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Warm-Up Ellis Island National Monument Online: Cause-and-Effect Structure

Words to Know

Fill in this table as you work through the lesson. You may also use the glossary to help you.

something that happens as a result of a cause

a word that alerts a reader about something

something that makes an effect or a result happen

to arrange and plan

the way two things are connected or are similar

the way something is built or organized

Lesson Goals

Examine how an author


within an informational text.

Connect a text’s structure

to its .

Identify what happens ina text and why it happens.

Read the online article “Island of Hope, Island of Tears.”

Lesson Question



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InstructionPart 1

Ellis Island National Monument Online: Cause-and-Effect Structure


Cause and Effect

Cause E�ect

A is why something


(Example: There were more opportunities in America.)

An is what happens

(Example: The family immigrated to America.)

Cause-and-Effect Signal Words

can help readers identify causes and effects.

Words that signal a :

• Because I studied hard; I was able to pass the test.

• Since you kept the ice out of the freezer, it melted quickly.

Words that signal an :

• I studied hard, and as a result I was able to pass the test.

• You kept the ice out of the freezer, and consequently it melted quickly.


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Ellis Island National Monument Online: Cause-and-Eff ect Structure


Cause-and-Eff ect Relationships

To identify a cause-and-eff ect relationship within a text, look for an eff ect and the

that causes it.

• To fi nd the eff ect, ask: “What happened?”

• To fi nd the cause, ask: “Why did it happen?”

• Remember to look for to identify causes and their eff ects.

In the box below, circle the signal word and underline the part of the sentence which shows an eff ect:

Because steerage conditions were crowded and uncomfortable, passengers

spent as much time as possible up on deck.

–Immigrant Kids,

Russell Freedman

Because steerage conditions were crowded and uncomfortable,

Immigrants Begin Their Lives in America

The text you will read is posted on the Ellis Island National Monument website,

You will learn that:

• many were split up.

• immigrants wanted to fi nd work.

• certain tried to prohibit some immigrants from coming to


• many immigrants had successful family businesses after they came to America.



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Ellis Island National Monument Online: Cause-and-Effect Structure

Text Structure

Text structure is the way the author the information in a text.


Types of Text Structure

Authors use different text structures to organize information in a text.

Immigrants came to America alone because they could not afford to bring their families.

Immigrants first spent time at Ellis Island. Then they looked for homes and jobs.

Immigrants found it more difficult to communicate in America than they did in their homelands.

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Ellis Island National Monument Online: Cause-and-Effect Structure


Text Structures and Purpose

Authors use different text structures for different purposes.

Purpose Text Structure

Cause and e�ect

Show a cause-and-e�ect

between events

Compare andcontrast

Show how things are alike or

SequenceDescribe events or steps in a

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Ellis Island National Monument Online: Cause-and-Effect Structure



Multiple Causes and Effects

Cause-and-effect can contain more than one cause or more than one effect.

E�ect E�ect

Cause Cause

I overslept

and could not find my backpack, I was late for school.

Practice ran long,

I called Mom and asked her to come get me.

Turning a Cause into an Effect

An effect can become the of another event.


I was hungry. I ate too much food. I got a stomachache.

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Summary Ellis Island National Monument Online: Cause-and-Effect Structure


Lesson Question How did a new home affect the experiences of immigrant families?

Use this space to write any questions or thoughts about this lesson.
