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A closer look at the life of a child growing up in Britain during World War 2.

Created by: Sarah, Kieran, Matthew and Helene’

When children were old enough to go to school they

were evacuated without their parents. They were

normally evacuated to the countryside. When the

evacuees arrived in the countryside, they had to learn

in order to survive.

To survive they milked the cows and grew the plants

for food. They had to attend little village schools in

order to read, write and learn. When they were

evacuated some families (brothers and sisters) got


Daily life for children during the war was very

different from children in other countries. Many of

the evacuees had to learn new skills to use in the

country, they learned to milk cows and to look

after the farm animals.

The children had to go to school during the week

and they would often have to work in their homes

to earn their keep. They had to do very different

jobs from what they would have to do in their

normal homes.

All schools had to have air raid shelters

for protection. They always had to carry

around gas masks in case of emergency. A

school in Britain was bombed twice but

carried on having lessons in the school.

The children enjoyed air raid drills

because they felt safe in the shelters and

also because they didn't have to do any

work. The children also had to get used to

their gas masks so they would put them on

during class when they had extra time.

The diet of a wartime child was very different

to the diet of today's children. Firstly, there

was no packaged and processed food even

before the war. During the war food brought

from other countries stopped being brought over

because the ships carrying the food were being

attacked by enemy war ships witch is the cause

of rationing. The food people got in the country-

side was much better than what others got in the

cities because they were able to grow their own

food and raise their own animals.