre prepar-ing t<> furnish their room iu the TownHall. Mayor Heatty presented them withCO vunls of fine carpet. About $:t00 u'needed for furniture, and one hall"of this i

, —Mr. It. 0- Fowler, of Franklin Fur-nace, who spent a pnrt of the winter i\this plnce was married July Stli to MissEmma H. Kyerson, of Newton. Wo wishthe young couple all tho happiness theymay have anticipalwl in the nuirriod state.

—The funeral of John Shields, whichtook place last Friday afternoon; WURvery largely attended. The funeral ser-mon was preached bv llcv. H. K: Web-ster, of Wil Ham sport I'u., formerly pas-tor ol the Presbyterian church of thisplace.

—Tho annual meeting of the WarrenCounty Uible Society will be held in ihegrove nenr the public school building, atOxford, on the 9th of August. Tlie. mi-

• nual sermon will be delivered by Uov. U.I). Nott, 13. I)., of this place. Other

-tlQ^qkfiip^J^lso be present.'," —Mr.t/SftnS Ooston'a billiard parlorhas been greatly improved wiiliin a week.I t has beeii wainscottcd nil rouuu and ihochandeliers have been tastefully decorated•with colored paper. Mr. ti. in also havingtho room back of his main parlor fitted up,

• and we understand will soon plnce. a new-table in it.

—Mr. R. If. S'lafer, who addressed thetemperance meeting in this place last Sun-Jay, was accompanied by a . quartette ofsingers, who'rendered somo very 'finei "'se-lections during' the exercises. Our peo-ple were BO highly pleased with the sing-ing that ,we understand they are endeavor-

. ing to organizes temperance., ijlee club."This is n good idea'and we * hope ' i t" will- s u c c e e d . : " "..' " •. '• '•'••. " '.

r.:::—Edward Seotti'.:a'boy. about. IB-years'old, son of M. T. Scott, of this place, ranaway from home last Monday night and

'•"•went to KydoPark; Pii, He was employ-ed at Bentty's lactory up to the time of his

. leaving, and nothing unpleasant occurredto cause his sudden departure- It ia Haiti"that ho was induced to run away by ono

•,Mr. Apgar, who had obtained cm-"•ploywentji.t^Iydo Turk, and in whosecompany,tlio boy left town.'- , •:

—.Each head of clover contains aboutsixt}'disliuct flower tubes,ccioli of fwhichcontains a portion of sugar not exceeding

.-.thefive-hundredth part of a-grain. Tlioproboscis of the bee must tLevotbrd" bo in-aerted in 500 clever tubes before ono

rgraiRi.of.-jsugar,- can;be.obtainp'l.-.Theroarc 7iOOCkWfcjs in a lb., and aahoney con-

ifr&a'of its weight of dry sugar„ _ jf honey represents.. 2,500,1100-.tubcasucked by bees. :......iv..

—"We visited the furniture establish-ment of MivTitlengcr on Washingtonavenue, just below tha St. Cloud Hotul, afow.days ago, arid were surprised nt. theanioubt'of furniture lie has stored away intho wareroomB..... A great deal of it is of hisown'luauufdctiiroViind consequently is ofa superior quality; and that which he buysis made by llrel-class manufacturers so

r~-• thattliORQ purchasing from him can.alwayB^ bo sura of getting a iirst-cliiss nrticlo. lie

invites tbo public* ttfcall and inspect hisi goods. -See ltin advertisement in anothert i ^ o o l u u i n . i j

1' • ' " - " ' • • - " • ^ • • ' • • • " - • - . • - - " - v

1- . . . . . . . . : . • .

,.-: y.—Ovor a thousand feet of narrow gauge• •v railway track hos: been laid in tha yards

at Beatty'n factory find jabont ilvo" hun-dred foet moro ia soon let! be lnid.^Thiatrack ia^ised solely for hanUlihg'thc

: large quantity of lumber >yhich ia storedv : in the yard, Thero are ' upwards ot fif-;.?;.;.teen cars bo unlondcd :«H fLj

•^, time and aa it is impossible, to pilo all:i iit'clOBo enough to tho dry home to put iti ! in without carting, this lanjo amount of

. tramway bus,been ..constructed, to., admit"', of moving tho .lumber economically. I t is. a remarkable^fact that nearly all tlio'tua-

• cterials, including lumber, oils, eto. used'at,, this factory_i3,hauled_wi;]iqut tho help^ofV^'R1'b"wtn)aiij1-ftTitl':wilii'i'n''"aiiiaU"Sin6uiit"'Oi

manual labor.1"" Xiabnr saving iileyicefl andconvenience seem to lio tho, order; of theday:; with Mayor lieatty Wo untler-stnnd that 8evcral;noiv, and .improved , ma-chines havejiiaLbuen'ftddod'to hia alreadyettensivo equipment. v ' ^,

_ . —For a good, clean obavo go to Rouen-1

" - ~ " " " -I,', jnit below the pOBtoflicc, *

—Plenty of rain, that's Buowor-—Bam for rent. A I l O I t Mp—Now jewelry, beaulilul patterns, just

received at French's.—Remember llw !*•

nost Tuesday, the -4i'u


TI1U AJ,l.V.Ur,U A

Tho matter la which wo are about tirefer will doubtless have reached tha carsof all our readers In aomo phaso or other

Tiun excursion j before they see this, and it [•» not for tho

There arc no prisoners couflnd nt pren*cut in the liuntcrdon county jtxil.

—Do uot full to go nuil ECO the ga*light at A, 11. Oroff & Co.'* storo. *

—RosonbcTgcrBrOfl., tonEorinl nrlisin,near I1. O. Shaving.hatrcutting.ctc. \2'1

—Nincty-tiitio thousand Hhail wereIUJJIII iu tlm Delaware river iliiriiif; theaKOii closed last month.—'l*ho Royal St. Jobu Bcwing maehino

also tho Eldedgo aro the beat sowing um-cliiiifw uiailo.-~ At A. B. (iroITi Co.'B. *

—licr. J. 11. Kugler, or llie Valleychurch, will address the temperance, meet*ing in tlm Heading Koom next Sundayafternoon.

—An Italian ia haid to hnvo gathered2,000 pond Mie?. in two day*, from Smith'spoml at tVulcrlou. Uu »hips them toNuwi tnk .

—Th. N'nst, of Jlorrl.stoun, who hasrno many years furni-shed oaricaf

tor llnryer't Weekly, lion been retiredpension of SHt.OOO.

—A younp cow belonRinRto Sir. JohnT. Uigh, of Clinton, has given birth tothree lino heifer calves which arc noribout two weeks old,

—The painter's hiind has been nt workabout the premises of Mr. C. V. Ktaatessince our last issue. "Chris." is dotcnd to keep pace with his neighbors.

—Tlie fcstivnl held by the W. C. % U.on tho lawn »f tho Presbyterian churchlast Saturday-evening netted the neatsum [email protected]. Tlio ladies should becongratulated on their SUCCCHS.

—A baby was born in u cemetery attlarshaltown, Town, a short time ajro, butsverywherc can bo seen babiej borne tothe cemetery because mother'^ craullyneglect to procure Dr. Unll's Cough Svrup,a sure cure for croup, colds and coughs.

—Mayor llcatty ia evidently preparingfor a hcavv fall trade- lie is font cover-ing the vacant lots between his factoryand Ihe railroad crossiup wilh lofty pilesof valuable lumber. Wo learn that up-wards of a million fwt of walnut, mahoy-aiiy, cherry, nsh, oak, pine, poplar, now in slock. .. ' ;

—N'otice is given in ntinther column ofIhis paper that a oomnetitive examination,to determine who sliull be chosen to iillthe vacancy in tbe MilUnry Ai-.idi'iny atWest Point, will be held nt the CourtHouse, Helvidero, on Thursday, July '10.Applications should ho addressed,to lion.H. l-\ Howey, GVunibin, N, J.

—The owners of peach orehnrdH arc nowengaged in circuhitiiiK the rejiitrt that thepeaches have been fulling to un alnrmingextent, and that the crop will bo hu^uly•educed. There is no cause (or ujiirm.If half the crop "sticks" the yield will besatisfactory. A halt crop is usually hotterfor the producer than nn over supply,white the quality of the fruit is improved.—/:>.

—It i$ reported that » large cave haslieon discovered on the moantnina snmp-ivhcre in the nciglibortiooil of Yiemiu. andthat the care contains Ucvohitiouaryrelics, liumun boni'S, iron bound chestssupposed to contain great wealth, and"imcrous other interesting things. One

[Uirpow of hooping ulivu a mutter ttiatH\TU belter forKotten thut we hero rofcr toil. IluUtnco pcojilo must nnd will hnowthese t i l ing , it is brat tlmt they idinuldknow tho truth concerning them, ami thatis just what has not yet been made knowcin Ihi3 case through tho ncwHpr.pcm. AllrcportH of this matter that we have read—nnd they nro at least a dozen In number—lmv(> distorted it in Fnmc way, and moil ofthem have been the most gross ami slan-derous niisrc])rcsenintioiiH. Therefore wodeem it our duty, for the sake of all con-cerned to net the, matter straight beforethe public. Being, as we believe, reliablyfnformcii we irill endeavor ta elate tlicfiictsjunt OH they arc. Alamic Lukcns,ofUiford, was employed in tho recordinirdepartment of Mayor*!Scntty'a ofltces, andWm. l-\ Mitttison, of this place also nan,and ia fitlll, in tliu f-nma employ, his workbun}; in tho main ollii-f. Tho two youngpeoplo becnirc ac(|uaintt<d and their uc-

iiiuntnnco HOOU ^row to intimacy. HutIK* fiillierof the yonnjj lady disapprovedif thu intimacy and forbade her asocial- childhoodng witli M;ittisun. She did not heed hisomminiils, but continued to keep1 com-

iwtiy witli the forbidden associate, nnd onTuesday evening of last week a little dis-turbance occurred at her home on accountof it. Karly the next morning sho camelo Wasiiingtoii utiii going to Mr. Madisontold him fho had left home, and thu cir-ctitnsianccs enunccteil with hfr leaving,and n-kdl him lo aid licr In getting toSctantnii where ohc had friends. Mutti-on'a syinpatliies, of course were readilyinlistei! and he procured n horso nnduppy and took thu youug lady to Kaatou,h h h f l b k l thppy took thu youug l a y o a t u ,

whotice ho saw her Kiifcly cmburkeil on thewny to ycnuiton, and then returned tothi') pluce arriving here about '2, o'clock in:he altcriHMin. Mr, Lukcns waited uponMutli>tm nnd rc<iiiL'atnl him to disclose the

hereabouts of Mumie, but this ho refus-ed to do, as ho hnd promised her he wouldkeep it secret j and about '2 o'clock Thurs-day morning ho was arrested and takcu tolidrittcra ou a'charge of abduction prc-

• • * • * M L k ll[crreil ugniitill f

on a chargilust him bv

of b pMr. Lukcns. llug

still refused to diseloho tho young lady'shiding place although offered his libertyif he would HO. In the meantime dilligcntii'ardi w-M made to discover her, but with-jut uvrtil. Muttiton pcrsistcil in his rc-iH;il to tell where «ke was until 'I'hursdaysveiu'ug and then he pave tho desired in-oniiiiliiui nucti condition that the prosc-:ution lie dropped, l ie was released onI'rid.iy anil returned home in the evening.Miss i.ukcii'i, wcaroiiironii<'d,accoinpiini(<dliy tlio young lady fiiond with whom she

us staying in •Scriiiitnii, avFivcd nt heriime in Oxford1 on Saturday oteniug.his we believe to ben correct preseulu-

ii)ii of the case and its p'cmsa.l will HIIOWlint ufter all I he re wi.a "niiu-h ailo about

nee people expect tr> Im rep-the halls of legislation, al

nf itng

the excite-riter in F j f n g y ,ment is so great over the nil'uir tlmt liehas heon unable to ascertain the particu-lars. And this wilt i.robably continue tobe the ease.

—A new liverv stublo is to bo started i

Tlut the iwHSi-hninti ufn sulky caused urui'kct" belwt'en mo men hist week.

This probubly ntods it little explanation,nml wo will ptocccil to give it as nearlycorrect as wu were informed. ~ It was noneof your noisy, low-bred, midnight bnnvls,hut one- of those honorable, high-umt!ii

tnbnU (1'oint nl'lmnor),f h ti h

, g. related to the duel i

ngapal in bncuiise nuchd luf the parties had endured almost Insuf-

ft>rtibl« wrung lit the hand of the other,'i'lie participants were both citizens ol' thisplace and will lie recognized as men No?.I mill 2. A citizen wishing to Me absentIrutn the pluce for some months lontiud the

_ _ . II U of his sulky lo nutii No. I during bistliirilowu aWu' IJellls, ubaenco. Su fur boguul." Will on H.Uur-Lif IIII/.IULUII, I'll., l ie hiis routed ihesheds ilay l:isl muii No. •> I'nllwl njmn man Xo. Ijd ham coniK'isled with ilia-St. Cloudlotel and is erecting a larne ndditicnaliiiililiug in the . leur of tho barn..... As

soon ah.tliG new building can lie inndtiready for oceiijiancy iMrrbelus'wiii opeiihis.stables. In connection with the liveryho will run n conch to moot every train.This gentleman has had u loiig.'cxiieriencein the livery bii«iiin?s und comes well rfc-otnmended, and we huve no doubt ho willdo well.

—Tlie Mitfonl Undee says: "Whilefiring a caution OH the inoniiuir of theFourth it "busied." nnd u pieco weighingoycr'-fmir pnuud^ wus carried over thehouse of Mr. Edward Hunt, on tlio billand luiuled or.... tho kitchen roof. Onelargo piece caiuc near strikicg IL younpman in the head, lie is too bashful tohave his niune published in connectionwith the item." We infer from thjj-vtliatlJro; Rhropo. ('celebrated" after th'e&*"inn-nor (if his yoiilhfiil days, ' Hut lio needn'tbe so bashful about it.'for we know thatsecond childhood roaches some people atan earlier age than it does others.

—Quito an improvement lias been madeon the first floor ol tlio Town Hall. Thepartition bttween the firu-p.ngino room andthe room used formerly for lodging trampshas been turn out, and tho latter apart-ment 'nictily ceiled and painted. Thingives the whole first tloor, with the ex-ception of the small space occupied by theleck-up, to tlie use of the fire department,and it is just what was needed, for tlio en-gine room has olwuys been crowded. Jie-aidee having ample room for tho atcaiuer,hose-carriages nnti extra, hose the laddersbelonging to the department can also nowbe stored jii the same,ropm~if they can befound. -'—••• ••- — ••— .-• .

or his sulky, claiming to huve purchiiEodil of the ubatiut citizen and desiring thento use it. . MHII.XO. I expressed his. inten-:iou ol retaining possession, as he had bt-eti

right to the u.-c of the vetiich; until oiher-ivi e inlviacd by the owner. A few words,not very compliuientiiry to the spoken to,Kissed between them. This muile of dis-:tiision not being impressive and cunvinc-ug ouough for eillicr of the partita, the•pectiitura were treuted to an exhibition ofnigilistn: The uteuchtd lists were nil the

wo-ipons noedt'il until Xo. I was suddenlymtnuved from his cqmli'iriuni by a " shoul-dur-hiit«r" from NV, '1; then tho fun (?)ceased by 111:111 No. 1 f^ing after a curtainother puny (who, bv llie way, has bylaw 11 qm-lliug power in ilisturbiinccs kind) to insure peace by his presenceuntil tliu liicycle —snllty, we mean,—could

d i th b

-Mr.' Augustus Creveling spent lastSunday in town. - .:: .-: :.;. ..:-"*^-Misa'Ly'tlia Stone,'' of -Wilhuuisport,P«.p is visiting at Mr. J". 1). Pickcl'ts.

—Mr. Wuii Clark and wife, of Newark,are visiting at Mr. Adam 'Wnndling's.

—Messrs. C. JV Stott and S. W.Anncss,of Jersey City, spent last Sunday in thist o w n . .,••.

—Misii Katie Uarcalow, of Soinervillc,visiting Miss Paunie Johnston, of this

place. ' .,•-—Kdw.:; Plotts: retured, hist* Fridaynight, from nn extended tour through:; IhoSouth.

i t a few days in town last weekvisitiiigf r i e u d d . ' ' • " ' ' ; • - " " - " " ; ' / " " '-••'-•_" • , ; • ~

—Mr. J . O. Thatcher, of Kiistllillalone,SonierEct-,. county -was in this placo Ia3tSaturday. . . .

—Mr. L . Oudin, of Now York city,sni.nta few days in town with -Tames L.Watidlirig. • _ , . . - •v-':i!lMisBoa-Kulli-..p.iKl~SnC;Swpeny andMnmio L'Hommedieu are Bpendinga weekor two at Blairstown.- —Mrfi. Geo. AV. Eopera, of Urccnc,New York, with her daughter Lillian, hvisiting Ohap..U. Davis urn! family. ...

—Mr. find Mrs". Wm. A. Strykcr arriv-ed homo from tho West lost Thursday,after au absence of about four weeks. _ _:.-

—Mr. W. Oyrna Weller, of Now Yorkbity.formorlyofjtliiB place,' waa in townon Friday lnat.v lio suffered tbo loss of alittle girl recently. v'i> ,,.:X;.:.-.

^ M i s s Eachel and Misa Edna Wiling,o[ Oweu8boro,JKy.,andaira. A . R.^ n d l i n g and claufihtor of Cayuga, N . J..,nre visitiug Mr. Peter "Wandling.

: .Lial of letters ;remainiiigruii(:ldiuicir inthe WaslnncVonYN. J., post oflicQ.ror^inweek endimjiJu'.y 14, 1883: \. : , .

r.l, turn luii'kwiinl, U llnu; in yuw

.. jhHil ncnln jiiKt for liwiiitiil IMollit-r, L'ltmi! l,uck fri.iiiniiiUi',.,Take mo ii^uin tu voiir iirins »» of yuro!" •

—Itain! Well, I should mile I Aboutevery other day we hava a miniature llootl.Our streets are inundated with water amiihe roads nro washed till you can't nee. anydirt. Last Sunday P. M. wo had tremen-dous showers, nnd evening service waswell-nigh broken up. The nhowers overin tho ncighboorhood of Uangur,ivruught great damage. Houses wereiwept from their foundation?, a barbershop upset, and the public roads de-stroyed. '

—Wo expect lo linvo a liig tomperaitco.ickct here on thu 2Uth in»t. The Alli-

ance will meet in tho l'ark (if it don'trainji and thu horus will blow, nnd lliespeakers will orate, and the singeM willchaim the multitude, with sweet songs.The temperanceresented in theTrenton, next winter, by a clear-cut, well-defined prohibitionist. Tho other tidehave had their way long enough-,—Two of our yotilliful piinter3 took u

walk to Green's pond, last Jjnbbath, andon their way homo wcro overtaken by thestorm. When they reached liclrideroyou couldn't tell where the water left ou*und whero the printer bcgnti. Thoy wcrothe worst.specimens of "wet matter" t<>bo met with outside of a composing room.

We are too poor in lielvMcru tn Imvuour streets lighted. Won't Mayor llcnttyor some other good man, advance m say$100 till wo can soil our dog, or collectaxes, or take up a collection? If itjadu't been for our faithful nig-ht wntch-

mr.n one of our citizens might have beenwaylaid and robbed otio night last week.

—The delegation of the U'lnperaucoworkt-ra that visited your borotiyh. on9abb;ith last, spenk in glowing terms oftheir treatment and wuru fnvombly. im-jircssril with the earnest ness und KOUInnnik'stcd in tin; uf tviii|<3 by

the good people with whom they came in.eoutact.

—Andrew Kimenaur came near losingIwo yiluable hcifon;, on bis farm, neartown, ii fuw iliivs •since. The nnimulswere founil lving'nt the foot of it .steep Mil,helplcsH.. I t is supposed that they wcrograzing anil missed their footliolil and fellto the bottom. They were both seriouslyinjured.

—We think Hi? following item from aHamilton paper ;«'ill interest pur HelvidereImllos : "Tlm ongnguinent ot i lr . O. KWiulc and Miss Florence M. Fuller is an-

ed." Mr. Wadewns a former



y ld in the bum.

"'young men went from" thisV I l i l dilace tu liudiVs I<nUo tiahing rcccutly, ami

,s they weru .crusaiiig-a bridge on theiri'uy.bwne they lost tlioir horso One run

ninl looked under the bridge to see if ithad fallen through,-whita the.other, ci-phi-ri'd up nml down the road for its do-pur ting trucks. It was soon ascertainedtlmt tliu horso wa3 trying to play tho partaf "dog under the cart,'' and lie waspromptly pulled out, placed in a properposition and the jonrncy resumed. Where'sllio "IIOSB?"

That -.the Herculean blow which Unhkiiratown Proxs, last week, dealt at Mayof * Ucftttv,.. missed . its mark., and deeplywouniled'tlie feelings of llc.v. U. W. Con-"t, ofrhillipsbnrjr. .

That t!io cluphrnu with the expectedtliow is so thin tlmt it will uot cast aiiluulow'iii thu Kiuiahimi without havingb l a n i t c t t h r o w n . o v p r . i t . - . : • ; • . ' • • • - • • •

That tlm hot weather ia not cuiisoJ liy\Tfiiinor,.l)ui--bv tlio •hoilinir- of..fio m

That President'Sloan wears u iiftu-ndollar suit. It's paid for. '-•

Next, 'I'uesday, the 24th inst. js llie datechosen for the unniml J'rcybyterian oscnr-sioii from this plnco to Now 'York, Man-hattan Ifench and,Coney Islund. At l lo-boken tho uxeursibnists will be takcu onboard of u magnificent iron elcani boat undwall enjoy a delightful sail down thehSyr^'l'iiaSirig-^iV^'grcat many poinlB ofintereatrrt'The rule nlone is worth,; thoprico"'7)f"t]iorToim>l:itrip,'""wiiieIi";'-1id'':oiilj'S2.00, while all who go lo the iUcach ,willhave besides several hours of.'ciijoyiucntthere, bathing, aight-seeing" and ' listeninglo tlm lino bands o[ music, nmVthcsc who;o lo Now York will have, at least 8 or 9lours to spend in Ininmcss or in seeing the

Bights. This will give ample time, andwill bo a rare opportunity to visit tho twomost attractive features cf Iho great city—the Brooklyn Bridge and tho CentralPark. Tho committee is composed ofgentlemen known to tlio publio fortheir ability ajul prudence, anduudcrtlioirmanagement ovory one. will bo mndo safeaiitl-'coinFur'tuble. •. Tho .•.•rniii-le'iWeiM.hmplnco at 7.25 o'clock in tbo morning. Fortho timo that the train leaves other placesalong tho road, consult tho largo pitta'

.3 to avoid/being loft behind. ••, • -•:

'The sow/ir casQ betweenA';ho JJoard ofHealth arid tho Building and Loan Asso-ciation canio. before tho Chancellor againon Tuesday,k on an application for a modi-licnlinn of the injuuetlon. TbcBtiildinffand Loan Association asked that tho in-junction bo modified, so. pcrwit thelaying of tlio sower i>ipo to. the creek, andtlio uso of the same for carrying off clean

—A fine lino of gold minting..andface'watches, now1"styles., pall andthem, Lpwir than tho'i^wsHtiit Fren

r—Go to A. B. Groff'% Co'.'s nfw' tand aeo,tlioir .iiewigootJs juat rccciycil anildt bottom priceaij^c < l !


—John ItowG came near joining the agel band, a few days ago, nhile workuIn tbe hartest field. A heavy showcamo up, nnd John took refuge undershock ol rye. Pretty Hoon tbo hVhtnlnebegan playing leap-Irog in that field, airiu bolt after lralt feonicd to bo makhirarncst Inquiry after John, hu conchiilccthat discretion was the better part ofvalor, ntid accordingly ho lit out for ttiohouse. Ijooktng back bo Kan tho Hhockburning, tho lightning having struck itabout tho time, ho took his departure.John never stopped until ho WOH Hn'Jgtyeiuconccd under tho diuuur tublu. i lofttiys ho don't want anything tn do withthat kind of lightning. Jolm wears Ihored ribbon.

—Tho circii3 'ia comiujr, and the boysire fiappy. How vividly tlto picture prc-eiitB itself of our younger days, .when ainlf-do/.en boon cwinpanlons would walK,lut of town two or thrco miles aud " meetIho elephant." Thoso were happy dayalAnd then thu inarch in, and around to*u 'I lull you \vu felt uur iuipurUnce. Am*then thu doing nf chores lo •' get i l l! 'Jolly, it nhnmt niitkos a Icllon'ti montli

water lor the return of the golden days of

ilt-ut of thid place; and was a great fnvor-i h h i V

seasdraws near, and from what we can gatlw

l d b l i I h t th ill b


—Mr. Chad. Barkor imd wlfo met withquilo "an nccidont ou Tuesday evening oflast week. Mr. Darker had been out Intho country nnd traded homes. Whenneariuif town, bin new lonto became,frightened at tl.o paHsliiff cars. Byntam|-cra liclpcil to control tuo frightened ani-mn', but Mr. Uurkcr woe considerablyhurt by liclntf tUrono out. l ie is out amiarouml. .

—Mr. Thcw. ]i. Howcll, ono of ourcotcrcw, lias been bothered somo timepast with o pilfering .linker. This linkerhad been in tho habit of Kprccing whenmust tievilud and this fact, coupled withhis pilfering Imbitu, led lo his discharge.After his discharge Mr, Howcll obtainedascnrdi warrant uml went through hisnfltoup, finding most of his mUsing- prop-

—Another ticcrct loclcty has beenorganized in towu. From wlut we canlearn and judging from tho members, wesco no good originating therefrom. Anyfloclcty Hint embraces hotcl-fruquoiitcrs

nl hoMs Its meetings in a hotel tho bar of a hotel, can certain-ly IraofnoRouscijucnce ttnil is certainly

Bhamo to tlm town.—Last Halurday night, two drunken

men, after amusing tliem.selvcH in otherways, mutilutcd Mr.. TI103. IIowcH'a cun.van sign. Mr. Tlmvell 'claimed damages,which the men refused to pay. Tho menthen started on n run mid did not stopuntil tiiey weru out of eighl, thtuking nilIhe tiiuo that they wcro pursued. :

—Mr. V. H. Young, uf Hie lirm Youngt Hell, biiluhura, luis been Hiiflering fromjlood-poisoning, causeil by runnitig a rus-ly niont hook in IIH Imml whilo hangingipnient. He did nothing for the wounduntil blood-poisoning set in. It is muchfeared that lock-jaw will set in- He 13 atlast accounts very sick,

—Tho Presbyterian .Sunday school in"[end holding nn uxctii'Mton iu tlio near fu-tnre. New York, with IU many mnv andnovel attractions, i3 tho mont likely plaws.

—Jlr..I. U. l'lock and family huve're-itncd from thtir -vacation. .Tho clerks

in lua Hlnro are now taking their turn inic.iun.ttcr of vacationst,— Dr. Martin has moved hii ftuiiWy to

Soliooley'ii Mountain during tlid summermontlH. The doctor still nttomU Uia townpMicnts.

—A fast train, consisting of one .coach•ontniiiiiig 1'ro.siilent Suuiue) Slo;ui. pass-id through this [ilnco hist Wednesday.

—Wunibi ild's shftw und menagerie* isidverti.ied for thw plueo next i''riilay.I'ho lirit show of tliu heiwou.

•Tim trade dollar excitement has diedout, aud tho condemned coin ia nmv ; gen-arally weeived ut b;*i cents.

— ]ti\ Freeman, our hard-workinfr »ien-:ist, Li spending a ten days' vacation. .


—The work on Messrs. .lolin S. Trail fcIon's new factory U rapidly advancingMwiinl vompluiioii. Thu now building is10 foot lung liy -tit feet widi1, with u height

of It stories, l>usem«nt. included. It willbe used entirely for nmcluiiery, nnd theyinUmd [iiiiclmsing all tlie litest und mostimproved machinery luluptt'd to tho btisi-,i'Si. They'also i:ituu:l to mid n lurgnititnber of hnmlrt \o liioao alrcudy euploy-!<]. A free couch will meet nil trains nt

to convey visilars to and fromthe fiici'iry, Nn tlmt ttiosn desirous can aceunv'furiiiiiti*t> ts iniulu from the rawinater-al as it eiittTfi the iiiiu;liiiu)s"to the' linerOUCIICH ot tin: painter :md upholHtcrcr.ilr. .lolm Sheets, u courteous and gentle-iiiinty atteuilant, wilt show visitors throughhe factury ami OHIOM.' NU unt: cuiild (ill

:ht-' position l.'Otter tlau Air. Sheets n« his*^llutitaud knightly co(uht<H luuitrd ih-ludies lias won for him a reputation thut

' withU immense, but licsliouUl not wait::

ivm tmllio tin rpof.

- T h e season for seaside exonrsioiisl ' - ^ Sunday,: thelStkinsLr wc^'crcpleased tu listen to Mrs. Hryant, of \\ ash-

^ton, who nddressml thu I-udies' L'hris<


—During tho wtrawberry Hciuoit justpoised Mr. A. B, Leigh pickni from apatch of about ono and a quarter nctcsono hundred and fifty-seven bunhcli offltrattberricfl. Jlr. Leigh takes a greatInterest in Btrawbcrry cnltkatioa and hasbecorao quite proficient In producing largobcrricft and large yields. : .

r- l 'or tho past few days our quiet village.V b vlxitcd by qnito a number of

wh am l i r h ol

rhnV been vlxitcd by qnito a number ofhuntsmen, who camo litro ia ecarch olwoodcock in the (J.'eatM'eaJowH, Amongthe ' number wrw noticed' Sle-srs. C II.Ucasley and II. S. llarrla, of Uclvidero.

—The I'cqucat furnaco.-waa blown outono day last week, ami it will bo sometimewforo it can%> cleaned out and started

"fe.iiu. Fort'ifew daysit hnd nut bdoing very flatiflfactory work. -

—A braas bnn<I wai recently organizedin t'113 place, anil their iDstrutncnU, nix-ecu in number, arrived on Thursday lost.

Prof. Snyder, of Belvidere, will instructtho new beginner*.

—On Monday morning n horun belong-ing to Mr. Jume.4 Orccn dropped deadwuilo working, without previous cviilcncoof sickness. . .

—Mr. 1'ardec is putting 1111 aomo nowmachlrcry at the Cook Hliaft, near theKisbpaugh mine. UAN.


Tho Inspector of f ie Labor of Children,Ion. L. T. Fell, baaifiaucd a circular call-

ing the nttcntion of thoso employingminors to tho provisions of tho law passcJby the last legislature. Its object in mun-mnrized in the circular tut follows:

4 umlur fourteen (ii),

of rhtlilrcii uf ulihcr tcx,i (12) nml fifteen (16) ycw*.

wUlimit u txrliil)! tirt'HLTilKjil iitUiniliiiKU ut <lnyor nl«nt fclionl, uiii-r thu Hrnt of July, I*5t.

Third.—Tlm uiupln^'iui-nt in utiy uinmifac-uriii!,' c.'tubllsliiiii'iil of rlillilruu under foil. -ffii (U) ycurn of age, fur IIIOTIJ than ten tiirara

'N'lH^i^tUt!.^ mill HIHIOJII uf IllUH! ]>n>vlMllllAmil Ilieir Iniiinrlaiit tn;arln^ upon tho ])lij>lcul,liiiiinrlant ;arln^ upo

ixl iiinrnl welfare i>( tht U h dutlnn, unit UKKU who Mirce

well l.u uviT-cflliiiutuil. The

A vlnUition of iliu.- |>imhliul-l« I.v tour [ i l V m

i>( thu MIHL; i j n rircecd them, emiiinh apjiaruiit t

u u inUik'Uii-iiu-irovl-Ioii* tn t»: ui-ply nt (mil

Tho rircmcn'd ltelief A^aocintion, 'ofreceived a check from Henry

" y of tbe State, forIhis place, has recehU. Kelitcy, Keemtar;

U.i;2, a like sum has been given tovault legally organised Firemen'* ReliefAssociation in the .State, There are -1'J (ifthese ussncinlioriH in thta State ami thelunount distributed among them this yearin SI 4,730.59. This money is the aggrega-tion of the two per cent, tax on premiumsreceived on their NDrt* Jersey businos.1 bvinsurance companies of other State-i andcollected where thorn nro no lire depart-ments. The companies pay three percent, tax in all, and formerly tho entirecollection was made by the State Treasur-er, who retained mie per cent, for theState, and distributed to the benevolentnsaocmtiims two per cent. The Statei'iremen's Association nhen foiw! pro-cured legislation by which the treasurer ofDucli association doe« the collecting of thetax in his own diHiricl. The amount justdistributed cuinn from a. fund that wasformerly retained by thn State, wlifolifttiniiiilly rectiveJ about tflfl.OuO ttorii" the t )V

iii5ii»ncu tax in districts.whure no lire do? uiii^iiuil


.V farmer ncedi his vacation juat as muchas any man ol mulncss needs one. *week's run to town after tbo busy scasoia over will do him a world of good, anthey need to visit other farmcrB, to learn,if possible, easier or better methods olfiirnilDg or of liriag. They need to at-lend funucm'conventions ami orcaoiza-tlona to gain new Ideas—Boractliinir, tobroaden or enlarge tlieic views of Hfo.Tcoplo who always stay at homo nro sureto sco tho dark Hides and shadows of theirown lives. They need to rcalizo thatitorms aod drouths and thimdew audihowers nnd freshets visit other farms bo-jfileff their own; Unit wceila .noil inaoctaIbtlro In nil degrees of longitude, und thattlica and dirt accumulate aud onuoy otherhouseholds besiJo" the ono they presideo\c.. In short, thoy need to learn howother pcopfo five. Could farmers manageso as to bo confined leu to their farms,could thoy work more in partnership, asdo other men of business or could theytiohovo it profitable to employ a higher

d of laborers—men whom they conli* k l dtrust uloiio for ft di

they earlier trainay or atbeir BO

d i

week—or rouldIDS* and daughters

to havo n caro nml intcrcat in tho alTairsof tho household, then they could oficnerGnu the opportunity for leaving tho farmfor a short sea9on of rocrftatton nnd enjoy-.,ment, niid thus be in reality what theyhave tho name of being—tho moar. Inde-pendent clnsa of people in tho world

—Tho salo of the liabcock lira extin-guisher will take place on Saturday.Thin IB a good chanco for somo small townto get a protector ngainst fire.

—There ii a war being waged in Eos-ton on the prices of Hummer goods nndBush £ Ball eecm to hive the best of thobattle.' Thoy have beaten down the pricc3und in couscfjuunce are selling immensequantities of goods. Read their newadr,

—Wo stated last week that a number otcliildien had been dischnrged fromUeatty'H fuutorv owioR to their being underthi; ugu inoKcribed by tho law relating tochild labor. We received thin informa-tion from an authentic, source but findthere WHB a little mistake about it. y<children have been discharged, but it wilbo necessary for about a dozen to leave thefactory nnd attend school forat least twelveconsecutive weeks in order to work in thefactory another year.

—The Xewton Jlerndt saya, A mandropped in a*, a hotel a few days ngo, andcalled for u drink and|n cijrar tendering inpayment a bland dollar. The clerk hand-ed him back a tradu dollar. The manlooked up in nmazement, nnd said : " Isthis the change?" The clerk replied it wuscorrect. Thu man was HO overjoyed thatlie embraced tlm clerk ami sai<i: ''Counton mo aa a regular customer. I havotraveled n good deal, but this is tho flrnttown 1 ever struck that I could trade dol-lars and got :i drink and a cigar to boot."

I - ADIKrfOU YOUXO MK)*-lin.-ltyor com.J try to tukt! iikf, ll^ht, mid t>U-ii*ant wurk

ut tiiulr own hmnus; i'J to *r> u duy oaeily undt|tll«tH- liiiiili" Wiirl111'. IllllllU

ili-i work soul hy mull;,i f«. . - ,

Mui iTi ; O i . , I'lill

1 _„. .. .....l*l«i« niMrwa 1!j.Mu, fa . . Dmw

Music Lessons.1Mi«HiliscrlliLT wmilil rcsitci'lfullv utinouiu'it

.. t<. I lie [itiniilc nf Wiishiummi and ik-Iiillylint lie Is now ready tu ijlvu

Instructions.In Musicm jihim* nr nr^itii; K'WOIH fjiven a t UU hi>r tit Ilu- h.-i.l.-.M-r ..[ iIn- ,..,(.11. T r u n .

• I A M I V S I , . ItUSkNDKUKY,ffil-am.


. The Statun .will meet in Dover this yeaA c i a i y

on Hie fourth Wednesday in September.

we lire led to believe that tho crop will hv.lurge. If anything here below afl'ordsiloasure and recreation that counts it ia nri|) to old ocean, and it dip in his briny

J O S O l l l . . ' • • :- -

—The lluv. Mr. Winner, of tbe M. K-church, bus rciinned his pastoral dutiesniter nit absence of several weeks ut thoic-asliore." ' lie was in ill huiilth but hus re:1

finiiicd much of his wonted vigor undears a imt-lirown color on liis cheeks.

—Thu llev. Wm. C. Tully, of .Tockson>ville, Floritlu, is visiting at the house nf\M fiither-in-law, wm. S. White, and onKablisith lust supplied ihu pulpit of the"Jd rr'esbyterittii chiirch. lie'is" V veryirillimit pre.ichrr,

—Irvin Jliller, iled townsman,'

•ion-iu-luw.of.our cs-; Ueecher" Sniithi'haa

gone to Newton to accept of a position i .tlio slieu factory. He will probably takeiiis family to that place in a short time.

—Mr. K. M. Curhart, son of TheodoreCarhart, sailed for Europe on Wednesday,lit* was" accompanied by friends fromNew York; ami also Miss May dime, ofHarmony township. :'^.:'J

—Miss Annie Stout, an Eiiatou belle,i visiting friends in town. Lust Sabbathlorning she snng a very line solo, at the

1st l'rCHbyteriaii churcli. As u singershe is a success.

.—O«r young townsman, John West,will shortly: leave home for Mutcntinn,Iowa. Hcliaa a brother residing in tliewest, ami purposes'ranking his home withhim. " - • • • . — • " • • " " • • - " • ' • • • . -

—(Jlinrley Force, one of our skilled mur-ble-ciitturs, luft town lust week,- for Uhi-


oflerej somo time ago to concede, withoutfurther expense just wbat has been gained'by thin modification. So far as emptyingiho contents of the cesa-pool'thi-OugU" thonewer ia conccrncO tho injunction remainsimcliiuigcil. •, -,,,:."- • .--•• -. Lwp •

-Mr. Albert Oondit, of Albany, Ore-gon, who is now visiting his father ntBlilhvalcr, preached in tlitf i'jesbyterianchurch Sabbath moruiiig.

—Miss Mnmie L'tlonuncdicu, of ymirborough, is 'nsiting at tlie Preabyteriiviiparsoiiago "this weuk ; • ultto1' MLsa AnnieStout, of Easton.

, —Mr. Philip Webb, of tins phtce, start-ed for~ J)nkota'"laflt:"week,:rwliere lib willetart in business. We ivish him ftbundatit8 U C c e S 3 . ; v •.""'••'• - ; , ii.-. • ; . . .w .'.'. . *-' '• - .

~—Quite'iin exciting school meeting washold luat Friday owning. They decidedto erect n now scliool building, tho cost tobe £3,(300.

—Mr. John I . Blair find Mr. und Mrs.John I). Vail will sail for Europe in uihcrt time. ']..

—The mowers nnd reapers are heard ondt sidea, and tho,harvest is being quicklygathered.. . . . . \p"' . ' ; ..,../;

—On account of tlio niin Subbuth eveii-ig no services'wcroheld iirthe'clmriihiis."—-A t.elcphona has been erected from

HIUSO'H sh'js shop to the mill. : .•; &-i " • • • i A ' K N U S .


, A snd and (ulal event occurcd on Fri-oay aftiirnoon last a t ' Ijafayette,' SusaexCo., which occasioned tlio instautauconodeath of a highly respected lady of thatplico." During the thunder shower of Fri-day afternoon, Mrn, Cornelius Ackcreonwus attending to some duticBin heir door-Yard when ftho IVBB struck ht-po. thunder-bolt and lulled inatnntly. Silo wae stand-ing at tlio timo nenr a wiro' clotiics-liuowhich is supposed to hiivo conducted thelightniiifr'to hor._;No luarks were found

A husband and two daughters aro Heft to

Cli«np t Ghcn i ic r ! 1 Ubcni ie t t j 1A1 largo Block"of tho iinoat gold and

silver'Amerian^watcbca over In ,this,maik-ct. Call ftncl see them at C. Q. Frcnoh's,

1 ! ^ "

tiiui Tciiiperatiue Union and the Men'sltelorm Club of Junction, in-AVcl!s'. Jlall.Mrs. liryaut in addressing her nudiencccompared heniclf to r. small torpedo beside

. . . _ . ^r , _ _ T f . . . i r , • • . . .Mich men as iHiiybcc amithink she exploded with a great• deal offorce, c.-ijiociiilly sti'ikiny uiie I'u I low soforcibly that hu iinmediittelv.- signed tlitsplodye. Timnks to MM. Jkynnt fur "li«rood work in reforming OIIU soul. Weonl<t hu pleased to listen i<> her a^uiu.'liulteailiagltouinol'tno Ilcfurm Club,

in.'Wtlls' Hull," is now open and free tn nil.It is IiuiiOsonicly furnished and suppliedwith pure and choice .literature.

—St. Ann's church, of Junction,.. willhold u woodland festival, in Smith's grove,

the depot. Saturday, the 21stDancing unii vcfreshinJiitH of all kiucthe grounds. Admission '2& cents.

—The [riemls of tlie Baptist diun*, cf

.resident ofreported

.ruiiction, will hold a harvest homo festivalou the green adjoining the church, Satur-day, ihu 21st inst. Kcfreslimcnts of tillkinds will be provided. . . .

some, of the musical talcnUif.Tiuicliouvisited this plnce the other evening «itdynveusa concert ou the M:iiscouetcoiig.Homti Ur^c bull frogs aided in llio chorus.

—Mr. Urinli-Hineliurt, our bhicksmith,while shoeing a horse the other day, iviwby Homo menus struck in tlie mouth und[[iiito severely injiu'cd.

"—Mrs. IJeyer, who wns nthis plucc..- some " time ago,ilroivued ut the canal near Newark.

_ _ _ _ _ ;__ HlIUUH.

.-:..:', ' :;~--:":-L ' f ; i 's, : ! l" i 'e*' ' 'r7 '"---:-'--•••'--'"-

—P. Simdford Snyder, ot! Uolorudo' baabeen visiting friends in . Clinton. Yourcorrespondent received a pleasmit call fromhim on Tuesday hist. Wu nro gratilled•fcfaijo our friund looking so well.-p—S. A. Taylor, a photographer iiiBrooklyn, hus taken cliargo of U. U.Angle's pholojrraph gallery. Mr. Anglewill go west, shortly, we understand, torIho improvement.of his health,

-Thco. J . Hoffiniui's>firiuitl-child-diedat his residence iu this place ou Fridaymorning last. "We. biivo not been able to

itoy aftornooi).—Quito a iiumbor of Clinton's most

promising yomi'ir'Jiich startett forUrooklynI'ond, on Monday uvening. They arogoing to try camping-out for nwliilo.

—The riV"r »tJtliis]>lncfi rnsri somo -teninches from thVfiuii on SHnduy evening-Wo huve also heiml of-aovertil building*that wero'washed awuy.

—John Van" Sycklc, of Mecca, {juormiijis now visiting his' father, - Dr. H. viuiSycklo of this pluce. JIu is u prospurinhardware men ' *

To Lawyers!l-ttliSAI.L*.

of STKU'AUTri UKiEST in two vnl-I ; .........—....-_. _. . .. . .


m. u ixw.anil ic jirii'u. Imiulresit th

The meeting of tbu Warren CountyJ e Alliance which we announced

gn iterance Alliance,

k t b» h

u yhich we announced

Hclvidr-Thursday, the 2(ith inst., will boiiiasa meeting ol tcuipcraiicC workersThe iiioruiii" session will begin nt 10o'clock and will be occupied principallyby tin: opening exercised, reports of loc.iluliiunucH, Jteforiii Clubs, etc. Thero will,UoAever, be-one- discusiuii,"" dining themorning session, the subject of which if''Tlie iiuporttuicc of organized effort."

During the afternoon session, whiclwill commence at 1:30 o'clocl;, there wilbe three- discussions the suhjeets of whichnre us follows: ' , . , . ,

'"How shall tho campaign against theli<[uor iriUliii be conducted this year?"

"Modi's of-.edticn.ting and intensifyingtbe loinpcrnncc sentimont of Warrencounty." . : :

"How to make local organiztitious eill-ciiint in forming public opinion."

A gencrid' attendance of temperanceorganizations, churcJes," Sunduy schoolsand friends of the cause are requested.Music wil! bu turuisheil on tho occosinnbytho llclawarc Cornet Baul.

.Mr. Kdward Plotta, of the Gem OrgunUompaiiy,*of thin place, has just returnedfrom a successful bushier trip through theShitnendoah Valley, of Virginia. Ilospeaks iu the highest terms of tho beauti-ful scenery, the profitable productivefarms ami o( tho hospitable, , straight-forward,; honest.- peonto, Starting; inthe. vnlloy at the old, historic town ofHarper's".'Ferry," ho visited'CJiarlustoh;nbrryvillu, Winchester, Lauray, Kanpa-hunnock and returned by Mauassas, nilgrounds that wore often fought over dur-ing the late war. Mr. 1'lotls was at Win-chester on the Confederate DecorationDay, aud whilo walking through' theNational Cemetery there, found the graveof un old neighbor, Jolm Mowdor, whowas a color bearer in Company H., of tholiith New Jersey Regiment, and was kill-ed tit Cedar"Crcek, October 19,18C4, afterhaving served . through. tho;; (uitiro war.A wrunth was given Mr.' Plotts and heplaced it on tho grayo-of-his old friend,thankful that of .pence,now, reignaovortho entiro country and tlmt all ourpeople mingle socially and in o^bnsir—.way as of old. 'i>

. Onu,thousand six hundred and tliirty-^ght'Beatty'B organs nnd pianofortes woreiiiado and shipped to; nit parts of thecivilized world tluriog tlio month of Juno,or in 2G-working .days.-: If this record hasbeen equaled by any orgaa or piano makerin America, .during June, 1883, I willdonate Fifty Thousitnd Dollura in

' M i U b i i i t t i U t b

Thuro uru dniiHeroiiB counterfeit!) incirculation purporting lo bo" Walnut LuiilIlair Ucstorur.'1 The BtrongOHt evidence*of its great value is tho fact that partiesknowing ita great ellicucy try to imitateif ,-Each bottle of the genuine hos n faesimile of a M'ulnut leaf—blown in tlio glnssj'audaUrccn Leaf on the outside: wrapper.The "Bostorer" is as hnrmlcaa aa water,whilo it possefises all theipropcrtica nccesBury to restore life, vigor, growth andcolor to tho hair. l'tuthaKC only fromresponsible parties';:x Ask your druggist furit. Ench bottle, is warranted..'Johnston,.TTm^'-J..:1;.:'."::-"!*!.!!^ .1 .1 _.!.:,"• ......1 L1ITT nr

-__Go and scd;A. B. (1 . .jtore. and new gobds.under light as day,. :


L—All kinds of tiuwork and plumbingdone promptly by Ilulaizei* '&: Morslion,

every "20 working dnya. Let tho nionopo-lists nnd their tnuln journala rage, DanielF. Beulty still holds tho fort. Verytruly yours, " ^ • • . '."-; -~^t~z^L~~

Tho Public's Iluitiblu und Ob'tSurvunL,DASIKI. P. I3BATTY,

, ' Wnshinglou, Now Jersey.

. How a trudo journal tried to blackmailnn organ builder! Tricks "of'tho' Trade. IA huge titono in a 500 horse-power onginelHow they attempted to stop tho LargestOryun Works iu Existonco, A funnymonyinous letter..froin"^Vprmont."1 Fullpartiiiiiliirs Inter. HE ATT Y. .

\.ffriUKlfcetivnln^'AhnrvflBtriiotiinwllbe tbld\by~ the "ladies' .of :thl~ M." E.congregation, of Anderson, N."J., at. theMiurch in that place on Thurajt-/;rol nuxt

1 -\i, tll'e 2Gth instj.isViUi' afternoon and" " ip'cr'.'will bo provided, and

f ha an v-abundance, of, cako, icet ; ^ AU ftte invited-to attend.


X t i l b


irlvett tlmt a uoni]<utittvu tr-tiurtlllH:iu>l.lnrtti(>('.Hirt. I l inw. - l i•. N". 4., on TIIUKSOAY.' tliu T\S'ES

TV-SIXTH (Uiyiif .KM.Y hi-t., nt II oVI.iekA. .M.. to ilvti'miltiL! wltr> ^Imll lie noiuinat

over suvi! 11 Ice 11 nnd unilcr twynty-two ycurti oUL'<-. anil m-tuiil rwi<!«'iit^ i.f the tllslrkt. Ap-[ilk'iillmi for iMjniiL*sioti to untur Die con toadUrcc.'ed to

B. F.HOWKV,July 111, ISS1. Coliiiiilila, Wiirrc-ii Co.. N. J.


The Common Council of the ISormijjIi\Vii.sliIn«t<ni, N. J., willsdl »t imhlU-..sal'1

tlicTown Hull in fuid lion.u^h on

SATURDAY. JULY 21st;nt 2 o'clock I1. .M. A lar«o t-m-A

Babcock Fire Extinguisher,a jjootl aa new. It. lias two Itinjo tuiikx, u* niomiteil otnv'liculK.

";0EI5IHALLY COST $2,500.

an do'fio ly calling mi .aii,'.tCouncil nr llie Clerlr. .

.IL'USOU for suiting: Ilitvc introiliiceil wni[1 purdmweel n atouruer, und tlicrcforu Imfurtlior use for U. . :

':••• .1. H. TIIATyilKIt, UI.BHK.

Illld L'l—Ol


Home Items.•' - —All your own fault

i*If you remain sick when you winDei hop iiltters that never—KAIL.

' ' -The weakest woman, sinnllet-t child, _....i k s t iiivulld i-iin use linji hitlers with tmfutr

l'lillt ITOOll. r

Old nieti tottering uround from Khuunm-tiam, ktilnuy Iroublc. or iniy wuukut'KS wil! -'>eiilinoft new liy iislus;* lioti bittur^.

—My wife ami daughter were 'mnrto healthyy tlie \iw nf hop ;XittorH und I rueuimnondtutu to my [IUOIIIU.—Methodist Clergyiimn.

Ask uny good doctor if hon..Bltlure lire not the best family medicine

" On earth. ;,r—Malurlul" lever, ague and biliousness willnvc (ivery ncigliborlwioil UH soon 11s hop bll-

L..".-r->I.v.inot.hcr.druvc'rthc pitrnlraU.aiuUntKiiiaHoiifoEhiirHystciii with'hoii™bittel id. Oswego Sun. ". (I;—Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bitters

and you need not fcur sickness. , "—leu wntur U rendered himnlexH ami morefrcBhliis iiuil, reviving with iioji bllters In

ich (irniiL'ht. -""'."• • • ,. ...—Tho'vij;or of youth for the aged'ii'nd Infirm1 liop bitturH. . a t - l i n . .

Huisjzer & Mershon,

Hardware, Tinware,

"Agricultural It

/SSTAH kinds 0i;Tlnniu? WiiEild

Put a Brand on Him."Wumeuuro a ncccewry evil," ho Bald,lualuK down hti d«t bard uu tbo counter top W u e tho heartlcM remark. It wt* In tho

Tlllmje storo at Weit Mlltou, Sftratcwtv Countr,and ttio speaker v u tha central figure of q,Lfroii|H]: ot ImcUolIc phllruophcrc, J[o wa*Homely, nlovunly and ility.•: "Thcro'nwhcrcIdllTcrfrora you altogether,"said Mr. Ocor^u T. Ur&haui, of tho eamts place."Women arc mostly.what lacn make 'cm.V'Iicu liuabandfl arc (jrutcs wires will fall Into

RutniiiBfllon or niako home hot for the men; andthey're unnatural In cither character. Loruthan, ami uipcclAUr tu good tu Ihtia wlicuthey're sick, and you'll have no trouble.There'* mynwii wife, now. 8hu'» Buffered a(jitod deal with dyf'tciiKia, uervoun proetratlonnnd other nllments that took tho bloom off herchecks and tlio spring out of her steps. Well,*ho raw * ati advertisement c( PAKKKR'SJTONIC, and thought It would bo Just tho thingfor her caw. Ocntknieu, I scut Dvo miles afteruLoltlu. Shu twk IU I neul uptfn afterWore. So several thaw.. Trouble? Why, Ifyim could etc how much tfood it ha* dotio heryou would (ay that women are thu greatest ofJotlV blensluyi, umll'AUKEu'a TONIC IS the

next."Thin preparation, which ho* been known aa

1'AKK EII'S ttiNOEii TONIC!, will hereafter bocalled simply I'AIIKEH'S TONIC. ThU changut hern n-iiilere-1 tiiccmiary by BUbetltutcn Im-oncd upon their eiistomew by unprincipled

ituulem under thu name of ginger; and an gln-Ker In really nn unimportant Huvorlng Ingredi-ent, we drop tlm mljlradlnj; word.

Theru Is 110 ehani'e, however, In the prepara-tion ituclf,- and all bottle* remaining In. thamuds of ilcnlern, wrnjiped under tho name ofi'AKKKit'rt (iisiiKii Toxic contains the genuinemedicine If llio fucMnillc *t(rnatutro of Iliscox

Co., Id ut the I oltom of tliovuUlde wrapper.


How Shall We Describe It? ;

" ITIRHXtA pbnrmacy abundantly stocked

with drugs, chemicals), extracts, elix-irs, tinctures, of tho utmost reliabil-ity, with competent druggists at handto compound prescriptions with ab-soluto accuracv.

A family drug storo ivhere ono canbo always nuro to find pure apices,Bodn, ci'oam tartar, flavoring extracts,dye-stuffs, potash, herbs, pills, patentmodicineH, toilet articles, perfumea,brushes, combs, sponges, chamois,soaps. j .

.„„„„,• /A paint store where to purcho :

material by the pound or tho ton {

paint, glass, putty, bronzes, gold leiartists' supplies.

A book store with l o w prices audcarefully selected stoclc. Goodspromptly ordered if not at hand. Acomplete stationery stock in all lines.

A pu'fure store where frames audpictures, separately or together, arein great variety nt absurdly lowprices for some of tlie arl icles offered.

SIXTH:A ftsicy store where majolica \y^**,

Dresiiei. nnd Vienna cjiiiia, cut / .,•engraved glass, comb"*oases, ..albuhLx1'"writing desks, pocket knives, atereo-*scopes and views aud several tliiugabeside are on sale.

This is the Warren Coujity_Qnig S t o r e . —

CYPHERS the Tailor

wishes tjj^EBBourice to. hisold customers and to new - :

ones that may beadded to the list

that he will be locat-ed for the present (until

further notice) at Number


wliere he is prepared to getup first-class clothingfrom Foreign andDomestic Goods, at >

the lowest possible . prices and

A GQQ'J Fit Guaranteed,Give me a' call and be con-

incedr" You will find every-thing as represente'd.

PICKEL& BRO.Have Something to Say to -You I

Wo have in our market oirBelviilere :Avf ^"ii^njajjirgn ivmi-nhnifn.tiMpRiion of

which wu uro sclliug at prices that cannotbo .beaten. We am .please, the'most fas-.i\ •tidi6it8".~'Qive"ur'a'cftll. We also wishSo: anuouueo tliot on Tuesday, the :-—^JT.lU'-'Utl., -wo l«£ftn ruoniog a wagon •'•.• . , ; .ibout towu, 'aud hereafter will v*.sit>orir ^ 'oiutomers tlircQ.:tituca'-"each.--Wcek, on' ..; -Tuccddy,'Thursday and Saturday, and ; ; ;

supply them.witli mcat^nt their doora.---.-. -

PICKEL &BEO;,No. 18 Uclvidexo Avenue, ;

! '"Washington, 2T. J.M a r . 3 3 , S i ) - t t . - . . / ; • - • ; • ' ; ' - • : . • • , • . . • . • - - . • : , ' • ~.

NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVliN THAT Jpersons who shall from this date be up* :•

iirebottded trGBpaselng on tlio VftUcy fanu> be*'- ' ; to tlio'New York I.Ko Inmicanco Co .

jontb of A\aBliIngtoii, ulllboprosGcutouU) tbo full. itout of tbolawnrovldea for sncU

N. B GANO, Aetnl. ,

Page 4: WASHINGTON STAR. - DigiFind-It · 2015-12-03 · ore who had mndp their fortunes long ago, From nil necauntf),-it.-W!W a stone 0 medium Bizo, but rare color and fire—i alone- which


«IJo br Bide we r»1o together,an A dear October,

Wlillo iho mountain, crimson ir«.ini.

Kept n roynt holiday.

DCtfn the Swlltlitiaclt twin Mount fi-f. *We went v[Kf <lln<[ oVr tlio I1IIL1

With ttio SoMcn auiilliflii (UsiilwfV'ruin iiiorlppltni;mountain rl'.K I.

Mill tiio n.ulilnif uiitl tlto Kllntlii;vAmi tits blue nf autumn nfcles

Were but Irtwly in tliclr tH'nutjrToUic hiliiiiut'r of U r »•><•*.

Wild Jjy ulilo wo roilo lOip-tlii'f.Alid i Olil liul daio lo WJlt,

»*ur Blio was wvL-ntfCii, ami IWas lunwtf of Wriy?iflKlit. . •

So I \vTil.t|K<r(Hl to ticn "jurllusr.u t i u e i j hJk'"v v ;

lint oho JookiM away (.ir f>vi-rAll the lnil.4 that t-»' UtHicn,


Aiullicr cj ts wcic l«t wiriii'.

AHHtii'tMld: " I HliwiK'lt'luT,Wllli IIS si'lfiulors of ilwuy.

lltuI like tlicsiimtJKTIxtlrr.And the warm, »ivi>ct air of May."

TliiiH we travi'ltcd ilou n Hit- Sft llyli-TlniiHriilwlwltlMii>-T,iti-;Foriitie wiisdcvenlccn, and I..Was turned tffortf'i'lgM.


M». Churchill sat in her easy-chair by llietow window, upon to mini it tho sweet BUIMaicr nir, redolout of roses nnd lioueyflicklc.Her slippered foot tripped tho velvet carpetimpatiently; tlicro was nu ominous con-Iniclion of tbo Mack brown, find her

>• Koy, Hitting opposite, kuotv that tho lettersue held aud bud just pewicd brought mi-[iKmiut tic

•-• " Whnt is the inntttr now, mother i" huBakcil. ••'•1I.M Leslie been up to bis oldprniikti? Is lie in debt or arrested for pmc-tk-nl jofclug ?"

"Don't jest, Koy," snid Mnt. Churchill,tersely. " I could forgivo liim anything butHIM. Ho hns married a poor girl from tlio?ery titreeU; disgraced us all by n miserableuisullinmie. Head tbo letter, If you like."

She to-wed it to him uml leaned backi;ui;i»t t'ju cushion!), with a deepening frownjti lnv hnughty fiteo.

I,"s!i.', hor immUoiuc, youuger son, tinil'(tlwnys been a fiivorite, despite : hi?t wild,

'li'Hn wnyB nud determined waywardness;ii-jhtj attributed to the reckless impulse..iili. Hu wan always fiuuk, generous,

iLftrt, and she had long chemh-H of him for tbo future, n bril-i being her chief tleairo.

,v nil was euded; her hopes ami desire*lny nlioiit her a com pic to wreck. Leslio was

ieil—intirrk'il without even her know..: and uppruvnl; he had tiiken for a bride

uu cultured riitugutcr of nn aristocratic(.it.lily, who would briny lo him Lonor imc

: lii-thirtitin, but A girl, poor nud uukuowu,"• wliosn they would blush to nukiiowlfO^e.

Hoy looked up fiu:n thu Utter with athoughtful face.

" No doubt it U ft bitter.'disappointmentto you, mother," ho suid; "but it may bebutter tbim you think, utter nil. Li-bile is

fjhty, but lio would never marry uny oneit a liidy. - Thnt she was poor uml workedr her liviiifj is scarcely a disgrace."" I doubt it sbo is even educated," return-

pother, GCOrntully, "Leslie U just.. foolish tjifoiigh.lo be duped by some ooame,

ieaicning creatureT ."it is ouly the worst aud'" liiaddost ot las follies." • • • > • • •• .

" He is coniiug home next moutb," ltoy- .Wiuiiijuted. • • — ..-. - -

"Yes. aud oven requests ino to receive

lalfl, Koy. I'll answer tbe letter now."Hoy would have advised a delay—timo at

least, to consider tho subject well; biu. mother was scarcely in a mood to write'to. tier dcliui^ueut Gou. But ho knew that re-

monstrance would bo quite useless, andbrought Iho sluud nud vritiu g-desk to ber

•without a word. •"Leslie," begnu Mrs Churchill. It wse

tho first time she had over writteu to himwithout an affectionate prefix—" Leslie, thowntcnts ot your letter, just received, both

. surprised and pained me. It seems scarcelysrcdiblo that a Churchill aud one of my BOIIBihould Ktoop to chooio a wife from a station

'. BO farboneiUli bis own. I can' but thinka were led into it unwillingly, doubtless

10-Halic: nf your fortune, you were- always so reckless auiicT^JtiS^r;:.. :. ..

"You are coming here with her: olcourse, you cannot expect mo to receive hai>B I would one of our own rauk ; iu fact, ihave decided that BUICO you hnvo BO dia.

. regarded my wishes, my presence hero would..: bo scarcely desired. There has never been

hostility between us, but now there wouldbe ono subject, at least, upon which wecould not agree.

" I intended to go abroad in tbo fall, bul& few months will make, littlo difference ; so,when you arrive, here, you will nnd the

" y o u

it IIIM mother's bodiiido, heardher doltrtoiiK crifH for " T<entt(>, Lcsllo I" andher incoherent babbling of Dana nnd tboyoung girl who Imd como between her nndher ran.. , • ...

mio tiny, as Iliough from along sleep, Mrx. Churchill looked about her

itli tu'wildinil eycH. A young woman,rated tii'iir tho witnlnw, nwo mill annoiifliy hi HID be.UIJo. .'

" You hum Iweii very ill," HIIQ Raid, inreply lo tho iuvalid'H book of Intpilry. " I 'm

~ Hint you ara couse'"iin at last. It willtint tin long now before- you will bn well nuditrong ngniu."

Tier volco Witt low nnd waudiirfiilly nwect,HrN. Cliiircliill, riiUiti^licr oyc.*, w a Tuir

. fnco with sweet MiiiUii}- Vmmlli iiuJtender brown cyw; n wraith of wavlit)* palo.follow hnir wR4cnilcd about n dainty, well-poiKod hciul, nud tha linniU that softly:lnppcdhcr own wero while mid

In.l n fiilisl n-Mllcrti-'ti of Imvln;tbnt »;iiMiiii.i (uti Iwtrtm'ntnl fvlt the j-cntletouch of ttmsc soft, cool hi\:jil^,

" Wlin ftt-o you ?" jihn iMketl." I mil your imrKc, Mis* Irving," thn git.

wswervii. " I hiivc Iwon with you nil tinline. Now I nm t!olii£ t'> tell your tton olfour recovery ; ho in very iiusious."

HUP. glided nw.iy mid went down tit tlirlibrnry wticro Hoy win paciisg wlowlyupdown.

Your mother is conscious, Mr. Church*ill," the said.

Jtoy turnod with hopeful face." l a m very glad," ho auswerod. " I

.>t>o wu tUull boon havo her with IN."•'Yes; 'twill not bo loiif: Hint him «IV

Bend my care."She looked nt him unilliugVi nilA l I l ( ; l1

jycsniel. Soinethiny in IlnyV made herlwn droop, and n fulnl Hnili dyed lirr law.1 Hori'iilizftt Itu'ii, furtlitttlrpl time, what

n hnnl imrtliti; il would bo for him : lioYH to be vt-vy fcnid of tlu Anility, «<

ui»K way'*., Mrs. Ohnrcliill rnpidly impi"'tlien, «uo day, lier coiiii-anlmi

veil," i"Sp«ko ., :redd.'ciih

,liook her lieud nud i

Bii.Uiii.lIy. y.'iivithutoiiuuMu ol.l com.

omml. " 1 i-hull be lonely acre, find need*nii|»iMi>i!i. Suy with tue; yon Iwva iiolli-it£ liniill you :.J-uy." •' " ' .' '

" N<>, 1 Iwvo nothing, not even frnm.Rib« niiKwvn.'.), rtully. " I will stay, Mrs.Ubun-hilLM

Snt even frii-iid-i. Thnt touched the l.i Iy%heart, ami sho 'letenniiiod thtn,^hut Hieyoiiiif; Klrl should lwv« at lawt' twie tmofriiMi.l. She l a I yrown dearer lo her eventhan hbu wmiM umiffs*.

Hoy's nilectioii ami pity gradually deepen,cd into lov*: la> did not exprcu it i» wonHbut il wii< ui-j-arfJiTiu every l.iob nn.I action.

Tlie wmiu; tsirl did not r»>!.tiit it; BOIIIC.tinitiR ho fii!icio.l it wn* n-itiprociitod, butthere steiwA to Iw u bartk-r b.^rucu. tboinhat he roulil imitlur undcrsUnd nor cltiaiiwny.

Oaeday, alone with Mr*.'Churchill, *hraniionuced her intcatioa of icaviu|j the mantion.

" Do not ur^e mo to remain," sbo said."Itifliiecehsiiry forme to go,-wry ueeusary."

"Icannot understand. Why sl..iuM y<wisb to go away? Are you i>it lw|>|>yhere?"

iln. CbtiNhilt noticed HIiiig of Ibu Itiilliful aya, the. little, coafust'ilflnsb tbnt crtpt over the girl's face.

i I i " b ld tl'•MisRoy a o do

g-bo wild, g-ntly, "h

ih d


now u

iVw'^iS'.'SiiiftK..MwuniliiulldllMh.; Tlity nro wonu



TDTTOWR-DYL< J y HnlrumMVIiUkcrBciiniKietlto*

U >>}'" KIIIKIO niiDllt-nlln


Corel nKly biotcbcs anil ituhborn, blootl cotca.Ck-anm blood, qulckcni HOBBII* clrenU«on.EUmlimtca Ootla, Cdthiinclcn and fecnUb.-tiiJBS-r.'.-mnni-nUy »nd promptly enwd ptriiymt".Vcs Xt la a charming and l.cnltlifiil Apcilent.K11U ScwhiU and Klnge Evil, twin brother*.Ch&nuM lin-l litcath to good, removing CIHI»P.,t i r S S i h WHomneM«di-1«» complexionChirmlnf resolvent and tnatchlcm loistlvc.-«»It dJSiHmv Headache like the winu.-Stt ,IV"Contains no dmtlc cathartic or oplntu. -

Kntotci llffBlTloB propertlrt to ttao I. «>d;«*Ii cnnrnnlccd to cure all ncrvou* al*orui'rs._fcftrirHctlnbleivhcnalloptateHfftU.-tfavHefreohes the mind ivnd invlgnrile? the body..Cur jd

- E ndl

Uaiiing clMSJmon In U. f • nn if Europe 's*pi»(>nicB o( the Wood own It ft cmici««or.-ff«for BMU bv- nil IcBtllns dtnggwtn. tI.J.I.-U>

Tlic I)r. S. A. ltlclimond Medical Co., 1'rnpB.,— " St.Jiwcjih,Mo..•".".- „ -l-J

Ch«. X. CiUtcnttfu, Ascnt, Sew York City.

.. t""fe

houso at your completo disposal. If y<' ^write, address mo at Lady Ourrier'i), Ijondo

I BhaU remain thero until fall. . I"Your mother, J " " •.""' '<

y ' " . ' " '-•--•- JJBTITIA CllL'KUIllIiL.""

, This is the inessago that •JIw. Churchillj teut to her absent sou. It might huvo been

-^liuderiiftdjiho.woited, as Koy wished shehad, for her a -gor aud 'disappointment les-eonod little with reflection.

Hor prida was doiply wounded by this last_^m t t t ofhor willful son, and prido waa a strong.......fliaraotnrjgtjc orljotitin Churchill,

.. Six weeks later, a few. days after' Mrs.. Churchill's arrival at Liidy Currier's, a letter

: camo over.tlio ncnau. She did not recognize:::.:Jtholiaudwriliug, but.noticed'that it was;flnt',

and fomininb, boforo aha broko tho seal.1" *

" DEAH MADAM,—"Your eon Leslie is dead.-'-•'-•- \"e wcr-jou'ouv-ffiiy to bislioma, -s-henvho

met witn MI accident that proved fatal. Ho,-was--thrown from a~ horse at-Dann, and

*•'—•--•*• lingered loss lufiiiTiQ hour, dclirions until thoena, ),;I telegraphed to you then, hut youhad ROIIQ' abroad. I learnod your present.

.'.•".' addrosB from your last letter to LCBUV.'^BO.lioTO mo, madam, you need not fear intru-sion from me. Aa for my husband's fortune,

' I have no doeiro to claim tbo Biunllost partof it, and regret that you Bhould BO Tnisjudee

<c- mo,' OiTering my condolcnco in your afllto.:,. tion, Iromain.. ...

±_j_-<. 'JlloBpeclfully yours,

!,""."!.".'.' Soi'o'oitl,'so formal, so hearllcsB, how couldU « . Churchill know of tlio trim regret and

ipcithy that lougod to expross itself, yoiI ^ - n o t to tho angry, scornful wornjTn~wfio'

ijustly conddmned (ho^writor,?^,^,s,,,..,.. Yet ono thing woa very^oviaentT^thiB^ i i , . . , . y> »ng girl lm<3 not nitirried Loslio Ohnrchill

^-^-forljig^onltliandpoBition, sinco now thatho waB dead, hho refused to claim either,'- "

: It was a bitter blow to Mrs.' Churchill, (hedeath of ouo ou whom woro contorcd hoibcHt/nlToctiona'and fondest.hopes,, and horgrief waFnot lesEoncd by'thb" thought- thattho last lotter sho had written hor son waaDot A kind ono. .

Sho spent tho following yonrMu tho/.OldWorld. .RoyWAS veryLattenlivo:1.and_conil

Bidbmte;.aua';ihe'now'BedneBTnnd"fitrango;Iueeri aetVfid to rllvort her mind, and sb<j,.hiuliK:w"Vuii«"!(niiti3ii*g4tla"gri6Tiij'il;;bnt;,TfI

" Ihn ocenir^ns egaiii crossed and ihojTt.wero1 II homo onco raoro, her composnro

.~!Fty, fjitirdy, and sbe"'refusccl' to bo••:fortca;'...: ;." ., : : . ' (} ,y/&v • :

a a^iiao whoi thoittnUEionwag;OM/tho {jrpat rooms darkened,

pulsivety; '"0h, Mw. Churchill, I'isorry. I should have goim baforo this.1

••..MiS'.CbureWH-.lwiued fo>tho (jlrl'i* hftuds Lohvesr. bet

"Ikuo«- tbat Koy hve* you,'vduojuii:

swered. "I 'm sorry it you cnimot^renirui t I would not1 like to too him unliauE,v."

it ibu'i mat. i civa no ngnt io rctnrcit. Iampoi.rand niiliiiown. and he—oh,yon must underetaud j "

Mrs. Churchill answered kindly nudirmly:

Mils Irviufj, if youlovo Hoy, there injo reason that you should leave- us. 1 shull

proud to accept you for my daughter.Uowmercenttry and cruel you must havethought as !" .

Then she pauned, thinking sadly, how .well.:;hb had merited the titles ono year ago.Sho had greatly chauged since then. Towardtho woman who had been Leslie's wifo foiinch a short timo 6ho no longer harboredresentment; sho often thought of hor withkindness and pity, wondering where &bewan, aud how well sho was succeeding intho daily Btrugglo of life. She had ovenmade a few attempts to find her, but with-out success ; sho thought sho would be betler' contented if sba knew that Leslie'swidow waa abovo want aud poverty.

" Prido once camo between mo aud myhappiness," hho said to hor companiontold her tho story of her non'a hastyring*1, niid.lior own iinjnnt anger. . " I f Icould only find her, I.would moke'iimends,1

"" jiiddoa.""•"•;" '",'" ':'"":"' "\~-" " '" i'hece is no need of that, Mrs. Church-

ill. Sbo forgavo yon long ago."Mrs. Churchill started at the woMs; at

her feet was the young girl, with upturnfaco aud pleading eyes.



7J J m £T' ^


UKLATIM: iiim:n. .iiiiir

"Forgivo ino, forgive mo; I hnvo de.

eelved you," «ho said. " I am Murion, your

wn'Hwlfel" • .^Chero was a littlo start of surprise, an in.

erudulous cry;~"then Mrs. Churchill's faco$raw radiant with joy and pleasure. Marion*now that sbo wnu.wclcomo, uud gladly into tho outstrelched arms," opento receive her.

"-Vud-Miinoft'-wero^'iiinrrica'tt-roWlater, and Bho ciuno to reign in thowhosa' duori'-; had oiico been closedhom

tgaiust her, JI:-L;;.1."- ' • v

By Mm. Churchill, thoro is uo ouo nolearly loved arid respected us thin gentle,win-ionia girl, hor son's mfa—Gniiitvere.

"•' l*ollnlilii(r tlic Wrimir Kiui;Many men daily polish their boots yyhi

never give a thought to Uiij'condition o:llieir • hair, ; except to harrow it cnautilljwitli brusli and comb, or submit it. to theparalyzing attentions of the~ average bmUr."-What lir.ppcna ? - VVliy,:thi3:iProiuoglcct, mentftl anxiety, or nny of ~ii scoreof-pniiwBj.tho liair turns prematurely grnjanl begins " to ' fa l l out. Parker's l laiBalsam will at'on'co stop the latter prcce'sa nnd restore the original color. Aelegant dressing, Jroe.rrorajjroflse.

TnslMPOBTED OsTRIOIIEa.r-ThO OBtriclierooently turned out in Los Angolas Co, Cal,bocamopauio-striokenlABt'weeknndknoqkea'tho fortco down, oue of the birds oscftpgTho Anaheim GazcUe says A reward of$(>0 was offered for the return of tlio bird.KB a Mr. Strong, of Norwalk, was dri'along tho highway the ostrich walked social!up to his wagon and examined its contentia ouilty, widontly in soarpu of noraotbineatablo Xt Bubnequontly fratomizod wiJiIL band ot Gbeep and resontod undue h*nty on thopft*toftbohordor by knoolunghim down whenever he approaohod too closeBo was found with tho ehoep and ^.returned»Inn companions —Bon 2f nmeaeo Ohm

Tlic great superiority of DR.


ailothert:otit;h remedies is attested

l)y the popular demand

for that old established remedy.


ilcrotliig 1'arli (,'ulUiI Frcui litre na4

—A brillinnt Ent«criu{r-Cluster dia.mond*. '

—Vermont has two women ncUng aa mull:nrrlcr*.

— Cinciunall boneta thnt thero is a younghuly In that city with a full honrd, '

—Tho public works erected by tho Itnlk.nGovernment lost year cost over 4*0,000,000.

—A Yankeo Rchoolmnstor is no longer re-garded ns nn outlaw at tho South, though IDtomo places tbo person who tcacbcii DOgro;*In «tiU ostracised.

—Tho bell nscd M Wcllesloy Collflgo,Mass,, |B from tho niicicut lluddbM TcmploIn JapaDj nud wnv given to Iho cuUc-jja byMr. J , L. Urarcfl, of Itoston.

—Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, of lown, U dcllr-tring tcuiporanco lectures iu 1'loridn, wheroIho prohibition inovonicnt, in Iho Khnpo oflocal option, IH Gninini: nmniiiiigly.

•A four-ycar-olil fmgment of liuniniiltystrayed Into tho kitchcu washing day audlien wrut up tttaim askal her iiminmit whatIliidget wa« " cookitif* tlio clotheg " for. • '

—A leadinj; l-'rcnch physician, Dr. Proust,a paper roid recently before tho Acadomy

of .Medicine, wiyn Hint tlicro aro 219,'JTOhotiwcn in l-'ranco without n Binglo window.

—Tho Hinallcst man In tho .Soulhcnst livenin Now Madrid county, Mo. Ho i« forty,

inches tall aud is tliirty.threo'yearn nld.Ho wiysho Ktoppcd growing when ho wasoldveu years old. Ho has Bcvornl brothorflnml muter* who nro of ordinary size.

—Negroes aro leaving the low k\udn ofSouthern Mississippi nud Louisiana by thoii'

Knyiug that they are done cropping inilmt country and nro going nnywlicro, they

; know or euro where, KO it is nwny fromivcrtlow. Thero aro while people who

probably feel tho Game.r-^Tho niOBt common nanio among tho

rows is thnt of Cohen. To English Jaws Its what Smith is (a -Englishmen, Tho ace-sud most common uamo it VwU, The

io of Moses Htnnds very low down in theIt In unpopular, luw been ridiculed,

Becms to have been very generallytbaudoiiui].

—Tho women in tho departments nlWashington mostly belong to tho low J u r -ied chivies; but many of them, whoso effi-ciency ban been demonstrated by louf* Ber.

ice, expect thnt tl.o Civil Service C'omniis-on willgivo thorn chaucca for promotion,hicli they have never hitherto oujoyed.—A ninu was (juii'tly iniiiicliint* on a

iwi of pie iu a Kitlocm l'rlliy moriitng,-lieuuloukot dlstroKS mi:l.U-ii!y 'ili^pliwod

tho ticrone cspr-.-saiou on his f.ui-, Tnkin"wiuclhiiii; fiviii bin teeth and looking atit, ho cried to tbo waitpr, "Ik-re, you,thnru'H a stone I found iu this pio!" Thowaiter took it, (-iancod at it critically nud,

mdiugit baek, brioily unM, "It 's no goodus; you can hive it."— Ihinhnry Xtieg,—An nged blacksmith in a Yorkshire,ii gland, towu died n fortnight n^o in a

hovel outside the village of Woll, nml lyingoil nn upper bcum in tho hovel was found a !sum of $15,001), while in an old chest were:mortgage deed)! for su'vorul biiiulrud pouud«ailditJonal. Tlia miticr had becu missed

, his shop for several days, when a:h was.. instituted ami ho wi\n found

lying dead in bed. Ho bad no relatives,aud tho entire estate, therefore, [joes to th«Crown.

—A moat remarkable electrical phenome-non i.ianifeFteil itself on tho lino of theUnion Pacific Hallway the other Hay, bo.

North l'latte and Sidiifiy, Neb. ThoinQuenco, however, was felt perceptiblyfisyond I hose points. The rails wero eur.

1 with a current of electricity, aiov-»i wwl In past to Ko hiffh. a. ilot-rco

it hand cam standing on tho track" wt>rtT:d nl a fair rate of spaej by it. Ono

aid car at Brulo got away from tho sectionThe inmienea of the enri'eiil iwis full

ny persons along tho tnick, and notlo eicitomeut prevailed during it.s con-nance.

—Tho influx o£ Ohitieso into Mexico in,kc ot American enterpriser bus iitoiid-

tho ftara of tho natives, aud tho press aromimous <n asserting m .the strougeat

iguage tbat if foreigners think thoy caniv up tnictR of lam] aud import tho ChU•Q barbarians to ctiUivulo it thoy most cor.ily mistake tbo ehunieter or Iho peopleSIUJLIOO, .. Such operations will lead to

uodshed. Mexicans tiny . thnt uo race or.rbarians shall rob them of pitrticipadontho fruits ot tlio new cm of progreselich has dawned upon them. Kevertho-

ss, tho insinuating CclcHtiul wilt no doubtih his way in Mexico as everywhere else

hero ho obtain? a foothold. Tho Chinese[ready have a monopoly ot the restaurantid lauudry buaiuubs in Koitheru MoiU'O*

Washington Business Direotorvomilol jr. Jlcntty,

.MANUKACTUKEK 0 ? 1'IANOS ASD OKUAN8.Onieet-WaihlnHlonAvc.Cor. llroad St.Knctory-ItaltroBil Avo. Cor, Ikntty SI.

LBADH TUB WOULD. HUV OMB AND UEIIAI'l'Y. l'or clrculflie and prices

- Ad'lrr-P II. W.AIXEGElt. '

ASD SKW.VBAHS.tlliJiy nnfl Wmlillng Ulfli.i::: uoi'srv ma-a STOUK.—

U U l U H E I t S . •••••- - : • U C L V I D E K i : A V B .


FANCY GOODH.llrlckStore,Cor. Wapliin^tonAve.and Droia Ki.

yAt tin OU VonUoren Lnmlicr Yaiil. I'ino JLIlcm-iDCkLnmmr.Hhlochi, Jionldlnir*. titth, Vooti,HUle, UrlcK, Llmo, Cement. Stnil and I'UMur.Plows uo'l I'iow C«.llui*». LOWfUT 1'IUCtW.

-'. A . KoM- lby«Ss J

S FiniNisinso uoo»a,

Wnrrun County-Di'UB Htoro*ri'LL RTOCK OT


of Cmltucti, llrtw-UT (iUtCD. Ellptic Sptinii.Arc. Ucticrtl ItepaIritis,

i t B h t Ntlcu

ilnnufitctmcrof all i t j*HT HHa Bar, DciUT (iUtCD. Ellptic Spti

factory on Uclvldcie Arc. Ucticrtl ItepaIi'nlutluif and Trlmtiiiuu at Bhort Notlcu

C o r t i l N b As C o n i ] i n n y .New Dilck Ontan and Plino Factory now

i>l>craUcii. Vail and f co m.



One of Iho inojt wldc-awako pnpera It, lac Count jOnly fl.M a year. OrowlngSDd

'. ' : . ' ; Improving every weefc. ' "' "•

J'.^I.Uoi.loln,IKIIL^AIC unit llctoll Uaiturj anil C'onfntlonci

Miuuftclnrcr ol French anil Amulem: • ; ; V "


. JEIWKY. , J . K . li'-fsian'-i. I'^rH"1"' : ::

PltOVlSlOSS,Nil. II UeUiilelcAVt! -

AifcTit for ihu T,iI«ilkDry lio'xlx. Itontf ii1f#, Kiotir, Fni'il,Oiit|iriHiiic<jt,ikn:i.liii ixc

roil*** 3H*o.

l.i.e*, Ilii-x A Cti|.N (Itucnud I Lit t i l liny. Cuuiiii;*


lUi'cr or Mnilurato !'medic Fiilitica m*<lu

toflU. Said

lci-». Vorclun and I>°- Knvli, Ilt:ni]f. I)oo«, Moulding, nil kji.Jxto unlcr. l-dtiU #1 Ualld|nS Material, Tarnlo? of every <!(•I " lo # » . *crlpllon. Fnctory-HrnnEl St.

. J o n n H t o i i : [ * t H o n .uk-i* Iu lUrdwam, Stuv«>, Ilcakrf, I'lim^,

Tinware, Timothy ami CI'IVLT Hied,ltiiotlni; and l'liiinMni; demo lo <>r<!cr..j£l

i 'Jl*. X .

,: : Crov^llnu *t Co.,Diy (i<ui.N. \U«>\. k Slioc. Him .tf»nc.Tfll|iirln«lUnily Mnilu Clotliltiir. MUlitiiTy A Ilrt>>B -Mrtklnc.GIInit!', lirori'ilo^, llnnlw.irc, Htuv^, lumber,Va\M*, OjlK, (ii.uf, cvmuiit, llrlck, Ac , Ac.

HAKIII.K& (IliANlTK, MONUMENTS, TOMlt-STI)SEi*,TAlil.ETB,Sci>ltiliirliii:liii.l

b l i

Ilwlct In Fine Groitim«tn".UupoMtc V ,*\. <JHlet.

ho M[»i ArlUUc Culler In TmviDcff flomiitllUnii. CHU titfori

O[iint!-iic J'Oi>t Ullicv

J o l i l l H A V O I I H O I I ,Walt*' Ul-l Stand, l'rncllcal Tlnxmltli *ml slu-.tImn Worker. Tin ItiJiilSliij.', Spmitliu:. I'lnmMiiir.Titivvtrr, I'limpi', (fratea £ Ilrtck* for rt»v<.n miUliinincts. IJ yearn wltli Juhnntiiu Si .Sou.


I ' l AS I I l l l U M ! .llutcliL-r» il ml Itinlcn In nil klrnl* of Mini*,

Uh\ct and Fruitc. lielvlilcr.-AVCIIIH-.. Opposite Winder Il'iurc.

"Win. A. Htryjcisr,' |ATl'tiHSBV-AT-LAW, S0LIC1TOI1 AND i i*™'** '

MASTEIt IN CIIAKCKICT. ! fll11'I'r'idUin In nil Courti" inii In any !>i-cllim. : |

. J.C'.Ot»miil aet« of loetli forn i\ »|>- E s t w t l

H>. Find uolilvur lining

llmii*BnilSho«ito OrJcr. First c!.i»»and WorkmanMilp. '•Voihlncton

Cor. School Street. •

liuulol \ATri!ILSl-:»'-AT-I.AW. lIltOAtl MTltEKT. CUUNSi:t.Oil-AT>l,AW.


t*. H . T c c l X l i u X»]iotofri-ni>]iHaBjin-t pnrdincj Improjuil ncci;^orl'i* '.hack

Krouadf, forcj;rottnil*, totkn, It nee, t\*\vi, K"wall, nitillc walk, lal tut Mile, tiriJto, Ac.


Replete with Local, HUlo and Koreisn Ncwa

narnctiircr of riow«. Bet One. Try OuoUuy Oac. Afitnt for Uuckcro Self Twins

;:;.'"." lilader; '".Coaatfidtee'.ltffork."'-;.::!";',".';.:


t'Irft-CliM Accummndittlni:, '

1'Tuillc I*. IIulMl

lnu! Imi>l«iai>nti>, Mj-l'tWA00NS.

CoH-tautly DII li!iti<l Half, lioanul*. Feather*Flowers and a full lino or Fancy UuoJa.

Stanipln[>nnd Kmbrotdcry matotlal*. '

Alloiutul Munulioi*. :cry, Sale and Exchanga Stiblcn. CarrUaea Jfc

ll«htwasoiifjrnlihcilcnShort Nuilceclay or nlsht.Jtcar Windsor llotifo

l Lino ot ••biUntlnl Furulturu.below St. CtondHoicl.




For the Cire of Coughs, Colds,Hoarsened, Croup, Asthma,Bron-

jchitist\Vlioopinft Cough, Incipient |Consumjiuon and for the relief of |conaumjuive persons in advanced |stages of the Disease. For Sale |by all Druggists.—Price, 25 cents, g


AgueCureconliiins nn niitliloto for nil innlnrliil tlln-

oiner rctiwily.' Il contains no Qiiiiitno, normiy inliioriil nor deleterious BiiTistiwco wluil-cvur, iiml conacquoiilly proilucca lio injurious'tlluet upon HID constitution, but lraves tho

system »8 licnUliy iw |t wna boforo.Uio.»Ui«*.

WE WARRANT, ATER'8 AGDB COREto cure every c.iso ot Foyer awl Ague, Inter,

"iiiittmit"or:Clilir l-'t;'veri;1;ItumiUuiit-I'uVui;;Dumb A«uo, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com-I.idiiit ciuimid by nmliirla. In enso of fnllur«,urturiUie trial, ilonlcrs aro nutliorizcd, by ourcirculnr .hied : July Isl, 18W.IO retnnA «io

Dr.J.CAyePctCo., Lowell, Mass., Sold by all Druggists..

Ho I iur t*»e r Weste-UrnUhtcf" Time « ''K


NKSBEHi Including Lcucorrho-n, I r -rcRulnr ttnd I'alnful ?IenKrrun.tloD,

XoDnntmatlnn mul L'Iccrallon of• -- «lio Womli,.1' riondlnir. I ' l lO- "

tTDIA K. PISKIIAM'H BLOCin I'CKIVTCHwill i-nullcslu every *"»K» " ' "l»nu™ ("""L,,11.1!!

rp"tlotli thoComponnil anil IHt«nl I*nrider «ro r r*pHNd at sn-ana t » Wwtnn A«mie, Lmn. » « *VHee of cither, t l . BU bottles for »1 Thu CorapwimlU >ont by mall Iu tho for.,, cf I>»1«. or of K W M "n.fel|>( of prlw, SI l«r U i for cither. Mw. linkhn..frwly awwen all Irthx of ln'l<ilrj. EnetaaSe-rtitwnp. B«nJ for punplilet. Utntton tblt ftjwft -

JOSEPH LOSEYHu made a general rciluction on all klndj ol

GLASS "and

CROCKERY WARE.Full Set of Crockery, 41 pleocn $3.50Toilet or CliitmR'i- H«l 2.&0(Mass T«a Sots from 00 cents to 2.00(loblutt, from 75 couts to $ per Jox-Tunibl'.!in, from 00 cents to JG5 " "


LAMPGOODSAlways oh land.''Also all kinds of

OILS,Kerosene, •••••'•

Neatsfoot andMachine Oils

- A siriciAT/rv

Parlies wishing to buy Crockery will ilo.wetllo give us a call. . ;;.*r- ::,;

Great AmericanLam;, Glass and Crockery Store,




l l our various frark- »r .Maclilnjry n-til nlr worl«. coim'iiuctitly w.f alvo HIL-NI Hit- bi'ivc imrli.'cL ^iitliirxcil1'!], Ij

lroilticlnn touiiiiliict'irL'U u

t I Hit biiiimilty iti

M Risl'd I'J!

oCyl.! W. 1'uru (ill.' W W I l l f - l f dKtHti.le-- S-IIIIMIUJ Oil,

.\>i. 1 Sli]mJ!.;(ll|,illrlrk I'ri-t-il Oil,\\V. ll.Siurui Oil,\\\: II. whiSion, .!l<iiuiuN«il.-lu'>tO:l.till. 1 NcAtufOill Oil.

W.WIillufulinif-uJ: W. Yellow Cuttoii N[ o i l ,• O.irl; Cir Oil,i >|ienn I'nekliis (HI,[ Kxtrn 1'iicklti* Oil

Axlu Gl JS|i«rtn! H lut

Inekliis (HI1'iicklti!* Oil,r^ Oil, IN" I.I. ('iiiiiioiunil,' li

. l t l l h t OlrnMi\(, Ui'iiail-lit Oil. l.M)»I' Writer While Oil, iiiOB

I'rltno White, 115"lasulliic, l»l°.ftil SSU




ur Oils are Guaranteed STRICTLY PURE

^cKiROAM &, GO.,•; ' '" "WllABP FOOT OPTIJUU) AVC, NEft'AIC.'N. J




w Llrenl Torpiy fby all UrcB«l»ts.-£»



n Which n ».«« JKl-C TU.I.

About two years ago a Mra. Schultx, ro>on Ellin Rtreet, uear Lovcuworth, losthor jewel caeu an Unset diamond of

onsidornblo value. A Chiueso domestic inler employ wan arrested on iuip'cii^ of j

having stolen tho jewel... The pa»ai! itroug- :

teKtcd bia innocence, and for lack oJividonco lio wan discharged from custody.Mrs. Shultz ubundoued all hops of over SQC-Bg too Btoao again, aud thu mntter was for-;otton. Tho strange purt of tho story oc"lUrred a few nights ago. Tho family haditired for tho night when they wero dis-

turbed by a loud scratching noieo iu theithroom, as if aomo one wero at work cut-

ing through tho windows. Tho nialo por«m of the housohold woro aroused,^ and'mod to tha teeth, they prepared to'inarch

wi what thny HiippoHml to ho hiii-glaM. ^.Thobathroom door was cautiously opened, and fttallow dip, carried by ono of tlio family, was

A through tho partly-opouo'd. door and aBiukly glare of light cast overtho apartuiont.ft was Btrong enough,'howQVer, to disclose> tho hV 'jliow, uot a robber but a hugo rat,'hich had in somo manner got intOj^hi

bath tub and T was vainly oudeavoring"tc:

climb out rvor the slippery aiuc-Huod Bides.Tho Bcratching of hisuliiws against tho met-ilmado tbo noiso thnthad nwakonod__thoTamily. Tho houso dog, a Scotch lorrier,was baiiud in lo dcepatch tho rodent' nndmndo quick work of him.

In killing thn rat tho dogiunugled ita bodyfrjgittfnUy, cutting iLfib„. Ibfttl the;" eulraill,proirudod.1 -Tho^fauctif wnfl"'"tnrnod""ou U;alcan out tho tub, and ti Hclntillating KparlIn thedobriflof th« dead.ral attracted niton.

."'It wan piolted up and proved; to], botho diamond whU-h Mrs. Suhultz had losttwoyeara 1130.—.S'ifji .Franeua: Chronicle,

— ; '"unuliuiinllin.;^.,..^ ;* ;

Quickct con;plotrj cure, nil annoying Kid-ney, Bladder nnd Urinary Diseases. SI,

Uni. Ncunils l t i , ItiifiiinintlH-l.lllly, Ci.turrli. Rllitby » "•'" »»•! InH'O'erUlie

iiliiimi "t thu; cximiHik l l

liif! ri'lons nortoil r.f mi[iiinill«lcil U

Ii»r bliiuil-piii'lfyliiir rtmiI lllllllll' Of I'lltllHHiUlll^lt

nlliimnmtnry ]||i«, \v\ullcriiil fur ninny yours. . ^BiiHiHin, lii., Jlareli'.', W-.

tlimit nyHMArAlllLl-A, by til"

l lcll 1 W1U* COIIIl'lBt'!1!' 1


ubluil willi III--- l l l io im

ul ronm.Slosnok A vim's> bottU'x at

liiis fllW-twl hi.tliH vl

iihout. lH-li-. l";!'!! tiiUlnj:liuforu 1 Inut usuii

W. G. Creveling' & Bro.,WIIOI;!- :8.MJI«: A M > i5i-:TA.riJ'i>:R.vivi3i;ft5 IN

Grrooeries VN" IProvisioiis,Family.'lid Patent New Process Flour, Feed,"Meal ?"H'";:\-~*

OIIQIOU.VAlilETIES 0F.F0HHIBN' AND nOMESITO FRUITS ALWAYS. • " • • . ' . . " • - • • . • • • : : - • • ' O M I I A N D . ' - 1 " - 1 - 1 " " ; 1 - " - — " • - • : • • ••:-; ••-•;•.•


Ol'rF.ltlS'd AT:ESTni:MKLV LOW 1'ItLCKS IN" 1'A.CKA.GES OU 11V TUB • --jl'OU'XI). ALSO A FlSE LOT OF 2T. 0.M0T.AS3ES 01'

VA1UOUSVGIIAI)ES;~ ^ ' : : : . , . . _:


Cotinh't/ Produce taken in exchange at JPav Value*

a m l solBht; a»m« M If phMremthorectum-,thaprlTater*n<nrBoftanairMlI. Asa.pleasant, economical and poiltira cur*. SWAYNK'IOIKTKINTI* luperior tonny »tticleln t i t mirkat.Bald bTdnigeliU,ar«Dd&UcU.ID 3-ct SUmpt 3



£"imvu "Tiooil nt "wurlt imw t«r two ino.iUii', yimr-,SAi:sAi1.uai.i..v. tlm cri'fitvst l.lnintincillcliiu In tliu worii). .I,\>IKS .MAVXAIIII,"^CM.Wmt.W^ilt.iJN^tt^York^liiljViy.lSSL1.^./.

P I N E E"Xj;;3EtSf

ill .ScrnftilmiH C

—ADlitioririiii Irum (la- qunrlcfs! l latalubnw inifjbt l>o bL-tltr looliiu' uf 'UvaVtloch a cheap show. Do button] *' du _ iiicnl*box make mighty in)'i-iithid. Uiy blazes ol

ftro can't roas1 your 'ttttcrH. :JJn.bea' Heediin'kboiuid to iiiaho big .watoriuillious. ..^Tpn.i^|i:tsks"da.twjaLpBt^ia^ra!-viiiai;.byTciU-!J:ioivntiu'.iV^l'oa-cooklViii'i hido his foots

idiii'his tnU^fCirtica'tiiuiiuoua niu'tnobody. •'liducatiou;dou't coiiio by

bump>r.1.fBpin do B9I100I 'OUBO. When dom^rkin'-bird try, io mork >l)'rjTthing hobouu1 to lot out BOtno nnisio dat uiti't. wutmnch. It's a mighty lazy nigger dat dou'lkeep his ox shurp; Aholoimdcr"

[fialla's ii'ft haj^ secret' to pxp^Ci

Pur-Lined Circulars.

oiiSiKi/imiolie llK-DYKh ranUntie more mlUfndorily durlu'j

:^::-'.:r. the StirililtCr, '

3FUR O F A l l * 3K3CH3BS

Tnlien on. Storago for llio-Suniincr,s nnd insured against A L L loss"•; ' by moth ov iivo nt a :"'[

small porcontngn ......;,.,.on tlioir ;

' , . ' , . ." yuliio..". •

•xt diior lo the post ollice. Itoomn lurjrc K..«1 fionimodious. 'I'nbleaTil by the w!tbniti:i] J . .M. lJuiiswidt .t Jiiill^ Uo., N . Y., aril

ire pronounced by good judyos to be the best iu llio world. Conic and aeo oven if yonlon't"play. No pay I IWoisi for. nil. lied I bnuuM of cigars always on lianil.

S. CASTON .Proorietor.'


E. W.ALLEG-.i.Mitiiutticturor of


WITHBTALLIG CORNERS,Cannot engor wnrp. Cmi i» K]

UBedforupxHirorlowtirwiu'di. pj

Order a t once.-fSALSO A L A L H E STOCK OP-'-- "et

iber, Hush, Blinds,1 D io ro , EsA l w n y s o u Iliuid; it l

r i r t ifP3


"""EISTNER & MENDELSON,toon Strnat. FUlififl5? Pa.

CHICAGO, ROCK lSi&SD SPAGIFiy K TVT tt"> central poiltlon of tt* lino eqnnoa a th«t n vaaso EOH wllbo t ohmgeor oar* bomeaq **orth. Atchlaan KinnoMiolU and S- ^•amicati4;DBB of rOacaui. Id equlpmec t bo ne aompa

co. lir 1 Ci>7 L anl o ae Chn r Cars BuliI sop Dfr Or* and tho Do1 > thg Wot! Threo TtaiSUguoun Itl f l t B T

• ."-TiVkTatB for nMo at nil principal Tidlcot OfdoN'A .tlm Unltoil mates and Canada. A \ • , . . . •"

BitCBaBO oUookO'l through and*rttci of f»r« •!.' :wnyn.UH lownn oompotllom lliat offor ]«•• advan.;.

"lor'dcUlloiUnfotunitlou, eol trio Maps and Fold- t,

-"GREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE, ''Atyournaxr(!«tIlolwtoaoo.oraddMit . . -.••],n, a. OABLE, E. S T . JOHN. ,v-Ji-.Vlwl'tgt.AOfBiM'i'r, - - QMtltkL*¥m.i&?<)•

i,v., C H I C A G O . ; . ;
