
fUtj &ooht.

fTfffcfl L N 0 TMC E .



Haa. 70, 77. 7», M, Hb a»d MDUANE-ST,Kni lioiiw ii.

Wtera they flrtfl ofar tor aala a aew and alegani fltaeh o<

IMT OOODB for tha Pall Trode, eulted ta all aeotioa* ot U»

OOflBtTT They ara opeutog weekly. AMOSKF.AQ


Uaew aal flafltiaMe mtjlma. Tha» oeletaafd PrtnU ara lhaCHEAPE8T

aaflB I fl T

aaw aaid in th* Unltad Stataa, .»* thay bej lea?* ta eall tha¦aitteaiat rtteotioammmm* 07 DEALER8

"Tttkntiox. attention.KANCY DRY OOOD8.



Onnaaite W'orth M outnent and Madlton Park,"tAHOl.K.SAl.K AND RETAIL, __,_____,'__-

Bii oo» reoij a f- U rtock of uew and raahi Jn»ble flood. of all

kl-Ba. .ai .ii'ltig ofBIBB0K8 AND Pl.OW KR8,





Oppo*itr Madi.uu Park and Worih Mouunien'.



lu. ta al' Uie ta'ert *t j iea. at »ery low prioe*.PBENCR. OKRM A.t, and Si OTCH Biacy W'ool md Brocl.e

SHAWLS from Bortloa. oe-ow ibeoo.t of importatlon. New

etiloa et Zepi-vi WaMad HOODS. 'OAT!*. NL'BlAfl. ke,7 ^'

No*. Mt and tu BROADWAY, N. Y.


Wll ,<|K-n on

MONuAY, Sept 10,A ri h and . litd BflflBBtaaM

Bflfll !»*."¦* Ccllar. end 8et»,Eeal L-e-e Vail., *..-.,

mBflfl K>. htoideted a id BaMIn Lea atd beautiful dr.lgn.,

Jr-T 18881888.Ni. NU BBROADW'AY.

Oppoaik. the Metropilitan Hotel


KDWAHD laAMBEUT i Oo.Will oj.-u un



PARIS DRVS8 OOODB,laaodWontotbeirHlipERB STocK of all kiudiof

At Tl MM AND WINTK.R OOODB,Now ob exnin'ti -ti at


PAI.L C'LOTUJaVi..' W» Caealn ara P.lot and Hr»»rf Bo'iut--. Coal... $2 .V) to tllPad Oten-oaifl. in gieai va.laty..¦... 4 (*.i to 12Paaty ( i«._i e Pi-u . ioa,r flfl 1lB. *re* p^.tani.) 2 0" to 6Ula. k ( loib. ( aaain,. ir and BeiTer Pan a. 1 00 to 6Auet-J . ....... :r i ,-U. J 00 to 3\t*it*t, .'Bk. Khtui ond ti,er l'e*t. 2 0t>to 1

BbfKI-ih P.0'1 Copt. flYltm ht. al i-tl. l.o-. f o«t. 10 00 to 11StpaitL* b_a.k cloib Kro k (Vt- . l.'OPto fc-

Ctwoidaia bUrk l I.U StiK*. lo DO to kCaflatB^ra. Pilat and Ii. av.r fln...n.M Suit.. lOi.-tHi. .' B1 tt B-h, 81.', 814 B-li, 81' »l'"...d *?".


EXTEN8IVE Loi'UINO W'AREboL'8-'.,...and Io Kon rt60

Batl. Mau t iaald __UC...*a

Ad AAMY.h ili KM!'K,¦bb TJiiuid BU_ Broada-ay,

NAW P/.itlS H.OV'hlietikVk PARIS H.OV,



_ T WtlMOB III t._KM.N Na 513 brt.iulwuy.

TO PARENThKtb,) atr'a o( INt f r H..>- i--.,-la m In'ant*.

I'. aillll... LaJl.' VVl-ip, bad O ui,- et*llade in Pa-i. and Loi d >n »u| pll^d at thi. itore.

Lfltli-a' K. r. Ml' k Sabir, aud Ka.-i.Q Squlrrel,0* .-*. Hi-iM *p t,

HpfaM Mt.ffa, and Cuii*.

ACARD..\V. JACK80N, Na. B61 Uroadway,ha* c-irt-iBi: oa and every a tirie d.-.lrible for ft-oily

Motirniogat ta.fle%.SIe pricea Pan|.uiar attei'.l -n 1* called iooarakfkof hoMB-ZINKSand HLACK fllLKfl tn.llw.Jt_..Bl<d^a. .urpaa.i- g anj tl.'t g before oflf :a-d at re ail.

N. ».~leiii-aea ol nrw ar.d d..if-n. e OOODBgaofllTflfl pflfllate »t*aneta oot:.1«t.:g of «iTTi'MAS S V VL< H'RS, oTrO-MAN BARPOOHM. KVPRK_aS CI.OTH8 Ac together withaeviiwiiew o.anile.a n- ». - t-t' ie ofleri-d ln tbia ma kel I.r-die. ra-quirlng Moar, ii_f 'lo d. will bad It au alrautcgeto ta..

a_ud i_L«pei4 mr *X< ek Nrfor*. n ircboiug elwwbare.OhaerT.. W J.ACKflON li.ipotn ot Vouratng O odi,

No Sw'-l Broadway. beiwt*.D Sprteg aud Prinoe-ta.

HAlJtTED it STII RSJNoa rt ana bt MURRtY-ST New Yort,

Imaotten otxi Jobbera «f CL<»TH8, CASSlM^kSH, VE-JT-INOH. a< d . verj rtyle an J {Ot itr of Oood. uied by Clotbiunacd lit Itibflnl Tailoii Mru . and Boj.' wear.

fiooio, giiote, &t.

BfOTK, OAlTEKfl and 8I10ES, cf all Btyle«;aba h*)V iio<U. 'a.lter. fl: 1 SI. -e* 01 WJ own man'ifi'-

tare, ll-e b«.i .-d rh-apa-t Vou will ala ayi tind a large a.aort-ciaot at B MAUTIn';- old .ta .d, Na, lt Nauto «t,ne*i Jftyi rt.

ELDffiB KRFNCH 8HOES.J*-7PK»8-_f N. bV Broadway woold raflpeotfoRy Bflflflfll

IM tadta* of Mew-Ymk aud ^tn al) parti ot the Untoollo oalaod aaaalae 1 ii fllflflaM a___.T-n_.ent of Preni-h BOOT8 aodUHOEfl. aad aoibrold- o Tc'i.-t and Bridai 3UPPERfl Priaa*

riural-- "'tl tha tin.mtJl.B-'RIUI No brt Broadway,opp. Metropolltaa.

8SOE8 a .d OArrEES~Bt~JONEa'», Ni*Ma.d ll Aob rt k naw rtyle, bnd warrbated lo glTfl$'At%o (Dtjtira U iXlag Cancem.

C~irkr<»I~M:w Y(ttK..DEPARTMENT OKPINANCE 111 BK.AC OF ARR!:»H-.. -ABgti.t 81 1«6'.

.Ccfpt-TBttoa Noti.e Salo oi Proprt» for I l.paid A**e.w?: a 1't.ti i. D.ti, '. .. f that a aale etjt

ur\*oUl IflBflflflflnaat. o.. Kk., BaUta, f-r opeolog, widetiiig tud, a et lihg .. ndry atreet* aud len.ei wtll takr pia-e at p iMtflt'*c-iox., at Xrt tltj Rail in th- lt * cf New York, <-., WCD>NKfl'lAl. th*- Plllti dav of D.-f-*u.beir noit, rt tivelve o'filook.,i . of'h. Ay* aml'e o,,niii,u.-l 'roni day to day nntil th«B -ha.' bt- -old aiad <hfet tlibd-tiDeJ.Uteaieiit «f xha totmo

tirnt*,, ripnid rrd tha pr prrty to be a-.:d 1. p.-hllehnd lr Tb- Nr.»kt-k Coon.. i UI Aiii.i:i*er, h daily uow.paper piiiitrd bndp )-ialMii u- eby af N.w York.Dy ct do. af ti e < -...troiiir,

JOAEPH C PINCKNEY, Cerx of Arrrtr*.

P K fc E l7l BBAliV.THP. APPB>_KTICK8* lTbR^ARY. No. 411 Broadway 1.

bgamoprt fot tb« LOAN^O ..f Ht' 'Kil Thr roonia are..:p-jHM^ « i<b tba p i.,< ipa: daily Kawtpapan Pliorinl.. MajaalDta*Ar A n. w ( atal -go. ha* reoe tty tmen pahliahed c u'.alulngth* E*a_.e» of ar tbooaana u...rr voluuie. than tbo one wb.cbp.-rr^ded It. Tbe-erni* are

App-.n_U.-e* >t M-ch* .ic. or Tr«le.ii.rr. 1 REE.JournejmeB M'CbAf 1 >. S'u.ien'j or li-w hera iu (IcbocUntd

A wai lea lad. ao-ploy. d io tb- vSm.-* of lawyari, pbyuciaua,bc.. ONA DOLLAJl « year

CLA6BE8 .'oi lartra'-tlon in tfer_t__.iihia! and ArrhlWBaralDP.AW1NO uit. ha ,.pri.d eo tha b.a- MaaMy ofl Octahar.App-a-uiiota aiad Pra.-U,al Me baoicfl wi_i be Uugbt wlthjtKcha«8a-_MILITABY TAX for ItHUj..Vny your Militan-

Taa of TB r«:t» bafoie tl.e Ib day of Otober, or you wlllJjwir tU- flta-e fii* >.t 83 ai.d .:,-*t-. wbi .0 wlll o>- rigidly rn

fottafl HtebBvka ara bow op-i for reoelilnir oo_nn:ut-»iion aMe ktmcettot vf 1 aee Olhoe New tity ll*H, daily, fr », bZk. te * p ». Ot tme Marabal*. Otbct No. IO lulttm rtitrom tie. o da.ll). tiom 9 *. ni to b p m and a. tbe l.ivhdinA'tnarr ^'wi »' Klm M,d W'l.lta-.U., even* erenlig (Satur-dan eBO*4*e#> 7 o'.-lock to» wbere ti.e ftaoehi- tt rac-i^toai ke ert-tami.m Kkb wlJ rxempt the holder froxa aaid parade,an< a^ ualdtary duty floimg Ui* ytar^_/bLDCOIKS WANTED.- DoiUra of 1794, mu,1 / lkBI laa- 1 doll K» '"flt. i doll-, TiU, IJFI; Dluaaa,viL^metn*mtTiim to' i*«'. Wwaim i:W,IU*. I. HOL. Colt, Dea:*, No » bleechar rt, 9 Y.

mo^OU>TKy~OENTLEMt:N.-An EditorJ ~* ~~**~i B.tnflai 1. dertrou* to BETfLE in »pin*thriringatilaflBrTafteeTwbo would HU U oot 0 f**, Newtptomt, t

rTTrC Ofllm ard r t^-~*T UflartHoiU flfl. u teUle awaa ham,Tl^L^T^'.Tr IZ^tlxmXnTatletnm, X* of xmelt IMLkbot


a YouKc. witow, j -vilf1;:';A-Jw'flwrflrtrl . «>'¦< -,,'!. Ut _V'w>leid !».... J| '' teu «.e

.-q, .. Paai ofli

a" urmT Ki-anN-laWr r.ob* Wflwinn Pkntn

£W S2t^«&a_rn33!fo. Mr.. Pl N'TON._'I1R0TE8TANT MJRJSE..A hiuh!) reJpoetabk-

a a*,), P,<4_art...-t waetaa mrbn * Ht :a«lor a. Nl'H-iardSl AMWBE3A A,.,., . «' M A AA'* E UPLO YMI .N P

OFIICE, No IM Bth-flt., ipp-H«tL. I'iblr HoilflO.^ _

Si 0T< H WOMAN..A ytmnt He«t<* Woman. .t. a.itiiali'naa W AtTKR.'.r Cll AMBKKMWD au i

vv -. 1 r R its piirrl. .oul'y. Can 1+ hiik.y t-boocitnead. d

Apply at JAB. H P/MlK'S, BeaflMDflfl and KloriM, N». oiOo..r? at I'rr.iAijn._

TK SlCHEIL.A l*B*y, quaiiified t<» «'t« Tuitioa,in 1 fl.i.l b.ri liaabfi.'i l-r...».. 1 SITCATloN

W oa.J ptiJVi tl r i-i t:r.- -i.wifli.-i: . ii -nd C autrol Of i fitiiilt o',bnd,-,:i la whiehBapaobr ¦¦. hi*graat eapattaa.* tfc logp.touable iif-r. noa* gtrxt L' BflBjaflaA Adirew J. C. H

TTlbtireOfli.a._11TANTED.8ITITATION8 in tb- city urcaaa-7 7 tjy, ai go -d Cook aod La.u.V.i <** Chinibermaitl .ndWaiter and to do Hooflemwk by very con.p-t.-nt OMfl. t-'BJ at

E t'ARRtiLL'8. No. K»6ih-B»._

ABUNDANCE of good flERVANTS m.w rendttor ilty ot ooui.try, Oeraaan. Kngliab, 8oot.:h Ir.*h, be

capable cML actve. at tba lo*>rttit* aad il'»'l*A.<_'_iot. ed by fll, BB.erl.-aii Lmif. _».._»» Uth-rt.. fl«nw af fltVfl.

GFNTS WANTED.- BMMffltto and reflponm-blr Men. oi tha right will lean, ot «a e_t oaMat op

poilaiiti t..,iterti.ioanle__r*i.t*odpa.l.gbBrte«i 1-1 caUlngal No. Hl Broadway, or fco. 2 Coartjai-b-ai.CaTLmMDU k PERCI

CLASSICAL TEACHEK WANTED-A Gradu-^a.eofirV..i.M» coiuge. AP|ly.« No itt btemtmrnfMtWtflflfllBaB at-d WAV1KD..Ap}>l> at No. M*kJ Oieetv-t. helween Oiand umlBroome.

C^OOK" WANTED..Oernian or Amerioan prt'"y lr:rt .1 None bnt a rood one^need appiy, at No. 41 Orota at

GIRL8 WANTfeD.Ta go fai a nianuf-tftiirinijrfOaaa «».- boun.' ritle 'mm thi* city, ln Oonoeetiout to

. born E.tiFLOYMitNT. wl" be glvea ««" V",_r"ttiJ*f.,aeratKe prieea. Kor further Information, apply rt No BT Kroadvi »y. t.p.talr*._'_,/AK101NAL IL 8. 8CH00L AOENCY (HI7)\J l 8 BUBINEBfl AGMffCT (18*1 -P.-rp.4naI e.goiU-lio, . bi life n eubemhio or by a jniall p-rcen ag- ..n tbe order*.No hanr to pupil. Clieeb go«d for t« o n..r»on* sud uli buil-n... E H W I I.l OX Ai <« , No if Bro-idw.y. A city flrh*"'rCr la iei ar.d a boyi' Aflbafll iu the couutry an ttka a fe»' p ifM

io baa/d. ..__.______.

'ANTED . A JOB >RINTEK..Odo BB.,-d 10 CltV W'ork. Apply BtJOHN A. ORA Y'S, Wo* M and lt larobatV

lyANTED.Twog««>d MILLINKRS f,»r Mobil».I* Maa_a hal BBBB flBBaaM aBflfljBalp.V " ' F

A W. (

.hance« tor JBasincss fiUtt._F~~OR~KALE or CI1ARTER.The FaBl-9aili« %

Btaaner ENOCH DKaN I. for iale or rhartet. Porturtliar

pirtirnian appiy to the underfligned. at KuW^)l!*j][e^,jJI,j,j_H-I*np oatk.Tbn mtgt8H0R STOBBTaeriMr

offTtb-a and M-BV., No. *44>. ,.ow doing a g.od .*.

1 he M I'i, fo. relitll ai.d ordered work, i* oue ot U.e be.t in tbe

itv Win l*.i-ldon rea»onahla ternifl, wlth all (he Klilarta*o!U.e -tott- flfllfllflfl for lelung oul a ill be explaiaed al Maa

.*'Uom^mp\\!kh?l.L k M.1NTYRE.

VUl'ICE..8aaM proptmnlH will bo rnooiTed hyLo tbe ^i b'.>l Oflteen «1 tbe Taelfih W'ard, at tiseo*.* o' th-Clerk ofil.e ti, ard ol Edocatiiu coruer of Oraid a«.d Elrn-.u.,, \'. 1'iiM'hliAY, ti.e lMliinrt. at noon fo: li., BC t" >I.r IMTI Kl ne, Mflflry for fiiruiahiui W*:d S.-ho .1 No 4S, luMid WaM eceordii g to plai.a an I »p-<-iiif-ilii*. on 6i- and II be.oet nt thr ottK-* of th« Sujieiliit'tid.-ut of 8ch *l Na.^l I ro.h> rt. ,Ea'h pi"po*al irurtbe asoompatn d -Aith tB* na-rei o( twe

¦Hl' "ihi.- «afl tppioved »ui*tir«, Ior thefailWttl perfotmas e oltii. rol tr.rt .mi.Tl..artjMcen f tbe Ward ii- -'v- tl-erljthl l-> r-je-t anyor al tba BTOpaflab flflalid, ii the) alial. d.-etn i' e*»t f»r tue p_.a-¦BGaaAWMib ?AMr?DAvU

W'M H IiAYfl.Committee of SchoolOlBo.ri of Tweflth W'.rd, N. Y., aept.


1>R0P06A1 8 for COAL for tlu- NEW-YORKi!hE DEPAllTM'NT Pl Nl) -Se.'ad wili

b. r.r. iifdiutil ti-l'.hdvt of 8 ptenib-r. 1K* f:>i th* I'ip.iljii r ..- ;_*.. t_.:i. i.l ( O iL. more or le*. Ib* CawafltBflfl reaanre

.-. tc, it-ja,-t Baah bitl. ao far *. tha luta ert of the ll. pa tu.a-Li wtr Iie Cou.. rned Y r further li.formition apply t. t i-

,..d tou.iittae ot Y el StM'I.K THOM.-hIM, Si.-t WILLI/.M WI1.L1AM8, No. Ili Wwt luh

.t. l:i il. Mcl.INMS.

RARE CHAN( E-A WIIOLr.SAI.F. f.Al I K1NE.-8 of IWflatV ear.' at.i.dmg foi 8ALK.

>u oi:.t -f* n^w- ooloi eir.-ed. ta.'l a nlior i1..¦.I'T Oi 1) ti in-daiati'C.pi'.l Mfl'ilred. Koi lurtla-r 0_\^^Ia.. .allat Ki-oui No. 8. No T Wall-at. b*lia-a_. *fc- m***,tptft, Xau.t* 'i p io for t»o wt-elu. _^^^HiTO CAPlTALlSTft..FOB SAI E-Dn.aa^

Ita a PKRIODI AL > Wdirg au iu <> aaal o»et JfPtbotwaad tlo'l.r. uiiinaily and ii.. r, -.ti,* Ajiy party hatti,gaifht ti.oti-ai.d d Har. to fuv,.t uay l,ear of a at-ti ablt opnor-t-,ul.y, by,g B., B.-i No. 4,57t, Poit Office.

rpo NATURAL R18TORY BOCtRffES aadI t "Tll 1 lt8 A B*fldl. haii-.e a v. iu.ble i.,lli-< tiut o' I'a

i:,d (' lOti-i.tiig o! lu.fHorieut. of W'ar. Arti,. i Drafll, itnd Ornaiaei.t* ot mrio ,. kiad*, wo.'IA Hb ll

.ith a tunbiiaer. Addit. A. D, Bo. So. I.6ICP0.:(«.;. ...i

I 0 PR IHCIPA I.S..A flral-HBaa .Senii-i.ari, bi -,d»^nn y IflaM d aiiltia city retrl. tt.oro igblyp. i in iui .'¦. -ful op. i allian. and wlth a U-ni and fai araile

le«,e want. a PRI"CIPAL t> TAAK ONK HALP. or t'ieKM1RE INTEHKST 8a.ia!a- tory ravoai ....a (oi tbefllBBBJ*. Ad-.1p-* 11. O M.. llox :*., iii 'IV.bane offlra

ftQSA PARTNERBHIP, ion hanaHfla Canh<Ir»l»-l"F ll-..inaa» ,f hi-e year. f out...uat..e -Anhtd .t.l'ul ie! -b e n-.iL * i.hi ..-a p -a, l-u uith a fair luosme wlllBud l» worthy f f at'entii.n. Apply ta LYON8 k Co No. 96Maiden lane, 'up *t*bi.

. PARTNER^iiutiierj p"- bua'i_*-a; a rl utv .el-'os mtillt witb an euergetic mflc. i. aojpl; »ufliolent to do a i*r»laige builreM, *o a. to pay a be.vy poi cebtage aa tbe alre-ti -er.. Iiepared to .n>w t i. d.-a' to ir ai.u.atture near SVw-Y'ora, ar d liavt-an agei.t ln tbe clty. addre*. c.smun'.^ati'.i.a(whieb wiU be airtoJy rouhd.i-Ud) U kNKKUs, l'hllad"iJAiaP O



I'.r'idv.aT. corner of lloua.on .» N. T. Coaduf ted oo tte Eu-ropaan plan, having uli Ihfl flapaiatflflflBtl of tbe beal khote ..iltai. lOiin ¦ ?oid fare, pron.pi uttendmN-,ai.d i_.oder»t.. ctarg**'8 E MEAll Pr*?rlet-»r.

Coar6 anb ftooiau.

ABPLENDID SI'ITE ti ROOMfl t«. LKT, witbli/iltl). in * Private PamilT Hou** Lrge aad btely lo

.attd. Lt-ar 1't.ion iquaie A partv of '/ent eiiu-u, o' a HuiailYtu I1» eai. be arcoinuiodiM li.'qult* of E. LAWRENCE kCo No. 6?, I'nion .ttuare.


1>0ARD..One or two flingle (lontleintin oAn a.e<>_..ii.odata-d with »OARI», ln a private fa r.i'y, Io 44th

.t n< li Krt-aoway :te loue ba. *!' the iimd-n. liiipio.e»eata,_.-. kt ol re.r.'Mar** gireo and le^nirettL Afldie... N Tii-._i.ieCH r_

bi Al 1) U A N'rtl)- -In h privttto fainilj for a(. u einan bia Wife »j,d Iljoghter ln the tttkPkttt I>r

ika'a Ci_tireb. Tertm 8'-v |e-r niouth. Addre*! C. II->.No »;io, p. o.mi^!!mmmmMWTmmm'mmmwmmmm^m'^'mw*m^TmmTmm^mmmmu!!mimmi

ijensco nub afurmo UJuntcb.|VANTED to HIRE.A mmU HOUBE, wtth7 7 about flflfltflBet Imoi .tt^, ln the couutry not m Ifl

tK.i1 .-.'. n.i.e- fraflfl the .ity. Addrrit. .tilliig tiim., V.C aod* haa paaBSflflbB ma) b» had I O. IV,, Nfl B^l btb .»» N. Y.

fionsee lo tti.

^^UBNI8UED B0U8I to RE.NT at No. 90MatUoo av BflMBbaW 'b< toftiei of fith a weat iMailaon av BflMBbaW 'b< i-oinei of ftih m wtMt aal ka

ati n ii a* d> ai-al.l^ a* ai.y (u tle Ry. Ite h u*e wa<lertut y b ill n..o t_.nt:alia<i _r r-.-.u-a. for Uie u.e itt'.eownar. lt wi.l 1- rmUd oo aaallafart'-i tet'-« 'o ap-l.ateIb .! Hy only *oi parti,, Un apjJy toHOMKR MOKOaS. N »

:t Pli e et_IJOHT EOOMm and Ht^ady POWER IO Ltr,

J t.y JOHN OAUDL. No IM Waiker rt._RANOE, N. J..To LET, furniahed, from M,,v.l,for_.laii.oDll:.otloegar abeaolllul OODBTBT flBAT

lu ron-piel^ orurr, wlth all irtjri- ii-,, lu.t aad lOld. at. I* kr oo the fare Biiuute. bf ti.e deoet anflaa loor fr'.m CortUrdta Addra.. H. B KI.tCKVV> LL, Nj Vt WMiiB*, N. Y., fltolla. in No. 4!) Miiu-rtOiai ge, 1 to » p. m._

1^0 LET.No*. d kfid T, Weat Haltic et BflOflk-l,n IwontodernHflto^ H0C8KS ultb bab, ga*.

.eater ke. Rld|e»oa^ water to ba litroduc«d Ur.onn(ara<n hii.e, rent *'*O0 per annutn; p-> gtven iiutn^latriy. Itiouire at No i bai.ic-.t. t^ addieei M 8TEPHEN-t<ON. No Vl WaT'TflBb._IX) LET.Aa Bialiiih-kaaPiBaBt IIOUHE in the

opper aad wert part o'the clty. Bant ajll ba take. laboaid. W ith a o.let, . cuall, re.pon.ibfe Itmlly a llb.ra. >fiaa|*n,inl »UlbaiuM.- No otl er BBflBflBM M be takaa. Addre*(port paid), M TiibonaOfflia^_TO IJET.Laanr part 3 a eento.-! HOL'SE,

Brely lotatad 4 loonia or mora Hall'fl furtUbed. ga* "a|dwat.-r, fiowe, garden. B. i,t low to a aultablfl family. App yNo fll Eart *Hl it, or of Mr BALL, Nfl IM Broalwfly. laMu.!'- Stora


rpo LET.niMT-CLAHH ITOUflE. bfUteoTiA W«». i'-.* aad CflfaBfla ptam two b aok. from Naa-flort

Hal*!, No Iti, IMt+o-ti , aaltalaUfor fauwy tdaba- barte***:na« > paiutad, flafaataea rr*a»a m*. wrt-.. to 4U Airy Appiy

to J B » eJi tjAVU. Ma TBD Baaadway

1V> PF.NT.Tbe M-eBB-f r..t-a«« fram- noUHVIB I.ii; ttbtn**. R*..ltl .1 witl- Ou ar. 1 VVa'.r^PU

.. . it y .1 tt^PREMISi-Sf.-r'.-raaa._

'WH) KFN I .-Tht* hne t.K.r-Hla.rv Eiifliab lm< < Bf«i*I 1 oaj 8.... f ,,./llo'sK N* _«1 Jtth .( eBtrta

.II in-t thf. ttl-ror a.d rhtrrlr'i.ra rtn r_UI;'i b >'" ''!hi. t-t »r tr*. 4.1.1M. App!/'o LOOMlo k OOKK NoP flt fo 11?. l.ij _^^____

^,-0 LU.Oth?trmoreTOYTm, Ha. 66 B-._-MMl JNO W. POWT.

tUtil _fotaU tor Sal*.

^^,rM._!S for SALE, CHEAP.-We will amipl)trv Uol | I.t'.f* 'n the Stv, -,f Mt.. " rl rt

mm «. o'.i f o.cHt L-nli f-v th* lo-pr.-'-' "'',cie Ti.L' g-miaru.-. M.d »*rra. fc*» *1 J7**l_ .«*",,. L"i,.i, fo. . ,'ot ¦iK'pnitl.olar. tor. E Bll.tftlOlOil k tx>.

I'. iu.' 8 -f - Ui d Iftflfl. -t L*.l*. Maw-.iM_

JNJK S,\l F.-T.V i.-"W, thr.--rt.iry, liaaenncit»,.,! r.ili-.l.r brat-aalaBfl BOUBB.Be |C Bl_t«M

i r.... i, - fnftH lj tt-haa bTW Immtij laobaei Baat* I*,i m ,< 'I- aflflflta tafratflaa-Mia tflfl n. .h»_ i, -> Ctr. re-.tin oo bond aad liiortrig* ''

S&Tfl I, ^l.lOOO.No.90IJoarera.y\.

^l0I{'SAI.E. at Vi.iiKpre, on the Hti.lr_»n.Fin^nt II .li-M S(Thf> tf ten ot m-re »<_.*. ev;i| commaodint

. ._>'. t virwt ol t c -Iv. t ABB.y luaacaueiivirwi ykl-Vfh T. BPLMER Y»nk.**a.

1'oK SAI.E.A m|>1. -r.'ftid foiir-Bt.ry bn.wii flteee,1

Mcha^a.p HOISK ..o WntWJit, No B»|htflaB_HuHdem .oovtt ITC* li i!.'lgl.tlul t-atafl, and will b* aotl

A,icTp JAMKR K. M1WAKI..H, No. tn Vl*,t tld-at

170K 8ALE..A aalaaWe MII.L PROPERTY,J aibrf 7« a.-1-.f of cholce Li'.H a veiy BB.IBBtfMinJ (or thr and Pl.fWr tn_J*. tt./-"h*r wilh « targ-an ctft rt uatoni wriki a n.-w hooae in pr ie*a4 -if ere-l.on an .

tl.rr bo lo g.K>d rvpelr ait-i t«d _ if in htlf a mil* of tb--H.rle-Railf. afl. liiPiitt.aiiiCo.ii-. Iii le*lt», Ia th-oaily ,**

ton foi alfll Ing to it_. K)r putlctilt! inforruflilor, apply toP N.8MITH, Palt*r*2_,N. Y.

1? 0 R S A I. E.-Tlu- lart'.', new, brown-aton.'IIOl'RER Nca. *»and 81 VYeit 8Mb-t( »lta fltl ntl >n bf

librtiv, fu i.i.i.-.J lo tb* BMBI no-i plrt-' aod ih-r -ugb nitonrr

wltb roa. wood doora waln t I'aJr. aud al! m >d«r-i ImprovetntcU Apply tn thr pr.;i,i.,-of l,( iPER k IUVIS._17-OR BALE or to LET ia BROOKLYN A reryP gO'dl.o'iae on PrankllnaT.. 100 frrt ao.-t.i of P.rt it anlwit*Vi oot lilrxk of My rtle i.v c at, M ith all ol th* ro. drm I .

P'; fottaiiii.igl" r on,., all tn foo.1 order. andgirdaltacbitl prir 4.5 M), or wo ild IBflfl it t. flflfl finiyttt--rBteof»V(. Iminir.of ALKX I'N ()KRIlII.L,.o.-u«r .f H-d-ford tnd Psik-av* poatraai n lmuirdi4*ly._TO I.ET.Furnif-lied, to aatnnll family, a i-SBVj

BoflMflBOl SE rriittobrU.rrlub-.trd by a g Btlemanardvli'* peratutBtthlng t-tlni bo*rdortBe«.lBct apply. No.7:4 WnlaV-ba_ _

J/Oli SAI.E.A fine. new, doable :i-etory Btuc-Oflflflbrleh BOU8E,»lth6flfltLOT8, .lluiod 00

tfldr av., Hudionf ity, N J llaa a inagnih a-nt view oi-r Btvnnd CJly of Ne«-V ork. HnLol.rn, JnMiy t'ity. Mi'ii I.linJ an

l..,t e I.laid rric a od. tale ,.od terna fav^anle. Inqairt'o'|i I.II NAU, No 11* Rrcadwav_

RANQE, N. J..Fifty Coeatry Beata, Villa^fR, .1d*i.-ci. Paioii, aud Vil!i Si oa a great vari* y h,i«

viewt beti.tifiilly iltui.t*d. wlll.i.i tn boai ol C"urtl ndt at, f»rrmtai.d for .aie. by 11 I! R'.ll RWBLL. *» WIUlBB at, BY., froa*. »toll a tc.; 49M»io«iiit Orflngfl, iruii 1 lo * p oi

I>EACH FAR-FTor 8ALE.Sitmtcd on Lon*ltl't.d 30 u.ilrt fiooo Nrw York. 4 frioi Lflflfl lalaol R Jl

totd. I onlaii,. tbf.ut M ar-i-ea o' iud. ovrr 4.IAH' baviflng prvritii_* a jout.g applr orcb. d of 40c t 1* a. aod orrr two acrca ol

pe_n acd tn.aU lni'tt Price Bt..'""'- Tflnat -. ty.J. MAYO. Kbtl Icgaie, Long liUod N. T.

iHaeical Jnsttamcnts


Ma_t.(ac'ur.nt,f A NKWrilALK O'l itSTRl'NU B4.3SPATENT INBULA'ED PULL IRON-fRtMR ORvND *aaiSUCA'BE I'lANO-KORTEU, No 411 Brooo - tt Piacoatilet

AB. -L-L-t 4.0a., PIANO-FOBTB-s «.,. 101 Etti lttb-at li-vRf* att*rti*n to ih.4i a*w B** t

PIANOS. (ii_*raot«*d U-, glv* . ttre .ati.'aoti ¦)

AKEW PIANO f..i |I30..A f.-w tt th^r<( HOOI. PIANOS foi 'y I'.i'til'irula, at BO.VRD-

MaN, ORaV k (o't Booii.t No. 4ffl R.oa-Jwiy.

ALBERT WEBBR'- new ovemtriias-, ironfiaiu* PIANOKORTEH warr>uit*4 uot rpata*d lo evrry

rr.nni atd at th* lowr.t prioe* at the iry, No1» VV r.t Br.fidwav. near Canal tt

AT WALKEB* WAREROOMS, tlint.-. HtU,Aitor place aid atli-tt. i.rar Bnadway. a !*r«« nocV af

b."V"t.'ii ai.d uprigM PIANOf, nnv and vmr, ul-hnd, f*rBAL8 ai.d HIRE. Al'owaoc* 1 .ude for hlieif p..rcb***L

SPLENDII) 7-octaYe> BB8B8>wB_ PIAVO,in'de ly br-t ity n-aker. wi|h over itnitg bat* ...ii al. 1 tt

1, tftif ic pioiri. f d'. 'ol:y warrauUd bi**n .-J a fbort t'rne;. il br .oid lo« lit 1.-. lnqulrr No 14 tititom «t, nrar

i-,:, -t.

HICK ll I N 0 & 8 O N 8

BARMORE'- eelebret*-- imprt.Yf-d over rtm_|preoluB. PI» NOR Ihr b_ak lo uae. warr-ited for » yeara

^ao.,f«"turT_at M* «'.*.-:kerit A tplendtd T-ocUve fer Bl *¦

k\_t a.*v.*»arTIJB«Kt Of

i' 0BAMl>. iKICaR.-., ._.- ;:l*fl.ttrt TfAi^O**,fWtRrrootDB, No 0r4 hr.i*dwav.

C. k - ,-. har. h**o awarded ThlAy-rA«ht Vxhm M«i_- toitbe lliptrlority of tlu-lr ai*L.if',c.tarn f-« thr pflal tt yrata

Aiao for S-bsMVSON k HAMU-* s BLPERIOB

klMiUKlNr aod HARMONIUM8Eor Patlort Chor;baa. V'ea'.rlea, and Lodgea,

At and.rrUJL_PI ANQg TO BENT._

HALLET, DAVIS A Co.'* ORA*ND aucSLllAliV PIANOS- Loi tknowata tht brtt J'lAN.;!

oaale l'RAlTrl MrJLOJKO.Sli Ooajd SK.CON'J-HaNIPlANCb fflti Wiw. Pitn-vi ai.d Melox-eoiu tc LKT.

T. S Br RRY, No 4.1*1 Browiw-y.Marble R.i'dlng cavrn*. Oncd-at

JA C. FTHClTt^, No. 856 Bt-.flli8Bf.aaBi. l»'l, a ollri tt agrtrt bargaln a bnr a.mtirxi'at "f ih 11

crirhiaU-l Irot, iraina*! ort-r .truiig PIANOB. witn tho newJ. niovrd iH-r.por. tttt, aevrral aaw-oad-haad Plan*andMtl-ieiu 81,1.1^1017, No Iii V-a-t J th .t

OEGANS..Two Oiuitii". auitalil.' f..r cliurcheri,ooe eijhl a-.d '.1 a ten Stop- afaa*attflf lonr an I w -rku.a t.

tblp '01 SAI.E chaap. App' to J. H- _ C. 8. ODELL. No l-.i"tl, av N Y



li' p _vrO llflB 'ran r and uvi.r ."..'.g aia Klifiot, at IflfB lt fa*t ryrii. r. Thr b*it New-1 ork Pi*nr-« at bargUaa I II ltIt W Br.Uh'i Molodroi.1, * ith tb.u grrat li.ipioveio nt tbr'' 1'.t t t ¦>(.* Stop ol e-vrr. Uyl«.

A.M KuNOUSK. No 488 Broadway.

Ij l A N O B, BELOUEONB, oud _aei_*i._ri(jR.'j\r.lJ- Nrw aiid Se-ondliaud for UALK ,1 tc XEN'"

at gt.i.t bv-galoa M*l(jda_-ni aa low at B80; Planoa 8'SMot thit t»vi_*rnta r.«_«4v-*d .jr either. R<<ot *Ilo»r4 |f ¦ 1rhaar- HORACK ~ATERR A_-t No 8»» -tro_4-*..

1>IAiN08, M E__br>EONSi_HAl-M()N Fl TMSfint da>f fir >a'r ta 1.1 or .old on Inaltll.irnit 00 favora

bietrr.i.- Hl'PKPloR H a P.MONIL'Ms. of aiafl vtaiaTiaa.fotC..tchra fc* tt *.1T> to #,KI-

J M PELTON, .Not. Ill and Btl Brotdway, N. t.



I-. 11 it lat nr CtiBt,AT VERY MuDKRATP. PRiCFB

rVt.r*roov t No. f*. Prln".¦ .'., a Uw _oorv.-_w.of B'oadway.


.¦...» oo.drr-d tie bra*. cr_BBj-itr.rfl_ aad ar* wajTaate.'for u: . y rataWamr -010a Noa. tt ard 14 M alker-aC, twr Bir«dw*.

fionot-/uriuof)ing <_5oobe.

I^O llte LADIES.-'IIk-chcai^-at nnd b.*t placeto'.uj H1LVKR FLATP.D VV'aR.!. TAHLK. COTLeBT,

bi all tu.da of ll ioae KB>t.iil,lt*g i-*«J. it K 0. ','Sirtli. If.t »t C-prr In.tltot* cut. Aatwrpl_a, fll aid 44b m

ilniibitig JUatpnalB.

DR/.IN 1*11 FS, plazerl, vitrififij, warra'itfdindorti-ot'*.* ( liton j Topa, V«a»t, St,tBa_ ke. Ottpotrt

Lot-g I.icod I'ottery. No tt rvaeaau .1 EDWIlH UII'.N.

MARl'.I.EIZED BLATE MANTELB-8iip.-riorl<> a tbint i. w li. u«fl.'ig aiz llrur* tb* ilrrngtli o

.il h¦., Bflfll n'-a i-jtirrd or .tali.rd b? its-.k*. c al gu uh, oraid. Ih.- a'r 1. H ,-b-a|.*r than anything n tb.t ittnd in thauak.t Ar-bl'rc .. burdrit, a_,,l .^hr. air ioiil 4 t c .1: -ndeaao ln. it lh« Ca.rup_-y'a Inai-llo'iL.t, No. *.'? Br _l»tj rt.Y tWuJ I'j. a cirtu__r of,..



AREDROOM 8Un_ of ENAMELED FUttV-NITt.RE for BM of warranlwl rnacnfvtur* Aiff.

.o,(.J rl.nia.iB (I'AMHIR HIITEf oiair and omtmarta) aPAH-'Nuli'N'B Warvwaoo.a.No Bt Car_al-*t* vVm*Ur. Eatol.ilit.-ic 'bf-_[^NAMF.fED CFUMBER 8UITISB of Fl;B

i BIT' PEInflllnc-ona-d ttyUa Wb leaala or Ba__|! 1BBB, aad uviil, aiao Mattr«aa*t acd Pi_la*a«*

Vt'ARRLN WARD N* rnCti_l-W,Poar doori *-* rt Brjaflway If V.

MODERN KTVLE of BCHOOL FUKNITl'RP 1- aoc.acta-i-d aod fot ttie by N J0HN80B, Ni

4S0 lloa-ao-. at N. Y. liluatrr.u- BBBB.B od tpptlcUloa.

PmvAM'^PATENT BPEINO" BKD.*--t_eb-fttaoafl. WM M I'I TNVM, tt ,t

Na III Crttrr a , Dr«r Canal New York

(Ko _funncra anb ©thtra.

OUARTZ UOVK and T.RAIN MTLL for SAI.E-Nt w 'o ._ »a*(ni oorralitn at tbe Mtnaa rr-icittg to l -,-

.aljabl* pcwd*r »rtl. Hblf Ing tidr.dl_| Bflrfaoflt, tad coaorfladthe ^niy Btlll td Ttia* |v u tnrn

' B1CKI8 4 HOLTIIVVICB, No M Naatta ti

TO LOVKKflTrVlHB 8T0CK.-A reuiarka-My .»* Ali*rB*y Rt IL (lt ¦BB-M o(4», 8-888 in*r aad

d«_c nrt Liiflortrd t*. oi th* lile of Je.aay br a d-l faorler otWmtt.-l-mititV-rtiiij. N Y for BALE Ad imt* A B.j H*.UA Trib-w OMoa.

. 8ute» bfi 'Kmci'-oji.

A_LSERT tt" NICOI.AY, AacttoflMflf. w»«boUob V EUM.BDAY *pia...b* 1». J** .». > /*** '

. m r,t-" gr.-. -i i-b..,.ii(-.!^'Ti'A(.. wtki i',7,r* ;n»V. a d at'lii) t-- wii o( 'Le K gH'b ttetfbLo,To-'.d I-'..-oad ib-ii-a. aafl only iwealf mimma na

L tbe Ncli-.n It-liaay lro-n .leny CBf lha- -..

a.Yln .1* lr,,:. Ij lo Ifl .- r.a Mfll .»»+. gL frgS Tba UaJ la la . .Ut- o' culUviti-i Oa BB.1 iii-ii.'TiK ho M, a ea/ti.r Haaa. 'ar... ...".*. ai* '

.aTufb lldi |. a!-o.ei,r*!(..e.p,i,.g; -f the panwt WBlr-,/, i n.llatof-l.diilhchf!,. frni.of .'.rlo.i.kli.d. ri.-ii.

,1... 1. btaaUl !.»dpa-leiil)U^.l»..,dth. property wU.

, ij',..-totli. hlg -Jrt bidder Xe oloflfl thi -vt*

< P,o, M V Oa Bd« d'H'd. by or-.r of tha Oonnlmo', ..

ol ti . O'pl*. a .'..,.trt. Peifl D» dealio... .' «e1n? tle flflop \.

I ;i tha tralaaaf tb* N ith rnllill.->ad tt leffay tflyi,,\-,.at t w.d<>» m a. d t a..d t. p... maiaUl A ..l out

'n ii .1 " :i p iu.. th... afl .id.. i eoott tn, '.Utfft th.. r .-, n

ai> o. ... I Bflkefl* aanardfen lenien of MiOTf. B»" p-r -am". tnr_.yr,.i f-rraln oa BBflfl ai.d BMflM |a Ut <

yeata nl 1 p«r ceut. al.d Uk- title i* lodupuUblt. >ci f-irlh*'

laMBaMnflQgg ^ No .m ,. v YROIKKT. VVtl-r.KLL iWM DEWOl.KE, 'nloo.i.C LBL-vI'VELT_' _

A 1 Blbhikbr, Aoolloneer/^KI \T Al'tTlON SAl.Eof Ififi \ ILtJABLE

lU LOTfl.),. llth md 'Mb a»«, rth. T. th aM Mb P**t beiongicg to Ihfl

..!_.'. of rrtr n, Ii. id.l.'fc* irt* M d.**_.___-A BI.EEIKHR M>N k i'a wll tell at aticti >n on

Tt KSI.A 1 H, y- li, rt » iVlech al the rtarchaut'fl Eachmg(),. .Itkai. Pl UOBW ..WtweaC ,,tha.,d| ;Ktb'taOn ll'h e» tl lot" on w .., between ? tit and lUtli tit.

Ou It h bt., 8 1 ta a * . betw.-a-n T¦. b '.ud Ifl* *tfc

(>n 12tb *.. 8 lo«* r n a . t-etu ea c 7 b -a 1 vnh *«*.

(II, UM BT J loU 01, th« , acimi flj Tflh lt_

i. UM .t. M IaMb .ud . a. M. Ufladflba*On :B h rt., 43 lo'.. n and . .-, b*l» Utb and llth an (wlth

"'on'^h t MMaaafl i.beti. «a llthand ISth-BT..On -Wh-'t ,.lbcin,lwi. em* ->( lwh-o*.1) .¦ nb.ko tataahifl property I ** b..u iu tbe po-a.-i.Iin^or tbe

II.., Mekl ffli. Uj IM a lon« .- rl, i of ye.ra, *i.d ..a»«.''«'^Y''*"'at. d for IwflMalfl uw Tbe !a0d aJ -pa. momPtfif totbe ,i».r,tb.- «a-. r nghi. on whi h. e,.ibr. nui . tn* n"l\h.-K-ka..-!t and-i, . 400 f'. ne.t ol the 12 h-i are of rnurutr Taloe. anl wll ba*."d .. m ctioL.. :>Hb-.t. U b B ft. wid-, and i. opo-ied jaflad,eaihed gi.t er.H ...dfl**g dtottierlrer Thi. I* probably oa,

Ui the levali. .t UflcU of _aud now foi lalfl la tu- lt> and He. iu»e.! kno* B But-Ub ..'. lo«el, »nd aolMMng tb.-',.i d f 111. llou"t Maj'.t Woo-1. Thi t.r ... will be lib-ral. *"d

me prni. «.. » Ili be allow, d U pur. hawa Toe lltiel. unei

blioi »», r -Ud "Dl- uf IM old.-.! i,n ib. I.Ulld.8VLEAI180LITE

M'pflandl Uparti ular.. had rt.No. 7 Pme rtj'lAHSKaNKKS' ^LE-MIIaWAKI»;i;<»liKTj\ UOl.SE tHICAoO lue* of VA\ BltU.1T

A, W A'l B« 8 wlll . II, nt ptibMd aurltor at the to.irt -t-aaae

ii. t bl. bb- BbWEDNEBDaY the l^th da. o'8-pS.aber Baata- 12 o1.1 Ck .,t ..o .: f lh'-t d..y the eaWnfll « ilaugilertng Badp.e.l.g,-.Unl' a. the M l».'d «¦¦?&£I. e ( itj of Chi ag a'ao, the n.i.e dw.l iog li .i.e, tbo .t BO Dyfl __eet, *i.d Ihfl hog pe- . a. .! nahbrt.tagbed U-«ei r wvVx et,

IbTaaBMBaaflBM oc-pyi-g Klt.-r l.t* Na »B«fla,a.... CkM.No* }.*.tjw.lljta. IA *'0 W et*mmL 8t,« art. .al.ditl.lon of I t. *o* 11 «. .( l< . .'' }.;1<) *.,d»i of bl.t-kNo iof tbe biannn edd.uc-i t,« h»

M*. thi .lidloihviogahiB 'llb feet lr mt tl. . d (B lia-

ofthe Cnlrag.. R.v.r and lyin_( K twaaa bfl . Jd rf-flj BMWa-.trt ». ap,«-.r. 1,, the nonled .-.ap th-r-of Aijo. th.bflBM. *f i.u f-oto Hait L Htenan aei t > Henry Mii¦Bft d.t.d July 1. Hflfl f-rh.ey.ara. wBha prla.Ufl.,, f purcha*e dt.ilng »'-id pe.l d and a »o B roveiiBut from «aid dtowart..d.thera, Satad V ly 1. ,M1 (or a rau.-wal of --.d lt tt. to,

hvejearamo, .. . re,,t et Pt per re .1 #nlH7'Wraiueot Ihfl !"'« andt-jp.yf > Mfl l-.ip.afeutei.U *. th* end <rf

.aeh Maawad Mia up a . iflfaflM ." b.*d am tbeir then teaah-ldie....' UtayV ¦. NNM 10 the .»U I* . *«li^.naitof rweii-al atth. .tfii-e.-f Mi H*UBA( -ijBt.hla-I* ind of.M, HOPPIK K. No. M WiUi.m rt New \ ea

C^idilou- ki owu ou the day of *aie. Pototttlon gtron ob* aoe?l)CKf }OEO. N. .-.EYMOLR, .-A..ifliie««,N K HV-JIA.-H. >_

AKAl.'E oli'OKfi'NITVfor pertonn in araat t.i

Hi..'-l CLAflBCAblKXT Kl.'ltN.TIRK o. HOPA*i.ol.l. OOoi'ti of any ..enTiption. Tbe c nt.-nt* o; Utt¦nprtb.V fumiaheii re.iJfi.oe N> 15 Cnnton pl_,.-e, tn Bth-

lt.', a ffw door. wert flfl B-oaV'ly, wiil be *o,d at pri-iate aale the pre^nt weak at one ball Iti fflflhThe l_ llMil I mibr:- I ewrytbiiig nei'^iarr aud d.-.iri-hle for a ge' _a*l pria .te fai-.-.iy Ail BMt .'laflt fOodt laoue orj. r A f.-w of Uie Iradl. g article. onlr can ob meu

Hoaed "oct R W. Pi_-no I'i-r and M mti Ornuueut*. v il»e'

aud r . arp>t»; R W' H. VV., m,a Mai, Igta] I'vl r. Db_iufl<Ko-.i. B...I ( h :.!.' Ri'.'h Vml." Or.p-ry; HaaU*il.,k- t.i.irt- BBd I'i ,.a:ii-«' 011 P i t'ng.. EI. fl-nt l_.ul.W'jre ol ail dea,-,.^tior.i ie kr Th-re t» ;e end to tb. l.a'B

bfjafl tut'i:' .... I" bMm wehcva>rot got. Calltul¦aa ttern ". a. ui u. 6 p. m.


AUCTIOH BALE <f Maunil.-f. nt IIt>ii4.-li'.lilH'hMTiPK miB DAY 'Krl.H d^BW* Ibfl

.1 h.|ae»a Bth aafl Bthar. c am-aaetBf* V9j ofeitnA, tiaoAt*... r uui -d 7 oa-tavt Pla. u-K.irt-, .flitei Mlrro«-, \ ei»e».

K,ua..-la a.d VV|!tou l tr,*ta LaBB i d 8ro,.d.- >'. irt ilm (HiI'mnti'l. ^»»ea O-namant., ke Aleo. le-ifll aa...rtiii.ut*ite... n anl ai.d Kitcbaa Krnl uie_A M oRIKKIN. k'ict'r.

A M Mi- «iv Aflcfltaaaa|)Y BAKOS, MERWLN A Co., Irving Bui'.d-J7 I. ta N'. Ml anJ Ml lif. ad»av. biie* of K *o\t. 8t*iioneit I'i.t. a» W'ort.of Ar Ka..,y (i'-od.. I ir.-llire. ko.

PK.I AY AMK.IiNOON >rpx 14 rt l o'.-io.-k.HTMlttMATIC COl-Lr-CTION -Oet ol tbe lir,ert aod

Kflfltatbat I I- ('">... tl I- e7t-r othrod rt p.llallC iale. .-..-upilali,g Or t-k ll t. in, f'i,.i"h, flM Af.v ri.-ui Coi . M.lali,l.ktia be K-i t *,'., -ee (ala.o^.je*. wlll. ii may b«

had ot a[p i. ai- a attbe*.e. roouia ___________________________________

A C~TTrria Au-ti i m Ofl ¦ No. IW) Br.<i *ay


IN8TRIMENT8, ic.A C Tl lTl.Ki.ill m* ou KRIDAY. al 11 oVIoci at No. ?

I'ntot-^rii-ie th. PanhafB *ud aflaett of tb* Irta Dr h KMr.ft.ira. wul. log'f foflea ed 11 _uo P.iior sol ea Etafflrflfl,

. nur T.blea, laige Muroti, Oil Puluiinga, itrua«ol*( arp.-t*,( batdeie... K. dioom Kj-.iiiurr io

_»l*i., Hantal nat BSaatfl, Op--r* ir.g ( b*ir», ke.T.r, - a-h. fii-d a tla-pc -it t, quu-d.IM OKI'OAGE PALE^of H0R8ES, C0ACHE8,i7I i- w ILL1AM ABBOTT, Aa IBbb ar. wili »*ll at AtIrt bt .'.iti. ol aChrttai Mf.rtf.te. ou KRIDAY, .S.-p<. ll ata iu .llb. Madia.-a S-aU-fl coruar of Broalwi., a d JTtl.-

et N t a lot -f MiaaaM 1 aoo aud R-ad HOR4E4,OAtlilS BRETIS. WAOONS. llo-ibl - aod Strigle.LE10H8 DuuU«a.id8i:ile HARMK-44. KOB'-IH flELLli.l. .Nht-Ta UC. M. 8HA.'il.XY ji Attoru^y f,r M-rtig**.Oth . Majii.r Coort_ATlfi'LiA'*. Sapt I'. nt I oVl.ii-k i). ni at NnMBjilfltoa, n.-ar .'< raiernn. at PL'RNI l""R-'. IB food

utflar. Praael p **<¦ ie. 01 m n, 8. U. Lmiu^,( I .in Dab i.ny Cer.ter- a'I * Fiten.ion t»o li o^k I)'-. .er

. l-ll . aatsUd t S.t '. pie,-a. maoofina aud walo it

,. .rt,. laa Dreflfl Bcreaa*, do ivuhdiid. H^ir,Keall.ei H»d., OUdath* J 8tovea Hed.nau.g lUal'i aud Pl»uria, barial of Ht-wat '. I'.eh-:-d I gar, Ac.

A. C f.'TTia Ancti.i- r aflaajflfl ."' Broalway.fTX) DENTlbTS..A. C. TUTTLE will a,-ll onJB KRlllaV at 11 o'c! tk .t No ICuon 8 |0<ire the "ffee |fih. iat- Dr B f Fttn tre c" »M:_i,_! of Ii.<-nn-en: Ct»e«.OparaBaf t' Daaflal Faaah kc, bj ird.r of t_.o Ad.riiiia-lia'cr.


|)ratce6ional iXottcce.1AME8 BOOABDUS,tf ARl H1TECT IS IRON,OP.Io;N.tlOR,(UN8TH! CTOIt tm-i PaTKNTEE of IRf)N

HC LDINOt,Offi'* Nf> JOB Cn -J.-rt ro.ner of Mulherry, N Y

B. PLA'iT. ATlORNElf nT L.A>V So. 1'.m Thlida 8t. Looj, Mo. t:oMM188IONKRfoT NEW

rOBB. ''UK. IOVVA CONN!r.(_TlCl'7.aodtl.e Slat.|Aa a Mer, flaBBa Agei,c7 foi the Kaetrxxi a i 8o..t.«m 8tat,a

pa.'tio-.lB-atta--tim wltl !>? gi»ei, tlflthr B»(l-atlni. ofaco.aii.,. l- t' Jirl ta. IL, flflf* ii-II U S'at., .-J Moit'-.irn Il'in-.-aand by teaponidbl. Bflmfly ^-:.t* at ai> Blocg th* Mliciidppi Bfid (Haaou.i lireta. abo». t (..cli.aUKarBKBN. B- U..u K.artna f-ornlug. Albany Jaum* Home.

_oerr,r,*r.t V.rttt Ma tl-. fc 8u.ithfl \Vta. Kef.t, B II Klxt.tml'Whitit.g* Cla-k, W. Y N«yea,^tB M Efa-U, Att-imayaao^Caaaaaaiat New Vn.t. ja* Bataa »"l '.'B'.b-l M w.'LaoB.eaiiaie-cbatU and Uo.-ae* Oraeley, tta,, New-Yfl'k Clty.C1AMMKRIN0 ( IRFIV-Dr. COMSTO'K"Kt V. ( »L OVMNASII M, PHlLADKl.PIIIa.-rhi. io.alt..:i< ,i, abi b ba* teen u .*cce*afnl '.[-eralioo f r li >re ti. u. «)j.ia U Ce«ign.d . ti e .-tue of Hi*i....ieii:g aud Defecam Artl. ..Utt. n tu. ',.. ln p oi.rr.iit ln Ki., .itl.,n. AClwi of Sti.n-a-ei... all muc-n ecn MONDAY. the B h of Oo">b*r. Ad-cte^ A ( OM-.T' 'i K, M D No M)n Arcl. *t Philaieiphla.

Itla(t)itun).K1I0E A Co..NEW HAWD-POWIi

* CYLIKDEI PRINTINO M Vt HINE Thn flflbBUflflflllUieiK-ant:. f.< t.d. r,.w gi.NiiLE f'YLIN'DK.K PKl%T-INO IIINK. fipe-a i de.lcard r thoae -tb rt «here lh-|l aln.-.a btaa tah, dore...i tn oidu ary Haod p .., bntBot .¦.?».. l.,l ..-, Ha ral t.h. pur-ba*e f,f a lg-> pril-rd fll» Ii ,.

tmt r to-a-dilf.i. bj »t.-aiu ^na.-r. Tne pr... BawaflWatl i,T.r '[._.",. r .: e.n»rni, it in fur_aj. u. ) ta r «rti i. ted lu tl.e n ,itthoro ib »nd a. tM*. Uai met er. It h * th i.-giaie-ni .i.d tu.p tw t .e I t'ying ip* .. « and l.r, baaat aawapapai w.:a0inba-one .-lai'. "u ma it tl.e -.nii an .a.llj worl afl 7in ,i.Bfl p ..1'ti.p.t hflfl Ii-*i-,i_rtri. .'. Jao that .I.a... p nern ai I. flfpflefl ulun .e.|uir.d

( pj ur illulra.a ' ati'utu* ,-onUlalng pt-ticlar deat; l,ti' ti of tbe n.«_.h_ne. nl b ,U> . and pri ea, vili I.. tu ui-h -d.BflflaaaMba u HOE fc co..

Not. »tnd31 Ojldrt Naw York.

CTEaM BOILEB8 for SALE.-Thrwi awaod-O b». d CYLIM'EB BOILEBl, *r UmSmt d.u.i.--er a. 4 «feetu.'.i. wl-h Lwt Iloiuaa aad »4 i. ohe. dli nater aa-itbtwo t mu Boliei ar.d a tbe L.lur, . fl. u.p et- VV tll b. >. jt 12* p- 1.4. to .!». »qu-re in.-b and wtll in .cld rh. o fut taahPnce I tt- \-r in ttftiliam

_^M PUmilaCa. Ml lt.7V\ti*r,t Proik'y.i.

SI'KAM- ItOILFKS -iioardiiiun'rt pat.Mit.St.tuiB.irt. the ..^rt .nd nr*> anoaoinlci holleri lu tli< Sold_,! |l> K da.T NY rii *.»»perU'.i epowet U BiardmiB.

^opnrttirrstjtB Notiret.

(.^CPAKINEBKHIP.-Tho Bbdenlnfll haroJ f* i.a d a rooi tierahlp -.r.det ibe Im. -*t IK.RiIME PIT'.

81 (11 fc Co fot th. pur ha«e and .aleo' 8t,)k«, II mia, Mar¦MflBfl Yapr*, aod ataa. naaibba, bb ('tnutnlnlon Odice, Notl Baara. rt- Nea Toik, *-\* 11 I ...

A. Ci. JEaOME.I) II Pir/.Ht'fhl, ;a.tJ K. lEMKIMfl

Poinie. (Dilt, Ut.

94(1 TIlK K8*PIRR srATB ikii*31V coal OIL oo.. rtSiiV

Ilarlng a_afla naoetrt ind trarylapartaot lo_pr*Tea__aau la ihe rilfllflg mt

O O A L OIL,.la «_rt aa. c»i .1

EEEOflEMKLBMB.BM tkoU aal *a*»t*< M ..? la Iba aaM_%


A~~i.FR 801J00L INHT. .

E.tvUIi.,.d iu inv:.»'>0.'l t rm'ir,| *i *-.<'.,/! al-a-H tVirh*""

8fh'..lti. . .Lu. loll.ii.!»|, aidTeaa-nm of a.iN, -, h p ,.

tlou IL.'.rnaoa-Pra.t 8r»'.U.J.:u»--'. «t RuU* . Cajl ity.regard Ibr / MER. sc-idof IN-T .. d .-rvlr.a rt pt,fi|,

< Id.,,'. aiidfti' «t inflU|rr,all.l* fr" i-l-.-'C'i 1*1 iii aai.tRet I) (' Va N-j-.a. Ua I' <. B BorflMfl laM

I- B.T't,.-rt B U-i't Iml.N IC.flByi "8Vaeaaat_a MiMUl Hf I'.IOL IN-T _i i.'-i'ia1'. allt- rr. i-.'- a.d,i ba.i.ui ("-'. d !f> pr-tttiv-Iitv ii. .""iring at-* .tnpU.t.ei.M fcupl ". t' '¦-.¦.' ll,"'t «"""'

., wdfa,.i.-."dlrtiih. ^VlilTBAT^SMA-ltoaA A. LEDUC" FBiNCH mrJ BNOLMH_A. HA. (*( H'M-I, for YoT'N'. I.AD1KH aM i.-op-n a.

s. latWv-t.Wti o., WEDBEgOV. Btyt. U. kftt/tmir-..lir i. aliove. Adinitegei .,ia*q<i*I<*d_ANTIION7»""7Mr-. OEO. C ) CLASBICAL,l\ PRENCH ANt. ENOLISH SCHOOL (witii xjymnoMu*,..,dr, ip»c'al u_.c_.rr aa-d Prop-rtforf Oeeammmnt^M*.JtlJt.t.dw-y cor l:.tO-t i-o-B. iSa.'t 10. C-n-iilar. atRandooh .

Ko tm, M-tCh.Uar-'a JfoTlfllBitBfl-flareflflMBe. BBBfl flfl

Ba. fe-iiTir» school Gm B0T8, Lc-u'-k. tt-n av oiar 8*th it

TrTL con.mao.ea ^opt 10._


Vrcirut to Nrw-Ycrk Protitt lor thr paat ^'" t"*."* toa -lar, ct i.vflr 4>2.(«> t-WBB . «Ot No */bWtt T. Pot OttO*

/^DARCKOET BOABDINO SCHOOL forV>H(1M R.ilLINO ^88'NH.*lgb^JMfr_- Jera-r(Jtyb)th*ErlrlUilro_d,HOVyARDHl,sros.A M MtMiet- ( ii. 1... ttneb t.rinitn aod E g.i'h b-mohn. Parvn . e

lir^u,.,! -endinf tlelr lont to a fc.althy locilry, r«rn ,ved fro.u.Itv a_d v.l'.ag.. intloM.iya. a d ol hhvli.f thnu le.iiroi.gbly Ib-tti-.'.i*H. Birfntirdt-".!-.iCaa-MtaB. A flMM_ jMB b« at

tl. depot Toe.dv,a...d r-ildaj. afl 'l.e.-lvtl ot Utr tralii l.av-l..a J. i%e> City at Ii2i B flt R' I* ** f- Prrfl--*-.t of Colg-ii-'.l2i. I*?.. Ra" t" ofT'tnltj ( h'i ¦;. N V.flfl- ,-ra.irct P.tro;*.Se* cl-ru.araat ClttlVV ..n'.-J Mi. .. 8 tfroodwa/, oradd.etf thu

I'lMBfll No. II Coutl ¦*__ N Y._^r*HEL8EA COMMERCIAL and COLLEOI-\_/ ATE h( HOOL. No i.t VV H »-'d tt ao.ilh *..* -flfMIofiHhav Re.>|H*....*.S-pf 10 Kor .lrc.U»*. c.Ji at Hb tet, ot

jmg Htorr, corijor ol Hn-av.

/^LASSICAL and ENOLISH SCHOOL f..rv> BOYB No t« W.-t :'M it botweroMb ac and Broadway,

' wUbere-p-urdoi! MOBDAY. Srpt 10 The ,on-ji wUI br

thorongl. niid elJii ient Inplii ncmvod tt *al agoa, a_d pr.parrdforCoijege,M<_cai,,»*,.rr^.,.|fi,i;.,.t..A ^ ^r»LASSICAL and ENOLISH SCHOOL, No. 20V/ BeaHtatat,JAMX8 WEIB M*SON.- Trraib"gl_i8.^ P. raoual Inttnxtion b> tor Priu. ipal »nd thoiougb diiin.ig,n'tt.e Ei.gli.'i, Ctreolara at CARl'ER'S, Ho. tttg-cadwa), and art. r f,rpl Hk, flt tfce Sc.h*jal.

DUTCHES8COUNTYACADEMY, Poagfckeefair. M Y., bmii ith" r'aii Sea.l.ui Jept. 3. * W i» q ., M"t*.

ol 11 w.eki for Boaid and T litn.n in all, f.r builiirwaoir-.'leg- Addrr^ VV II.I.I \ M M. tJLOllCK'


AT BPBlNtieiDB.Olt Owa*ao Lflbfl I" o i.ii!-a ' Attbr.rB, Ctyngii Connty.BBBB) W. (iVV'iOHT Piui. ipal. All, II. br.ACH, Atto-

cim.' I'Mi.'lia NjihIi.t nl po>.il-iii.itt.'dto twrn y live Tflt-B4-t <) pri annuai, paja.l- 11 -'omniei.c. uant of teruil, Itt Octo-b-r lt» /aeoary, »."i r..i Idf* ol Ap.ilKar*MK!.i.'Ba'-Hou R D Mjrga-i. Hon. I). D. Field, Wm

PlttP-.iu,rr Jan,.tIJ Rrlru i,!-, II I). S_dg-ik, d ¥. Bar*r. 11. Joi-ri l-onjina. Edwartl Cornlnr, .laiuwa C. llrrby, IvlaonS. 1'h.i.iiry, C. L MatOflr, C P. Dowe'y and A (1 Napier, Now-York Rrv _J»_bU*l VV. Il-htr, P.D., Prra (iao Col R«v.t haetflf Drwry D I)., LL D. P. <f Ro.h. I.'niie.aiiy; ProfAlUit II, p-ii_. VVliliamaCill.t*: R*v. E. H. Cro.ay, itafc-nItlacd Re. E N.>n. I' D Prof. Aub. Tbao S* nintr. Rrv HrLrvrowrr. Ki" -haarlafl Ha»I*y, rloii. VV H.brWBffl.Be. ( ri-to|,l.. r Moigin, Hflfl. T. M Pouieroy, aud1 T 'ihiooj. Mar iu. A-du.-'i.Mr IHMnHTniny br .1 en a' th- it re of Brcar k Co.. Ba

li. Biflflfhray, XO-DAi (Prifla|J from'.'till .-


BOARDINO and DAV-S- HOOL Vbe l.-tout for tb* tlfthyrtr *ill eaaaDflflflfl on TUKflOAl, S. pt U C-aa-lc». Matnrii B'ira, Spaulab, Ofirnaai, Kunilth atiidn-., b-tidr the r'r',!"hvaii.ti i* ct e i.g .g» >'( thfl tciio-.i Bflftaabata!.¦_.__< NoI on. J or pflini tf.r.rr. lo lend. r ll luttK itioo Bt ouitiirte at

pt.-iih!e. t-ju.i.ait'.'a ot.d r,_ litt.ior. Rr.-r.-i.ei. tiam.-i <^f'urarr pui-l , Bflfl tliedr parvuta, kc ln cL'culare. To«:« la a'j _Bp«rt_.ent. _^f ^ ^ CHARUKR_ Dli-*ct»r_CiOLDEVHILL8EMINART(arYaaag L.-ii *.

r\ b.ld^«|Oi( ( ouii IbeK.vLL TERM wtlk iiuinrRii-rtepU4. Fot ( BBalfltflj a-lor.aa tbr Prtiiclpal, Ml« Kml'y Mfll.b.

UDDBON RIYBR IN8TITUTE. al Claaer-II ^ck, Colciabit Co-uitT, New-Yrk. MaDaMK STEPH*AN. '.* Cclflbtfltefl Voo*_el_a10 !ut* chai-ire M *.ti > V.,. ..

ao.i m, i'rcft. MaRTIN a.d 8VOOB, of the l-UM Te.taop-.-aaReptoii b, i lf ti'' e«r Mra rt II we«ka pa.) B.ard aud Tal-tiua. Write fot a Ca'.'.o,'.-.

R*y. V1-ON7.0 PLACR, A M PrKJpaL0P>ART HALL, No. IWWt A ;;7lh 8t. N. Y.ffo. tl* tHKlSIl-V* EDtCATIoN et Y aat Ltdloa,

wil) ip-n Sa|'l4L.'«-r 17, 1-00. Addi.M tlie Rev. JOHN JELM1NOOHK. Ua-ct.i_H_lLLSIltlJ BEM1NARY for YOI'NO LA¬

DIEB Ncrwalk. Coiin., Ma LOCIsJA A. SMlTH.i'liiaif-' -Tbi^ IflaUbflB i voprii. Srpt IB, l_Si». PorCjcuJa/apL aa*-'.ddr -a tlir Pnnclp*!.

1'Al uliiT^rvc TIOOL for HOYS wUI re-mtaaaMOBDAT, Srpt IT, atMo. U Wett/fith-at... op-

poaite Triiit) ( bajn-L_J~<JUN~~ MAtMl LLE.V- S<' 1 iOOL, No. IRJO

I.i ,.~dwiy. toruri 01 ttBtabt aiU be opeaed a^iin oo

MONDAY S-pfcbei IBIh* Freii'b L< ptrta. nt, ln which nothlns but Prrnch U

tpokrn *i'lbr«..l.rth. o_r* of M.-HENRI DBLK8C___B,a naUvfl ui Pa/it and a gradn.:* of tbe t'nlveratty of Parta.MImB SAI.aH oEDOWIch, will rex-o «t tho of thePrin.B.-. Da-paitn nt. ( lr* ilar. at I. rkwo.d'., Ba 411 Bfr,ad-waj, Croweu'a, No. tXfr; CL-iata-ru'i, No. 163, and'a, No.84._J~~OKEl'Ii KiVRiTE'' SCHOOL will apee Sept. 17,

at No I BM Rrrivdwaj, bitwrea l^Xa eud l-'iilif'i.. f-r th*iBtflr tirc a- b))i io ai. th. bttrnh'i of » comph't* aadClaaateal Kdui-atl _ tni fc tl.e Kr i.i h and Oor_.iBQ lan^tian-oa.

Ka r p-r 1. ulait, apply at tbe room* aa above._

tSDAllEB CHEOABAT and PREVObTrnap,it/ully lnf-ra: tl.e Pa.ooU of th*lr l'-ipil. trnt they

-i,'l noprn their Bchool ota MONDAY, Bnpb 17. at No '('Maot.Mi av.


Ra-epe^lfullj- tofornu iVi-nda ar.d tb» public that b-r _toh->ol» TIH K-l-AY, S.*pt 10 A p'.n,-tutJ attrnd-anca- o( Lrrpnpl't if BBafflaM-Bf re ju.**tad. Cirt-ulart eaa baobta-i;., .( ai Ur reaioenor, No lu Orauioriy l'ark (Eaat 20th ft.)App.i ationj for t.-r t ,.li. ir-ioi: of t-.pllt to her t.hool can brBflfl. '¦> mtmt tmtt the lit of .-H>|'(-_i'>..r. AB.t thal d*!-r, MiaaHainti «l.l b* at bflflM to nttei.d tha-m Ll pcrauD.

M~ONTICKLIX»~AV\\(Tl-MY, MONTICELLO,tJutivac Coui ty, N I Priu.-.p*!, tbr Rev J li. NORTH-

hl P. Miocl i[v>n. 8,p4 Ll lioard, iui ...dlng room farLlabi-d, wn:: *d nd .ifiLted, *i_n j»oi uouiii. Fc. partl. uUra,in d t. r circolar

VI W LYON .-¦IThTlecjIATE INSTIT11. 'E,1"1 * No y* Rnxid*ay, b«<wt-o liat aud ill %U reoi _aMONDAV. bept IT.

\j J S S K £ N N I D T ¦18? PRIVA1T. C__88ER fr" YOHNO L-iDIE-I, No 33W.^'iitii-at .betweeu Jtii abd (iib-aTa.. W1LI. UPBB oa tliell hH'TEMKER. Mlar KE>'N_Iiy wlil alio rrcelTefllltn-tt- d i-cnie*. *t yn.rg Liu-iea M U«'*i Jlr.g Pnpila. aad will beahfltufl fa.i'i tha bt af BBptAfub*c. Ctreulaxa may iaflMaa_alMbrr .eai. ..>, an, or » ill bfl forwa-Jefl to ap^ikaau if Ira'n-d

\\ tm. a. t OUTAin" FRENCH aa_ENOLLSHITI 80__DINOaa4 D.VY SflHOOLor Yoang La-l ot. No.C!- l i'th IBBBB, conir. oi" .ll.titir^t, w!U t»-c,p*_i oo Mouday,8- f.ta',1 I*-. 17.

MADAMK DON BERNARD, N'KE DEROC lll'.Kl.l.M..'.' ra W >,.!,,-i,.'.!.,. p,r.'i.,aifh*rP.jjil.l-_th-. BOABDINO tad DAY 8 , iOI >L rr.jprnaSKPrII it t'.v il^r, lir.kiyn, |fl ihr r.w ,i.i bratitiful

bi I'llr _; la f) i .... .-, d Ol thfl flflfl pot:. y of bn li.t.itti-*.

**JK>. GIBSOlf, Na. 'k-J (,ruia>n-«quare, will r»-... .°*" r l"" ^O'udltg aud Day School foi Young Laalusfl oaMuBDaf, Srpt. rt

VI -oRB. PA RKER A BER l HR mMI re-1»A cpar. thrir mthtat U tio. 13 Eatt liat tt. oorner ofhic.dauy, .*-r|. 1} PujUi will be piroarrd iot any oollog* ortbr rt.u.ti-g room aiid tee ..udir* cood'U >*1 in Pt. neu or Kug.iti at tl.. pairM a pt' ii Tli. . lt a Pritoary D f artitr ,t laolag. *f aBrtp*rieua_ lady acd one of thr l'rtu, -ipal. ai_ tytA\ ¦. t. tha etrr it** of ina, Oiuiuaal^ia. Urcolat at LtlOK-V\tn-iw.* Na tli t}r»J/av.

\| U .* HAVENS w.i) "rpr.i(_M« h r BOARDDiQIII ai.-J DAV BCBOOL f*. rOUBB I,ADlK_i tn THURSUAY.Srp' 18 Her t<h,>o. In-ulara aay bfl ontainod at o>.ytis e ai |«tr i-ivL', No. f.OMaall.oii-av.. o:i»i.u kvt.i 'widwa. «.* a thr ii.jokttorf of MeaaiB. Lot-kw.a>d 4. 8o-i, tt*. 4.1Hr taaayj of Mt A. Il 8. RunJi ph. No oot R readwar a_dal»oof R N. Havrta.N., IT Nvaaao a.

Viar BaVEBB will Ua af hotor a'tet Bflffl 1 pio. .oua U>wkla-H dat. «pplt atloij. for tb* ad.I'aaiou ot p_p!l* '-__Ue to hefby rt .1 atUlBeMflBBN prompl aitentlae.


I. ID1ES, tir.-, Y.fttra al..WlllH REOPENED on MONDAY, Bept IT.


1 "tt a cpa




\|API.E BALL, Prof. ANDREU'- ROARD-1»I INl* Ha Hl'Dl. for YOl.Nd LADIE.S, at Jamalra. L. I.,18 -, tlrafroco Nflflr-Taak, wIllioa-pMi 00 MONDAY, .7-*pt l.'.

MAdTson ACADEMT" Bfad-eoa-BT., eeraerHhbtt. wiU RP.OPEN THIRSDAY, Eor

Um.., ant ll a* atr-i * o. ai No. I 4 I_eaU.atoa-*T._mrnrjt R. DAV 18, D. lf Le.K,,!a.


|fl»»*d U-ti.tT aid talnkrllv, iit hoon. from Nrw Vork. vrflbgr- .i.ii. a.idln.iiri'igi'h.t rivil tn a of th* taat «lli-g._. a. d t1.1 -. i.taiui'. Uw- lufltt ln New kintlaiid.with a p«rmvn*r.t Viip*of ai U Profraaora aod auipo. I'aa-ilitl.- !^ tl!*a lla "ihitti ciuth Bflflflf annnal Sr.lon IM 4loi l_rtl.r»l.'..:i_ 'I r ad.lrra, Uve R*y C V.HPKAR Prin-

rlpil o. tb* R*v J11HN TODD, D I), Prialdaat Bowd ofTii*aUe*.-PltUti».d. Maaa. Aog 14 lb«0.

Moi^rr WASHINOTON COLLEDIATE \s-UTITUTE, No ID ah tt conver of Mard-ogBl. ob Wath-ii.tto«*q«are, OKO W. . I..RKK A. M, and JAS KASNINO. A. M l'rvprl*4oit acd Prtmlpalt, op*ai lu Klgkt >«*r on MONDAY, Bept le, ita wfctrn il. puptifmo nemmtet x* b* punotua.ty ptrmtot CaUlogno., aiASar-Or>. ua, <r.ay b* btfl al th* Ifrvadway RoBk diont Ut AstOtt't, ti; lJMhflv,»ndatfl«.Inaiivt« »LR«-

MADAME NAPOLEON-Fnvncli aad Kniriali-»--fl.i_g aod Day fl-tuio, for yotuig Udlaa. w.llml _.MOlvDAY, H_pl l-JCBewkrvr^ ai o*a£fl«t _l mttVlLT«*, tit OBbSSm., dv-M. Bft-f-s-a. BBMBBa


MIflfl MABIf HKDOWfOK wt« efrba* btrtrmrrt. art Eogli* da*. Ittb flapt.a* Mrt tio. Ul PTot

' n____^_%A AJiAMJfcTcT MEARS B'TRKHARDtReapeetfn'Jy aaaeiww to Pflrast* and Oaar4tia* thal k*

KN T. <i »'id KRKNCll l;OAKDiro> aafl IMT aClli) >t,wHJ rru-pwt. oa WKDNPSDA V. ^epf IJ Clr-ila* aa; %abuiwed at her* No 9 W'*«t Inh flt, rt the h*o«at_,.(if R... Le^kwoad fc 8»**, No 411 BroadwaT. and rt utt<ttte*te ..., H-r:,. Ne. r.i Hri-dway AppMeaclona *>y lettea nagfAept I all! rnr. it. pr _oic< rtteet'on, uo *»d *.V» »h_db*»l*. MadaaaC MEAJU* P.UKEHARPT wiU ha htppy U m,flel.' thero Ir peaiea

NKW YORK Al ADI.MY"'fi."r"YoifNOTJUDltfl, No. 411 Broadway, wito REoPEN ao TI 'Eflftfc^fcflAU.

_M Y -.BIN. PriaMpl.

\ QTOE.-COiaOERCIAL a..d 'clJUSSICAL11 BCMOOI.. N*. 71 H.o.y rt N Y wfU reopeo 8e,A M_ROfjOMOS JK.MNKR. A M Eii*e*flM.

PM. W. BE1>fIkli/*~ Fnnoband Erifbdia High 8-hoo.. Noa. I ir and 1.IH Broadway, (Madaaaw.tmtet "''VaT'aT MoN,>^>. **_* 1th. iXeatintt. ln,luarder* -at 1 day flcholan. r

P"TA N 6-E0RrE~lNSTRi;CTI0NS.~WM.PREMMI re.oe.i.,11, lofwrn. h<* P.l.*al. and P>-pll- th-t I.e ha* retum.d U. the .f., ..4 gmt-mml hi. e*a,«tiea_,gltlni li* iiciitn* on th<-Pl-na Kf.rta- etu-. t_.., u

DfiE-SLKR'U fltore No <-H r\ro***»7f _m,Ui*


firm adr*rt<«*met_t In Th. Daily Timea. Trthnae, aad *fw44< I .-aatorduj H.

K~ P. JENK8* SELECT 8<;Hf>OL for BOT*.a W*; Broadwiy, »i'i r»>«p~n 0.1 MoNDkY. Beat. W. Car

calarflat R. LOCKWOOl) fc BOlTfl, No^ 411 Broadway.iucliOOL and HOME~EDUCATK>lf..Pra_BBbk5 *r d Enrtl.h aid Comtnarolal Raardfng tnt, ,>,.S.I100I wltt, boa Playg ound *nd (iyoia«anui-No*. 47 tnt CWert Kth-rt betveat Broadway aud B'b-a* Mr LOOlflFRNBT take. charge of a li.ui.od uuuiber of Boy. flcdp. ta-opena 8ept_ectbe! 1(1.


SI H O fi I N OrP.V.AL'r. 8EM:NART.

REV. 8. N. HoVVKLL, A MPai.i. !_»*__.

LocBted 01, th« H>ld*'>0, BO aill*. ttom 1.*M B»a.eK-ior. b.gioaou'fl. E8DAV, 8ai.i. I* Clr,...l.r». vttb raferNM-*fcc , -.1 ti..- Rookaiort* ot 1 art.r. LocAwiatad, *ud Ktfloiyk, ._«*dd. ..*a 'he Principal it fliag 8lng N Y.

SELECT FAMILY Sf HOOL.-A ClereynuB'Bflm lv, ln 8'ockl^-ld/e, M-.-*., wlll riv-Hro afew Vlaratl

BO.tRD and IN»TRt'cT. fT\u> h-alth. moial* a_*n-.*r*. **rtger*ral edi.rettfat. wll! reca lr. rarefu. atto-Jtiou 1 O, Bji'tt al»-%rel, rence*, fc, , apply to the Rev. 8. R. DAVlfl, fO. Mt Laata«-ton bt.


TIIE RENS8ELAER TOLVI'ECHNIC LV.iTI-T1 1 E Iht* ."tbooi of fl teur.. I.> nd, d t», tne lato Haa.

S-.-pl.eii l»oRiii-.el-*i »'i i»l--- b.r.i Pr.f-aa-r »flt thi- Irt*Afi,-.. K.alon. v., l open IU If.:riy w-v.-nth 3-a-ioa -^th.lM li of M»|,te_T.ber 1**

Ii. .-r.i.i.g rhi-a-- ia 'h. rhe.-e»i. al ind pm.-'.i >al r4tr -ttaa ott ii. 11 -._.', «i.d (Irt! M ili.g a..l Topv'ipb oal BariB'-..a. Othai Ooflrtaralaad awariitad Waaeh. ara ta»wkTh. lMtlt'.te h-* a full trd -ou p-ter.t Y r*r .Uj. aad - cnaaa

Ur iw-v.-r *t o i hll.: tl-an *t p.< «< nt lt. loatlo Ul tbe Ot^goi Troy; ai if |- I.a* uo 3rt.«-l n ** :tu ai.y ScbmI pri-iMfllaBM taaabBM flflflaa hraarhaaKor (o-tb. r Inforrmaioo li, re,p-ct U» th-a eetwaa of.-udf. ot.-,

Bppllr-liot: ih tudU ir:c- tot t.r .\n..jii H.rz\*X_*t f. '

Prof ( li' KLE8 DROH.'iE, DiflBCtar,flta., R P- laflbaaa.Trt-y.N Y


rpABBTTOWH WBTITUTE..CinjoUra, witfc1 w-rir-i.tefereaeefl. fcctanbei-btrtnedatF. 9g9dm_ot_mtftBook«, I_rtNaa«aort orofA NK'A'MAN A M Prtarlpal.


Tbi* Ir.tittitlou. o.tihli.:.ed o'ne t.a**g- by tha Ul* Pr-aT

Oray.wtl te opei.-d ot, MO.M1A Y, ti.e 10th ta* tadt-r thecare of Dr Char.e. E W.rf.Tbe edihcfl ha»e b*eu thoro-gbly reaovit-rt. and tpoctmjt for tl.e . ..- oot ,e*inxlaflUaba«flanaflir. Ihfl taiimv ol tb.- l-rln/lp-X WHI- tl.e 'a-re thoro-.<b ro-uae

of nnd) win be purvad tu the hlfhef lii-pntmeaU .¦» ***.Proteaior Ot-t, Dr. We»t will give «p_i?Ul per*onal .oien-igbt toita p-iiu»ry pti|i>ia

H'o. kljn No Wt Moi.tagne *k 3-pt 8, Mflb_¦MIK MI?*fiE8 lUrtKNALL* ENOLI8H tM

m. hRPNCH BOAKDINO.ndDAY SCOOuLf r tUVHUl,. DIBfl baabMB wawd ttom (ii.mer.y P-rt ti Na. 7 tv.egi'd-tt teeoxii dooi fr.... Hi: »» « bere lt »1U be reopeaed aflMONDAY, 8«p4. I7.h. 8p.rwl pf-.rt.ioo ba* be«j aaadef 1 lh* praeriaal arqut*W.-n of tbfl Kr. u-h l.ngiige. AW_^____tion fur bi'b i»»ioe or tor abefllflB may !>«» made to th* Pttote.Huckcall. at Na 7 Wmt T*-tt.

Mr MI118, tor ddmt year» tb- ooadiietor of the prlaulp! tie W Mra. Oki'l'. iche-i, . -f.-c4_Ti.ily auao.n .0

ti Ihahf ana datad hbaaeb win tba Jl-a*--. Bu^kra.1 <b MBline i:.M,:._,,-n,r..t o' if.'r h - ( tion. Th., tow eetmt ot

.tt-dy jodtteaanie h,ifie.-ioi. ,.l rl_u.«il whif.h r.e Bflfl htf ena ly oiweraed. Wtll .-Ul tw. f owed in tbi. newax-

raiger .nt I'an-iiU or g'.arflUafl wbfl tit d-dt »»«.*'.111. . wittreaard to tl.e :*. -.ooi. will bid bl.... atr the Irt rfS-rtelnhn t'. e. No Tl k --t .li .t.

ri^HE DIBECTOR of thr"

I NATH-NAL POLYTECHNiC ariTOOL * 7.VRILII.,, Swi rotl. :d, h.g.t*hri.i_; th* ab .10 lu-t I iii-«n to to* it-li-a

riP.rrnt.wi.Jiir.gtl prnur. f.r th. t '-.n, 1 rirat olM* E l«e*.

tioo, aiiilee j n ing at th. .am« tlie'.he hertthful and Ungac-:. te of Swlu.-land.

Tb. iiruufll eour»eif ie*-oti.and lectuiafl far tha praparrtoryD .tli- n. -tt .1 ia *. ia».,lti ior Uae p,frf'-e>io ! dinflioca «*¦»Ptlyteebr:c8<Iio-I ail ' »*

e 11 aptl*. ationa for «dx.**t<ii into tli. prepfntoty cU«a aafl lh**U dii Uoa. of tbe P. Itt.. ntiio bciiool -^chltaaf^ar*, flaa»-niin_g. a aiBai ii. n f ei.a....tiy r..,e.t __.-ie.13a, natara


i.e mi


11 lo*. pbt, nnd mat''.-* m .at be addr i-ei br lette, ta tbaD:ii-«_4or ..l'tba- .-. ll- ol le'ore Octoie. b. 8 ,i-h -f jHhatiooi wrt.taf.- fb« nai. e and birh, l*ae of tlu- r*i_did_-te, a. d ibe djft >a11tt e i.i h t ,'< 1 t<-r, and murt l>« »''guel by etth.raparent r . guardiai. Th, ae app 1 '4tl>n« ha». further to foi lai-i:

1. A ertlo at- fa ge of the nan tidata, .. ia gaa-1 ra!, D<li. C8B Im* flflfl itt. il und, r tbe 'tul age of .it'.e-'u yeara.

3. A t-.tim. oa! of couooc-, aod ^.itifi.:at- r. apacting tae pn..vl'-t-a .tuole. of thrf-.-i.ndld te

Kr.-p" t-.*e. ai well __« tae eiiatitig regnU'laaa -wk.w i»g t'-aa.- 1, iintice. for adulsaion into the pnptntorj cXtnt or Mkt tt.Iie aix JiiUion* md coiM-eruing the ;0, jt: ... oa whi.-h *i*h. ua inatlop* n.ay be dUpe«*ed wtth, are to be bui oa appil.-aii >n to tbe D'.reetorKor r. f. rer.o.. *pply t-> JOHN SY7 fc Co No S C-»UBg«-p1a._a,

Nt-a-1 ork I ) oitler ot tb. Bedeii-i a. h >ol B ul.Tlie IHr-ctor of ihe Polyt chnl: Seb'xiL

/ui-.i 1., Atgurt, \m*<. prok. Dr p boijLIT.

TIIE ColL'^iato and Commernal*>, No.244 Wert lHh-.v Wiil opec lu l,'"..-. ib year 8ept 10.

JOHN H BRtjWN. A. M Pritti-dpal.


Ladiea, No IHI Weat tVtl rt., will REOfEN 00 MO.VUAY,lOtb 8eptetnber.

I^HE MIS8KH OREEN will rwp*o tkMtSCHOOL for YOl'NO L4DIK.8 00 Thondiy Sapl. lo.a

No. 1 itb-af., hut door frvin WMhliu^o.i^uira

TIIE"MISSE8 WALKER wiU ivopon thotrDAY 8CI.MH. for Yo rng Ladiea, Na. lil _d.__.aiT,



No. U WmI Uto *t, ".*¦* Madl^ a .q_itr*.wJlbareopaoedo. THL'RSDAY, Sep'ambar U.

ITNIVER8ITY ORAMMAR .SCHOOL, «nb.nn<' iti Mth year, ta-openi lt* PritLBrr, CUaaioal ar.d Oflflfl*

BietrrUl Departmentl 10. F»i Circu.aia, oail at Col.eiiitfWE B. LB80BTT* CLASSICAL, FUMOiT * and ENoLISU BCHOOL. ootth ea*t rotuaw of Braalwafl

and Ittb *'., wili be r^opeoed oo MONDAT, Sept lo Ct/ aU*at I.o«kw»cd'., No 411. Cioweu'a. No -09, degaV* M> gSCBroadway, and al the 1 mkitttU of tbe Prbiclpal Ne. ITS '.(Hbrt.

YV^AN'i KO.In nlt^yflntoardins; St-hool in tbiaTf ttt, . _Ta:..ert Eofjl'.h A8SI1TANT. Add-^aPRlTCI

P.VI, cK.eofMtfl.ra. J fc I Co-ldingtoo. N*. "15 DttAwtf,Cor WBflhb Stoo-plaoa.C C H 0 OL FUHNITUBB,P Of tb. o.tart ni provtad *t>la. mabu/actarbd at tha otdflM imhefeuta

LutflflB Rootn aud 8aM ath Srbaol Sa-'teea, Caiap "lxd\Blarkboardi of 8*- te of any dirorutijat, Re.oliia,: ec 8'aUoaai t.

(-a;oi'. white ai_d tolored; alao litT.c aud ri it.P-.lm laflBaaBflaaafl of ev.ry d»*,r(,.tioc raade to order

IOBERT P VTON ,N> B4 tHo.e-.rt. te*v 8l_oaofcar, M. T.

Danciug 'Xcabcraiw.AlK)!»WOR1.H* DANCINO ACADKMIM.

0 No i1'*- Broadway New fttb,No UT M< uta* ..- pl ,j- Drookiya.

a'EDNE8DAY8 and 8AT1 RDAYSla New Yt*k.Tl K.SDAYSar-d KUIDAlS ia HrooUye.

At I p u, for ,-tiai'i.n at 1 p m. for j.niletaeai.t lo N«w York Sept 29.

Ia er. ..i..i. Oot 1!.. a.',1<ti-ii to the Caurt Qualiliie, I'rione Irapetiala, B*_r-

gnei. i-1. pi-e aod -Hhe, .o<-4al d«rea, Mia'iet On.drili.. L-ada,ntit ot, . r aduoatWa! d.n, .* aireal- iu-.i >du. «J b; Mt l>00VVoil'l'H aTB.tttyof uewet duu-e* wlll be :»ti^ht l.fttddarii.g the aeaaon ooa (tt-- Quv-rlll* 8tlri.-nna) eflse-laBpaj--(--J ta the t'ei--lop...ent of MflflBll -.orecoent ia ctiidr*^Clr-0lur cf terma, fcc, may be had a. ei'h.-r AoadaiuyCAPEMT of OASCINO tnd CALImTHRSTIC- Mr .ad !*« TIIKNOR onen then . ,1, ka,,.

.0. ..... No t; W .. .4tl. m on WEII.VK8DAY, Bflth iaat Mw'» Bvtitli Bth rt Bre. .!)>-. v D. 1. t.ow open. Mr. T w 8 ba[ Ixxd to a. iot.._i!od»ia pari-t mbo may fore: r, im*t at *bawra-iideu.a,in pihrta a hoiaU, t at I W 01 u_e Afademln* C*|to. ilri nlar*.

C ". HIVERS'H OAM INO ACADEMrlV* 5" "t *"*<*>_*- Bf>oklyn. Now opaa f^r the tmtriptmot pu,il..:-d 'orir.allon of ,\%t**rt - tlra nTUKHDlf uiMilDAV ABTEBNOON8 .tto'rl.,,1 OenT.e^.., \\\ *V?*T TKB^H-Nr1"."! ^. Y>',iNt8DAY Y* HArURhAT

filiecttlaufoas.BI^IR A WYETH'-*

LlQlMD BKNNTT,*'^^Dl*i,:l_k tf B few iilrntt.DELI. iO\Taiai. t.n'8 DEflflEBTB.TleUU wtth mdk tbe oiia-, lmioa* of all DaaM* tet tttoV- hOLE&ALE DEPOT, Ma. KC^irt. N 1

TI >W. CviRNINQ A. CoE H.trta re*tf_Hwd ftvaiMo. SI Joha rt ta thair NKW STORE,

tio Tb Paaa «'.¦ aear Broadway.

IMtAVKLI O TKlTntH.HAT CA8E8, Ac -JOHN CATTNACH, Truik uianufact oar. aafl Inaxtafl

of '.adie. TtiTe.1 ig aad sh-ppmg Bag. haa opaaafl . flfoBBatNo TW broadway naar llb rt , »o a.voa«ofl*U hUflpWwtfn» 1 <W a-il rtUl latabu bia odd rtaad. Na. M Broafla04, eetemotkk'eu-ok.

ilAA RKWASD wiU bt paid for a wxumtVtWlr -ttra tor flore F«*i. Can-A aad Bvaiaaa, tbaa ha*leg a ,-alr mt L AflTfl maJa .fc* rarrB otjemw fc-t Y »« wM waaaianey x*oi mttm. CoA «a fl.* NNbOI. fto t Httymt., OtAo*.Batr-aii^
