Page 1: War against flea in 5 Easy Steps

War Against Fleas

in Easy Steps5Fleas - the most dreadful pests become highly active during spring and

summer season. They infect pets through contaminated feces, infected

animals or through fleas in the environment. They bite and suck blood to

survive and reproduce. This causes several skin problems including hair-loss,

inflammation, and flea dermatitis as well as becomes source for other




Clean the entire home and yard with vacuum including furniture, carpets, floors and upholstery.

Provide treatment at an interval of 30 days.

Use flea treatment to protect all dogs and cats in your home.

3 Regularly wash your pet’s bedding, food bowl and water bowl, and anything else that your pet’s use.

Strategies To Eliminate Flea Infestation

5Continue treating monthly, all year long.

Source: WikiHow

• Empty the vacuum bag in a plastic bag and tightly seal it. Throw the bag away immediately. • During winter months also, never cease or skip monthly flea treatment.• It is common to see fleas after treatment, as dying fleas move to the top of pet’s coat.