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Hamburg, New Jersey

(973) 827-4100

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Edward BolcarSuperintendent

John PetronaciAssistant Principal

Michael CasserlyAssistant Principal

John MayerDirector of Pupil Personnel Services

Todd VanOrdenDirector of Athletics


William CastiglioneBoard President

Ron NealVice President

Lynette ApolitoRobert CarlsonJeffery Hilbert

Thomas KabatraGuy McHugh

Frank SanfilippoJames R. Wright

Elizabeth FlattBoard Secretary

Michele DeGroatPayroll Secretary


SEPTEMBER 19 Days4 (Tuesday) Teachers Orientation

School Opens for Students2 Hour Delay

OCTOBER 22 Days8 (Monday) Teacher In-Service Day – School Closed

NOVEMBER 18 Days8 & 9 (Thursday & Friday) NJEA Convention – School Closed21 (Wednesday) Early Dismissal22 & 23 (Thursday & Friday) Thanksgiving Break – School Closed

DECEMBER 15 Days21 (Friday) Early Dismissal24-31 (Monday through Monday) Holiday Break – School Closed

JANUARY 22 Days2 (Wednesday) School Re-opens21 (Monday) Martin Luther King Jr. Day

District In-Service Day – Early Dismissal

FEBRUARY 15 Days18-22 (Monday through Friday) Winter Break – School Closed

MARCH 20 Days29 (Friday) Good Friday - School Closed

APRIL 17 Days1-5 (Monday through Friday) Spring Break – School Closed

MAY 22 Days27 (Monday) Memorial Day – School Closed

JUNE 10 Days14 (Friday) *Tentative Last Day for Students

*Emergency school closings will be made up at the discretion of the Wallkill Valley Board of Education. This may include make up days during the February and/or April break or at the end of the school year.


HOMEROOM 7:50 – 7:55 5 MinutesPERIOD 1 7:59 – 8:44 45 Minutes

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PERIOD 2 8:48 – 9:33 45 Minutes

PERIOD 3 9:37 – 10:22 45 MinutesLUNCH

PERIOD 4 10:26 – 11:12 45 Minutes 4A 23 Minutes4B 23 Minutes

PERIOD 5 11:16 – 12:02 45 Minutes 5A 23 Minutes5B 23 Minutes

PERIOD 6 12:06 – 12:52 45 Minutes 6A 23 Minutes6B 23 Minutes

PERIOD 7 12:56 – 1:41 45 Minutes

PERIOD 8 1:45 – 2:30 45 Minutes

DELAYED OPENING/SCHOOL CLOSINGSIf the occasion should arise that we would have a delayed school opening,

school will begin TWO HOURS later than normal school beginning time. Bus pickup will be TWO HOURS later than normal time. Although school will start TWO HOURS later, school will still end at 2:30 P.M. Our normal schedule will be abbreviated. For information concerning delayed opening and school closing, students are advised to listen to WSUS - 102.3 FM, or check the web page at

MISSION STATEMENTThe Wallkill Valley Regional Board of Education accepts the responsibility for

coordinating the available resources of home, school and community in a mutual effort to guide every students growth towards becoming a self-respecting individual who can effectively function politically, economically and socially in a democratic society.

The Board is dedicated to ensuring that all students in the district are provided with the necessary skills and competencies for achievement of the Core Curriculum Content Standards.

A. The High School graduation rate shall be at least 90 percent. 1. The district shall provide least restrictive, alternative programs for students

who cannot succeed in the regular high school environment, including those students with disabilities.

2. The district shall provide dropout prevention programs for students at risk.


HOMEROOM 9:50 – 9:55

PERIOD 1 9:59 – 10:24

PERIOD 2 10:28 – 10:53LUNCH

PERIOD 4 10:57 – 11:37 4A 10:57 – 11:174B 11:17 – 11:37

PERIOD 5 11:41 – 12:21 5A 11:41 – 12:015B 12:01 – 12:21

PERIOD 6 12:25 – 1:05 6A 12:25 – 12:456B 12:45 – 1:05

PERIOD 3 1:09 – 1:34

PERIOD 7 1:38 – 2:02

PERIOD 8 2:06 – 2:30

B. Students shall leave grades eleven and twelve having demonstrated competency in challenging subject matter including language arts/literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, health and physical education, visual and performing arts and world languages.

1. The district shall implement the state-approved Core Curriculum Standards and appropriate assessments to enable students to succeed and to evaluate their performance.

2. The district shall provide staff development opportunities to ensure that teachers are adequately equipped to teach challenging and up-to-date subject matter and to implement effective teaching techniques. It shall monitor teaching staff member’s progress toward achievement of the required 100 clock hours of continuing education to ensure that they are obtaining and maintaining the skills to help all students achieve the Core Curriculum Content Standards.

C. Students shall learn to use their minds well, so that they may be prepared for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment in our modern economy.

1. The district shall provide students with experiences in higher level thinking, information processing, the responsibilities of citizenship, and employment skills.

2. All students shall demonstrate competency in the skills identified in the cross-content workplace readiness standards.

3. All students shall demonstrate respect for racial, cultural, ethnic and religious diversity.

D. All students shall increase their achievement levels in science and mathematics to contribute to our country’s ability to compete academically with all other countries of the world.

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1. The district shall revise its curriculum offerings in science and mathematics according to state standards.

2. The district shall provide staff training in the teaching of mathematics and science at grades 9-12 to increase teachers’ understanding of and ability to teach these subjects.

E. Wallkill Valley Regional High School shall be free of drugs and violence and offer a safe, disciplined environment conducive to learning.

1. The district shall develop partnerships with parents to establish the responsibilities of each to create and maintain safe and healthy educational environments for all students.

2. The district shall provide programs and staffing to deal with students at risk.3. The school and community shall expand their cooperative efforts to create

drug and violence-free environments.4. All students shall develop a positive view of self and learn to use effective

interpersonal skills.

EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITYThe Wallkill Valley School District shall provide equal and bias-free access for

all students to all school facilities, courses, programs, activities and services and give them maximum opportunity to achieve their potential regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, marital status, liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States, nationally, place of residence within the district, socioeconomic status, or disability. Enforcement of other district affirmative action/equity policies (2224, 4111.1, 4211.1 and 6121) contribute to this legally required equality of educational opportunity.

Staff members shall maintain professional relationships with students at all times and develop wholesome and constructive relationships with them. Staff members shall be expected to regard each student as an individual and to accord each student the rights and respect that are his/her due.

Staff members shall promote a learning environment that encourages fulfillment of each students potential in regard to his/her program, consistent with district goals and with optimal opportunities for students. This goal may be reached by adapting instruction to individual needs, by: A. Insisting on reasonable standards of scholastic accomplishments for all students; B. Creating a positive atmosphere in and out of the classroom; C. Extending the same courtesy and respect that is expected of students; D. Treating all students with consistent fairness.

The board of education guarantees all students equal access to all academic programs within the learning environment.

Students shall respect the rights of other students to receive an education in an environment that is conducive to learning and personal growth. No student shall have the right to abridge another student’s right to privacy or right to hold personal beliefs which are different from those of the mainstream.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONThe district’s affirmative action program is part of each academic

program regarding all students. No one--including students, staff members,

vendors, volunteers, or visitors--shall commit an act of harassment/discrimination of any kind against any member of the school community on any of the grounds prohibited by law.

Harassment is defined as any gesture that is reasonably perceived as being motivated by an actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability, or by any other distinguishing characteristic; that will have the effect (actual or perceived) of harming a student or damaging the student’s property. Harassment also includes any gesture that demeans or insults a student or group of students in such a way to cause substantial disruption in or interference with the orderly operation of the school.

Harassment may be claimed by a third party. That is, individuals who are not directly involved in the behavior may experience a hostile environment. They shall have the same legal rights to act under this policy as those directly victimized.

Any member of the student body may file a formal grievance related to harassment. The Affirmative Action Officer will receive all complaints and initiate a thorough investigation and will protect the rights of both the student making the complaint and the alleged harasser. Filing of a grievance or otherwise reporting harassment of any kind will not reflect upon the student’s status nor affect future grades or class assignments.

The administration will inform all students that sexual harassment is prohibited in the educational setting. Specifically, no person employed by the district or by a vendor, or acting in a voluntary capacity, shall threaten or insinuate, either directly or indirectly, that a student’s refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect the students’ standing in the school setting. Students are forbidden to harass other students or staff members or vendors or volunteers through conduct or communications of a sexual nature within the school setting. Findings of discrimination in the form of harassment will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

EQUALITY IN SCHOOLThe Wallkill Valley Regional Board of Education shall maintain an

academic environment that is free from harassment and provide equal and bias free access for all students to all school facilities, courses, programs, activities and services, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability or socioeconomic status. The Board shall ensure that:

A. School classrooms and facilities will be barrier free.

B. Attention will be directed at attaining minority representation within each school that approximates the district’s overall minority representation. C. The district curriculum will be aligned with the State’s Core Curriculum Content Standards and address the elimination of discrimination by narrowing the achievement gap.

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D. All students have access to counseling services;

E. Physical education program is equitable and co-educational.

Procedures shall be made available for students and/or parents/guardians who wish to file a grievance protesting alleged discriminatory or sexually (or other harassing action. An immediate report of the allegation should be made to the affirmative action officer or Chief School Administrator/Principal. Violations of this policy or its related procedures shall be cause for appropriate disciplinary action.

HATE CRIMES/BIAS INCIDENTSAn employee of the board who becomes aware in the course of his/her

employment that a student or other staff person has committed a hate crime or is about to commit one shall immediately inform the building principal and Chief School Administrator/Principal. All incidents of hate/bias shall be reported, whether they occur during school hours on school grounds or otherwise.

IMPLEMENTATION The Chief School Administrator/Principal shall direct development of

procedures regarding the implementation of this policy to include sanctions, protection of individual rights to confidentiality and due process, and notification procedures. The Chief School Administrator/Principal shall ensure that, annually, all staff and all students (in means and terms that are age-appropriate) be thoroughly informed of this policy, their right to file grievances under this policy and the law and the procedures relative to filing. Further, all staff and students shall be informed annually of the identity of the districts affirmative action officer and how he/she may be contacted.

The Chief School Administrator/Principal shall also ensure that staff and students participate in educational programs relating to this policy and the maintenance of a safe and nurturing educational environment

The Chief School Administrator/Principal shall use all customary methods of information dissemination to ensure that the community is informed of its policies on educational equity.

HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, BULLYINGHarassment, intimidation or bullying is defined as any gesture, any

written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin or ethnicity, ancestry, or a mental, physical or sensory handicap, or by any other distinguishing characteristic, that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function or on a school bus and that: (A) A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, will have the effect of harming a student or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear or harm to his/her person or damage to his/her property; or (B) Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a

way as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school. Electronic communication means a communication that is transmitted by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to a telephone, cellular phone, computer, or pager takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function or on a school bus.

The following complaint procedure shall be used for an allegation(s) of harassment, intimidation, bullying and/or hazing behavior: A. Reporting of Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying and Hazing Behavior

1. Any person with any information regarding actual and/or potential harassment, intimidation, bullying and/or hazing of a student by any school employee or other students must report the information to the Bullying Specialist.

a. If the Bullying Specialist deems it appropriate, he/she may immediately notify the parents/legal guardians of the alleged student(s) who may be, or was, the victim of this unacceptable behavior and the student(s) who may or did this unacceptable behavior.

b. The Bulling Specialist will not disclose the names(s) of the alleged harasser/intimidator/hazer or alleged victim(s) to the other party. 2. The Wallkill Valley Regional High School can learn of harassment,

intimidation, bullying and hazing behavior through other means, such as from a witness to an incident, an anonymous letter or telephone call.

3. Nothing in this regulation shall proclude the Special Services from complying with the provisions of Student Conduct and Discipline policy 5131 in order to maintain the health, safety and welfare of staff and/or students.

4. A report for the school Chief Administrator/Principal will be forwarded to the school district affirmative action officer within one working day, even if the school Chief Administrator/Principal believes there was not any harassing, intimidating, bullying and/or hazing behavior.

5. Upon receipt of an allegation and/or report, the affirmative action officer shall immediately notify the parents/legal guardians of any alleged harasser/intimidator/bully/hazer and victim for which a report has been filed even if the Chief School Administrator/Principal has previously notified the parents/legal guardian.

6. The affirmative action officer shall notify the parents/legal guardian of all involved students and any other involved individuals of the process to be followed in investigating a report or complaint.

B. Bullying Specialist’s Investigation1. Upon receipt of any report of actual or potential harassing, intimidating,

bullying or hazing behavior, the bullying specialist officer will begin an immediate

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investigation. The Chief School Administrator/Principal, with the discretion of the bullying specialist officer, may assist the bullying specialist officer in the investigation. The bullying specialist officer will promptly investigate all alleged complaints, whether or not a formal complaint is filed, and steps will be taken to resolve the situation, if needed. This investigation will be prompt, thorough, and impartial. The investigation will be completed no more than ten working days after receiving notice.

2. When a student or the parent/legal guardian of a student provides information or complains about harassing, intimidating, bullying and/or hazing behavior of a student, the bullying specialist officer will initially discuss what actions the student or parent/legal guardian is seeking in response to the behavior.

3. The bullying specialist officer’s investigation may include, but is not limited to, interviews with all persons with potential knowledge of the alleged behavior, interviews with any students who may have been harassed, intimidated, bullied or hazed by any school employee or other students and any other reasonable methods to determine if this behavior existed.

4. The bullying specialist officer will request, if relevant to an investigation, the parent/legal guardian of any student involved in the investigation to assist in the investigation to determine if the behavior exists(ed).

5. The bullying specialist officer will explain the avenues for formal and informal action, including a description of the complaint procedure that is available for harassment, intimidation, bullying and/or hazing complaints and an explanation on how the procedure works.

6. Any person interviewed by the bullying specialist officer may be provided an opportunity to present witness and other evidence.

7. The bullying specialist officer and/or Chief School Administrator/Principal may contact law enforcement agencies if there is potential criminal conduct by any party.

8. The school district administrators may take interim measures during an bullying specialist officer’s investigation of a complaint in order to alleviate any condition that prohibits the student from assisting in the investigation. If there is a dispute about whether alleged behavior occurred, the following types of information may be helpful in resolving the dispute:

a. Statements made by any witnesses to the alleged incident. b. Evidence about the relative credibility of the alleged

harassed, intimidated, bullied and/or hazed student and the alleged harasser, intimidator, bully and/or hazer

c. Evidence that the alleged harasser, intimidator, bully and/or hazer has found to have harassed, intimidated, bullied and/or hazed others may support the credibility of the student claiming the behavior.

d. Evidence of the allegedly harassed, intimidated, bullied and/or hazed student’s reaction or behavior after the alleged behavior.

e. Evidence about whether the student claiming behavior against them filed a complaint or took other action to protest the conduct soon after the alleged incident occurred.9. The scope of a reasonable response also may depend upon whether a

student or parent/legal guardian reporting the behavior asks that the student’s name not be disclosed to the harasser, intimidator, bully and/or hazer or that

nothing be done about the behavior. The bullying specialist officer:a. Will provide an overview of the Harassment, Intimidation,

Bullying and Hazing Policy to the student, parent and/or legal guardian, which shall include the prohibition of retaliation. In the event the student, parent(s) or legal guardian(s), request the student’s name remain confidential, the affirmative action officer will inform the student, parent and/or legal guardian that the request may limit the school district’s ability to respond.

b. Will evaluate the confidentiality request in the context of its responsibilities to provide a safe environment for all students. The factors to be considered shall be the seriousness of the alleged behavior, the age of the students involved, whether there have been any other complaints or reports. And the rights of the accused individual to receive information about the accuser and the allegations, if a formal proceeding with sanctions may result.

c. May use other means available to address the behavior. Steps that may be taken to limit the effects of the alleged behavior and prevent its reoccurrence without initiating a formal complaint and revealing the identity of the complainant. These steps may require training at the site where the problem occurred, taking a student survey concerning any problems that may exist or other systematic measures where the alleged behavior occurred.

d. By conducting a limited investigation without revealing the name of the student harassed, intimidated, bullied and/or hazed, the bullying specialist officer may be able to learn about or confirm a pattern of behavior based on claims of different students that were harassed, intimidated, bullied and/or hazed by the same individual. The bullying specialist officer may place an individual on notice of allegation of behavior and counsel appropriately without revealing, even indirectly, the identity of the student who notified the school district.

C. Investigation Results1. Upon the conclusion of the investigation, but not later than ten

working days after reported, the bullying specialist officer will prepare a summary of findings to the parties. At the least, this shall include the person(s) providing notice to the school district and the student(s) who were alleged to be the victim of harassing, intimidating, bullying and/or hazing behavior.

2. The bullying specialist officer shall make a determination whether harassing, intimidating, bullying and/or hazing behavior was present.

3. If the bullying specialist officer determines the behavior has occurred, the school district administrators and staff shall take reasonable, age-appropriate, and effective corrective action, including steps tailored to the specific situation. Appropriate

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steps will be taken to end the harassment, intimidation, bullying and/or hazing, such as counseling, warning, and/or disciplinary action, as specified in student and/or staff discipline policies and regulations. The steps will be based on the severity of the behavior or any record of prior incidents or both. A series of escalating consequences may be necessary if the initial steps are ineffective in stopping the harassment.

4. The school district administrators may need to deliver special training or other interventions to repair the educational environment. Other measures may include directing the person(s) to apologize to the victim(s), dissemination of information, distribution of new policy statements or other steps to communicate the message that the board does not tolerate harassment, intimidating, bullying and/or hazing, and will be responsive to any student that reports such conduct.

5. In some situations, the school district’s administrators may need to provide other services to the victim(s), if necessary, to address the effects of the behavior on that student, depending on the type of behavior found. These additional services may include an independent re-assessment of the student’s work, re-taking a course with a different instructor, tutoring and/or other measures that are appropriate to the situation.

6. The school district’s administrators will take steps to avoid any further harassment, intimidation, bullying and/or hazing behavior and to prevent any retaliation against the student who made the complaint, was the subject of the behavior, or against those who provided the information or were witnesses. The affirmative action officer will inform the victim student and his/her parents how to report any subsequent problems and make follow-up inquiries to see if there have been any new incidents or retaliation.

7. All grievances and accompanied investigation notes will be maintained in a confidential file by the Affirmative Action Officer.

D. Bullying Specialist Officer’s Investigation Appeal Process1. Any person found by the bullying specialist action officer’s investigation to

be guilty of harassment, intimidation, bullying and/or hazing behavior, or any student who believes they were harassed, intimidated, bullied and/or hazed, but not supported by the affirmative action officer’s investigation, may appeal to the Chief School Administrator/Principal. The Chief School Administrator/Principal will make his /her determination within ten working days of receiving the appeal.

2. Any person who is not satisfied with the Chief School Administrator/Principal’s determination may appeal to the board. The board will make its determination within forty-five calendar days of receiving an appeal from the Chief School Administrator/Principal’s determination.

E. Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Case ResolutionParents or students not satisfied with the resolution by the school officials or the

board may request the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the United States Department of Education to investigate the allegations.

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESAthletics, clubs and related activities are an integral part of the total

program at Wallkill Valley. Through such activities, students have the opportunity

to explore and develop their special interests as well as extend their knowledge in certain areas beyond the classroom. As the needs and interests of the student body demand, the number and variety of clubs may change slightly from year to year. Athletics are considered a privilege at Wallkill Valley Regional High School. All freshmen are eligible for first semester co-curricular activities. All freshmen must be passing a minimum of six, five credit courses at the mid-year to be eligible for second semester activities.

Eligibility:A student, to be eligible for participation in the co-curricular activities, must meet all the eligibility requirements of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association and Wallkill Valley Regional High School.

NOTE: A student must be in school for 1/2 the scheduled school day in order to participate in practice or an event that day. Any exception to this rule must be cleared by an administrator.

NUMBER OF CREDITS REQUIREDClass First Semester Second Semester 9th 0 1510th 30 1511th 30 1512th 30 15

Wallkill Valley is a member of the Northwest Jersey Athletic Conference and offers programs in the following sports:


Football Girls Basketball SoftballBoys Soccer Boys Basketball Girls TrackField Hockey Wrestling Boys TrackCross Country Swimming Golf Girls Tennis Bowling Boys TennisGirls Soccer Skiing Baseball

Indoor Track Boys Lacrosse

WALLKILL ATHLETICSFor updated schedules and game results log on to:


PORTABLE DEVICESCell phones are not to be used during class time. They may be used in the cafeteria or senior lounge. All other electronic devices are not to be used during the school day.

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STUDENT COUNCILStudent Council can have a highly active role. Its purpose is not to govern the

students, but to serve as a meeting place between the student body and the administration, where the students can assume as much of the responsibility of organizing their high school activities as they are able to handle. It is the place where concerns or questions arising from either the students or the administration can be presented for discussion or consideration.

CLASS OFFICERSElections for class officers will occur in the Fall of each school year.

1. Personal record must be free of out of school suspension during the previous year. 2. Student must carry at least a C average.

NOTE: A student may not hold two separate elected offices during any one school year.

ILLNESS WHILE IN SCHOOL/ACCIDENTSIf a student becomes ill during school time, he/she should request a pass from

the teacher to report to the nurse. If the student feels the need to see the nurse between classes, he/she must first report to his/her next scheduled class and then obtain a pass from the teacher. If a student is absent from a class because of illness and fails to report to the nurse, the student will be regarded as cutting class.

If it is necessary for the student to be sent home, the nurse will make the necessary arrangements with the students parents. If the nurse is not in, students are to report to the Main Office.

NO medications, NONE AT ALL, are allowed in school without a doctor’s note, a parent’s note, and the medication in its original container. This includes acetaminophen, cold or allergy tablets, or any other type of prescription or non-prescription medication.

If a student wishes to take acetaminophen in school for any reason, a note from the family doctor is required to be on record each year. In addition, a note from the parent and the acetaminophen in the original bottle must also be brought from home.

Due to the increasing number of students requesting Physical Education excuses, the following policy is now in effect according to the School Physician.

1. All students with legitimate reasons may be excused for two (2) consecutive days by the school nurse or parent/guardian for any one injury. Thereafter, a doctor’s note is required.

2. When the illness or injury occurs at home, we would prefer that the parent/guardian write a request for a gym excuse, including the reason why.

EMERGENCY NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERSThis information is very important for us to have on file in case of an

emergency and we are unable to reach you. This person should be someone who

can give us permission to send your child home with them, or to the hospital of your choice. Please be sure that we also have the name of your family doctor and the hospital of your preference.

SPORTS PHYSICALSAll students participating in sports are required to have a sports physical.

Prerequisite: sports application must be completed prior to examination. Applications are available for pick up at all times in the health office. (Summer months in the Main Office)

NJAC 6A:16-2.2(b) Each student medical shall be conducted at the medical home of the student, and a full report sent to the school. If a student does not have a medical home, the district shall provide this examination at the school physicians office or other appropriately equipped facility. NJAC 6A:16-2.2(h) An examination of each candidate for a school athletic squad shall be conducted 365 days prior to the first practice session with examinations being made available by the school physician for those students who do not have a medical home.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETYJuniors and seniors who have met the following requirements are eligible

for membership in the National Honor Society and if selected are inducted in the spring of the School year:

A. Juniors being considered must have a minimum GPA of 3.3 through the end of their sophomore year.

B. Seniors will be considered if they fail to be selected in their junior year. They must have maintained a 3.3 through the end of their junior year.

C. All students must maintain a 3.3 average.

D. Students must present significant evidence of school service, community service or church service.

E. Students must also demonstrate significant qualities of leadership and sound character.

F. Students should have completed 8 academic units by their junior year.

LOST AND FOUNDLost and found will be located in the Main Office. Any textbooks not

claimed immediately will be forwarded to the department chairperson.

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JUICE/VENDING MACHINEThe student snack and beverage machines are located opposite the gym in B hall

and will be available before and after school. During the school day students having opened containers in corridors will be subject to disciplinary action.

POSTERS/SIGNSIf a student, club, or athletic team wishes to hang a poster, sign, etc., the

following must happen:1. Approval must be obtained from an Administrator.2. All posters/signs must bear the name of the student, club, organization, etc., responsible for the poster/sign.

INTERNET USEA. Students must have a signed Internet agreement on file in the Media Center in order to use the Internet.

B. Students may browse on the Internet before and after school.

C. During the school day, the Internet is available for researching class assignments and information of an educational nature only.

D. Students may not use e-mail in any form.

ATTENDANCEPhilosophical and Legal Basis for a Policy:

Regular attendance by all students in public schools of the State of New Jersey is a well established, long-standing policy that has been repeatedly upheld by the courts of the State as well as by the Supreme Court of the United States. The rationale for requiring such regular attendance was perhaps best summarized by New Jersey’s Commissioner of Education who wrote:

“The school cannot teach pupils who are not present. The entire process of education requires a regular continuity of instruction, classroom participation, learning experiences, and study in order to reach the goal of maximum educational benefits for each individual child. The regular contact of the pupils with one another in the classroom and their participation in well-planned instructional activity under the tutelage of a competent teacher is vital to this purpose. This is the well-established principle of education, which underlies and gives purpose to the requirement of compulsory schooling in this and every other state in the union.”

Cumulative Absences:Cumulative absences are those which include full day absences, and

absences for individual classes that result in half or more of the period being

missed. All work missed must be made up at the initiative of the student.

A. A student will NOT be granted credit in a scheduled course after his/her cumulative absences exceed the following limits:

1. Full-year course - 15 days (16 - 20 days lose 2.5 credits). Once 21 days are reached, student loses ALL credit.

2. Semester (1/2 year course) - 8 days (9-12 days lose 1.25 credits) Once 13 days are reached, student loses ALL credit.

The Wallkill Valley Regional High School District requires 120 credits for graduation.

A student will remain in a scheduled class, even after exceeding the limits noted above. Students who pass a course, but earn no credit may attend a summer school to get credit restored, or take an additional course(s) the following school year.

B. Parents and/or adult students will receive written notice of cumulative absences.

Non-cumulative Absences:It is recognized that certain extreme and unavoidable circumstances may

prevent a student from attending school. In the event a student is absent for any of the reasons listed below, it will be considered a non-cumulative absence. All work missed as a result of the absence must be made up at the initiative of the student.

Non-cumulative Absences will be allowed for:A. Serious illness, as verified by a doctor’s note. The doctor’s note must be submitted no later than 3 days after his/her absence.

B..Death in immediate family or relative.

C..Religious holidays, as described by the State Board of Education.

D. Administrative reasons, such as suspension, nurse (per nurse’s determination), field trips, extra-curricular activities, special programs, and college visitations (SENIORS ONLY), one in-state visit and one out-of-state visit with a parent’s note beforehand.

Homework Requests for Absences: Homework for students who will be absent for 3 or more consecutive days can be requested through the Guidance Office. Please be advised that

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teachers are permitted 1 full day notice to develop an assignment packet.

Procedure:In case of illness, the PARENT (NOT A STUDENT) is instructed to call the

school (973-827-4100) the morning of an absence. If a call is not received, the school will attempt to contact the parents at home or at work. If no contact is made, the student will be required to bring in a note upon his/her return to school so the school, can be assured that the student was not truant.

Transfer students:Attendance will be prorated for transfer students.

Appeals:Appeals for exceptions to the loss of credit for excessive cumulative absences

will be made to the Attendance Committee. The Committee is made up of School Administrators. The appeal process will consist of the following steps:

1. The students will meet with the Attendance Committee for the purpose of reviewing his/her attendance record and to present any information relevant to the absence.

2. The student will be given the opportunity to present any extenuating circumstances at this time.

3. The Attendance Committee will review all pertinent information, and on that basis decide whether credit should be granted or not granted.

4. The student will be notified as to the outcome of the appeal. All appeals must be requested BEFORE June 30 of that particular school year. Any appeals after September 1 will NOT be considered.

Tardiness to School:All students who are tardy to school shall report to the attendance office.A student will be permitted to be late no more than 10 times during the course of

the school year. Any lateness beyond that total will result in detention or suspension from school for a period of time to be determined by the administration. NOTE: A tardy to school, which results in missing more than one-half of the class periods, is recorded as an absence in that particular period.

Tardy to Class:If a student reports to class late, the teacher will give the student one warning.

Thereafter, for each tardy, the student will serve one teacher’s detention. If the tardiness persists, the student will serve Administrative Detention.Early Dismissal from School:

If it becomes necessary for a student to leave prior to regular dismissal time, a written request from the parent must be presented to the attendance office

before homeroom. This request should state the reason for early dismissal, and the time at which the student is to sign out. This note is then confirmed by calling the parent. Students who need to leave school early but have not brought in a written request, must be signed out by a parent or guardian before leaving school. The sign-out book will be kept in the Attendance Office. Any 18-year-old student who wishes to sign out and lives with a parent, relative, or guardian must have their permission and the permission of an administrator in order to leave.


DETENTION/SUSPENSIONWhen a discipline problem becomes such that it must be referred to the

Administration, the student may be subject to the following:

Administrative Detention:Administrative detention will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from

2:35 P.M. to 3:25 P.M. in a room to be designated for this purpose. Only an administrator can assign a student to administrative detention. Students reporting late to detention or who miss detention without approved reasons will face further disciplinary action. Only an administrator can excuse a student from administrative detention. (Morning detention will be assigned as an alternative.)

Detention is supervised by a teacher who will maintain order. The teacher supervising may recommend that a student serve additional days of detention if he/she fails to cooperate.

Teacher Detention:Teachers will normally use teacher-assigned detention as a first step in

deterring problems, rather than referring the student immediately to the Administration.

In-School and Out-of-School Suspension:When the administration has exhausted all normal means of school rules

and regulations, or when a student is involved in misconduct of a serious nature, the student will be suspended from normal school activities, including classes, extracurricular activities, school social events, etc. The suspension may be served in school or out of school, as determined by the administration. The length of the suspension, also determined by the administration, may be affected by the time required for the student’s parents to take the appropriate actions in an attempt to modify the student’s behavior in school.

New Jersey Statutes Annotated Title 18A:37-2 sets forth a non-exclusive list of conduct which shall constitute good cause for suspension or expulsion. These are:

a. Physical assault upon another pupil or upon any teacher, employee

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or board of education member.b. Open defiance of authority of any teacher or person having authority

over the student.c. Conduct of said character as to constitute a continuing danger to the

physical well-being of other pupils.d. Continued and willful disobedience, i.e., non-completion of detention

assignments, etc.e. Taking, or attempting to take, personal property or money from another

pupil or from his/her presence by means of force or fear. f. Willfully causing or attempting to cause substantial damage to school

property.g. Incitement which is intended to, and does result in, unauthorized occupation

by any group of pupils or others of any part of a school or other facility owned by any school district.

h. Incitement which is intended to, and does result in, truancy by other pupils.i. Illegal substance abuse or distribution or intent to distribute an illegal

substance.j. Cutting of classes/or truancy.k. Leaving the school grounds without permission.

BUS REGULATIONSWhen a student rides the bus, he should realize that this is a privilege. The

privilege imposes certain responsibilities on the part of the student. The following rules are devised for the safety of all who ride the school bus:

1. There will be NO SMOKING or DRINKING on school buses.2. Pupils will conduct themselves in an orderly manner. Courtesy to others and respect for the law and property are expected.3. Pupils will keep arms and legs inside the bus window.4. Your bus driver has designated stops. You SHOULD NOT ask the driver to

make any special stops.5. Distracting the driver endangers the lives of all the

pupils on the bus. There will be no shouting, singing, or loud noises.6. Pupils must understand that they are under the authority of the school while


ASSIGNED. You are not permitted to take a different bus because it goes by a friend’s house, the dentist, shopping center, etc. Consideration for change of a bus route will only be given for reasons of medical incapacitation or physical change of residence. Any exceptions to these rules must be approved by the transportation coordinator.

8. Disregard of the above rules results in the suspension of your bus privileges.

LATE BUSESLate buses will be provided Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:30 P.M. Late

buses will be provided Monday through Friday at 5:30 P.M. It should be noted

that these buses will make area drops rather than regular, local drops.

GRIEVANCE PROCEDUREIn keeping with Federal/State anti-discrimination legislation, the

Wallkill Valley Regional Board of Education has adopted this grievance procedure providing for the resolution of student, employee, and parent/guardian complaints.PURPOSE: To provide students, employer and parents/guardians a procedure by which they can seek a remedy for alleged violation related to discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, or social status.DEFINITION: Grievance: A formal written complaint.Grievant: Any student, employee or parent/guardian aggrieved by a decision or condition falling under the guidelines of Federal and/or State anti-discrimination laws.Affirmative Action Officer: The district employee designated to coordinate efforts to comply with antidiscrimination legislation and charged with the responsibility of investigating complaints.PROCEDURE: Step 1: The grievant must present the complaint in written form to the responsible person designated as the affirmative action officer.Step 2: The affirmative action officer has five working days in which to investigate and respond to the grievant.Step 3: If not satisfied, the grievant may appeal within ten working days to the Superintendent/Principal or his/her designee.

CARE OF TEXTBOOKSTextbooks are assigned to students for their personal use, and are to be

kept in a locked locker when not in use. All textbooks issued to students are to be covered by the student. Students are responsible for the care and protection of their textbooks and will be required to reimburse the school for damage of any assigned textbook.

If a student loses a book, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the teacher of the loss and to secure a new book by paying the cost of the book. If the original book is found, the student will be reimbursed for the cost of the book by returning the book to the teacher.

Fines will be assessed at the end of the school year for the damage to textbooks beyond normal wear.

TIME BETWEEN CLASSESStudents will be allowed four minutes to change classes. During the

change of classes, students will be courteous and orderly in the halls, stairwells,

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etc. Classroom teachers will supervise the halls between classes and refer disruptive students in the halls to an administrator. It is each student’s personal responsibility to arrive to class on time.

FIRE DRILLSWhen the alarm sounds to signify a fire drill, everyone in the building must

leave by the assigned exits. Students are to remain calm, quiet, and orderly, and are to stay with their class. Students will follow established procedures when a security drill announcement is made.

LIABILITY FOR DAMAGEParents or guardians of students who willfully damage or deface school property

will be liable for the costs incurred by the Board of Education to repair or replace the property that was damaged or defaced.

SCHOOL LOCKERSHall and Physical Education lockers are provided for storage and protection of

school and personal property. It should be clearly understood that lockers are not student lockers, but they are in fact, school lockers. As such, they must be used only by the student assigned to the locker and LOCKED AT ALL TIMES when not in use. In order to prevent thefts, the combination to the lock should remain confidential. Each student is responsible for the cleanliness of his/her locker and any damage done to it. Any problems encountered by a student with his locker should be reported to the office. The SHARING OF LOCKERS IS PROHIBITED.

The Administration has a legal right to inspect and search each locker if, in their opinion, the situation warrants. Any abusiveness (stickers, chewing gum, damaged hooks, and graffiti on lockers) will be reported to an Administrator.

PASSESStudents who need to leave the room during a scheduled class must have a

teacher’s permanent room pass. Students who do not have a pass and are in a corridor will be subject to disciplinary action.

NO SMOKING POLICYNo person, adult or student, shall be allowed to smoke, chew tobacco, or use

snuff (or any variation of the above) within the Wallkill Valley Regional High School building at any time (day, night, and/or weekends). This includes the school day, evening meetings, adult school, special events, etc.

Further, no person shall be allowed to smoke, chew tobacco, or use snuff (or any variation of the above) on the grounds during the school day.

STUDENT CONDUCTStudents will conduct themselves in an orderly and acceptable manner at all

times. The standards of behavior that are exhibited by students in school, at other

schools, and in the community reflect upon the reputation of the staff and the student body of Wallkill Valley Regional High School.

Classroom Behavior:Students will display respect for teachers at all times. Any behavior not

in keeping with the established standards will be dealt with accordingly.

Assemblies:Good behavior will prevail during assemblies. Classrooms will be

assigned seats for assemblies, and students must sit in the area assigned to their class. Classroom teachers will supervise their students during assemblies.

Dances:Our school dances are scheduled for the benefit of Wallkill Valley

Regional High School students. Wallkill Valley students will abide by all school regulations pertaining to behavior, dress, smoking, etc. Loitering in the school, the parking lot, or on school grounds is not permitted. No guests are permitted at Wallkill Valley dances.

School Athletic Events:Our reputation is largely based upon the conduct and etiquette shown by

coaches, players, and spectators alike at school athletic events. Those who jeopardize our school’s reputation by their conduct at such events will be removed and may be excluded from all further events.

Harassment Under no circumstances will student-to-student harassment be tolerated. This includes all athletic, co-curricular activities and school bus runs. Students involved in harassment or hazing incident shall be disciplined.

STUDENT DRESSStudents are encouraged to wear apparel which is appropriate and

complies with the Dress Code Policy. Appropriate school personnel will make the final decision regarding appropriate dress in school as it pertains to the dress code. Those students not in compliance with the policy may be sent home (parent will be contacted) to obtain more suitable attire. At all times students are required to wear footwear. The wearing of hats or hoods in school is prohibited.

FUNDRAISINGNo fundraising of any type, particularly involving our school (or our

name/nickname), will be allowed unless prior approval is granted from the

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PROFANITYIt is assumed that all students realize the importance of the use of proper

language. Offensive, abusive, obscene language is not acceptable and any pupil who is guilty of habitual use of profanity or obscene language shall be liable to disciplinary action.

TELEPHONESOffice telephones are for school business ONLY and may not be used by

students unless permission has been granted.

CHEATINGAll forms of cheating (copying of assignments completed by others, copying of

quizzes, tests and/or examination answers, the giving of assignments to others contrary to the directions of the teacher, the giving of quiz, test or examination answers to others, the pilfering or intent to pilfer a quiz, test or examination, etc.) -- in essence, all activities which do not reflect the student’s own work--are not condoned at Wallkill Valley Regional High School and appropriate actions will be taken to deter such occurrences. Each incident of cheating or attempting to cheat will be dealt with individually. However, generally each incident will affect (1) a penalty of a zero for the assignment, quiz, test or examination, (2) and notification to the parent of the incident.

DISSECTIONIf your son/daughter does not wish to dissect or destroy animals or any parts

thereof as part of a course, they can see their teacher for an alternative project.

LUNCH PERIODSEach student must report to the cafeteria during his/her lunch period. Students

may purchase lunch in the cafeteria or bring their own. In the cafeteria, each student is responsible for cleaning the table and the surrounding area; students who cannot meet this responsibility may be excluded from the cafeteria. No students are allowed in the parking areas during the lunch periods without administrative approval. No student is to leave the campus during the lunch period, unless excused by an administrator.

FIELD TRIPSField trips will be arranged by members of the faculty. Students intending to

participate in such events must submit written parental permission on forms provided by the school. Any student who does not submit written parental permission may not participate in the scheduled event and must follow his regular class schedule.

PERSONAL ARTICLES, EQUIPMENT, ETC.In the event a theft should occur, it should be reported to the Assistant

Principal’s Office immediately. Every attempt will be made to find the lost

article(s); in some cases, a police report will be made. It is important to note, however, that district insurance coverage assumes responsibility only for items owned by the school; personal items (non-school owned) are not covered. As a point of information, a homeowner’s policy may assume responsibility for individually owned items -- assuming, of course, such a policy has, in fact, been purchased.

STUDENT DRIVING AND PARKINGSince bus transportation is provided, only students who can demonstrate a

definite need to drive to and from school will be permitted to use the school parking lot. All requests for permission to drive to school and for parking privileges should be directed to the Administrator. These requests will be reviewed on the basis of student/family need. Parking Permits must be visible on all registered vehicles.

NOTE: Parking on Grumm Road, Beaver Run Road, or the driveway leading to the back of the schools will result in both ticketing and being towed away.

STUDY HALLStudy halls will meet only during lunch periods. Students who are

assigned to study hall must adhere to the following:

1. Students will sit in seats assigned by the study hall teacher.2. Students will observe rules set forth by the study hall teacher.3. Students are to report to their scheduled study hall at all times, unless

otherwise directed.4. The climate of the study hall should be that of a quiet study, with

emphasis on academic assignments being completed.5. Student is required to bring a book(s) to study hall.

Visitors must adhere to the same rules and regulations which govern the student body at Wallkill. If, in fact, the visitor cannot adhere to these procedures, he/she will be asked to leave. Wallkill Valley Regional High School students are responsible for the behavior of their guest.

The school has the right and obligation to restrict visitors in the school and on school property.

There will be no visitations permitted during the months of September and June.


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A. The media center will be open from 7:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., unless otherwise posted, to all students who meet the following requirements:

1. Study hall periods.2. Before and after school.3. From subject classes with teacher permission.

B. Study Hall use:1. Students needing the media center to do research must obtain a pass from

the subject teacher who assigned the project. These students will be given priority. Passes from subject teachers should be handed in at the circulation desk.

2. A student may go to the media center instead of going to his/her assigned study hall. A list of these students will be sent to the study hall teachers.

3. The media center specialist may also issue passes to students from study or lunch.

4. Students must report to the media center on time. Students must remain in the media center all period.

C. Before and After School Use: The media center will be open in the morning and after school for research.

D. If a teacher desires to send a student to the media center during a particular class, the student must have a pass from the teacher indicating the nature of the student’s work and the time to be spent in the media center. Groups of students from subject teachers must be accompanied by the teacher and must be cleared with the media specialist in advance.

USE OF COMPUTERS IN THE MEDIA CENTERA. Students must have a signed internet agreement on file in the Media Center to use the internet. B. Computers are to be used for class assignments only during the school day. C. Students may not use any form of e-mail or instant messenger at any time.D. No blogging or posting on any web site. E. No game playing.

Borrowing of Materials:A. Magazines may be borrowed for one week and may be renewed only once. Proper forms must be filled out before request.

B. Reference books may be borrowed overnight only and may be renewed only once.

C. Books (general) may be checked out for four weeks and may be renewed only once for two additional weeks.

D. Lost materials must be paid for in full.

Media Center Conduct:All students are encouraged to use the media center. The media center is

to be used when students have any need of its resources or services. It is not to be used for work that can be done in the student’s assigned study hall. It was organized and is maintained for your benefit. In return, certain things are expected from the students:

A. Students will enter and leave the media center quietly.

B. Students must arrive at the media center by the time the last bell rings and must remain the entire period.

C. Students who come to the media center will not be given passes to go elsewhere. Students must come prepared to work.

D. Students who have come to read are expected to do so immediately upon arriving for the entire period.

E. Students who have come to do research for class assignments are expected to begin immediately upon arrival without discussion with other students.

F. Students are not permitted to talk in the media center.

GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT/OVERVIEWThe Guidance Department of Wallkill Valley Regional High School

provides a proactive counseling program that recognizes the individuality of each

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student while providing an equal opportunity for each student to develop within the framework of his/her abilities. The program attempts to help each student maximize his/her potential as he/she encounters the social, emotional, career, and educational challenges that occur during the high school years.

Each student meets with his/her assigned counselor throughout thefour-year period on an individual or group basis. This nurtured relationshipencourages students to undergo continued self-examination so that appropriategoals can be developed and chosen pathways can be followed. Students also participate in specific decision making, career awareness, educational planning and financial aid opportunity activities on a yearly basis. Evening presentations are provided to enhance parent involvement and awareness with theirson’s/daughter’s growth and development.

Specific informational sources are also available for student use. Resources such as a computer-based data retrieval system, Naviance, Career Resource Center and College Catalogue Library are available to meet the diverse needs of the student population.

The key to both success and happiness during one’s high school career is balancing the many variables associated with one’s growth and development. In seeking that sensitive balance, students and parents are encouraged to utilize the services and resources of the Guidance Department.

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSA. To earn a Wallkill Valley Regional High School diploma, a student is required to:

Satisfactorily complete 120 credits

B. Satisfactorily complete the following required courses:

CLASS OF 2013.SUBJECT CREDITEnglish 4 yearsU.S. History 2 yearsWorld History 1 yearMathematics 3 years (must include Algebra I)Science 3 years (must include Biology/Lab)Health/Physical Education 4 yearsVisual and Performing Arts 1 year World Languages 1 year 21st Century Life and Careers, or

Career-Technical Education 1 year

CLASS OF 2014, 2015SUBJECT CREDITEnglish 4 years

World History 1 yearU.S. History 2 yearsMathematics 3 years (must include Algebra I

and Geometry)Science 3 years (must include Bio/Lab

and an additional lab science)Health and Physical Education 4 yearsVisual and Performing Arts 1 yearWorld Language 1 year21st Century Life and Careers, or Career-Technical Education 1 yearFinancial, Economic, Businessand Entrepreneurial Literacy 1/2 year

CLASS OF 2016SUBJECT CREDITEnglish 4 yearsWorld History 1 yearsU. S. History 2 yearsMathematics 3 years (must include Algebra I, Geometry and

a third math class that builds on the concepts on Algebra and Geometry)

Science 3 years (must include Biology/Lab, an additional lab. inquiry- based science course including chemistry, environmental science ,or physics: and a third lab/inquiry-based science course)

Health and Physical Education 4 yearsVisual and Performing Arts 1 yearWorld Language 1 year21st Century Life and Careers 1 year Or Career-Technical EducationFinancial, Economic, Business ½ And Entrepreneurial Literacy

C. Meet or exceed the minimum proficiency standards on all statewide testing assessments. D. Meet or exceed those district attendance standards as defined by policy.E. Carry seven full-year courses or the equivalent (35 credits).(Exceptions to the seven course requirements are for those students who attend school on a part-time basis because of medical, physical or other types of certifiable reasons.)

Achievement is indicated by the following grading system:


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A Excellent 93 - 100B Good 85 - 92C Average 75 - 84D Poor 66 - 74F Failure 65 or belowW WithdrawI* Incomplete

* GRADE OF INCOMPLETEIf it becomes impossible for a student to complete assignments prior to

the end of a marking period, and the teacher feels an extension of time is warranted, then a student will be given an “I” (Incomplete). A minimum of three weeks and a maximum of five weeks will be the range of time provided. Anything established within the range will be acceptable. Exceptions must be brought to the attention of an Administrator.

NOTE: 1. Only letter grades shall appear on the report card.2. Reports will be issued to students four times each school year on

approximately the following dates: the first week in November; the middle of January; the last week in March, and the fourth and final will be mailed the end of June. The reports are not to be returned to school.

3. Interim progress reports will be made when a student’s work becomes unsatisfactory or drops seriously in quality. Interim reports may also be issued if a teacher wishes to call attention to outstanding or exemplary classroom performance.

ACCESS TO STUDENT RECORDSAs outlined by New Jersey and Federal law, authorized organizations, agencies

or parents are permitted access to student records until the age of 18. After the age of 18, access to pupil records is subject to conditions outlined in Code 6:3-2.6. These organizations, agencies and people are identified in Code 6:3-2.5.

In the case of military access, you may request your son’s or daughter’s information to be deleted from any roster that must be supplied to any branch that requests this information. Please submit your request in writing to the Guidance Office before the beginning of the school year.

GIFTED AND TALENTEDAcademically, intellectually or creatively gifted and talented students present

diverse needs that are a unique challenge to educators. In order to meet the unique interests and needs of those students who individually display exceptional cognitive and affective abilities, opportunities are provided to effectively encourage students to develop to their fullest psychosocial, psychomotor, affective and cognitive potential.

The Wallkill Valley Regional High School District is committed to an

educational philosophy that recognizes the importance of fostering the exceptional individual. The general curriculum provides enrichment opportunities for all students, including the exceptional student, to develop within the framework of his/her personal interests and abilities.

HONOR ROLLTo be eligible for placement on an Honor Roll, a student must carry a full

schedule each marking period.

--High Honor Roll: All grades of “A” (No B’s allowed)--Honor Roll: All grades of “A’s” and “B’s”

WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOLAll students withdrawing from school must complete the high school withdrawal

form available in the Guidance Office. No records will be transferred to an employer or other institution unless this form is complete.

STUDENT PROGRESS NOTICESReport cards are issued four (4) times a year. Interim progress reports

are also mailed the midpoint of each marking period. Hand carried weekly progress reports can also be obtained through the Guidance Office.

ANTICIPATED REPORT CARD DISTRIBUTIONFirst Quarter November 13, 2012Second Quarter February 1, 2013Third Quarter April 19, 2013Fourth Quarter June 18, 2013

ANTICIPATED PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIBUTIONFirst Quarter October 5, 2011Second Quarter December 11, 2012Third Quarter March 6, 2013Fourth Quarter May 15, 2013

TRANSCRIPTSCopies of student’s records are available upon request. To be official,

transcripts must be sent directly to the institution requesting them. Unofficial transcripts can be supplied to students for college visits and other reasons.

WORKING PAPERSAny student under the age of 18 must have working papers in order to

obtain employment. Forms may be secured in the Guidance Office. Sufficient

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time should be allowed for the processing after the forms have been turned in.

Procedure:A. Secure the following forms in the Guidance Office:

1. Promise of Employment (to be completed by employer).2. Physical Examination (to be completed by school or family


B. Return both forms completed with your birth certificate to the Guidance Office. Your birth certificate will be photocopied and returned to you.

C. Working papers are then prepared and issued to student. Every attempt will be made to process the working papers as readily as possible; however, please allow 24 hours for processing.

All information will be forwarded by the school to the Department of Labor, Trenton, New Jersey to be registered and returned to the high school for placement on file.

NOTE: Those students working on farms need only their birth certificate and promise of employment.

HEALTH Health services are provided in the high school to help the student and

the family recognize and understand good health practices and the way in whichthey affect both the present and future life of the student. Students who becomeill or injured in school are given emergency treatment by the nurse and are referredfor medical care as indicated. Parents, however, are discouraged from sending illor injured students to school for diagnosis or treatment since the health staff doesnot have public facilities or responsibility. Health and immunization records are maintained by the nurse, according to New Jersey State Law.

SPECIAL SERVICES/CHILD STUDY TEAMSpecial Services is a district ancillary service through the Child Study Team,

special education classes, and the utilization of community agencies. Referral for Special Services is made to the Child Study Team through the counseling staff.

The Child Study Team provides a multi-disciplinary diagnostic and prescriptive service to meet the educational needs of handicapped students in accordance with New Jersey Statutes.


The primary responsibility of the Child Study Team is to identify, classify, and prescribe educational programs for handicapped students experiencing schooldifficulty through recommendations for the utilization of school facilities and community service agencies. The Child Study Team is composed of a

psychologist, a social worker, and a learning consultant, who work with the school physician, nurse and other medical and educational specialists.

CHILD STUDY TEAM Pat Wenzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Learning Consultant

Francesca Cappelletti . . . . . . Psychologist Betsy Gallopo . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Worker

EXTRA HELP FOR STUDENTSAny Wallkill Valley student may obtain extra help from a teacher between

2:35 P.M. and 2:55 P.M. every day. If the student’s teacher(s) is not available on a particular day, that teacher will arrange through his/her department supervisor for coverage by another department member.

HOME INSTRUCTIONHome instruction will be provided for pupils, determined by a physician,

who need confinement at their residence for at least a two-week period of time. Instructional service shall begin within seven calendar days after eligibility has been established.

STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS OVERVIEWIn conjunction with the Guidance services, two separate programs are

available to students in need of specific concentrated assistance.

Intervention and Referral Services Committee:The Intervention and Referral Services Committee utilizes a team

approach to develop strategies that will assist students in resolving any cognitive, motivational, or affective difficulties they are experiencing. The assistance will reflect formal and consistent intervention strategies and ideas that can be utilized within the regular educational program. The committee may be used as a pre-referral step for the formal classification process.

Substance Awareness Program:The Substance Awareness Coordinator is available to students in the area

of substance abuse and chemical dependency. The S.A.C. provides at risk students an opportunity to discuss substance abuse and any related personal or family problems. If necessary, evaluations and/or on-going support services can be accessed.

The Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973) Officer is:Mr. Edward Bolcar, Jr.

ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE POLICYStudents under a doctor’s care who need to use medication during school

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hours should inform the school nurse so that appropriate arrangements for administration of the medication can be made. Medication is kept, taken and administered in the nurse’s office during school hours. NOTE: A STUDENT MUST SECURE MEDICATION BETWEEN, NOT DURING, CLASSES.

Whenever it shall appear to any teaching staff member, school nurse or other educational personnel that a pupil may be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, they shall report the matter as soon as possible to the school administration who will rely on the substance awareness coordinator or the school nurse.

A. In the absence of the principal, his/her designee shall be notified.

B. In instances where the school nurse, medical inspector (school physician), substance awareness coordinator, and the principal are not in attendance, the staff member responsible for the school function shall be immediately notified.

C. The pupil shall be removed to a protective environment for observation and care by the school nurse or medical inspector (school physician). The principal shall request the assistance of the school nurse or medical inspector (school physician) in assessing the physical state of the pupil. This shall not be construed to limit or condition the right of the Board of Education to seek emergency medical assistance for a pupil when acting in loco parents, and as an agent of the parents/guardians and for the welfare of the pupil.

D. The pupil’s parents/guardians and the superintendent/ principal or his/her designee shall immediately be notified of the incident and shall be provided a description of the situation and symptoms.

E. The principal or his/her designee shall arrange for an immediate examination of the pupil. The examination may be performed by a physician selected by the parent/guardian or by the medical inspector (school physician). If the chosen physician is not immediately available, the examination shall be conducted by the medical inspector (school physician) or, if the medical inspector (school physician) is not available, the pupil shall be accompanied by a member of the school staff, designatedby the principal, to the emergency room of the nearest hospital for examination. If available, a parent/guardian should also accompany the pupil. The pupil shall be examined as soon as possible for the purpose of diagnosing whether or not the pupil is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

F. If, at the request of the parent/guardian, the medical examination is conducted by a physician other than the medical inspector (school physician), such examination shall not be at the expense of the Board of Education.

G. Provisions shall be made for the appropriate care of the pupil while awaiting the results of the medical examination.

H. A written report of the medical examination shall be furnished to the parent/guardian of the pupil, and the superintendent by the examining physician within24 hours.

I. If the written report of the medical examination is not submitted to the parent/guardian and superintendent within 24 hours, the pupil shall be allowed to return to school until such time as a positive diagnosis of alcohol or other drug use is received.

J. If there is a positive diagnosis from the medical examination indicating that the pupil is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, the pupil shall be returned to the care of the parent/guardian as soon as possible. Attendance at school shall not resume until a written report has been submitted to the parent/guardian of the pupil and the superintendent, from a physician who examined the pupil to diagnose alcoholor other drug use. The report shall certify that substance abuse no longer interferes with the pupils physical and mental ability to perform in school.

K. In accordance with N.J.A.C. 6:29-9.5(a)8, refusal or failure by a parent/uardian to comply with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-12 shall be deemed a violation of the compulsory education (N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25 and 18A:38-31) and/or child neglect (N.J.S.A. 9:6-1 et seq.) laws.

L. While the pupil is home because of the medical examination or after his/her return to school, the school may require additional evaluation for the purpose of determining the extent of the pupil’s alcohol or other drug use and its effect on his/her school performance. In addition, if there is a positive diagnosis, the pupil shall be interviewed by a substance awareness coordinator or other appropriately trained teaching staff member for the purpose of determining the extent of the pupil’s involvement with alcohol or other drugs and possible need for treatment. In order to make this determination, the coordinator or other teaching staff member may conduct a reasonable investigation, which may include interviews with the pupil’s teachers and parents/guardians. The coordinator or other teaching staff member may also consult with such experts in the field of alcohol or other drug abuse, as may be necessary and appropriate. If it is determined that the pupil involved with the use of these substances represents a danger to the pupil’s health and well being, the coordinator or other teaching staff member shall refer the pupil to an appropriate treatment program, which has been approved by the Commissioner of Education.

M. As required by law, the Board of Education shall provide for the evaluation and treatment of pupils whose use of alcohol or other drugs has affected their

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school performance or who possess or consume alcohol or other drugs in school or at a school function, as required by the definitions of evaluation and treatment contained at N.J.A.C. 6:29-9.2. This shall include referral to the substance awareness coordinator. The Board of Education is not responsible for the cost of any evaluation or treatment provided by any outside agency and/or organization.

N. If the pupil is found in possession or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or has used or consumed alcohol or other drugs, the pupil will be excluded from school and will only be re-admitted at the end of the exclusion after the receipt of the required medical certification that the pupil is physically and mentally able to return to school, and after a conference has been held between the principal and the parent(s) or guardian(s). A plan to address those specific needs, which a pupil may have, shall be developed during this conference.

O. If a pupil is found in possession or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs for a second time, then such pupil will be referred to the local police and a recommendation will be made by the principal to the Board of Education concerning the expulsion of the pupil.

P. Pupils possessing for distribution, or administering alcohol or other drugs (at any time on school grounds), as defined in this policy, to others in school, at a school sponsored activity, in or out of school, shall be immediately referred to the principal. The principal shall immediately notify the police and the parents, transfer the pupil to home instruction, and will make the appropriate recommendations to the Board of Education concerning the expulsion of the pupil.

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ENGLISHVito Morgese, SupervisorMarianne BeaudoinJenn GrabowskiKim JegutzkiBarbara PetronaciDawn PhalonMary Ann Simmons

MEDIA CENTERSharon Scully, Media SpecialistLynn Hayn


Monica Tarabocchia, SupervisorAmparo KayJennifer LoganCarolyn Swayze


BUSINESSRobert Logiudice, SupervisorKelly BenvenutoRich CongerMichael NapovierLenard RinkLorri Schaumberg



BULLYING SPECIALISTFrancesca Cappelletti

MATHEMATICSRuss Rogers Jr., SupervisorKathleen FifieldKevin Lukich

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Jean MalinowskiLinda MatchettPeter SchornstaedtMark Trongone

PHYSICAL EDUCATIONKen Chlodnicki, SupervisorConnie KrawzLisa LeggGary RubanAdam Vazquez


SCIENCELarry Hildebrand, SupervisorCatherine AstorLauren AyersJeanne DonovanSteve IannottaJim Marion

SOCIAL STUDIESMike Harris, SupervisorStephanie BonaparteLori ParrottScott ParsonsJohn SteigerAndrew VanDerPlaats

CUSTODIAL STAFFJohn Keenan Kevin PierceBrian Knoll Jeanne YoukonJoe Kulsar David VreelandMike Mason

SPECIAL SERVICESFrancesca Cappelletti, PsychologistBetsy Gallopo, Social WorkerPat Wenzel, Learning Consultant


John Mayer, Director of Pupil Personnel ServicesLauren DonohueJim O’RourkeJim Watson

FINE ARTSTaryn Benacquista, SupervisorAmy FairweatherChristina MolnarMary Rose SilvestriJohn Zatorski

SPECIAL EDUCATIONLuke CardinaleIrene ChernatiPandora FinkDan GibsonJeff GiordanoDaryl JonesSabrina LucasJanet TusseyAmber Zampese

SECRETARIAL STAFFDonna Omelio, Child Study TeamChristie Danko, SuperintendentDebbie Correal, Assistant PrincipalDenise Jameson, Assistant PrincipalLindsay McAloney, Guidance


John Petronaci

CAFETERIA STAFFLauren Schreiber, Manager
