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Index to documents

1 A list of some frontline initiatives focused on reducing re-offending by 1 Maori.

2 Draft Terms of Reference 4

3 E xecutive Leadership Team Papers 8

Wai 2540, #A10(a)

Text Box
29 Sep 2015
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• Name of initiative Purpose or high level description of initiative

Northern Region Te Kupenga Kaikohe This initiative, delivered in two different Corrections districts aims to stem intergenerational offending. Whanau members who are (2013) serving a sentence managed by Corrections are identified and approached with an opportunity to work together as a whanau to reduce

re-offending. Based on the whanau engagement model, support from other whanau members, community groups, kaumatua, hapu Te Kupenga Manurewa and iwi is a strong element of this initiative.


(2014) I

Young Persons Under 25 Service This reintegrative service focuses on supporting and mentoring young Maori. Six key focus areas are employment, accommodation, (April 2015) skills for life, oranga (spiritual/cultural wellbeing), education and training and community support. Services for young Maori under 25

years is divided into two areas: Kaiarahi services (intensive 1:1 engagement for complex/high needs, with a mentoring type role) and Whanau Ora (navigation/support assistance). The latter is not exclusive to people who have offended and is publicly funded, however the Kaiarahi service is contracted by Corrections. Under the National Urban Maori Authority, the Manukau Urban Maori Authority (MUMA) is the service provider for both the Kaiarahi and Whanau Ora support.

Southern Region Hokonui Runanga/Corrections Corrections are supporting Hokonui Runanga in Gore by propagating seeds to be planted in the Wetlands in Southland . This initiative Department of Conservation involves the planting of seeds at OCF Prison and planted in Invercargill through community work parties. This initiative provides an propagation project opportunity for offenders to give back to their local community, to learn skills and be a part of creating wetlands. West Coast Adult Learning This initiative is targeted at Maori youth who are based in a rural community without public transport. This initiative aims to reduce

the number of unlicensed youth driving vehicles. Modules include connecting with culture, achieving learner driver licences, learning -->.

te reo (waiata, mihi, karakia), listening and engaging with motivational speakers, a visit to a marae, enrolment to the Open Wananga, 100 hours of individual support offered to each offender for on-going support, literacy and numeracy testing.

Maata Waaka Youth support programme aimed to stopping violence. This programme is based on tikanga Maori and involves community support. Tauke A programme led by probation officers over 6 days. Each day involves a different activity including going to the marae to collect (2013) kaimoana and preparing it, learning about their whakapapa, keeping motivated, how to set goals, stone carving and finding

employment etc. No two programmes are the same. Probation officers coordinate and various providers, mana whenua and kaumatua are the main facilitators. All offenders are called onto the marae (some with their whanau) and have the support of the marae thereafter. This is a motivational programme for young people on community work and is counted toward community work hours.

Percy Street This is a raised garden at our Percy Street site where offenders learn to garden and donate the proceeds to the local food bank. This (2012) increases the offenders' ability to grow their own gardens at home to reduce living costs. Services to Young Maori This service is delivered in the Otago District and provides reintegrative services focused on employment, accommodation, support for (2012) young parents, relationship building, whakapapa and tikanga.

Mirror Services Mirror Services provide rehabilitation services funded by Southern DHB. This includes addiction services, domestic violence and (2011) general offending.



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Gardening This is a Work Living Skills initiative based at the local Marae in Hyde Street, Gore, Southland. This initiative aims to develop an I (2012) offenders skills within a safe and cultural environment.

Runanga Assistance This is a community work agency placement in Gore, Southland. This placement aims to support marae development through ground (2006) maintenance work.

Taitamariki Oranga - Nga Kete A programme for 10-13yr old Maori youth. This programme is preventative is focused on the tamariki of parents (offenders). Parents (February 2015) who are concerned about their tamariki in that they may be inclined to follow in their parents footsteps can enrol their tamariki onto

this programme. Whanau Ora - Nga Kete Promotes healthy living lifestyles by using a whanau ora philosophy based on Maori cultural foundations. Programme includes self (May 2015) management, living healthy lifestyles, the importance of participating in society, confidence to participate in te ao Maori and growing

economic security. Mauri Ora programme - Nga Kete Aimed at supporting Maori youth - 17 to 24 years to lead independent healthy lives. This programme covers housing, employment, (March 2013) education, health, skills for life and whanau support. Tikanga Maori Gardens / Kai Utilising Community Work to establish and maintain garden projects on hapu land with what is grown being utilised by the local Mara community. The offenders benefit from gaining horticulture skills and by giving back via growing food. Also provides some offenders (2007) to reconnect with their hapu. Involves the following iwi:

- Taumutu hapu - Koukourarata hapu - Rapaki Marae (Ngati Wheke) - Tuahiwi Marae (Ngai Tuahuriri)

Canterbury Youth Development Provision of assistance for Maori Youth across the focus areas identified by the Department. N

Service (Maori Youth Service Provision) (2013) Central Region Waka Taua Delivered by Raukawa Charitable Trust -local iwi, this eight week programme is delivered during weekends and is targeted 12-17 year (17 years) olds with behavioural issues. Based on the holistic philosophy of wairua, tinana, hinengaro and whanau, this programme offers pro-

social mentoring to motivate youth to behave in a pro-social manner. Te Kaupapa Whakamana A mens support group for over 17 year olds. Delivered from a kaupapa Maori framework and religious base by Transform Aotearoa. (February 2015) This includes a three day wilderness retreat, guest speakers to motivate and inspire participants, hunting, taiaha, haka and

testimonials. Nga Kete 0 te Wananga - Te This initiative was developed in partnership with MYD (Ministry of Youth Development). The purpose of the initiative is to develop a Whanau 0 Te Ara Poutama programme for male Maori youth to provide them with a strong and positive cultural identity, an understanding of tikanga, value of (May - September 2015) pro-social choices for their future and providing unit standards (up to 71 credits) toward National Certificate in Maori and Certificate in

Vocational Skills. The programme has been facilitated by Waiariki Institute of Technology and was contracted as a pilot programme.


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' -~

Maori Youth Expo NGO's, ITO' and PTO'S including MSD are invited to be part of an expo displaying and promoting services available to Maori youth. Delivered in Hamilton, Tauranga, Hamilton also had in attendance, Defence Forces and other Waikato employers. Whanau were also invited to the events to promote Whakatane and Rotorua and encourage support for Maori Youth . (Single events delivered through out the year) Under 25 Maori Expo Purpose of Expo is to engage Young Maori Under 25 with providers within the region. The expo involves young offenders participating "Tipu ake ki te whai oranga in team building exercises to build confidence, generate communication and break down barriers, instil problem solving skills.

Iwi social service providers engage with young offenders to let them know what is there for them and how to connect back to their iwi. (x2 delivered in March 2015 held Education providers are involved as are Maori business mentors, kaumatua and Maori radio stations. in the Bay of Plenty (Eastern and Western)) Marae Based Drink Driving The purpose of this initiative to support offenders to identify the causes of their offending (not just the symptoms) and is funded by "Responsiveness to Maori" Whakatane District Council, is based on a marae over two days. (2010)

Whanau Ora connecting with Collaboration with the executive leadership group of the Tuwharetoa Whanau Ora collective. A navigator (Waka Kawe) is assigned to Maori offenders Tongariro Rangipo Prison and works with the case management team onsite. Tuwharetoa /Te Arawa offenders are the first priority (July 2015) followed by offenders identified with high needs. The navigator will provide offenders with access to the wider whanau ora network

access in preparation for their release . w Tai Aroha/Whanau Ora Pilot This is a 12 month pilot with Whanau Ora in which they will have a navigator working with the Whanau of 20 of our residents. The Project objective is to increase protective factors and build resilience in the homes of the men we are working with and to also ensure their (October 2015) often vulnerable partners and children have access to key health and social services. Cultural Cluster Collaboration - Maori leaders across government in the wider Bay of Plenty including local councils meet bi monthly to share strategic information and Bay Of Plenty initiatives focused on Maori wellness and wellbeing. (2012) Provides an interface between whanau ora plans and whanau members in our care. For example, supporting a male offender to

participate in a family violence programme funded by Corrections to address physical, mental and verbal abuse within a whanau. Lower North Region PO Secondment to Ngati Porou To engage with Ngati Porou offenders at HB prison and their whanau to support the offender's transition back to community with full (January 2015) wrap around services. Work Living Skills To provide increased education/employment opportunities for offenders with EiT through forklift licencing. (2013) Youth at Risk The purpose of the programme is to provide mentoring and navigation support delivered one on one to Young Maori offenders either (2014) serving a community sentence or order, or awaiting sentence in the Hawkes Bay District. Further to this the navigator will also assist in

motivating the offender to work with Corrections staff towards achieving their sentence expectations and personal goals.



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Terms of Reference

e exhibit marked "VP A2" referred to in the Affidavit of VINCENT PATRICK

Wellington this 29 of

'J;:JJ.U~.&:l!istrar of the High Court of New


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o. , 5


The Department has articulated a vision of creating lasting change by breaking the cycle of offending. In support of this vision, an aspirational and challenging goal has been set - to reduce re-offending by 25% by 2017. To achieve this goal the RR25% Strategy 2014-2017 (year one) focuses our time and efforts on the following priorities.

• A safer system

• Community support

• Working prisons

• Modern infrastructure

• Visible leadership. ,.:,~.~.~

The Department recognises that to achieve a reduction in re-offenq irig df 2 ?%by 2Q17, it must work effectively to engage with Mori communities so that Maori will q~ ~'t 1:..:~Tf?:efro·~f ~f'those efforts. As at 31 August 2015 the percentage of the prison population "'iro iden,tifiedas, fV1adri was 50.2 percent, while the percentage of community-based offenders wh9 . ige~t ~fied asMa8rf~was 51.8 percent

,: (.r . ~\~. ..': '-;"

The Department's efforts to reduce re-offending by l\Ilaofl.s,ince 1995- :h~~ led to the development of a number of interventions based on tikanga Maori;;lnd; deliv~re,d by l\i1aori service providers. Participation rates for Maori offenders in all prog/~~nie~' a~~, ! argefy positive and in some cases programme outcomes are better for Maori dHeilde_;:~than fQ~bther offenders.

'.:.:~: .. ~, ·::<~i\. ··T~·,. ... .. -{: .~.-

Notwithstanding these efforts, the Dep(3rtment seeks t o 600st its efforts to improve outcomes for Maori offenders and therefore whanaLt hapu and iwi;<

\' .:" ' '," .' .. ~- .~'

Authority and purpose

In April 2015, the Depart~·~hJ:s"E~~~U~.iV~' Leadership Team (ELT) approved a proposal to establish a Maori Advisory Board, Discu ~s iQ[ls at ELT in September 2015 refined the scope of the board's activities and the level at which tb~ board\~ould operate.


The initial purpdse of the' Milcori Advisory Board under these Terms of Reference is to:

:;'>"":;">;;~ .... 'Provide advice and input to the Department of Corrections' >;' "/, Ex~~ytiVe.,·?eadership Team on the development and design of Corrections services

'};. S '" . . ... - aimed at reducing re-offending by Maori' ,. -,. ,·z· \/'\

It · ;~' th':~8~partrn~ nt's intention to provide board members and the ELT an opportunity to further refine '~ nd d~fil'1e "the purpose and role of the board as the direction and focus becomes more apparent. For ex~'rnpl~,1there may be opportunities to refine Correction's input into a justice sector response to the

• :.:",<"

over-representation of Maori.

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Proposed roles and responsibilities

Membership of the Maori Advisory Board is based on the expansion of the Te Tirohanga Governance Board and includes representatives from the f ive iwi from the areas within which Te Ti rohanga (TI) is delivered and representatives from five other iwi. The majority of iwi listed below now reflects the ten largest natural iwi groupings with higher proportions of Maori offenders.


Maori Advisory



Leadership Team

Person(s) Responsible

Mandated representatives of the following iwi / Maori organisations:

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Ngati Kahungunu (TI)

Ngati Porou

Nga Puhi

NgaiTahu Raukawa (TI)

Taranaki Whanui (TI)


Te Runanga 0 TOpoho (TI)

Tuhoe TOwharetoa (TI)

Ray Smith, Chief Executive

Christine Stevenson,pep~ty Chief Executive '~;;,,';>;, Vincent Arbuckle, DepUty Chief Executive cci['p'6rate Servic.e.s';'; Jeremy Lightf6'ot,"National '

co~m~~~i ~~e'r :,:. "i,.·· /;, Jo'Field,Deputy,Chief Executive, S~'rYice . D~v~lop~ent

.," -I.w' ..... _ •• ~ . . ;."

Key Accountabilities

• Represents the interests of Maori constituent groups : '.. '.

". ".". ',:("

Ensures cohesiye lei:lder.5hip:as a group of Maori lead~Vse'ngaging" ~ith t he Department,)';', . ",

" '~~. -,,:)

' ~ :;; Represents the interests of the \). Department of Corrections

~, Ultimately responsible for the strategic direction of the Department of Corrections

• Ensures the involvement of key sta keholders

• Ensures that necessary resources (including funding) are made available to the Maori Advisory Board

• Ensures two members of the ELT are available to attend each Maori Advisory Board meeting

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Proposed roles and responsibilities (cant)

Lead Advisers • Neil Campbell, Director Maori • Uarnie More, Programme


Travel costs and membership fees

• Manages the development of the services on a daily basis on behalf of the Maori Advisory Board and ELT

• Responsible for the timely provision of information to the Maori Advisory Board and ELT

All reasonable travel costs (taxIs, flights) will be covered by the Department.

The Department's non-contestable Maori advisory services policy (bas~d 'on Cabihet guidelines) provides meeting fees of $350.00 (exci GST) per day as a standard d,qily r-ate. ~A;at~ ~f$'45 per hour will apply if duties are discharged in less than a full working day. ";);H " ',.


Meetings will be held on a quarterly basis however i( is li kely that q fh"6;~ frequent meeting schedule ;(:0

will be agreed during the establishment phase.

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DRAFT ONLY '-Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description -"' 2005 7 February Maori Initiatives Pathway D07-32055 Approved Updates the strategic framework for targeting programmes and

services to Maori reflecting recent developments and revisions made to policies and practices.

Proposed Maori name for the D07-32056 Noted Identifies Ara Poutama Aotearoa as the preferred Maori name Department of Corrections for the Department of Corrections subject to further

investigation on appropriateness of the name and approval by the Minister.

11 April Te Ihi Tu eligibility modelling D07-32019 Approved Recommends work required to reposition the programme to better align to therapeutic integrity and offender management principles.

9 May Tikanga Maori Programme for Women D07-31801 Noted Reports to GMT on the repiloting of a Tikanga Maori Programme Offenders Pilot in CPS for women offenders.

13 June Proposals for managing Maori D07-31561 Approved Proposes a model for the management of kaitiaki relationships relationships at new facilities associated with the development of new prisons.

18 July Women's Criminogenic Programme - D07-31367 Approved Reports to GMT on the piloting of the Kowhiritanga programme Kowhiritanga (Making Choices) (women only), including establishment of a cultural advisory

group. Seeks approval to implement the programme.

01 August Te Reo Strategy progress report D07-31281 Noted Provides a summary report of progress against initiatives co planned under the Te Reo Strategy (2004-2008) up to 30 June 2005.

08 August Prisoner Employment Strategy 2005- D07-13459 Approved Presents the final strategy including development of a strategic

2008 partnership with Maori that ensures that vocational and employment training initiatives are effective for Maori prisoners .

26 September CPS Pilot of the Wahine Tikanga Maori D07-11568 Noted Reports on the progress ofthe re-piloting ofthe Women's Programme Tikanga Maori Programme in CPS, further to the unsatisfactory

initial pilot in Porirua .

17 October Payment for Non-Contestable Maori D07-11544 Approved Proposes a policy for departmental payments to mandated AdviSOry Services representatives providing non-contestable Maori advisory

services (MAS).

12 December Proposed Maori Name for the D07-485 Approved Confirms Maori name following consultation with Maori staff Department of Gorrections networks and CE's Maori advisory group. Notes next steps as

.. - briefing to Minister for approval.

Guidelines for Maori Cultural Practices D07-484 Approved Paper provides a policy response to issues arising in current held on the Department's Premises practice relating to the protection of tikanga and gender

-~ --- -2~ecific roles.


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Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description

2006 27 February Transfer of the Whanau Liaison Worker 006-44183 Approved Seeks SMT approval to transfer Whanau Liaison Worker roles

Role from Psychological Services to the from Psychological Services (PS) to the Public Prisons Service Public Prisons Service (PPS)

17 July Memorandum of Partnership - Poutini 006-42643 Noted Presents a draft MOP agreement for signing at Ministerial level. NgaiTahu

31 July Kaitiaki Services - Generic description 006-42594 Endorsed Provides a generic specification for Kaitiaki services at the new facilities, to assist departmental, largely PP5, negotiators in forthcoming negotiations with Puukaki ki te Aakitai, Ngati Naho and Otakau.

07 August CPS Implementation of the Women's 006-42588 Noted Informs SMT ofthe results ofthe re-piloting of the Women's Tikanga Maori Programme Tikanga Maori Programme in CPS and nationwide

implementation of the programme. 21 August Memorandum of Partnership - Te 006-42566 Approved Seeks SMT approval for the Memorandum of Partnership (MoP)

Runanga 0 Tupoho between the Minister of Corrections, acting by and through the Department of Corrections (the Department), and Te Runanga 0

Tupoho at Whanganui.

25 September Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Pua 006-42235 Approved Seeks SMT approval to implement proposed recommendations Wananga at the Northland Region to enhance rehabilitative and reintegrative outcomes for <0 Corrections Facility offenders through tikanga Maori in the Pua Wananga, and

discusses the subsequent implications across the Northland Region Corrections Facility (NRCF) .

02 October Papamauri Model for the Auckland 006-42220 Approved Provides high level advice on how the Maori cultural building-Region Women's Corrections Facility Papamauri, at the Auckland Region Women's Corrections Facility

(ARWCF), can be utilised to assist the Department in achieving its strategic objectives of safe, secure and humane containment, reducing re-offending and protecting the public

20 November Review of the Guidelines for Maori 006-39391 Noted Provides information on the upcoming review of the Department Cultural Practices held on the premises of of Corrections' (the Department) Guidelines for Maori Cultural the Department of Corrections. Practices held on Departmental premises


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Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description <.

2007 .00

26 February Maori Focus Units - A way forward D07-7185 Approved Presents a draft report and memo intended for the Associate Minister following a review of Maori Focus Units

06 August Findings from the Evaluation of the D07-39597 Approved Present the findings and conclusions of an evaluation of the Maori Culture-related Needs Assessment Maori Culture-related Needs (MaCRN) Assessment. Discusses

the implications of these findings within the context of the wider sentence management framework, as well as recent developments such as those arising from the offender assessment process review. Concludes with a discussion on how the efficiency of the Department's cultural assessment and referral processes might be improved.

15 October Findings from the Evaluation of the D07-51732 Approved Presents the findings and conclusions of an evaluation of the Specialist Maori Cultural Assessment Specialist Maori Cultural Assessment (SMCA). Discusses the

implications of the findings and suggests a pathway forward to determine the merits of delivery of this intervention at a national level.

Review of the 'Guidelines for Maori D07-51756 Approved Seeks approval to improve the existing policy, 'Guidelines for Cultural Practices held on the Maori Cultural Practices held on the Department's Premises' Department's Premises' following CLO advice including a revised policy statement and

implementation plan. ....... o

Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description 2008 16June Maori Strategic Plan 2008-2013 D08-33486 Approved Seeks EMT approval of the strategy prior to editing, translating

and publishing. Notes that consultation included meetings with 19 various stakeholder groups comprising staff, management teams and Maori partners.

23June Response to the Waitangi Tribunal Refer minute Approved Seeks agreement for review of the FReMO tool and Iwi Maori Report on Offender Assessment Policies D08-37113 relationship framework and for draft letter and EMT paper to be

sent to the Tribunal claimant as soon as possible. 04 August Evaluation of community Tikanga Maori D08-54395 Noted Presents the findings of an evaluation of the Tikanga Maori

programmes: Report on findings Programmes, in particular evidence indicating the programmes are successful in promoting learning and change in participants

06 October Evaluation of Te Ihi Tu Community Refer minute Approved Presents the findings ofthe Te Ihi Tu programme and agreed to Residential Centre: Report on Findings D09-1330 discontinue the programme due to limited effectiveness.



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Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description

2009 04 May Partnership agreements for effective Refer minute Approved Clarifies the role of Corrections and iwi Maori in future

working relationships between the 009-33165 partnership agreements. Department of Corrections and Maori

08June Evaluation of Maori Focus Units and 009-39855 Noted Presents findings from the evaluation of Maori Focus Units and Maori Therapeutic Programme Maori Therapeutic Programmes and identifies further work to be

undertaken to enhance the impact of the units.

14 December Whare Oranga Ake 009-104841 Noted Outlines a proposed new rehabilitative initiative designed to address the reintegrative needs of prisoners in a culturally appropriate way

Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description

2010 08 March Delivery of a Drug Treatment Programme 010-24441 Approved Seeks approval to deliver a drug treatment programme at the

within the Maori Focus Unit at Wanganui Maori Focus Unit, Whanganui Prison. Prison

15 March Improving the effectiveness of Maori 010-26559 Approved Seeks approval to make short-medium term changes to Maori

Focus Units Focus units including eligibility criteria. Seeks approval to make long term changes to be led by the Rehabilitation and

-->. -->.

Reintegration Service. -~

Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description

2011 13 July Ngati Toa and Te Hiku 0 Te Ika Deeds of 011-341782 Approved Updates ELT on a draft Cabinet proposa l on two historical Treaty

Settlement settlement packages (Ngati Toa and Te Hiku 0 Te Ika Iwi) and seeks approval for provisions relevant to the Department of Corrections.

17 August Prisoner Skills and Employment Strategy 011-442716 Approved Provides the second annual update on the strategy including

2009-2012: 2011 Progress report improved participation rates by Maori offenders. ------- -


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-.. Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description 0:

2012 22 February The Chief Executive's Maori Advisory 012-25412 Approved Proposes to build on the success of CEMAG and CEPAG by

Group (CEMAG) and Pacific Advisory moving the focus of the Oepartment's relationships with Group (CEPAG) and the Oepartment's iwi/Maori and with Pacific communities to the regional level, future relationships with iwi/Maori and with regional managers taking responsibility for day-to-day Pacific communities engagement. I

04 July Guidelines for regional managers on 012-234963 Approved Proposes guidelines for regional managers on establishing and establishing and maintaining regional 012-234962 maintaining relationships with Maori. relationships with Maori and Pacific 012-234961 peoples 012-234960


25 July Supporting prisoners leaving gangs 012-250176 Approved Updates the Executive Team on progress towards the development and trial of a process to support prisoners leaving gangs at the Northland Regional Corrections Facility and to seek approval for the trial to commence in August 2012.

15 August Prisoner Skills and Employment Strategy 012-275650 Approved Provides the final report back on the strategy including improved 2009-2012: Final report back participation rates by Maori offenders in prison industries.

17 October Lifting the achievement of Maori Focus 012-332071 Approved Provides an update on work underway including potential key Units areas of focus intended to lift the achievement levels of Maori ~

N Focus Units to reduce re-offending


Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description 2013 20 March Gang-affiliated prisoners' participation in 013-41809 Noted Presents recent findings revealing significant levels of

rehabilitation programmes 013-41808 participation by gang members in prison programmes, and positive outcomes as a result.

08 May Maori Focus Unit Improvement - Update 013-76933 Noted Updates ELT on work completed including a whanau centric framework, tikanga Maori framework, an interdisciplinary approach, restorative justice, revised eligibility and entry criteria, the national programme and next steps.

29 May Reducing re-offending by offenders with 013-92463 Approved Outlines a proposal to reduce re-offending by offenders with gang connections 013-92462 gang connections. Includes a kaupapa Maori approach .

07 August Approach to reducing re-offending by 014-60462 Noted Provide a progress report on the approach, project structure, key offenders with gang Connections activities, reporting milestones and timelines for phase one of a

two phase project for reducing re-offending by offenders with gang connections.


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Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description 2014 05 February Implementation oftikanga framework D14-22495 Endorsed Seeks endorsement ofthe Tikanga Maori Outcomes Framework

and user guide and User Guide, and the proposed programme name, Te Ihu Waka.

25June Gangs Programme Plan : Reducing re- D14-121923 Approved Provides an overview of the implementation planning for the offending by offenders with gang gangs programme of work and seeks approval of the programme

"------ -~-

~ifiliations structure. ---- --- -

Date Title TRIM Recommendation Description 2015 06 May Maori Advisory Board D14-82780 Approved Seeks approval to extend the membership and scope of the Te

Tirohanga (Maori Focus Unit) Governance Board following the successful engagement of iwi representatives in the design, development and implementation ofTe Tirohanga.

12 May Progress Update of the Department's D15-94462 Noted Provides an update on progress to date on the Department's Gang Action Plan Gangs Action Plan programme (the Action Plan) and the

proposed refocusing of the Action Plan being considered by the Gangs Programme Board.

20 May Whare Oranga Ake services D15-94461 ~

Approved Outlines a plan to improve outcomes in the delivery of the (.V

Department's Whare Oranga Ake services. 5 August Gangs - Update and brief literature D15-163661 Noted Highlights the find ings of recent international literature searches

on gang activity in prisons, identifying five innovative initiatives that align with New Zealand's approach to gangs

12 August Graduated Pre-release and Whare D15-169000 Noted Provides an update on the proposal to create a graduated pre-Oranga Ake pathways - design update release pathway for long serving prisoners through engaging

external providers to deliver services within external self care (pre-release) units. It compares the design intentions of this new service with Whare Oranga Ake, a similar service that is currently under re-design.

