Download pdf - Walls of Stigma 2014

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Walls of Stigma

Suggested Student Lesson Plan

The purpose behind this competition is to: 1) raise student awareness and understanding concerning the growing homeless population across the United States 2) while allowing students to learn the power behind mediums like graphic design, typography, and the visual arts.

Intro:Walls of Stigmas?

Google defines stigmas as a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

Society has used stigmas as markers for adverse experiences or site epithets like alcoholism or drug addiction in order to separate themselves from this issue and justify their turning a blinds eye. These negative attitudes are unjustly made through over generalizations that have contributed to a cycle of stigmatization that has driven these groups of individuals further and further outside our societies perceived normality. In order to begin to break down these walls of stigmas we have to identify what parts of our misconception we can control. Educational interventions are a great first step and is the main purpose behind this competition. These interventions can begin to open the perspective allowing discussion and reflection over those affected by homelessness. We could not think of a better course that will allow students to do just that and have the ability to public express themselves. Throughout history these mediums (graphic design, typography, and the visual arts) have been used to inform the masses. The power behind these images rest in their ability to quickly convey the desired message, usually in seconds. This is accomplished through a successful combination of image, typography, and word choice (a basic definition of the term Graphic Design). The success of these images further relies on the creators understanding of the target market (age, race, sex, region, etc.) along with an understanding of the process,techniques, and materials available to create these images.

Suggested Research ( for teachers and students ):

– 19th Century book illustration: Walter Crane, Beatrix Potter, and Arthur Rackham– WW2 propagandist: Dimitri Moor, El Lissitzky, Norman Rockwell, Ning Hao– Editorial Cartoons (Newspapers): Osbert Lancaster, Art Wood, William Gropper,

Rube Goldberg, and Thomas Nast – Graphic and Typography Designers: Jonathan Barnbrook, Saul Bass, Robert

Brownjohn, Neville Brody and Matthew Carter

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The final process that will be used by HalflifeUSA to transfer the desired image to an article of clothing is silk screen printing. Have your students research the process, materials, and techniques used for this form of art making.

– Screen– Photo Emulsion– Burn (exposing)– Ink (water based, plastisol, discharge, decorative)– Print – cure

The Problem:

What is chronic homelessness: According to HUD's definition, a person who is "chronically homeless" is an unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition (e.g., substance abuse, serious mental illness, developmental disability, or chronic physical illness) who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more, or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years. In order to be considered chronically homeless, a person must have been sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation and/or in an emergency homeless shelter.

According to HUD and the Homeless Coalition in 2012 there where roughly between 600-700 thousand full time or chronic homeless individuals and roughly 2-3.5 million who had experienced homelessness at least one night out of the year. These numbers are only estimates and the actual could be significantly higher. Given that the only way these numbers are recorded are through records kept by homeless shelters and safe houses across the nation. The number of individuals those shelters have to turn away due to space limitations is not calculated.

It is estimated that there are 1 out of 50 homeless children and teens equating to roughly 1.5 million.

racial and ethnic minorities, particularly African-Americans, are overrepresented.•39% are non-Hispanic whites (compared to 76% of the general population)•42% are African-Americans (compared to 11% of the general population)•13% are Hispanic (compared to 9% of the general population)•4% are Native-American (compared to 1% of the general population)•2% were Asian

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People who are homeless frequently report health problems which may have lead them into homelessness to begin with, high medical bills, medication,etc.

•38% report alcohol use problems•26% report other drug use problems•39% report some form of mental health problems (20-25% meet criteria for serious mental illness)•66% report either substance use and/or mental health problems•3% report having HIV/AIDS•26% report acute health problems other than HIV/AIDS such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, or sexually transmitted diseases•46% report chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or cancer

Suggested Student Activity:

Pick one of the artist researched above that interest you. Then pick one of the artist`s works to present to your class. Describing the message being portrayed in the image and the characteristics which you feel make this image a strong composition. Final Project:

Use the following steps-– Investigate the problem of homelessness and/or its related stigma– research examples of imagery used throughout history– develop ideas for a narrative– complete and present your proposed image

The Competition Segment:

Register:with HalflifeUSA by emailing Lance Moore [email protected] including your full name, professors name, professors email, school name, class number, your email and phone number that can be used to reach students who have been shortlisted. You will receive a reply email containing your identification number unique to you only.

Registration begins: <insert_date_registration_start>

Submission date: <insert_date_submission_closes>

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The article submitted must be-

-One 13 by 19 image-single color, any 2D medium is acceptable -artwork should be ready to handle (dry and /or fixed if necessary)- artwork should be created on, or mounted on reinforced paper such as photo paper or card stock -image must address the problem discussed above-use of image, text, or combination thereof -all content must be original, created solely by you -work submitted should be delivered without a mat of frame ( We will not return mat or frame from pieces that are accepted. ) - images should be signed only on the back and include student identity number given upon registration.

A completed copy of the included registration form must be submitted with each entry. Please submit all entries to <address> no later than <deadline>


The winning Student- will receive 50 dollars, a HalflifeUSA T-shirt with their design, and their design will be placed in our sites store on for sale visible to the world. The winning students teacher will receive one free class of their choosing at the Polk Museum of Art. Popularity Vote (A crucial criteria will be the images popularity during the social media voting on Facebook. ) - 30 dollar gift certificate to Halflfieusa.com3 runner ups: verbal announcement

Judges: <insert_judes_names_bio>

Judging Criteria:

Students will be judged based on total image proficiency. Does the image clearly address the problem. Does the image raise awareness and or create an provocative cultural question. How quickly is this message portrayed . Students clear understanding of graphic design. Is the image current. Appeal to HalflifeUSA target market of 16-25 year old. Does the student have a clear understanding of the proposed application process (silk screen print making)

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(accepted works):

All accepted students, professors, and school will be notified using the supplied contact information when you registered. All accepted work will be curated on <insert_date> during the vernissage at the Polk Museum of Art in the <insert_gallery_name> gallery. This event will conclude with the announcement of the winner and presentation of awards. Students work will remain on public display for the following <insert_timeframe>

Artwork Pickup-

Curated and accepted works can be picked up at <insert location> by <insert date>

Artwork not accepted into the show will be available for pickup at <insert location> by <insert date>
