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Wadley, Charles. Welcome of tears. The Tapirap Indians of Central Brazil. New York, Oxford University Press. 1977.

Viaja con los Tapirap en 1939 Aventura brasilea. Peter Fleming. Tuvo contacto con los Tapirap en una expedicin para encontrar a un explorador britanico.

Los Tapirap estaban en el rio Xing en aquella poca.

Aqui estan las primeras fotos de ellos

Los Tapirap hablan tupi-Guarani. and there were even some speculations that they were refugees remmants of the extinct tupinamba who had inhabited the brazial coast in the XVI y XII returies. p 5

Terminan las lluvias en abril y mayo y hacen un festival, La fiesta del Kawi. We were taken fron house to house to be fed. Kawi (a liquis drink made from maize, peanuts or tapioca) and tidbits of roast peccary. Our hammcks were hung in the takana, or men's house in the center of the village. Late in the afternoon the dancing and singing began. Al the Tapirap were decorated with body pant, feather and bead and beads. p 13.

Sahpiro le llama la ceremonia del intercambio durante la fiesta del Kawi (Shapiro, 1968. "ceremonial distributions in tapirap society. Boletin do museo paranese Emilio Goldi No. 68)

En abril y mayo las lluvias dismiyuen. En mayo hacen una fiesta donde se canta toda la noche. p. 18.

Los tapirap en 1940 habitaban en una sola villa situada en la boca del rio Tapirap. Where in flow into the Araguara en el norte del estado de Mato Grosso.

Los tapirape son gente de las amazonias.

Tienen problema con los Kayapo

1900 haba 1500 indios que habitaban en 5 villas

Al este del rio Aragua viven los Caraj p. 26

The tapirap are clearly an intrusive people into this large region for they are an isolated tribu who speak a language belonging to the tupi-guarani, linguistic family. p 27

La lengua tambian la hablan los Kamajura y los aweti.... Tesis doctoral viveros de castro All of the small tupi-spaeking tribes in central Brazil are probably refugees who migrated from near the coast some time after 1500. The main body of peaplo speaking these languaje were foaun in 1500 a long the Brazilian Coast, where they known generically as tupinamba. Before 1500, peaplo speaking closely related languages had migrated south and west into what is today Paraguay, where they knows as Guarani. Ather had migrated west, up to the amazon river as far lowland Peru, where-such tribes as the Omagua and the cocama-cocamilla are knowns to have spoken tupi p. 27

The tapirap belived tha the caraja were descendants of a large river serpent and could not be truted. The kayapo, wham the called karanchacho p 30

the first definite record of non-Indian visiting a tapirap village was written in 1911. That year a group of cearenses led by Alfredo Olimpio de Oliveira traveled up the tapirap river and walked forty km across the savanna into te forest were welcomed in tampiitawa.

No hay arboles de caucho en esta zona. But there were no rubber tress in tapirap country. p 34

1912 Dr Francisco Mandacaru, who was the inspector for the newly created Indian Protection Service led another expedition into tapirap territory. p 34

Federick S. Kegel of the evangelian union of south

papai grande. El dios cristiano que vive en el cielo p 37.

Economic life was still based up on gardening in the tropical forest, supplemented by huiting and fishing if anything, their slash and bur gardens more productive, and easier to preprepare certanly, with steel tool than with stone axes and fire. Game was pletiful, especially on the savanna, and the tapirap river feemed with fisch and turtles in yhe dry season.

There were periods of shortage of meat and fish, and time when fresh garden products were lacking: but then there were moths of superfluitu when little boys would throw overripe bananas at one another in play p 38.

1947 slo haba 55 individuos segun el reporte de Baldus, en chicguatawa se estima la poblacin no ms de 1000 individuos tuvieron una batalla muy fuerte con los kayapo, diesmo la populacin p. 39.

Los ngeles time 11, 1971. historia de Kamaira, mujer sobreviviente atacada por los kayapo Leonar Greewood p. 40.

Except for this hadful of people who continuene to live in chichutawa, tapirape society did not exist from 1947 to 1950. 1953 Wadley encontro reconstruida una de las villas cerca de la SPI y cont 51 tapirapes viviendo en 5 casa construidas en un circulo alrededor del takana p 44. Takana casa grande los hombres.

la nueva villa se llama Tawaiho.

1940 la cultura tapirap tuvo que cambiar y adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones p 45

1953 aun no tenan el conocimiento del dinero p, 46

1967 la funai les dio 9230 hectarias

The tapirap become owners of the land of which they how live and pacer on which they may plant their grades. It is doubtful whether the area is adequate for the tapirape, who are still a small but expanding populations to continue their present system of slash and burn gardening p 46.

Pedro de antonio Viera

The region is most certaintly tropical, and the floura y fauna is typically amazonian. Most of the region is covered with campo limpio y campo serrano savano.

Dos temporadas muy distintas: secas tambien llamada verano, que va desde abril.

Los tapirape marcan estas dos temporadas por la precencia de las pleades. Aparace en el orizonte a finales de octubre y novimebre y en la llegada de las lluvias y desaparece en abril y anuncia la temporada de secas p. 51

Enero y febrero lluvias fuertes

Diciembre y abril secas fuertes If rain sometimes for day upson end, especially in january and febraury, and there is hardly day without rain from december to abril, From late may until octuber it is a rare day there is each thunder showers 51. Llueve tanto que se buscan campos elevados para la agricultura. Julio y Noviembre a finales de la temporada de secas y principios de las llevuias es el mejor momento de las actividades en el campo.

When high water drivers wild pig, pecaries, pacas, and ather animal into island of high ground on the savanna and in the forest. Con mucha lluvia, a principio de la temporada de lluvias se dervordan los rios. En los mese de novimbre llueve tanto que hacen pequeas fosas de agua. Y por agosto se comienza a secar. Los tapirap aprovechas esto para pescar con flecha.

Estas multiples los hacen ser seminomadas. 1939-40.

But in the dry season, the tapirape continuted from the village to the savana. Groups of families would build tempratu sherters on the savanna. Where they camped while hunting, fishing and collecting wild nut and fruit. p 52

Tapirape spoke of muving to the savanna to eat fish p. 52

En esta temporada no se abandona el tampiitawa (aldea), ni mucho menos los campos para la agricultura. Las mujeres preparan la flor de mandioca y los hombre limpian el quintal para plantarla antes de la temporada de lluvias

El trabajo comunal se llama apachir The job of cleaning the forest for gardens migth continue throighout the dry seasn, a man working a few day at a time; or the village men might clear gardens in a spirit, working in a communal the work party called on apichir. p 53.

Se llama apachir generalmente a la actividad comunal para las actividades en grupo de subsistencia: pesca, caza y limpieza de los quitales.

With the exceptions of collective hunting parties and organizaed work psrties for cleaning for cleaning gardens, daily activiyies were spontaneous and often and aften determined by mood and chance. p. 53.

By far the most important subsistence activity and the one of which the tapirape men spent the most time was farming p 53

Temporada de secas se limpia la nueva rea para la milpa.

Firt the low underbrush and small trees were cleaned away and arranged into pile; the large trees were felled. Octubre Noviembre los arboles son retirados. Finalmente se hace la quema en novimebre.

Es un trabajo pesado que se puede hacer solo pero generalmente un hombre precisa la ayuda de sus heramnos y cuados.

Novimbre se celebra una fiesta lo que componen un apichir. These were organizad work parties in which it was said the gardes are cleared for the "capitains" that is, men who were leaders of longhouse which contained in 1940 five to 8 nuclear families.

Estan organizados en Wuran (sociedades pajaros)

Plantan jardines en noviembre y diciembre. El principal cultivo es la mandioca, tanto la venenosa como la no venenosa. Reconocen 12 variedades de mandioca

A los seis meses se levantan las cosechas, y comienzan en mayo

The tubers are longe enough to be harvested in about six mouth, but they can left in the ground eightean moths before they become too fibrous for ose 57.

Mandioca es la principal,

Tambin se planta calabaza dulce, una variedad de batata dulce, yam, amendui, maiz, frijoles negros, frijol lima, pimiento, algodon, papaya, maxixe y bananas

Se siembra tabaco no en la milpa sino cerca de la casa (longhouse), tabaco es masculino fuman las mujeres?

Febrero maiz verde que se consume. Which was cosumed on the con and in form soup.

Marzo frijol y calabazas (pumkins) y algunos tuberculo

Abril hay banana en los arboles

Cuando desaparecen las pleades es el tiempo de Ka o la fiesta en el quintal (big garde), musica y baile. Es un periodo de abundancia despus del periodo dificil de las lluvias fuerte en diciembre y febrero p 59.

Las lanzas no son para cazar sino que son para identificar a los lideres de la danza. p 60

The most productive hunting expeditins of the rainy season were group hunt organizad by the biro societies, lluvia caza. 61

Febrero, el autor obsrevo la organizacin de una caza comunal. Cazaron alrededor de 20 puerco. Ese da solo se comieron los higados y las entraas. El resto lo llevaron al tampiitawa en una canasta y envueltos en hojas de bananas. En la noche se realiza una ceremonia.

Descripcion de la ceremonia:

The next morning at dawn the meat was packed baskets wrappel in wild bananas leaves to be carried back to tampiitawa. By rate after noom the men arrived in Kananchipas grade, about 500 yard from the village. There they made camps. As soon as it was dark, they began to shout giving the caracteristic cries of each bird society. Then suddenly, two pairs of masked dancer appeared from the forest clad in buriti palm skirts, with pal mask corvering their head. They were the anchunga ampukaya (crying spirits) ande the danced from household to householdin the village. Two tufts of hair from the wild pigs crowened their masks, and on their ankles they wore rattles of pig hoofs making a soud like pig running. Soon the dancer entered the takana and always silat.

At dawn the men antered the village with their loads of meat; which were taken directly to the takana. There the meat was divided into six piles, one for each brid society.

age group. The meat was not divided equally for two of the groups were composed of small boys. The larges amount of meat was allotted to the gropu composed of middle-age and the prestigous older men. Each group guarded its portion through the day. At about 4:00 pm all of the men gathered in the takana, with each group of each bird society aroun its portion of the hunt. The teate began women come to the door of the takana to bring the manioc flour and each man, as he recived the flour gave her piece of pork. Wives (esposa) served manioc flour to, and received meat from their husband. Small boy were served bym and gave small pieces of meat to, their mothers. As the man finished eating their fill the remaining meat the divided to be taken to the residences for their families-agahs the older men recieiving the larges portions. At dusk, after the feat, the dancing area in front of the takana was swept. The two bird societies stood facing one another inside the takana. Two men from one society took burning stricks from the fire and rushed at hair opposites as if to harm them Two men from the opposite society retaliated. No harm was done on either side; this was a reformed outside an the dancing area. A pair of opponend stood face to face, arms linked and with frim grip in each ather's hair. Each tried to throw his opponent to the ground with a quick trip of the legs and sudden ground with a quick trip of the legs and the sudden use of the arms and shoulders. Men either bird society challenged individual of the other society. The contest was over and two groups intermingled grasping each other hands. Such contests relieve tensian, men select opponent wham the knows or simply suspect to have intercourse with wives while they were away from village o while they were away from village o the hunting expeddition. p 64.

De los grupro, uno se queda y el otro va de caza Nueces de castaa temporada de secas

Pescado... hay una gran catidad en la temporada de secas p.65 Abril y mayo pequeas lagunas

Gardens son propiedad de la familia nuclear p 71

Intercambios beads (cuentas) sobre toda las rojas, son las cosas que se intercambian.

There were, however, several mechanisms or the redistribution in Tapirape society which guaranted that no man could, accumiltae so much in the prestige system that he was far richer than all others. The firs was harly a redistribution, but rather a reduction in private property.

Cuando se mueres se entierran con sus cosas personales

Se intercambia generalmente por lo mismo 73.

1) Una ofensa, la disculpa se hace con un regalo,

2) la redistribucin envueleve el establecimiento y se forma la amistad achiwawa amistad.

the kawio was the culmination of the season of dancing and sih called kao. It took place when the gardens products were ripe and there was considerable food in the village.

... two adolescent girls and their families spun soared the ceremony and the girls their famele relatives prepared de kawi (bebida). The ingredients were crushed in the mortar and the boiled with water. Women took the liquid into their mouths, spitting it back into the ceramic vessel. If this process were repeated several tims and the kawi allowed to age for a few days, it would ferment, producing and alcoholic drink. But the tapirap did not allow their kawi to be become alcoholic.... p 75.

Beber kawi abre un circuito de reprocidades el que lo bebe tiene que dar un regalo. En ocasiones ese regalo se regresa despus de un ao. p 76

Siguen la lgica de quien da ms tiene ms prestigio, quien que recibe p 77.

Padre Francois fue explusado de brazil en 1974.

Organizacin Social. 1900 vivian en 5 villas

the formed a people rather than a politically organization

Tapirape villages formed an edogamous unit.

La gente se casa en su propia villa. Cada villa esta divida por el grupo de la fiesta "feast Group" (tantanopao) y los hombres en sociedades pjaros (Wurum). Y esta organizacin se tiene en cada villa y hay una gran distancia entre cada villa. p 83

Tampiitawa es una villa abandonada en 1947. Los ms populares, segn los informes de Wadley, decian que vivian de all. Los de mayor prestigio.

Intercambio de mujeres entre las villas. Cuando son muy grandes las villas y estan aburridos, irritados o bien los acusan de brujeria. Dejan la villa y fundan una nueva. p 85

La estructura central de la villa es un enorme Takana (la casa de los hombres)

Baldus observ en Tampiitawa en 1935 tenia 30 metros de largo y 7.5 metros de ancho y tiene forma oval. p 85

It had the form of a large, elonged over turned bowl. p 85. It was made of a framework of wooden poles and bamboo lashed together with strips of bark from the embira tree and coverd with palm frons and the leaves of wild banana. There was four door.

La takana es la estructura central de la villa y es el lugar de reunin de los hombres de las sociedad de pajaros. p 87.

Aroun the takana were the family dwelling, the longhouse containing from three to eigth nuclear families.

El rea circular que se forma en la casa se llama plaza y se mantiene limpia. Las villas no tienen ninguna orientacin norte-sur o este-oeste. Asimismo los informantes no le hablaron de ninguna orientacin.

Cada familia nuclear tiene su propia area en la casa larga (longhouse). p 87

El suelo es de tierra y entierran a sus ocupantes en el rea donde se duerme. p 88.

Hacen una casa larga cada 7 u 8 aos no solamente para buscar nuevas tierra para la horticultura sino tambin por el hecho de sus muertos. p 88

El modelo de casa es multifamiliar. Idealmente ... a tapirap consist of a group of related fameles de 2 a tres generaciones. Their spouses an the children.

Los tapirap es un grupo monogamo.

En terminos antropolgicos la household consist a matrilocal extended family Residence after marriege was matri oi uxori-local, tha is, the husband como to reside with his wifes kin. The women of such a household were thus daughters, sister, cousin (equated with sister) mother and maternal aunts. Equated with mothers. The men living in the household were often not close kinsmen but they stood in the relationship of son in law to the elder males and fameles and in the relationship of brother in law to men of their own generation. Although the core of a household was formed by a group of matrialinealy related fameles, the household heads was a mate. p 93

Las mujeres comparte las tareas: cargar el agua, hacer el fuego, la cosecha, p. 93

The men of the household were "outsider" related to one another affinally as fathers-in-law, sons-in-law, brother in law.... modelo idela 94.

sistema de parentesco "bifurcate genrational"

Casamiento: ... in the past the tapirape may have had the preferencial marriege rule for marriage with a cross cousin which has been reported for the tupi-speaking groups. That change. Such a system, however, would seem logical it the tapirap did indeed once have truly functioning seem logical if the tapirap did indeed once have truly functioning matrilocal extended families and matrilineages. If would provide the exchance of men, who were the most imprtant providers to the domestic group between matrilocal extended families, rather than the exchange of women as so may antrop. have viewed prefeferied of prescribed cross cousin marriege p. 99.

Bird societies ---- wurum . Todos los hombres pertenecen a esta sociedad. generalemnte that of his father.

Grupo de fiesta se llama tantanapao (tantan-fire apao-comer junto)

Todos los hombre, mujeres y nios

a women most often beloaged to that of her mother anu a man to that of his father p. 101

Bird Societies---- su funcin ms importante son la econmica y la ceremonia. es un club house para hombre.

Takana tambin sirve para hospedar a los hombres de otras aldeas. Centro de actividades de las sociedades pjaro. p 102

There were six bird Societies divided into unamed ceremonial moieties (fracciones). Furthermore the 3 societies in each moiety formed age grade. Thus there were pair of bird societies - a pair of youg boys societies a pair of nature males societies, and a parrot older men's societies. Although the moties were unnamed. the name of society clearly indicated the moiety to wich it belongend. One set of bird societies carried the name of various parrots and the other names of white aquatic birds. For convenience. I shall refer to the ceremonial moity division of bird societies as white bird and parrot (loro)

Anchopeteri personaje mtico que le da los nombres a las sociedades pjaros. The heard the bird sing and brougth back names to the birds. Songs for the tapirap men to sing, p 109

Cuando un joven entra a la sociedad takana a la sociedad pajaro. Cuando es joven su status es churangi cuando cambia de nombre a konom (boy). se espera que pase varias noches en el takana En la casa larga, las sociedades conviven en la casa. Los white bird y los parrots. Cada una se divide en tres, de acuerdo a las edad para su clasificacin. Al centro: the central portions under the vaulted roof pertenece a las dos sociedades de viejos y hombres. Tanawe y wurachiego. Whyte bird. Wurachinga 10-16. Wyrachigi 16-35 y wurachigo 35-55

Parrots wurankuia 10-16 Anach 16-35 y tanawe 35-55.

los jefes de cada una de las sociedade generalemnte son los que tiene buena voz y son llamdos "capito monika" (capitan cantante).

Varios espritus residen en el takana y son llamdos anchunga Anchunga el termino generico para las sombras, almas, espritus de animal y pez. Las mascaras de los danzantes representan a estos espritus que visitan el takana.

Tambin representan a los espritus de sus enemigos los Kayapo y Caraja, pero estos generalemnte tienen otro nombre especfico que se designa en lengua materna.

Anchunga de la fauna. Wuran, electricell, the etnea y jacamin

los espritus tortoise, monke y large kururu pertenecen a wurachigi

Anacha rtenece mutum espiritu.

Ownership of a specific spirit, however, simply meant that the member of a specific bird society were, in a sense, the host of that spirit during the time it spent living in the takana and there were, supposed to construct the mask wich represent that spirit.

The costume of the male dancer representing an anchunga fallowd a general pattern. P 108. It consisted of a skirt, a cape, and a head crpiring madre of buriti fiber. The costume covered the hole body of the male dancer -only his feet and hands could be seen. Each speciic costume-mask had distinguishing features. The wild pig spirit mask, for example, could be distinguished by tufts (mechones) of pig bristle (cerdas) stuck into the headdress and tjhe rattles made of pig hoofs (casco). whch the dancer wore around his ankles other anchunga had feathered decorations on their headdress. Thus irancha anchunga (the spirit old the fish), which is amog those spirit which resided in the takana in the dry season, can be recognized by the tuft of tail teathers of the red macaw on the head dress and the ceremonial bow highly decorated with red feathers, which dance carried.

The mask of up representa a los enemigos muertos en batalla. Los portuguese la nombraron cara grande. Costum consisted of a buriti skin and cape. The mask itself took the form of a grant face. The basis for this was a half-moa shaped face corved from the umbaba tree (cecropia palmata) flower's were bored into the wood to provide the eyes and the mouth it was covered with beeswax on which the face was disigned with red and yellow breast features from the macas. Mother of pearl stuck into the beeswax formed circles and teeth for the mouth. Them, above the face, there was headdress of two layers of tail feathers -first, the black, features from the hawk, and then a veritable diaden of the tail feathers of the red macaw p 110.

Los hombres las mantienen en secreto

Sirve para impresionar a las mujeres con su voz que representa la voz de los espritus malignos

Las mujeres tienen prohibido entrar al takana.

The only overt attempt to frighten women ocurred during the festivaks at the beginning of the dry season called kawio p. 111 Bird societies tambim tienen tareas de las limpieza de la milpa.

Con las mscaras de up se danza. Up masks did dance one day in the village plaza. The men told me that when the dry season was under way way they planned to make achunga costumes and to dance. But I left before took place p. 115

Julio hacen fiesta para acampar 116.

la primera persona segn los mitos se llama ampiramp que emergio primero y fue jalado del suelo por |Maniutewera y Awarkus (gente de mandioca) El origen de los grupos de la fiesta tambin estan en la mitologia: ampirampe, maniutawera,awaiku, tawauoera, chankenepera, chanetawa, pananiwara, kawano.

Cada casa tiene un representante: Kamairocho, Urukumu, wantanamo, kamaira, kamenere. Incluso las casa largas se reconocen con el nombre de lider p 118. y tienen un lugar especial en la casa de los hombres. No hacen trabajo de limpieza en el jardin
